Long Stretch of Love

  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Ewan smiled brightly at Katie as he took and offered his hand to her once they stopped at the carriage waiting on them. "Well then my lady' shall we?" He smiled at her helping her up into the carriage. Ewan smiled as he climbed into it himself as he took and grabbed the blanket and covered their legs up. He smiled at her as they took off. The twinkling street lights from the city sparkled above them, making it more magically in his eyes. "So tell me a little about yourself, Katie?" He asked her.
    Feeling her cheeks warm she rubbed her arm lightly and looked to the ground before glancing back up at him and smiling. "Thank you." She replied grinning. She continued walking with him as she glanced around the night time scenery before them.
    March 19th, 2016 at 02:53am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Katie smiled as she made her way into the carriage, and sat down. She watched as Ewan played the gentleman with helping her into the carriage as well as covering their legs. Looking at Ewan, Katie was instantly mesmerized even more as she watched him. "Well...what do you want to know?" She asked as she laid back enjoying this beautiful evening.

    Daniel smiled even better when she was smiling. There was just so much he wanted to know about her, and he liked seeing her like this. All happy and smiles. "So...what do you want me to know about you?" he asked. "I'm all ears." He laughed.
    March 19th, 2016 at 03:32am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Ewan smiled at her as he took and admired her a little. "Well, anything you want to share." He smiled at her. He draped his arm around her shoulder and smiled. She was truly beautiful, and something about her pulled him into her.
    Ally smiled at Daniel as she pulled her coat closer to her frame. She thought a second, "Well I am from Tennessee, hince my southern accent." She smiled at him as she thought a moment. "I'm a country singer, I love singing. I also love animals, cooking, and such." She babled.
    March 19th, 2016 at 01:38pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    @ elijah mikaelson;
    Katie blushed a little as she leaned into him once he draped his arm around her shoulder. A small smile came across her face while she thought about what she wanted to share with him. "Well...what can I tell you..." She said as she thought about it "I love horseback riding." She started.


    Daniel watched her, seeing her pulling her coat closer to her body frame. "Cooking, you can cook. That's good to know." He smirked. Moving a little closer towards her, her wrapped his arm around her. "Better?" He asked softly with a smile. "What is your favorite animal?" He questioned.
    March 19th, 2016 at 10:24pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Ewan smiled at her as she talked about horseback riding. "Maybe you could teach me a few things?" He smiled at her. He took and stared at her a moment before clearing his throat, "What made you go into the cooking industry?" He asked her.

    Ally smiled nodding her head leaning into his touch, "It is, thank you." She replied and smiled. "Yes I can cook." She added with a smile. "My favorite animal would be a dog. I just love them." She smiled as she walked with him. "What about you? What's some of your favorite things?" She asked him.
    March 20th, 2016 at 02:47pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Katie looked to Ewan, smiling before slightly nodding when he asked her if she could teach him a few things. "I'd be happy too." She said as she sat back enjoying the ride. She was a little lost in a thought when Ewan asked her about going into the cooking industry. Katie quickly sat up a little, making eye contact with Ewan. Still smiling, she brushed away from hair, taking a minute to think about why she truly went into the cooking industry. "Well." She said with a smile. "I love cooking. I've always loved cooking since I was a little girl, watching my mom and grandma cook. So when I got to the age to start cooking on my own, I did and ran with that."

    "Dogs..." Daniel said with a small grin. "I'll be sure to remember that." He chuckled to himself, and couldn't help but smile as Ally smiled. There was just something about her that made him smile. "Well I don't really do much cooking, however, I do love to food - which means I love to eat." He chuckled once again before thinking about other things he could tell her. "I enjoy swimming." He simply stated as his mind began to fill with different things that he personally liked to do. "Do you like to swim?" He asked, thinking about that if she did, maybe he'd be able to plan a nice day for them.
    March 20th, 2016 at 11:20pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Ewan took and smiled at Katie listing to her talk about her mom and grandma cooking. He smiled at her listing to her. She was just truly amazing, "That is really a great way to go into something you love doing. From watching others do it." Ewan smiled at her as he admired her. "Maybe sometime you'll privately cook for me?" He grinned at her in a teasing manner. "And we could go horseback riding before that?" He offered up smiling at her.

    Ally smiled nodding her head, "I do actually. I was a swimming champing back in high school." She grinned at him as they walked together. Swimming was something she loved to do. It was part of her in some sense. She took and continued walking with him as she glanced around. "Does it every get annoying that the paparazzi follows you around? Like in a stalker manner." She stared at him.
    March 21st, 2016 at 01:42am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Katie smiled at Ewan and nodded. "Yes, I would love to privately cook for you some time. Just tell me when and we can do that." She noted as she sat with him, enjoying this moment. "And horseback riding...I would LOVE that!" She said a little excited. "Oh this will be such a wonderful evening." She said, thinking about another evening with him. "Horseback riding and cooking...two things I very much like." She then kissed him without thinking. When she realized that she kissed him, Katie just blushed. "I'm so sorry..."

    Daniel laughed a little and nodded. "It can be rather annoying, especially if I am just trying to enjoy some time out in the town or something." He explained as they continued to walk. While they were walking, Daniel would look around making sure no paparazzi people were following them and let them just enjoy this time together. "They don't always bother me, but if they practically stalk me for pictures or something, like I said it's annoying to me."
    March 21st, 2016 at 02:36am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Ewan grinned cupping her cheek, "Don't be sorry." He told her as he lent in and kissed her lips. He smiled keeping her close to him as he kissed her lips lightly. He held onto her pulling back lightly and smiling at her, "I am sorry about that. But I have been wanting to do that all evening." Ewan smiled at her.

    Ally nodded her head knowing where he was coming from with that. "I agree, it is rather annoying. Especially when you want alone time and all." Ally took and smiled at Daniel as she contuined walking with him. "What are some of your favorite things besides acting and swimming." She smiled.
    March 21st, 2016 at 02:24pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Katie smiled and as he kissed her back. It couldn't help but smile as they enjoyed this moment between each other. This was such a nice night and she couldn't ask for a better evening. "You have nothing to apologize for. This is absolutely perfect!" She exclaimed with a smile. "I don't think I could have asked for a better night." She spoke before kissing him for a second time.

    Daniel smiled and laughed a little. "Yes annoying for sure." He admitted. When she asked what other things he liked, Daniel really had to think about it. "Well." He said. "I love food." He said. "I know it's not really a hobby, but still. There is just something about food that I love, and I love trying new foods." HE said with a smile. "What else to tell you..." HE said as he thought more. "I enjoy anything outdoors, really."
    March 22nd, 2016 at 03:08am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Ewan smiled at her as he nodded. "I don't believe that I could've asked for a better night, either." He admitted as he felt the carriage come to a stop. He glanced around seeing they were near the restaurant once again. Ewan climbed out first as he helped Katie down onto the ground. He smiled sliding his arm around her and walking with her. "Now, it' getting pretty late. Would you like to spend time together tomorrow?" He questioned her with a smile.

    Ally grinned widely, "I love the outdoors. Especially horseback riding, fishing, hunting, hiking. Yeah pretty much anything outdoors, I love it." She smiled blushing realizing she was babbling once again. "Sorry about that." She said as she looked up at him. Her dream was coming true. She was getting to meet an actor she liked. And now she was close to him, and he had his arm around her. She felt like she was in a dream, one she didn't want to wake from.
    April 2nd, 2016 at 02:21pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Katie looked at Ewan, nodding with a smile. She loved the idea that she had such an amazing night with him, and didn't want it to end. "You know Ewan I had a really good time tonight." She spoke as she got out of the carriage with him. Looking at her restaurant, she just smiled. It was such a nice night and she couldn't believe that she finally met someone so amazing and sincere like Ewan. Of course she knew who he was since he was an actor, but for him to want to spend some time with her, well that just made her feel more than average.

    Daniel smiled and shook his head. "No need to apologize." He said. "I love learning things about you." He admitted with a charming grin. When it came to people, Daniel was pretty private about himself. However, with Ally that was a different story. He wanted to know anything and everything she was willing to tell him, and he was willing to tell her anything and everything about himself...whatever she would like to know. He leaned in a little closer to her and kissed her softly on the lips. He had been waiting to do that just about all evening, and he finally decided to do it.
    April 3rd, 2016 at 12:43am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    @ matthew sanders;
    April 4th, 2016 at 05:30am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Ewan smiled at Katie and nodded his head. “It was a good night, too.” Ewan said to her with a smile. “Tomorrow are you busy?” He asked Katie as he smiled standing in front of her restaurant with her. Something about her he couldn’t place it but he truly did like her. And he wanted to know more about her.

    Ally was stunned by the kiss as she felt her eyes widen. When he pulled away she smiled at him lightly, “That was truly amazing.” She whispered to him with a small shy grin on her face. “Daniel, you are something.” She said in a light whisper to him.
    April 23rd, 2016 at 04:06pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Katie smirked when he asked if she was busy tomorrow night. Deep inside she was practically squealing in excitement. Of course she was not busy...not too busy anyway to spend more time with him. She simply shook her head with a bright smile spread across her face. "No...of course not." She spoke as she looked at him.


    Daniel smirked as he kept his face close to hers. He almost didn't want to leave this position anytime soon. When he heard her say he was something else, he couldn't help but chuckle. "Am I?" He questioned her with a chuckle. He then kissed her once more. 'Well I think you're something too." He whispered against her lips.
    May 27th, 2016 at 06:57am