all the love.

  • anchors aweigh.

    anchors aweigh. (100)

    United States
    hallie james & harry styles

    alex gaskarth & reagan welsh
    March 19th, 2016 at 12:26am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    It was only the second week of tour and Hallie was already fed up. She had months and months left to go until she'd be free from her employer from hell. She thought she was getting the luckiest break of her life when her friend approached her with the job opportunity. Having recently been... let go from her old position in the city, she would have taken anything. She had plenty of experience working for demanding bosses, hell, at the age of twenty she was already working for a CEO of a multi-national country. Up until he grabbed her ass and she told him to fuck off. Hallie thought being a personal assistant to a 'worldwide sensation' would be the most exciting job of her life. Despite getting to visit every country she could ever dream of, she spends most of her time doing ridiculous little tasks for the biggest diva on earth. Speaking of... "Harry!" She called out, walking onto the bus and waving at Liam who was sprawled out on the sofa. "I've got your candle. I went to three different stores for this so you better appreciate it."


    "Not again, not again." Alex mumbled to himself, throwing his covers and pillow out of his little bunk and onto the floor as he rummaged around, trying to look for his phone. It was the third time that week that he'd misplaced it, and both of the times before he'd gone whining to Reagan for her to find it, and he had far too much pride to do it again. She was supposed to be there for the entire band, but she was becoming Alex's minder and they'd only been on tour for a week. He'd emptied his entire bunk, made a complete mess of the little area and headed back into the lounge, very much hoping not to run into Reagan as he searched for his phone. He couldn't find any of the others to get them to call it either. He shoved his hand down the side of the couch in the lounge, cringing at the amount of food crumbs he could feel, but still no phone. In the end, he flopped down face first on the sofa and sighed, ready to admit defeat.
    March 19th, 2016 at 12:50am
  • anchors aweigh.

    anchors aweigh. (100)

    United States
    This had to have been one of the better jobs Reagan had ever held in her life, even if she had just been working for about a week. A long story short: she had managed to get hired on as All Time Low's well, person, while they were on tour. It basically amounted to making sure they got everywhere on time, got them what they needed (and they were boys, so they really didn't need much more than like, an xBox, food, and alcohol) and finding the shit they managed to misplace. That usually ended up being Alex's phone, which this was the fourth time this week alone that she had found it - this time she was sure he didn't realise she had already found it. Besides being a lot to handle with their shenanigans, they weren't a bad set of guys. Reagan was positive that they were trying to take it easy on her. She had grown up with three older brothers, this was nothing. "Oi, Jack! Remember, the bus leaves at eleven tonight. If you're late, we're leaving you behind," she called after the boy as he took off running past her screaming something like 'It was Rian! Not me!' Hopping inside the bus, she found Alex laying face down on the sofa. "So, you missed a phone call from your mum. It's okay, I told her you weren't dying or anything, just a little idiot who lost his phone again," she said with a little smirk on her face and holding the phone out to him.

    Harry was cooing over a picture that Jenny, his last personal manager, sent him of her new baby boy, Thomas. It was a known fact he was obsessed with babies. But Jenny, Jenny was the best. She knew what he wanted before he even had to ask for it and was so nice about it too. Then she had to leave to have Thomas and left him with this new girl who didn't know anything. "Finally," he groaned when she announced she had brought him the candle. "I sent you out to get it, like, hours ago. I don't even need it anymore," he dismissed it off with a wave of his hand, eyes fixed on his phone as another photo of Thomas came through with him cuddled up with the little stuffed bear he had given him.
    March 19th, 2016 at 01:05am
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    I don't even need it anymore. Well then. Hallie resisted the urge to throw the stupid candle at his stupid curly head, instead choosing to place it gently down on the side because she was a mature adult, even if he wasn't. She inhaled and exhaled slowly, trying to keep her calm and looked over at Liam who was watching the scene with amusement. He pulled a funny face at her which cheered her up a little bit. Well, enough to manage a small smile back at him. But then she turned her attention back to Harry who was once again, ignoring her. She just couldn't seem to get through to him, no matter how many times she'd tried. "You need to go to wardrobe in about an hour for tonight's show." She told him as she checked over the schedule on her phone again. "We're bringing all the times forwards because you're doing a big meet and greet group before, okay?"


    Alex snapped his head up at the sound of Reagan's voice coming from behind him, and once he'd registered what she'd said, he smiled sheepishly. "'M not a little idiot." He pouted, trying to look all sad and pathetic but he was very bad at holding back his smile, especially around her. He sat up and took the phone, putting it safely in his pocket. Although he doubted it wouldn't remain there for very long. "Y'know... I'm starting to become very suspicious of you." He told her, crossing his arms over his chest. "As soon as I lose this phone... you come running and become the hero of the hour. I think you take my phone and hide it, and wait until I realise. Then you make it seem like I was the one who lost it." He said, his own little smirk appearing on his lips.
    March 19th, 2016 at 01:33am
  • anchors aweigh.

    anchors aweigh. (100)

    United States
    "Yes, Alex, that is exactly what I do," Reagan told him with a little grin. "I found it laying on the ground right outside the bus a little earlier, wondered how long it would take you to notice it was gone." She sat down beside him and pushed her hair away from her face. "Do you have any idea what Jack was going on about Rian doing something, not him?" she asked. She really hoped it wasn't something like last time when he somehow managed to fill the bathroom in the bus completely with sudsy bubbles. She still wasn't completely sure how he managed to do that. It wasn't horrible working for them. It was a lucky chance that it happened, really. Her last job was in a maid's service and the things she saw cleaning people's houses really came nowhere close to this. She had been stuck in shit-end jobs like that since she had graduated with honors from university. It was nice to actually have a job in the field she graduated from.

    Harry's head shot up about him needing to be in wardrobe in an hour. An hour? That's nowhere near enough time for him to go work out like he had wanted to, grab a bite to eat, and take a shower so he didn't smell. "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I could've already been off to the gym! I should be there now, but I had to wait on you to get back with my candle that took you ages to find!" he complained, a frown forming on his lips. It was impossible working with this girl! He had promised Jenny that he was going to try, promised that he was going to be nice to her. That really wasn't working out.
    March 19th, 2016 at 11:51pm
  • stiles stilinski.

    stiles stilinski. (100)

    United Kingdom
    "I told you last night--" Hallie started to protest, but she knew it was a lost cause. She definitely remembered telling Harry last night, multiple times, so many times that he'd told her to go away and stop bothering him. But of course, Harry was never wrong. She didn't have the energy to protest so instead she sighed and nodded. "You're right, I'm sorry." She apologised, for the first time at that. She usually argued back but she was just so tired of his poor attitude towards him. It wasn't her fault that Jenny, however nice she was, had gone and got herself knocked up. "I can try and push the meet and greets back by half an hour? Or I could find a closer gym. Or I can see if Mark will finish early with Niall so he can train with you?" She was sure if she pleaded with Niall enough he'd give in and let their personal trainer have a session with Harry instead of him. She'd just owe him big time. All she wanted to do was curl up in her bunk and call her mum, but Harry could easily fire her, so she had to try and fix the situation that she'd ruined.

    "I have no idea how it got there." Alex sighed, shaking his head. And he really didn't. It could have been when they were drunk last night and all piling on each other to get into the bus first. "Thank you, though." He grinned, all sheepish again. He shifted around on the couch to get himself comfortable after Reagan sat down, kicking his legs onto her lap. "Oh..." He laughed suddenly and shook his head, mimicking a zipping across his lips. "I'm not allowed to tell you, I promised Jack I'd keep it a secret." He grinned, shrugging his shoulders to try and act all innocent. "Because if I told you... he'd be in trouble."
    March 20th, 2016 at 05:04pm