Drops of Jupiter

  • @ The Joker;
    Krissy sighed and leaned her head on his chest. "I hope so because I really like you Neil. I hope you know that. You're really special and I say that because you're heart is so kind and you are amazing." she said softly and looked up at him. "I mean it." she said knowing she was falling for Neil way to quickly and it was going to end up hurting her really badly. Krissy bit her lip and then looked around his room. It had great architecture and a really amazing view. She should see herself walking up every morning beside Neil looking out at the sunrise from over the gardens. "Did you pick this room for the sunrises?" she asked.
    February 16th, 2017 at 04:45am
  • Neil nodded his head as he rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling as he nodded. "That's exactly why I chose this room, honestly. All of the other guys just like being here to get away from their normal lives when we're not on tour. They think this house is also a great place to bring one of their one night stands," he sighed and shook his head. Most of the other band members were complete whores except for him and one other guy. Danny usually brought home a different girl every weekend and he had actually made it through all of their sisters. Which definitely started a fight but they eventually got over it. Danny was and always will be the biggest whore of the band.
    February 16th, 2017 at 04:53am
  • @ The Joker;
    "Oh..." she blushed. Krissy looked up at him. "Well you've already spent to much time with me for me to be your one night stand." she said and turned back to him her arms circling around his neck. "But I wouldn't mind being you're company once and a while." she said and then chuckled. "Do you realize our first kiss was in front of your sister?" she asked and giggled only bringing it up because of how much she wanted to kiss him now. Krissy rubbed his chest. "I was so surprised I hardly got to kiss you back." she said and smiled gently. "But now we are alone. I could really kiss you here." she said and let her finger tips play with the back of his neck.
    February 16th, 2017 at 04:59am
  • Neil chuckled at Krissy's words. He could tell that she wanted to kiss him so he was going to give her what she wanted. That's all he ever wanted to do was to make her feel like a queen and give her any and everything that she wanted. But what was the kind of man that Neil was. He was very giving and treated everyone better than himself. His mom always said it had something to do with him and his huge heart but he always thought he was just a fool because he got taken advantage of too often.

    Neil leaned down to brush his lips across Krissy's for a moment in a teasing manner before he pressed his lips more firmly against hers, placing his hands on her hips and pulling her body closer to his as they had their first kiss.
    February 16th, 2017 at 05:08am
  • @ The Joker;
    Krissy smiled at his chuckle. She loved the sound of it. He drew her close and gave her what she wanted. Krissy kissed him deeply her head spinning. He was such a sweet kisser. He gave her all the pleasure she could want. Krissy ran her hand up into his hair and kissed him harder as she pressed into him feeling his body moving as he held onto her. She smiled as their kiss finally came to a gentle stop. She left her eyes closed a moment and then looked up at him. "Thank you." she whispered and then let her finger untwist from his hair. She giggled and then let herself slide back down to her normal height. Neil wasn't as tall as Danny but it was still easier to kiss him on his level. She ran her hands over Neil's shoulders that were wider and more built than Danny's with made sense because Neil was the drummer and used his arms to play. She smiled up at him as her eyes finally opened and she looked up at him. "That was wonderful." she said relaxed in his arms.
    February 16th, 2017 at 05:15am
  • Neil couldn't help but laugh at her reaction, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to Krissy's forehead. She was definitely different than most females he had ever been with and that was one of the reasons he liked her. She didn't seem like she was using him or wanted him for just sex. Although it was still too early to tell so he wouldn't jump to conclusions so fast. He had learned that the hard way with some of the many girls he had tried to date before. "How about we go back down for the bonfire?" he grinned when he noticed the sun starting to set through the balcony doors.
    February 16th, 2017 at 05:23am
  • @ The Joker;
    Krissy smiled. "Oh yes I would love that." she said. "Bonfires are my favorite along with fireworks, sparklers and waters you can swim in." she said and giggled. "So basically anything you have in July." she said and giggled taking his hand and walking out with him looking around now as they went obviously feeling better since their talk. Krissy smiled as they walked outside and she could hear the kids squeezing with excitement and play. She smiled at him. "Thank you for inviting me Neil." she said. She could smell BBQ and saw some of Neil's brothers messing around as they started the fire. She chuckled and watched them in child like amazement.
    February 16th, 2017 at 05:38am
  • Neil smiled over at Krissy and nodded his head in response, leading her over to the tree logs they had gotten specifically for around the fire. He sat down on one and pulled Krissy down next to him, his eyes watching as his brothers lit the fire. He knew they were the best at it because they went camping all of the time so he just let them do it during every party. No one else seemed to mind. "This is the part where everyone sings and the kids tell scary stories," he whispered in Krissy's ear.
    February 16th, 2017 at 05:54am
  • @ The Joker;
    Krissy chuckled as she sat beside Neil. "Really?" she asked thinking how odd it was that the rest of the band would join in on this but perhaps they liked the family feel to it, the summer camp feel. She leaned her head on Neil's shoulder. "It seems like some kind of corny movie that everyone hates to watch because everyone secretly wishes they could be a part of." she said softly and clapped as they set the wood on fire and Neil's brothers turned and gone a short bow. She chuckled and then looked back at Neil. "I'm going to get a drink do you want one?" she asked.
    February 16th, 2017 at 05:59am
  • Neil nodded his head in response to her, smiling at her lightly. "Yeah, get me a beer please," he told her as one of his brothers sat down beside him. He turned to face him and started to talk about something they were both planning a few months from then, winking at Krissy before she walked away.

    @ Jinx...
    February 16th, 2017 at 05:55pm
  • @ The Joker;
    Krissy nodded to Neil and smiled. She blushed as his brother winked at her. She shook her head and walked over to get the drinks. She finally found the alcohol and chuckled. She should have known. Krissy grabbed Jimmy a bear and a cooler for her. She didn't want to drink to much. One of them had to be able to drive tonight. It wouldn't be a good idea for her to spend the night with how Danny had been acting. It would be better all around the faster she got home. Krissy looked back at Neil not in to much of a hurry to return to his side. Something about the way his brother had winked at her had made her feel off and a little edgy.
    February 16th, 2017 at 07:47pm
  • Neil kept talking to his brother, having not noticed the wink that he threw at Krissy. Sure, his brother was that of a flirt but he wasn't the creepy kind and he would never push himself onto other guys girlfriends or a girl who turned him down. He was very respectful when it came to women.

    Neil noticed that Krissy hadn't come back yet and looked around, frowning when he didn't see her in his eyesight. He was really hoping that he didn't say anything wrong to her but he'd give her a few more minutes before he went to look for her.

    @ Jinx...
    February 16th, 2017 at 11:18pm
  • @ The Joker;
    Krissy was watching everyone interact sipping her drink then slowly made her way back to Neil and sat beside him. She smiled and handed him his beer. "Here ya go dear." she said and smiled at him. Krissy leaned into his side. She looked over at the fire and smiled softly. It was a really nice fire. She leaned into Neil relaxing again by his side. He had a calming presence about him that she entirely enjoyed. She wondered if Danny would be joining all of them or if he was still sulking somewhere.
    February 17th, 2017 at 12:02am
  • Neil wrapped his arm around Krissy's body and held her close to his side. He Kissed the top of her head while he watched the fire and sipped on his beer. He was listening to everyone around them talk and enjoying his time with Krissy. She somehow seemed to keep him calm and keep him from freaking out on Danny as he saw him stumble over. He took a deep breath and tightened his arm around her, biting his lip.
    February 17th, 2017 at 02:28am
  • @ The Joker;
    Krissy smiled at Neil. She frowned when Danny came staggering over. She put her hand in Neil's and rubbed his arm gently. "This is really a beautiful night." she said softly to him. She finished her drink and then turned her attention to one of the people speaking and grinning at their story. It was so calm and easy going here. Krissy hoped Neil and Danny would be alright after tonight. She didn't want any drama to come from this.
    February 17th, 2017 at 03:08am
  • Neil stared over at Danny, the both of them throwing daggers at each other. Neil and Danny rarely ever fought. And for this fight to be over a girl? It really hurt Neil's feelings.

    Neil wasn't paying attention to the stories at all as he watched Danny, a frown on his face. His eyes never wavered from the singer and he wanted to get up and go punch him in the face for being such a douche but Neil knew he couldn't do that. He was the level headed one of the band and knew that if he went off, people would know it was over something that Neil felt strongly about.

    @ Jinx...
    February 17th, 2017 at 05:49am
  • @ The Joker;
    Krissy glanced back at Neil and rubbed his arm whispering to him. "Neil it's going to be okay. You and Danny will work it out. I am sure it was just a shock was all and in the morning when things settle down everything will be alright." she said trying to calm him. She didn't like seeing Neil like this. Danny was a mess right now and though she didn't understand why she did understand what was upsetting Neil. "Come on sweetheart talk to me, look at me and let it go for tonight try to enjoy yourself." she said softly.
    February 17th, 2017 at 06:35am
  • Neil pulled his arm away from Krissy, turning his head to glare at her for a second. He then got up and started for the house, not wanting to be around anyone right now. As much as he knew Krissy was trying, it wasn't helping. She wasn't soothing him or calming him down at all and he wasn't in the mood for it. He wanted to be mad.

    @ Jinx...
    February 19th, 2017 at 12:48am
  • @ The Joker;
    Krissy frowned as Neil got up and walked off. She looked down and tried not to get upset but she was. She knew this was a bad idea and he had wanted her to come anyways and here he was mad at her? She should call a cab to take her home. None of them needed this. She stood and walked away from the fire. Though she had intended to head towards the drive way she needed up standing at the waters edge. Krissy sniffled and ran a when through her hair. She sighed and closed her eyes. She already cared for Neil and she was a weak woman for not being able to do what was right and walk away now and save them all the pain she could see would come. Krissy thought Neil could handle this different then Danny would but it seemed he wasn't able to. She stood there a while her fingers in her pocket touching her phone as her mind tried to convince her body to pick it up and dial a way home.
    February 20th, 2017 at 06:05am
  • Neil finally found a way to calm himself down before he walked around in search for Krissy. Once he found her, he snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, leaning his chin on her shoulder and closing his eyes. "I'm so sorry about that," he told her quietly. His sister had also come and talked him into going and finding Krissy but there was also something bothering Marie that he couldn't quite put his finger on. He would have to ask her about that later.

    @ Jinx...
    February 28th, 2017 at 01:15am