Wild Ride

  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    Callie Saunders

    Michael "Mikey" Rickson
    March 12th, 2016 at 06:14pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    It was just another casual day at school for Michael, it was his senior year and he was just gliding through it anticipating graduation. His fourth, and final, block of the day was his favorite class, auto tech. The school had two year programs which you could get certified for, nursing, auto, and welding. Mikey loved cars, everything about them, so he was ecstatic when he got into the program. Mikey worked in the towns repair shop, the place was like his second home. It also paid the bills for his small apartment. He had lived there, on his own, since his freshman year of high school. He had good ties with the landlord and was able to get away with certain things. Mikey was finishing up his work on a transmitter when the final bell rang. He got up and put his tools away, his goes away, and had a quick word with Mr. Fortin.

    Mikey went to his locker, and grabbed his signature leather jacket, the one with an eagle n the back, he slid it over his shoulders before heading outside and towards the parking lot. As he strode across the parking lot, towards his fixed up motorcycle, mikey was un strapping his helmet and getting ready to put it on. He had just gotten to his motorcycle, when he took a moment to look across the large parking lot at the other cars. Sure there were others that were better than his, but those were bought by people's parents for them, his parents weren't even in his life. He had bought the old thing all on his own, and fixed it up himself. He even hand painted it black with the bright orange and red flames. Mikey was glancing at the cars, and the students who were all filing in line for the busses as he started up the engine, revving it loudly as he always did.
    March 12th, 2016 at 06:14pm
  • Sophia Bush;

    Sophia Bush; (100)

    The day had been like it had always been. Long, boring and predictable, just like her life. Being coddled by loving parents, protected from anything and everything in life, had been a pain. She was yet to experience even the smallest thrills in life, from driving her own car to stepping out at night or going over to a friend's for a slumber party.

    The sigh that escaped her lips as the final bell rang wasn't new to her. It was just her way of preparing herself for the rest of the day, at home, locked indoors, probably. Following the crowd towards the school buses, Callie closed her eyes. She knew this routine by heart. She wanted, needed something new, something thrilling. As if an answer to her prayers, a motorcycle roared to life, not too far off from the buses. Her eyes shot open and, with one quick glance around the parking lot, found the source of the sound.

    Mikey Rickson. Everyone knew him or of him. There he stood, bike brought to life with one kick. The look of longing on her face was something she couldn't avoid. She inadvertently stopped in her tracks, her books clutched to her chest as she stared at the bike, imagining how free she would feel if she were to ride it.
    March 13th, 2016 at 08:59am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Sophia Bush
    Mikey was about to put his helmet on when he felt the sensation that there were eyes on him. He was usually right when he had this feeling, as he glanced around at the parking lot he spotted the pair of eyes. He had seen the girl around school, he didn't know much about her,but he knew she was an innocent, goody two-shoes. A small smirk spread across Mikey's face as he walked the bike towards her.

    "Hey there, you like the bike?" He asked, kicking the kick stand down and stepping off the bike. "I saw you staring. Miss your bus?" He asked and pulled a pair of sunglasses from his pocket, which he proceeded to put on. "How about I give you a ride home?" He offered. Mikey hadn't given her much room to talk in threw moments he had made contact with her, he thought the girl was too stunned to speak. Mikey held the helmet out to Callie waiting for the answer, a small smile on his face. The smile was a devious, but a sweet one.

    When Callie accepted the helmet he helped her onto the motorcycle, then threw his leg over as well, and brought the kick stand up. "What's your address sweetheart?" He asked and chuckled softly, revving the engine again. "Hope you like fun, because this is gonna be a ride on the wild side for you."
    March 13th, 2016 at 01:10pm