into the wild.

  • Shane sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He watched her as she continued to cook the food. He looked over at Carol who raised her eyebrows in response. He huffed, "Fine. If you wanna go, you can. But you are gonna have to do what we say, even if ya don't like it."
    "I know I did, I just wanted to hurry and get rinsed off." Dakota laughed lights. She gave him a sideways smile, "Better question is what dont I see in you Daryl. You're handsome, you're protective, and believe it or not you're pretty damn caring."
    February 19th, 2016 at 04:51am
  • "I think I know how to handle myself,"she said looking at him,"I don't know what you're expecting me to so, I'm not really the domestic type, I know how to shoot almost any gun and I know basic hand to hand and knife combat thanks to you...after the incident, " she said to him as she put her hands on her hips.

    "I'll do what needs to be done after taking it up with the group I'm with, I appreciate the concern though, cause I get it but I'm a big girl," she said and looked up when she heard a loud alarm pinging off the mountains.

    He looked at her condused, he didn't are aeeny of that stuff I himself. He actually felt like he didn't have much personality that wasn't his brothwra,"Don't know where you see any of that stufd," he said to her shaking his head.

    @ Holden Caulfield.
    February 19th, 2016 at 05:05am
  • Shane nodded as she spoke, shifting his gaze away from her. He didn't have the time nor energy to put up a fight with her at that given moment, and if she was so hell bent on going, so be it. How did she expect to for a relationship between the two of them if there was still so much hostility. His head snapped up in the direction of the obnoxious alarm. He put his hand over his eyes, shielding the sun from them, and he squinted to try and find the source. "What the hell is that?" He mumbled as his hand reached for his holstered gun.
    "Alright, Daryl." She said softly in an attempt to end the conversation. She made her way out of the water, her ears picking up on the shrill noise. Her head whipped around to Daryl, wide eyed. "Daryl!" She called out to him. "Do you hear that?" She roughly dried her self off and harshly began to pull her clothes on.
    February 19th, 2016 at 04:40pm
  • Constance didn't want to argue – that was the last thing she wanted after having gotten him back; but she'd be damned if someone told her what to do. She was just as capable as anyone else in this camp; if not more so. She looked at him before staring off towards the sounds, “Bouncin' off the hills is gonna drive all the walkers right into camp,” she said to Shane in a hushed tone, the last thing they needed was a bunch of walkers takin' over the camp. The sound was getting closer and she saw the red mustang pull up to the camp.

    “Glenn?” she said as she looked at Carol who was taking care of the meat then walked over to the car. “Pop the hood!” she said to him. “Glenn come the fuck on – Pop the damn hood!” Constance said feeling more and more worried for her nephew now that this noise was in their camp.

    “Is Andrea okay? Where is she?” Amy bombarded him with questions and she couldn't help but feel a little pissed off that she was worried about her right now.

    “Alright alright,” he said and popped the hood and Jim pulled the adapter off the battery on the car. “Yes, Amy is fine – we all are,” he said as he looked over his shoulder, they saw the moving van pulling up behind him and Constance let out a breath .At least everyone was okay, no one was really hurt – or at least she was hoping that was the case.
    Daryl didn't know what to say to her, he didn't know why she thought those things but he wasn't bout to get all sentimental and shit with her. He did like her – but he had never really be able to show his affection for someone like that, his brother would probably call him a pansy or a little bitch; and that was one thing he really hated to be called. His head perked up when heard the loud noise comin' off the hills and slowly made his way to the short of the lake.

    Pulling on dry clothes he looked to Dakota, “I hear it, sounds like trouble,” he muttered as he pulled his shirt on then grabbed his shit, he pulled his crossbow over his shoulder and waited for her to finish dressing. She was his only concern, and he didn't care if that offended no one; next to Merle she was the only thing he had next to family.

    “C'mon lets see what the noise al'bout,” he said to her as he pushed a hand through his short wet hair.

    @ Holden Caulfield.
    February 20th, 2016 at 05:02am
  • Shane's eyebrows furrowed as he made his way over to the car. What the fuck was Glenn thinking? The moment that Glenn stepped out of the car, he scolded him--his voice stern and warning. "Are you tryin' to get all of us killed, Glenn? That shit is going to lure walkers in here!" Glenn shifted his eyes downwards away from Shane, not wanting to meet his gaze. Soon enough another vehicle was pulling up, a moving truck this time. The first one out was Andrea who immediately ran to Amy.

    "It's a nice car tho," Glenn commented as he watched them disconnect everything from the battery.

    Shane looked over at Constance who's eyes were still lingering towards the moving van. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "Come on, lets go see what happened." His eyes flickered back over to the truck, seeing another figure emerge. Rick? Shane's eyes widened as he realized it was Rick. He saw Carl and Lori run past him as he was still wide eyed in disbelief. He lowered his hand to the back on Constance's back, urging her to make her way over to him.
    After Dakota got dressed, she used the towel to continue to dry her hair as they made their way back towards camp. She looked at him out of the corner of her eye, seeing the stone cold expression being placed back on his face. She furrowed her eyebrows when they finally made their way back, seeing the seen that was unfolding in front of them. She looked around, noticing that everyone was back--and someone new was there too. She shrugged it off and looked around to see where Merle had made his way to. Surely he was back, right? She looked over at Daryl, watching the instant fire being ignited in his eyes when he didn't spot him either. "Daryl..." she spoke softly.
    February 20th, 2016 at 05:20pm
  • Constance saw everyone walking to their loved ones and wrapping them in their arms, she wasn't even sure how they had gotten out of the city – the last they'd heard was that they were stuck in a department store. She heard Morales tell someone to come over to meet everyone and she smiled as the man stepped forward – Rick? Her hand stared to shake as she rubbed her eyes then looked at him again, her eyes were starting to tear up.

    “But he's dead,” she whispered as she looked at him from where she was standing, she felt Shane push her to go to him and she'd taken off and thrown herself into his arms sobs wracking her body. “You did it, you woke up,” she whispered to him. “I knew you'd listen,”

    She moved over to Lori and Carl could hold him too – she couldn't believe he was alive. It was like a dream seeing him like this – how had he made it? He was so weak. She looked back at Shane and smiled a little, she didn't know what this meant for their relationship now – would it go back to how it was; doomed to have feelings but hide them for the sake of her brother?
    Daryl looked around, “No to break up the damn reuion or nothin' but where's Merle?” he said as he looked at all of them, “He dead?”

    He didn't know how he'd handle the news that he was dead, but he wasn't going to get pissed off yet. It was no secret these people didn't much like Merle because he wasn't a very easy to like person; more like easier to hate than anything.

    T-dog rubbed the back of his neck, “He got hostile was pointing guns at everyone,” he started and Daryl nodded, sounded like his brother when he was one of his coke highs. “So we had to cuff'em to get him to settle down, we didn't want him to hurt no one,” he started as he looked at him.

    Daryl started to get the idea of what had happened, “So where is he?” he said staring at him.

    “When we were all scramblin' to get out the door I trip and dropped the key to his cuffs,” He continued.

    “Then why didn't you pick'em up!” he said suddenly realizing what had happened, “You're tellin' me you LEFT him THERE,” he said as he walked over to him.

    “Hey, hey this was my fault I'm the one who cuffed him,” Rick said as he walked over.

    “And who the hell are you anyway!” Daryl asked pointing at him.

    “I'm Rick Grimes,” he said to him, “Lori is my wife, Carl is my son and Constance is my sister,”

    “Oh well, that makes it all better then – we're goin' back for'em! Can't leave'em there – he'll die,” Daryl said as he looked at them, “Fuck all ya'll,” he said as he went to his tent to grab his cross bow and bolts – as well as his side arm.

    @ Holden Caulfield.
    February 20th, 2016 at 08:56pm
  • Shit, Shane thought to himself. He bit his lip as he looked over at Rick and his family. Just when Shane though he had everything together, it began to crumble down around him. Sure, he was glad as hell that his best friend was alive--but Shane had just made peace with the fact that he was gone. He had just made peace in his mind that there may be a chance for Constance and him to have a relationship finally. He walked over to Rick, extending his hand and bringing the man into a hug. "I'm glad you made it out, man." he said lowly. "Glad you're still alive." He stepped back as Rick began to try and extinguish the situation between Daryl and T-Dog.

    "Now wait'a minute, Daryl." Shane called after him.

    "No one gives a rats ass about, Merle." Andrea stated lowly enough to where Daryl couldn't pick up on it.
    Dakota sighed roughly, running a blonde hand through her hair. She walked over to T-Dog, "How the hell could you do that? Drop the damn keys? You knew Daryl would lose his shit, man."

    "It's not his fault--" Rick began to interrupt, but Dakota noticed Daryl stalking off. She caught a glimpse of Andrea's eye roll. She couldn't blame her, Merle was a disgusting perve--but he meant the world to Daryl for some God forsaken reason.

    "Daryl," Dakota called out as she tried to catch up with him. "Daryl! Stop!" she hollered once more, out of breath, as she reached for his arm. "Please think this one through, please. For me. Just wait until they can go with you. I can't lose you. And if you're goin' I'm goin' with you."
    February 20th, 2016 at 09:11pm
  • “It's not like I did it on purpose! If he hadn't been acting like a racist druggie then maybe he wouldn't have gotten cuffed on the damn roof in the first place,” T- Dog said as he looked in the direction of Daryl as he stormed off. Constance couldn't blame him for being upset but he knew himself that his brother was shitty, she sighed a little and rubbed her eyes wiping away the tears.

    “You'll go back with him, won't you rick,” Lori said and Constance flung a glare in her direction.

    “We just got him back and you're ready to send'em off again what the hell, Lori,” she said to him, “He can't go,”

    “Con, you know I have to – this is my fault,” he said as he walked over to his sister, “I'll be back before you know it,”

    If there was an award for not believing someone; she'd have the blue ribbon. Constance didn't want to lose him – not again. Not after finally having him back in her life, what the hell was she supposed to while she waited for him to come back? “You can't,” she whispered as she looked up at him.

    “I know you don't want me to, but I'm going – you stay here and help keep the camp safe, I'll be back – I promise,” Rick said to her as he sighed a little.

    “Why? What is so important about Merle Dixon?” Andrea asked making a face in confusion at the man dressed as a sheriff.

    Constance rubbed a hand over her face then sighed a little as she licked her lips, he wasn't even listening to her it was like before all over again. She'd never accomplish anything now if he was there counteracting her every word. He used to do this a lot before he'd gotten shot, when she wanted to go hiking alone he'd tell her no, when she wanted to move out at eighteen he told her no – to wait. It was so annoying and she didn't know how long she could take him undermining her anymore.

    Sure he was being a protective brother, but there had to be an end to it right? She looked at Shane silently pleading with him to be on her side.

    “I left a bag in Atlanta over by the tank,” he said and looked at Glenn who nodded. “It has guns, cleaned out the cage at the police department before I left Kings County – got easily five hundred or so rounds,” he said to them then looked at Shane. “I have to do this.”

    Constance knew the guns were needed but they could send someone else, he'd just gotten back. Barely had'em for an hour and he was ready to leave'em again.
    “I don't want you in that damn city, you'd be safer here,” he said to her shaking his head a little. The last thing Daryl needed was to worry about Dakota and his brother – he didn't want to make a big deal about it so he really hoped she'd just drop it, he had been just about ready to kill that wannabe sheriff. Who did he think he was cuffin' his brother to the roof like that then leaving him like a animal.

    “I'll be back by nightfall – just keep safe and be around them cause they have the guns,” he said to her seriously. He leaned in and kissed her lightly, “Don't argue with me about it, I'll be back,”

    “Come on then! Ain't got all day!,” he said as he climbed into the back of the large truck.

    “I know I don't have the right to ask you this,” Rick said looking at Glenn who just groaned. “But you know your way in and out of the city,”

    @ Holden Caulfield.
    February 20th, 2016 at 09:36pm
  • Shane looked at Rick as he walked away, jogging to catch up with him, "Rick, now wait a minute. Why would you waste your time on a douche bag like Merle Dixon? He wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire."

    Rick shook his head, placing a hand on the back of his neck. "It isn't about what the man didn't do or did, Shane. It's about doing the right thing."

    Shane huffed and walked back to his tent, grabbing a back and taking it over to the truck. "Well, shit. If you're gonna go and be reckless, you best at least be taking these bullets. Keep you safer." He reached into the bag, pulling out four bullets. "You got four men. Let's hope for is your lucky number."

    Rick nodded, taking the bullets from Shane, who raised his eyebrows with a nod as well before stalking off.
    Dakota made her way to the back of the truck, peeking in to see Daryl. She looked at him, her blue eyes as wide as the moon. "Daryl, please. Come back, okay? I can't do this bullshit with out you." She looked away from him before the tears made their way to her eyes. She bit her lip, looking up at him. She whispered, "Just know I love you."

    By that time Carol had made her way over to Dakota, laying a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Come on, help me and Constance finish up cookin' this deer, okay?"

    Dakota nodded, taking one last look at Daryl before turning around and following her.
    February 20th, 2016 at 10:08pm
  • Constance was more than pissed off, the fact that everyone seemed to be alright with him going into the city for a bag of damn guns. She added some seasoning the a bowl of the deer meat then cut it up into the pieces like she had with the other stuff. Andrea walked over and smiled, “We got lots of canned stuff to go with that – about thirty pounds of rice and beans, think it'll last?” she asked.

    “A least a week or two, we need some canned meat to get by so Daryl won't have to bring a deer every week – ain't gonna be good for the population if we eat'em all,” she said with a small sigh.

    “Amy and I can go fishin' today to catch some fish for a fish fry tomorrow if you want,” She said with a small smile.

    “They let you guys have the cuts and shit for fishin' bait prolly catch some decent sized fish with that stuff,” she said to her pointing to the closet bucket, “Fish'll eat just about anything I guess,”

    “Yeah they do, they like stinky stuff so thats perfect,” Andrea nodded a little, “Guess I'll cut this stuff up and we can head out,”

    “Come on!” Daryl said kicking the horn on the car, “Ain't got all damn day,”

    He was tired of them fuckin' around like his brother had time sittin on that roof in the sun, he'd die of dehydration before anything else at this rate and there'd be hell to pay if his brother was dead.

    @ Holden Caulfield.
    February 20th, 2016 at 10:33pm
  • Shane sat with Constance, trying to assure her, Lori, and Carl, that Rick would come back just fine. He had faith in his partner. Rick had the determination and the smart to be able to get out of a bad situation--he always had. "Con," he said with a small sigh. "Look, he'll be back. Daryl said they would be back before night fall, and the sun is just starting to set. They'll be back, I promise--"

    Shane was cut off by the sound of an engine bouncing off the hills. He looked around at the three of them, a small smirk on his face, reaching out to grip Constance's shoulder gently, "I told ya."

    He looked over behind him in the direction that the sound was coming, squinting in order to see the head lights. He was fearful that the sound of the engine would attract walkers this close to sun down, but they hadn't seen one in a while. So maybe they would be fine.
    Dakota sat across from Carol, her husband, and Sophie. She was sticking a stick in and out of the fire, watching it catch and then blowing it out. She was worried out of her mind, the last thing she needed was to be told that Daryl got hurt, killed, or bit. She looked up when she heard the sound, seeing the headlights getting closer an closer. She scrambled to her feet, walking over to where Shane and Ricks family was. "Think it's them, right?"
    February 20th, 2016 at 10:51pm
  • She looked over at him and leaned into him, "I just got'em back I don't want to lose'em again," she said as she looked up hearing the truck, When the truck pulled up she stood up, "rick?" she said as she looked and grabbed her flashlight.

    @ Holden Caulfield.
    February 21st, 2016 at 12:30am
  • Shane breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Rick jump out of the truck. He was ready to deal with the Grimes family losing him again. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Told ya, so." He smirked slightly at Rick as he made his way over. "What happened, ya'll get lost or somethin'? The suns almost down. Coulda been walker bait." He extended his hand to Rick, grasping it firmly.

    "Ran into a few things, but we're alright." Rick mentioned, going over to hug Constance before moving on to Lori and Carl.
    Dakota bit her lip as she waited for Daryl to make his way out of the truck. When he did, she immediately knew something was wrong. She frowned when he wouldn't meet her gaze. "Whats wrong? What happened?"
    February 21st, 2016 at 03:16am
  • She smiled a little as she looked at him, "You stayin with me again?" she asked him softly, she knew with her brother back things would be different but she hoped their relationship would still continue. Constance cared for him in a way most people would dream of; she'd do anything for him.

    "I mean, you don't have to I just.. I slept better last night that I have in months," she said to him softly, even before the outbreak she had been sleeping like shit.
    "He's gone," he said to her, "cut his damn hand off," he said and ran a hand through his hair,"Don't know where he went, but he aint dead," he said to her.
    February 21st, 2016 at 03:34am
  • Shane exhaled a puff of air through his nose, his eyes flickering over to Rick who seemed pretty preoccupied with Lori and Carl. He placed his hands on his hips and hung his head for a moment, before lifting his head and giving her a small smile. He ran a hand through his hair, licking his bottom lip. "I mean, I can." He said softly, "But I ain't dealin' with shit if we get any from your brother. That's gonna be your responsibility."

    Shane wanted it to work, he really did. Even though there was a zombie Apocalypse in the works, Rick would always be Constance's over protective older brother. And Shane would always be his best friend. He wasn't quite sure how they would work around it, but he was willing to start trying.
    "Well" Dakota started, reaching out to tug on his vest a little bit. "I mean it's fuckin' Merle, Daryl. I'm sure he found a way." She looked up into his eyes, scrunching her nose playfully at him. "Everything will work out. You'll find him again eventually."
    February 21st, 2016 at 03:48am
  • She nodded a little, even if she was a bit dissappointed he didn't want to fight for this or put his foot down to Rick knew she could handle it; she'd be damned if she was denied happiness. "Okay," she said softly as she looked at him, "But he aint gonna stop at me, if this is gonna work you can't stand in the back waving your lil white flag while I go on baring my soul," she said to him teasingly.
    He nodded, "I guess," he said as he looked at her,"You're all I got - you can't leave too," he said to her seriously as he looked down at her standing closer to her. Just wanting to feel some kind of emotion other than the one he had.

    @ Holden Caulfield.
    February 21st, 2016 at 03:57am
  • "Okay," he laughed softly in agreement. He knew she was right--there was no other way it was going to work. He figured that eventually Rick would come around--well, he'd have to. He'd have to accept the fact that they wanted to be together and have for a long time. "No lil white flag wavin', I got it. Now, lets go try and grab a bite to eat before we get a few hours of rest." He said as he placed his hand on the small of her back to lead her over to the others.
    Dakota reached up and stroked his face lightly and sighed. "I'm not goin' anywhere Daryl Dixon, how many times do I have to tell you that? I am not leavin'. Only place I am going is right behind you or next to you no matter what." She gave him a soft smile, standing on her toes to press a quick kiss to his lips.
    February 21st, 2016 at 04:05am
  • She smiled a little and nodded as she walked over to the camp fire and made herself a plate, she took a seat and listened to Rick tell everywhere he'd been. She was surprised at everything he'd done with no physical therapy - like riding a bike.
    He kissed her back lightly and sighed, "I know just want you know what this is," he told her as he kissed her again, "Lets get food,"
    February 21st, 2016 at 04:30am
  • Shane was honestly surprised at how far Rick had made it on his own in order to get back to his family. Shane knew some things would be changing. Shane had been the leader for so long, but he knew Rick. And Rick normally liked to be in charge. He sighed as he thought about it, but when he turned and looked at Constance and saw how happy she looked, it didn't matter to him at that moment. "We're glad to have you back in one piece Rick," Shane said with a nod. "Was all worried sick 'bout you."

    "I'm just glad I found my family," Rick said with a smile, making sure to make eye contact with Constance.
    Dakota followed Daryl over to get food, making them both a plate and then having a seat. As she ate, she suddenly realized the person she had become. Before all of this, she used to be such an independent person--doing everything for herself and never asking for help. But now she found herself following Daryl Dixon around like a lost puppy. She furrowed her eyebrows as she looked down at her plate, taking a spoonful of beans into her mouth. What would she do if Daryl and her got separated? Hell, what would she have done if Daryl hadn't found her?

    @ lifeless devils;
    February 22nd, 2016 at 03:21am
  • Constance nodded a little as she looked at him, "Did what I could, put a bunch of electrolytes in your iv bag to keep you hydrated," she said softly, "Didn't know when you'd wake up," She had done everything in her power to make him wake up, but it had taken him two more days since she had left to even do it. Taking a drink of her water she sighed and looked at Shane fore a moment, "So whats the next move?" she asked Shane, "I know staying here forever is unlikely," she said to him.
    He looked at her, "You okay?" he asked as he looked at her while he ate his food. He was tired, and pissed off.

    @ Holden Caulfield.
    February 22nd, 2016 at 04:17am