like father like daughter.

  • Matt laughed, shaking his head. Normally, he wouldn't tolerate something like that, but since she was tired and it was actually pretty true at the moment, he would let it slide. "Go back to sleep, Hazel," he said. "We'll talk in the morning." He moved to lay on his back, letting her rest against his side with her head on his chest. He held her close while she slept, eventually falling asleep himself as well.
    March 19th, 2016 at 01:08am
  • Hazel fell asleep a little more quickly now that she was in his arms again, still having somewhat dream filled sleep, but sleeping better than she had before he had joined her. The next morning, sunlight fell on her pillow, beginning to wake her. She opened her eyes slowly. She was feeling better, but as well as she had before the incident. She looked around for her father, rubbing her eyes.
    March 19th, 2016 at 01:34am
  • Matt was in the corner of the room by the closet, getting dressed. He'd woken up early and had showered, and now he was searching for clothes in his closet. He didn't know that Hazel was awake, that's why he'd hopped in the shower quickly so that he could get it over with before she woke up. He finally found something he wanted to wear, dropping his towel and walking over to the dresser to grab a pair of boxer briefs.
    March 19th, 2016 at 01:37am
  • As Hazel sat up a little, her eyes fixed on her father by the closet, just as he dropped his towel. Her eyes widened as she got an eyeful of his wide shoulders, ass and muscular legs. She could feel her face heat up, and she felt an odd pull to him in her gut, but she was too shocked to realize what she was feeling. As he grabbed boxers out of the dresser, she turned quickly and felt back down onto the bed, pretending to be asleep and hoping he wouldn't notice the movement of the bed. Just before she closed her eyes, she caught a glimpse of his front as well. Odd feelings churned inside her, hoping and praying he didn't notice she was awake.
    March 19th, 2016 at 01:41am
  • Matt didn't even notice Hazel move at all, he was too busy stuck in his own thoughts. He pulled his underwear on, and then his clothes, picking up his towel and tossing it in the hamper. He walked over to the bed and sat on the edge of it, debating if he should wake her up or not. She seemed so peaceful, but she needed to get up and get some nutrients in her body. "Hazel, wake up," he murmured, reaching out and grabbing her shoulder. He shook her gently, hoping she wasn't like some of his other daughters when it came to waking her up.
    March 19th, 2016 at 01:52am
  • Hazel gave what she thought was a fairly convincing performance of waking up, looking up at her father, the thoughts of his naked form flashing into her mind again repetatively, making her insides turn in a weird way again. "Morning..." She mumbled, looking away from him, finding it difficult to push the images out of her mind. She slowly sat up, glancing at him then down at her own hands.
    March 19th, 2016 at 01:56am
  • Matt frowned. She must still be feeling weird. He wished he could take the memories of what had happened to her away, but she'd be living with them for the rest of her life. He leaned over and slid his arm around her. "Morning," he murmured. "I bet you're starving. You haven't eaten since dinner the night before last." He stood up and gently helped her off the bed. "Come on. Let's go get you some breakfast." He smiled at her, leading her out of his room and down to the kitchen. He wasn't going to wait for the official breakfast to be made. He didn't really care. And it wasn't a big deal if they slipped into the kitchen and got their own food anyways.
    March 19th, 2016 at 02:01am
  • As he wrapped his arm around her, she felt strange tingles against her skin, but she let him guide her off the bed. The feeling vaguely reminded her of how she'd felt when the children from their pack and the children from another pack had gotten together, to meet. She'd seen a handsome boy there, and she'd gotten a strange feeling- it was like that, but slightly different. She felt obsessed and unable to let the thought of the father out of her mind. She walked into the kitchen with him, glancing at him. "Can I have an omelette?" She asked softly.
    March 19th, 2016 at 02:07am
  • Matt smiled and nodded his head. "Sure can," he said. He walked over to the fridge, pulling out the butter, eggs, and some cheese. "What all do you want on it? Ham, bacon?" He knew he liked to have just ham, cheese and bacon on his omelettes. He didn't like mushrooms or onions or all that fancy stuff. He could tell she was acting a big strange, and he wondered why. He wanted to ask her, but at the same time, if it was just because of what had happened to her, he didn't want to bring it back up. It would just be salt in the wound.
    March 19th, 2016 at 02:09am
  • "Bacon and cheese should be fine." Hazel said, hopping up on a stool. She gazed at her father, sighing a little. "Um, dad?" When she got his eye contact she blushed a little. "Are you and mom still in love?" She felt strange asking it, but she wanted to. She realized briefly that with all this thought about her dad, she hadn't thought about the incident yesterday at all. Maybe this was a good thing.
    March 19th, 2016 at 02:17am
  • Matt looked at her, biting his lip hard as he thought. He already knew the answer, but he wasn't sure if he should tell her the truth or not. But he just couldn't see himself lying to her. "No," he said. "We're not. We haven't been for years, probably since you were ten." He took the bacon out and took it out of its package after putting the pan on the burner and putting some butter in there to melt. "Why do you want to know?" He'd tried to date other women, but he just hadn't been interested. None of them were as good as Sabrina, but at some point they'd just fallen out of love. Sometimes things worked that way.
    March 19th, 2016 at 02:40am
  • Hazel crossed her legs, gazing at her dad as she sat on the chair, shrugging. She herself wasn't sure why she'd asked. "I dunno, just curious I guess." Somehow his answer didn't upset her at all. She felt as though she had already known it, and she even felt a little relieved. She gazed at him, sighing a little. "Can I sleep in your bed again tonight?"
    March 19th, 2016 at 02:51am
  • Matt nodded his head. "Yeah," he said. "I talked to Zack. He said he'd switch rooms with you, but he's gotta take two days to do it, so you'll probably have to sleep in there tonight and tomorrow." He put the eggs in the skillet and scrambled them slightly before he began cutting up the bacon into smaller pieces. He glanced over at her and smiled. "I'm glad we've been spending this time together, Hazel. I've realized that I need to get closer with my family. So I hope you don't mind if I spend some more time with your sisters as well." He already spent plenty of time with his boys while training them.
    March 19th, 2016 at 02:55am
  • Hazel felt a surprising feeling of jealousy when he mentioned spending more time with her sisters- but she knew that she couldn't keep him away from her sisters. They were important too. "Yeah, yeah, that's fine." She sighed a little and yawned, getting up and starting to make herself some tea, filling up the mug with water, then putting it in the microwave. "Thank you for spending so much time with me."
    March 19th, 2016 at 03:08am
  • "I don't mind it," Matt said, smiling at her. He continued making her omelette, putting the stuff in it when he needed to and flipping it. He glanced over at her and frowned slightly. "Smile. Come on. Try to be happy." He reached over and poked her nose, chuckling. Maybe that wasn't the way to treat an almost adult teenager, but he figured anything would work to make her somewhat happy at this point.
    March 19th, 2016 at 03:10am
  • Hazel couldn't help but giggle a little as he poked her nose, pulling the hot mug out of the microwave as it beeped at her, putting the tea bag in. "I won't be happy all the time, I think." She said soberly, bobbing the tea bag in the water. "It feels like it's taking more effort."
    March 25th, 2016 at 02:12am
  • Matt nodded his head. "I understand," he said. "But the best thing you can do right now is try and process it. Let it sink in, you know? Don't try to avoid it. I find when something bad happens to me, if I just sit and process it rather than push it to the back burner, I end up dealing with it and getting over it a lot faster, and it doesn't come back to haunt me."
    March 25th, 2016 at 02:23am
  • Hazel nodded, staring into the swirls of milk in her mug as she added some, sipping the drink and sitting back on the chair. She felt scared to accept and process the experience, it scared her tremendously and she wanted to somehow be able to function. But she didn't want to not deal with it either. She sighed softly, sipping the tea again, lost in thought.
    March 25th, 2016 at 11:47pm
  • Matt watched her for a moment before he plated her omelette and sat it in front of her. He made his own and sat down next to her, reaching over and gently touching her shoulder. "It's gonna be okay, Hazel," he assured her. "I promise." He smiled and kissed her temple before he started eating. As much as he wanted to spend time with his other daughters, he had a feeling that she was going to be needing him around a lot more now than she had before. Which he didn't mind, really. She was very intelligent, and he liked being in her company.
    March 25th, 2016 at 11:53pm
  • Hazel toyed at the food in front of her with her fork, the place where he kissed her temple leaving a tingling, burning sensation. She glanced up at her father and then slowly began to eat- she liked omelettes, but despite being hungry, the food seemed tasteless. So did her tea, for that matter, even though she'd made it just as she liked it. She let out a little sigh and began to eat, not realizing how slow she was being, or even really noticing the passage of time. She looked up, just to realize that her dad was looking at her, a small line between his eyebrows as they furrowed slightly in concern.
    June 8th, 2016 at 12:44am