Half a Heart

  • Sophia Bush;

    Sophia Bush; (100)

    Closed RP between Octavia Blake and myself.

    Rory Gilmore

    Jess Mariano
    February 23rd, 2016 at 06:55am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Rory couldn't believe how much her life had changed in the last nine years, or how much she could actually miss her little town of Star Hollow. Being a journalist had of course been her dream most of her life, and well it certainly kept her busy so honestly even though she hated to admit it, after a while her visits home to see her mom and Luke and the town had become few and far between. However, with the recent news of her mother and Luke finally getting married, and of course, her being the maid of honor, Rory found herself back in Stars Hollow both excited and nervous at the same time.

    Which she knew she didn't really have anything to be nervous about, after all, everyone in town had known this would probably be what happened. She'd become a journalist and then move away. And well she hadn't spoken to Dean in so long really she didn't even know if he still lived in town. Though she couldn't say she'd be shocked if he had moved away. Or maybe he did still live in town, either way, it'd been so long since they'd really talked and things hadn't exactly ended on the best of terms with them that even if he was still around and she saw him she knew there would be no romantic feelings there. Honestly, the last serious guy Rory had dated was Logan and well as much as she still missed him sometimes it'd been over between them so there was no chance of her getting back with him. And he probably had someone else, really Rory just wanted him to be happy. Though thinking of being back in town had made her wonder about Jess. After all, he was Luke's nephew, and she assumed there was the possibility of seeing him. Not that it would necessarily be a bad thing. Though after their last encounter with one another she was still a little confused on where they both actually stood when it came to one another.

    [ sorry it's taken me a bit to reply! And I hope it was okay! ]
    February 24th, 2016 at 07:24am
  • Sophia Bush;

    Sophia Bush; (100)

    Jes had, obviously, been asked to be Luke's best man. Between book tours and his new life in New York, he had barely had the time to meet his uncle. Even so, he had bothered to stay in touch. After all, that man was like a father to him. He was definitely better than the father and numerous other step-father's that he had had. Through his rebellious phase, Luke had stuck by, with help from the Gilmore Girls, of course.

    The thought of the Gilmore Girls had never left his mind since he had last seen Rory in Philly. He had kept track of her success, of course. How could he not? He had been, and, he hated to admit, he still was madly in love with her.

    Luke marrying Lorelei meant, of course, that Jess had a chance to see Rory after all those years. A part of him was excited, another, nervous. He knew he would be spending the next few days, at the very least, surrounded by the crazies of Stars Hollow, the Gilmore Girls being the craziest of the lot.

    [Sorry if that sucked!]
    February 24th, 2016 at 02:09pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "Rory!" Was the first thing she heard as she was stepping out of her car, which wasn't shocking at all really. Honestly, there was no doubt in Rory's mind that her mother had been waiting for her at the house for her to arrive. Of course, they hadn't seen one another in so long that she didn't mind. God, she'd missed this place. She'd missed seeing her mom all the time, and there were times when a phone call just wasn't enough. It was what they had to live with though because there were no other options. It wasn't like Rory could just quit her job and move back home. Well, at least not without being unhappy. Because while she did miss it, her mom, Luke, and, of course, Lane, being a journalist was all she'd dreamed of doing for as long as she could remember so she wasn't going to just give up her dream. Even if she had been living it for a while now.

    "Mom!" She was quick to reply before they were running towards one another only to meet in the middle of the yard in a hug, that quickly took them both to the ground. "I've missed you so much!"

    "I've missed you too kid,"

    "Well good, now let's promise to never go this long without seeing one another again." Rory said before laughing just glad to be home. And even though she knew eventually she'd have to leave and get back to her busy life that it was going to be amazing being back for a while. "So I'm starving and say we go to Lukes. Because well do you know how long it's been since I've had one of his burgers? A long time."

    Her mom was quick smile back, promise they wouldn't go nearly as long without seeing each other again, and then agree to head to Lukes diner for a much-needed burger.

    @ Sophia Bush
    February 25th, 2016 at 06:08am
  • Sophia Bush;

    Sophia Bush; (100)

    The walk from the bus stop to Luke's didn't take too long. All Jess had to do was avoid everyone in Stars Hollow. Now that, as it turns out, was really hard to do. He, of course, met Taylor almost as soon as he got out of the bus. The old man gave him a really dirty look and walked off. Not that it bothered Jess much. He was there for Luke and Rory and that was all that mattered. The boy had grown up into a much better version of his young self.

    Making his way into the diner, Jess couldn't help but grin. The place hadn't changed at all. Luke stood behind the counter, phone to his ear, while he passed out orders as they came up from the kitchen. With a shake of his head, Jess dropped his bag by the counter and, slipping into his old job with ease, started to pick up the plates and walk around the room to set them down. A part of him hoped that Lorelei and Rory would walk in, and, knowing them, he knew there was a very high possibility of that happening.

    He had managed to keep tabs on her and, as nonchalantly as he could, managed to find out that Rory would be arriving in Stars Hollow on the same day as him.
    March 10th, 2016 at 05:12am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Rory and her mom walked arm and arm through the town to Luke's diner, a place that Rory had come to miss so much over the last few years. It was hard being away from her small town all the time, especially when she could really use a pick me up. After all her whole life anytime she was feeling a little upset and needed a burger she went to Lukes, if she needed coffee it was Lukes, and she'd been convinced then that there wasn't anywhere better. Then she moved away and had to find a way to live without it. And well she was still pretty convinced Luke's was the best place for burgers and coffee. So she was glad to be back in town long enough to pick some up.

    "Did you tell Luke I was coming in today?" She asked her mom, "I mean he's not going to have something set up that he wouldn't set up for anyone else is he?" She asked wondering if this visit would be like the last one when he decided to make her a special dinner because he didn't see her often. And while Rory did love it that Luke cared enough about her and her mom to do special things for them Rory didn't really need that.
    March 17th, 2016 at 04:14am
  • Sophia Bush;

    Sophia Bush; (100)

    Working at the diner was like second nature to him now. Sure, he had been quite a pain in everyone's ass when he first moved to Stars Hollow, but Rory had bossed him around till he got working. Then, it was as if he had always worked there, always lived with Luke.

    Luke, who was still busy fielding calls from all the guests who were supposed to turn up for their wedding, and everyone who was helping him plan the wedding, had given up on working around the diner as soon as Jess picked up his first plate. Now, leaning against the counter, he was busy shouting obscenities into the phone, at some planner who had forgotten something for someone, Jess wasn't sure.

    His eyes kept darting towards the entrance, hoping Lorelei and Rory would walk in. He wanted to meet and congratulate the Bride-to-be in person. Sure, they hadn't had the best relationship, but he hoped that, over the years, everything was forgiven and forgotten.
    March 17th, 2016 at 04:27am
  • Sophia Bush;

    Sophia Bush; (100)

    @ Octavia Blake
    March 27th, 2016 at 07:27am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ sorry! I've had a lot going on lately with leaving my job to start a new job, going out of town to see family for Easter, and then being completely unsure how to reply to my roleplays I've just been ignoring them for a bit hoping something would come to me. But here I am replying! :) ]

    Rory couldn't hold back the smile on her face when Luke's diner came into their view. Honestly, it'd been way too long since she'd been home and had one of his burgers that she was so excited right now she practically started running towards the diner. "Slow down there kid, Luke's burgers will still be there even if take you a few extra seconds," she heard her mom say laughing. Oh, it'd been so long.

    "I know, but I'm so excited," she said walking backwards for a moment so she could smile at her mom before turning back around and then opening the door she walked in. She would've called Luke's name, but she noticed right away that he was on the phone and clearly looked a little stressed out. And then she saw Jess behind the counter helping customers. Which wasn't what she was expecting, because she didn't know he'd be in town. However, she felt like she should've known. He was Luke's nephew after all, and it made sense that Luke would want him in the wedding. "Jess," she said softly as she walked farther into the diner followed quickly by her mother.
    March 30th, 2016 at 03:36am
  • Sophia Bush;

    Sophia Bush; (100)

    [It's alright! I just thought you maybe missed the notification or something Cute Take your time with the replies!]

    He didn't need to turn towards the entrance to see her walk in. The large window was enough for him to see the Gilmore Girls walking up to Luke's. The large smile that made it's way to his face was stopped instantly, almost as soon as Rory reached the doorway. Turning his head towards the customer in front of him, Jess fixes his expression, though his ears were still straining to hear what the two women were talking about.

    It had been too long since he last saw her but she looked as mature and grown up as he expected her to look. Sliding the plate across the counter, he turns to Luke, his hand motioning towards the entrance dismissively. He still had a reputation to live up to, after all. "Your wife's here." His voice was low, his tone, disinterested. Turning back to the counter, he glances around, wondering which table he was missing and, secretly, hoping that he would have to approach Rory's table, in case she didn't make it to the counter.
    April 1st, 2016 at 06:35pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ For some reason I thought I replied to this! Facepalm ]

    Rory quickly regained herself before turning to her mom and just smiling. This really did feel so familiar right now. Like nothing had changed over the last nine years, even though she knew they had. But seeing Jess behind the counter at Lukes, being there with her mom, and seeing Luke on the phone arguing with someone, it was all just like when she was high school. And it wasn't that she missed being in high school because she didn't, but she just missed how things were then sometimes. "So did you know he was going to be in town?" Rory her mom ask her once they'd sat down.

    "No," Rory replied softly, "I mean I kind of assumed he would be because he is kind of Luke's nephew and I mean I know he and Luke have been on a lot better terms for a while. But I didn't know for sure he'd be here," she said biting her lip. It was good to see him after all this time honestly, and really she was happy he was there.
    April 20th, 2016 at 10:49pm
  • Sophia Bush;

    Sophia Bush; (100)

    [And this time I thought I replied! Facepalm Sorry!]

    Jess couldn't help but smile his crooked smile as he looked over at the Gilmore Girls out of the corner of his eye. He was doing his best to take his own sweet time to make it over to their table. To be honest, for the first time in his life, he was nervous. After everything he had been through with Rory, he honestly didn't know what to expect with the brunette anymore. Was she still with Logan? Were they still in love? He didn't know and, if he was going to be really honest, he didn't know if he wanted to know. Mostly because he knew just how hard it was to fall out of love with Rory Gilmore.
    June 5th, 2016 at 05:54am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ you're fine! It happens to best of us XD ]

    Rory wasn't entirely sure how she felt about Jess being in town right now. Of course, she was glad that he'd found the time to make it all the way back to Star Hollow for Luke and her mom's wedding. Honestly, there was a part of her that felt she would've been upset with him if he hadn't made it back. Probably just because Rory knew how much Luke had done for Jess, and how much the two cared about one another even if they often had a hard time actually showing that. So yea she was glad he was here for the big day. At the same time though it had taken her a long time to actually get over Jess and she wasn't entirely sure if she wanted to go down that path again. Even if she and Jess were different people now than they were in they'd first met. Who knew, though, maybe it'd be worth another shot.
    June 7th, 2016 at 12:41am
  • Sophia Bush;

    Sophia Bush; (100)

    [SORRY Facepalm]

    He knew he'd been a jerk to her a few times, but now, he wasn't the guy he used to be and he knew Rory was the reason why he had changed. With Luke still on the phone, Jess realised it was time to go face the Gilmores. Casually, he made his way to the table where the two talkative brunettes sat, laughing and, obviously, talking. "And what can I get you ladies?"
    July 4th, 2016 at 10:10am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Rory looked up at Jess when he'd walked to their table and sent him the best smile she could muster up. It wasn't that she wasn't happy to see Jess because he looked great and the last time they'd seen one another she'd realized how much growing up he'd done. But she didn't know how she felt anymore. And seeing him honestly made her a little nervous. "I'll just have a burger, cheese fries, and a coffee and my mom will be having the same," she said laughing as she looked over to her mom who was nodding her head. Clearly, nine years hadn't changed their eating abilities at all, something Rory was very thankful for.
    March 22nd, 2017 at 05:26pm
  • Sophia Bush;

    Sophia Bush; (100)

    A chuckle left Jess as he pretended to note down the order that he had expected Rory to give. Even though it had been years since he'd last taken their orders, he just knew that the Gilmore Girls wouldn't change their eating habits. "Coming right up." Turning around to walk away, Jess stopped in his tracks. It had been a while since he'd seen Rory and, he wasn't ashamed to admit that he missed her. Turning to look at her again, he smiled once more. "It's nice seeing you again, Rory."
    March 23rd, 2017 at 06:10pm