Confess on My Wayward Son

  • Ttonight i had to bear one of the heaviest burdens that I've ever had thrown on my shoulders. Room 19 came into a satellite ER with complaints of pelvic pain, being unable to urinate for two weeks, and reported that he had stopped taking his prostate medication in the winter because he could no longer afford it.

    After being there for the better part of the night he signed himself AMA because they wanted to transport him to my campus and he couldn't afford the ride. Regardless, he wanted the care so he drove himself over and was admitted under my care. We were told to put him into iso for bed bugs, which he didn't have in the end, and he was wildly embarrassed about it to the point of tears. Over at the satellite he had a CT done. Which found what the technician, the nurses, and the attending were positive was cancer. But he signed himself out and came over to us before the doctor could break the news to him. Our attending couldn't be bothered to come over so late to break the news and announce the tests that would have to be done. Once we got him settled in and his pain taken care of and the urine out of him (two whole liters) I went in to just check on him, bring him water, etc.

    He was so excited that it was just a lot of pee causing the pain and that he could finally afford his meds again.

    We talked for a pretty long while.

    He has three kids, a wife who lost a battle to breast cancer five years ago, and 3 cats. He was laid off from his job early last winter and held off coming in for two weeks because he had finally secured a new job and didn't want to lose the spot due to illness/injury. He thanked me for being so kind and nonjudgmental, he told me that God was on my side for the line of work that I provided my peers. He told me that he wasn't used to people being so kind anymore. He told me that when he initially came in that he was worried it would be "Something terminal because of the way the doctors yelled at me when I said I had stopped taking my prostate medication". And he asked me if he should still be worried and if I thought he would be in our care for more than 3 days. He said that the last thing he wanted to find out is that his days were numbered.

    And I had to look him in the eyes and rub his shoulder while Guardians of the Galaxy played in the background on his TV, the only light in the room, while wrapped up in iso gear that wasn't necessary and lie and tell him that it was just enlarged enough to block his urethra.
    June 27th, 2018 at 07:07am
  • I'm flying solo tonight. I had a pretty light assignment and after 11 we do team nursing anyways, but the nurse who was supposed to orientate me got sick so I did everything myself and it felt good.

    Only 5 more shifts on this unit and then I go down to Emergency. I can't wait.
    June 27th, 2018 at 07:30am
  • I hate how well John Mayer makes me write.
    Realizing that you were 14 when a song came out, remembering how badly you wished to be as old as the artist, and then coming to the realization that you're 23 and older than the artist was at the time the song was released. What. The actual. Hell.
    June 28th, 2018 at 06:57am
  • I just wanted a congrats, a nice, any sort of acknowledgement at all. I was happy, I was almost proud. Two of my closest friends and not any semblance of reaction. Just completely ignored it. I don't know how to feel or if I should mention it. Seems petty but it hurt.
    June 28th, 2018 at 12:15pm
  • When in doubt watch A Scandal in Belgravia for the 5,000th time.
    If Benedict Cumberbatch in a suit and tie holding a gun doesn’t turn you on then we just can’t be friends.
    June 29th, 2018 at 05:09am
  • @ the god of mischief.
    fuqqqqq I want to write but my brain is like...
    June 29th, 2018 at 09:54pm
  • Why does she have such a beautiful voice?! In Love
    July 1st, 2018 at 07:23pm
  • @ the god of thunder.
    I hate when I'm inspired and exhausted because I have such a story flowing towards my fingertips and yet I'm too tired to move much but for the effort it takes to scroll on my phone and text.
    July 2nd, 2018 at 07:50am
  • There is a difference between Plus Size and fat. We need to stop conflating the two and normalising obesity.
    Therapy and meds appear to be working thus far. Not sure if the meds are masking things or if I've placebo-effected so hard I'm toxically repressing my symptoms. Or, and here's a wild possibility, I'm actually working through my shit and starting to manage properly? Funny how that one seems the least likely in my head but is probably what's actually happening and I'm subconsciously trying to distance myself from any real positive steps I'm making. Mental illness is fucking bizarre.
    July 2nd, 2018 at 03:23pm
  • @ lozzieee who.
    Fat and plus size go hand in hand. If you are overweight/obsese, and you wear any clothing sized above the average size, you are still considered obese AND plus sized. Coming from someone who's obese and cute.
    So proud of my independent counselling service for earning a £10,000 grant from the council. I couldn't think of a charity who deserves it more, and because of this massive help, they've managed to cut their waiting list in half! Amazing!
    July 2nd, 2018 at 04:09pm
  • I really thought I was going to have an intense cry. I know I need it. But it's just gone now.

    Couldn't I just turn back the clock three years? I used to think back then was so bad ... but it's nothing compared to how I feel these days. I was ... happier. I was. He made all of it go away - no matter how bad it was or felt. I took it for granted. I always thought that he would be there, until he wasn't. Maybe it wasn't fair of me to expect him to be - he didn't promise. And he doesn't owe me anything. I owe him everything. And my biggest regret will always be that I never told him.
    It has become hard to see a purpose. Am I sick? Maybe.
    July 2nd, 2018 at 08:47pm
  • I'll never forget her name. I hope she pulls through.
    July 3rd, 2018 at 07:36am
  • The fact it's just a matter of waiting hurts more than I thought it would. He's a good man, he doesn't deserve this.
    July 3rd, 2018 at 07:56pm
  • In the end I'm really proud of myself. I stepped up to that plate without any hesitation, three times. I was terrified and before I could even think about how scared I was I threw myself into position: it wasn't even a question.
    How many posts can I spam confessions with? All of them.
    July 4th, 2018 at 05:52am
  • Bad mental health day. I know it isn't the end of the world but goddamn does it feel like it.
    My boyfriend can't come to my graduation. It's nobody's fault, just poor circumstance (and a very happy outcome knowing most of my class graduated so my uni will get props), but I'm absolutely fucking gutted. I didn't want to go in the first place but this and the above mentioned bad mental health day has compounded that feeling to the nth power.
    July 4th, 2018 at 02:36pm
  • Sad I feel like I'm worse than nothing, because if I was nothing, I wouldn't be in the way of everyone.
    My anxiety is getting extremely bad again and I spend hours hating myself and wanting to die.
    July 5th, 2018 at 12:25am
  • I got my dimploma today. i graduated with distinction. I almost can't believe it.
    I need to study for my NCLEX but I'm avoiding everything because it's making me horribly anxious and I don't know how to motivate myself.
    July 5th, 2018 at 02:24am
  • @ losing control.
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS B
    bf is meeting my fam on sat - not just my parents and stuff but most of my cousins and aunties and uncles
    I'd feel bad except I met his friends and family after two weeks and drunkenly embarrassed myself so y'kno this is karma but also I got his back
    either way I'm excited af
    July 5th, 2018 at 05:21am
  • @ losing control.
    even though I haven't posted anything that I've written in awhile on here, I did continue Wonderland I'm in a rutt. I'm so mad lol. I'm so behind on my schedule now and I can't for the life of me continue. EVEN THOUGH THE CHAPTER AFTER THIS ONE IS WHERE SHIT GOES DOWN and I love writing me some drama so I've no clue what's stopping me. Now I wonder if I can write four chapters in one week and get back on my schedule or not...
    July 5th, 2018 at 05:59pm
  • is this a symptom? I want to do so many things, but in the end I'm incapable of even getting out of bed usually.


    last night, we laid on the bed, with our feet up toward the window,
    and watched the fireworks from the neighborhoods out before us.
    and it felt nice. complete.
    and I said, 'can we just stay here forever?'
    'in this apartment?'
    'no, in this moment.'

    but then you didn't say anything.
    and I wonder if it's because you felt it too, or if you didn't.
    July 5th, 2018 at 06:41pm