once upon a dream

  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    Prince Adam : momentai.
    Belle : deadman

    Shang : deadman
    Mulan : momentai.
    February 18th, 2016 at 08:09pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    With the curse being lifted, everything felt better for Adam. Everybody was happier. And Belle was still with him, something he was more than ecstatic with. She had made a beast, a selfish and angry young man, love, and he found it difficult to believe that he was lucky enough to have her come into his life at the knick of time.

    On top of that, everybody else in the castle adored her as well. Considering that everybody who had suffered the curse had been the closest thing to family that anybody ever could be, it had been important to know that they enjoyed her company.

    It made him happy. She made him happy. And he was on the search for her now, wanting to spend time with her. The first place he would search? Her favorite place in the castle: the library.
    The war had ended and Mulan was enjoying her time back at home. She had expected her father to be angry and disappointed that she had rushed off to take his place in the army, but he had merely been worried about her. It almost made her regret going, but she knew it had been better; her father was still alive because of her choice.

    And, she had met Shang. Granted, her grandma still tossed out jokes when he came around and teased her often, he was another reason that she was glad she had taken her father's place in the army.

    She never would have met Shang otherwise, she was sure of it.
    February 18th, 2016 at 11:22pm
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    Belle sat in the library, a large book in her lap. It was her favourite place to be, even if she wasn't reading, just the atmosphere... surrounded by books. The large windows, plush armchairs, and warm fire made it all the more appealing. She could hardly believe it was hers.

    She could hardly believe any of it was hers. This castle, her Beast. Or rather... Adam, as it now was. She did love him so, which was made considerably easier now he'd transformed back into a human.

    But the transformation reminded her of their differences. Whilst he still had yet to adjust to his new body, he still carried himself like a prince. He was handsome, very much so, and exuded royalty. She came from a cottage, which she loved dearly, but feeding chickens, and helping her father with his inventions... it was a long way off from the life she now lived in.

    She felt almost awkward in it. She was sure Adam wouldn't leave her, after all, their feelings for each other broke the spell. But she couldn't help but feel like she was waiting for the other shoe to drop.
    Shang didn't tend to get nervous. He commanded an army, he helped defeat the huns, he had a whole collection of medals saying how brave he was.

    Yet in the face of this one girl it all seemed to fall apart.

    ... You fight good, honestly. Even the emperor had thought that was poor.

    But Mulan was so different to any woman he'd encountered before. She'd put her life on the line to save her father and fought. She'd fought well, she'd trained harder than any of the men, and she could plan tactically on the spot. Were she not a woman he was sure the higher ups would have snatched her up in a second.

    Given her spirit and ferocity, her parents must be quite something.

    So here he was. Shang Li, co-defeater of the huns. Almost debating backing out of officially meeting Mulan's parents.
    February 19th, 2016 at 12:24am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    As he entered the library, it didn't take long for Adam to find Belle. A broad smiled formed on his lips as he made his way over silently, not wanting to interrupt her while she was reading. Then again, he was almost doubtful that anything could ever interrupt or disturb her while she was delved in a book.

    He enjoyed watching her read, too. At times, he could almost see the stories coming alive in her eyes and features, and he had become accustomed to the many different expressions she wore while reading.

    He stopped near where she was sitting and tilted his head as he watched her. She seemed lost, either in her thoughts or in her reading, and, after a moment's hesitation, he reached out to brush a lock of hair from her face.

    "Belle?" he inquired, his voice much softer and maybe it was because they were in a library or because she seemed so concentrated on her book. "What are you reading, if I may ask?"

    Perhaps he could get her to read to him. She'd done so before, when he was a Beast, and when she was trying to help him learn how to read. Mostly, though, he just wanted to hear the lyrical way her voice told the stories.
    Mulan busied herself with her usual chores, relaxed as she could be. Her father was proud of her. Her mother and grandmother were, too. She glanced around while she waited for Shang to return from cleaning up a bit, but she wondered what was taking him so long.

    [Mulan's part is extremely short, mostly because I wasn't sure if Shang was already there or if Mulan knew whether Shang was coming or not. Or if it's right after the movie, where he had agreed to stay for dinner. Ahhh.]
    February 19th, 2016 at 12:52am
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    Belle startled, blinking out of her daze as Adam's fingers brushed her cheek, moving her hair.

    "Be- Adam, I didn't hear you come in," she smiled up at him, shifting over in the large armchair, should he want to sit too. It might be a bit of a squeeze, but she didn't mind, certainly it was a lot easier to sit together now he wasn't so large.

    "I'm... I'm not sure actually," she admitted with a soft laugh. "I opened the cover, and that was as far as I got. We could read it together, if you'd like?" she asked hopefully, perhaps then things would seem as they were, that may settle her a little.
    [SORRY! I could have explained better ¬_¬; Yes. He can totally be about to have dinner with them, and has just washed up after his travelling and the like? Do you want me to post something? Do you want to post something different? I don't know. :S]

    Shang emerged from washing off the fine layer of dust from his hands and face, his clothes were still a little travel stained from riding, but he felt it would have to do.
    February 19th, 2016 at 01:06am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Adam quirked a brow, eying the spot for a moment or so before he eventually sat down and leaned back a bit to relax, leaving room for Belle to lean against him if she so wished. He didn't want to disturb her too much, after all, so he was especially careful with how he sat.

    "Sorry, I was being quiet to avoid interrupting your reading," he told her with a small smile and a nod. "But, hearing that you haven't quite gotten to start reading worries me a bit. Is something troubling you?"

    Since she had looked lost earlier, he assumed it might be because she was reading. Perhaps it had been her thoughts instead. And, he wanted to help her as much as he could, especially after how much she had helped him and his friends.

    "I would like the idea of reading it together. I still need to learn a bit," he told her with a small grin.
    [No worries! At least it's cleared up now!]

    It didn't take long for Mulan to spot Shang emerging and, with a small smile, she made her way over. "Not too nervous, are you?" she asked him quietly, quirking a brow, "I'm certain that grandma might actually attempt to convince you to stick around forever."

    At least if things got tense or awkward, her grandma could alleviate the tension. Mulan wasn't necessarily certain whether her grandma ever meant to do so or if it just came naturally because of her personality. It generally helped, though.

    "I think she might have even taken a liking to you," she joked lightly.
    February 19th, 2016 at 02:36am
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    Belle leaned into Adam as he sat, shifting the book so it was closer to him, and running her hand across the cover thoughtfully. Well, it wouldn't do for her to keep her worries to herself, even if they did seem ridiculous.

    "All this feels very much like a story," she told him, "You're a prince, and I'm an inventors daughter... it almost doesn't feel real." She quirked a grin as she looked up at him. "I feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, for there to be a catch... although I suppose in the stories there only ever seems to be one curse..."

    She sighed and shook her head.

    "It's ridiculous, I know you love me, and I love you, it's just almost too good to be true."
    Shang rubbed the back of his head sheepishly as Mulan walked over to him.

    "Is it that obvious?" he asked. "I mean, the huns are one thing, but this is your family."

    He realised that Mulan could possibly take offense in that.

    "I mean, your family are lovely, I'm sure! They raised you, they must be great parents, and your grandma is... nice." He winced at himself as he spoke. "Just... Is it really okay for me to intrude over dinner?"
    February 19th, 2016 at 12:28pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Adam shifted to wrap his arm around her shoulders, both to be more comfortable and because he could hold her closer that way. As she started to explain her worries, he listened quietly, but it wasn't difficult for him to understand what she meant.

    With a small nod, he ran his thumb in circles on her arm and looked down at her. "I know how you feel," he told her quietly, "I feel incredibly lucky to have you, and to have your love. It almost feels as though all of this is a dream, because I've never been this lucky before I met you."

    He gave her a gentle squeeze, then, in hopes of reassuring her. "But, it's all real and I won't allow anything to get in the way of what we have. I won't allow that other shoe to fall."

    Pausinf briefly, he then added, "But I don't think your concerns are ridiculous. You don't ever have to keep them to yourself, though. If something bothers or troubles you, you can tell me if you want to."
    Mulan quirked a brow, tilting her head in the slightest to peer up at him. Eventually, she offered a small smile and shook her head.

    "My family will love you," she assured him quietly, "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have learned how to fight and I wouldn't be here today. They have every reason to enjoy your presence and no reason to dislike you."

    She shifted a bit, just a little closer to him. "And, you're not intruding. You were invited." Granted, it had been after he had shown up out of nowhere. But, she was beyond happy to have him here and she was certain her family was, too. She knew for a fact that her grandma was, at least.

    "You'll be fine, Shang. Don't worry."
    February 19th, 2016 at 06:06pm
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    Belle smiled at his words, reassured she wasn't the only one with doubts and concerns

    "Well, that's settled then," she said, "and besides, even if it were a dream, we're together in it anyway. And that's what matters."

    She turned her attention back to the book in her lap, opening it once again.

    "Now," Belle said, grinning up at Adam, "would you like me to read it, or are you after more practice?"
    Shang placed a hand gently on Mulan's arm, just above her elbow, and smiled.

    "Thank you, Mulan," he said, feeling calmer and reassured, more himself.

    He brought his hand away and straightened up, almost squaring his shoulders against the oncoming task.

    "It will be an honor talking to your father," Shang admitted as they made their way through the house, "I've heard many great things about him when I was growing up, I know my own father had a great deal of respect for him."
    February 19th, 2016 at 07:45pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Adam's smile softened, relieved that Belle seemed to be feeling better about everything after their talk. He settled back, relaxing as he thought about her question for a few moments.

    "I think I'd prefer to listen to you read," he admitted after a moment before he smiled down at her. "It's been a while since I've listened to you read."

    Most of the time, she had been teaching him how to read. Due to his struggle with it, it was difficult for him to read with the same wonder as Belle. Her voice brought the stories to life, though, and he enjoyed that quite a bit.

    "So, what is this book called, anyways?"
    Mulan nodded slowly, a small smile on her lips. "You don't have to thank me," she assured him quietly, "You're strong. You can handle a simple meeting with my family."

    Turning her attention ahead, she led the way to the dining room, listening for any conversation that her parents and grandma may be having.

    Things seemed quiet, though. Her mother was probably still preparing the meal. "My father will enjoy being able to speak with another army man. He doesn't get the opportunity to do so all that often."
    February 19th, 2016 at 07:54pm
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    "It's..." Belle laughed at the irony, "it's called The Little Glass Slipper, have you heard it? About a young woman called Cinderella, she's forced to live as a servant girl until she meets a prince?"

    She brought her hand up to where Adam's was resting on her arm, and gave it a gentle squeeze.

    "It's almost fitting, isn't it?" Belle looked back down at the pages, "I can't say this prince is particularly endearing, though, they barely know each other. It's a fairly sweet story, all the same. But I can pick another, if you'd prefer? Or you can choose one? I've read this several times before, I really don't mind."
    Shang followed Mulan as she walked, keeping half a step behind her, and listening to her talk. He was strong, she'd said. But brute strength was nothing, not compared to the courage Mulan had.

    Shang smiled when she mentioned her father.

    "My father was the same," he admitted, "before I was old enough to train. He would drive my mother to despair trying to get her to understand his latest maneuver plans whilst he was supposed to be eating."
    February 19th, 2016 at 09:18pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Adam thought about it for a moment but soon smiled and shook his head. "I think that is a great choice, considering our own circumstances," he assured her gently. Of course, he figured their circumstance was much better. Despite that he had been under a curse, they had gotten to know each other better and she had still managed to fall in love with him.

    Yes, he was certainly a lucky man.

    Returning the squeeze, he rested his cheek against the top of her head. "Is it a favorite of yours, if you've read it so often?" he asked her quietly.
    Mulan let out a quiet laugh at that. "I suppose most men who come back from war might turn like that in their old age. Especially if they continued to pursue a career in the army," she mentioned.
    February 19th, 2016 at 09:39pm
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    Belle relaxed into Adam. She could admit to herself sometimes his Beast form had made him easier to talk to, certainly easier to scold, but such closeness would have been odd.

    "I like it, but I wouldn't say it's a favourite," she explained, "the library in the village is very small, they rarely got anything new in, it didn't take me long to read everything through twice. My favourites tend to involve the ocean. It seems so vast and mysterious. Have you ever been there, and seen it? Before, I mean? I was always too young to manage the journey with my father, and after that he was too old."
    Shang found dinner with Mulan's family to be a comfortable affair. They were kind and welcoming, and put him at ease. He could clearly see where Mulan's caring, skill, and ferocity came from among her parents, and her Grandmother had a knack for keeping conversation flowing even when silences were threatening to settle over the table.

    After dinner he stood out in the garden. He supposed he should prepare for the ride home soon, but then what other reason could he have for visiting Mulan?
    February 19th, 2016 at 10:39pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Hearing her talk of stories of the ocean, Adam peered down at Belle intently. "Would you like to see the ocean?" he asked her, certain that they could make the trip if she so wished. He'd plan it, he thought, and make sure that she enjoyed herself as much as possible. They could go alone and get away from the stress of his duties.

    "I think I went once, when I was younger. I don't remember much of it, but I remember the breeze was soothing and the sun reflected in the water nicely," he told her with a small nod. "I think you deserve to experience that at some point."
    Mulan had helped her mother clean up after the meal. It had gone even better than she had expected and she was glad that her parents truly had seemed to enjoy Shang's presence. It was only after she finished cleaning that she realized Shang wasn't in eyesight anymore. With curiosity, she had gone to search for him.

    When she found him in the garden, she approached quietly, and quirked a brow when she was close enough. "Did you enjoy dinner?" she asked him quietly.
    February 19th, 2016 at 10:53pm
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    "Oh, do you think?" Belle asked excitedly. "That would be wonderful if we could, if it wasn't too much trouble, of course. I know you've work to do."

    With a smile she leant up and pressed a kiss to the corner of Adam's mouth.

    "We could make memories there together," she grinned a little, "Perhaps even make it a honeymoon?"

    [... I don't know if they're married yet here, so eh, either it's new or it's going to happen soon?!]
    Shang turned to face Mulan when she spoke, and smiled softly down at her.

    "Yes, thank you," he said, "your family are very welcoming. I apologise, I was..."

    Well, what was he. Overwhelmed, in a word. It bought to mind family dinners he'd no longer be able to have. But it also let him see Mulan in a different environment, away from war, and having to hide who she was. Things were so different without the excuse of battle to interact.

    He bought a smile to his face again.

    "I was just thinking how maybe we could do this again, perhaps you'd like to meet my mother?"
    February 21st, 2016 at 11:51pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    [They could be engaged right now, so we have the wedding and such to look forward to?]

    "Of course we can," Adam assured her with a reassuring smile. "I'll never be too busy to make plans for us to spend time together." He gave her a gentle squeeze and pressed a kiss atop her head.

    Hearing her mention memories made his smile broaden. Most of his best memories were made with Belle, so he couldn't help but to already start looking forward to the trip and to the idea of making even more wonderful memories with her.

    "Yes, a honeymoon near the ocean sounds like a perfect idea, Belle," he told her, his grin still present."It will be amazing. I'll make sure that we enjoy our time together." Everything would have to be perfect, he decided. Especially if it was meant to be their honeymoon trip. He wanted, more than anything, to make sure that Belle was happy.

    He'd just have to find the time to plan it out.
    Mulan was relieved to hear that he had enjoyed the dinner with her family. She felt as though it was important for her family to make a good first impression for Shang. Of course, she had been worried about her grandma's behavior, but it seemed to have ended well.

    "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," she told him with a smile and a nod. "They seemed to have enjoyed their time with you as well." That was relieving, too, she realized.

    Hearing his offer, though, caused her to blink. "I don't mind," she assured him. "I'd love to meet your mother." Because, now that her family had left a good impression on him and him on her family, she figured it was her turn to do the same. Or attempt to, anyways.

    The thought made her a little nervous.
    February 22nd, 2016 at 04:58am
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    [Good compromise!]

    "You needn't have to make sure we enjoy our time together," Belle said with a laugh, "most things with you are enjoyable."

    She sighed happily, melting fully into his side.

    "I'm certain we could do nothing but sit right in this chair and read books for the rest of our lives, and it would still be enjoyable." She paused. "Although, admittedly, it might get a little uncomfortable against a while."
    Shang gave a small yet genuine smile.

    "My mother's heard a lot about you," he told her, "Well, I suppose the whole of China has... But she mentioned you in her last letter." He grinned. "Told me I was a fool to not have realised, and asked who else I'd have thought would get the job done."

    He shrugged a shoulder and looked down at Mulan, "I think, if they ever happened to meet, my mother and your grandmother could become a force that even the huns may have feared."
    February 22nd, 2016 at 10:03pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    [It's always nice to have something to look forward to!]

    A sense of relief and happiness filled Adam when he heard her words and he gave her a gentle squeeze again. Knowing that she enjoyed her time with him, that she thought most things with him were enjoyable, was more than a little comforting.

    "I think our muscles might get achy if we just sat here all day," he joked lightly as he rested his forehead against the top of her head. "But, I'd be more than happy to just sit and read as much as you want to."

    Well, as long as he got to listen to her read, that is. Otherwise, it wouldn't be as enjoyable for him, not when he would likely stumble over his words constantly and make things a struggle.

    "Perhaps we could get you more books as well, when we get the chance?" Of course, he was sure that several people, at least ones that knew Belle, would bring books as wedding gifts for her.
    Mulan couldn't help but to let out a quiet laugh. "Your mother sounds like a wonderful person," she told him with a small grin. "It's going to be an interesting day, when I do get to meet her, I'm sure."

    And, if the woman was as amusing as Shang made her seem, Mulan was sure that she'd get along with her. Especially if she was anything like her grandmother.

    "We'll have to make sure that they meet each other some day," she said, figuring that any interaction between the two would be hilarious. "After I meet your mother first, of course."
    February 23rd, 2016 at 03:43am
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    "More books?" Belle said with a laugh, "I've barely made a dent in what you have here now! Of course, I'd love them and of course I would never say no, but it really isn't necessary!"

    She opened the book and set her finger to the first word of the page and smiled up at Adam.

    "You'd prefer I read, was that it?" she asked.
    "Field reconnaissance first," Shang agreed with a smile, "If you meet her first perhaps you'd be able to offer an opinion on how headstrong they'd be together."

    He looked down at Mulan, a reluctant smile on his face.

    "I'm afraid for now I need to go, though," he told her. "I've thanked your family, but if you could pass my thanks on again? I'll be sure to send a messenger to arrange an appropriate time for out next meeting, if that would suit you?"

    March 9th, 2016 at 09:03pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    [sorry this took so long! I wanted to reply to this on my laptop. As for the ohshc one, I just wasn’t entirely sure what to type, ahhh.]

    “I doubt all of the books here are worth reading, anyways,” Adam mentioned with a small smile as he peered down at her, shifting to push her hair out of her face for a moment. “Not all of the books here are stories, I think.”

    He wasn’t entirely sure, though, considering he hadn’t really known how to read.

    “Yes, I do prefer that you read,” he confirmed with a smile and a nod before he settled back into the seat and relaxed. “If you don’t mind, that is.”
    “I think that would be amusing,” Mulan decided with a small smile, very aware of how her grandmother’s personality was. From how Shang had described his mother, she was certain her grandmother would get along well with her.

    Still, she offered a small nod to his words and hummed quietly.

    “I can pass it along to them, don’t worry,” she assured him, her smile broadening a bit. “And, a messenger would be fine. Whatever’s easiest.”
    March 18th, 2016 at 06:00am