Take a Ride on the Wild Side

  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    Tristyne Farlow
    Played by: deadman

    Michael "Mikey" Johnson
    Played by: BadStreetBoys
    March 12th, 2016 at 03:20pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    It was just another casual day at school for Michael, it was his senior year and he was just gliding through it anticipating graduation. His fourth, and final, block of the day was his favorite class, auto tech. The school had two year programs which you could get certified for, nursing, auto, and welding. Mikey loved cars, everything about them, so he was ecstatic when he got into the program. Mikey worked in the towns repair shop, the place was like his second home. It also paid the bills for his small apartment. He had lived there, on his own, since his freshman year of high school. He had good ties with the landlord and was able to get away with certain things. Mikey was finishing up his work on a transmitter when the final bell rang. He got up and put his tools away, his goes away, and had a quick word with Mr. Fortin.

    Mikey went to his locker, and grabbed his signature leather jacket, the one with an eagle n the back, he slid it over his shoulders before heading outside and towards the parking lot. As he strode across the parking lot, towards his fixed up motorcycle, mikey was un strapping his helmet and getting ready to put it on. He had just gotten to his motorcycle, when he took a moment to look across the large parking lot at the other cars. Sure there were others that were better than his, but those were bought by people's parents for them, his parents weren't even in his life. He had bought the old thing all on his own, and fixed it up himself. He even hand painted it black with the bright orange and red flames. Mikey was glancing at the cars, and the students who were all filing in line for the busses as he started up the engine, revving it loudly as he always did.
    March 12th, 2016 at 03:53pm
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    Tristyne hurried out of the school building, clutching her bag close as she all but jogged down the steps. She'd done everything as normal, visited her locker before her last class so she had everything with her, taken out only her notebook and her pen during the literature lesson for a quick pack away. She was always first out the door, normally one of the first out the school, as the bus her parents preferred her to get left five minutes after the school day officially ended. Most students caught the next bus, making it crowded, and her parents concerned, so she was always sure to leave as promptly as possible.

    But today had been different. Her teacher had wanted a word with her about the book they were to be reading, and a letter he'd received from her parents. She'd flushed with embarrassment as she realised her parents had complained about the content of the book, not deeming it suitable for her, and had asked for another book to be assigned. She nodded along to Mr Norris as he spoke, glancing at the clock over his shoulder. By the time she was free to go, new book in hand, she'd missed her first bus.

    Now here she was, making her way across the car park. It was a lot fuller than she was accustomed to, and she glanced around almost wistfully at those who were getting into their own cars, able to make their own way home. Tristyne had just made it to the crowded bus line when a loud rev caught her attention. She looked over to see a motorbike painted with flames, a boy astride it. Her mouth dropped open as she focused more on the bike than the boy.

    What must it be like, she thought, to be able to ride such a thing? To go where you pleased, and to go alone. Buses and trains, of course they went places, but they were always so packed. Even cars were often car shared, two or three students getting into each one. But the bike seemed so independent, room for two at most, and so- so something her parents would never even think about. They didn't even allow her to drive a car, she was only to go out on her pushbike when they went on family rides, a motorbike... that was unimaginable.
    March 12th, 2016 at 04:14pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ deadman
    Mikey was about to put his helmet on when he felt the sensation that there were eyes on him. He was usually right when he had this feeling, as he glanced around at the parking lot he spotted the pair of eyes. He had seen the girl around school, he didn't know much about her,but he knew she was an innocent,goody two-shoes. A small smirk spread across Mikey's face as he walked the bike towards her.

    "Hey there, you like the bike?" He asked, kicking the kick stand down and stepping off the bike. "I saw you staring. Miss your bus?" He asked and pulled a pair of sunglasses from his pocket, which he proceeded to put on. "How about I give you a ride home?" He offered. Mikey hadn't given her much room to talk in threw moments he had made contact with her, he thought the girl was too stunned to speak. Mikey held the helmet out to Tristyne waiting for the answer, a small smile on his face. The smile was a devious, but a sweet one.

    When Tristyne accepted the helmet he helped her onto the motorcycle, then threw his leg over as well, and brought the kick stand up. "What's your address sweetheart?" He asked and chuckled softly, revving the engine again. "Hope you like fun, because this is gonna be a ride on the wild side for you."
    March 12th, 2016 at 04:27pm
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    Tristyne was too shocked by the boy's approach and words to do much more than take the helmet that had been handed to her, all too used to following given instructions and so resorting to working on automatic instinct.

    She recognised the boy from around school, but knew little about him. They moved in circles so different they may as well have been on the other side of the country. She put the helmet on, the sharp scent of old sweat and fuel almost overwhelming before it abruptly cleared.

    "I- my parents," she made a token protest as he helped her onto the bike and got on himself. Her hands fluttered, resting automatically on his waist before her cheeks flushed in realisation and she moved them to feel behind her for a bar or... something to hold on to.

    "Is this okay? It's really no trouble to wait for the bus, I- well, I live along Downview road, do you know it?"
    March 12th, 2016 at 04:39pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ deadman
    Mikey laughed softly at her reaction, he could tell she was extremely sheltered. It entertained him to see how she was reacting to this stuff in real life. "It's alright, sweetheart, I don't have anywhere to be." He said and started up the motorcycle. "Yup. I know where that is." He said and began to walk the bike towards and open area so he could drive off. He stopped right before he was able to drive off.

    "You're gonna have to hold onto me. I don't want your first chance at fun ruined by you falling off my bike." He said and waited to feel her hands holding onto him. Once he was sure she was holding on, and wouldn't let go, he revved the engine and began to drive.

    Mikey swerved his way through the few cars left in the parking lot, we sing in. And out out them as he pulled out of the lot. The speed limit was low there, so once he was out, Mikey sped up quite a bit. Mikey wasn't wearing his helmet, so he was a bit more alert and careful with his driving, but he still was quick and knew she would consider this dangerous.

    Mikey glanced back at Tristyne quckly as he turned onto her road. Almost forgetting that she had his helmet on. He slowed down on he street, waiting for an indicator as to which House was hers.
    March 12th, 2016 at 04:49pm
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    At his words, Tristyne tentatively put her hands back on Mikey's waist.

    It wasn't too bad, she thought, as they made their way through the car park. But then as soon as they w ere out onto the road, Mikey sped up. Tristyne gave a quiet yelp and tightened her arms around him, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment before peeking out.

    Within moments she was staring wide eyed. It was a route she knew well, having taken the bus along multiple times, and walking on the odd occasion as well. But it seemed so different when not sheltered by the confines of the bus, or on the safety of the pavement. Other cars seemed so close, and they were going to fast, she felt almost exposed... but it was exhilarating.

    All too soon she felt him slow, and realised with a jolt that they were at her street already. Her house was near the end, but if her parents were looking...

    "Here," she said, when they were barely halfway down, giving Mikey's jacket a gentle tug just in case he couldn't hear her over the noise of the bike and through the helmet. "Here is fine."
    March 12th, 2016 at 05:03pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ deadman
    Mikey was upset too that the ride had been done so soon. He liked riding a lot, he planned to go for a while once she was dropped off, but he wanted to spoil this good girl a bit more too. When he felt the tug on his leather jacket Mikey slowed down and looked back to her, walking his bike again. "Which house is it?" He asked, speaking over the engine. "I'll drop you off right there it's no problem." He said softly.

    Mikey walked along on his bike carefully, now more towards the side of the road so they would be safe. He then thought of an idea, he thought that maybe she enjoyed it, maybe she would do it again. Mikey stopped the bike and put up the kickstand. He pulled a piece of crumpled paper form his pocket, and his pencil, then jotted down his number which he playfully put into her pocket. "There that's for layer." He purred and kicked the stand up again. "Now which house is it." He said and walked the bike again.

    Mikey's mind was excited for the ride he would be going on after. Riding not cleared his mind. He would be able to forget his problems and do anything he wanted. Mikey planned on going to the town's diner today afer riding. They had the best burgers and he wanted that for supper, he didn't have much at his apartment anyways. He almost didn't hear Tristyne tell him which bous was hers when he was lost in thought.
    March 12th, 2016 at 05:13pm
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    Tristyne pulled off the helmet as Mikey walked the bike, holding it with one hand and keeping the other on his waist for balance.

    Her cheeks flared up again when he slipped his number into her pocket, but she bought a band up and pushed the slip of paper even further in. She didn't want to lose it. But still, she felt almost awkward as they slowly made their way down her road. This wasn't somewhere she belonged, not here, on the back of a bike, with a boy in a leather jacket. It certainly wasn't a place her parents would want her to be.

    "It's here," she said after a moment, two doors down. She couldn't see her parents car in the drive, but that didn't mean her mother wasn't home. She scrambled off the bike, barely giving him time to stop completely, and handed back the helmet.

    "Thank you," she said with a small smile, running a hand through her hair to try and get rid of the tangles the helmet had caused. "You didn't- that was really kind of you."
    March 12th, 2016 at 11:50pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ deadman
    Mikey grinned softly when Tristyne accepted his number. He chuckled to himself quietly watching her fumble quickly with his helmet. Mikey could practically see the nerves coming off of her. He graciously too back the helmet, taking his sunglasses off and slipping them into his pockets before he put on his helmet.

    "I did it because I wanted to." He sad and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Message me or call me anytime. I don't have a life, if I don't answer, I'm riding." Mikey said and grinned beneath his helmet. Mikey watched Tristyne walk away from his bike for a few seconds before he revved his engine, did a u-turn, and drove off.

    Mikey drove towards the more desolate area of town. The place where he could just drive in peace, as fast as he wanted, and without a worry in the world. As Mikey drove, his mind wandered off to the girl he brought home. He could sense that she had never gotten out or done anything really exciting. He also could tell she seemed to enjoy the ride, even though it was short. He thought that he should do it again sometime.
    March 13th, 2016 at 12:20am
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    Tristyne turned when she reached her house, watching Mikey drive off down the road. Her fingers clenched at the paper in her pocket once more before she turned to enter her home. To her relief, her parents weren't yet home. Getting the ride from Mikey meant that she'd gotten home shortly before her first bus would have gotten her back, due to the lack of stops on the way. This meant she'd have a few minutes longer before her mother returned.

    She set her shoes by the door when she entered, as her parents liked to see them there to see who was home, and went into the kitchen to get herself a drink. Her schoolbag was weighted with books, and work that needed to be done, but instead she removed the slip of paper from her pocket and smoothed it out on the kitchen work surface.

    Message or call anytime, he'd said. But what would she say? It was highly unlikely she'd know anything that could be of interest, but she didn't want to say nothing, because she really did want to see Mikey again. After chewing at her bottom lip for several long moments, she pulled out her phone and typed a simple message. That way he'd have her number too, she thought.

    Thank you again for the ride. She text. It was enjoyable.
    March 13th, 2016 at 12:48am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ deadman
    Mikey was off in his own world driving when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He had just about gotten to the diner when he received it, so he decided this would be a good time to pull over and eat. Mikey pulled into a space Ă…land headed inside the diner. "Hey there, Michelle, Sweetheart, how's it going?" He said to his waitress when he saw her, he had known Michelle for a while when he started being a regular here. "Just my regular dinner, sweetheart." He said with a smile.

    Mikey pulled his phone out when she went off to place his order, smiling as he read the text. Glad you enjoyed it. How about another tomorrow? he suggested, anticipating a yes, more so hoping for one.

    Mikey received his food and drink soon after, he began to eat, leaving his phone on the table so he would know when she replied. Mikey finished his food soon after, paying the bill and leaving a generous tip for Michelle. He then headed home right off. His apartment was small and dingy. What you would expect for a teen boy. He knew if he ever planned on bringing Tristyne here he would have to clean it up, but he didn't know why he was thinking this. She was s girl from school, a sheltered one, he certainly couldn't be getting with her anytime soon.
    March 13th, 2016 at 01:00am
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    Tristyne had greeted her mother, and gone up to her room to do homework by the time Mikey replied to her text, a fact she was a little relieved about. Her parents did so often tend to ask her who she was texting and why, even if she was just checking her school emails...

    She tapped her pencil to her books as she eyed the question. She shouldn't, really. She'd probably get spotted and then someone would tell her parents and then she'd probably have to wait in the school until her parents could pick her up and drop her off personally... But still. It had been exhilarating, the impression of freedom. She ignored the feeling in the pit of her stomach, the churning guilt and worry that came with going behind her parents back, and replied to his text.

    Could we really? I would love to.
    If it's not too much trouble.

    She looked over the message for a long moment before reaching out and tapping send before she could think any deeper into it and change her mind. Then, Tristyne turned back to her homework, although a little more distractedly than before.
    March 13th, 2016 at 01:40am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ deadman
    Mikey was in the shower as he heard the phone beep a few times, a small grin on his face as he knew the text was from Tristyne. He reached his hand out of the curtain and replied quickly. I would love too. Just meet me outside the school where we did today.

    Mikey wasn't sure if he should continue the conversation. He didn't know what she wanted. So he hit send and continued on with his shower. Mikey wasn't bad looking, not at all, so he had a few suitors of his own. He heard the similar ding of his snapchat notification. It was from one of the girls he had hooked up with the last weekend, she was hot, so he decided to reply. He sent the girl a selfie of him in the shower, but only from the waist up.

    As Mikey finished up the shower he stood in his small bathroom, taking a long look at himself in the mirror, from head to toe. He had random scars scattered across his body. Burns, cuts, fights. He had them from almost anything. In the past few years Michael had gotten involved in a local gang, so he had gotten a few more from there. But he didn't mind that his body looked aged, it was still extrmely fit and good looking. The scars told his story. And he had one to tell for only being 17. But Mikey didn't like pity. Nearly anyone who said they felt bad for him, were dropped immediatly
    March 13th, 2016 at 03:54am
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    Tristyne forced herself to finish the piece of work she was on before looking at the text that flashed on her phone screen. She hadn't saved Mikey's number, not yet, and she wasn't sure whether or not to save it under his name or someone else's, a girls maybe. Her parents did have a dreadful habit of looking over her shoulder when she used her phone, and she didn't talk to enough boys to know how her parents would feel about her texting on.

    Sentence finished and book shut, she picked up her phone and opened the text. He would love to, he'd said, and her lips quirked into a smile. She wondered briefly if he was just humouring her, he did offer to give her a ride again, but she doubted that he got much out of it.

    Okay :) Thank you.

    Her text was short and to the point, she was unwilling to potentially take up more of Mikey's evening with trivial conversation. It was all too possible, and she wasn't ready to let go of the most interesting thing that had happened to her in... well, ever, just yet. Instead she saved his number under the name Michelle and returned to the final piece of work for the night. She'd left the most interesting until last, and was now content to settle down on her bed reading the book she'd been assigned for her literature class.
    March 14th, 2016 at 06:23pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ deadman
    Mikey chuckled at the reply he received from the girl of his shower selfie. Guys were known for being sexed up and begging for it. But Mikey knew that was all too true for the female persuasion as well. He was thought of as a player, for all the sex he had, but if it was for the female begging him he wouldn't be having it.

    Mikey grinned softly at her reply, grabbing his phone and sending another quick text. So tell me about yourself? he asked simply.

    (Sorry it's short school is getting busy round this time I'll get better)
    March 16th, 2016 at 11:51am
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    [No problem :) In comparison, I've more marking of the kids school work to do lately :p]

    Tristyne's cheeks flushed a little at Mikey's text. He wanted to know about her? What on earth would he want that for?

    She took a moment to think of how to reply, setting her book down and pondering the five words. Eventually she settled on something simple, not knowing what would interest a guy like Mikey.

    What sort of thing would you like to know? she sent.

    As she waited for his reply, she got ready for bed despite the early evening. Teeth cleaned and in her pyjamas, she slid back under the covers, knowing that she'd inevitably fall asleep with her book, as she'd so often done before, so it was best to be prepared for it.
    March 16th, 2016 at 08:22pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ deadman

    Mikey finally got around to putting some more clothes on after his shower, although it was not much more. He just pulled on a pair of tight boxers.p, then headed to his small living room, laying down on the couch and flicking on a small television. Mikey had things he needed, as well as some luxuries. He had lived on his own for years now. He did it well. His house had sure been a mess at times, it was now. He knew he had to clean it up, but he would probably get around to it later on in the night, or tomorrow when he got out of work.

    Mikey had been on his own since he was 14 because his parents simply didn't care. The first 14 years of his life were nearly spent fending for himself, or his grandparents taking care of him. His grand,father died when he was 14 and he knew he couldn't be alone with his grandmother, so he decided to live on his own. Mikey was surprised the state hadn't taken him away. He used to play sports, so physicals were required, and he was never actually healthy enough or taken care enough. But he didn't mind being on his own. he was free, independent, and had anything he wanted in live. He had a nice job, a nice motorcycle, all the girls he wanted, and he wasn't an idiot either. He considered it the good life.

    As Mikey thought over his situations a new text from Tristyne. Chuckling to himself at her response. Tell me anything you want me to know. Anything you think I should. Just about you He replied and grinned softly. Michael didn't usually ask questions because he wanted to know what people thought the most important things about them were. It really helped learn about them.
    March 16th, 2016 at 08:41pm
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    Tristyne twisted to curl up on her side, tossing her hair over her shoulder so it wouldn't tangle against her neck. When her phone buzzed again, she slid a finger between the pages of her book to keep her place, and opened the message with her other hand.

    Anything. Well, that certainly didn't narrow it down. Without thinking, Tristyne withdrew her hand from the book and brought her fingers to brush her sternum through her pyjama top. The scar that lay between her breasts had long since healed, the pink fading into an almost natural skin tone, save the fine silvery sheen. It was slightly raised, and she was aware she could probably only feel it because she knew it was there. But regardless, she was conscious of it.

    Well, she supposed that certainly would be just about her. But it was a somewhat heavy topic, and not something that would be appropriate to tell a person she'd been interacting with for all of half a day.

    Instead she settled on something simple, and safe.

    My grandparents used to call me Tris. she told him. It was shorter. I always liked it because it didn't feel as formal. You can use it, if you want.
    March 16th, 2016 at 09:46pm