wishing on a star that's just a satellite;;

  • gaskarths

    gaskarths (100)

    United States
    Roy Mustang && Edward Elric

    roy mustang played by cried wolf
    edward elric played by gaskarths
    April 1st, 2016 at 08:04pm
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    Roy sat behind his desk, the paperwork strewn before him holding even less appeal than usual. His hair was in violent disarray from the amount of times he'd ran his fingers through it, tugging at the strands in frustration. He was probably all but begging to go bald with such actions, but he simply couldn't bring himself to care.

    Edward was dead, killed by... someone. The alchemist's paperwork was all but signed and sealed, the funeral was to be arrange shortly... Al had all but disappeared off the map, and they still didn't know who'd shot Ed.

    Roy dropped his head down onto his desk, forehead meeting wood with a hollow thunk. Paperwork be damned, he thought. Hawkeye could flay him later. He just needed a moment. A moment to catch his breath and pretend that the ache left behind by a young man with golden hair and golden eyes didn't hurt quite as much as it did.
    April 1st, 2016 at 09:38pm
  • gaskarths

    gaskarths (100)

    United States
    April 2nd, 2016 at 02:05am
  • gaskarths

    gaskarths (100)

    United States
    @ cried wolf

    Edward had been in pain for the first month or so he had been gone. Getting shot had hurt like a motherfucker, a pain he had never encountered before. Sure, losing an arm and a leg had hurt a great deal and the automail was horrible, but getting shot in the side was way worse. He woke up, screaming bloody murder in the hospital room. And it wasn't until they told him that he had to play dead that hurt worse.

    What about Al? And his promise to his brother that he wouldn't die? What about his friends, especially Winry? Oh god, and Pinako. They were both probably messes. Edward couldn't really do much but sit in a secluded home, away from people because he was techically dead. People were going to attend his funeral... he swallowed thickly.

    It wasn't until he finally asked how the Colonel was doing, though he figured that bastard was probably happy. Probably happy about less paperwork he had to do because of Ed's unorthodox approach to dealing with the bad guys. He was surprised to hear that he seemed intent on finding Ed's 'killer', doing all kinds of research and basically losing his mind. It almost didn't seem believable, but he begged the soldier's to at least let him see Roy, let him know he was fine, but they kept saying no--that it was too huge of a risk.
    April 2nd, 2016 at 02:11pm
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    Eventually Roy had enough of the bumbling staff running round the military base. They'd pulled absolutely no information regarding what had happened to Ed, almost suspiciously so.

    Ed's alchemy was flashy, he could barely go buy coffee without causing some act of destruction in the street. But there were no reports of loud explosions from the time of Ed's death, no unusual rock formations looking suspiciously spiked and gothic. The higher ups were being just as cagey about his body. If no one were to see it, surely that must mean it was in such a state it couldn't be viewed... Roy swallowed down the lump in his throat at the thought of the young man so maimed and soldiered on through his thoughts.

    Such bodily destruction should at least lead to some witnesses, or at least some evidence. But nothing had showed up.

    Perhaps it was time for Roy to stop relying on others and do something about it himself. He'd yet to voice his thoughts to Hawkeye, but he had to do something and signing away Ed's death wasn't the something he had in mind.
    April 2nd, 2016 at 02:35pm
  • gaskarths

    gaskarths (100)

    United States
    @ cried wolf

    Edward ran a hand through his loose blonde hair, wincing as he caught a few tangles on his way. That was mainly why he kept it up or in a braid--it was way too damn tangly when he didn't do anything with it. Though, that was the least of his worries right now. He just kept thinking about his family, about his brother--hell, even about that bastard Roy. In fact, the Colonel was the one who had to sign off on his death, verify it since Edward was part of his team. Why they didn't just patch him up and send him home he didn't know, grimacing as he looked down at his bandage. Edward had faced some fucked up situations before, so someone shooting him was nothing he couldn't handle--piece of cake.

    He had enough sitting around and reading the same alchemy books over and over again, which was pretty much all he could do and has been doing this whole goddamn month. Everyone must be worried sick, but he could trust Roy couldn't he? He may be a bastard, but he knew when to keep his mouth shut obviously. So, he grabbed a jacket and lifted the hood up over his head so it would cover the majority of his face, waiting until he didn't hear anything and clapped his hands together, making an exit. Ed couldn't walk out the front door, so he made his own way out.

    Jamming his hands in his pockets, he headed down the street and to the nearest phone booth, dropping some change in and pushing the dial--he knew Mustang's line by heart.
    April 2nd, 2016 at 02:43pm
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    Roy was readying himself to leave his office, readying himself to storm down the halls and demand answers when his phone rang. His direct line. It must be important, if it hadn't gone through the office outside.

    He faltered, looking between the door and the phone, his impatience with himself growing every second.

    He could just leave it, ignore it and do as he'd planned, but-

    With a heavy sigh he went back over to his desk, picking the phone from the cradle.

    "Hello?" he all but snapped down the phone. "Who is this?"
    April 2nd, 2016 at 05:13pm
  • gaskarths

    gaskarths (100)

    United States
    @ cried wolf

    Edward's breathing hitched when Mustang finally picked up. He sounded kind of pissed, so he supposed it must be true that he was bustling around, trying to get answers. It all but broke his damn heart and made it flutter at the same time, if that was even fucking possible.

    Curse Mustang for making him feel such stupid things.

    "Is that any way to greet your favorite Alchemist?" He finally managed, his voice wavering slightly as he realized he was talking to him, for real. His vision was blurry and his lip was quivering slightly, and the throbbing wound that was wrapped heavily in bandages didn't bother him right at the moment, the dull ache in his side forgotten. Edward hadn't spoken to anybody else besides the soldiers that watched him, and that alone made him semi-emotional.

    "Please don't say anything fuckin' sappy, because I'm already embarrassingly close to tears." He murmured, managing a small chuckle but it was weak, any kind of movement brought attention to the fucking bullet hole in his side, grimacing slightly.
    April 2nd, 2016 at 05:20pm
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    "Is that any way to greet your favourite Alchemist?"

    The voice rang through Roy's ear and it felt as if he'd been doused in ice water. It couldn't be, a whole month and- Surely not.

    His hands were trembling, his palms began to sweat. The receiver creaked under his grip as the voice was partially drowned out by the suddenly audible sound of his own blood rushing through his veins. He leant heavily against the desk and grit his teeth, bringing a hand up to tug at his abused hair.

    "If this is a joke, it's in incredibly poor taste," Roy snapped sharply, voice breaking half way through and betraying his authority. "And if this isn't, well-" Roy faltered. Dared let himself believe for a moment that it wasn't a cruel trick, that Ed really wasn't dead at all. "Well Fullmetal, where the hell have you been?"
    April 2nd, 2016 at 05:45pm
  • gaskarths

    gaskarths (100)

    United States
    @ cried wolf

    Edward was so, so relieved to hear his voice it felt like heaven--if such a thing existed. "I thought I said not to be sappy, asshole." He grinned finally, wiping at his eyes quickly. Sure there was nobody really paying attention but.. just in case. He didn't need anyone seeing some grown man crying in a phone booth. Edward cleared his throat, wincing slightly as the ache in his side increased. Okay, so maybe walking all the way through town with this injury was a bad idea, but he's had worse.

    "Breaking my own rule here, and I never thought I'd say this, but it feels good to hear your voice. I can't talk much about.. this over the phone, I'm putting myself in danger the longer I stand here in public. And believe it or not, I'd really like to avoid getting shot again, that hurts like a bitch." He huffed, tugging at the ends of his blonde hair. It had gotten longer.. maybe he should get a few inches cut. "I'm trusting you, so is there some place private we can meet? I'll.. explain."
    April 2nd, 2016 at 05:54pm
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    "It is good to hear you too, Edward," Roy told him, sagging against his desk in relief. It really was him, he could barely believe his ears. Unless this was some pitiful hallucination pulled from the depths of his wildest hopes and dreams... Well, if it was, he would happily entertain it for a while.

    "You have no idea-" he stopped himself mid-sentence. No, there was no time for such things. Ed was in danger, he'd just stated as such and considering the length of time he'd been hidden, with no contact... well, something incredibly worrying must be going on.

    "I'll bring the car," Roy said quickly. "I can pick you up, I can- where are you, anyway? I'll be round immediately and get you somewhere safe."
    April 2nd, 2016 at 10:51pm
  • gaskarths

    gaskarths (100)

    United States
    [ double post, oops! ]
    April 2nd, 2016 at 11:19pm
  • gaskarths

    gaskarths (100)

    United States
    @ cried wolf

    Edward let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding upon hearing Mustang use his name, and the way he was so relieved to hear his voice. It sent a flutter in his chest that he didn't understand, swallowing thickly. He was about to say something about him being a sappy old man, but he would honestly burst into tears. Then again, he would anyway when he finally saw the man once again.

    "God, yes, thank you. I'm at the corner of where the library is, the one nearest to the main park. I'm not wearing my red coat, didn't wanna be too flasy." He may be an idiot, but he was honest about not wanting to get shot again, that shit hurt. "Roy?" He paused for a minute, swallowing thickly. "Thank you, for this. I'll be waiting." He murmured.
    April 2nd, 2016 at 11:19pm
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    "I'll see you soon," Roy promised, already fumbling in his desk drawer for his keys. "Keep your head down, don't get into trouble."

    He put the phone down before Ed could reply, certain if he heard the young man's voice much more he wouldn't be able to part with it.

    Roy all but ran from the military building, almost dropping his keys in his fumbling haste to unlock the car. The only thing that stopped him from speeding was the knowledge that if he got caught, he'd draw attention to himself. If he drew attention to himself, then Ed's nearby presence may also be threatened.

    He slowed further as he reached the library, cruising along and peering at the people milling about the streets for the flash of blonde hair. There.

    Roy stopped abruptly, pulling at the handbrake and opening the door before the thing was fully still. He paused where he was, stood in between the car and it's door as he stared at Ed, drinking in the sight that had been missing for so long.
    April 3rd, 2016 at 12:36am
  • gaskarths

    gaskarths (100)

    United States
    @ cried wolf

    Edward whispered a see you soon before hanging the receiver up in its place, stepping out of the booth. He stood with his hands in his pockets and just acted casual, not drawing attention to himself. His heart was hammering in his chest as he waited, eyes scanning over the cars and people along the road before he locked eyes with Mustang's, the one he always drove.

    He breathed out a sigh of relief as he looked in the window, seeing it was none other than Mustang himself. Still trying to act casual, he walked slowly to the car as it pulled up and stepped in, shutting it behind him. The blonde's heart raced in his chest as he locked eyes with Mustang, feeling his eyes well up and vision swarming. Fuck, he was not gonna cry right now--no. Edward instead leaned over to rest his head on Roy's shoulder, swallowing thickly.

    "Shit, Roy--I'm so fuckin' happy seeing you. And here I was telling you not to go all sappy on me," he grumbled, swiping at his eyes
    April 3rd, 2016 at 01:03am
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    Roy pulled away from the curb before he wrapped his arm around Ed's shoulders. He squeezed the younger man as tight as he dared, unsure what level of injury he had.

    "You needn't worry," Roy said as he drove, sparing quick glances at Ed whenever he felt it safe to take his eyes off the road. "As soon as we're stopped, as soon as we're out this car, I'm near certain I will be able to out do you with sappiness."

    Ed was solid beneath his arm. And warm, perhaps too warm. When they stopped he'd have to give Ed a thorough examination, to see the extent of his injuries, to see if he'd been treated well.

    "We're- my home, is that safe enough?" he asked, concerned. He'd no idea why Ed had gone, no idea who was behind it, no idea what was safe. But his home was familiar, and he started driving towards it, ready to change direction should Ed say it wasn't good enough.
    April 3rd, 2016 at 03:42am
  • gaskarths

    gaskarths (100)

    United States
    [ omg sorry my phone keeps double posting idk ughhh ]
    April 3rd, 2016 at 04:13am
  • gaskarths

    gaskarths (100)

    United States
    @ cried wolf

    Mustang's musky scent enveloped him as he felt the strong arm wrap around his shoulders, unsure if the flush in his cheeks was from a possible illness or the fact that he was holding him so tight against his body. Jeez, they were both sappy fools, he thought to himself as he kept his head rested against his shoulder, swallowing thickly.

    "Taking me to your house? Do you always do that with wounded and defenseless State Alchemists?" He said with a small snort, trying to make light of a situation that definitely wasn't good, but that was just how Edward was, always trying to make people feel better even if he felt like absolute shit.

    Edward nuzzled his cheek further into his shoulder, sighing at how warm he was. "That's totally fine, Roy, you have no idea."
    April 3rd, 2016 at 04:14am
  • cried wolf

    cried wolf (100)

    United Kingdom
    "Only the State Alchemists who are assumed dead for weeks," Roy told him, voice wobbling part way through betraying his light tone. "Don't think you're so special."

    The drive to Roy's home was a short one, and as soon as he got there he hustled Edward into the house.

    It was surreal, seeing the alchemist without his red coat, without his signature energy, stood in his hallway. His clothing was lumped awkward at one side, and Roy suspected bandages. Ed looked like he'd been dragged through death and out the other side, but then he always was one for impossible feats like that.

    In the end though, despite all common sense telling him to check the damage, get Ed something to drink, something to eat, ask him what had happened... Roy stepped forward and pulled Ed into his arms, holding him close with a strong arm round his back, and a hand cupping the back of his head with it's fine golden hair.

    "You are ridiculous," Roy said thickly, resting his head against Ed's. "Absolutely ridiculous."
    April 3rd, 2016 at 04:45am
  • gaskarths

    gaskarths (100)

    United States
    @ cried wolf

    Edward gave a slight chuckle, but could hear the wavering tone the Flame Alchemist had, swallowing thickly. He had only seen Roy upset a few times in his whole life, but never over him. "Damn, and here I thought I was special," he smiled gently, shaking his head as he allowed his eyes to close for just a few moments. It wasn't until the car stopped that his eyes opened, scanning over the home.

    He appreciated the hustle towards his home, not wanting to be within any preying eyes for too much longer. Edward was so fucking sore and tired, sleeping was hard when you were supposed to be playing dead. It was harder than it looked, because he kept thinking about Al and Winry, his friends back in Central.

    It wasn't until he was about to speak up that he was wrapped in Roy's embrace, arms holding him tightly and fingers threading through his golden hair. "It feels good to hear you insult me," he chuckled softly, swallowing as he placed his hands on Roy's back, holding his trench coat tightly in his fists. "Fuck, fuck. I missed--everything. Alphonse, Winry.. you." He grumbled.
    April 3rd, 2016 at 05:10am