The Trouble in You Is the Trouble in Me

  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    Melinda let herself be moved into his embrace, settling her head against his chest with a heavy, contented sigh. The feeling of his arms around her was one that she hadn't felt in a long time, but accompanied with a feeling of safety that she had never had the luxury to feel. Every night she lay awake waiting for the Joker to find her and finish the job, every day she avoided eye contact with anyone on the street just in case it wasn't one of the Joker's men. The ability to be alongside Damian, knowing that he could keep her safe for as long as she could let her guard down, was a large weight taken off of her shoulders. At his words of her betraying him further, she lifted her head from his chest and looked into his eyes, her expression serious. "I promise," She murmured, her voice soft and level, "that I've told you the truth, and I've told you everything," Melinda said, and to seal it, she leaned forward and pressed her lips against his.
    Clarissa tried as best as she could to follow Dick's movements, trying to keep up with him and his teachings. She appreciated the way that he treated her, giving her gentle guidance along the way instead of getting angry with her or frustrated. She was happy to be able to have the break when Alfred brought lunch, and she laid out on the mats and reached for a sandwich, taking a bite with a contented hum. It was at his question that she completely froze, her whole body becoming overwhelmed with a chill. Clarissa's eyes went to the ground, wanting to look anywhere but at Dick. It was a few moments before she spoke, her voice very quiet. "I've been on my own for a few years now, as I never knew my Dad and my Mom passed away when I finished school after being sick pretty much my whole life. Her passing broke me, as I spent so much time taking care of her that I didn't know anything else but doing that. When I finally got back on my feet, I got a job and a shitty apartment, but I was managing. I was getting on okay, I knew how to provide and protect myself and I didn't ask much of anyone. Then I met this man, Nathan, after he came into the little cafe that I worked at to order coffee everyday. He was charming and I was stupid, I had been alone for what seemed like for so long I just wanted a friend. We got closer and closer until it developed into a romantic relationship. It was quite a few months later until I realized that he was involved with Penguin. He did a lot of dirty work, and it turned out he just wanted someone to manipulate, something to carry around on his arm. I wanted to leave, but he threatened me, and I had watched him kill mercilessly and take so many different drugs he couldn't see straight or even care. I had no way out," She kept speaking until her throat began to burn with the prevention of her tears, and her eyes stayed welled up with them until she blinked and they fell.

    "He took without asking and he beat me when I tried to leave or even spoke up against what he was doing. He let his friends do what they pleased with me and I was hollow and beaten down to nothing and so completely gone that I didn't know who I was anymore. He took me to an event one night, after a really big beat down of another gang that they were having issues with, and Batman found the meeting. We were both in the back, and he was so high and I had tried to get away, but he had backed me into a closet and all I could do was scream as he raped me for what seemed like the millionth time I had said no, and Batman found us. I remember he pulled him off of me so easily and knocked him into the wall, and I was so amazed and something just came over me. I grabbed a pipe that was leaning against the wall and just started hitting him over and over, and it gave me such a rush. After all of the time I had spent in pain, I was finally able to see his blood instead of mine. I kept going in a daze, and I don't even know how long it was before Batman took the pipe away from me and dragged me away, screaming, before I blacked out. I woke up here, and he said he'd never let me get into that situation again. He said he would protect me from Penguin and from all of his henchmen, and he'd teach me how to fight so I'd never be helpless like that again," She finished, not realizing how long it had been that she'd been speaking, with soundless tears streaming down her cheeks. Clarissa finally set down the sandwich she was holding and wiped them away uselessly, feeling her cheeks flare a hot pink as she stared down at the ground. She didn't know why she felt safe enough to tell Dick the whole story when she wasn't even able to tell Bruce the whole thing herself without breaking down.

    "I'm sorry, I, I'm sorry," She stuttered, feeling ashamed and regretful that she had told him the whole story, afraid that he would look at her differently now that he knew. She couldn't help herself as she got up quickly and tried to make her way out of the room, too embarrassed to look at him and feeling dirty all over after thinking about everything that had happened in the past. Clarissa felt just as small and tiny and vulnerable as she had when she was with Nathan, and she wanted to run away from it as fast as she could.
    April 26th, 2016 at 01:47am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian felt her kiss him again. Soft lips parting over his as his arms wrapped around her in an attempt to bring her closer to him. The idea of two people engaging on equal terms was something he only realized in the later years of his life. With his grandfather and his mother they drilled him about how much better he was he was. Getting a significant other would either be a path of domination or a path or conquest. Instead here she was just needing someone to help her on her quest. After a few minutes of more intense making out Damian pulled away. All of this being a bit much for him at one moment. "Let's go downtown. Grab something to eat." he said to her.

    Dick watched as Clarissa stood up suddenly and leaved. He wanted to go after her but realized there wasn't much he could do right now. "Is the young miss alright?" Alfred asked as he came back to clear their plates. "Think she got overwhelmed. Make a couple cups of tea. I'll bring them up in a little while." he told him as he stretched and headed to the showers. He showered off the sweat and grime of the day. Once he was done he changed into his soft clothes. Alfred was done with the tea so Dick took it and walked upstairs. KNocking on Clarissa's door to see if she'd answer.
    April 27th, 2016 at 05:34pm
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    She hummed contentedly when he pulled back, and she nodded at his suggestion. "Sounds good to me, little Robin," She said with a smirk, pulling away from him and getting back onto her feet. Melinda ran a hand through her hair and smoothed down her rumpled clothing, following Damian out of the room and the house. When she was younger and thought about having Robin help her with her search for the Joker, she never imagined becoming attracted to him. The moments that they had spent kissing had changed her complete idea abut the whole situation, and she wondered what would become of them of their journey. Melinda didn't know what Damian would be like, as she'd never seen him with any other girl or even interested in one. She'd stayed away from boys due to not having the time for them, except if she knew it was going to be fleeting. With Damian, she was very unsure about how they would turn out, between training and somehow finding time for themselves seemed to be something that would not be easy to achieve.

    Clarissa found her way to the room and shut the door behind her, pacing back and forth as the tears fell from her eyes. It had been awhile since she had given in to the memories, and it felt like an endless rush of emotion that she had spent so much time trying to keep back. She fell to her bed and laid there, curled up and waiting for the pain to ebb as it seemed to consume her whole body, shadow the edges of her world. When she felt better, past crying but not letting up in the feeling of regret of running from Dick, which he didn't deserve, she stood to take a shower. Clarissa changed into underwear and a cotton tshirt without her bra, the tshirt, she decided, might have once been Damian's or Dick's, as she took out her contacts and slid on her glasses. She returned to her room, her wet hair loose down her back, combing her fingers through to get rid of the knots. She picked up the book Dick had given her on German, reading for quite a while before she heard a knock at her door. Her heart suddenly began to pound in her chest, and her cheeks colored considerably when she sat up and called out "Come in,". Clarissa put the book in her lap, looking towards the door and trying to push away the hope that maybe it was Dick, if she hadn't already scared him away with her story.
    April 30th, 2016 at 01:57am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian led her to the new Camaro that sat in the garage next to his motorcycle. He usually took the bike out but since he had Melinda he wouldn't, this time. He revved up the engine and they shot forward out onto the driveway and into the city. The two were silent for a bit before Damian looked over at her. "So what exactly are we? I have a feeling the way we were going at it we aren't going to be able to keep our hands off each other at school." he asked her hoping she wouldn't take something he said the wrong way. He was new to the whole thing. "I mean unless you want to do the whole undercover relationship thing. But the idea of the masses being confused at a new and odd relationship amuses me to no end."

    Dick entered the room with the tea and sat the platter down on the bed. He picked up a mug and sipped at it before leaning back on the bed and looking at her. "The only thing we are going to talk about that, unless you want to talk more, is that know we all have our crosses we bear. Bruce, Tim, and I lost our parents. Jason was beaten to death with a crowbar by the Joker, Damian was stabbed by an advanced clone of himself under his mother's orders. We're all fucked up, so try not to worry so much." he told her as he pulled out his phone and texted Damian. "Tomorrow all of us are going to go on a trip to the local theme park, Bruce included, and you'll see." he told her. Taking another swig of his tea he let the hot liquid fall down his throat.
    April 30th, 2016 at 06:51am
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    Melinda raised her eyebrows when she reached the garage and saw all of the luxury cars there, getting into the Camaro after Damian went towards it. She leaned her head back against the headrest, watching the city rush by in the window. When he spoke, she looked over with a smirk. "It would be hard to not be able to kiss you when I wanted to," She started to say, and she reached a hand over to place it on his midthigh, her thumb rubbing a small circle over his jeans. "Or touch you," Melinda continued, and she looked over to the window, keeping her hand where it was. "But I would like a relationship to you because it interests you, and not just because it's entertaining to see people's reactions. However fun it will be," She admitted, hoping that it wasn't just the case. "I'm a little scared to how it will all work, as I've never really invested myself in a relationship longer than a night, and we have a lot of things on our plates. But it would be harder to suppress the feelings that I have and not listen to them, and when it felt like it did when I kissed you, I feel like that's something I shouldn't run away from," Melinda finished, looking over to him once more to see the expression on his face and how he reacted to her words.

    Clarissa picked up a mug of tea that Dick brought, putting her book aside on her nightstand and sitting up with it, taking a sip before holding it gingerly in her lap, cupping the warmth with both hands. She listened to his words, her eyes stinging with the feeling of tears. She fought back against it, taking another sip from the cup before speaking. "Thank you for coming to speak with me, and for the tea. I'm sorry for running away from you earlier. It was rude and you didn't deserve it. I don't know why I was so afraid after telling you everything, but after speaking about it, it brought everything back and it still feels just as raw as it did when it was happening. I'm sure you know the feeling," She said, finishing with taking another drink from her tea. While she was talking, she had reached out and placed a gentle hand, still warm from the cup, on his arm in gratitude. It lingered there for a moment before she took it back, resting it on her crossed legs. "That sounds fun. I don't think I've been around with everyone yet. At least you'll be there, so I won't feel like such an outsider," Clarissa said, her cheeks flaming pink, once again.
    April 30th, 2016 at 04:07pm
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian smirked as he pulled into a parking garage. "-tt-, this whole relationship thing is new to me. I haven't met a girl or woman that has volunteered to be with me longer than needed be." Damian told her as he found a parking spot and grabbed a handful of loose change to pay the meter when they got out. "So, I'm interested in what a long time partnership would be like." he told her as he got out of the car. Somehow in the course of less than two hours he had gotten a girlfriend, and his girlfriend was Catwoman. He truly was the son of Batman. He walked over to her as he looked out over the rooftops of Gotham. "Point is. Let's give it a shot." he told her as he kissed her again. Right as they finished he got a text. He looked at his phone and saw Dick texted him. Mandatory family bonding tomorrow at theme park. Bring the new girl if you want. "Looks like I'm dragging you to my family's get together tomorrow." he told her.

    Dick looked at her with a smile on his face as she seemed to perk up a little more. "You'll really meet the family. See our flaws, see our strengths, but remember. Our family is your family now. You've been invited and unless you do something seriously wrong you won't be going anywhere soon." he told her as he reached a hand out and patted her leg. "Put some pants on and let's go see Gotham. it's been a while since I've seen the old city." he told her as he got up.
    April 30th, 2016 at 06:27pm
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    Melinda got out of the car, following him to look out at the rooftops of Gotham, listening to him speak quietly. She leaned into him when he kissed her, her body lining up with his in a newly familiar way. She giggled when he said when he was going to be dragging her to the family get together tomorrow. "Now that we're dating I don't get a say in what I get to do?" Melinda said jokingly, sliding her arm around his waist and just leaning against him a little as she looked out at the horizon. The statement felt foreign coming out of her mouth, but she almost felt right saying it, like the phrase was a welcome new addition to add to her life. "Think I should show up in my Catwoman gear? Sounds like the right thing to do when meeting Bruce Wayne for the first time," She continued, a smile on her lips as she looked up to him. Even standing next to him in boots with a heel, she was just as tall as his shoulder.

    She smiled warmly when he told her that she was family, a statement that made warmth bloom in her chest, a comforting feeling of finally having people to call home and hers. "Thank you for being so welcoming. I really appreciate your kindness towards me," She said, looking over at him and having her blush finally fade. Clarissa's leg tingled when he patted her, even though it was a simple gesture. She got up after he did, walking over to her dresser and pulling out a pair of leggings, slipping them on over her underwear and seeking out a sports bra, easily stepping into it and pulling it on while keeping her shirt on. She looked over to him when she was finished, giving him a simple smile before sliding her feet into some black converse. Clarissa went to follow him out of the room when she remembered her phone, going back for it and sliding it into the band of her leggings and putting her shirt back down afterwards. She followed him out of the house then, towards the garage.
    April 30th, 2016 at 08:49pm
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian looked at her funny for a moment before realizing it was just a joke. "-tt-,How about something a little less suspicious for the first outing?" he said with a smile as he led her by the hand down the stairs and into the streets of Gotham.There was something inherently nice about the city in the daytime. The scumbags weren't out in full force because 98% of crime seemed to happen in the nighttime. Other than the handful of mutant sightings life was fairly good. I guided Melinda into my favorite gyro place. "Think you'll like here." I told her as we sat down at a table.

    Dick and Clarissa moved to the garage and stood in front of the keys all hung up on different hooks. He grabbed a specific pair and threw them to Clarissa. "Here, about time you saw your new ride." he told her as he pointed to the Jeep at the end of the row. "Being part of the family has perks." he told her as he got into the jeep.
    May 1st, 2016 at 12:41am
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    Melinda giggled as he led her down into the streets of Gotham, letting him guide her to the restaurant. She sat down a table with him, looking around at the crowded place. "Smells good," She murmured, looking over the menu once it was placed in front of her. Melinda hadn't had the type of food that they served here before. "Will you order for me? I bet you know what's best to order," She said, looking up at him with a smile.

    Clarissa caught the keys when they were thrown to her with a surprised smile on her face. "It's mine?" She exclaimed, going over to the driver's side and climbing in, laughing excitedly when she got to see the inside. "Dick, this is amazing!" Clarissa said, and she slid the keys into the ignition, looking over to him when the car started. "So, where are we going? Are we just driving?" She asked, buckling up as she waited for his answer.
    May 2nd, 2016 at 02:04am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian nodded and ordered two gyros. The waiter nodded and walked off. Damian leaned back into his seat and took a sip of water from his cup. The two were on a date. This was off since he hadn't been on a date that he actually meant in never. He wasn't quite sure what to say or do in these scenarios. He had been drilled on all sorts of battle tactics but going out on a date was foreign to him. "So, other than the whole thieving thing what else do you like to do?" Damian asked her.

    Dick looked at her with a smile. "Wherever you want to do or go we can do that." he said to her as he pointed towards the open road. Clarissa deserved a break before they trained ever harder. She had the cardio down so tomorrow they would start with weights. That would really push her to the limits tomorrow. But for tonight they needed to just have fun.
    May 2nd, 2016 at 05:03am
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    Melinda looked over the table at Damian, who sat back in his seat and sipped his water and looked very out of his element. She didn't think that she'd ever really seen him look like that before, in school or briefly when they were in battle. "I like to dance. I take ballet classes at the dance school that's down the street from the high school. Whenever I need to relax or get my mind off things, I'm usually there, dancing. I'm there so much they gave me keys to the place, since I'm really good friends with the owner," She replied, crossing her legs under the table, accidentally brushing her foot against his ankle.

    She hummed at his reply, sitting for a moment before putting the car into drive and leaving Wayne Manor. Clarissa drove for awhile before she reached the place that she had thought of first, the movie theater. She pulled in and found a parking spot even though it was pretty crowded. When she turned the car off, she looked over to him and smiled hopefully. "Is this okay? I just wanted to relax and I'm really craving some popcorn," She asked.
    May 5th, 2016 at 01:53am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian felt like he was being interrogated. Then again he had been and that was easier than the whole date thing. When she mentioned dancing he leaned forward. "My father made all the Robins take dancing along with a bunch of other things in the off chance we would need it." The food arrived right after he said that and he thanked the New Gods that it had. This talking thing was stressful when he was trying to mean it. Although he was curious about the dancing.

    Dick smiled and told her, "fine with me. I heard that they finally released that new Key and Peele movie. That sound fine to you?" he asked her as he thought of the last time he even went to a movie. Bruce rarely went. He seemed to have a weird aversion to them.
    May 5th, 2016 at 02:34am
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    She laughed at the idea of seeing Damian dance. "It makes sense with fighting and all to have the fluidity of dance," Melinda replied. She smiled at the waiter when he brought the food, saying thank you as she picked it up and took a bite. She hummed at the taste, putting it down in favor of taking a sip of water. When her eyes wandered around the restaurant, they stopped suddenly when she saw someone. "Damian, come here," She murmured, and she cast her eyes downward then, letting her hair fall to cover half of her face. She wondered if he had seen her yet. "You're aware that some of the kids that go to our school are some of the Joker's goons, aren't you?" She paused for a moment, her heart beating fast in her chest. "I tried dating one of them for awhile to see if I could get intel, but he was rude and the sex was horrible, and he really was stupid so he didn't know anything, so I broke up with him and he's been hostile towards me ever since," She explained quickly, and she didn't dare look over his way. "Well, he's standing right over there and I don't know if he's seen me yet," Melinda said, trying to keep her gaze down.

    She smiled and nodded, replying with a "Yes," as she got out of the car, and once Dick was out, locking it and starting to walk towards the theatre. "Ooh, can we get popcorn? And M&M's to put in it? It's my favorite!" Clarissa asked, jumping up and down as she walked sideways towards the theatre, trying to look over at Dick as she moved in excitement. They moved up into the line outside the movie theatre that was waiting to get tickets. She looked over at him and stuck her bottom lip out, moving to place her hands around one of his arms lightly as she begged. "Please, Dick?" She asked.
    May 6th, 2016 at 03:15am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian leaned back in his chair and smirked. "Yeah, I remember a lot of people joining that dude Smileys campaign to be the next Joker. The Joker snapped up whoever was left after that." he told her as he looked over to see the Joker goon start to walk over. Maybe Damian would get a punch in or something. He picked up his fork and started eating as the goon stood at their table. "I thought I told you that I'd kill you if I ever saw you around these parts Melinda.' the goon told her. Damian looked up at him and said, "-tt- the whole goon thing isn't working well for you. Why don't you hit the books a little more?"

    "Just remember how much we're going to have to burn off later. But sure." Dick told her as he ordered a large popcorn, two large waters, and M&M's. After that they headed to the theater and found seats. Dick was excited, he loved Key and Peele. He'd even tried to get Damian into it but Damian was a tough sell.
    May 6th, 2016 at 05:15pm
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    (Sorry it's been so long, I've been super busy with finals.)
    @ Prince Vegeta
    Melinda didn't give the boy the satisfaction of looking at him, her eyes looking over to Damian and his confidence. His lack of fear for the guy was quite handsome on him. She felt the boy shake with anger, and saw his hands balling up into fists. Before he could lunge at Damian, Melinda picked up her water and threw it at him. "You need to cool down, asshole," She said, finally looking up at him and challenging him to do anything with her eyes.

    Clarissa giggled in excitement, helping Dick carry the food they bought as they got their tickets and made their way to the theatre. She settled down in her chair, ads playing on the screen as they had gotten their a little bit before the movie was supposed to start. "It's been a long time since I've been able to see a movie," She said, reaching for a handful of popcorn.
    May 16th, 2016 at 04:04am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    (You're good. I just finished with mine as well.)
    Damian looked back at the goon and the goon was starting to lose it. He pulled a knife and attempted to stab at Damian. Before anyone could react Damian had the goon's wrist in a wristlock. He squeezed it just right so that all of the goon's fingers popped out. "That's what I like to see." Damian said as his other hand wrapped around the fingers. He pulled up sharply on the pinkie and it snapped. "I broke your pinkie. I can break the others just as easily. So go home kid and do your homework." he told him as he shoved the goon onto the floor.

    Dick looked over at her and smiled. "Me as well. Bruce tends not to like them so rarely we go to see them. Plus Damian has this weird thing about liking most classic films so it is a lttiel hard to get him out the house to see one." he told her as he put a piece of popcorn in hsi mouth. Enjoying the buttery, salty flavor.
    May 16th, 2016 at 08:15am
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    Melinda raised an eyebrow when the boy couldn't get out of the door fast enough after Damian had easily intimidated him. Once he was gone, she let herself take a bite of her food that had remained untouched. "That was probably the hottest thing I've seen you do so far," She said, quite honestly, as he cast her eyes upwards to look at him after her statement.

    She giggled, imagining Bruce in a theatre and not being able to take it seriously. "I'm sure you bring all of the ladies here since your family won't come," Clarissa teased, waggling her eyebrows just to be silly.
    May 17th, 2016 at 02:38am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    If Damian could blush he would have been redder than a fire hydrant. Instead he looked at her and smirked. "-tt-, last time I heard that I was seducing a Bosnian princess. I've never met anyone with bigger daddy issues either." he said with a chuckle as he finished his food. "So you like to dance? If you're alright with that I wouldn't mind seeing some of your moves." he told her.

    Dick smirked as she wagged her eyebrows. "Really don't go on many dates. Can never seem to find anyone to go with." he said with a laugh as the movie started. "Shoot movie is starting. Time to be quiet." he said as he took a sip of water.
    May 17th, 2016 at 02:52am
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    Melinda smiled at his reply, it quickly turning into a smirk at the mention of the other girl. "So you're capable of getting sexier than this?" She teased with a laugh, taking another drink from her glass. "I mean if you can seduce a Bosnian princess I don't know what you can do to me," she said then, and raised an eyebrow at his mention of her dancing. " I want to see your moves too, little Robin. Shall we go dancing? I know a really good club that's not too far from here," Melinda suggested, one eyebrow raised in question.

    Clarissa was quite surprised at his answer but she didn't say anything as the movie started. She can easily reached over for popcorn throughout the movie, her eyes occasionally wandering over to Dick's profile before quickly looking away. She felt a wave of exhaustion run over her, and she leaned back in her chair and let her head rest against the back of it. It was slightly uncomfortable, and she wished briefly that she was close enough to Dick to cuddle up next to him. There was something about movies that made her wish she was close to someone to share the experience with.
    May 17th, 2016 at 03:35am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian looked at her for a moment before nodding and throwing some money down on the table. Knowing it was more than enough and that the waiter would be happy with his tip. "I'm down. Unless you want to go to your studio to dance there. I don't care." he told her as they left the small diner. He had an answer to her earlier question. He could be sexier but it was only when he was trying to get something from someone or was trying to get ahead. Now that she was here and he was actually trying to impress her he felt like a two year old again. "So which way Melinda?" he asked.

    Dick looked over and nudged her playfully. "Come on kiddo. Wake up. The movie just started. At least give it until the halfway point before you fall asleep." he told her as he patted her leg and turned his gaze back to the screen.
    May 17th, 2016 at 03:58am