now I need someone to breathe me back to life

  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Dawn Maddox & Isaac Lahey

    Bonnie Maddox & Scott McCall
    March 3rd, 2016 at 06:46am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Scott’s pack was growing considerably, given the fact that he hadn’t been an Alpha for too long. There was Kira and Malia, newer members of the pack, but not the newest, considering he had recently bitten Liam. Not that he had meant to; he had only been trying to save the boy’s life. And, then there were the members that had been in the pack since before he even became an Alpha – Stiles, Lydia, and Isaac. Of course, they had all been in somewhat the same pack from the beginning, given that Derek had been the Alpha before. Stiles wasn’t even supernatural, yet he was one of the core parts of the pack.

    And, now, he had to deal with an entirely new pack coming to Beacon Hills. An old pack, according to Derek, but, from what Scott understood, it seemed to consist of family only. He wasn’t entirely sure why they were visiting, but they had sent him a message ahead of time for him to prepare for their arrival. Though he wasn’t sure when they were supposed to arrive, either, he tried to take comfort in the fact that it at least didn’t seem like they were coming there to cause trouble. If that had been the case, he was sure that they wouldn’t have let him know ahead of time that they were coming.

    Walking into school, he glanced around, hoping to spot the rest of his pack. They were scattered around, he noticed, on different ends of the hallway. It was nice to see that they all seemed to be fairly comfortable, though, regardless of the fact that things could likely turn bad if the other pack decided that they were an enemy. They’d just have to make a good impression, he decided as he headed to his locker.
    Moving wasn’t something that Dawn really agreed with, but she was well aware of the fact that she didn’t have much of a choice. Besides, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad once she got used to Beacon Hills. It was the school that she was worried about; as good as she was at being prepared to take over as Alpha of her pack, high school was an entirely different story. She couldn’t really be herself in school. She couldn’t talk openly about her family, her pack, or herself. It was almost like living a double life, having to pretend to be normal when she much preferred to live her life without those restrictions.

    It was why, for the past year, she had been able to talk her father into allowing her to be homeschooled. The option also gave him more time to train and prepare her for taking over, which he was more than pleased with. It was probably why he had agreed so easily. But, the option of homeschool wasn’t even on the table anymore, due to the fact that there was apparently a True Alpha in this town. No, instead, she had to actually go to school and learn more about the True Alpha and his pack, to make sure that it would be safe for her and her family to stay there. They didn’t want bad blood with the pack, after all.

    As she pulled up to the school, she glanced over to her sister and offered a small grin. “I hope you’re ready for our first day, Bonnie. I might need your help getting used to actually going to school again,” she teased lightly, though it was mostly to see if her sister was nervous about this. Parking, she got out and grabbed her bag, but waited for Bonnie so that they could head inside.
    March 12th, 2016 at 01:39am