he won't risk her life.

  • hale.

    hale. (300)


    Evie Thorne & Derek Hale


    Amelia Thorne & Isaac Lahey
    February 14th, 2016 at 03:48am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Though Derek didn't usually care for anything that even vaguely dealt with sports and school - not since he attended the school himself, - he didn't have much of a choice when it came to the fact that there were apparently assassins out there trying to kill off supernatural creatures. He wouldn't let the others fall into that trouble, even if his own powers were slowly dimming. He didn't want to worry too much but he knew that the assassins were definitely something to worry about. It didn't help that they had absolutely no clue who most of the assassins were. Sure, there had been The Mute, but Peter had killed him and, thanks to that, they hadn't been able to get any information from him.

    That was why he was here, at the Beacon Hills field, waiting for the lacrosse game to start. Scott had told him that they were pretty sure that one of the assassins were on the lacrosse team, but nobody was sure of exactly who it was - and nobody had a scent to follow just yet, so they were stuck trying to keep everybody safe despite not being entirely sure of who they were trying to keep them safe from. Plus, they didn't even know who all was on the deadpool, so they weren't sure who all they were supposed to keep safe at this point, either. All they could really do was hope that things ended up being okay.

    His attention got caught by Scott when the other seemed to catch a scent on the wind. His brows furrowed and he followed Scott's eyes because he couldn't smell anything himself. Another downfall because his heightened senses were diminishing, falling to the point that they were more human than supernatural now. It took him a moment to see where Scott was looking - a pair of girls up in the stands. It took him even longer to realize who they were and his eyes widened when he did.

    Evie and Amelia Thorne. He'd known them when they were younger - the Thornes had a tight alliance with the Hales. He couldn't say that he'd ever expected to see them again, though. Before he could really think further on it, he glanced back to Scott to see him talking to Isaac, Stiles, and Liam. With the fact that there were two more werewolves around, that meant that there were two more werewolves to protect.

    At least Derek could keep an eye on them, he decided as he made his way closer to the pair.
    Amelia had been intending to go to the game in the first place, but when Brett texted her with the message Wolves at Beacon Hills, she knew it would be best to go all the more. Having originally been from Beacon Hills, her and her sister tended to jump at the idea of there being wolves anywhere nearby. Maybe it was a hope to see somebody that they knew, but Amelia had been certain that all of the Hales were dead. Of course, back then, she was younger and didn't really understand the idea of there being an entire family dead overnight. But, it ended up happening to hers and her sister's family as well - hence why they were now part of Satomi's pack and not in Beacon Hills.

    At least they weren't too far away, though. With a small smile, she looked over to her sister as they made their way to the bleachers on the field. "Considering you attended Beacon Hills High, would it make you a traitor if you cheered for Devenford?" she asked jokingly, though she was mostly wanting to distract herself from the fact that she could smell other werewolf scents the moment that they had climbed out of her sister's car. As they approached a few open spots, she went ahead to sit down, though her eyes scanned the area in search of the owners of the scents she smelled.

    She could see Brett coming out onto the field and he seemed to catch sight of them pretty quickly. He subtly gestured to a few others that were on the field and Amelia knew what it meant - that they were the werewolves. She recognized one - Liam, - because they went to school together. Brett often complained about him nowadays but, when she had known Liam, he definitely hadn't been a werewolf. That meant that he had been bitten since leaving Devenford.

    Her eyes scanned over the others and she didn't recognize any of them. One did catch her eyes, though, and she watched him for a moment - that is, until she caught another scent, one that she recognized. "Evie? Do you smell that?" she asked quietly, her eyes narrowing as she searched the area, though she eventually stood up. "It smells like Derek. How is that possible?"
    February 14th, 2016 at 04:40am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    There were so many memories floating around Evie's mind when she step foot in Beacon Hills. She hadn't been in the town for years, but it had barely changed from the last time she was here. She had missed it. Beacon Hills was her home and she did want it to be her home again. She may not have enjoyed lacrosse or any sport like it, she wanted to go just to go back. She was even more thrilled when Brett had messaged them that there were werewolves in Beacon Hills. She still held hope in her heart that not all the Hale's were dead; one in particular.

    Evie couldn't help but to laugh softly at Amelia's question. "It would make me a complete traitor, so I am only going to cheer for Brett and the rest of the time I am cheering for Beacon Hills," she told her sister as she took a seat on the bleachers.

    From the moment they arrived she could smell the scents of several different wolves. Brett was right, there were a fair few in Beacon Hills, but she was yet to find the one that was so familiar to her. The one she smelt every single day of her childhood and teenage years. She wasn't paying any attention to Brett on the field, but that was only because she had caught that one scent. Her heart jumped when it registered in her mind and Amelia began to speak about it.

    Evie jumped to her feet when Amelia said Derek's name. It confirmed that it was his scent that she was smelling. A little part of her did think that she was just imagining it. Her wide eyes turned to look at her sister. She was in shock, but she was so happy. After the fire she had gone to look for him, but she always came up empty handed. She wanted nothing more than to have him back and now that was finally coming true. "It doesn't matter how it's possible," she said to Amelia as a smile grew on her face. She took her eyes away from her sister to scan the area until the finally settled on the man who had changed so much over the years. She could even say another word to her sister. All she could do was whisper out "Derek."
    Isaac would be lying if he had said that he wasn't the slightest bit nervous about the game tonight. Ever since they had found out about the deadpool everything was getting a little bit tense. They had no idea who was on the list, but one thing he was sure of was that it was most likely all supernatural creatures and that his name was more than likely on the list.

    Tonight, not only did he have to focus on trying not to get killed, he had to also focus on playing the game. He could smell the scent of other werewolves and it wasn't just the ones he knew about. There was Brett who Liam had pointed out, but there were another two he did not recognize. His eyes found Scott staring up at the bleachers and he couldn't help but to turn his head to look as well. He moved towards Scott; keeping his eyes on the two girls in the stands. He was sure that they were the two other wolves he could smell.

    Scott was explaining the plan for the night. He was more than certain that something was going to happen, but he didn't know whether it was going to happen during the game or after. All they had to do was keep their eyes open and try not to lose the game to keep Coach happy. It was easier said than done.

    Isaac let out a small sigh as he slipped his helmet on. He just hoped things went smoothly tonight and that there really wasn't assassin's going after him and his friends.
    February 14th, 2016 at 05:17am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Derek hadn't ever really expected to see the siblings ever again, honestly. He had heard about what happened to their family - a huge part of him suspected that it was Kate at fault for that massacre as well, but he hadn't wanted to dwell on it because it brought back too many memories. Seeing the two there, though, alive and well, made him feel more relief than he cared to admit to. It wasn't often that he could be taken by surprise or that he could feel so much relief just by seeing somebody, but both feelings hit him pretty hard when he spotted them.

    Before long, he had reached the two and he was silent for a moment, mostly just staring at the two in awe and shock. "I thought the two of you were dead," he said suddenly, his brows furrowed slightly. Despite how relieved he was to see them, he still couldn't help but to wonder why he hadn't come across them until now. Maybe they had moved away? He couldn't be sure.

    What he was sure about, though, was the fact that it was nice to see the two of them alive and healthy again - especially Evie. They'd been close when they were younger, pretty much inseparable. Their parents often teased them and, really, he was pretty sure that Amelia teased her sister secretly. But, it had never bothered him, not really. It had become something that he had gotten used to over the years.

    That is, until all of the teasing stopped when his family was killed - and then it became difficult for them to spend any amount of time together, so he wasn't sure if the Thornes still teased Evie about it before their demise came. Either way, he tried not to think about it too much. The sisters were there, right in front of him, and they were safe. But, then, he remembered where they were and the dangers being here caused and a small frown settled on his features as he looked over the pair.

    "You shouldn't be here, though - not right now. It's dangerous," he told them in a hushed voice. "I can't explain it right now, but you two need to go home as soon as possible."
    Amelia's eyes widened slightly as she spotted the man walking closer to them. It was definitely Derek. Quite a bit had changed about him, but it was clear as day who he was. She was sure that her sister was elated to see him - and, honestly, so was she, but she was sure it was because of completely different reasons. She had always been certain that Derek and her sister were into each other, though she never actually mentioned it, aside from casually teasing her older sister when they were younger, when she was still a child but still understood the matter of attraction.

    Amelia, on the other hand, had always looked up to Derek because he acted like an older brother and often looked out for her - though, of course, he looked out for Evie even more. So, seeing the man there brought a huge sense of relief, to say the least, and she couldn't help but to smile slightly. She stayed back, though, as she was sure that her sister would want to talk to Derek alone.

    Instead, her eyes went to the game as she watched it start. Brett seemed to be enjoying himself and she was happy for her friend - she even went so far as to cheer for him on occasion. All the while, though, she paid close attention to her sister's and Derek's conversation, waiting for anything that would give her a chance to subtly tease the pair.

    It didn't seem like that was the case, though, as Derek was talking about some pretty serious things. With a frown, she glanced to the pair, only to have her attention drawn back to the field when she heard people gasping. Some of the players on the field - a few that Brett had gestured to, - had tumbled down, along with Brett and some other guy. Brett suddenly didn't look too well and he was stumbling off the field. She quickly tugged at her sister's shirt to get her attention.

    "I'm going to go check on Brett," she said quietly, though she didn't wait around for a response. Instead, she left the bleachers quickly and rushed off to the locker room where her friend had stumbled to.
    February 14th, 2016 at 05:55am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    Evie's shock that Derek was actually alive was overpowering how happiness. She wanted nothing more than to jump on him, hug him and tell him that she had missed him, but instead she stood there just staring at him. She always had hope that he was still alive, but deep down she thought that he would never be standing in front of her again. She just couldn't believe that he was. After all these years she had never seen him. Sure she didn't live in Beacon Hills anymore, but after the fire she didn't see him. Then they left and she never knew if she would actually return or not until now. She was glad that she did come back.

    As Derek spoke her shock had simmered down, but a smile did not come onto her face. Instead her brows furrowed. She reached a hand up and slapped his arm. "It's been years and that's the first thing that comes out of your mouth," she stated. She was expecting him to ask more about what she had been up to or where she had gone after the fire, not point out that he thought she and her sister were dead.

    She was trying her hardest not to throw her arms around Derek. She knew her sister was listening in to their conversation and she knew what she wanted to do. She had spent years with her family teasing her constantly about Derek, her sister included. She did not want that to start up again. Maybe it brought back too many memories of her family or the fact that she did have a crush on Derek that she would never admit out loud to. That was just something she didn’t want to think about right now.

    Evie's eyes flickered to Amelia as she tugged on her shirt. She nodded at her thinking that Brett had been injured on the field and that he had to get out of there before anyone noticed that he was healing. She was not paying any attention to the game, she was only paying attention to what Derek was telling her. She hadn't heard anything about any trouble happening in Beacon Hills. If she did she sure as hell wouldn't have let her sister or Brett even step foot here. "No, you are going to explain it Derek," she whispered back with a frown on her face. "If something is happening now, I need to know what I am dealing with."
    Everything happened on the field so fast. The gasps from the crowd were the only thing that brought him back. He heard the pained yelled of Brett, but he could also hear Liam's. He was supposed to be keeping an eye on him and he should've been there to help him, but he wasn't and he felt terrible for it.

    Isaac ran towards Liam where Scott was already helping him from the ground. He hoped that nothing had happened to him. He should have been there to stop that from even happening. "Liam are you okay?" Isaac asked quickly as he, Scott and Stiles hovered around him just incase he broke anything. They didn't need anyone to see him healing. When Liam nodded in reply, Isaac's eyes started to roam the field. He spotted Brett limping off the field looking worse that what Liam did and that was when he realized that the assassin's weren't after them or Liam as Scott had suspected. They were after Brett.

    His eyes found one of the wolves in the bleachers going after Brett and he had a feeling that they were going to get him alone. They would not kill him on the field in front of everyone to see and this girl was in danger because of that. "They are after Brett," he told Scott. He knew his name wasn't on any of the lists that they had, but he was sure it was going to be on the one Lydia was trying to crack as they spoke.

    Scott told Stiles to make sure Liam was okay before the two of them ran off to where Brett had stumbled off too. He just hoped that they weren't too later and that the girl was unharmed by the time they got there.
    February 14th, 2016 at 11:14am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Derek wasn't sure if explaining everything right now, out in the open like this, was such a good idea. But, Amelia had rushed off and he was sure that Evie would want to know that letting her sister go off somewhere alone was a bad idea. And, he was sure that Evie would never forgive him if something were to happen to her little sister. So, he took a deep breath and prepared himself for what he was about to tell her.

    "There's a deadpool," he told her quietly, his tone dropping significantly but he was sure that she would still be able to hear him over the crowd. "Assassins are getting paid to kill the supernatural creatures. We're not sure who's all on the deadpool just yet, but, if they know about you - and they likely do - then you and Amelia are on that deadpool." His frown deepened and he moved closer to her, eyes focused on her.

    "And that means that you're both in danger here - especially if you're alone. Find Amelia, get out of here, and go somewhere safe." Not that he was sure that there actually was anywhere safe anymore.
    Amelia frowned as she followed her friend, though she hesitated at the entrance to the locker room for a long moment. What if her friend was getting changed or something? But, that wouldn't make sense - the game wasn't over. With furrowed brows, she made her way into the locker room, only to freeze when she saw Brett on the ground. "Brett?" she called out before she rushed over.

    She knelt down by Brett and she saw some mark around his neck and he wasn't really reacting to her. Fear instantly took over, as did concern, and maybe that was why it took her a few moments to process another scent - and a few more heading there. Looking up, she spotted a girl enter the locker room and she recognized the scent because it was all around Brett. Was this the girl who had hurt him?

    The thought made Amelia's eyes flash angrily and she stood up, prepared to fight if she had to, but the girl's attention got drawn to somebody coming in.
    February 16th, 2016 at 02:29am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    The word deadpool made her worry not only for her sister, but also for the pack and for Derek. She had just found Derek again and if assassins were going after supernatural creatures like her and Derek, she wouldn't let them anywhere near them without ripping their heads off. It bothered her that he didn't know else was on the deadpool. She needed to know if she was on their or Amelia or anyone else from the pack. That information hadn't reached them and if they were on in they were in some serious trouble considering how under prepared for an attack they were.

    "We aren't in danger if we are not on the list," Evie stated; hopeful that they weren't. If they weren't then the rest of the pack weren't on it either. Her hope was slowly diminishing as her ears focused in to a boy talking about Brett.

    She turned her head to find two of the boys, one was a wolf and the other was obviously human. The human had his nose buried in his phone, but mentioned that Brett was on the list and she had assumed straight away that he was talking about the deadpool.

    "Brett's on the list," she muttered to Derek before she stormed towards the two boys. Before they could even notice her, she snatched the phone out of the human's hand. She didn't care if Derek followed her, she needed to know who else was on that list. Her eyes quickly scanned in and her heart sunk when she not only saw her and her sisters name, but also the rest of her pacts and Satomi's.

    Dread settled in her stomach as everything slowly sunk in. Something happened to Brett, he wasn't just injured and Amelia had gone after him. They were both in trouble.
    Isaac rounded the corner to the boys locker room and his eyes widened a little. He spotted Brett laying motionless on the floor and one of the girl's from the bleachers standing with angry eyes. They were the only two he saw and he just knew that the girl from the bleachers wouldn't have done that to Brett.

    He quickly ran in unaware that there was another person in there. He skidded to his knees next to Brett to make sure he was alive, but that's when he smelt it. That was when he smelt that there was an extra person in the room.

    Isaac turned his head just as Scott came in. He saw the girl he had seen a few times around school wrap something around Scott's head. He knew he could handle himself. Scott, after all, was a true alpha, but he still jumped to his feet. His eyes glowed yellow out of anger and his teeth bared. He was preparing to attack incase Scott couldn't handle himself. He stepped in front of the girl and Brett; ready to attack if need be.
    February 17th, 2016 at 04:38am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "Hey, wait - what are you -" Stiles started to talk, but Derek placed a hand on his shoulder and narrowed his eyes at the boy. With furrowed brows, Stiles eyes Derek with confusion before he looked back to Evie. "Who's she? Why'd she take my phone? I was kind of in the middle of something importa-"

    His words got cut off when Derek started speaking. "Her name is Evie. Brett, I'm assuming, is her friend or maybe a pack member," he explained, "I know her from when we were younger. Her sister went after Brett and she heard you probably heard you say something about Brett being on the list, so she wanted to see the list. Leave it at that, understand?"

    Stiles snorted quietly in response and all but rolled his eyes. He soon paused, though. "Wait. Evie? Evie Thorne?" he asked before he leaned over to look over her shoulder at the list. "She's on the list, too."

    "So is Amelia Thorne. Is that her sister?" Liam added.

    Derek pinched the bridge of his nose and glared at the pair before he looked to Evie. "If you're all three on the list, then you're all three in danger. We need to find your friend and your sister and get you out of here and somewhere safe," he told her, his voice lowering a bit as he eyed her with concern.

    Seeing the concern on Derek's features stirred Stiles' curiosity, though, and he eyed the pair for a moment. "So... When you say you know her from when you two were younger, does that mean -"

    Again, he didn't get to finish his question, but it was because Derek glared at him this time instead of actually saying anything. Looking back to Evie, he said, "Come on. Give Stiles his phone back and let's go find those two."
    Amelia was more than a little surprised when the other two werewolves showed up. Even more so when the girl attacked one of the others and his eyes start to glow red as he peeled the wire-like thing off from around his neck and turned to the girl. Amelia stopped paying attention after that and turned her attention back to Brett, calling out to him quietly in hopes of stirring her friend, though she did occasionally glance at the other werewolf, the one with yellow eyes, since he seemed to be taking a protective stance in front of herself and Brett.

    She had calmed down a bit, enough to concentrate on the fact that whatever fighting seemed to cease. Before long, the werewolf with red eyes - an Alpha, - came over and crouched down to inspect Brett. "He won't wake up," Amelia breathed out as she went back to trying to stir her friend.

    A frown came to Scott's features and he looked to Isaac. "We have to get him to Deaton," he said quickly before he stood up, hefting Brett up with him.

    "Wait - to who? Where are you taking him?" Amelia asked with concern, though Scott was already leading the way out, causing her to rush after him.

    "He's a friend. He'll help Brett," Scott told the girl, but Amelia wasn't too convinced. "Isaac, call Stiles, tell him to meet us at his Jeep so he can take us to the vet."

    "The vet?" Amelia repeated with confusion, her mouth falling open in a gape. "You're taking him to a vet?"

    "Deaton specializes in supernatural, too," Scott tried to explain while he continued to take Brett out. After a few moments of prolonged confusion, Amelia moved to the other side of Brett and helped carry him.
    February 17th, 2016 at 05:04am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    Evie didn't pay much attention to Derek or Stiles. She was too focused on the list, so focused that she couldn't even concentrate to track down her sister. She thought all the bad things that could possibly happen to her and her sister finished after the fire. She lost her family and with this, if the pack didn't know, she needed to tell them. She was not going to lose the pack who took her and her sister in and who became like family.

    Her thoughts were broken by one of the boys leaning over her shoulder. Her body stiffened and she stepped away; craning her neck to stare at the boy behind her. When Derek spoke, her eyes shifted and her gaze became less harsh. "The pack, the whole pack is on the list," she told Derek.

    Evie ran her spare hand through her hair and ignored Stiles' latest comment. He did managed to get another glare from her as some form of response. Her body jumped a little as Stiles' phone began to buzz in her hands. She turned her attention to it and frowned at the name Isaac which had popped up. She wished she knew the names of the wolves in Beacon Hills besides Derek. Considering the two who had been with these two boys had disappeared. She hoped that they had gone after Brett and Amelia.

    She didn't respond to Derek, instead shoved the phone back towards Stiles. "Answer it," she commanded. Stiles didn't even hesitated when he saw Isaac's name. Evie drowned out all the other voices to focus solely on the voice on the other end of the phone.

    "Stiles you need to meet us at the jeep. We need to get Brett to Deaton now."

    For a few seconds all Evie could feel was relief because they said nothing about Amelia, but it was soon crushed when she realized the urgency in this Isaac boys voice. She knew Amelia would be with Brett, she could track down anyone.

    "They are coming to us," she said to Derek before she put her attention back onto Stiles who had finished the phone call. She motioned for Stiles to move, "lead the way to the jeep."
    Isaac watched everything that happened and everything happening around him. He was hoping this girl wasn't stupid enough to come alone, but it seemed that she had. He was expecting someone to come out and try to finish off Brett or even try to hurt him and the girl, but there was no one else and she seemed to have her sights set on Scott.

    The moment the short lived fight was over and the girl was knocked out cold on the ground, he turned his attention to the girl and to Brett as Scott came over. "He will help Brett," Isaac confirmed as he pulled his phone out of his pocket when Scott had asked him to call Stiles.

    He glanced at the three one more time before he called Stiles' number. He was happy that Stiles answered straight away. "Stiles you need to meet us at the jeep. We need to get Brett to Deaton now," Isaac told his friend with an urgent tone. Isaac followed after Scott.

    "We'll meet you there," Stiles responded which only made Isaac brows furrow. "Lydia cracked the rest of the list. Brett's not the only one here tonight who's on the list. If there is a girl there with Brett, Amelia, she's on the list too."

    Isaac's eyes flickered to the girl, but decided not to say anything to her about it right now. "She's with us. We are heading to the jeep now," he said before he hung up and returned his phone to his pocket.
    February 17th, 2016 at 11:16pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Derek listened to the conversation as best as he could, but his senses weren't as strong as they used to be. Whatever Kate had done to him had takeb a bigger toll on him than he had originally expected. He still wasn't even sure what Kate actually had done to him at this point.

    Letting the thoughts slip away, he nodded to Evie's words before he looked to Stiles. "Lead the way, then," he told Stiles, following the boy has he began rushing to his jeep.

    "Whatever happened must be pretty bad, if Brett needs to go to Deaton," Stiles mentioned, though Derek frowned and glanced over towards Evie for a moment.

    Soon dropping his gaze back to Stiles, he frowned. "Not the best time, Stiles," he said before he focused his attention on the path ahead, following the boy to the jeep still.
    Amelia was trying to avoud worrying, but Brett looked awful. He looked pale and sickly and near death and she'd never seen him in this kind of state before. "Are you sure this guy can help him?" she asked with concern as she glanced to Isaac for a moment, since he had spoken earlier.

    "We're sure. He's helped us tons of times," Scott assured as they approached the jeep. Frowning, he glanced around in search of Stiles and tried to be patient while they waited but Brett looked bad and the girl looked like she might lose hope if they didn't help him soon.

    Amelia only nodded but she glanced around, hoping for any sign of the owner of the jeep. She knew she should probably call her sister, but she was a little preoccupied with worrying to pay the thought any attention.
    February 20th, 2016 at 06:20am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)


    Evie wanted to slap Stiles' up the back of the head so badly because of his comment. It was the last thing she wanted to hear. She wanted Brett to be okay. She should have been with them and she should have followed after Amelia and had been paying more attention, but she was far too focused on Derek and the fact she was seeing him after all this time.

    He might not have even been like the boy she remembered. He could have changed and she might not have been able to trust him like she used to. She didn't know what had happened between now and the last time she saw him. A lot could change in a short period of time. She hoped he was the same. She had missed Derek so god damn much and she wanted him back in her life. This was her chance to do just that.

    She kept silent, her hand still twitching wanting to slap Stiles for his unneeded comment, but she restrained herself and kept her eyes focused on the sights ahead. She kept her eyes open for Amelia. She could smell her sister now.

    She breathed out a sigh of relief when she saw Amelia, but that relief only last for a split second because she saw her and another boy carrying Brett. She pushed past Derek and Stiles to run towards her sister and their friend.

    "Amelia!" She called out. Worry was written all across her face. "Are you okay? What happened? Where are they taking him?" She asked quickly. She needed to know everything, but no one could answer the question she really wanted to ask. Should she go with them to make sure her sister and Brett were safe or should she let Amelia go with them since she wouldn’t leave his side and go to her pack to warn them about the deadpool? She honestly didn't know what to do.
    Isaac was feeling on edge. Stiles was taking far too long for his liking. Brett was not getting better; he was getting worse with every single passing second. He barely knew this kid, but that didn't mean he didn't want to help him. He hoped Deaton knew what was wrong or this wasn't going to go how they wanted.

    His eyes shot up when he heard an unfamiliar voice shout out Amelia's name. "We need to go now," he said with a serious tone to his voice towards Stiles. He wasn't messing around. They needed to leave sooner rather than later or this kid could die.

    He watched as Stiles quickly ran to the drivers side of the car and unlocked it so whoever was coming could get in. He glanced over at Amelia before he turned his attention to the other girl who had come running. She was spitting out questions left right and center. They didn't really have the time for this.

    "He's been cut, poisoned by something. We need to take him to Deaton for help," Isaac told her quickly as he moved to opened the door to the backseat of the car so they could put Brett in. "He will know what to do. He will save Brett. You just need to trust us that it will be okay."
    March 4th, 2016 at 11:43am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    [No worries!]

    Derek was a little relieved to see that Amelia was okay. At least it meant that he wouldn’t have to deal with a grieving Evie. And, she wouldn’t be able to blame him, considering he hadn’t stopped Amelia when she ran off to go check on Brett. Would she grieve if Brett ended up dying, though? He hoped not; he wanted to be able to enjoy his reunion with Evie, not for it to end in her grieving.

    “You can ride with me,” he suggested to Evie as he looked over at her. “We’ll follow them to Deaton’s. I know where to go. It would be too cramped in Stiles’ jeep otherwise.” And, he was pretty sure that it wouldn’t be good if it was cramped any more – it would already be cramped as it was, since Brett didn’t seem fully capable of sitting up straight at the moment.

    Amelia eyed her sister for a moment and offered a small smile. “I’m fine with going with them. I’ll make sure that nothing happens,” she assured Evie quietly, as she was sure that her sister might not fully trust the others, given that they were strangers. It was fine, though; Amelia understood, given their past.

    But, more so, she knew that they couldn’t just stand around talking. “I’ll see you at… well, whoever that guy is – I’ll see you at his place,” she assured quickly before she moved to hug her sister tightly. “Just make sure to get there, okay? We need to be there for Brett.” Because, they couldn’t lose him. He was like family, just like the rest of their new pack, and Amelia refused to lose any more family.

    Releasing her hold, she went ahead to climb into the jeep, helping to support Brett as she eyed him with concern.

    Before long, the jeep was leaving and Derek looked to Evie with a frown. “Come on,” he told her before he led the way to his vehicle. Unlocking it, he opened the passenger side door for her and got into the driver’s side. Starting the car, he waited for her to get in, knowing that she might want to get to Deaton’s as quickly as possible.
    March 12th, 2016 at 03:52am