The Trouble in You Is the Trouble in Me

  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    Melinda got up after he paid and followed him out of the diner. "I'll take you to my studio tomorrow morning and we can practice and train. Tonight I wanna have some fun," She replied, and a moment later she took his hand in hers and started to lead him down the street. It was a few minutes before the building came into view, a long line of people streaming out from the side and curving around the corner. Melinda just kept on walking to the front, however, approaching the bouncer with a beaming smile. It took a moment for him to recognize her, as she came to the place often. He raised an eyebrow at Damian, but she just nodded, and the bouncer moved aside to let them through. It was only a moment later that they stepped into darkness, the only light available from glowing beams and people carrying around glow sticks. There was a crowded dance floor and an even more crowded bar, and the music was deafening and seemed to vibrate throughout her body. She made sure her hand didn't leave Damian's, and she leaned back into him for a moment to talk directly to his ear. "Stay close to me," Melinda said, before leading them towards the dance floor.

    Clarissa colored pink when he called her 'kiddo', further making her believe that Dick had absolutely no interest in her whatsoever, as he probably had never even thought of her as anything past his trainee. She sat up a little more after his comment, still not entirely comfortable in her seat but managing to not lean her head back.
    May 17th, 2016 at 05:05am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian tried to smile but it came off as creepy and homicidal so he stopped. They went in the dance club making him slightly on edge. Crowded places rarely suited him well. He looked at the dancefloor and noticed that they were dancing in a way he hadn't tried before. "Never tried that." he told Melinda. "I'm a quick study though." he said as he started to stare at their feet to pick up their moves. Once he was ready he started to dance with Melinda. Being rather bad at first but eventually picking up the tempo and pattern quickly.

    Dick looked over at her and noticed she couldn't get comfortable. She might needed something to lean against. Dick extended his arm out on instinct around her arms like he had done with Barbara or Kori back in the day. He used his free hand to grab more popcorn to eat.
    May 17th, 2016 at 05:25am
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    Melinda moved easily to the music, her body movements fluid along with the beat. She sensed Damian's mood as uncomfortable and moved them to the outer edge of the crowd of people dancing so it felt more secluded for the both of them. She watched as Damian studied the other couples moves before adapting them for himself. Melinda reached out for him, bringing him closer to her with a smile. "Just focus on me. It doesn't matter how you dance or how many people are around you. Try thinking about just me," She murmured near his ear before pulling back, moving her body against his in the way that felt right.

    Clarissa froze up for a moment when Dick moved to put an arm around her, as she completely did not see it coming. When he didn't say anything and continued on with getting some popcorn, she relaxed slightly, moving to grab some as well. It was a moment later that she mustered up enough courage to rest her head against his shoulder lightly. It took her a few minutes to completely relax, as her mind was spinning with every which way Dick acted with her. Despite everything, being in his arms made her feel considerably more safe and warm.
    May 17th, 2016 at 05:40am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian was shocked at how forward Melinda was towards him. He smiled and leaned forward to peck her on the cheek. His arms wrapping around her and pulling her closer before resting on her hips. He danced into her and she danced into him. The rest of the room melted away and it was just the two of them. He couldn't tell when the last time he had felt like this or if he had ever felt like this. The two bodies melding together to dance in a way that was unique to them.

    Dick felt her lean her head against his shoulder. He smiled as it had been so long since he had this. He felt like he was sheltering this poor girl in his arms. Something he hadn't felt in a very long time. He laughed at the movie as he shifted so that her head was in a more comfortable place. He took another sip of his water before settling back in.
    May 17th, 2016 at 08:59am
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    She smiled when he pulled her closer and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. When Damian finally relaxed and danced against her with natural fluidity, she felt a comfortable warmth spread through her body at the familiarity of it. After a few songs she motioned towards the bar before grabbing his hand and leading him towards it. She ordered two waters for them, grabbing a stool and sitting down on it. Melinda pulled him between her legs and held him there, mostly because there wasn't much space and she wanted him close. When the waters were pushed their way, she offered one to Damian before taking a sip herself.

    She happened to remain awake for the rest of the movie despite how comfortable she was, laughing along with Dick and sharing the popcorn. When it was over and the credits started rolling, she found herself not wanting to leave the position that she was in. "That was a good movie," Clarissa mumbled, wanting to be in his arms for a moment longer while everyone is the theatre lined up trying to get our of the theatre.
    May 17th, 2016 at 03:47pm
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian followed her towards the bar when she started to head that way. He saw her order two waters as she sat on a barstool then pull him forward with her legs. He looked at her with his slightly sinister and slightly warm Damian smirk as he took the water and took a swig. He put his hands on her hips as he pulled her closer to him. To him there was just him and her and nothing else really mattered. The Al Ghul in him screaming at him to cut this out right then. "Never thought I would have fun in a place like this." he told her with a slight smile on his face.

    Dick looked over and saw her and how comfortable she was. "We have to go. Unless you need me to carry you out of the theater." he joked as he noticed just how close they were. Something he hadn't done in a very long time was get close to anyone.
    May 17th, 2016 at 09:44pm
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    She returned his smile when he gave it, setting her water down and focusing on him, the feeling of his hands resting on her hips. "I'm glad I can get you to do things that you put doubt in," She replied, and she reached a hand up to pull his face down closer to hers to give him a kiss. She let it linger between them, humming contentedly in her throat at the warm feeling it gave her. "Do you want to dance more or go home?" Melinda asked him after she pulled away, looking up into his eyes.

    She looked up at him and batted her eyelashes a bit, a mischievous smile on her lips. "Would you really?" Clarissa asked hopefully, knowing she was being a bit silly about everything. She just didn't want to not be touching him not that she had spent so long doing so, having felt the most comfortable and safe with another person than she had in a long, long time.
    May 18th, 2016 at 12:13am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian looked at her and shrugged. "I know you like this place. But I'd like to hang around with just you if you want to as well." he told her as he realized it was going to be late soon. Plus they had that whole amusement park thing tomorrow and what not. "But I am willing to do whatever you want to do." he told her.

    Dick smirked as he picked her up like she was a cheap ragdoll. "Well, why not?" he asked her as he stacked grabbed the trash in the other arm. He started to walk out and threw away the trash. He then walked to the jeep and put her in the passenger seat.
    May 18th, 2016 at 01:13am
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    "We gotta get up early tomorrow for the family date, right? So we could go back, you could get your hands all over me, I could sleepover, even?" Melinda suggested, a smirk playing on her lips as she decided that the plan sounded good. She slid off of her chair then, slipping her fingers inbetween his and leading him out of the club. Stepping outside into the fresh air, which had cooled off considerably with the night, felt good on her skin, and she led Damian back towards where they had come.

    Clarissa giggled when he picked her up effortlessly, holding onto his neck as she was carried out to the car and deposited onto the passenger seat. "Thank you," She told him when he got into the drivers side, thankful that he was willing to drive home, because she was definitely too sleepy to. "Did you enjoy the movie?" She asked as he pulled out of the parking lot.
    May 18th, 2016 at 02:17am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian looked at her and smiled. "Never had a girl I wanted to sleep over so hell yes." he told her as she led him outside. They walked back to the car and he looked at her as he started the car up once inside. "Do you want to stop by your place to grab a few things so you can shower and change at my place?" he asked her as he set up the bluetooth for the music.

    Dick looked at her and nodded. "I did. I hope you had a good time as well." he told her as they drove back to Wayne manor. "If you weren't about to drop over I would ask if you wanted to come out on patrol tonight." he told her as he noticed how droopy eyed she was.
    May 18th, 2016 at 03:47am
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @Prince Vegeta
    Melinda smiled at his answer, getting into the car and looking over to him as he started it up. "Yeah that sounds good. I'll tell you where to go from here," She said, setting back into the seat and letting out a contented sigh. A moment later she pulled her hair up into a bun, and guided him to drive towards her place.

    Clarissa perked up a bit at the mention of going on patrol with him. "You think I could?" She asked, stretching in her seat and raising her arms above her head, her tshirt puling up to reveal an expanse of skin. "I could probably wake myself back up. It was just the movie and I was so comfortable that it made me tired," She explained, looking over at him.
    May 18th, 2016 at 01:12pm
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian followed her instructions and after a few minutes they managed to arrive at her apartment. He was slightly impressed. For a girl who live don her own he had only helped fight a handful of muggings in the area. He parked and then got out of the car. "Should we go up?" he asked her.

    Dick shrugged as they pulled into the garage. "You have enough basic training down to at least be able to hold your own." he told her as he led her to the cave. He went to a cabinet and pulled out a uniform. "This'll pad punches and stop a knife." he told her as he tossed it to her. He also pulled out a domino mask and handed that to her as he went to his locker and pulled out his uniform. "Sorry it's a bit bland. You'll get something flashier once we can make it."
    May 18th, 2016 at 06:22pm
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    She nodded in affirmation when they got her to apartment. "Yeah, come on up," Melinda said, getting out of the car and going into the building. They took the elevator and she got out her keys, opening the door down one hallway that was her apartment. "You can follow me into my bedroom or just sit here, I'll be just a minute or two," She said, continuing down past the small living room towards her bedroom. She grabbed a backpack and threw some clothes to sleep in and something to wear the next day into a bag, along with a few other things.

    Clarissa caught what he threw at her, looking at the mask thoughtfully. "It's nice for now," She said, and she stood around for a moment wondering where she should change into the uniform but the room was quite vast with no real place to hide herself. She shrugged a moment later and just started to change after going over to a table where she could set her clothing down, pulling off her clothes and changing into what Dick had given her.
    May 18th, 2016 at 11:30pm
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian walked into her bedroom behind her. IT was a simple room but still homey somehow. He could tell a person his age lived alone in this apartment. He saw a pullup bar attached to the door and as he was waiting for her to grab her clothes he started to do some. Seeing how much he would need to push himself since he had cut back a little with school and everything. Once Melinda was done Damian looked at her and asked, "ready to go?"

    Dick smirked at her as he strapped his bo staff onto his back that would break into smaller staffs when needed. "We'll take the bike." he told her as he walked over to a large motorcycle that could easily sit both of them if they needed him to. Once she was on he shot out into the night to being his patrol.
    May 18th, 2016 at 11:47pm
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    Melinda raised an eyebrow when he began to do pull ups on her bar, occasionally looking back at him as she packed her bag and admiring the muscles that it made prominent during the exercise. "Yup," She replied as she turned back to him, throwing her bag onto her shoulder and walking past him in the doorway, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek as she did. If she swayed her hips with a little extra effort on the way out to impress Damian, she wouldn't admit to it, but she'd be lying if she said she didn't.

    Clarissa didn't catch the smirk that Dick sent her way, and looked up when he spoke, saying that they would take the bike. She followed him over to it, cheeks coloring a little at the fact that she would be able to get close to him again, since she'd have to hold on to him since they were just taking one. She got on after he did, wrapping her arms around his waist and laughing when they took off. She had never been on one before, and the experience was exhilarating.
    May 19th, 2016 at 01:18am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian looked at her as her hips started to sway a slight bit more. He smirked as he debated asking her about it. Then again he didn't want the fun to stop there. "So off we go." he told her as they made their way to the car. Damian drove them back to the manor and they made their way to his room. Not seeing Alfred or any other members of the Bat family on the way in. He showed Melinda his room once they got in. Fairly simple and basic but it also screeched Damian at the same time.

    Dick roared through the streets of Gotham until they came to the perch. It was a little place that was their home inside of Gotham. They sat up and crouched in between the gargoyles of Gotham's architecture. "Now, we wait." he told her.
    May 19th, 2016 at 03:36am
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    Melinda smirked at him as they got into the car, hoping that he had seen her, and knowing that he probably did. She followed him up into his bedroom, setting down her backpack once she got inside and looking around, a soft smile on her face. "It's nice, very you," She said, turning around to look at him.

    Clarissa was starry eyed by the time they got to where they needed to be. She followed him and settled down where he did, stretching her legs out in front of her and supporting her weight behind her with her hands. "That was amazing, this view is beautiful too," She murmured, looking out at the city. "Thank you, Dick, for everything," Clarissa continued, not taking a glance at him because she was too enticed with the city.
    May 19th, 2016 at 03:58am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian smirked as he looked around the art he had drawn, the sketches for inventions he was tinkering with, and the mountains of homework he had done. "That's all it is. Me." he told her as he went to change in his bathroom. Brushing his teeth and then putting on a pair of basketball shorts and nothing else. Showing the giant scar he had fro being impaled along with all the other minor cuts, bullet holes, and the like he had gotten over the years. He walked out. "Bathroom is open if you need it."

    Dick smirked at her comment. "May not be thanking me in the morning. We still have to get up bright and early to finish all your training." he told her as he kept an eye out for crime. "Look, in that alley. Mugger. Follow me." he told her as she started to climb down the roof top. Shooting his grapple gun to swing to nearby buildings until he was perched right over the mugging.
    May 19th, 2016 at 04:47am
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    @ Prince Vegeta
    Melinda looked at his art while he was in the bathroom, changing into a large tshirt and her underwear and nothing else. When he came out of the bathroom, she admired how he looked, scars and all. When she passed him on the way to the bathroom, her fingers danced across his abdomen, just to tease. While in the bathroom, she brushed her teeth and threw her hair up into a loose bun, returning a moment or two later. She sat down on the edge of the bed, putting away the clothes that she had been wearing into her backpack, bra and all. "I like your art," She told him, looking over at him and meeting his eyes.

    Clarissa sighed a little at the notion, perking up when he said there was a mugger and following him just above the building, copying his movements and watching Dick carefully. She mirrored him, and landed beside him silently, perched to look at the scene below her. It only took a moment of seeing a girl being played around with by the man trying to take her things before she launched herself downwards, falling into a roll behind the man and grabbing him by the shoulder, yanking him back and using her weight to throw him against the dumpster that was nearby. She couldn't help throwing a punch at him, her adrenaline rushing through her veins and anger consuming her past anything else.
    May 19th, 2016 at 05:15am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ blue robin
    Damian was about to thank he when there was a knock on the door. Alfred walked through the door a moment later. "Master Damian I have your evening tea." he said before stopping for a moment. "Oh, I apologize for the intrusion Ms... I don't believe I attempt to acquire your name." he told Melinda as Damian took the tea from him. "Thank Alfred. This is Melinda. I figured since I had the night off from patrolling it'd be alright if she'd sleep over since I was bringing her to our outing tomorrow." Damian explained. Alfred regained his composure. "Indeed, I know your father will be fine with it, he's fine with Master Tim and Dick bringing young, reputable women in at night. Make sure to be up and ready for the carnival by ten on the nose." Alfred finished as he left and closed the door behind him. "Looks like everything is fine." he smirked as he walked over and laid down on the bed next to her.

    Dick looked down as she launched herself forward. "Son of a bitch." he whispered as he followed her down. He pulled her back furious that she had attacked without orders or waiting. The man might have a gun or a knife that she didn't take into account. He turned to see the man had launched himself at Dick with a knife. Dick managed to get a hand around the blade and prevent it from stabbing him. "Fuck." he whispered as he kicked out and slammed the man into a wall. Knocking him out cold. "What was that? You could have gotten someone killed! It's understandable you wanted to help but guess what? He had a knife? What if you startled him and he stabbed his victim? Or you? You always analyze and check before you rush in head first! Fuck!" Dick walked off and wrapped his hand in a bandage from his utility belt. "Pull that again and you can bet for sure I won't take you out on patrol again until we leave." he threatened as made sure that the knife hadn't done too much damage. "Understand me?"
    May 19th, 2016 at 05:35am