we built this city.

  • hale.

    hale. (300)


    Elijah Mikaelson

    Margot Slade

    Niklaus Mikaelson

    Lily Addison
    this is a closed rp between hale & killian jones
    February 7th, 2016 at 04:22am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Word of the newcomers spread throughout the Louisiana territory like wild fire. A mysterious ship sailed up the Mississippi, one with no flags or any sort of indication as to who it belonged to. Lily heard many people whispering about the mysterious ship and its equally mysterious inhabitants. She had yet to see any of them in person, and was only able to go off of what gossipers were saying, so she took most of what was said with a grain of salt. There was no way of telling if what was whispered about these mysterious newcomers was true, though they did cause a spout of curiosity to rise within her. It was that childlike curiosity that she possessed with most anything that often got her into all sorts of trouble, though she never seemed to learn from any of it. She liked to witness and experience things for herself, and she saw nothing wrong with that at all. That was what sparked her interest in attending the gathering at the governor's plantation in the first place. Normally she wasn't one to jump at the prospect of attending such gatherings but word had it that the governor had invited the newcomers, and Lily's curiosity sort of got the best of her.
    The journey had been a long one, though time was a rather different concept for immortals like Elijah and his siblings. Nevertheless, he'd been rather thankful when they reached the shores of the territory in the New World. There were many in Europe who spoke highly of this land and the opportunities that it had to offer. Of course, Elijah and the rest of his family had already been there once before, several centuries back, however the humans all assumed that their explorers had been the ones to discover it a few centuries after he and his siblings fled back to the Old World. He had hope that things would be different this time though. He hoped that they would be able to live in this new homeland without needing to worry about their father finding them. Thus far, this proved to hold true. "Do your best to behave yourself tonight, Niklaus." Elijah said to his brother as they arrived at the governor's planation.
    February 9th, 2016 at 02:42am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    Klaus walked alongside his brother with a smirk present on his face. He was in a good mood already, but maybe that was because of his feeding frenzy earlier. He didn't want to be in a bad mood, he didn't want his father knowing where they were now and if he was in a bad mood he would probably slaughter every single person at the governor's plantation because he was hungry. He knew that was not a good idea; the more bodies the easier it was for Mikael to find them. Kol never remembered that so he left him daggered in a coffin for as long as he wanted him to be there. "Brother," Klaus began calmly as they approached the front door. He could hear the mindless chatter on the other side. He just hoped there was someone there who wasn't as boring as he assumed everyone else was going to be. "I'm always on my best behavior." Klaus shot that same smirk at Elijah as the door to the house was opened.
    Margot didn't feel right as she stood around in the governor's living room listening to the mindless chatter around her. She put on her biggest, brightest and fakest smile as she stood there, but she felt on edge and irritated. She couldn't let that show; her mother and father would be so angry if she done something horrible in front of the governor or his son. She kept her mouth shut and her hands clasped together in front of her. She so desperately wanted to tell him that no one cared for his story and quite frankly it was so incredibly boring that she would rather shove her head through a window, but she kept her opinions to herself. She hated attending these gatherings more than she hated her mother telling her to stand up straighter and that her posture was terrible, but she always had to attend. The only thing that she was only interested in tonight was finding out who these newcomers were. She had heard rumors floating around, but she never got to see who they were and tonight she wanted that to change. Margot excused herself from the group she was standing with to move about the house. She was hoping they would arrive soon; maybe they were actually going to be interesting.
    February 9th, 2016 at 07:50am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    It normally took a great deal of hounding on her mother's part before Lily agreed to attend a party of this caliber. Both of her parents were about keeping up appearances, and it was deemed unacceptable by them for their only daughter not to be in attendance when there was a good chance she might catch the eye of the governor's son. Lily was somewhat surprised that they hadn't found her behavior suspicious. The moment she heard that the mysterious newcomers would be attending, she'd seemed much more enthusiastic about the evening. She was hoping that there would be reason for her newfound enthusiasm. So far, things were proving to be as dull as they normally were. She was quick to excuse herself from the rather boring conversation she was having moments before, claiming that she was off to get another glass of champagne. In reality, she simply couldn't take another moment of that conversation. She didn't know why anyone would willingly attend these parties. She was certain that they would be the bane of her existence.
    Elijah really did hope that his brother would behave himself that evening. The last thing that he wanted was for the wrong impression to be made simply because Niklaus grew bored. They were still new to the Louisiana territory and New Orleans. He wanted this to be a home for his family. If his brother went off on a blood binge, things were bound to get messy. Not only that, but a massacre was likely to point Mikael right to them. They had returned to the New World for a reason. He refused to allow their father to run them out of what was proving to be the perfect new homeland. "That's precisely what concerns me." He said, as he followed his brother inside. He was willing to give his brother the benefit of the doubt for the time being, though he hoped that it was something that he wouldn't end up regretting.
    February 9th, 2016 at 09:10pm
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    As Niklaus was invited into the house, he glanced back at his brother and smirked. Elijah always thought he was up to no good and maybe he was. The more he glanced around the house, the more he wanted it for himself. Maybe he even wanted the whole city for himself. He had always wanted to find a place to call home and rule. Maybe he could get what he wanted here in New Orleans and hoped that Mikael could never find them. Klaus moved around the home and greeted the people who spoke to him. He was growing bored with every passing second. He picked up a glass of champagne as he let his eye wonder around the room. He had spotted the governor earlier, but he did not feel like talking. His brother was always better at the talking thing. Klaus preferred to make them do whatever he wanted by compelling them. He was sure that his brother did not want him to be doing that. He lifted the glass to his mouth as he took a long sip of the alcohol. His eyes soon found a woman on the other side of the room. It made a smile pick back up on his face. Maybe he could have a little fun with her. He picked up another glass of champagne and headed towards her; soon holding it out to her with a smirk playing on his lips. He was going to have a little fun before he had to get down to business with the governor. "Hello love," he greeted her. He looked over how sweet and innocent she looked.
    If Margot could compare this gathering to anything, she would compare it to hell. The more alcohol she drank the more boring everyone turned out to be. They were all just standing and talking and she wanted to do a hell of a lot more than that. She wanted to dance, have a bit too much alcohol and just enjoy herself but she couldn't do anything like that here. She had to be on her best behavior and impress the governor. Margot had snuck away from everyone with two glasses of champagne. She had even managed to sneak away from her mother who had kept a careful eye on her for most of the night. She was smirking to herself as she found somewhere a little bit quieter to drink by herself. She couldn't handle anymore of the mindless chatter. It was giving her one hell of a headache. She pressed her back against a wall nearby and slid down it until she was on the floor with her legs out in front of her. This was a lot better than some stupid and boring gathering.
    February 12th, 2016 at 07:44am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Lily didn't think that she would ever understand why her mother always raved on and on about gatherings such as this one. She was practically bored to tears right now. All of the conversations to be had were petty or gossipy. She felt extremely out of place, and she could honestly think of so many other things she would much rather be doing. She was about ready to gauge her own eyes out when another glass of champagne was held out to her. The man standing before her was one that she did not recognize. He had to be one of the mysterious newcomers that she had heard about. She took the glass from him with a slight smile and took a sip before she spoke. "How many other girls have you offered champagne to today?" She asked, punctuating her words with a raised eyebrow.
    Elijah knew better than to hover over his brother. If Niklaus was planning something, he would likely follow through with it whether Elijah was right by his side or not. He hoped that his brother wasn't planning anything for the evening, but he supposed it was a moot point really. He spoke with the governor and his son for a little while. While there, he couldn't help noticing a petite brunette slip away from the crowd with a glass of champagne in each hand. He continued on with his conversation with the governor and his son for a little while longer, though his curiosity was peaked, so he excused himself after a few more minutes had passed by. "It's much quieter out here than it is in there, is it not?" He asked once he reached where she was seated on the ground. She was beautiful, and that was something that he noticed straight away.
    February 14th, 2016 at 02:06am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    Klaus almost choked on his drink as she spoke. He was surprised by what she had said. Normally girl's would simply take the drink from him and not question him. They would simply be glad that he was there beside them and not someone else. He let out a chuckle to cover his almost cough as he raised his brows back at her. "As hard as it is to believe love, you have been the only one who has caught my eye," Klaus admitted with a playful smirk as he moved in a little bit closer to her. "You look as bored as I feel," he told her softly so no one else would here. He was sure that the people around would not appreciate that someone was bored at one of the governor's gatherings. He was hoping that maybe this girl would make things seem a little less boring and maybe he would have a nice feed off the sweet looking girl. "What is your name, love?"
    The sound of footsteps made Margot's eyes shift upwards. Her brows furrowed at the man walking towards her. She did not recognized his face and she knew almost every face in the French Quarter. She immediately jumped to the conclusion that he was one of these newcomers; an attractive one at that. She cocked her head to the side and looked up at him with a small smile. "The pointless conversations were driving me rather insane," she told him with a soft laugh. She looked away from him as she pushed herself up from the ground. She smoothed her dress before she placed her eyes back on him. "So, who are you exactly?" She questioned him.
    February 17th, 2016 at 10:51am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Lily could tell that she'd caught him off guard with her words. It was that obvious surprise that made her certain that he'd tried this move on other girls before her. "And you just had to come talk to me, I'm assuming?" She asked, punctuating her words with a raised eyebrow. She wasn't about to let on that she found his accent rather charming or that she thought him to be attractive. Nope. She definitely wasn't going to let that on at all. Not if she had anything to say about it anyway. "Yes, well, I wouldn't be here if my mother wasn't so overbearing." She admitted quietly. Her mother made it out as though it would be the end of the world as they knew it if she didn't attend these stupid parties the governor threw. She could hear her right now. It just wouldn't look good for the family if you didn't go, dear. "Lily. Lily Addison."
    "Yes, there seems to be plenty of those occurring." Elijah said with a slight chuckle. He had noticed the pettiness of some of the conversations he'd overheard in the other room. He couldn't help thinking that the conversation he'd had with the governor and his son was a bit petty as well, but he'd never say that to the man's face out of respect. If anyone was going to do something of that nature it was likely to be Niklaus, though his brother normally left the important conversations and first impressions to him, something that Elijah was rather thankful for. "Elijah Mikaelson. I do apologize for not introducing myself sooner." He sent a polite smile her way. "And you are?"
    February 23rd, 2016 at 07:22pm
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    [ah sorry for the terrible reply. I'm trying to pump out some replies while I have a chance]

    Klaus' eyebrows lifted as she spoke once more and he let an amused look sweep across his face. She was not like most of the women he had come across. Most would fall to his feet and a part of him wanted to compel her to do just so, but he found her far to amusing to do that. "Well love, I didn't have to," Klaus stated as he folded his arms behind his back. "I could have gone to that dull looking girl over there," he added; motion to the girl just behind her who looked like she had far too many champagnes already. "I am rather glad I didn't because dull makes me do things that my brother would surely disapprove of. I must stay on my best behaviour," he added in an amused laugh, but it soon died down when she spoke quietly of her mother. He knew the hardships when it came to parents considering his father was still out trying to hunt him down to kill him. "I just have two overbearing siblings who will not let me misbehave," he told her with a playful smirk. "Well, Lily Addison, it is a pleasure to meet you."
    "That there are," she stated in agreement. She was over this party already. She wanted to leave and just do something that she wanted to do. She may have been great at sneaking away to hide from her mother at a party, but she was terrible at actually leaving a party without her mother noticing. She just had to suck it up until her mother decided it was time to go. Her eyes roamed the man in front of her as he spoke. A part of her hoped that Elijah could, maybe, make this bearable for her. Just looking at him made it just a little bit better. "Margot Slade," she replied coolly as she stepped a few inches closer to him. "And you don't need to apologised to me unless it's something terrible like not asking if I would like to join you for a drink," she told him with a wide grin. She had always been one who was straight to the point and it did, often, get her in trouble with her mother which was why she tried to stay as far from everyone as possible at gatherings. She did have a hard time keeping her mouth shut. She was actually surprised she hadn't had a go at someone already.
    February 27th, 2016 at 01:17pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [Your reply was fine!!]

    Lily could tell that her words had caught him off guard. He clearly hadn't expected her to respond the way that she had. She wasn't about to fall at his feet like she was sure that many other girls would have. Yes, she thought he was attractive, and his accent made him even more so, but she was never one to swoon over a handsome face with an equally charming personality. That just wasn't her at all. "No, I suppose you didn't, but you did." She said, taking another sip of her champagne. She glanced over her shoulder when he motioned behind her, rolling her eyes a bit when she saw who he was referring to. That girl was no better than most of the others here though, and she likely would have fallen at his feet, no questions asked. "Easily bored I'm assuming?" She asked, punctuating her words with a raised eyebrow. "They don't let you misbehave? Something tells me that they aren't always very successful." She smirked slightly. "I would say the same about you, but you have yet to tell me your name which I hardly think is fair."
    The party was a bit dull, and Elijah hoped that Niklaus was behaving himself, though there had yet to be any sort of a commotion so he assumed that his brother had found something, or someone, to keep him occupied for the time being. Hopefully that meant that he'd stay out of trouble as well, but he really didn't think that was likely at all. After all, this was Niklaus he was talking about. His attention was back on the woman standing before him when she spoke again. He let out a quiet chuckle in response to her words. "Well, we can't have that happen now, can we?" He asked, slightly amused by her attitude. He liked it. She had this air of liveliness about her that he quite enjoyed. "Would you care to join me for drink, Miss Slade?"
    February 29th, 2016 at 01:23am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    Klaus was growing more fascinated by the girl with every passing second. Maybe she wasn't like any of those hopeless women he was normally used to. He was even growing more fond of her presence near him and his need to feed from her was slowly disappearing. Her reaction to seeing the girl he was referring to only made him chuckle softly. "You have no idea love," he told her with a smirk. It really did not take much for Klaus to grow bored, but he was surprised that Lily was keeping him rather entertained. Humans normally did not do much for him expect for a good fresh feed. "They don't particularly like it when I misbehave, but it's not successful all the time. How else am I supposed to keep myself entertained if I can't have a little fun?" Niklaus' eyes scanned over the girl once again. She was truly a beautiful woman, it would be a shame to hurt something that pretty. Maybe he could actually restrain himself for one night. He highly doubted he would see the girl again anyway. "Sorry love," he said quickly, "Niklaus Mikaelson."
    Margot moved herself closer towards Elijah. Her head cocked to the side as she studied his face. He was a handsome man, she had no doubt about that, but he seemed interesting. He was a person that she would genuinely be interested in getting to know. There was just something about him that she liked. "No, that is something you don't want to happen," she said with a soft laugh. Margot took one more step forward and extended her hand towards him. "I think you already know my answer to that question, Elijah. Lead the way."
    March 10th, 2016 at 12:53pm