we fell for each other like gravity.

  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States

    Sarah Chevalier & Tamaki Suoh

    Kimi Ootori & Hikaru Hitachiin

    This is a closed roleplay between Lost Oceans and momentai.!
    Please do not post unless you are one of us, thanks!
    April 14th, 2016 at 06:31am
  • Stars Eternal

    Stars Eternal (100)

    United States
    Sarah walked up the steps of the grand staircase, one of many at Ouran Academy. She had recently transferred to Japan, seeking adventure and culture. Sarah simply wanted to travel the world and live among the people, but her parents insisted that she finish out her schooling first. She agreed, but only if they allowed her to come to the elite Ouran Academy. It was the start of her travels. Even more great was that she had been invited to join something called a "Host Club" so that the school could show off its diversity. She had humbly accepted the offer, and now she was making her way to Music Room #3 to where the Host Club was located.

    Several wrong turns later, Sarah had finally found the room marked 'Music Room #3'. "Pshh I walked past this door three times, I swear," she muttered, embarrassed and irritated with herself. She could hear voices inside and quickly straightened up, and opened the door. She blinked at the bright sunlight shining directly in the room, shielding her eyes until they were adjusted. "Welcome, Princess," several voices chimed in unison. Princess? What? She thought in confusion.
    Hikaru and Kaoru were in the middle of picking on the boss, as usual. He was such an easy target, and they always got the best reaction our of him. For all the teasing they did, Hikaru really, truly loved being in the Host Club. He had never imagined letting so many people into him and his brother's world, but yet, here they were. He was just about to make another smart remark to Tamaki, one that Kaoru would undoubtedly finish for him, when they heard the click of the door. In an instant, all the boys were facing the opening door, smiles at the ready. "Welcome, Princess," he said with the others.

    Standing in the doorway was an unfamiliar blonde girl. A new guest, it seemed. Briefly he wondered which host she would choose, who exactly her type was, but the thought was fleeting. It didn't really matter, they would all play their roles no matter who she chose. She did look awfully confused though. It was possible she hadn't been expecting the club to be here, just finding it by chance like Haruhi had.
    April 14th, 2016 at 11:40am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (I hope this is okay; I'm trying to get these replies out before I take my medicine that makes me drowsy.)

    Admittedly, Tamaki was more than happy with the entrance of a new student - and a female, a princess, at that. A possible new guest was far more important - and far better - than being pestered by the devil twins. Along with the others, he greeted the girl with a flourish. "Welcome, Princess!" he cheered happily, slipping onto one knee to take her hand and place a kiss upon the back of it. Upon closer inspection, he realized that he didn't actually recognize this student, which didn't happen often. Perhaps she was new? Or, maybe, she was a loner? Before he could think too far into it, he stood back up with a broad smile.

    "Welcome to the Host Club," he hummed out, tilting his head as he looked down at her. He idly noticed Kyoya's sister slipping into the room, but he assumed it was to speak to her brother. Besides, he couldn't possibly be rude to the new guest. Oh, but what if she wasn't interested in being a guest? Then again, why else would she be here? The Host Club was fairly popular - perhaps she had heard about them from a friend and had decided to come make a visit and inspect it?
    Though Kimi hadn't really been planning on getting involved in any clubs, despite that her father was sure that it would reflect better on her, she couldn't help but to be a little amused with the letter that the head trusted her with to give to the members of the Host Club. Her eyes scanned over the contents of the letter once again and, really, she was a little curious to how everybody in the club would react. Was Kyoya aware of it? The thought of knowing something before her brother was a little exciting, since it didn't occur often. Maybe she might even attempt to get involved in the club, just to annoy her brother a bit.

    As her eyes lifted from the paper, she spotted the door up ahead and slipped inside, though she saw that the guys seemed busy with a new guest - or, at least, that's what it seemed like. She might not even be a guest, she could have just gotten lost. "Sorry to interrupt your fun, guys, but you've got mail," she chimed as she held up the letter. Kyoya, who had been in the middle of listening to Tamaki ramble to the new girl, turned his gaze to his sister before retrieving the slip of paper and reading over it.
    April 21st, 2016 at 03:48am