well i guess this is growing up | closed.

  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt rolled her onto her back so he could look her in the eyes, glaring hard at her. "You're lying to me," he hissed. "I can tell when you're lying, Raelyn." He glared at her, slapping her across the face before he forced her legs open and shoved himself inside of her. "You are mine," he grunted over and over as he started to thrust into her, his hand moving around her throat.
    Sparrow stared up at him in shock, surprised at how emotional he seemed to be. She leaned up, cupping his cheeks in her hands. "You can break his face after you have sex with me," she said, pressing her lips to his. "Please," she mumbled as she pulled away, reaching down and tugging her shirt off. She pulled her shorts off, pulling her panties with them and slipped them from her legs. "I need you, Jimmy."
    February 10th, 2016 at 01:39am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Rae dug her nails into her brother's wrist, tears falling down her face in floods as she kept begging for him to stop between sobs. She didn't want this to be happening again. She wanted this all to be really bad nightmare. "Please Matt," she pleaded. "Stop." She struggled to push his body away from hers, gasping for air as he tightening his grip on her neck.
    Jimmy kissed Sparrow back, wanting to make her first real time special. He cupped her face, undressing himself and gently placed her on his bed on her back. "If you need me to stop or slow down at all don't hesitate to tell me," he stated.
    February 10th, 2016 at 01:49am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt dug his nails into her neck as he tightened his grip on her throat, pounding into her viciously, as if he were trying to kill her with his dick. He glared hard at her the whole time, not really feeling all that much pleasure sex-wise, but feeling good knowing he was getting his point across to her. "Shut up, whore," he snarled, slamming into her repeatedly with as much force as possible.
    Sparrow nodded her head, kissing his lips before she ran her hands over his body. She was feeling nervous now since she'd basically just poured her heart out to him. She hadn't been nervous before, but damn if she wasn't now. She ran her hand down his chest, looking between their bodies at his length. She bit her lip as she reached down and touched him gently. She'd watched porn before once when she was younger, but she hadn't since then and she wasn't really sure of what to do. But she knew she should touch him.
    February 10th, 2016 at 02:19am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    That's when Rae's eyes closed as she felt herself blacking out. She felt her tears stop and her breathing stopped soon after that. She knew her brother was finally going to kill her. Rae started having flash backs of her life as everything started getting darker and darker.
    "Just relax," Jimmy stated. "This is about you." He leaned down pressing his lips as he moved to caress and squeeze her breasts. They were the perfect handful for him and they were so soft just like the rest of her skin. "Your skin is so soft," he mumbled.
    February 10th, 2016 at 02:42am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt finally came inside of her, pulling out of her and letting go of her throat as he climbed off the bed. "Slut," he snarled, grabbing his clothes and leaving the room, leaving her there to suffer. He walked into the bathroom, cleaning himself off when he noticed that there was blood on his thighs and his dick. He shook his head, knowing that he'd gone too far this time. But there was no going back.
    Sparrow let out a soft moan, biting her lip softly. She watched him, reaching up and running her fingers through his hair. "I want you to feel good too, Jimmy," she murmured, arching her back into his touch. It felt so good. She'd never been touched so gently and sensually, and she wanted more.
    February 10th, 2016 at 02:52am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Rae was honestly shocked when she woke up later that night. All she felt was pain between her legs and the tears began falling down her face. She let a small cry of pain, quickly covering her mouth to silence anymore that could possibly come out as she sat up. The brunette let out a loud sob when she saw just how bad the damage was. There was caked blood all over her crotch and thighs. He had been way more rough than he had the last time. She limped to her bathroom, locking the door behind her and sat in her bath tub. She turned the water on, planning on just soaking in it until everything stopped hurting.
    "You feeling good will make me feel good," he replied. Jimmy pressed a gentle kiss to each of her nipples, sticking his tongue out and traced around each one, taking his time to get to know her body. His blue eyes looked up into her brown ones and one of his hands moved between her legs and began playing with her clit.
    February 10th, 2016 at 03:07am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt sat downstairs in the living room, staring at the TV. He honestly had no idea what he'd turned into. A monster? Definitely. But why? He really didn't know why. He had still been fine after his parents died so it couldn't have been that. He sighed, rubbing his face. He grabbed the bottle of whiskey and took a swig, sighing heavily.
    Sparrow gasped softly when he began playing with her clit, her hips instinctively raising off the bed. She blushed deeply, her nipples becoming rock hard. She could feel herself getting wet and she honestly had never felt this turned on before, even when she'd masturbated in the past. She stared up at him, whimpering softly.
    February 10th, 2016 at 03:17am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Rae soaked in the tub for what felt like ages before the water started getting cold. She drained the water in the tub, refilling it since her body was still sore after the tub had finished draining. That's when Rae's eye caught a glimpse of something reflective on the bathroom counter too. She limped over to the counter, seeing the straight razor Matt had used once or twice to try and shave his face. She picked it up, laying down in the tub and held it against her wrist; the thought of slitting her wrists to escape her brother becoming a prominent thought in her mind.
    Jimmy pressed his lips to hers, wanting her to know he wanted this moment to be special and that he had every intention of making it special. He wanted her to know she was worth more than being drugged and raped. He continued teasing her clit with his fingers and he started pressed kissing down her body.
    February 10th, 2016 at 03:30am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt thought that Raelyn had been pretty quiet for a while. Usually he could hear her crying after he beat her, but he couldn't hear anything at all. Maybe she snuck out again. He stood up and went upstairs, standing outside her door and pressing his ear to it. He didn't hear anything, so he opened the door and looked around. Neither of her windows were open, so he looked under the bed, and then in the closet. And that's when he heard the light sloshing sound of water coming from her bathroom.
    Sparrow moaned as she watched him, reaching down to grip the bed sheets in her fingers. She slowly exhaled and closed her eyes, just enjoying his touch. "That feels really good, Jimmy," she murmured, biting her lip hard. She wished that she could do the same for him, but if he insisted, then she wouldn't worry about it.
    February 10th, 2016 at 04:03am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Rae felt tears begin to form in her eyes and a sob escaped her throat. She readjusted her grip on the straight razor knowing if she didn't hurry her brother would be able to stop her from being free of him. She pressed the blade against her wrist, letting out a small cry of pain as it began piercing through the skin around her wrist. She just hoped her bathroom door being looked gave her brother a big enough hurdle to get through so she could die.
    "Good," he mumbled. Jimmy kept kissing down Sparrow's body until his lips touched her clit. He slowly slid a finger into her entrance as his tongue began teasing her clit. If Sparrow still wanted sex with him after he got her to orgasm than she could but he wanted her to experience an orgasm before that happened.
    February 10th, 2016 at 04:11am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt frowned and reached down, quickly jiggling the doorknob. "Raelyn, open this door right now!" he yelled, pressing his arm into the door, huffing when it wouldn't budge. He jiggled the doorknob again before he slammed his shoulder into the door, groaning at the pain. He hadn't been to the gym in a while, so he wasn't as strong as he normally was. He rubbed his shoulder before he tried to knock down the door again, this time, the wood cracking at the top. He continued slamming his shoulder into the door until the wood finally cracked all the way down and the door broke open. He rushed in and dropped to his knees by the tub, grabbing her wrist. "Rae, why?" he muttered, shaking his head. He knew why, but he didn't want to admit it to himself. He quickly got up and ran across the hall to his room, grabbing his cell and calling 9-1-1.
    Sparrow gasped softly when she felt him put a finger in her, biting her lip hard. It was strange feeling a foreign object inside of herself that wasn't her own finger, but she kind of liked it. She opened her eyes and looked down at him, her heart pounding in her chest as she watched him. She could feel how wet she was and she knew that he could too. She blushed slightly and laid her head back again, staring up at the ceiling.
    February 10th, 2016 at 04:31am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    "Let me die or I will tell them everything," Rae threatened. She didn't want to life anymore because of her brother. She wasn't bluffing about telling authorities everything either even if it meant being in foster care until she turned eighteen in six months she would. Rae looked at her wrists, frowning when she realized she hadn't slit her wrist deep enough. She had barely grazed the surface.
    Jimmy continued thrusting the one finger, wanting to keep things slow unless she told him otherwise. His tongue kept toying with Sparrow's clit, his eyes looking up into her lust filled ones. She looked so beautiful to Jimmy at that very moment, not that she normally didn't look beautiful.
    February 10th, 2016 at 04:39am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    "I don't give a fuck," Matt hissed. He told the woman on the other end of the line that his sister was trying to kill herself and he needed help. He set the phone down and grabbed a towel, attempting to press it to her wrists. "You are a selfish bitch, you know that?" he hissed.
    Sparrow moaned softly, biting her lip hard as she looked at him. She moved her hips against his mouth and his hand, wanting more. "I need more of you, Jimmy," she whimpered, reaching down to tangle her fingers in his hair. She wanted all of him, right now. But she knew he wanted to take things slow; she was just really impatient.
    February 10th, 2016 at 04:47am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    "Says the man who raped his own sister because she wants more out of life than an abusive piece of shit brother," Rae snapped. "I wish I had died with mom and dad so I'd never have to see you or your face ever again." She pulled away from her brother, wrapping a towel around her waist, cringing from the pain in her lower body that still felt fresh. "I still wonder what I did to deserve the people I love to drop dead like flies but have you still somehow manage to survive." Rae didn't care anymore if she ended up dead or locked away, before she did she planned on getting everything off her chest.
    Jimmy slowly inserted a second finger, thrusting them inside Sparrow as he moaned lightly against her clit. He was already rock hard but he refused to think of himself or his painful erection. He wanted Sparrow to just exactly just how loved she was.
    February 10th, 2016 at 05:09am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt glared at her, slapping her across the face. "You deserve to die," he hissed. "You're an awful person, and you know the only reason your little boyfriend died was because you don't deserve anyone to love you. I hope you rot in hell with him." He shoved her out of his way before he went downstairs just as the ambulance arrived. He pointed them upstairs, really hoping they took her away and locked her up for the rest of her life.
    Sparrow moaned out, continuing to move her hips. She eventually ended up groaning in frustration, not wanting to wait any longer. She sat up and tugged lightly on his hair to pull him up, pressing her lips to his. "I need you right now," she said, nearly out of breath. "I can't wait any longer, it's killing me." There would always be time for foreplay, but right now, she needed him.
    February 10th, 2016 at 05:18am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    The EMTs draped a blanket over Rae, assuming she had tried to strangle herself because they could see the bruise on her neck. It took them several moments to realize what really happened. One of the EMTs motioned for one of the cops that had come with them to question Matt about the bruises on Rae's neck while they cleaned up the wound on her wrist. "He raped me," she told the EMT cleaning her up. "I kissed a boy and as punishment my brother raped me."
    "We do this right or we don't do it at all," Jimmy stated. He wasn't going to fuck her like he did his usual duck buddies and if he couldn't accept that then she could take a cold shower right after he did.
    February 10th, 2016 at 05:33am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt answered all the questions the cops threw at him, spinning a story that when Rae had come home from being with this boy, she had bruises all over her and he could see blood on her thighs from under her shorts. And then he found her in the shower trying to kill herself.

    Zacky stepped outside of his house when he heard the sirens, having just finished up his shower. He still had a towel around his shoulders and his hair was wet. He looked over at Rae's house, frowning as he watched the cops come towards him. He walked over, raising an eyebrow. "What's going on, officer?" he asked the first man that approached him.

    "The girl tried to kill herself, and she has serious signs of abuse," the man said. "The brother says she was with you."

    Zacky nodded his head, explaining to the cop everything that had happened. He was 100% honest, knowing from past experiences that lying to cops wasn't a good idea.
    Sparrow bit her lip and nodded her head. "Okay," she murmured, leaning back against the pillows and sighing contently. She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled it, trying to keep herself calm. She just needed to be more patient, that's all. She looked at him, smiling softly. "I'm sorry, I'm just . . . really excited."
    February 10th, 2016 at 05:48am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    When the police questioned Rae she glared at them. "Zack didn't rape me," she snapped. "The bastard the state has me living with did!" The brunette felt herself start to tear up as she gripped onto the blanket own of the EMTs had placed on her shoulders. "Look on my bed," she mumbled. "There's probably still blood on my bed and if that not proof enough my brother did it match his hand to the bruises on my throat."

    The cop talking to Rae looked at Matt's hand and back at Rae's neck. She walked over to her partner and pulled him away the teen he was talking to and towards Matt. "How long have you been abusing your sister," the female cop asked.
    "Then let go," Jimmy stated. "Let go and come." He went back to go down on her, moaning at her taste as he went down on her like a starved man. He wanted her to come and come hard before he even thought about putting his dick inside her.
    February 10th, 2016 at 05:55am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt looked at the cop, shaking his head. "I don't abuse my sister," he said. "I have no reason to." He sighed softly. "That boy just moved in yesterday. She snuck out of the house with him and I'm pretty sure they went off alone together to do things. Maybe he took advantage of her. But I didn't do anything."
    Sparrow nodded her head, trying to just let go for once. She relaxed her body, gasping when she felt his mouth on her completely. She whimpered and arched her back, moaning out. Her hips instinctively began to move on their own, she couldn't help it. She gripped the sheets in her palms, her toes curling from the pleasure.
    February 10th, 2016 at 06:10am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    "Come with me sir," the male officer spoke. He lead Matt to the ambulance where Rae was sitting, noticing how she tensed when her brother showed up. The female cop made Matt put his hands around Rae's throat, the fact his hands fit the marks fit his proving his guilt. The male officer handcuffed Matt and began reading him his rights.
    "Let go," he mumbled. He wanted her to have an orgasm. Jimmy slowly slid a third finger inside her as he continued eating her out, wondering if maybe a third finger would be the atimulation she needed.
    February 10th, 2016 at 06:14am