Lately I've Been Craving More

  • The Great Khal

    The Great Khal (100)

    United States
    @ frank castle.
    Annabelle couldn’t help but roll her eyes at Wendy’s words before Chris walked in and spoke what she was just about to say, “Thank you for taking the words right out of my mouth, Chris.” Annabelle said with a huff as she looked at her best friend. She hugged Chris back tightly with a grin on her face. She was beyond excited to spend the day with Chris and catch up with him. Granted, since the day that Annabelle came to set, she and Chris had talked every chance they could until they both either fell asleep or decided to call it a night. It was just like in college when she and Chris could talk about literally anything and everything and never grew bored.

    Annabelle smiled up at Chris and nodded, “I’m starving so yeah I’m definitely ready to go.” She replied before she turned to Wendy, “Have fun with your boyfriend. Don’t get into trouble. Don’t trash the apartment. Be good.” Annabelle said with a mother-look on her face before smiling, “Love you!” She called before leaving the door open and looping her arm with Chris’s and walking out of the apartment with a smile, “I’m not going to lie, meatball, I’m really excited for today.” Annabelle stated before they passed Sebastian, “I left the door open for you. Wendy is in the kitchen.” She said to him before smiling.


    Sebastian smiled when the buzzer sounded, signaling he could go up. He hurried up the stairs towards Wendy and Annabelle’s apartment. He smiled at Annabelle and Chris when he passed them, giving Chris a nod and smirked slightly as he noticed Annabelle’s arm looped through his. He obviously knew how much the two had been talking since that day on set, hearing it not only from Wendy, but he also heard from Chris and could see it whenever they got a break and was always texting Annabelle. He smiled at Annabelle’s words, “Thanks, Annabelle. Have a good time you two.” He said to them and headed into the apartment.

    “Woman I brought your breakfast!” He called as he walked in the apartment and shut the door behind him. He walked to Wendy in the kitchen and smile at her before he handed her the bag her food in it and the coffee he had in the carrier for her. He took a sip from his before he sighed, “So what are we doing today?” He asked with a cheeky grin. Sebastian, knew that she was planning on working that day, but he knew it wouldn’t end up happening. Not with his attention span. He would get bored after ten minutes and then start bugging Wendy while she tried to work. It was what he did best.
    June 13th, 2016 at 01:14am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Wendy rolled her eyes slightly in response to Chris and Annie's words. "Just get out of here you two!" She said, shooing them away from her like an elderly person trying to get a group of kids of their lawn. "Yes, mom." She said sarcastically, crossing her arms over her chest. A faint smirk formed on her lips as she watched Annie and Chris walk out. The smirk was mainly because she saw her friend's arm looped through his. But today was completely platonic. It wasn't a date at all. Of course it wasn't. "Love you too!"

    She let out a laugh when Sebastian's voice sounded throughout the entire apartment. "Well, good morning to you too." She teased, taking the bag of food and her coffee from him. "We are doing nothing. I'm filming and editing some videos and you're going to let me do that." She said as she took the breakfast sandwich out of the bag, unwrapped it, and took a bite out of it. "You did promise not to distract me today, remember? That's why I agreed to let you come over."
    Chris couldn't help grinning when Annie hugged him back. Honestly, this whole day had him in such a good freaking mood and he really hoped that nothing changed that. He didn't really have too much planned after they grabbed breakfast, but he figured that it would be more fun that way. Plus, if he had too much planned than he knew Wendy and Seb would pester him about how this was a date or something, which it wasn't. He and Annie were just two friends hanging out. Nothing more, nothing less. He wasn't going to let himself overthink any of this too much. He knew better than to do that. Or well, he tried his best not to let it happen anyway.

    "I think it's pretty clear that we aren't wanted here anymore, Annie." He said, feigning offense when Wendy shooed them both out the door. He chuckled slightly, shaking his head as he walked out with the small brunette. "I'm really excited too." He told her, grinning slightly. He nodded in Sebastian's direction when they walked past him before exiting the building. "There's definitely something going on there. Mackie and I are considering taking bets as to how long it takes them to come to their senses."
    June 13th, 2016 at 03:44am
  • The Great Khal

    The Great Khal (100)

    United States
    @ frank castle.
    (just made everything for both one big paragraph instead of two for each)

    Annabelle laughed at Chris’s words and nodded, “I want in on those bets.” She replied as they walked down the stairs of the apartment building, “So where are we having breakfast and what are we doing today?” She asked quickly and smiled up at Chris. She was very impatient and because of being so excited for the day, she was even more impatient. Since they had planned out this little outing, Chris wouldn’t tell Annabelle a thing about what they were going to be doing, and Annabelle hated it. She always hated when Chris would keep things as a surprise or a secret, and that still held true to this day, “And don’t try to tell me that it’s a surprise because you know how I feel about surprises. Remember when you threw that surprise birthday party for me in college, and even though I thought it was cute, I still hit you because you know I hate surprises. I’ll never forget the lecture that my mom gave me after that party. Saying how I should have been more appreciative of everything you did that day, and you know I was, but I hate surprises so I got a bit bitchy.” Annabelle said with a laugh. Annabelle did of course show Chris how appreciative she was of what he did by making his favorite dinner the next two nights, watching his favorite movies with him, and showing him how grateful she was in a super special way, but that’s a talk for another time. Annabelle didn’t want to think about that, scared of the blush that might creep up on her face thinking about it.


    Sebastian smiled at her words before he let out a loud groan from her following ones, “Fineeeeee.” He groaned before smirking slightly to himself. He did promise her he wouldn’t distract her. Some promises are meant to be broken though. He reasoned to himself. That’s how he was going to think about it, “So whatcha filming?” He asked after taking a sip of coffee, “Makeup stuff?” He added even though he knew that’s what it was. Sebastian knew that in her spare time, Wendy posted make up tutorial videos on Youtube. He had watched a couple and given his thoughts on them for her. He didn’t understand most of the stuff that she talked about in her videos, but he knew that the end result looked amazing on her, as always, and he made sure to tell her that, as always. He knew that Wendy was really amazing at what she did with makeup and he wished that she got more recognition for the hard work that she does. He knew that the makeup department on set didn’t treat her as well as they should and he hated that it was like that with her.
    June 13th, 2016 at 05:39am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "A promise is a promise, Stan." Wendy said before taking another bite out of her sandwich. She probably should have known better than to believe that he'd actually let her get any work done today. They might not have known each other for very long, but she knew him pretty damn well, and that meant knowing that he had the attention span and patience of a five year old with ADHD sometimes. Alas, she'd been fooled. "Aren't I always?" She countered, punctuating her words with a raised eyebrow. She couldn't help the sassy remark. Sometimes it just happened, but he was used to her sass at this point. That much she was certain of. "I'm hoping to get some editing done a haul video I filmed last week, and I'm planning on getting a makeup tutorial filmed as well."
    "Of course. We were going to rope you into this whether you wanted to be or not." Chris said, grinning slightly. He'd known that Annie would want in on whatever he and Anthony had planned though. She was just as adamant about Sebastian and Wendy ending up together as the two of them were. "I wouldn't dare surprise you after what happened that time." He chuckled. He knew exactly what she was talking about. He'd known that she wasn't big on surprises, but he'd wanted to throw his girlfriend a surprise birthday party anyway. He thought that when she saw her family and friends from back home that she wouldn't be annoyed, but he'd thought wrong. Afterwards she had found her own way to thank him though, in more ways than one, but he wasn't about to mention any of that right now and make things awkward or anything like that. "There's a place about ten or fifteen minutes from here I figured we could go to. I hear they have the best pancakes around."
    June 13th, 2016 at 08:37pm
  • The Great Khal

    The Great Khal (100)

    United States
    @ frank castle.
    Annabelle laughed at his words and nodded, "See, I got shit for it from my mom, but you learned your lesson, didn't you?" She questioned with a laugh. When he explained the place they were headed, she smiled and nodded, "Well as long as I can get chocolate chip pancakes, I'm in. You know they're my favorite." Annabelle said and grinned. She remembered when she and Chris were together in college, he would make her chocolate chip pancakes almost every morning before they went to class and he would make them for her for every single exam she had. It was one of her favorite things that Chris had ever done for her during their relationship.


    Sebastian rolled his eyes at her words, "I know. I'm not gonna distract you, Wendy." He said and crossed his fingers behind his back like the five year old he was. When she spoke about what she was planning on doing for the day, he nodded and smiled, "How long are those gonna take? I mean I know you edit them and stuff but all the videos I've watched of yours, you make it look pretty easy and quick." He said. Sebastian knew that Wendy put a lot of effort into her videos and the make up that she does in her videos, and he loved that she made it all look effortless. It really showed that she was really amazing as what she does.
    June 17th, 2016 at 07:59pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Wendy shot a pointed look his way and raised an eyebrow in response to his words. For some reason, she didn't entirely believe him. She knew Sebastian well, and she knew that he had the attention span of a flea sometimes, or maybe a hyperactive five year old. Either way, something told her that he was going to wind up getting bored very easily today. And that would likely mean he'd end up distracting her. "It's hard to say." She said, shrugging her shoulders before taking a bite out of her sandwich. "Filming is normally a lot less tedious than the editing process. I might just end up filming one of them today and editing some of the ones I haven't gotten around to recently."
    "I most definitely did." Chris said, chuckling slightly. "Speaking of your mom, how is she and everyone else?" They'd talked a lot about his family, but he hadn't really asked her much about her home. Annie's parents had accepted them like one of their own kids much like his parents had accepted her. That honestly made the breakup all the more difficult and heartbreaking. He hadn't just lost Annie, he'd lost her family as well. "How could I possibly forget when I used to make them for you all the time?" He chuckled once more.
    June 19th, 2016 at 11:14pm
  • The Great Khal

    The Great Khal (100)

    United States
    @ frank castle.
    Annabelle laughed at Chris's words before she smiled when he asked about her mom and family, "Mom is great. Dad is great. They're still happily in love like they were when they first got together. Talia is great. Her and her husband have two kids, a boy named Wyatt and a girl named Emily. Hunter is doing great as well. He's a doctor now and he has been with his girlfriend for about three years. I think he's gong to pop the question soon. Jax is still doing his thing. Traveling around the world. Helping everyone that he can that needs it." She explained. Jax had always been the brother that Annabelle was closest with, being that they are the two youngest in their family. Annabelle's parents had always loved Chris and pulled him into the family like they just added another son to their list of kids. Nobody in the family minded because all of Annabelle's siblings loved Chris as if he were part of the family already. Annabelle was actually very surprised because Jax and Hunter were very protective over Annabelle, but once Chris had gotten their approval, she knew that he would win over the whole family. And he had.


    Sebastian nodded at her words, "Well I want to see the filming and editing process because I've only ever seen it for movies and such but never for makeup tutorial videos." He said and clapped his hands together before he smiled. Let the distractions begin. He thought to himself. Sebastian knew that even if he wasn't bored, he would still try to distract Wendy because it was what he did best and he knew that it annoyed the living hell out of her, so that made it even more fun to do. Of course he knew that she wanted to get work done, but with him around, she must know that there would be no work getting done by her at all. If anything he might let her get an hour in of work before he started with the full force distractions, didn't want to give away his intentions too early. That wouldn't be any fun.

    (I know Sebastian's isn't very long, but I'm sleepy so my brain isn't working that much.)
    June 21st, 2016 at 04:23am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "If you're quiet, you can sit and watch me film." Wendy told him. She knew that he'd already promised her more than once that he wasn't going to distract her, but she was still making a point to remind him of that fact. She probably should have known better than to believe that he'd actually do so, but she hadn't, so she'd discover her oversight soon enough. After tossing the remnants of her breakfast into the trash, she motioned for him to follow her down the hall to the little office area that she and Annie shared. Wendy used it to film her videos so all of her essentials like her camera and filming lights were there, but there was also a computer there as well so that she could edit her videos and Annie could edit her photos after working on a shoot.
    "Talia's married?" Chris asked, somewhat surprised. The last time he'd seen her sister, she was just finishing up her freshman year of college. He knew that he hadn't seen Annie in ten years, but it still came as a shock to him, and he was truly realizing now just how much time had passed since they'd last spoken to each other. It made him even more determined to make sure that never happened again. He refused to make the same mistakes that he had in the past. He'd lost Annie once and he wasn't about to lose her a second time. He didn't care where things went with them, even if they were just friends he'd still want her to remain a staple in his life.
    June 21st, 2016 at 03:37pm
  • The Great Khal

    The Great Khal (100)

    United States
    @ frank castle.
    Annabelle laughed at how shocked Chris was about her sister being married, “Yup. They’ve been married for almost five years now I think. I can’t keep track anymore because they were dating for so long before they got married. Their oldest kid, Wyatt, the boy, is turning six this year. Emily is turning four.” She explained. Talking about her family, made her truly realize how long it had really been since she had last seen Chris. She knew it had been a long time. Hell, they had been together when she was in college, but she was realizing just how long ago that meant, “Jesus, I was just thinking how long it’s been since I last saw you and talking about my family and what they’re doing now makes me feel old. I mean, can you believe it’s been about ten years since we last saw each other.” She rambled aloud with a smile.


    Sebastian grinned widely at her words like a child before he practically skipped off to the office that she and Annabelle shared, “So this is your office, huh? How do you not do these things in like a bathroom area or something? Like shouldn’t you have a bunch of mirrors to get all the angles?” He questioned. He knew it was probably a stupid question, but all of the tutorials he had briefly watched on Youtube seemed to involve bathrooms or a bunch of mirrors so the artist could see what they were doing while filming. Sebastian quickly glanced around the room to see what he could mess with while she worked to distract her from her filming and editing.
    June 22nd, 2016 at 05:38am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Wendy shook her head, though a small smile graced her lips. He was such a dork sometimes. But she really liked that about him. He could always make her smile and laugh when she was in a bad mood. She understood why he was adored by so many people. She'd seen some of the videos of him at conventions with fans. He was definitely a dork, a lovable one at that. "I have this." She told him as she pulled out one of those mirrors that could be made to stand up from one of the desk drawers. "And I sometimes use the view-finder too." She already had all the makeup she'd need for the tutorial she was planning on doing today. It wasn't anything crazy, and was fairly basic, so she figured it wouldn't take her too long at all.

    "You can sit down over there if you want." She motioned to a small couch that they had set up in the office before she made sure her filming lights were on, switched on her camera and sat down at the desk. "Hey everyone! So today I figured I'd do something a little different. I've been doing voice overs for most of my tutorials, but today's going to be more of a chit chat get ready with me, so I hope you're all ready to hear me ramble for the next ten to fifteen minutes."
    "I was honestly thinking the same exact thing." Chris admitted with a slight chuckle. He hadn't really took the time to think too much about how long it had been since he and Annie had last seen each other. He knew it had been ten or so years, but that seemed so much longer now that she was talking about her family and all that. A lot could change in a decade, and clearly it had. "Thanks for making me feel old." He teased, chuckling once more. He obviously was the one who had asked about her family, and he was only joking, but he did sort of feel old now that he realized how much time had actually gone by.

    Not long after he made that comment, they reached the restaurant he wanted to take her to. "This is it." He told her as he opened the door for her.
    June 22nd, 2016 at 03:01pm
  • The Great Khal

    The Great Khal (100)

    United States
    @ frank castle.
    Annabelle laughed at Chris's words before she shook her head, "You're the one that started asking about my family!" She defended before she grinned up at him, "But you are old, so it's okay." She teased and stuck her tongue out at him. When he opened the door for her, she smiled up at him before walking inside and taking a seat at one of the booths, "They better have good chocolate chip pancakes, Evans, or I'm taking it out on you." She threatened with a small giggle and started to look around the place. It was a cute little place that had a very fifties vibe to it, and she really liked that with the fifties being one of her favorite eras. She had always wished she had been able to live in the fifties, but sadly she wasn't. So she continued to admire the restaurant with a smile on her face.


    Sebastian nodded at her words before she motioned for the couch for him to sit down. He sat down and watched as she pressed record on the camera and started to film. He smiled at how enthusiastic she was when filming, though of course, it wasn't that much different from how she usually was. Wendy was always so happy about everything, and that was one of Sebastian's favorite things about her. He glanced at her and then over to the camera before he decided to start putting his distraction plan into motion. He thought about which he wanted to do first, and he decided to take it slow and steady at first. He casually stood up and made sure to walk behind Wendy's shot as she talked and out of the office to the kitchen.
    June 23rd, 2016 at 03:10am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "So, I think I'm just going to keep it simple today since I'm not really doing too much, but I did want to test this bad boy out that I got in the mail yesterday." Wendy said as she held up one of the new Jeffree Star liquid lipsticks she'd just received. She noticed Sebastian walk behind her not long after she started filming. She knew that he was in the shot, but instead of starting over she figured she could find a way to edit it later on. Little did she know that there would be a lot more editing out that she'd have to do soon enough. Nevertheless, she continued filming and got started on her makeup, not even thinking twice about why Sebastian had left the room.
    "I didn't think it would backfire on me and end up making me feel old!" Chris said, chuckling slightly. It was hard to believe that ten years really had gone by. He and Annie had sort of picked things back up already, in terms of their friendship at least, and it almost didn't feel like they'd ever been apart, let alone for ten years. "Hey! I'm only two months older than you!" He chuckled, shaking his head as he followed her into the restaurant. He knew how much she liked the 1950's, so he figured this place was right up here alley with how it was styled and everything. "I expect nothing less from you." He grinned.
    June 23rd, 2016 at 04:03am
  • The Great Khal

    The Great Khal (100)

    United States
    @ frank castle.
    Annabelle laughed and shook her head at his words before she laughed once more at his following defense, “You’re point? You’re still old.” She said and squinted slightly, “I think I can see some gray hairs coming in.” She followed it up by pointing at his forehead, “Oh and there are a couple wrinkles. You better watch it, old man, you’re aging at a rapid rate.” She teased before she smiled at him. She looked over when the waitress came to the table. She handed menus and gave her name, her eyes falling on Chris, clearly recognizing who he was. Annabelle raised an eyebrow with a small smirk when the waitress fumbled over her words slightly before she started reading off the specials. It was weird that people were actually starstruck by Chris. Annabelle kept forgetting that he was a big star now. She still saw him as her dorky best friend from college. To her, he was just Chris. The guy she ran into on a street corner while jogging one day and hasn’t ever really been able to get rid of since then, even during the time when they didn’t see each other, “I’ll have two chocolate chip pancakes, please.” Annabelle said once the girl had turned back to her.


    Sebastian walked into the kitchen with a devious smirk on his face as he started to look around for what noises he could make to distract Wendy. He quickly opened a cabinet before getting out a glass and slamming the cabinet shut and setting the glass down on the counter with a loud clank. He knew that at least the cabinet had to have been caught on camera, the thought causing him to smile to himself. Sebastian started to ‘look’ around the kitchen for something to drink, “Where’s the damn milk?!” He said fairly loudly that he knew it would be caught on camera, “Oops. Gotta be quiet. Sorry, Wendy!” He apologized loudly with a smirk. He saw that there was a bag of chips on the counter and he quickly opened them before poured himself a glass of water instead of milk before he carried everything back into the office, making sure to walk through the shot again. He sat back down on the couch and reached into the bag, making as much noise as he possibly could before he pretended to look guilty and mouthed a ‘sorry’ towards Wendy as he put a chip in his mouth and crunched loudly.
    June 23rd, 2016 at 04:39am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Wendy had only just started on her makeup when she heard a cabinet slam and the loud clank of a glass being set down on the counter. She knew that it would be picked up on camera and decided to make a joke of it, not realizing that there would be more coming soon enough. "I have friends over. Yeah, I'm not a total loner. Shocker, I know." She joked with a laugh before she went back to putting on her foundation. That's when she heard Sebastian say something rather loudly in the kitchen about milk. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes when he apologized just as loudly. She wouldn't be able to cut any of that out and she knew it. Maybe she should have stuck with a voice over today instead of a chit chat type video. When he came back into the room and started grabbing some chips from the bag he'd brought with him, she glanced over her shoulder and shot him a look before trying her best to get back to what she was doing. "As I was saying, I think I'm going to do a more neutral eye today since the lipstick is a bit of a bold color."
    Chris gaped at her. "You're so mean to me!" He exclaimed with a laugh as he took a seat across from her at the table. "I don't have any grey hair or wrinkles!" He'd forgotten how much he laughed when he was with Annie. They always had a great time when they were together. He also hadn't realized just how much he'd really missed this until now. He definitely wasn't going to let another ten years go by without seeing her. He wasn't screwing things up a second time. He just wouldn't let it happen. He noticed that the waitress seemed a bit taken aback when she realized who she was serving. Chris didn't make anything of it. He didn't want any special treatment or anything. He wanted to be treated like any other customer who walked into the place. "And I'll take two blueberry pancakes and some scrambled eggs." He told the waitress. "Just don't tell my trainer." He joked, directing the comment towards Annie.
    June 23rd, 2016 at 08:14pm
  • The Great Khal

    The Great Khal (100)

    United States
    @ frank castle.
    Annabelle raised an eyebrow at his words and laughed, shaking her head, “You sure about that, Evans? I’m sure that Wendy could cover up those greys for you. She helps me dye my hair all the time when I want to put color streaks in it. I’m sure since she’s also a makeup artist that she could help you cover your wrinkles as well.” She teased and smiled widely at him. She loved that she was able to joke with Chris like this again. It had been so long since she had last seen him, and with the way everything went down, she wasn’t completely sure if they were going to be able to go back to how they were before, but they were clearly able to put the past in the past and return to being best friends again. Annabelle loved that. Chris had always been her best friend, and she was glad that she was still able to act like that with him even after all these years. When he ordered his food and made the joke about his trainer, she laughed with a smile, “I won’t say a word, Cap.” She joked and took a sip from her water.


    Sebastian had to fight back his laugh when Wendy shot him a look, clearly not amused by his interruption, but that was just what he wanted. He continued to eat his chips and crunch them as loudly as he could. He picked up one of the chairs, setting the chips down on the side table at the couch, and walked over and set the chair down next to where Wendy was filming. He turned the chair backwards and rested his chin against the back of the chair, watching as Wendy did her makeup and talked about what she was doing. He let out a long sigh and frowned at Wendy, giving her the ‘I’m bored’ face that he liked to give her so often. It was a mixture between a pout and a grumpy face. He knew it was a face that Wendy found quite annoying sometimes, and he hoped that this time was one of those specific times.
    June 25th, 2016 at 05:23am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Wendy was trying her best to keep her cool. It was kind of hard to do that with Sebastian rustling his hand in the bag of chips and crunching more obnoxiously than she ever thought was even freaking possible though. She managed for a little while though and even tried focusing on her winging out her eyeliner perfectly when she heard him get off the couch. When he set the chair down rather loudly right freaking behind her and she caught a glimpse of the expression he was making in the view-finder she kind of lost it though. And managed to fuck up the eyeliner on her right eye pretty badly too as she slammed it down on the desk and whipped around to look at him. "Are you fucking kidding me right now?! You promised me that you'd be quiet, Sebastian! I really need to get this shit done today! God, you're worse than a freaking kid!"
    "You're hilarious, Annie." Chris deadpanned. He wasn't upset with her or anything though. He knew their conversation was lighthearted in nature, and all in good fun. She was probably right though. If anyone could resolve either of those issues, though he didn't have to worry about either of them, it was probably Wendy. That was besides the point though. What mattered was that he was realizing more and more just how he'd missed, well, all of this. He'd just missed hanging out with Annie. They'd gotten on really well from the get-go and clearly that hadn't changed with time. "Good, because he'll kick my ass, literally, if he finds out." he chuckled.
    June 25th, 2016 at 06:21am
  • The Great Khal

    The Great Khal (100)

    United States
    @ frank castle.
    Annabelle smiled at his words, "I know. I don't know why I haven't gotten a call for my own special on Comedy Central yet." She said with a laugh. When he spoke about his trainer again, she let out a giggle, "Well I'll make sure you don't put on too much weight today that you won't be able to handle yourself at training." She teased. She knew that he wouldn't ever have to worry about being slow when it came to training. Chris had always been fit, and the only thing changing over the years being that he actually got more muscular and managed to be even fitter than when she last saw him. Somehow even during college he had always managed to get to the gym, and usually Annabelle would go with him unless she was stressed out or was studying, then she wouldn't really leave the apartment much, but those were thoughts she didn't want to think about because they lead to her thinking about the break up, and she didn't need that on a day she was catching up with Chris.


    Sebastian bit his lip lightly when Wendy started to yell at him. He was trying to hold back his laughter, and failing. He gave her a somewhat guilt expression before he looked at the camera, "I hope you're planning on editing that part out because you used some fowl language in there and I wouldn't want your views to know that you have the mouth of a sailor." He joked, even though he knew he shouldn't have at that moment. It was comical to him though, Wendy when she was annoyed, "I'm just really boredddddd." He whined and pouted at her huffed. Sebastian knew that he was like a child at some points when it came to focusing. Usually he could turn it on and off at moments when he knew he needed to focus, but moments like this, it was impossible for him to turn it off.
    June 25th, 2016 at 06:34am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Wendy groaned. "You're such a jerk." She reached over and smacked his arm lightly. "I don't know if I can use much of the footage anyone since someone was being obnoxiously loud." She shot a pointed look his way. Part of her really was kind of annoyed, but the other part of her wasn't, and she couldn't help laughing when he whined and then pouted like a child. "You're the one who wanted to come over here despite knowing that I had shit to get done today." She reminded him as she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror she had on the desk. "You made me fuck up my eyeliner, asshole." She smacked his arm again and grabbed the makeup remover wipes to take off what little she had done so far. Something just told her she wouldn't be filming any videos today at all.
    "Maybe you're just not as funny as you think." Chris shot back though he was only teasing her and he couldn't help laughing soon after the words left his mouth. He really had missed this. He'd forgotten how much fun he had when he was with Annie. They were always joking around and teasing each other like this. She'd always been one of the few people who he could really relax around and even forget for a little while about his anxiety and fears. "See? This is why we're friends." He said, grinning slightly. "I know that I can count on you to always look out for me."
    June 26th, 2016 at 03:49am
  • The Great Khal

    The Great Khal (100)

    United States
    @ frank castle.
    Annabelle rolled her eyes at Chris's words, "You don't know what you're talking about, Evans. I'm probably one of the funniest people you know. Well besides Anthony. I heard he's pretty funny." She stated before she let out a laugh, taking a sip of her water. She really liked that they were still able to joke like they were with each other. When Chris spoke again, Annabelle let out a small giggle before she nodded in agreement, "I'll always look out for you because I know you'll make stupid decisions without me. Although good decision on accepting the Captain America role. Other than that you always make bad decisions which is why I'm always here to help you make not stupid ones." She teased.


    Sebastian couldn't help but chuckle when she hit his arm and was clearly annoyed with him, "What are you talking about? I instantly make your footage ten times better just because I'm in them." He joked and then shrugged at her following words, "I knew you had to get shit done. I did too. My shit to get done was making sure your shit didn't get done." Sebastian explained with a smirk. When she said he made her fuck up her eyeliner, he threw up his hands in defeat, "It's the end of the world! Wendy fucked up her eyeliner, call 911 and let them know the world is going to end, and they better get their shit together." He teased and then instantly moved to duck in case Wendy decided she wanted to hit him again.
    June 27th, 2016 at 03:36am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "The point of the video was for me to film a makeup tutorial and that clearly isn't what happened!" Wendy said, shooting a pointed look his way, though she couldn't help the quiet laugh that escaped her lips soon after. If he wasn't so damn adorable she'd be able to stay mad at her for much longer. "You're such a jerk." She repeated in response to his later words, shaking her head. She definitely should have seen that coming. There was no way in hell he was going to actually let her get anything done today. She should have known that when she invited him over. She went to hit him again when he teased her for the eyeliner comment, managing to smack him even though he'd ducked. "I really don't know why I'm friends with you sometimes." She said with a laugh.
    "Anthony's definitely funnier than you are. Way funnier actually." Chris told her before taking a sip of his coffee. "He and Seb are hilarious together during panels and interviews." He'd be surprised if the two weren't paired together when the press tour for Cap 3 started this time next year. "My decisions aren't all that bad!" He argued, chuckling slightly. "I mean, some of them have been pretty bad, but that's besides the point! The rest of them aren't so bad. I don't make nearly as many bad ones as I used to. You can ask Scott if you don't believe me."
    June 28th, 2016 at 03:24am