The Trouble in You Is the Trouble in Me

  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @Prince Vegeta
    Melinda woke up on Saturday morning a little later than usual, shuffling out of bed and turning on her shower. She remembered in the back of her sleep clouded mind that Damian had offered to do homework together and she wondered if he was actually going to go through with it. After she showered and dressed, she entered his phone number into her cell and sent him a text. Still on for today's study date? It's Melinda, by the way. She laid back on her bed, then, as she waited for his reply.

    Clarissa woke and looked at the time, jumping up then to go and change, slipping into shorts and a random tshirt she had found mixed up in her laundry, old and worn and probably a boy's. She figured it was probably one of the other guy's shirts, but it was comfy and she figured it was finders keepers unless they saw her in it and wanted it back. She threw her hair into a messy bun and put in her contacts, not bothering with contacts as she made her way downstairs quickly, Alfred standing just at the foot of them. "Morning, Alf! Don't even have to wake me," She said with a grin, patting his shoulder and striding into the kitchen. Clarissa plopped into a seat, seeing bacon and humming. "Good morning, Dick," She chirped, taking one of the said bacon and taking a bite.
    April 19th, 2016 at 01:25am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian had been up for hours pouring into research about Melinda. By the time she texted him that morning he was already proficient in everything that she liked in any shape or form. Dick walked over to him in between training bouts with Clarissa and said "I can't tell if this is hard core stalking or if this is for a case." Damian smirked and replied, "-tt-, a little of both at this juncture. This may be tied to a case I am looking into." Damian replied as he closed out everything and went to the main lounge to reply to her. Indeed, come over whenever you want to. Main gates are unlocked.

    Dick looked over at Clarissa as she walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Dick smirked as Damian walked in from the training room having just finished his work out. "You missed the morning family run newbie." Damian told her as Alfred set two plates of breakfast in front of them. "Lay off little bro, she isn't ready for a seven mile run that early in the morning." Dick told Damian as he put him into a headlock. Damian attempted to struggle out but was powerless to defend himself against Dick's noogie. "Have any trouble learning the chapters last night?" Dick asked Clarissa as he let Damian go.
    April 19th, 2016 at 03:14am
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    Melinda looked at her phone as soon as it buzzed, raising an eyebrow at the response. Okay. See you in a few. She replied, getting up and slipping on her shoes and grabbing her keys on the way out of the door. She slipped into her car and drove to Wayne Manor, feeling a little out of her element but more than a little intrigued. The main gates were open as Damian had said, and she drove up and parked her car in front of the house. Getting out, she locked it and went up to the door, texting Damian that she was there. I'm outside your house. Melinda sent, ringing the doorbell as well for good measure.

    Clarissa thanked Alfred after he set down the plates and took a bite and swallowed before answering Dick. "Nein," She said, with a cute little grin. She had read them over and memorized as best she could, but they were just beginning phrases and it wasn't too hard. She was already smiling from watching Dick interact with Damian, who she couldn't take too seriously because he was younger but just enough because he looked intimidating enough. Clarissa beamed a little too much when Dick backed her up, taking another bite from her breakfast.
    April 19th, 2016 at 03:34am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian smirked if he was anymore sure who Melinda was he would have answered the door as Robin. Though maybe he would slip away and put his gear on at some point. Damian answered the door after the doorbell was rung. "Welcome to Wayne Manor." Damian said as he stepped aside to let her in. "So what do you want to study? Chemistry, english, or that poor excuse of a physical education class?" Damian asked as he lead her into the giant library in the east wing.

    Dick looked over at Clarissa and told her "sehr gut," as he watched Damian walk back to his room. He had been working nonstop on something involving some girl. Dick wondered if he had his first crush or if this was for a case. Once the two were finished Dick looked at Clarissa. "Now it is time to train." he told her as they headed to the Batcave.
    April 19th, 2016 at 04:04am
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    She followed him inside after he opened the door, letting him lead her through the large mansion. She was definitely impressed to say the least, and after seeing the large library, she found herself looking in awe. "This is beautiful," Melinda said, her voice soft as it looked over all of the different rows of books, up so high a ladder would be needed for some of them. When Damian asked what to study, she looked over at him, biting her lip before deciding. "I guess Chemistry, but you're already so good at it," She said, going over to run her hands over a few spines of the books there, admiring their pristine covers. She became very distracted then, tucking her hair behind her ear as she ran her fingers gently over the books, trying to read all of the tiles that she could see.

    Clarissa preened underneath the small encouragement, her cheeks flushing and a smile crossing her face as the feeling of pleasing him rushed through her. She had always found herself crumpling underneath other's praise, and coming from Dick, it felt a lot more meaningful. When he announced it was time to train, she followed him into the Batcave, her hands clasped together in front of her.
    April 20th, 2016 at 05:25am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian looked at Melinda and reached for a book next to her hand. Gently brushing over her arm as he pulled out a rich leather bound book. " I rarely get to sit down and enjoy the intimacies of poetry. But this one had one I always liked." he told her as he pulled it out and opened the book to a certain page to be read outloud.
    “Hope” is the thing with feathers -
    That perches in the soul -
    And sings the tune without the words -
    And never stops - at all -

    And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
    And sore must be the storm -
    That could abash the little Bird
    That kept so many warm -." he finished with a flourish before closing the book and putting it back on the shelf. Poetry was one of his guilty pleasures. But soon the time would come when either Melinda revealed herself to be the new Catwoman, or that Damian had gotten it completely wrong this time.

    Dick looked at her as he began to stretch and make sure that he was limber. He peeled his shirt off because he knew that after a while it would hinder him by sticking to him like glue. "So today we need to work on cardio. If you can't run for long periods of time with at maximum a short break of a few second than that is a sure way to get you or me killed. To the track." he told her as he started to head that way.
    April 20th, 2016 at 09:35pm
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    Melinda felt shivers run up her arm at his touch, which she didn't expect to feel. She looked at him as he opened a book and read a poem aloud, hanging on the end of his every word as he read it eloquently. Her body ran cold when she heard the words "little bird", her face remaining blank as her mind whirled. It had to be a coincidence that his favorite poem would include that, right? It just seemed so familiar and ironic that just the night before, she had gone hand to hand with Robin, calling him little bird. Melinda wondered if Damian had somehow clued in on to her being the new Catwoman, if maybe he had intel because of his father and his thing with the previous Catwoman. She decided to let it go, but it made her feel on edge as she pulled out another book, skimming the pages with her eyes. "That's a beautiful poem," She murmured, taking her book with her over to the couch and sitting down carefully.

    Clarissa stretched as Dick did, sitting on the floor and leaning to stretch to her sides and all of the way forward, having flexibility on her side naturally. When she looked up, she saw him peel off his shirt and she couldn't help herself from staring. He had clearly defined muscle and a lithe body, and she colored considerably when she realized how long she had been looking at him. She looked downwards quickly, then moving to get up and follow him, trying to not look at the long lines of his back as she walked behind him.
    April 21st, 2016 at 04:10am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian smirked and looked down for a moment before going to a little desk and opening it. He grabbed his utility belt and grabbed it. Not putting it on but keeping his palm over the giant R so it looked like a normal tool belt. "It is a beautiful poem. But the thing with poetry is that it has many layers and secrets. Making it hard to understand and go through, but the wonderful thing about it? When you figure out those secrets and dive through those layers to stumble across something truly beautiful and mind blowing." he told her as she continued to look down at the book. Listening but not truly watching. Clipping his belt on and putting his mask on he walked up to her and titled her head to look at him. "-tt- But I believe I have found a secret. Haven't I kitten?" he asked her while looking into her eyes through his mask.

    Dick couldn't help but look a little when he saw her bend forward. She was truly graceful and quite honestly beautiful. But right now her training and education came first. Anything else would have to wait for a long time to pass. "I'll jog to keep pace. But every day we jog faster and faster. After this I will teach you basic self defense." Dick told her as he began to lightly jog on the track. Looking behind him for her to catch up.
    April 21st, 2016 at 04:30am
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    Melinda's eyes skimmed the page but she was never really reading the words, she was listening intently to Damian's actions and trying to seem like she wasn't paying attention. His words caused her entire body to freeze, and she realized quickly, chills running through her body, that Damian was Robin. She willed herself not to panic, as she was almost completely at his will in this situation. She couldn't believe she had let her guard down enough that she was this easily discovered, but he was a son of Bruce Wayne, he had access to anything. Melinda had a knife tucked into the ankle of her boot, but it would be too obvious if she reached down for it. She remained still as he kept talking, trying to formulate a plan inside her head in the few seconds she had. She was at a complete disadvantage, in a place she didn't even know from the next hallway to what door led to what. She heard his footsteps grow near, and when she felt a hand on her chin, she was forced to look into Damian's eyes, now covered by a mask. Melinda grinned wickedly then, purring lowly when he called her kitten. "Oh, how I do love pet names. Well, little Robin, it didn't take you long to figure me out, did it?" She teased, licking her lips as she looked up to him, her body completely still and at his mercy.

    Clarissa caught up to him when he started jogging, falling into place beside him as she listened to him speak. She kept up easily, used to running because it was one of her favorite things to do, even before Bruce took her in. The time fell away easily, and it wasn't long before the sun was high up in the sky and she was drenched in sweat, breath coming out in pants as she started to walk to slow down and ease her muscles. She moved to start stretching her body even after the workout, her vision feeling a little bit wobbly as she reached down to touch her toes. When she came back up, her vision blurred and swayed, a wave of nausea hitting her as she reached her hands out to try and hold onto something, before she could feel herself start to fall as her legs began to give out.

    (Hope it was okay that I timeskipped on the jogging part.)
    April 21st, 2016 at 04:50am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian smirked as he looked at her. "Son of the greatest detective of all time. You shouldn't have worn the same lipstick that you did when we fought the other day, or at least not packed it on so heavy. After that it was child's play figuring you out." he told her with a grin on his face as he dropped his hand and took a few steps back. Their dance had begun but what beat would they dance to? "Tell me Kitten, what should I do with you?" he asked her as he pressed a button that locked all the doors. The windows were made of very thick missile proof glass so Damian knew she couldn't get out that way either. "You and I, we have something interesting between us. Don't we?" he asked as he waited for her to use the weapon in her boot. Knowing she would strike soon.

    (It's fine!)
    Dick noticed she was starting to sway. Then again it was rather hot out and they had run ten miles already. He ran up to her as she began to fall to the ground and grabbed her. Wrapping her in his arms. Once he got her steady he picked her up and walked over to their water bottles. "Open." he told her as he put the water bottle to her lips so she could drink.
    April 21st, 2016 at 05:13am
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    Melinda watched him carefully as he backed away from her, knowing that all she had was hand to hand combat, but even then, there was no way that she could figure out how to get out of the room and she figured there were others in his family around to catch her. At his comment about her lipstick, she smirked, deciding to lean back against the couch, crossing her legs and folding her hands over her thighs. "Must've been looking at my lips a lot to notice they were the same shade. Have something on your mind about my mouth, little bird?" Melinda said, watching him move and knowing that he probably knew she had a weapon on her, and how it was obviously in her boot, since there weren't too many other places for her to hide a blade. She remained sitting, and watching, raising an eyebrow at what he said next. "You do look quite sexy in your mask, and the kiss I left on your cheek last night left quite a lot to desire," She purred, and she wondered if she could manage using herself as a weapon instead of fighting.

    Clarissa's vision remained blurry even as she vaguely felt someone catch her before she hit the ground. There were black spots floating around in her vision, but the world felt more stable when she was held by someone else. She registered dark hair and startling blue eyes, hearing the words unclearly but feeling something against her mouth. She took a few sips of water before she started to feel better, the liquid cool as it ran down her throat. When she was finished, her head moved to rest against something hard, her breathing slowing down from the hyperventilation it had taken to a few moments before. Clarissa calmed down slowly, but it was aided by the person that she recognized as Dick as she fell in and out of consciousness for a few minutes. "Dick," She murmured, her voice very low. "Thank you," she added on a moment later.
    April 21st, 2016 at 05:32am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    (They're going to be the most dysfunctional couple known to man. But somehow will make this work. Then again that's Damian for you.)
    Damian looked at her. He knew that she was attempting to seduce him. But also that she had a strange fascination with him as he did a little with her. Damian cocked his head and looked at her with a strange look on his face. "I can't quite figure it out. Did you rob the stores to get money, or did you do it to get my attention? Although I think I know the answer if one little thing I dug up was real. he thought to himself as he moved towards her. Gently picking her up and pressing her slowly into his body. He knew seduction was a two way street. His father may not have taught him anything but he had learned from watching Dick "make friends' as oblivious as he was sometimes. Praying this would work or else Alfred would be patching him up before he went on a roaring rampage of revenge. "Well little kitten, tell me if I leave more to desire." he told her as he closed the gap and kissed her.

    Dick looked at her and made sure she didn't drink too much or else it would make her worse. After he managed to get some color back into her face. "Lesson, you don't need to push yourself to collapsing. I want your best but I don't need you in and out of the medical bay because you pushed too hard." he told her as he picked her up and they both moved to the shade. "But, it looks like we can focus more on the martial arts side of things instead. " Dick told her as they sat in the shade to cool down.
    April 21st, 2016 at 05:56am
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    (It's definitely going to be interesting.)
    Melinda's heart was beating out of her chest at his question, and even more so when he moved to walk towards her. "I wanted your attention, and it worked. The jewels mean nothing to me," She murmured, being honest for once, now that everything seemed to be out in the open. She almost raised a hand to do something before it fell when he picked her up and moved their bodies together slowly, hers still tense as she didn't quite know what he was going to do. Her eyes flickered from his to his lips before she felt him surge forward to press his lips against hers, and she did everything she could not to melt into it. Although she had planned on using herself against him, she hadn't expected to feel anything, either. Her skin was on fire wherever he was touching her, and heat surged through her body as their mouths slid together slowly. It was only a moment before her body relaxed into him, and her hands came up to tangle themselves in his hair as her tongue edged along the bottom of his lip. The kiss was everything she expected and nothing at the same time, the gentle way he had picked her up and the way he was slotting his mouth against hers did nothing to match the boy she thought she knew. Through all of the confusion in her brain she sought to clear it out, focusing on the kiss and pushing more against him, demanding more as one of her hands slipped down along his back, feeling the clear definition of muscle.

    She got better with every passing moment, and listened to Dick as she felt herself come back, her body still feeling weak and useless. "I understand, I think it was just because of the heat combined with all of the running," She murmured, her voice trailing off as she realized she wasn't really thinking about what she was saying. She felt her cheeks burn a flaming red from both her heat exhaustion and nervousness, as she realized that she probably wasn't making herself look good for their first day of training. "Thank you again, for being there to catch me, I didn't even see it coming," She said, her voice still soft as she moved her head to look at him.
    April 21st, 2016 at 06:16am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian felt something he had not felt before. He had seduced women in order to get what he wanted or to push a case forward before but each time he had felt the same thing, nothing. It had been a kiss or just sex. Instead what he felt was fire in his veins. The urge to hold her closer, kiss her more. Her tongue skirted along his lip and met hers with his. His hands sat on her hips. He hadn't quite noticed how slender she was until now. Her skin super soft under his scared and calloused hands. He pulled away for a second before looking at her. "Foiled again aren't...@#$*." he said before kissing her again and guiding the two of them back onto the couch.

    Dick looked at her and nodded. "Thank god someone else is going to the middle east. Or else we'd be screwed." he joked as he patted her head to reassure her it was okay for a slip up. Dick looked up and saw the library, and Damian standing there making out with some girl. "Awww look. Damian has a lady friend." he told her as he pointed. He would have to rib him later on that. "It's about time. I worry about him sometimes."
    April 21st, 2016 at 06:36am
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    (You don't have to censor curse words unless you're not comfortable with them. I'm fine with it being NC-17 as long as you are.)
    Melinda shivered at his touch as his hands smoothed down her curves, the roughness of them catching on her smooth skin. She wanted him everywhere at once, watched to touch anything that she could reach, his hair like silk between her fingertips as she pulled gently. She let him lead her back onto the couch, and she covered his body with hers as they met their lips together in another kiss. After all of the time that she had spent wanting, and waiting, needing to get his attention but remain cool and coy throughout it all, this was a retribution that she never saw coming. The pure need that drove her to putting everything into the kiss laid her bare, and she felt adrenaline at the fact of her walls being so down and her feelings so open. She wondered if this was all that she had wanted, after everything that she had been through with all of the other people she interacted with, if it was supposed to be like this all along. There was a fire in her veins that she knew she could become addicted to.

    Clarissa giggled at his comment, even though her cheeks betrayed her by coloring even darker than they already were. When he reached out and patted her head she let out a contented sigh that she didn't intend to make, her eyes fluttering shut at the gesture. There was something about it that struck her in a way she didn't expect, but after all the time of her life spent not ever thinking she did anything right, his consolation affected her strongly. Clarissa looked when Dick pointed, smiling as she saw them disappear out of sight a moment later, their hands all over each other. She felt a pang in her chest at the display of affection, and her smile faded quickly. She had longed for a while to have someone to love her and kiss her instead of abuse her and play with her emotions, as she had previously experienced. Even though she spent a lot of time admiring Dick for his physique, she had had time to spend thinking about what it would be like if he even just held her and whispered sweet nothings into her ear. If anything, Dick was a symbol of something she would never obtain, and idolized the longing and loss of never having someone to love. He was a face to what she had always wanted in a man, after hearing about him all of the time in the news and from other people. It was even more evident when she spent time with him, now right by his side. "It's nice that he has someone to give and receive affections," She murmured, finally, in response to his observation.
    April 22nd, 2016 at 12:05am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    (I was expecting there to be sex and everything lol. I just was writing dialogue like they were in the comic books which usually censors stuff like that. Also side note could we give her some sort of thing that got her into being Catwoman. Just doing it for some boy's attention feels really one dimensional unless this gets into stalker territory. Just a thought?)
    Melinda was on top of him kissing him passionately. He returned it in kind as he pulled her closer and closer. Trying to get her as close to him. Somehow this felt like the passion of equals. Not one trying to one up the other but each other attempting to give a full one hundred percent. One thing lurked in the back of his head. How would he be able to keep up this relationship knowing she was a villainess? Someone he had fought with in order to prevent her from stealing from others. How had his father done it for so many years with Kyle? The two of them pulled away for a moment to catch their breathes. Damian looked into her eyes. "So, what now?" Damian asked her as he breathed slightly heavier.

    Dick nodded and sighed for a moment. "I worry about him because he's always had a harder time connecting to others. When he connects with others it's for life but getting that connection is not something he's good at. Growing up until he came to live with us to believe in only his strength and pride he never much put any stock into forging a connection with others." Dick told her as he looked back down at the track. "Luckily he's gotten a lot better since he left his mother. But sometimes he can be stubborn as hell." Dick looked at his watch and then back at Clarissa. "Ready to head into the cave for some training?" he asked.
    April 22nd, 2016 at 06:09am
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    (Okay, sorry about that. I was planning on something else for her I was just going over ideas and I hadn't decided when I wrote the last post. I wasn't going to just leave it at that.)

    Melinda pulled away, sitting up in his lap and placing her hands on his chest. Looking down at him, there was a million thoughts that were running through her head and she had no idea where to start. "I want, I want to tell you why I stole what I did, why I wanted to get your attention," She started, and she paused for a moment to run a hand through her hair, more out of nervousness than worry about her appearance.

    "When I was younger, the Joker took my Mom and I away because my father had information he wanted. My father worked for a corporation that was working on military power, a type of weapon that could be deployed for mind control. The technology was small and intricate, and my father was one of the people that had developed it. They were essentially microbots that searched until they could find a host body, and would attach at the base of the neck of whatever was closest that had human biology. My father was working to make them so that troops of people could be tracked on the battlefield, and they were being further developed for a closed, safe feed that they could all communicate on without having to physically speak. The joker wanted to use them for his goons and to turn regular people on the streets to people he could bend to his will," She remained calm and her voice steady throughout the explanation, but at the beginning of her next words, her eyes began to tear up.

    "The Joker kept up tied up at the warehouse, and I watched as he tortured my mother for information, even though she didn't have any. I listened in a corner, restrained and unable to reach her, as he called my father and made him listen to her scream. My father found us through a tracker he had placed in my bracelet that he had given me for my birthday, and he bargained himself for the release of my mother and I. The Joker agreed but broke his promise, and after gaining all of the information, he took the keys to the building and his card and shot them both. I just remember screaming and screaming until I lost my voice, and it was at that moment that Batman found me. He swooped in and the Joker scrambled, saving himself and leaving his goons for Batman to knock out. The one thing I remember was him releasing me from my ties and I ran to my parents, just holding them and wanting so badly for them to wake back up. It was then that I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I turned to see you, all dressed up in your Robin outfit, and you reached out and gave my your hand and you didn't say anything but there wasn't anything to be said," Melinda stopped for a second, reaching up to wipe away the streams of tears running down her face silently.

    "I was placed into foster care after you saved me, and I was stuck in the system for years. No one wanted me because I would always wake up with nightmares screaming, and I would claw at anything I could reach, wanting to get revenge for what had happened to my parents. I didn't want any friends or family, I was so focused on what I could do and how I could find him I didn't focus on being kind and friendly and everything that the system wants you to be in order to get a family and stay with them. I spent so many hours planning but feeling helpless, I had no combat skills or intelligence on how to even get close to the Joker. The only thing I could remember was how Batman had found me, and how you were with him. I had seen you fight and how skilled you were even though you were as young as I was, and I idolized you for your technique. I wished to see you fight again and I wanted to train and battle with you to learn how you moved," She continued, and even though she knew she was talking and talking, she couldn't stop.

    "When I was eighteen I became my own legal guardian and I was on my own. It was then I started training, and I started of thinking of ways that I could get your attention. I needed you to be able to get to the Joker. I listened in to police comms and the news and it was all I did. It consumed me, so I started stealing. I needed to do something to get you to notice me so that I could get your help. I donated all of the jewels I stole under Wayne's name to charities and I never used any of the money myself. I didn't want to stoop down to Joker's level, and I knew stealing wasn't right, but I would do anything to get revenge for my parents," She sighed heavily, shifting herself slightly as her tears dried on her cheeks. "Anything," Melinda repeated, her voice filled with vengeance.
    Clarissa listened silently, nodding along with his story as she looked away from the window to him. "Yeah, I feel better," She said, standing up then and taking the water bottle with her. She took a few more sips as she followed Dick inside the mansion, thinking about what he had said about Damian. There was a lot more there that she didn't know about, and a lot she didn't know about Dick either. It was the same the other way as well, she hadn't revealed much about her past as she was still scared to bring it back up, as it followed her every day everywhere she went.
    April 23rd, 2016 at 06:43pm
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    (You're good. Sorry if that came off dickish but I was just curious.)
    Damian watched as she began to cry. He was never quite good at comforting those in highly emotional states. However when she said she would do anything to get revenge on the Joker a small amount of anger welled up in him. Here was a common girl trying to figure out how to kill. But she didn't understand the consequences of killing. Damian had lost his soul years ago during the Year of Blood and probably long before that. He looked at the girl and cupped her face with his hand. "I will train you in my ways. But you will not kill." Damian told her as he wiped a few of her tears away. "My father has taught me to never kill, something I did many times before becoming Robin, and I intend to pass that lesson on to you."

    Dick stood up and helped Clarissa up. The two headed into the cave where Alfred was polishing the floor. "Greetings Master Dick and Mistress Clarissa. Shall I prepare lunch soon?" Dick looked over and said "sure Alfred. After lunch I might have you ref a sparring match if Clarissa picks up a few of the basics." Dick got into the center of a sparring ring. "Alright, you seem to be built more similarly to me than to most of the other Bat Family members. So you'll learn martial arts from me even if Bruce is the master martial artist. It won't be easy but I think you can become really good at it if you try."
    April 23rd, 2016 at 07:18pm
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    (It's okay, you didn't.)
    Melinda nodded at his words, leaning into the hand that cupped her face and letting her eyes flutter closed. "I believe in you, and I know that you can help me, and I want to learn any way that I can," She said, sighing a little as she felt him wipe away a few of her tears. "I know that I'm just asking for all of this with nothing to give you in return. Is there anything that I can do?" She asked, opening her eyes then to look down at him.

    Clarissa followed him into the sparring ring, looking over at him and nodding along with his words. "I'll try my best," She said, feeling better than she had a few moments ago. Her stomach growled quietly in protest for lunch, and she was glad that Alfred was going to make them something.
    April 25th, 2016 at 02:22am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian looked at her and pulled her close so that she laid next to him. This was the first time he had intimately cuddled anything and he kind of enjoyed it. Usually Damian had a laundry list of things to try and drag out of people in an attempt to establish some sort of superiority over them. For some reason he felt no urge to put her through that. "Just, lie with me. Let me make you feel safe even if it's for a moment." he told her as he wanted to punch himself for getting this lovey dovery over a girl. He could hear in his head the Al Ghul yelling at him to prove she was a worthy mate. But the Wayne yelled back. "Know one thing," he said darkly. "Remember how easily I found you out. If I find out that you're lying to me or if I'm just a means to an end. Things won't end well."

    Dick started to jump back and forth before showing her the basics. When she stumbled helping her by providing a gentle guiding hand. Positioning her body, showing her how to punch and kick properly. They sparred and trained for another hour before Dick decided to sit down for lunch. Alfred had finished cooking a full lunch of sandwiches, salads, and soup. Alfred placed it all on the mat and Dick thanked him. WIthout Alfred the entire Bat Family would fall apart or go hungry from lack of remembering to eat. "So, how did Bruce find you?" Dick asked.
    April 25th, 2016 at 04:30am