
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Sadie frowned at his reaction, not following him right away. She walked after him, not saying anything else to him. She felt like she was just stuck at this point. She couldn't get him to open up and she couldn't give him what he wanted. Sadie walked to her room with him, stopping before turning to him. "Do you want me here anymore?" She asked him. "And try not to avoid the question like you do everything when it gets to hard for your emotions Ty." She said, using his name, seeing him twitch at the sounds of it leaving her lips. "Do you want me here or are we both wasting our time?" She asked him. She knew she wanted him, but he had never really said that he wanted her here with him. "I feel like we are just going in circles and I can't take it anymore. It's physically and mentally exhausting. You never want to open up, but you expect me to just go with whatever you want and I can't. I'm sorry. I can't be exactly what you want or what it was before." She told him. She stepped towards him, "I'm not as broken as I was then and it is because of you." She said. "But you won't let me in so I can help you and you won't tell me why either." She added, looking at his hands as her fingers ghosted them. She went to grabbed them, but pulled away, knowing it would anger him more.
    Jett was surprised at her words, "You do not need to worry about any of those other women. I chose you for a reason Melody. It is not often that we choose women outside of our world. You however, you made me want you like nobody else has." He said as he ran his fingers through her hair. "Nobody will ever be as wonderful as you are love." He said as he placed his hands on her cheeks, kissing her. The thought appeared in the back of his head again as he thought about how much he really liked her. Not just was his slave either.

    @ Jinx...
    November 17th, 2017 at 04:15am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Ty looked at her as she asked that question and he frowned. He ran a hand through his hair. She said the next bit though and he growled softly. He backed her into her room closing the door behind them. He put his hand gently on her throat making her lift her neck. "I don't open up because every time I do you use it as ammo to get me to open up more. You are never satisfied Sadie!" he said and crashed his lips to her. He knew he shouldn't they had always used sex to fix their problems in the past and it had never worked but he wanted her to know how much he loved her. Ty pulled back and looked into her eyes his filled with lust and longing. "Sadie I have always wanted you here and I have always cared for you. I picked you out of everyone in the world. You are the one I crave and I don't know how much I have to say it for you to realize it's truth no matter what happens or what I ask of you but I have always loved you, you are my weakness." he said and pulled back putting space deliberately between them. "But this does not change the fact that you are disobedient, and yes I ask a lot of you but I want to give you so much in return. I don't say it all the time because it is something just like you using my name that I can not take all the time but on those rare occasions I do and that has never seemed to be enough for you, nothing I do has seemed to be enough for you and I do not know how to give you what you want without dealing with the pain it causes within me. I am broken and you can't fix that by opening me up, by making me do what you think is best that will only destroy me so please if you love me, if you want the best from me just for the love of all things give me what I want. Try it for three months and if you don't see a difference then you can call me a liar and I will give into you, but you have to completely try it. I mean everything." he said hoping this challenge would help her to see he wanted to give her everything but he needed her to comply first.
    Melody smiled softly and nodded. She kissed him back leaning up so he didn't have to bend down so much. She pressed herself against him her hands on his thighs. "Thank you Master." she said softly her lips still against his and her eyes closed as her forehead was against his. She sighed knowing he had told her before an she wanted to believe him but she knew she could do better to please him more and she didn't know how to.
    November 17th, 2017 at 05:10am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Sadie gasped as he wrapped his hand around her throat, her eyes filling with fear for a moment. Though it was replaced with lust as she kissed him back. She relaxed as he stepped back, leaning against the wall. She bit her bottom lip lightly as he spoke. "Okay." She whispered. She knew she was in for a very long three months, but she wanted to try to make Ty feel better. "I'll do what you want me to do." she said. She stepped away from the wall, then walked to him. She stood in front of him, watching him.
    Jett closed his eyes, thinking about how these feelings he had were dangerous. He pulled away and got up, "Go down with the other girls." He said. He walked out and went to find Ty. He knocked on Sadie's door, knowing that was where he probably was. He needed to talk to his friend.

    @ Jinx...
    November 17th, 2017 at 05:20am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Ty looked up at her as she said okay. "What?" he asked again and then she said she would and he was shocked. He stood there for a while and didn't know what to do but then he went to step forward and the knock came. He looked over at the door and frowned. "Who is it?" he snapped. He sighed hearing Jett. He looked at Sadie and then stepped back and to the door. "Can it wait?" he asked as he looked at his friend but just looking at him he knew it couldn't." he nodded and asked for a moment then turned to Sadie. "Starting tomorrow three months anything I say." he said and once she agreed he stepped out. "Get what ever it is you have in your system out." he said and then turned and walked with Jett out of the house once more. "What's going on Jett?" he asked.
    Suddenly Jett had pulled away from her and she frowned. She had gone to far. She bit her lip and stood looking around. She bit her lip and then walked down to the other girls listening to him. She wanted him to see she would listen to him. Melody sighed and walked over to the group of girls as they chatted. They stopped once they saw her and she blushed wishing Emily, Mia or Sadie was here. They didn't act weird around her but these girls treated her like she was a freak. She sat on the edge of the group picking up a magazine and crossing her legs looking at it. Really she wished she had a book to read but she wanted to listen to Jett more than anything else.
    November 17th, 2017 at 07:10am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Sadie nodded when he spoke, "Yes master." She breathed. Jett walked out of the house with Ty. "I did the thing you told me not to do and I don't know how to fix it." He said, stopping in his tracks. He looked at Ty, "I think I love her and I know I can't." He said. He could see Ty looked frustrated.
    Sadie walked downstairs, seeing Melody. "Hey." She said. "How's it going?" She asked. She hadn't seen Melody since she had left with Jett for awhile. She looked at the magazine in Melody's hands. "Those suck. I have a good collection of books if you want to borrow one." She said.

    @ Jinx...
    November 17th, 2017 at 07:15am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Ty sighed. "There is no fixing it now. If you love her then it's the end there is no way to go back it's only learning to live with it and how to get her to give you what you need and still find a way to give her as much of what she needs as you can with out loosing your mind. The only other option is..." he sighed knowing he tried it and it didn't work for him but Jett had done things so different with Melody perhaps it would work. "The only other option is to make her work in the rooms with the clients. If you can let her go enough to put her there then maybe you can convince yourself that she is nothing more than property. But you have to stop sleeping her and get a new girl while she works otherwise you will break down and take her back. It's not going to be easy and if she doesn't feel safe going in then she will break but if you can train her into it then she will slowly fade from your mind as something you need. "Train someone knew and get away from her, you spent to much time with her already that is what is messing you up." Ty said and ran his hand through his hair. Intensive training creates feelings and if not in check then it can come to this. So you need to flip the situation." he said and rubbed his head. "Those are you only options. Neither are promising but maybe you can get one to work." Ty said and looked at his friend. "Do you need me to pick out a good beginner client for her?" he asked after a moment of silence.
    Melody beamed. "Sadie." she said and then blushed remembering their time together. "It's been going well." she said and really wished she could talk with Sadie. Surely Jett wouldn't mind if she went with Sadie. After all he did want her to make friends here. "Yeah I would love to see them if you wouldn't mind." she said and stood. They walked out and Melody walked slower after they where out of ear shot from the other women. "Sadie... Jett is acting strange. One moment I think everything is fine then the next he's rushing off like he is afraid to be in the same room with me. I don't know what to do. I am being good. I do everything he asked of me and more." she said and looked up at Sadie still blushing. "Do you have any idea what could be going on?" she asked her.
    November 17th, 2017 at 07:40am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Jett stared at Ty as he spoke. He didnt want to shared Melody, but he knew it was his only option. "Yea find me someone." He said. He needed to get out of this trap before she broke him. He didnt want to have thoss kind of feelings for her.


    Sadie smiled as she walked with Melody. "Oh I know whar is wrong with him. Ty did that." She said as they walked into her bedroom. She shut the door, "He loves you." She said, motioning to her bookcase. Her eyes moved over Melody's body. "This is my favorite." She said as she pulled out to kill a mockingbird. She had it long before she met Ty. Sadie looked at Melody, "Pick what you want though." She said.

    @ Jinx...
    November 17th, 2017 at 07:47am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Ty nodded. "And Jett make sure to break the news to her easy. You might not realize how special you made her feel so demoting her will feel like you are tearing out her heart unless you do it gently. She will fight you if you push to hard to fast and it will break everything you built there. So be careful talk with her but snap those feeling off. It's business Jett, purely business." he said and then sighed. "I'll send you the client profiles and their desires for you to match to Melody." he said knowing with ones would make the transition go more soothsay than the other rougher ones.
    Melody stopped as the door closed. "Loves?" she shook her head. "No not possible. It would hurt him to much. He wouldn't." she said and looked at the book Sadie mentioned and nodded. She had read that one it was sad. She didn't like sad books. Melody sees Alice in Wonderland and grins. "That one please." she said softly and with the book in hand she bites her lip. "What did Ty do next after he realized he was in love with you?" she asked worried about the answer. Melody had a feeling whatever it was that she wouldn't like it and she hugged the book to her chest and looked anywhere but at Sadie knowing she was looking at her with potty right now.
    November 17th, 2017 at 08:14am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Jett nodded, "Alright thanks." He said. He walked off, going to get himself something to eat. He knew that Melody was not going to be happy about this. He sat down at the table eating with some of the guys. Jett couldn't get the idea of her being with someone else out of his head. It pissed him off.
    Sadie nodded, "I think he does." She said. She smiled as she picked a book. "All yours." She said. Sadie thought for a moment, "He made me start working with the clients. He figured it would distant him enough. Though he only got jealous, but he got use to it." She said. Sadie walked around Melody for a moment, taking the book from her. "Do you want to have some fun?" She asked her as she let her fingers run over Melody's skin. She smiled as she kissed the girl, remembering their last encounter.

    @ Jinx...
    November 18th, 2017 at 01:39am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Melody bit her bottom lip as she sighed. If Jett asked her to working with clients could she really refuse? She wanted to do anything for him but could se after everything that had happened. She but her lip knowing she would at least try for Jett. What would Jett be like jealous? Would he be sweeter on her, somehow she thought not and she was afraid to find out how bad it would get. Melody looked up from the book at Sadie's suggestion for more. She bit her lip and tilted her head surprised when she kissed her. "Master said I couldn't come yet." she said and blushed as they pulled apart for a moment. But I suppose he would want me to at least try. Melody thought to herself and the tucked Melody's hair behind her ear and kissed her gently blushing her heated cheeks warming Sadie's.
    Ty sighed and went to his office and started to pull files good for first timers. Clients that where okay with hesitation and that innocence that came with the first client. They where often more gentle or flexible on working with he girls and what they where willing to do. They also knew that the master had every right to stop the session at any time and they would be well compensated in such an event. Ty hoped Jett would listen to him and go easy with Melody on this especially after how hard he had been on her after the raid. He had shared her with to many men and not the gentle kind either. Ty took the files and had Emily take them over to Jett. He then went and saw Mia. He knocked on the door and smiled at her as she turned to look at him. "Mind if I interrupt?" he asked and then took a seat beside her. He needed her opinion.
    November 18th, 2017 at 09:24am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Sadie smiled as she kissed her. She moved over to the bed with her, moving over Melody. She kissed down her neck as she started to pull her clothes off. Sadie flicked her tongue over Melody's nipple while her band teased the other.


    Mia looked at Ty, "Not at all. How are you master?" She asked as he sat down. She hadnt seen him much since Sadie came back. She was kind of jealous, but she kmew she wasnt aloud to feel like that Also, she was hoping he was going to ger rid of the girl soon.

    @ Jinx...
    November 18th, 2017 at 02:49pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Melody kissed her back moaning softly. She fell back into the bed with a gasp and looked up at Melody with her innocent eyes. This was surprising they had an experience like this before but their masters where watching. Sadie's tongue flipped over her nipple and thoughts vanished from her mind. She arched her body rolling over Sadie's as her hands ran down her arms then to her bottom. Sadie was a beautiful woman and Melody could appreciate it. She ran her hands up dragging that dress over her head and tossing it to the side. Melody kissed Sadie's bare shoulder after she removed her bra feeling her breasts on her body was an entirely different experience. She knew they where all high heels and skin as Melody finally got her panties off. She leaned in and kissed Sadie's skin traveling up and sucking gently on her soft skin. Melody ran her fingers gently up her back then back down to her bottom then grabbed it and used her hails as she dragged up gently. She nipped at Sadie's neck ad then smacked her ass getting hot as her body rolled against Sadie's.
    Ty smiled as he looked at her. "I seemed to have had a slight breakthrough with Sadie. I was concerned I messed up but she too the deal." he said and rubbed his head. "She's going to give me three months of anything I want from her. I told her that if she did everything I need from her she would have what she wants and needs if she just could trust me." he said and smiled. "I know I could if she just looked to please me first in everything." he caressed Mia's cheek. "But enough about me and her tell me how you are doing Mia?" he asked and tucked her hair behind her ear. "How are your responsibilities with the girls going?" he asked softly.
    November 18th, 2017 at 05:56pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Sadie moaned as she felt Melody kiss down her body. "Mmmm.. I bet you taste amazing." She said as she kissed down her body. She opened her legs then ran her tongue over her slit. She moaned as she began to eat her out, holding her hips tightly.


    Mia looked at him, "Everything is going great master." She said. "Are you sure the thing with Sadie is a great idea?" She asked. "What if she just uses you again?" She asked him. Mia was worried about Ty's lust for Sadie.

    @ Jinx...
    November 18th, 2017 at 06:27pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Melody moaned as Sadie moved further down to her already sensitive area. She gasped and arched as she felt the pleasure lick hastily inside of her. She grabbed on the bed and arched pulling against the sheets. She shivered wanting nothing more than to let the pleasure fill her and explode but she knew she had to listen to Jett's rules.
    Ty smiled and sighed as she brought Sadie back up. "What to you mean Mia?" he asked and then she clarified. He sighed. "Yes the is the risk but I know she wants to stay, she needs me as much as I need her. She is going to give this a try and she will see it can be quite pleasurable for the both of us." he said and then soothed Mia's hair. "Now enough of that. I want you to over see Melody's transition into working with the Clients. It's going to be rough for Jett so offer him any help that you can." he said and kissed her softly then stood and lifted her off of her seat and placed her on the desk where she was his mouth devouring her neck. He needed a quick release and he knew Mia was always ready. He ran his hands up her body teasing her pleaser points.
    November 19th, 2017 at 06:35am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Sadie moaned as she pulled away, "You taste amazing." She breathed as she moved up her body. She kissed her roughly then rolled them over so Melody was on top. She kissed down her neck, smacking the girls ass.


    Mia nodded, "Yes master." She breathed. She moaned as he kissed along her neck, her legs opening for him. "Master I need you." She moaned as she tilted her head back to give him better access to her.

    @ Jinx...
    November 19th, 2017 at 07:31pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Melody moaned as Sadie flipped them over and she straddled the girl's waist. She moaned feeling her lips on her neck and her hand ass. She gasped and arched. She kissed Sadie's neck and then down her breasts sucking on one her other hand gently rubbing then rolling her nipple between her fingers. Melody switched breasts as her hips grinned into Sadie's. She kissed down her body and gently spread Sadie's legs her fingers playing on her inner thighs and then roamed up and spread the lips to her warmth. Melody flicked her tongue over Sadie's clit then started to devour her.
    Ty grinned an ran his hand down her warmth massaging her through her panties. He reached up with his other hand setting her breasts free. He took her nipple into his mouth as he rubbed her teasingly knowing how to make her feel just enough pleasure to make her even more needy. Ty finally pulled off her panties and slipped a finger into her. "You dirty slut already wet for me." he whispered in good spirits. Ty liked to play with words now and then as much as he liked to play with dominance. He pulled away from her just as she was about to orgasm. He let her cool down as he released himself from his pants and slipped off his shirt. He kissed her and pulled her forward on the desk then thrust into her. He rocked hard into her making the desk and the things on it shutter. He smirked and put her hands on his chest briefly then up and around his neck kissing her as he assaulted her pussy.
    November 20th, 2017 at 04:53am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Sadie moaned loudly as she felt Melody's tongue on her. She ran her fingers through the other girl's hair, pulling it slightly. She moaned loudly as she felt herself getting closer. She moaned as she came, her back arching off the bed.


    Mia gasped as he pushed into her, "Oh fuck me!" She screamed as she felt him thrusting. She was surprised when he put her hands on his chest, before she wrapped them around his neck loosely. Mia moaned as she felt herself getting closer already

    @ Jinx...
    November 20th, 2017 at 05:28pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Melody moaned as she felt Sadie come and she lapped up her juices. She blushed and then kissed her belly and then her lips and stood. She started to dress her legs shaking and her one thought was that she needed to find Jett but he had told her to wait with the others. Once she was dressed she looked at Sadie and bit her lip. "Thank you." she said and then scurried out book pressed to her chest. She bit her lip and headed back to the room she had been told to wait in and she sat there book pressed to her breasts and her legs pulled up int her chair as she waited wishing desperate for Jett to come for her. She would plead silently for him to release this aching inside of her.
    Ty moaned and sucked on her neck as he thrust into her his hand coming up and twisting her nipples his teeth scraping delicately at her neck. He knew he treated his girls so well and they needed to learn their place but he did not want to do such vile things to them as he knew he could because he loved them all. He cared for them like they where his family because they where his they belonged to him and he wanted their pleasure even in his painful mistreatments. Ty thrust into Mia his need great before suddenly he stuttered and released into her. He groaned and pulled out. "Would you like to come little bunny?" he asked her gently rubbing her just enough to keep her trembling on the edge of ecstasy.
    November 20th, 2017 at 08:07pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Sadie watched as she left, then got up and went to the bathroom. She ran herself a bubble bath, before getting in. She closed her eyes as she relaxed in the warm water.
    Mia nodded, "Yes master please." She begged him as she felt him teasing her. "Please let me come." She begged him as she closed her eyes, trying to focus on him.
    Jett walked into the bedroom, smiling when he seen Melody. "Hey." He said. He walked over to her, "What's wrong love?" He asked as he ran his fingers through her hair. He sat down next to her, "We need to talk." He said, looking over at her. He didn't want to share her, but he knew he had to.

    @ Jinx...
    November 21st, 2017 at 03:04am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Ty moaned as he watched her writh with need. He thrust his fingers into her hard. "Come little bunny." He said and then made her squirt smiling with satisfaction at his triumph. Once she slumped into the table he missed her head and pulled his pants back up. "Clean this up Mia then rest." He soothed and smiled going off to find Sadie since they had been inturupted so. He knocked at her door then slipped in and smiled seeing her in the bath. "Hello kitten. How are you feeling? Nervous?" He asked wanting to know what she needed to embark on this.
    Melody blushed as Jett came in. She followed him to his room and sat down. He asked what was wrong and she slipped onto the floor leaving the book beside him. She kissed his show then up his leg her head resting in his lap. "Master... there is so much to say. "I went to Sadie' s room to barrow a book but the it lead to more. I still listened to you. I am waiting for you. I need you but... The things she said... I do not wish to be the cause for any pain or strife in your life Master. I know I am blind and strong willed but please Master tell me how I may ease your mind." She said and frowned. "This too is why you want to talk with me yes?" She asked.
    November 21st, 2017 at 03:50am