She's Mad But She's Magic

  • anchors aweigh.

    anchors aweigh. (100)

    United States
    "I bet I'm better at it," Lolita countered with a smirk of her own forming on her lips. She took another drink, popped a few M&M's in her mouth, before going in search for playing cards, drink still in hand. She was positive there would have to be a pack around her apartment somewhere. "There's a pack around here somewhere, help me look?" she asked Red as she slipped back into her living room to look through her drawers in there. She had to set her drink down to rifle through one of her messy drawers, hissing a little in pain because even leaning over still hurt some. That just meant she had to drink more to completely ignore the pain. That thought in mind, she downed the rest of her glass without a second thought.

    Dick laughed loudly as she rolled off the couch and away from him. He slid onto the floor himself and started to do some form of an army crawl that he thought looked way better than it did. "I'm your worst nightmare," he said, trying to make his voice sound frightening, but that never really worked either. "I'm gonna get you, Kora."
    June 12th, 2016 at 04:44am
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    Roy helped her in her search, rifling through drawers until his hand landed on a pack of something that he felt were cards. He pulled it out with an excited yelp at his success, setting them down onto the table after he did. He finished his drink then, and looking over to see hers empty as well, he moved over towards her and set a gentle hand at the lower part of her back. "I'll refill us while you shuffle, yeah?" He offered, leaning into her slightly to grab her drink before leaving her and going back to the kitchen to give them more of what they had before.

    Kora squealed in mock fear and lunged at Dick, straddling his back and poking at him ferociously in her new position. "Now I've got you!" She exclaimed, moving her fingers to his sides in order to tickle him where she knew he was the most squirmiest.
    June 12th, 2016 at 05:28am
  • anchors aweigh.

    anchors aweigh. (100)

    United States
    Lolita looked up with a grin when she heard Red make a noise and see a pack of cards in his hands. "Yeah, sure," she replied, taking the cards from him before he grabbed her glass and went off to the kitchen. Where his hand was on her was cold now, missing the slight warmth his hand gave to her. Lolita sat herself down on her couch and began to shuffle the cards. She had to teach herself how to play poker seeing as the only card game her father was interested in playing was fifty-two card pickup.

    "Ah!" Dick mock-screamed before laughing, really laughing as her fingers found the perfect spot where only she knew he was the most ticklish. "I give! I give!" he called, trying to squirm out of her grip, which normally would have been easy if it hadn't been for the fact that she was tickling him to death.
    June 29th, 2016 at 05:10am
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    When Roy got to the kitchen, he placed the two empty glasses down on the counter and sighed, tapping his fingers against the surface as he looked around. The girl was cute and he definitely was interested, but there was something off that he sensed despite the attraction. There was something that he felt like he was missing, and so he searched, quickly and quietly through the various drawers there. It wasn't long before he found pills, and even a gun stashed beneath the sink. There was newspaper clippings of villain activity, and his heart beat faster in his chest as he found masks for the Joker's goons. He calmed himself and poured their drinks quickly, and sent a message to Dick. Have a bad feeling. Search this address and go on patrol. Something's up with the Joker's goons. He messaged the address of the place he currently was and returned to her. "Here you are, doll," He said with a grin, taking a swig from his drink after he sat down.

    Kora ceased her tickling, stepping up and off of him and offering a hand to help him up as well. Once they were both standing, she heard Dick's phone go off with the familiar tone of a text. "Better check that. Might be Roy," She said, bumping his hip with the side of hers before finding her phone and checking a couple of feeds of police activity to see if everything was still going well.
    August 10th, 2016 at 02:49am
  • anchors aweigh.

    anchors aweigh. (100)

    United States
    Lolita had just finished shuffling the cards when he returned, paying no attention to the slightly longer time it took him to refill their glasses. "Thanks, Red," she replied, taking the glass from him. She took a drink before setting the glass down on the coffee table. "I'm not going to go easy on you just because you brought me home," she told him with a small grin on her lips as she dealt out the cards between them. Picking up her own hand, she glanced at her cards and tried not to roll her eyes as one of the two was a Joker card. Funny. Real Funny. She picked up the bare minimum to bet and tossed it in the pile and waited for him to do the same before flipping the first three cards over from the stack in the middle.

    "Oh thank the gods!" Dick let out an exaggerated sigh of relief when she climbed off of him. He pulled out his phone when he was standing once again, and looked at his message. "How'd you know it was Roy?" he asked, copying the address he had been sent and looking it up on his phone. It was an apartment complex, a nice one, run by a man known to fraternize with the Joker. "Get your gear on, we're heading out," he instructed, his face no longer showing the mass amount of joy he had been having just moments ago. K and I are on our way., he sent in a message to Roy.
    August 11th, 2016 at 01:42am
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    "You're welcome, and I wouldn't expect any mercy from me either," Roy replied. He leaned back in his chair and watched her, a small grin on his lips as he mirrored her previous actions. "Looks like you doll," Roy murmured, gathering the cards and continuing with the next shuffle. He felt his phone in his pocket vibrate, and he set his cards down to look, reading over the message quickly and replying shortly. Don't come in, just recon. I'm inside with a girl and I've got it covered. She doesn't know who I am, dont blow my cover. He slid his phone into his pocket and looked back up to her, smiling before taking a long drink from his glass. "Whatcha taking off first for me?" He asked with an eyebrow raised, smirk on his lips.

    She giggled when she heard it was Roy, tapping her finger against the side of her head and sending a wink his way. "Physic," Kora said with a smile, which faded in a second when she saw Dick's face change in an instant. "You got it, Rob," Kora said with a nod, quickly making her way back to the bat cave with Dick at her heels. She pulled out her outfit, a little crop top and short skirt that was red and black with green and yellow accents, suspenders, and knee high socks with her strappy heels. She changed without thought in front of Dick, focusing on tying her hair up and sliding on her mask and slipping knives along her waist and guns on each side of her thighs. When she was loaded up, she followed Dick to his motorcycle, which she climbed on behind him and held onto his waist as it whirred to life and they flew out of the cave.
    August 11th, 2016 at 04:19am