for you there's nothing i wouldn't do.

  • hale.

    hale. (300)


    Derek Hale & Clara Kenway


    Scott McCall & Grace Kenway
    this is a closed rp.
    February 28th, 2016 at 10:30am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Grace stared out the window and watched the scenery that passed her by, her big sister was sitting beside her in the car as Clara had been given the task of taking Grace to school in the morning. They had only just arrived in Beacon Hills the other day, but their mother Helen had already enrolled Grace into the high school. The move had been long and hard, she had mixed feelings on the move. She was excited to see a new town but she also didn't want to leave her home or her friends, but her father went on and on about this True Alpha that he just had to meet. So he decided to uproot his family and move them to a small town, she was also nervous. About meeting new people and being the new girl at school, her sister had been reassuring her all morning that she'd be fine. She'd make more friends and still enjoy school because that never changes, but Grace was still nervous because she could become shy around new people. "Don't worry about it, you'll get to school and you'll fit right in." Clara spoke and broke through Grace's concentration, it would have been better if Clara joined her but she had finished school years ago. "I know, but that doesn't stop the nerves." She glanced over to her sister as she followed the directions that would take them to Beacon Hills High, Grace had always enjoyed learning and attending school so she was usually excited in the morning but this day was different because she was going into the unknown.

    The rest of the drive wasn't long and was pretty much silent, which wasn't normal for the sisters. It wasn't long before Grace's eyes landed on the building of the school, there were students on the lawn and disappearing through the front doors. Laughing with friends and playing a quick game of basketball, Grace waited until Clara had pulled up to the front and stopped the car. "I'll see you later, Clara. Don't get into any trouble," She smiled at her big sister as she climbed out of the car, placing the straps of her backpack over her shoulders before she stood back and waved as Clara drove away. She swallowed hard as her heart beat quickened in her chest, but she held her head high and made her way into the school. She stopped by the office to collect her class schedule and to find out where her locker was, she held the school map in her hands as she followed it towards where she thought her locker was. She could feel eyes on her as she weaved her way through the sea of other students, she hadn't yet spoken to anyone but the receptionist in the office.
    Derek had known about the Kenway family coming to town, he had already told Scott about it as this pack was only coming to town because of the teenage Alpha. He wanted to prepare Scott for this, he hadn't dealt with a pack like this before. A family of werewolves were different to a pack that is made up of different people, he knew first hand about how strong a family pack is and how tightly knit they would be. He had never met the Kenway family before but he sure has heard about them, he knew how long they have been around which meant they would follow traditions. Scott wouldn't be a traditional werewolf in their eyes, bitten wolves were mostly considered smug to family packs. So that made Derek very worried about what would happen when the family arrived, he of course hadn't exactly told Scott about that as he didn't want him to worry about another thing. He had taken it upon himself to check out the Kenway family as they arrived in Beacon Hills, although it was more difficult than Derek first thought. The first few days they had stayed inside the house they had moved into, so he couldn't get a good look at any of them. But his luck seemed to change when he noticed the two daughters had left the house, one was obviously going to school so he followed the car and it was a good thing that he did because he only caught one scent.

    He couldn't tell which one was human, but one of the sisters wasn't a werewolf and it did shock Derek. He hadn't been expecting to find that in a family like this, but it was known to happen. It wasn't common but there was always a slight chance that the wolf gene didn't get past down onto a child, it was something that would only be known after a baby was born. Derek honestly didn't care, both sisters could be human and he wouldn't think any differently of them. But he was still interested so he continued to follow them, he did feel creepy but he ignored those feelings because in his mind he was doing the right thing. This was his home, his town and he would protect it from anything. So he watched as the younger sister was dropped off at school, he now knew who the human was as he followed the car. The older sister drove away through the streets, but he had the feeling that she knew he was close by.
    February 28th, 2016 at 11:48am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    Clara felt happier than she had in months. A small smile played on her face as she sat comfortable in the driver's seat of the car; driving her little sister to school. She was, honestly, ecstatic when her father began the talk of moving the family to Beacon Hills. She was the first to throw her hand up to say it was a brilliant idea. She never really felt at home where they came from; the town was too big and there were just too many people living there which always made worry settle in her stomach every time there was a full moon; not because she was afraid she was going to kill someone, she was more afraid that someone else would like a younger member of the family who had yet to learn control. From what little she had seen so far, she knew she was going to enjoy Beacon Hills.

    What made her even happier was the fact that after several days of being in Beacon Hills, she had finally left the house. It may had only been to drop her sister off at school, but she hated being cooped up inside. She had always been a girl who liked to be outside whether it was just going for a jog or a hike or even just to have a look around. She had spent several days unpacking and helping her family with the same task, but it also consisted of several talks with her father and, of course, training for when she took his spot as alpha.

    She was scared for the day that she took her father's spot as alpha. He had trained her well from a young age, but she was not stupid or deaf. She had heard whispers from people on her father's side about how she was not fit to become the leader of the Kenway pack. She was apparently not fit because she was a woman. Their family were traditionalists and always preferred a man to take the spot of Alpha, not a woman. Unfortunately, her mother never gave birth to a son. It was only her and Grace and that was something she knew her father was disappointed in. He had always wanted son; that was what she heard.

    Clara let her eyes flicker from the road to her little sister sitting in the passengers seat before the quickly moved back to the road. She was worried about her. She could see that she was nervous, well, she could smell how nervous and unsure she was about her first day at school. Grace had told her about her mixed feeling about moving. That saddened Clara considering she didn't really have too many friends back in their old town. She didn't have to worry about leaving anyone and she didn't have to worry about moving to a new school like her sister did. "Don't worry about it, you'll get to school and you'll fit right in," Clara stated; breaking the silence. She wanted to reassure her little sister and maybe she was trying to reassure herself that everything would be okay for Grace.

    The one thing Clara did not like about the move was the part about wanting to go there because that was where the True Alpha was. She would have changed her answer the moment she heard that was why her father wanted to leave, but she couldn't change her opinion. They had seen many packs over the years, but in the town they lived in, there were no other packs. They were imposing on the True Alpha's territory the moment they arrived and she wasn't sure how he was going to take it. She was sure there were a lot more wolves in this town other than the True Alpha and some of them could even be going to Beacon Hills High. She didn't want to worry her sister anymore so she decided to keep her worries to herself.

    Clara returned to her silence which was something that she normally wouldn't do. She was one who could never keep her mouth shut. She always just had to say something, but she was truly worried about the move and even more worried about what would happen when the True Alpha came knocking. Their family may have been old family and a large one at that, but would they really stand a chance against the True Alpha's pack?

    Pulling her car up in front of Beacon Hills High; her head snapped to looked over at her little sister and a laugh escaped her from her little sisters comment about staying out of trouble. "I can't help if trouble finds me. I'll see you after school and if you get in trouble you best call me and not father," she teased before sending her sister a small wave. The moment the car door slammed closed her smile dropped instantly and she looked away from her sister. She smelt something she didn't want to smell; another wolf. As she drove away she peered into her rearview mirror only to catch a glimpse of a shining black car she had seen not far from her home. Whoever it was, they had to be following her.

    She drove fast, but she knew they would come to them eventually and that maybe it was better to do it now rather than later; show them that at least one of the Kenway's were no threat to them. She drove for what felt like hours until she was away from the town center. The road she was on was empty of other cars and the woods lined each side of the road. She sighed softly to herself and pulled off the road. Maybe it would have been safer for her to stop in town where everyone could see them, but she didn't want the humans to see what she really was. She was close enough to home here for her to let out a howl and for the rest of her family to come running. She was prepared for whatever was going to happen. She took in a deep breath to calm herself as she stepped out of the car; her eyes looking the way she had come just waiting for that car she had spotted to come driving by.
    Over the past few days, Scott had been worried. He was worried about, not only his safety, but his packs safety as well. He felt bad as well because the Kenway family came here for him. He was the reason they were here and it was all because he was a True Alpha. He was worried about what they could possibly want and if they would do anything to his friends. He just wanted to keep them safe and that was what he was going to do or so he hoped.

    He had heard about how strong a family pack could be; he had heard all of that from Derek considering that was how he was brought up. Scott had dealt with an Alpha pack before, but he was sure this was going to be completely different. Sure, a part of him hoped that maybe, just maybe they would be a decent family. Maybe something had happened to them in their previous town and they were finding him for help or even protection. If they were straight with him, he would help them just like he would help his own pack.

    He didn't want to worry about them today. He had to focus on school. He already had far too many days off these past few weeks and he really needed to get his school life back on track. It was always hard to focus on both school and his duties as an Alpha. He hoped he didn't have to worry about the Kenways today; he knew Derek would have it all under control and if something happened Derek would find a way to contact him.

    Scott slammed his locker door close and the moment he did he came face to face with Stiles Stilinski. He was lost in his own thoughts and he didn't even hear or smell his best friend coming his way. "So has Derek told you what is going on with the Kenways? Have they done anything?" Stiles asked quickly. His best friend was worried, but he was also intrigued about the family pack.

    "No," Scott said to Stiles' last question as he pulled a small face. He leaned back against his locker, but kept his eyes on his friend. "The last thing Derek told me was that they were still at their house. No one had left. We won't know what they want until they come to me... I guess," Scott's voice slowed down towards the end. Derek had tried to prepare him, but he honestly had no idea what to do or what they wanted or what they were going to do next. He ran a hand through his hair as his eyes drifted from Stiles' face to the girl who was walking towards them with her nose buried in the school map.

    He didn't even notice Stiles furrowing his eyebrows or even the fact that his hand was waving in front of his face. He was completely focused on the beautiful girl and his heart jumped just a little. His focus was torn the moment his friends knuckles connected hard with his right shoulder. Stiles came back in view and a small, dopey smile formed on his face. He had completely zoned out just because of this girl and he hadn't done that for a very long time.

    "She is pretty hot," Stiles stated in agreement.

    Scott laugh softly; mostly out of embarrassment after being caught out by his best friend. He looked away from him and placed his eyes back on her. He hoped that she would just look up and that her eyes caught his. He didn't want to just to go up to her because he would make an absolute fool out of himself and Stiles would have a field day because of it.
    February 28th, 2016 at 01:06pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Derek was following the new werewolf at a somewhat decent distance, or that is what he thought as he drove his black car through the streets of Beacon Hills. The girl wasn’t heading home, but she also wasn’t heading towards the centre of the small town either.

    He did slow down slightly so it wasn’t as obvious that he was following her, however she would already know that he was there just by his scent. He was beyond confused, if the Kenway Alpha wanted to meet Scott so badly then why not come to town on his own? Why has he brought his family with him? Especially considering this Alpha had no idea how Scott was going to react to another pack, unless something happened to the Kenway pack’s territory which he highly doubted.

    He had met young stupid werewolves before, but even those ones wouldn’t try to take a territory that belonged to a long line of werewolves. Or if they did try to take over, they wouldn’t survive because packs that are made up of a family hold the same territory as it’s past down to each Alpha.

    As Derek came around a slight bend in the road, he noticed the girl had pulled her car over and was standing there waiting for him. He wasn’t surprised that she had stopped because they were going to eventually meet each other, so why not do it now and get it over with. He too parked his car on the side of the road, he shut the engine off and took a second to take in the girl’s appearance.

    Her long blonde hair was wavy and blowed in the light breeze, her body had all the right womanly curves that Derek loved to admire and she was absolutely gorgeous. Not that her beauty would change a damn thing, no he would still treat her like he had been planning. But her beauty is going to make it harder for Derek to concentrate.

    Taking his dark sunglasses off his face, he climbed out of his car and walked closer to the girl but he made sure to keep his distance. “Which one are you? I’m Derek Hale,” He spoke before she could, he had heard both daughters names but he wasn’t sure which one she was. He wanted to get to the point quickly, he didn’t see any point in beating around the bush and taking longer than necessary as he did have things to do with his day.

    His green eyes stayed focused on the blonde beauty as he waited for her to answer him, “Why did you come here? It can’t just be to meet Scott,” He mentioned as he was curious if the family knew that the True Alpha was still a teenager and was at school along with the younger daughter, most wouldn’t expect to have such a young True Alpha and Derek was even shocked when he first found out about Scott. He wanted to know more about this new pack, but from being near the blonde he wasn’t getting any bad feelings or anything of that nature. Which he had felt before, mostly with his uncle Peter and the pack of Alphas that they had to deal with. Maybe they were just here to meet Scott, but Derek wasn’t going to let his guard down until he was certain what the pack had in mind.
    Grace felt out of her element, although she wasn’t sure what that was anymore. She had moved away from home for a good few days now, and she hadn’t heard a single thing from her friends back home. She tried not to worry about it but over the past few months she has felt like she was drifting away from her friends, she was either changing or her friends were. Grace wasn’t sure which one it was but she had also kept it to herself, she knew her family worried about her already and she didn’t want to add to the worry. She also hadn’t told anyone but Clara why she had broken up with her now ex-boyfriend, Luke, her sister went into her over protective mode and threatened to rip Luke to shreds. Which Grace wouldn’t allow considering Luke was human and so were all of her friends, she didn’t want anyone to know that her entire family were werewolves and it wasn’t safe if people knew.

    Luke had cheated on her with a girl who Grace had known since they were five, they had been best friends until the second Grace found out about what they had been doing behind her back for three months. Grace ran home crying and went straight to her big sister, who she has always been close to and has always admired. So maybe moving to a new town was a good thing for Grace, she wouldn’t have to see Luke and Caitlyn being a happy couple anymore.

    Following the map she was still having a hard time in finding her locker, she knew it was close to where she was now but she hadn’t seen the number yet. She glanced to her right to check the locker numbers, but what she saw was a boy watching her. He was obviously on a sport team that the school had here, he just seemed like he would be focused on sports and girls which has never been a type of guy that Grace was attracted to. Panic bubbled up in her body when he begun to walk towards her, his eyes never leaving Grace and it honestly did scare her. So her eyes scanned the hallway for somewhere to escape, but who her eyes landed on caused her heart to skip a beat.

    His deep brown eyes locked onto her’s and everything about him just screamed at Grace, his raven hair was styled but still messy and he was dressed nicely. He was taller than her but not by much and he was standing with another boy, obviously they were close friends and it made the panic she was feeling disappear. Normally she’d be too shy to walk over to a guy and start talking to him, but she’d rather step out of her comfort zone than be harassed by the other sporty guy.

    So she walked straight over to the two friends, in hopes the jock would get the idea and leave her alone. “Hi, I’m Grace. I’m new here but you probably already realised that, I’m trying to find my locker. It’s 110,” Grace spoke in her soft sweet voice as she looked at the two males standing in front of her, one of the guys gave her a goofy but warm grin. “Hi Grace, I’m Stiles and this here is my amazing best friend Scott.” He wrapped his arm around Scott’s shoulders as his werewolf friend was clearly interested in this girl, so he was going to do whatever he could to make sure his mate was happy once again.

    “You’re locker is just down here, not far from ours.” The boy only took a few steps down before he stopped at a metal locker, “Thank you so much. It’s nice to meet you both,” Grace smiled at them as she opened her locker and started to place all her textbooks inside, so her backpack wasn’t as heavy on her shoulders. “Can I look at your classes? We might share some,” Stiles asked and waited for the blonde to hand over her class timetable, his eyes instantly went to her name that was printed on the top of the page.

    Grace Kenway was staring at him in black ink, he glanced over to Scott who had also seen her surname. “It looks like you’ve got a lot of classes with us, we could show you around if you like?” He offered knowing this would be a good way for them to get to know her, and get to know her family and why they were in town. “That would help me out, but only if you two have time.” Grace didn’t want to be a burden, they had already been nice enough to show her where her locker was. She didn’t expect anything else, but she wouldn’t mind getting to know Scott.
    February 29th, 2016 at 06:20am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    Clara had her arms folded against her chest as she just waited. She wasn't scared of who was behind the wheel of the car. She knew that she could handle herself considering she was brought up training constantly; learning how to fight and protect herself. She was confident in herself that she could take whoever it was on if it came to that.

    The moment she saw that one car her body straightened and her arms dropped to her sides. She kept a close eye on the driver whose face was covered by sunglasses as she turned fully to face them when they decided to get out of the car. She couldn't tell much about him from what she could see so far, but it took far too long for him to get out of the car. She watched as he took his sunglasses off his face and climbed out of the car. She was a little bit shocked. She wasn't expecting someone attractive like he was. She liked how tall he was and the way his shirt clung to his muscles. What she liked most was how intense his eyes were. If she had met him anywhere else but here or if he wasn't a damn werewolf, she would have admitted how damn attractive he was out loud.

    She kept silent as she moved towards the end of her car; leaving a great deal of distance between them. No matter how attractive a person was, she was never going to trust them straight away and she was not afraid to fight them.

    Her back pressed against the trunk of her car as she kept her eyes fixed on him; waiting for him to talk first. He had been the one following her since she had taken her sister to school, so there was no way in hell she was going to speak first. Her brows lifted in surprised when he finally spoke. Hale. She had heard that last name slip from her father's mouth before and the last thing she ever heard about the Hale family was the fire at their home which had killed so many of them. She had never heard Derek's name however.

    "Straight to the point, this little chat might go better than expect," Clara responded coolly. "Well, Derek Hale, I'm Clara Kenway," she told him. She was about to speak again, but Derek had beaten her to it. His question made her eyes roll. "Are you honestly surprised that a pack of wolves have come here? How long has it been since there was a True Alpha around? I'm surprised more wolves haven't come here yet," she said to him strongly. He was a Hale, he would know how much of a big deal it was that there was a True Alpha after all this time.

    "I guess Scott was our reason to come here and nowhere else," she said after awhile; deciding to be a little bit more truthful about why they have moved here. "It grew rather impractical living where we once were. Our once small town turned into a busy city. The more land they cleared, the harder it was to keep our family a secret. Too many people were walking into our land and that was not a good thing on a full moon. So, we ended up here," she stated. She pushed herself off of her car and stood up straighter. "We are not here to cause trouble or come after Scott and his pack. It is true that we would like to meet him, after all he is a True Alpha and my father has never met one in his life. However, I might end up causing some trouble if you follow me again. I really don't appreciate being followed especially when my sister is with me. If that happens again, I am not going to be as nice." Her words became a lot more serious and stern towards the end. She did not want her little sister to be dragged into any werewolf drama. Grace never got the training like she did growing up since she was human. She didn't know how to fight or protect herself and Clara would not let anyone come near her or hurt her. She was innocent in all of this.
    Scott could smell the panic radiating from the beautiful blonde girl from across the hall. His brows furrowed as he looked past her to one of his teammates on the lacrosse team moving towards her. He was about to take a step and move towards her before his teammate could. He didn't want this poor girl to panic, but he wasn't able to make that step because he froze when her eyes turned to him. He could see the panic he once smelt in his eyes, but the moment hers found his, he watched it disappear almost instantly.

    She looked even more beautiful when he could see her face properly. She looked so sweet and innocent; it made Scott's heart jump just a little. He bit down on his bottom lip softly as she walked towards him and Stiles. He would be lying if he said that he wasn't nervous. He could feel it bubbling away in his stomach; it was a feeling he hadn't felt since he first met Allison and that was a long time ago.

    When she spoke, it only made him like her more. Her voice was soft and sweet; sending the best kind of chills down his spine. Even Allison didn't have that effect on him when she spoke. He opened his mouth to reply to Grace, but Stiles had beaten him to it. He knew exactly what his best friend was doing and he did appreciate it. He didn't really know what to say to her beside telling her who he was and Stiles had already done that. He was going to leave the talking to him... for now.

    Scott walked beside the two as they lead her towards her locker. He stood back just a touch as she handed her timetable to his friend. He peered over Stiles' shoulder and he almost choked on his own Saliva. He should have known the moment she said that her name was Grace. He should've put two and two together. She was obviously new and one of the Kenway daughters was named Grace. What through him off the most was the fact that she was not a wolf. She was so human and he was not expecting that.

    "Oh," Scott said a bit too loud. His eyes grew a little wide when Stiles snapped his head towards his friend. "Oh that, that wasn't towards showing you around," Scott said quickly; backing tracking a little. He let that oh slip out at the worst possible time and he was kicking himself because of it. "It's, it's just-" he cut himself off knowing he couldn't come up with an excuse. He wasn't sure whether or not to tell her he knew who she was. He didn't want that to ruin his chance with her and maybe the Kenway's wanted to do more to him than just meet him.

    "I really do want to show you around, quite a lot actually and preferably without Stiles around," Scott said quickly which earned a rather fake scoff from Stiles as he pretended he was offended by what Scott had said. "It's just... Kenway. I know of your family and I was not expecting you to be one of the daughters," he said to her honestly; knowing she would probably pick up the fact that he was a werewolf. He just wasn't sure if she knew that he was the True Alpha. Hell, he didn't even know if they family knew his actual name or whether they just knew that there was a True Alpha here.
    February 29th, 2016 at 08:02am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Clara. It was a nice name, a very nice name actually and it suited her perfectly. What she said to him was true, he wasn’t surprised that a pack had arrived in Beacon Hills. In fact he was surprised that more packs hadn’t come to town looking for Scott, a True Alpha was rare and something that many older wolves hadn’t ever seen in their lifetime. He knew how much of a big deal a True Alpha was.

    He listened to what Clara was saying, about how their land was getting smaller and smaller. He had only visited big cities, he knew he wouldn’t be able to ever live in one. It’d be much too loud for him and there would be way too many people, he didn’t like having people surrounding him like that so he always came home to Beacon Hills and he probably always would.

    "We are not here to cause trouble or come after Scott and his pack. It is true that we would like to meet him, after all he is a True Alpha and my father has never met one in his life. However, I might end up causing some trouble if you follow me again. I really don't appreciate being followed especially when my sister is with me. If that happens again, I am not going to be as nice." Clara explained to him but he still wasn’t convinced that her family just wanted to meet Scott, but then her voice turned serious and he couldn’t stop the smirk that spread across his face. She was sexy when she got serious, her voice deepened slightly and the intensity in her eyes sparked like a fire.

    “I am sorry about following you, but no one had left the house before you. So you were the first ones that I could get a feeling for, you could imagine what it’d be like to have a strange pack come onto your land.” Derek explained as he stood there with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his dark jeans, Clara did remind him of himself. He had always been protective over his sisters, and so was Clara. “I’m sure your sister will be fine, she is at school with the True Alpha after all.” He told her not knowing how much she knew of Scott, but she was going to being meeting Scott shortly so he might as well give her some information about him.

    “I haven’t seen many children from a wolf family, that haven’t gotten the gene.” Derek didn’t want to be nosy but he had to say something, Clara’s sister was completely human and to him that was something he hadn’t ever seen. Sure his family weren’t all wolves, but that’s because members married a human and had children. One parent had always been human, but both of Clara’s parents were wolves and he knew the kind of tension that could put onto a family. Especially a family like the Kenway’s, who have a name for themselves as being a close knit pack that no one should mess with.
    Grace’s smile faded a little when Scott spoke, although she didn’t have time to feel disappointed or upset as Scott quickly went on to explaining his train of thought. "I really do want to show you around, quite a lot actually and preferably without Stiles around," Scott told her which did cause a soft pink flush to cover her cheeks, but she smiled when Stiles pretended to be offended by what his friend had said.

    "It's just... Kenway. I know of your family and I was not expecting you to be one of the daughters," Scott continued which caused Grace to freeze, suddenly everything fell into place and she realised who he was.

    Scott was the True Alpha, he was the reason why she was there and he was the same age as she was. For some reason she just assumed that the True Alpha would have been older, “Your Scott McCall?” She looked at him with her big blue eyes, she wasn’t really sure what else to say because she was still shocked. She should have figured it out sooner, she was standing face to face with the True Alpha.

    “As you already know, I’m not a werewolf. I wasn’t born with the gene,” Grace lowered her voice so no one else would overhear them, but still loud enough for Stiles to hear as it was clear that he was involved in the supernatural world. Even though she enjoyed being human and didn’t want it to change, it was still a sore subject for her family.

    She always felt like a disgrace when she was around her family, she didn’t fit in and she never would. She should have gotten the wolf gene, but she didn’t and her family never let her forget it. So having to tell the True Alpha that she was human, she felt ashamed which made her eyes look away from him.

    “There isn’t anything wrong with that, now I won’t be the only human in Scott’s pack.” Stiles smiled as he honestly was beginning to grow tired of being the only human in his group of friends, he wasn’t a werewolf but he could see that Grace didn’t feel comfortable talking about how she was human when her whole family wasn’t.

    So he wanted to change the subject onto something else, “The bell is going to ring soon. I’m sure we’d get off if we were late, but I don’t really want to test that and I’ve had enough detentions already.” Stiles spoke as they had plenty of time to talk about… well whatever Scott wanted to ask Grace, but if her family were as nice as she was then there wouldn’t be anything to worry about. But Stiles learnt quickly that it wasn’t safe to simply trust everyone, no matter how nice he thinks someone is.

    Grace was grateful when Stiles changed the subject and she couldn’t help but nod her head, she hated being late and it was her first day. She wanted to make a good first impression. “Being early might be a good habit for you to get into, you better not try to corrupt me” Grace smiled as she looked at Scott and Stiles, so she collected the books that she needed and shut her locker door. “It is nice to finally meet you, Scott. My Grandpa met a True Alpha once and he still talks about how amazing he was,” She told him quietly as the three of them walked towards their first class, she simply just followed them as she had no idea where she was going.
    February 29th, 2016 at 09:51am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    That smirk. She wanted to be so angry that he was smirking at her after what she had just said, but she just couldn't. She actually liked it, but she was not going to show him that she did. She kept the serious look on her face and folded her arms against her chest. He didn't need to know that right now she would prefer him smirking at her in a whole different scenario.

    "I don't have to imagine what it is like," she told him with a small shrug. She had seen her fare share of packs come and go through their old town. Some were good and some were the most awful werewolves she had ever met that ended up being put down. That was one thing the Kenway's were known for; if someone came after a family member, they would be killed. No one messed with the Kenway's and if they did they were all for revenge. "But I understand that it is rather... off putting having a new pack here, a pack that is a rather large family. Just don't start following anyone else."

    Clara stiffened a touch at the mention of her sister. She had been far too caught up with Derek to even think about how her sister was going at school. Sure it hadn't been long since she had dropped her off, but she always worried about her. She was her little sister, she cared for her a lot. What came after the mention of her sister made her raise an eyebrow. She knew Scott McCall was the true alpha, but what she didn't know was how old he actually was. She did not expect it to just be some kid who was still in high school. She was expecting it to be someone around her own age or even older, but it did make her relax a little knowing that he was in the same school as her sister. You didn't become a True Alpha by being a terrible and evil werewolf and she did not mind if Grace met Scott. "I was not expecting that he was in high school still," she admitted out loud, but she was pleased about it. "It is rather nice knowing that the True Alpha at the same place as my sister."

    “I haven’t seen many children from a wolf family, that haven’t gotten the gene.” That one sentence made her purse her lips together. She did know it was coming after all, he would have only smelt one werewolf in the car and he already knew that she was the wolf. "It's a rarity," she told him, "no one in my family had actually seen it happen until Grace was born." Clara never cared that her sister was human. The only thing that was a downside was that she couldn't protect herself like she could, but Grace was happy and that all what mattered to Clara. Well, she hoped she was. "It doesn't matter. She may not be strong physically since she is not a wolf, but her mind is a hell of a lot stronger than any of ours. She's a bright kid."

    Clara frowned a touch after she had spoken. She was just blurting things out about her sister without even thinking. She was proud of her sister because she truly was smart, but Derek did not need to know about that. Maybe it was a good thing however. She did need to earn the trust of, not only Derek, but the rest of the pack and being open would be one way to do it. She liked Beacon Hills and she didn't want to leave because the pack didn't want her family there because they didn't trust them.
    The look on Grace's face made Scott drop his head; keeping his eyes off of her. He bit down softly on his lip as he shoved his hands into the pocket of his dark jeans. He wasn't ashamed of what he was, far from it. He was proud of the fact that he had become a True Alpha. She seemed like she had liked him and Stiles already, but if her family were here to hurt him... it was going to become rather awkward in such a short period of time.

    “Your Scott McCall?” he heard her ask. He peeked up at her with a small smile on his face and nodded his head slowly in reply. What came out of her mouth next was something that only made him frown. It seemed like she was ashamed of the fact that she was a human, but that was something she shouldn't have been ashamed about.

    He agreed with everything that Stiles had said. There wasn't anything wrong with being a human. Allison was human, but she was a hunter too. She had learnt so many things and she was one of the strongest people he knew and there, was of course, Stiles. His best friend and he wouldn't be able to do half the things he had done without his best friend by his side.

    "There is nothing wrong with that at all. I would probably be dead by now if I didn't have Stiles," he told her. He had a feeling that maybe his words wouldn't sound the same coming from his mouth since he was a wolf and that she would believe Stiles a lot more, but he wanted her to know that he would never judge her because she wasn't like him. His pack was not just made up of wolves. His pack was his family and it didn't matter if they were a wolf, a banshee, a human or whatever else was out there. As long as they had each others backs, that was all that mattered.

    Scott smile once again when Stiles had changed the subject. He was actually relieved about that. He didn't want Grace to feel uncomfortable by it all. She seemed like such a sweet person and he hoped that the rest of her family were just as nice. He honestly hoped he could trust her.

    "We better go or we will be late," Scott said with a chuckle as he motioned for Stiles to lead the way. His best friend only rolled his eyes in response, but began to move towards their first class. "Stiles is the one you've got to look out for. He will be the one who corrupts you," Scott joked loud enough for his friend to hear. He chuckled softly as he kept his attention Grace. "It's nice to meet you as well Grace," he said back just as softly. "I've heard your name, along with your sisters from Derek, so it's nice to put a face to the name." He smiled over at her. He was actually glad that he had finally meet one of the daughters of the Alpha and he was glad that she was actually a nice person. He hoped she stayed like that because he was really liking the girl he was getting to know. "I've got some pretty high standards to keep up with, don't I?" he asked with a soft laugh. "I mean, I can be pretty amazing sometimes though."
    February 29th, 2016 at 12:19pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Derek was known as being a grump, of course he hadn’t always been that way but shit happened in his life and it caused him to become the man he was. He usually didn’t like people straight away, so for him standing there talking to Clara was very different for him and it felt strange. He wasn’t used to this but for some reason, he was enjoying his time that he was spending with her.

    “But I understand that it is rather... off putting having a new pack here, a pack that is a rather large family. Just don't start following anyone else.” Clara told him and he did understand where she was coming from, yes her family was a new pack in town but he still didn’t need to follow her around. But he still wouldn’t have had to follow her, if her father had organised a meeting with Scott so they could all meet and come to an understanding.

    “I’m sorry for following you, you won’t happen again unless someone in your family decides to try anything that I don’t like.” He told her so she could make sure that her family doesn’t try something, that won’t make him trust anyone and it’s already hard enough for him to trust people considering what happened with Kate Argent.

    Leaning back Derek rested against the bonnet of his car as he listened to what Clara said about her sister, it reminded him again of how he was of his sisters and he wished desperately that Laura was still alive. He hadn’t even met Grace yet but he liked the sound of her, if she was as great as Clara was making her sound then he was sure the Kenway family had at least two nice people.

    “He’s young, it shocked me when I found out but it really shouldn’t have. Scott never asked for this, it was thrown onto him but he dealt with it and he’s grown up a lot over the past few years. I wonder what this world would be like, if more wolves were like him and he was bitten. Most of them can’t handle this,” Derek had no idea where that even came from, he was proud of Scott and everything he has done since Peter attacked him. But he usually always kept those thoughts to himself, here he was telling his sappy thoughts to a girl he had only just met a handful of minutes ago.

    Derek was certain that Grace would be fine with a sister like Clara around. “How are you enjoying Beacon Hills so far? Even if you haven’t seen much of it yet, it won’t take you long to explore.” He looked at Clara and couldn’t stop himself from admiring her beauty, he didn’t even bother trying to stop himself because he knew there wasn’t any point. He’d admire her beauty no matter what.
    Grace knew everything that Scott and Stiles had said to her about being human, she normally wasn’t ashamed unless someone in her family brought it up for whatever reason. But she was talking to a True Alpha and although he used to be human, she did feel like she was nothing compared to him but she pushed those thoughts out of her mind the second they entered her mind.

    “I’ll make sure to keep an eye on him, then.” She smiled when they talked about Stiles corrupting her, she continued walking with them but she could feel the stares that she was receiving from the other students. She couldn’t wait until she wasn’t the new girl at school anymore.

    “I've got some pretty high standards to keep up with, don't I? I mean, I can be pretty amazing sometimes though.” Scott laughed softly which only made Grace’s smile widened, his laugh was adorable and she found herself wanting to hear his laugh more and more. Stiles snorted when he overheard what his mate had said, “Yeah so amazing. Do you remember that time when you got stuck in that…” Stiles rambled off until he felt a hand hit him across the back of his head, frowning he looked over at Scott who was sending him the ‘shut up’ look.

    Clearly he didn’t want Grace to hear the story, which only meant one thing. Scott wanted to impress her. That hasn’t happened since he first met Allison, but it meant that he was finally moving on from Allison and Stiles did just want his best friend to be happy.

    Grace felt like maybe she had finally found people that she could be herself with, that she could get along with and have things in common. She wouldn’t have to pretend to be someone who she isn’t anymore, “I’m sure you two are both amazing.” She smiled as she followed them into a class room, it was History first thing that morning.

    She introduced herself to Mr Westover who was already sitting at his desk, he welcomed her to the town and told her to take a seat wherever she wanted. So Grace took the desk that was beside Scott and behind Stiles, maybe moving to a small town wasn’t as bad as she first thought it would be. She placed her books and pens onto the desk as more students filed into the room, if the day went on like this then she would enjoy her first day at Beacon Hills High.

    As the class begun Grace was quick to enjoy what was being taught, however as she wrote notes and answered questions she could tell that Stiles wasn’t having the same fun she was. At times she swore that he had started to fall asleep until Scott threw a balled up piece of paper at his head, she had to bite her bottom lip to keep herself from laughing. She had always wanted to get the best grades that she possibly could, she worked hard to learn everything she could. To her it felt like it would make her family proud of her, she wasn’t a werewolf but if she did something good with her life than maybe her family would forget that she wasn’t like them.
    March 1st, 2016 at 10:28am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    [sorry for my really crappy scott reply. My next one will be better lmfao]

    "You won't have to worry about my family," she told him with a small shrug. "I have a feeling the things you do not like are the same as ours and we have rather strict rules about that kind of thing. We have them under control." Clara finally looked away from him. Their rules were so strict and the punishments for breaking any of the rules were hard. She had seen several of the punishments happen and, even though it looked like it didn't affect her, it was hard seeing one of her family members in pain or dead no matter how much they deserved it. It kept everyone in line however and they did not happen often; she was glad about that.

    As Derek went on about Scott she couldn't help but to let an actual smile grow on her face. The way he talk about him, it was like he was proud of the kid and it made her heart swell just a little considering that was how she felt about Grace. It also made her realized why he was following her. It wasn't just because she and her family were new in town, it was because he too was protecting those he cared about. They wanted to meet Scott and Derek was protective of him. It was sweet.

    "He sounds like a great kid," Clara said softly. Even just hearing that little part about Scott, it made her admire him just a little bit more. She had seen how hard it was for bitten wolves, but they knew about the life they were getting into. She had heard that Scott was bitten, but having it thrown onto you; that was a whole different concept. "It would be a lot nicer place if more wolves were like Scott," she admitted.

    Clara glanced over at Derek with her smile still on her face. "From the moment I got here, I knew I was going to enjoy Beacon Hills," she said with a soft laugh. "I think I am going to like it even more once I finally get to explore. Which I was going to do after I dropped my sister off at school, but someone interrupted my plans," she said in a teasing tone. She let out another soft laugh as she pushed herself away from her car.

    "Now, I should have brought this up in the beginning, but we were planning on tracking down Scott later today," she begun; knowing full well it did not sound good and that Derek could take it one of two ways. That they were tracking him down to meet him or kill him. "To invite him and his pack to our home this weekend," she eventually added. "We really should have done it earlier, but it took a bit longer for some to get settled here than expected," she explained.
    Seeing Grace's smile grow only made his widen. He was mesmerized by her smile. He had seen her smile already, but it wasn't one like he was seeing now. It brightened her whole face and it made her look even more beautiful, if that was even possible. He was really beginning to like this girl and he had only just met her.

    His thoughts were interrupted by Stiles' snort. His eyes shot over to him quickly as he begun to speak. He knew it was going to be trouble from the moment he snorted. The last thing he wanted to happen was for him to be embarrassed in front of Grace and Stiles was going to make that happen if he didn't managed to shut him up. Scott quickly raised a hand when Stiles spoke and leaned over to slap him hard across the back of his head. Scott glared hard when Stiles turned to him with a frown on his face. If he could, he would've told Stiles to shut the hell up and to not embarrass him, but he wasn't going to say that in front of Grace.

    Scott remained silent as they headed into Mr Westover's class. He smiled wide at Grace's comment about them being both amazing. Stiles truly was amazing and he was incredibly lucky to have him as a friend even if he was a little shit at times.

    For the first time since he had met her, he took his attention fully off of her to move to his usual desk and to let her talk to Mr Westover alone. He took his seat at the desk behind Lydia and grinned wide as Grace took the seat beside him. "Are you enjoying it here so far?" Scott whispered to her as the class begun. He need to make sure that she was enjoying it because if she wasn't he wanted to help her see the good things in Beacon Hills. He knew some people hated the small town life where everyone knew everyone, but it had it's perks as well.

    Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Stiles' head droop. Scott could barely restrain himself from rolling his eyes. He swore that his friend fell asleep during every single history class and that he had to keep him awake so he didn't go to detention. "This happens every single day," he told Grace softly as he scrunched up a piece of paper in his hand and threw it at the back of Stiles' head. Sure it wasn't the best way to make sure that he was awake, but it was all too amusing for Scott.
    March 1st, 2016 at 12:49pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Derek’s own family had a set of strict rules that everyone needed to follow, if they didn’t want to cause trouble for themselves. Most packs did set down rules, but a family of werewolves had more because they always had a reputation that they needed to uphold. “I’m sure your family will stay in line, but I still need to warn you. You might outnumber us, but we’re just as strong.” He told her and added the last part mostly to impress her, he was strong and he wanted her to know that, for some reason which did confuse Derek.

    “He is a great kid, but he still is a kid. He’s not like us, he wasn’t born into this. He had a normal life once, that’s what I’m pissed about. But he’s great and there’s never been a time when I’ve felt like he’s getting out of control, your sister is more than safe with him.” Derek assured Clara even though she didn’t seem worried about her sister being at the same school as the True Alpha, he did wonder if Scott had met the youngest Kenway sister.

    “I think I am going to like it even more once I finally get to explore. Which I was going to do after I dropped my sister off at school, but someone interrupted my plans,” Clara told him with a smile on her face, her smile was just as beautiful as she was. Her smile brightened her face and made her pretty eyes sparkle, he hoped that he would be seeing her smile more often. “Well isn’t that person rude,” He chuckled softly as he couldn’t help but look at her, it was like his eyes had a mind of their own and he couldn’t possibly look away from her.

    Derek listened as Clara invited Scott and his pack over to the Kenway house, now he knew the reason why no one had left the house until now. “We’ll be there, I’ll make sure that Scott knows how important this is.” Although he had no doubt that Scott would refuse to have this meeting, the boy wasn’t stupid and besides Scott would be wanting to meet the family either way.

    “Considering this handsome man interrupted your plans, maybe I could show you around? Beacon Hills isn’t a huge place, but its home and it is a great place to live.” He told her smoothly and he had the feeling that she would enjoy staying there, for however long her family would be in town. What he also didn’t understand was why they had brought a house and enrolled their daughter into school, which only meant they’d be sticking around for some time. When they could have easily come to town and met Scott before returning back home.
    Grace looked over at Scott when he whispered to her about how she was liking it there, “I am really liking it here. I thought I’d miss my friends, but I haven’t heard anything from them yet.” She replied quietly to Scott, she could be an open book when she wanted to be but considering she hadn’t told anyone about her friends abandoning her, she was surprised that she had so easily told Scott about it.

    She watched as Stiles jolted a little in his seat when he was kept awake from Scott’s paper ball hitting him, she didn’t know how anyone could sleep in class because it was always interesting to Grace. However the class ended much too soon for her, but after the class was finished she got to meet a beautiful girl called Lydia. She was nice in Grace’s opinion and it would be nice to have a girl friend, she wasn’t sure who was in Scott’s pack but Lydia was clearly a good friend.
    She followed the three of them into the next class which was Math, she again got the desk beside Scott which she was glad to have. Again the class flew by and before she knew it, the bell was ringing to signal the end of the class. Grace checked her timetable and noticed that she had a free period, she had no idea what she was going to do as she didn’t need to finish any assignments or homework.

    “Please tell me that one of you has a free period now,” She looked among her newly made friends, she saw the smile that formed on Lydia’s face as she looked over at Scott. “Stiles and I don’t, but Scott here does. We should go, but we’ll see you two at lunch.” Lydia smiled as she actually dragged Stiles away towards their next class, Grace looked over at Scott as they were now left alone together.

    “If you have work to do or plans, I can occupy myself.” She told him as she didn’t want Scott feeling like he had to stay with her, if he did leave then she’d probably find somewhere quiet to sit and she’d call her sister so they could talk. It was something Grace has done a few times over the years, Clara just always knew what to say or how to calm Grace down if she was upset over something.
    March 2nd, 2016 at 05:56am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    Clara laughed at his words. She just couldn't help it. His ego seemed rather big, but hers was a hell of a lot bigger. "That's cute," Clara teased with a smirk on her face. "Let's be real here, we would still win, but I won't start anything just to prove how right I am." Clara's smirk widened. "We haven't lost a fight yet," she added in; not talking about her family anymore, but herself instead. She wasn't sure whether she was trying to impress him or scare him. Maybe it was a little of both.

    "We were rather surprised to hear that the True Alpha was a bitten werewolf," she said to him. They were never as strong as a born werewolf, physically and mentally. It took them a lot longer to learn control compared to those who were born as a wolf. This kid, however, seemed like he should have been born a wolf and not bitten. "I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have a normal life and then just be thrown into this," she said; shaking her head. It seemed like Scott had taken it rather well considering what he had become and she knew that Grace would be safe if she met him and she hoped that she had.

    “Well isn’t that person rude,” He chuckled. She laughed in response and nodded her head in agreement. "Extremely rude," she stated. Her eyes began to roam him once more. She couldn't stop herself and she didn't want to stop either. He had a nice soft chuckle and it only made him more attractive.

    Clara bit down on her lip softly as he spoke again. She was glad that he agreed to come to the gather and even more so that he was going to let Scott know. It was going to be a rather important night for them and they had to make the best impression on Scott. "Good to know. I will let my father know that it will be happening," she told him.

    For the first time since she had met Derek, she actually moved towards him. Her brows were raised and a rather amused look had crossed her face. "Handsome, huh?" She completely agreed with that statement, but she was not going to let on that she did. "I would appreciate it if you did show me around. It would be good to know where the good spots are and the spots I should stay away from," she said as she stopped a few feet away from him.
    "I'm glad you are liking it," Scott said softly; hoping their teacher would catch them talking in class. He didn't want to put Grace in detention on her first day. "They don't sound like good friends, but by the looks of it, you will have to deal with us now. We will be much better to have around," he added in with a wide grin at the end.

    Scott finally became silent and tried to put his focus on the teacher at the front of the class. He wasn't the biggest fan of history, but he wanted to keep his grades up. He didn't want them to slip again. He did enjoy school for the most part, but sometimes it was just too hard for him to focus with everything going on. For the first time in a long time nothing was going on and he wasn't even worrying about the Kenway's anymore; not after meeting Grace anyway.

    History and math flew by so quick and Scott was glad about that. What made him even happy was the way Lydia approached Grace so quickly after History. There must've been something about her that Lydia liked and he was happy that she did. If his friends, his family, liked her; it only made him like her more.

    Scott looked over at Grace as the bell run; signaling that math was finally over. He pushed himself up from the chair as she spoke. He had a free period next and as he opened his mouth to tell her, Lydia cut in. He knew what she was doing and he appreciated it. He wanted to spend more time with Grace without Stiles and Lydia. He wanted to get to know her. He wanted to know everything about her.

    He gave Lydia and Stiles before he turned to Grace and let out a soft chuckle. "You are stuck with me," he told her with a goofy grin. "I had nothing planned at all. Really, all I had planned was to check in with Derek, but he can wait," he said; shrugging a little. He did need to tell Derek that he had met one of the Kenway sisters since he had been staking out the house since they arrived. She didn't really want to tell Grace that yet, but he knew he would eventually would. That was the last thing he wanted to think about now. He was finally alone with Grace. "I can show you around school, if you'd like?"
    March 2nd, 2016 at 11:06am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Derek couldn’t help but lift a brow up when she told him that her family would still win, “You think so? I do have a True Alpha on my side, you just have an ordinary plain old Alpha.” He grinned as he was teasing her slightly, what he did know was that if a fight ever did break out between the packs then it would be a brutal fight. Honestly he didn’t know who would win, Scott’s pack may be small but they can pack a mean punch and have won fights with other packs before.

    He wasn’t scared when Clara told him that her family hadn’t lost a fight yet, he could tell straight away that she actually just meant herself. And he had to admit that it impressed him, although it really shouldn’t. She was the first born of her parents, meaning she’d become the next Alpha unless someone took it from her. Her father would have been training her since she first learnt how to walk, it’s what happened in werewolf families and would continue to happen probably for the rest of time.

    He had gone through the training himself, although as he grew older his interest in the training wore off. Especially as he grew into a teenage boy and girls became his number one interest, girls and playing basketball with his friends.

    He nodded his head slightly when she mentioned that she’d tell her father that they would come over to the Kenway house, Derek would have preferred the first meeting to be someone that no one was comfortable with. Like meeting in the middle of the forest, even though Scott’s pack knew the forest well there were still places to hide for the Kenway family, if anything did go down. But he’d just need to be on his guard even more so no one would be harmed, not that Clara was giving him any bad vibes.

    So he assumed that the meeting would go fine, well he hoped so anyway because Derek did want to get to know Clara more. “It’d be my pleasure to show you around, shall one of us leave our car here? It’d be easier to drive, we can get some tourists around here hiking through the forests.” He warned her so hopefully she could pass that warning onto her family, although any wolf would smell or hear a hiker before anyone saw anything. He still wanted to make sure that the Kenway family were careful.

    Derek watched as Clara moved closer to him, he suddenly got the urge to reach out and touch her. Move his large hands from her small waist to her hips, to feel the curve of her body and to feel how soft her skin was. Shaking that thought out of his mind, Derek’s eyes stayed focused on the blonde as he allowed her to decide what she wanted to do. He honestly didn’t mind because he was still getting the opportunity to spend more time with her, that was a feeling he hardly ever felt these days.
    “I’d really like that,” Grace smiled when Scott arrived to show her around the school, she followed him closely as he started walking in one direction. “Who’s Derek? Is he a part of your pack too?” She asked when she knew it was safe to, not many people were in the hallways now as they had all rushed off to class. She was curious about Scott’s pack, all she knew was her families pack. But Scott could have anyone in his pack, were they bitten like him or were some born with the gene. She wanted to ask but she thought that might be pushing her luck for the day, she also didn’t want to seem nosy which she could be at times.

    As they walked Grace noticed all the classrooms and took note of which rooms she would be heading to at some point in time, her eyes were constantly scanning the area she was in so she hopefully would never get herself lost.

    “Derek is in my pack, actually. He’s been there pretty much from the start, he’s not always the nicest guy but he’d helped me a lot.” Scott explained who this Derek was, Grace smiled as she listened to his soothing deep voice. A voice that she could honestly listen to non-stop and she’d never grow tired of it.

    “It must be nice to have him around then,” She smiled as she walked closely beside Scott, her blonde hair had been left down so her locks cascaded down her back and over her shoulders. As they walked Scott would point out different rooms to her, like when they reached the Science labs or the gym. The high school was just smaller than her old school, so she wasn’t finding it too hard to remember where everything was.

    They even headed outside so Grace could see the Lacrosse field, no one else was out there so she felt more comfortable in speaking with Scott. Turning to face him she looked into his dark eyes, “I really don’t know how you’ve done it. All my life I’ve been among a pack and I still don’t want to be a wolf, it’s amazing how you’ve dealt with it all. A lot of bitten wolves don’t… I remember when I was younger, Clara took me into the woods to show me something and a bitten wolf found us.” Grace begun as her hand subconsciously moved to her left side, where her pale skin had several scars.

    “He hadn’t been turned for long but he couldn’t control himself, Clara tried so hard to get me back home but I couldn’t run as fast as she could. He attacked… and my sister fought him off,” She still remembered the day like it happened yesterday, the man looked crazy and she never wanted to go through that. Not being able to control yourself or your actions, she really didn’t understand why some Alpha’s use their bite to curse someone innocent.

    “But I guess if all of this never happened to you, then I wouldn’t be here and I never would have met you. And I’m glad that I did meet you,” Grace told him truthfully, she was happy about meeting him because he was even more amazing then she imagined him to be.
    March 3rd, 2016 at 06:37am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    She could almost picture how brutal the fight would be if one ever broke out. Her family would never back down and they would all have to be dead for it to ever end. She felt like that would be the same for Scott's pack. She truly hoped that it would never end in a fight. Her family were a rather peaceful pack until someone screwed with them and Scott's pack would have to do something pretty bad to them to make them want to kill him and everyone who stands with him. "I don't think, I know," she replied back smugly. They had numbers and no matter how strong they were, by the time it was only Scott left, there would be enough of them left to take him down. She already had it all planned out in her head just in case it came down to the worst possible scenario. It was a scenario she hoped never saw the light of day and from the feeling she was getting from Derek, it wouldn't.

    "Do you really think that, even with a true alpha, you could take out a whole family of wolves?" She asked with a smirk. "I mean, you can try but I am sure it won't go so well."

    Clara wanted to reach out and pat his chest in a mocking way, but she knew better. It wasn't because she thought he would trying something. It was because she didn't trust herself. She had admitted to herself that she felt something towards Derek and that if she let her hand touch him she wouldn't be able to stop. Even if it was as innocent as patting his chest, she wouldn't be able to stop her hand from trailing down his chest until it was low enough to slip under the hem of his shirt. She would touch every single inch of him until it wasn't enough and she wanted more.

    "Good," Clara replied quickly as she quickly pushed her thoughts back into the dark corner they came from. That was all she said as she spun on her heels and walked towards her car. She had already made up her mind that she would make Derek drive. She pulled open the driver's side door of her car and leaned in. She grabbed her keys from the ignition and her phone from the seat. There was no way she was going to leave her car unlocked and her phone in the car. She needed it just in case Derek tried anything or her sister called. It was mainly the latter that she was worried about.

    She knew about the hikers. She had smelt three of them on her first day in Beacon Hills and they had gotten a little too close to their house. It wasn't going to be an issue unless some idiot decided to hike their way during a full moon. That was the only time she was going to worry about them.

    Her door slammed closed. She spun back around to face Derek as she pressed the button on her keys to lock her car. Her brows furrowed at him still standing in front of his car. "Are you going to start your car or what?" She asked as she moved back towards him. She grinned at him as she walked past him to get to the passengers side.
    "Great," Scott beamed in reply as he began to move to show her around. He was glad that she wanted to come with him instead of heading off alone. He was enjoying her company. He hadn't enjoyed this kind of company since Allison and that was a long time ago. He was wary of who to let into his life like that since her. It needed to feel right and it, surprisingly, felt like that with Grace. He was not expecting that.

    His head turned to her when she asked who Derek was. He had forgotten that she wouldn't know who any people of his pack were since he already knew most of her families names. Sure she had met Stiles and Lydia, but she wouldn't have known that they were part of his pack or the fact that Lydia was a banshee.

    “Derek is in my pack, actually. He’s been there pretty much from the start, he’s not always the nicest guy but he’s helped me a lot,” he explained to her. He remembered the rough times with Derek when he was first turned. He barely trusted the guy and got him put in jail and made him the most wanted guy in town, but that didn't matter now. That was behind them. He trusted Derek with his life.

    Scott smiled as she spoke again. He only just managed to tear his eyes away from her so he could point out some of the classrooms she would have to go to. If he had it his way, he would happily look at her for the rest of the day. She was beautiful.

    "It wasn't always nice having him around," Scott admitted with a laugh. "But it is now. He may not always be nice, but he is a good guy."

    As they headed outside, Scott took in a deep breath of the fresh air. He liked school the most when he was outside, even though that was only when he was practicing lacrosse. They stopped walking when they reached the field. He turned to her as she spoke and a small frown covered his features. He could picture how frightened she would have been. In some ways it reminded him how he felt when Peter first came after him and how he had bit him, but it wasn't by a wolf who hadn't learnt control. He had seen, first hand, what could almost happen if a wolf didn't know how to control themselves or have someone to stop them.

    "I don't think I would have been able to do it without my friends," he explained to her. "This whole thing was forced onto me out of nowhere. I didn't even know werewolves existed until I was all of a sudden one. It was hard and controlling myself was even harder. There was one night I could have hurt someone I really cared about," he voice grew softer as he remembered the night he could've hurt Allison and Jackson. "If Derek wasn't there to stop me, I don't know what would have happened." He knew back at that point that Allison was his anchor and he had thought about that night since. He did hope that he wouldn't have done anything and that Allison would have brought him back, but he still might have done something.

    "Without Derek's help, without Stiles' help, without my friends, I wouldn't have been able to deal with it and I wouldn't be what I am today." Scott smiled at her softly as he shoved his hands into the pocket of his jeans.

    "But I am glad it happened," he admitted. He might've wanted to be human again in the beginning, but he didn't have the choice. Once he had accepted what he was, he knew he could do good and that's all he ever wanted to do. "I'm glad I got to meet you as well, Grace," he told her softly.

    His eyes wandered over for a few seconds. He admired her more for the fact that even growing up in a family of werewolves, that she still just wanted to be human. He would never force the bite onto someone like Peter did unless they truly wanted it or, in Liam's case, if it was to save them from dying. Her story snuck back into his mind and made him worry. "Did he hurt you, that wolf?" He asked her.
    March 3rd, 2016 at 10:00am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Derek ignored everything that Clara said about her family still winning if a fight broke out, he did however watch as she went back over to her car. He smirked as she leaned into her car and he didn’t even try to look away, his eyes went straight to her ass and he wasn’t trying to hide it either. She had to have the best ass that he has ever seen, full and curvy just the way he liked.

    “I was just enjoying the view,” He told her keeping the smug smirk on his face as he finally moved around his car, he climbed back into the driver’s seat and turned the engine on. His car roared to life before he pulled back onto the road and drove along with Clara sitting beside him, Beacon Hills didn’t have much to offer but there were still enough things to do.

    “This part of the forest is the best if you want to go for a run, or if you feel like turning. Hikers never go there, the trails are too overgrown and the locals don’t bother taking care of it.” Derek pointed to the right side of the road as he drove, that was where he usually went for a run or to just take some time for himself.

    “What do you do for hobbies?” He asked glancing over at her, he had opened the windows lightly and the breeze was moving her blonde hair ever so slightly. The sun beamed on her milky skin and really made her eyes glow, he had to force his eyes back onto the road because he could have just watched her for longer.

    He drove towards the town and went through the streets, pointing out different stores, bars and the few clubs that littered the small town. “That’s the only cinema we have, but it’s nice inside.” He spoke as they pass the cinema that he used to work at when he was a teenager, he always used to sneak in his friends for free until he got caught and lost his job.

    It really didn’t take much time for him to finish driving through the centre of town, but he knew exactly where he wanted to take her next. However it meant passing the old Hale house, she wouldn’t see it from the road but if she was paying attention then she’d see the driveway. He wasn’t sure what Clara knew about him or his family, if she knew anything at all but he wasn’t ready to tell her what happened at his old family home.

    “You’ll love this next place, but you have to promise me that you won’t tell anyone else about it. I’ve never brought anyone up here,” He told her as it was his private place, the place he would escape to when he needed to think or just get away from all the shit that’s been happening in the town recently.

    He drove up a windy dirt road until he turned his car off and climbed out, they were at the top of a tall hill that overlooked the whole of Beacon Hills. “It’s even better at night, seeing the town filled with lights. I always come up here, more now than usual.” He told her even though he wasn’t sure why he was, he never opened up this much with someone he hardly knew. But it did feel good to open up, he also somewhat trusted Clara but he still prayed that she wouldn’t stab him in the back later on.
    Grace listened to Scott but she did move over to the bleachers and sat down, she watched as Scott joined her and she instantly noticed how close they were sitting. Normally she would feel uncomfortable, but Scott was different. She didn’t mind being that close to him, in fact he was enjoying it.

    “I guess you being bitten was just meant to happen,” She liked to believe in fate and believe that things always happened for a reason, growing up being a human made her believe in that. Otherwise why would she be human, she liked to think that she was meant to do something great with her life.

    Some of her cousins made fun of her for thinking like that, but she never once stopped believing in what she wanted. It had always been easy for her cousins, they were all werewolves and knew exactly what they wanted from life but Grace didn’t. She could do whatever her heart desired, she wasn’t a wolf so she didn’t need to stay in the Kenway pack all her life. Of course some of her family members had left home to start families of their own, but they were always in the pack.

    “Your friends will always help you, but there was still a big part of you that wanted to learn control and everything else that comes with being a wolf. You did all this, Scott. Don’t try and tell me otherwise,” She looked at him smiling, she knew how hard it was for a born wolf to learn control. Even with family surrounding them, which meant Scott’s friends were incredibly strong but so was Scott because he took this new life and ran with it when he could have easily just given up.

    She admired how handsome he was as they sat there together, she tucked some hair behind her ear as the sun lit up Scott’s face. His skin seemed even more tanned, though Grace thought it was just her eyes playing tricks on her.

    Then Scott turned the conversation back onto her when he asked if the werewolf had hurt her, she didn’t want him to feel sorry for her but she still wanted to tell him the truth. It was a moment in her life that she never liked talking about, her family never spoke about it. Not even when it happened, which made things worse for Clara because of how guilty she felt. Not that Grace ever blamed her sister, Clara saved her life from a wolf that was three times their age.

    “He did, I ran back towards home while Clara stayed behind me to keep him away. But he knocked her aside, I could hear how close he was to me. I could feel him right there, but stupidly I went back for Clara.” Grace looked away from Scott, she didn’t want to end up crying in front of him. But she had never been that terrified in her life before, and she never wanted to relive anything like that again.

    “It didn’t slow him down though, he reached out to grab me. I think he tripped on a branch or something, his claws got me and I guess my scream alerted my family. It didn’t take them long to reach us, I don’t really remember anything else after that. Apparently I lost a lot of blood, our family have a doctor friend back at home so he stitched up the wounds.” Grace didn’t want to show Scott the scars or tell him where the scars were, she hated looking at her side and always covered up so no one would see.
    March 3rd, 2016 at 11:52am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    [gah scotts part didn't come out as planned. Couldn't get my words right, but hopefully you get the general idea of what I was hoping to achieve lmfao]

    Clara stared at him as she pulled open the door to the passengers side. She wanted to give him a sharp, smartass reply, but nothing came from her mouth. She enjoyed what he had said; complimenting her even if it was about her ass. She kept her expression neutral; giving away nothing as she slipped into the car.

    She settled back into the seat and crossed her legs as the car took off. She kept silent and kept her eyes on the sights outside. She listened carefully to Derek as he pointed out spots as they drove. She liked how the town was basically surrounded in forest. She could run, explore and do whatever she wanted.

    “What do you do for hobbies?” That one questioned made her glance over at him with a small frown. It was a question she hadn't heard in a long time and even back then she never knew how to respond. She didn't really have hobbies, she never had the time to really find any for herself. That was the one thing about Grace that she was jealous of; she could have her own life and find things she really wanted to do. Clara will never and would never be able to do that. She had to become Alpha and she had to keep training for that day.

    "I do like training and fighting," she told him. She normally wouldn't say that to anyone she met because they would run at the sound of fighting, but she knew he would understand. "And whenever I get time to myself, I just go out and go for a run and explore," she said with a small shrug. "I never got to have the normal life Grace gets to have. I didn't even get to go to school, I was homeschooled. I never got the chance to find normal hobbies."

    She understood why she never got the chance to go to school. It wasn't just because he father wanted to train her up as an Alpha it was also because she was a wolf and she wouldn't have had anyone there to keep an eye on her in case she lost control. It was also because she wasn't the best when it came to her anger. If anyone, in the slightest way, pissed her off at school she would have smashed their face into a locker. She would have been constantly in trouble. She still would have loved the chance; to do classes, to play a sport, to make friends.

    In some ways it surprised her that Derek was still talking to her and showing her around town. She never really got the chance to make friends back at home and even if she did, they would know that she wasn't the most normal person. The didn't know what she was and they just thought she was just some weird hot girl. She had to constantly remind herself that he was a wolf just like her. It was easy talking to him about these kinds of things. She couldn't say it to a human because it would, of course, freak them the hell out, but also because they wouldn't have understood. It was a lot easier with wolves.

    "Did you get to go to school?" She asked him after he pointed out a few more things around the center of town. She found it interesting knowing how other wolf families grew up, not that she had met many, but she still wanted to know.

    Before she knew it, they were heading away from town. It felt like they had only been there for minutes, but it probably took a little longer than that. She kept her focus on what was outside so she could remember it all. She was enjoying having Derek as a tour guide. Well, she enjoyed his company more than anything else.

    "Well, I feel rather special now," she said with a soft laugh. She wandered what this place could be, but she had a feeling she was going to love it. "And I promise I wont tell anyone," she told him.

    They turned off the road and headed up a winding dirt track. She sat up a little straighter and a small smile curved on her face when they eventually pulled to a stop. "I had a place like this back home," she told him as got out of the car as well. Her spot back at home was nothing like the one here. She could imagine what it would look like at night and she planned on coming back to see it for herself. "I was hoping to find a place like this in Beacon Hills. If I had a bad day or week or whatever, I would go to my spot like this just to get away from it all." She bit down on her lip softly as she walked closer to the edge to get a better look. "It's nice to have a spot like this so you can just disappear and just be alone with no distractions."
    As Scott spoke, he watched as she moved towards the bleachers. He knew she was still listening, so he followed after her. The moment she sat, he took the a seat right beside her. He didn't leave much space with their legs barely inches a part.

    He had never thought about being a wolf that way. Maybe it was meant to happen. He had helped a lot of people and helped save a lot as well. "I guess it was," Scott replied with a smile. He liked the way her mind work. It was interesting and something he hadn't seen for far too long. It was nice.

    His eyes stayed fixed on her as she spoke. His smile grew a little bit wider at her words. She was right and he wasn't going to deny it, but his friends still helped him get to the that point. He could have just given up and become a killer like Peter wanted him to, but that wasn't the person he was. He could never kill or even hurt someone who was innocent. He did have a bigger part in it than he let on, but that was only because he wanted to give all the credit to his friends considering how much they have truly helped him when this had happened. They could have bailed on him the moment they found out what he was, but they didn't. They were still by his side every single day even if some were not there in person.

    His thoughts drifted from himself and his friends back to her. He watched as she tucked some of her shining blonde locks behind her ear. He could see her face better without her hair framing it. Her skin looked like it was glowing from the sun and it made his heart skip a beat. She truly was a beauty.

    He listened to her story. One single sentence in her whole story showed Scott what kind of person she was. He could see and smell what reliving the moment was like for her. It scared her and it upset her. He knew what the pain was like of being clawed by a wolf and he did wish that never happened to her. He also wanted to make her feel better about it, but he wasn't sure how.

    "Hey," Scott said softly as he reached out an arm and wrapped it around her shoulders. "Things like that, they only make you a stronger person," he told her. "And don't you tell me that you are not strong. You went back for your sister even though you could've been killed. There aren't many people in the world, human or even wolf, who would turn back if there was someone trying to kill them. You could have just Clara there and kept running, but you didn't," he said with admiration. He did admire the fact she turned back even though she knew the risk. She went straight back into danger without even thinking.

    "You could have given up. You could have just let him kill you, but you didn't. You were strong and you survived. Whatever scars you have, they aren’t there to remind you that you almost died because a wolf came after you because you stupidly went back for you sister. It wasn't stupid, you wanted to help her like she was helping you and you did. If you kept running that wolf could have killed her instead of just injuring you rather badly." He was rambling now, but he wanted her to see it as a good in a terrible situation. He wanted her to know how strong a knew a human could be. She didn't need fangs or claws to do good and be strong. "They are there to remind you that you survived because you were strong."
    March 4th, 2016 at 09:35am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Derek grinned when Clara found it hard to tell him what her hobbies are, he remembered when he had hobbies. These days he didn’t have much time for anything other than keeping the town safe and keeping Scott and his friends alive, the second she told him that she enjoyed training and fight. He knew what kind of pack the Kenway’s were, his family hadn’t been that strict compared to her’s.

    He still went to school and even graduated somehow, he had friends growing up and could live a somewhat normal life. But he knew that not all families were like his, he knew that a lot of families kept their children at home and trained them hard.

    He did feel bad for Clara, having to grow up like that but he guess that she was used to it. It was normal to her, but Derek didn’t know how she lasted this long because it would have drove him crazy.

    “Maybe now you could find some hobbies, I’m sure you know everything about fighting and how to be an Alpha by now. But you’ll only learn how to be an Alpha once you finally become one, you can’t teach someone that.” Derek suggested as her family couldn’t keep her bottled up in the house, she was a grown woman and deserved to be let out so she could enjoy her life.

    Although if the Kenway family was as traditional as Derek thought, her father wouldn’t listen even if Clara asked to cut back training or to go out for a day just to do whatever she wanted. “Yeah, I went to school. It’s not as great as you probably think it would be,” He told her as he didn’t want her to feel like she missed out on anything, he never overly enjoyed school but he would have hated being home schooled.

    “You seem pretty special to me,” Derek murmured quietly as he climbed out of his car, his lungs filled with fresh air and he watched as Clara stepped closer to the edge of the hill. “I think everyone should have a place like this, being a wolf can be stressful. Especially when another pack or creature is trying to kill you, we get that a lot here so if you stick around then you’ll need to get used to that.” He warned her as she deserved to know the trouble that came to Beacon Hills.

    “Do you feel like disappearing often? I don’t know how you deal with a family as strict as yours,” He told her honestly as he sat down on a wooden bench that had been there since he could remember, he leaned back and admired the view that was before him. The sun was bathing the town and was hitting Clara’s beautiful face perfectly, he couldn’t take his eyes away from her as she stood there looking over the town.
    Grace knew that what Scott was saying was true, she was a stronger person because of what happened to her. It wasn’t stupid of her to go back for her sister, Clara was her sister and Grace would do absolutely anything for her sister. Including risking her own life and being in danger, that never crossed her mind as she just wanted to make sure that Clara wasn’t hurt and was safe.

    “Clara’s my sister, I’d never leave her behind if we were in danger. I care more about her than myself,” She told Scott as she felt his arm wrap around her shoulders, it took everything in her not to allow the pink blush to tint her pale skin. Butterflies erupted in her stomach from his simple and innocent touch, but it was enough to make Grace slightly nervous but in a good way.

    Grace listened to his words, she knew her scars should remind her that she survived an attack from a crazed werewolf. And her scars did remind her of that, but she was also constantly reminded of how human she was. How different from her family she was, and how fragile she was.

    “The scars do, but I also remember how I’m not a werewolf. I’m not like the rest of my family, Clara tells me that I’m being stupid but sometimes I feel like I don’t belong in my own family.” Grace admitted to Scott as she felt like he could understand her, he used to be human before getting turned into a werewolf. He’d know how being different felt.

    He sounded exactly like Clara, everything that Scott told her was something that her sister would tell her. Grace still never felt brave though, she was often scared of things. “I’ve only ever told Clara that before, she’d really like you.” She smiled as she looked at him, her breath got caught in her throat as her eyes locked onto his.

    She noticed the different shades of brown that coloured his eyes, her heart beat begun to race in her chest and she felt embarrassed about it. She knew that Scott would be able to hear, it was times like this that she hated werewolves. She didn’t want him to hear her racing heart which was only because of him, she should have looked away but she didn’t want to.

    Grace still wasn’t sure how her family would react to Scott, but she did know that Clara would like him. And really that’s all Grace cared about, she was best friends with her sister and they had always been super close.

    “So what do you do when you aren’t protecting the people you love?” She asked as she wanted to know everything about Grace, she also wanted to know what there was to do for fun in Beacon Hills.

    (Sorry that I'm reply isn't the best.)
    March 5th, 2016 at 10:37am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    [your reply was great! mines just top the awful list]

    As much as Clara wanted to go out and find a hobby she truly loved and enjoy her life, she knew she couldn't. It wasn't just because her father wouldn't let her spend more time away from training, it was also because she couldn't. She couldn't go off and be a girl her age because her family would think that she was just a reckless girl who was not a good fit as an alpha. She wanted to keep proving them wrong so she kept fighting and kept training even if there was not as much to learn now. She needed to be better than all of them because she knew what was going to come the moment she became alpha. She wasn't stupid.

    "I want to," Clara sighed out and kept her eyes away from him. "But I have this thing about showing people who's boss and my family are no exception..." she trailed off; putting my family hates the fact I am a girl and will probably try and kill me when I become alpha in the nicest way possible. "It is... frustrating being in a family where since the very beginning had a male alpha. I will be the first female and there are a few who are not happy because of that." Clara ran a hand through her hair and looked back at him with a small smile. "But let's not talk about that."

    Clara let out a scoff mid way through him talking about school. That was what everyone said if they went to school... well everyone except for Grace. She loved listening to Grace discuss what she was learning in school. Clara found it just as interesting as she did. "I hear a lot of good things about school," she told him. "Grace loves it. How could you not enjoy it?"

    Clara heard his soft murmur when she walked away from the car. If he listened close enough he would have heard her heart rate pick up just slightly for only a second. She liked the way that comment made her feel.

    "You don't have to tell me how stressful it can be," she said with a laugh as she looked out. "That is okay with me. I am already used to things like that." She looked over her shoulder at him. She didn't mind having to fight. It would be nice fighting something that wasn't her family for a change. It would be nice to focus on something that had absolutely nothing to do with them.

    "I don't deal," she said softly; looking away from him once again. "I want to disappear every single day, but I never will." She turned around to face him and shrugged her shoulders. "I guess that's why I find a place like this." She moved towards him and soon sat down on the bench beside him. "Get away from everyone for awhile. Enjoy my own company or with company I enjoy being around."
    He could hear her heart beating faster and faster just from his touch. He bit down on his lip to stop a smile growing on his face because what she was saying was something that he shouldn't be smiling about. He couldn't help the smile because of the way he felt from knowing he was the reason her heart was beating so fast. He liked the way it made him feel. It made his own heart race, his stomach filled with butterflies and his legs feel like jelly. She had the same effect on him as he did on her.

    "I agree with your sister," Scott stated strongly. "It shouldn't matter that you are not a werewolf. Sure you can't heal as quick, have fangs and claws, but you can be just as deadly being a human. You just don't know what you are capable of yet." Scott wouldn’t have been able to execute anything without Stiles and his plans. Stiles was smart and used that to his advantage. "In my pack, my family, I there are two humans and they are by far the smartest, bravest and strongest people I know. You've already met one and that was Stiles. The other is Mason who I am sure you will eventually meet considering he is best friends with my beta, Liam. You are no different, Grace."

    Scott grinned at the mention that her sister Clara would like him. They seemed closer than just sisters. It was like they were best friends as well who always had each others backs. He likes that more than anything. He knew if he wanted to keep seeing her, he would have to have Clara liking him. It was kind of like his pack; he couldn't really see anyone if his pack didn't like them. That was not going to be an issue since he already had the two hardest people to impress liking her.

    "I hope she does," he told her. "I would like to keep seeing you without your sister not liking me."

    Scott slowly dropped his arm from her back, but kept his body close to hers. "Well, when someone isn't here trying to kill us, my friends and I, we go out ice-skating, bowling and just hanging out. Stiles, Liam and I, we all play lacrosse too so you should probably come to one of the games to cheer me on," Scott told her with the biggest grin.

    "Now, Grace, what do you like to do for fun?" He asked. He wanted to know what she liked to do and he hoped that what she liked she was able to do in Beacon Hills. He wanted to take her out, maybe just him and her, but he would invite Lydia and Stiles if that made her more comfortable with the situation.
    March 6th, 2016 at 12:25pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Derek grinned as he could imagine Clara wanting to prove herself, the trait fitted her perfectly and he hadn’t known her for long but he could already tell that she had a stubborn streak in her. He understood completely where she was coming from, he had seen what his Mom went through when she became Alpha of the Hale pack. There were people from her family that didn’t believe in her, she also received crap from other wolves that had nothing to do with the pack. All because she was a woman and apparently women can’t lead a pack to do great things. Which was ridiculous to Derek, it always had been.

    “There will always be people out there who won’t believe in you, it’s just how wolves have been raised. My Mom had to prove herself numerous times, and even then not everyone agreed that she was a strong Alpha” Derek told her in hopes that it would encourage her, his Mom had been an amazing Alpha and an amazing person in general. She was beautiful and strong and she took care of her family, she did everything and he would always admire that.

    He watched Clara and shook his head slightly, “Unless you like learning and being stuck in a room all day long. Then you would enjoy it, but I wanted to be outside or playing a sport. Besides I found it a little hard to always concentrate,” He admitted to her which did surprise him, he never ever brought up school or how he did struggle with the learning side. He never failed any classes, but he also wasn’t one of the smart kids.

    He was curious to meet the youngest Kenway daughter, which how Clara’s voice lightens and the way her body relaxes when she’s talking about her sister. Derek could only imagine right now, about how good Grace was as a person. She sounded like she’d be good for Scott, if they met and hit it off then maybe having the Kenway pack in town wasn’t as bad.

    Scott needed more good people in his life, Derek felt like Scott also needed more human friends as he had surrounded himself with only two so far. Stiles was great at bringing the normal side of life to Scott, but another human friend would always be good in his opinion.

    Derek did hear the increase in Clara’s heart beat as they got out of the car, he watched as she joined him on the bench and he did feel bad for her. The pressure of becoming the next Alpha would be suffocating, “You can use this place any time you like. It’s close enough to your house, so you can easily run here but it’s still far enough away.” He told her warmly as he wouldn’t mind if she visited his special spot, he trusted her for now and he really did hope that his trust only grew stronger and didn’t turn into regret.

    “It probably won’t mind much to you, but for what it’s worth, I know you’ll be a great Alpha. You shouldn’t be worrying about it, if people in your family doesn’t like it then they can always leave.” Derek told her as he turned to look out at the town, but he honestly meant every word that he spoke to her.
    Grace just loved hearing about Scott’s pack, in her family there wasn’t even the slightest chance that a human would be considered a valued member. You had to be a werewolf and that was the end of it, Grace had always hoped that when Clara became Alpha then she could change a few things. Although she was never sure because of how traditional the Kenway family have been, she wouldn’t blame her sister if she followed how their father did things in the pack.

    “I wish my family was like that, I’m the only human. Well we do have other humans, but they married into the family so it’s not really the same.” Grace blurted out as she was still feeling the effects from Scott’s touch, she was shocked that she could even think straight let alone get a sentence out that still made sense.

    “I look forward to meeting the rest of your pack, I bet their just as amazing as you are.” Grace needed to stop before she embarrassed herself even more, “I’m sorry. I just haven’t met an Alpha like you before,” She really hadn’t, not only was he the youngest Alpha but he was also the kindest that she had seen or met. Of course, she wasn’t allowed to meet many Alphas because her father didn’t want her to be seen much by other packs.

    Grace was disappointed when Scott dropped his arm, but she guessed they couldn’t really sit like that for much longer. Although she doubted that things would become awkward between them, if anyone else saw them then it could get uncomfortable. “She’ll really like you, you have nothing to worry about. If I like you and I do, then she’ll give you a good chance.” She smiled as they usually did get along with the same people, well the only person Clara never liked was Luke and now Grace knew why.

    She listened to what Scott and his friends did in their free time, she had never been ice-skating before so that could be fun to try. “You do? Isn’t that cheating? I mean, you’re a werewolf and are stronger and faster than the other teams.” She smiled at him as she was very interested in watching a game of lacrosse, mostly just to cheer Scott on but he didn’t need to know that just yet. “I’d like to watch a match but I’ll only cheer you on if you play fair,” She looked at him but she was certain that he wouldn’t cheat.

    “I like running and hiking, going to see movies and I’ve recently gotten into photography” Grace told him and hoped that his friends liked at least a few things that she did, she wanted to hang out with them and spend more time with Scott. It would be easier if she had something in common with him and his friends, “Maybe we could go on a hike together one day. You can bring your pack too, I’d love to explore any tracks that you have around town.” She looked at him as she loved being out in nature, it always helped clear her mind and she felt better just fresh air into her lungs.
    March 7th, 2016 at 08:17am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    His mom, the alpha; she knew who he was talking about. She knew very little about the Hale's. The only things she did know was the fire that killed so many of them and the name of the alpha, Talia Hale. Talia was the reason her father was confident in her becoming the Alpha. He had met her on several occasions, but she never got the chance to meet her because of the fire. From what her father had told her, she seemed like a beautiful, strong and confident woman. She wished she had the chance to meet her.

    "Her name was Talia, wasn't it?" She asked softly; glancing at him with a knowing look. She wanted him to know that she knew about the fire, but she was not going to bring it up. If he ever wanted to talk about it, he could, but for now nothing would be said. "My father told me many wonderful things about her," she told him with a small smile.

    "I do enjoy learning so I would've loved it," she said with a grin. "Some people are better at learning and others are better at the sport thing. I would have been terrible at anything to do with sport," she told him with a soft laugh. She would have found it far too hard to keep in control and not show the whole school what she was. Not to mention she would've become a bit too violent. Sport would not have gone well for her.

    Clara settled back into the bench with a smile on her face. She was happy that he was letting her come here even if this was his spot. She was glad that he was because this was the perfect spot for her to disappear and forget everything that was going on. She could sit there and relax and not have a single thought run through her mind. "Thank-you," she whispered to him before she placed her sight back onto the town. "I wasn’t really going to give you a choice on whether or not I could come here. I was just going to show up," she added in with a joking tone. She would have stayed away if she was not allowed to come up here.

    His words meant a lot to her even if she barely knew him. It was nice knowing that there was someone else out there who believed she would make a great alpha. "I hope they just leave if they aren’t happy," she told him honestly, "that's the best scenario. There are a few, from what I have heard, who would prefer to... take it from me." She pursed her lips together before letting out a soft sigh. "But that really does mean a lot to me."
    "You can always hang out with us if you ever need to get away from your family," he told her. "Everyone, no matter what they are, are normal to us." There weren't any other packs that had humans, werewolves, banshees and were-coyotes in them. That was just normal for his. As long as they were good people, that was all that mattered.

    "Well, if you think I am amazing then you will love the rest of the pack. They are great people and great friends," he said with a grin. Knowing that she thought that he was amazing only made him like her more and wanted to see her more. "You don't have anything to be sorry for," he told her. He understood what she meant though. He had met his fair share of Alphas and he had yet to meet one that was like him. Peter was a mass murder and the alpha pack tried to kill him and everyone he cared about. The twins did end up becoming a lot better after that whole mess was cleared.

    Scott smiled a little bit bigger after Grace had told him that Clara would give him a chance just because she liked him. He was glad and he honestly hoped he impressed Clara when he got the chance to meet her. From what he had heard, she seemed like a good person and a great werewolf.

    "Well, you'd be surprised at how many teams we go up against have a werewolf in them too," he told her with a laugh. "But I try not too. In the beginning I may have used it to my advantage because before I was turned I was terrible at lacrosse," he admitted. "I only use it if I absolutely have to so I promise I will play fair, but as long as you come to a game."

    Scott hadn't gone for a run or a hike or even seen a movie in such a long time. He had always been so busy dealing with whatever was going on in Beacon Hills. Sometimes he just didn't have any time to just be a teenager, but maybe he could for awhile now that Grace was in town and the threats weren't there at this point in time. "I could show you a lot of good tracks," he told her smiling. "And I can invite some of my friends if you would like me to."
    March 7th, 2016 at 10:29am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Derek felt a pinch of guilt when Clara mentioned his Mom’s name, it still did hurt remembering the fire that took most of his family. “Yeah… she was the best,” He nearly whispered, he wasn’t sure how much she knew about his family but she obviously knew about the fire. One thing that he wished she didn’t, but she wasn’t asking him about how it happened because he wasn’t ready to tell her about that just yet.

    He smiled as he turned to look at her, “You still didn’t miss much. You still got to learn and got to stay home, you missed out on how badly teenagers can act and all the drama that comes with growing up.” Not that he was involved in the high school drama, but he had seen a lot when he was a teenager and he never missed that. Although now he had to deal with different drama.

    “Sport was an outlet for me, it gave me something to look forward to.” He shrugged his shoulders lightly as he knew a lot of wolves had trouble controlling themselves when they tried a team sport, Derek however didn’t and he enjoyed it. It was the one thing that he missed about being younger, he had tried to keep up with playing sports but he just didn’t have any time now.

    “You don’t have to thank me,” Derek shook his head as she really didn’t, she didn’t even need to use this place. She could go find her own or use his until she has found her own, he didn’t really mind but he felt like he should offer his spot to her because it helped him every time that he went there. Families of wolves were hard to deal with, but he knew it would be even worse if you were the next Alpha in the line.

    Derek hoped that if members of her family didn’t want her to be Alpha that much, that they would simply decide to leave and not try to take the Alpha power from her. But packs can be unpredictable, especially if there is already tension among the members. He knew that Scott wouldn’t have a problem with someone trying to take the power from him, they were all far too close to even think about trying. But it seemed like the Kenway pack wasn’t as loyal as Scott’s pack, which could cause trouble in the family and Derek was now worried that could spill out of the family and effect over people in town.

    “If they try to take it from you, they’ll have to go through me and a True Alpha.” Derek mentioned as he knew Scott would help Clara if things came down to her family attacking her, if she was even still in town when she took over from her father. She was a good person, Derek could sense that she was and Scott always helped out the good people.
    “Thank you, Scott. I’ll be taking you up on that offer, you’ll probably get sick of me.” Grace smiled as she looked at him, she often felt like she needed to get away from her family. Even if that sounded horrible, it was true and it’s why she always went for a run or hike because she needed to get away.

    She knew that werewolves were common throughout the whole world, but she hadn’t even thought about the fact that Scott probably knew a lot from different towns. It did make sense, many packs tried to stay undetected and often settled in small towns so they could still have a somewhat normal life.

    “Well I suppose I can come to some games, I don’t know the rules so I might cheer for you at the wrong time. You can’t blame me if I embarrass you,” She warned him lightly as she was horrible at sports, she had tried many but never found one that she was good at.

    So that’s why she stuck to running, she enjoyed it and she wasn’t surrounded by other people unless she went for a run with Clara. But her sister is usually busy training or fighting, so their Dad hardly ever let Clara out until he was content with how she was fighting.

    Grace didn’t mind if she spent time with his friends or just him, she would like to hang out with just Scott sometime but she wasn’t sure how to let him know that. She wasn’t the most outgoing when it came to asking a guy out, “That would be really good. But I don’t want your friends to come, if they won’t enjoy it.” She didn’t know if Stiles or Lydia would enjoy going for a hike, but his other friends could. “Or if their busy, then we could just go together.” She bit down onto her bottom lip, she didn’t want to ruin things when a friendship was just beginning to form between them.
    March 7th, 2016 at 11:42am