
  • @ JesterOfGenocide;
    Orlando had stuck to his promise. He went to physical therapy with Dalton, he got a tight knee brace, which he could hide beneath his jeans, he started working out again, and he was physically as healthy as he had ever been. He didn't need his cane often anymore, only after he put a lot of strain on his knee, h elites to use it in interrogations and threatening people with. Claire thought it was funny. He had a few scars,which was not surprising for, his injuries. But he was better. The couple had taken some little leaves of absence to take Caremark of the twins, but Orlando went in every day now so that he could handle everything and not leave it all on Rex. The guys came over a lot to play with the babies. A few had young kids which would give them play dates. Orlando had gotten new territory because of ricky's death, and a few more guys. But one of his henchman had taken over and created a new rival gang, it was weak though. Orlando didn't worry.

    Orlando woke when he heard the babies crying, his eyes shifted to Claire and he watched her get up,deciding to stay in bed. He got up a lot with her, but right now he just wanted to sleep. Orlando couldn't fall back asleep sohe got up and went downstairs to find Claire. He grinned playfully at her. "Hey gorgeous." He murmured, walking up behind her Orlando wrappe ships arms tight around her. He stole her fork and took a bite of the pasta before sitting down. "They're getting so big." He commented. Orlando yawned and took Claire's hand in his own, squeezing happily. "I know you don't like the idea, but can we take them to the office tomorrow? We've got an interrogation tomorrow, and I really want you there. Rex said he can watch them, we can keep them in my room." He asked as he rested his head on her shoulder. Orlando knew Claire wanted to protect the twins and kept them safe, but they couldn't keep out of it forever. He wanted the two leaders to be there an dbe seen because the last few months it hadn't been like that. Orlando had revised everything even more so lately, literally running his gang like a business. He had started wearing suits a lot more, showing off just how much money he had, basking in the glory. Occasionally he wore his leather jacket and jeans. But he had a suit in every color now, and loved to show himself off as a rich and powerful business man. Because everyone knew the business he ran.
    November 7th, 2016 at 01:29am
  • @ BadStreetBoys
    Claire thought that Orlando was doing much better and was super glad whenever he was home meaning he could take one of the kids while she handled the other and tried to take care of them both. She didn't know how she was managing. She had now become a mother and the thought was so frightening to her, how she could say a few wrong things and screw everything up with her children and she knew that that was what had happened with her parents with Benjamin at some point in time and she wished that Benjamin would just get the help that he needed instead of ignoring the fact that he did in fact need help. It was all so confusing to her, and she refused to think about anything more stressful than trying to take care of two babies and an older baby that just managed to take care of himself. She smiled at the thought for a moment.

    Claire was munching on the leftover pasta from the take out they had gotten last night since Claire had been too exhausted to cook or even to really move much except for the babies. She looked up hearing Orlando and gave a tired smile before saying, "Hey." She kissed his cheek snuggling into his arms blinking when he took her fork and mimed stabbing him. She smiled and nodded in agreement. "Yes they are." She sighed before intertwining their fingers together. SHe gave him another tired smile blinking when she heard his question. She didn't want them in that type of environment quite yet, but she also knew she would never really be ready to take them to work. She frowned before said, "Alright, but no one goes near my babies except Rex if I'm not there." She warned him, her voice having a kind of don't fucking argue with me tone to it. She felt his head on her shoulder, and immediately softened and kissed his forehead. Claire wore her normal clothes not really wanting to be in a suit. She ignored what anyone said about her choice of clothing. She knew Orlando liked the suits, and she helped him pick them out and even sewed a few for him as well.
    November 7th, 2016 at 03:51am
  • @ JesterOfGenocide;
    Orlando lifted his head and smile,d kissing her cheek when she said they could. "You know the guys love them, babe, they're probably just gonna wanna visit them. A few of the guys told me they have gifts for the babies. It's so funny seeing these big bad criminal act like nannies." He murmured. Orlando let Claire finish her food before picking her up. "Come on, let's try and sleep, maybe Brooklyn won't wake up again. We've got shit to do tomorrow." He said and carried his wife up to their bed. Orlando turned their light off, and curled up under the blankets. Even if Brooklyn did wake up again, Orlando didn't. He had been doing a good job of hiding just how tired he was. Everything was taking a toll on him, he was not only running the gang for the most part, he was also doing the same job as Claire, and a lot around the house. He wouldn't complain though, never, he knew it was hitting Claire too. He couldn't wait for their anniversary to come up. He was gonna spoil her, because she deserved it. Just a few more weeks.

    Orlando woke up before Claire did the next morning. He grabbed two bottles of breast milk and went up to the babies room. He changed their diapers, fed them, and put them in their little bad ass clothing. Baby leather jackets and jeans. He set the babies up in their little jumper seats that they loved, carrying them up to the bathroom. He wanted to let her sleep, so he let the door open while he showered so he could watch the twins bounce an delay with the toys hanging off the jumper seats. He thought they were adorable. Orlando quickly dried off and put his boxers on. He took the babies downstairs again, then decided to get dressed. He decided on a nice dark tux today. Orlando got Dressed After he was dressed, he made breakfast for him and Claire. He ate his, and waited for Claire, taking the twins out and putting them on the rug as he played with them.
    November 7th, 2016 at 04:31am
  • @ BadStreetBoys
    A smile formed on Claire's face as she felt him kiss her cheek and she turned her head so that their lips met and she kissed him deeply for a moment before sighing nodding, "I know I know, I just don't like people being near them that I don't trust 100 percent when I'm not there." She told him. "It's a mom thing." She told him teasing him, knowing he was just as protective about their children as she was. She finished up her food and smiled in his arms nodding. "Alright." She fell asleep for an hour or so before Brooklyn was up like clockwork screaming for her mommy. Claire rushed up and took care of both of them before she went back to sleep. She didn't want to go to the office mainly because she knew for a fact that she was irritable and didn't want to take it out on other people. She couldn't take it if someone else told her she looked tired. Of course she was fucking tired!

    Claire knew Orlando was tired, and probably just as or even more than she was. She fell into bed once more before burying her face into her pillow having the baby monitor right beside her. She was soon fast asleep and some tiny part of her wished Orlando would take care of them in the morning just so she could sleep a little more. She didn't care what anyone fucking thought she was going into the office with sweatpants and a tank top on. She woke up in the morning and rolled over to feel Orlando was already up. She smelled breakfast and a smile crossed onto her features as she got up and showered before getting her sweatpants on as well as her tank top and a cardigan to go with it. She went downstairs stopping to watch Orlando play with them a smile on her face. "Thank you for letting me sleep." She told him kissing his face before getting on the floor and kissing her babies good morning. She laid down and knew she needed a massage or something.
    November 7th, 2016 at 04:44am
  • @ JesterOfGenocide;
    Orlando looked over as he heard Claire come down. He smiled up at her as she kissed his face, he thought it was cute. "Anything for you." He murmured. "We're gonna head out soon, I told rex that we'd be there soon. Aren't they so cute, they're gonna blend right in." He cooed and kissed them on their foreheads. Orlanod let Claire eat and get ready, playing with the babies the whole time. When she was ready he helped her get the diaper bag and everything else they needed. He brought Beau out, and she brought Brooklyn. Orlando buckled them in and got into the drivers seat. When Claire was in and ready he headed off to the office building, humming along to the radio as he drove. When the couple got to the building he brought in the babies and left her just with the bag. Orlando went into his office, and let Claire lay their big blanket on the floor before he sat down, laying them down and giving them some toys. He grinned excitedly and looked at them. "So damn cute, aren't they?" Orlando heard a knock on the door and got up to open it. Three of his guys waited outside with big smiles. "Hey boss. We saw you come in with the twins, can we see 'em? We got toys for them." Trent asked, Orlanod glanced back at Claire before nodding.

    The guys came in and sat dow around the blanket as they looked at the babies. They each had a gift, one gave the babies a stuffed cat, another with a teething toy, and one had this small ball that made sounds when buttons were pressed. Orlando looked over them and just smiled brightly. When they were done he sent the guys off. After they were out he paged Rex to come in. "Okay babe we gotta go to the interrogation. Rex is gonna watch them, we will leave the door locked. They're gonna be fine, after you can come back I'm gonna go check some stuff out in the streets, it'll only take half hour. You know how to run the place. Let the guys see them a little if they want. They live the kids." He sad, when Rex entered he explained it to him. Orlando grabbed his metal cobra cane and headed to one of the interrogation rooms. A small they walke dhe explained the situation to Claire. "So this kid, been really really suspicious, sold out Isaak the other day to cops, so he got sent back to prison. Kids being a little shit, I think he's too scared to work this life, but we gotta figure out what he knows about what really happened with isaak's incident and why he did it." He said as he stepped into the room with Claire.
    November 7th, 2016 at 05:07am
  • @ BadStreetBoys
    Claire gave him a smile before laughing at him adoring their children a smile on her face as she did so. Turning around she ate her breakfast before getting her jacket since it getting really cold in New York considering it was November. It had recently started snowing and she bundled her babies up real nice and warm, making sure they wouldn't get cold at all. Making sure that they had everything, Claire finally got in the passenger seat buckling herself up heading towards the office building. She sneezed excusing herself afterwards, hoping that she wasn't getting sick. She grabbed the bag as she headed inside with Orlando. Once in their office, she set the diaper bag down sitting down in a chair smiling when she saw him put them on the floor with a chuckle hearing him. "Yes they are." She told him looking up when she heard a knock biting down on her lip hearing that they wanted to see them. She looked at Orlando before sighing, and gave him a weary nod which was her just being an overprotective mother at that point and time.

    CLaire smiled softly when Brooklyn and Beau stared widely up at the newcomers and giggled at the toys, having fun playing with them. She whispered to Orlando, "Ya know, for big mafia guys, they all get so soft when it comes to babies." She teased him gently a tired smile on her face. She waved bye to them when they decided to leave and said thank you for the toys and all of that. When Rex came in she bit her lip nervously. "Alright alright." She took Rex aside and said, "No one comes near my babies without me or Orlando around, understand me? If anything happens, I will strangle you in your sleep." She patted him on the back before leaving the room with Orlando. She sighed running a hand over her face from exhaustion. She gave a smile to him and raised an eyebrow listening to him speak. "Hmm." She just nodded entering the room with him, looking over the kid and just saw him staring wide eyed, because she hadn't exactly been in the office recently. She also didn't get why he was staring just at her, it wasn't like she looked pretty at the moment.
    November 7th, 2016 at 10:40pm
  • @ JesterOfGenocide;
    Rex chuckled softly at Claire and just nodded, he locked the door behind them and stayed to watch the twins. Orlando stood across the table, twirling the cane in his hand. He just watched the kid for a few minutes, noticing the kid was just staring at Claire. Orlando ran his tongue along his bottom lip. He leaned the cane against the wall before he moved and grabbed Claire by the hips. Orlando pulled Claire to him before kissing her just a bit too passionately. He kissed up been jaw and just beneath her ear and whispered. "I think the kid likes you." He pulled away after another minute of kissing her, looking back at the kid. He slammed his hands down on the table and leaned in close to the kid. "So. What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you here you fucking shit?" He asked, his voice was low. He didn't feel like asking a bunch of questions, he wanted the kid to admit everything or he'd just beat the fuck outta him. He wasn't in the mood today. He'd probably end up using the kid as a punching bag. Orlando pulled the empty seat out, and motioned for Claire to sit, grabbing his can ad he loomed over her.

    Rex was having a grand old time with the kids, he was so happy that his bosses trusted him so much. He was able to get work done and play at the same time. He had been named their godfather, and grace the godmother. He knew about the kid that wa seeing interrogated and it pissed him off, probably a good thing because he didn't have the control Orlando did.
    November 8th, 2016 at 12:58am
  • @ BadStreetBoys
    Claire didn't really feel like being stared at especially considering her mind was on her children and not really on the little shit in front of her. He may of been a shit, but he was obviously older and taller than Claire -- but that didn't really bother her at this point. Feeling Orlando grab her hips, made her turn her face and gasp as she was pulled to him so quickly, and immediately felt his lips meet her own, causing her to kiss him back just as passionately, having not expected it before feeling him kiss up her jaw and behind her ear. She heard his words and simply nodded knowing he had gotten jealous -- of course for no reason but especially wanted to demonstrate that she was his. She crossed her arms over her chest watching the kid as his eyes never left her, but ignored Orlando. She raised an eyebrow a smile just came onto his lips. "I don't want to talk to you, and honestly, I won't." He told Orlando straight up. Claire sat down in the seat that Orlando got her smiling at him for a moment before turning her head back to the kid.

    "What's your name?" Claire asked, letting a hand rest on Orlando's playing with his fingers, knowing that it calmed him down and he needed to be calm at the moment since she needed to get information from the kid. He shrugged, "James." He told her letting his eyes meet hers. "Alright, James, why're you staring at me first off." He shrugged once more before saying, "You're pretty. Also I heard you're the one that ordered Ricky dead," He paused a grin coming onto his face. "Badass." He waited for a moment knowing she had more questions. "Why did you get Isaak back in prison?" She asked him. James sighed before shaking his head, "Look, I didn't sell him out the cops, no matter what your boy here is saying." Claire raised an eyebrow. "You've got balls to call your boss a boy, especially when you're probably four years his junior." She told him, finally putting her arms on the table as she looked at him. "I suggest you treat him with more respect, especially considering you want him to believe you." He snorted. Claire's hand reached across and slapped him so fast, it wasn't even funny. The only audible sound was that of skin on skin. She then grabbed him by the sleep. "Look, you need to fucking talk, I'm about to be your worst goddamn nightmare and I'm sleep deprived and I don't want to deal with a little shit like you when I could be doing more productive things. Speak. Now." She said, her voice dead ass calm.
    November 8th, 2016 at 02:06am
  • @ JesterOfGenocide;
    Orlando leaned on the table as he looked at the kid. He growled quietly when the kid refused to talk to talk to him. But he was going to let Claire handle this, the kid seemed to want to talk to her. He needed the information more than he needed to let his anger out. But if the kid refused to talk he'd had no problem using the cane as a bat against his head. He listened to James talk, just giving the kid a death glare. When he called Orlando a boy he snarled, his hand tensing up on the head of the cane. But he looked at Claire and took a step back so he didn't ruin this. Othe kids attitude was pissing him off, Orlando leg out a loud sound of anger as he took his suit jacket off and hung it up on a hook he had in the room, Orlando also rolled his sleeves up, he was really getting ready to beta this kid. Orlando looked down A himself and just chuckled. It mad enough him think of Al Capone, dressed all nice and can kick ass. Orlando looked back at the kid just as he saw Claire slap him, not helping thelaugh that escaped him. He rubbed Claire's shoulder and just smirked. "Good job." He whispered. "You better start talking kid. I don't control her. And she is not in the mood to control me." He said as he tossed the cane up and held it in a way to show he was ready to hit the kid.

    James growled lowly after he got slapped, that pissed him off. He didn't even look at Orlando as he spoke, just looking at Claire. "Im not scared of a cripple, first off," he said and smirked as he let his eyes flicker to the came and back at Claire, "You're a bad negotiator. Why not offer me a little something for a little info." He said and folded his hands on the table as he looked across at her. James wasn't scared of them, he'd been in Ricky's gang before this. And he wasn't going to let this get to him. In his head his job was to fuck them over. This hot piece of ass, couldn't stop him.
    November 8th, 2016 at 02:24am
  • @ BadStreetBoys
    Claire's nerve twitched when he called Orlando a cripple. She simply gave him a smile before pushing her chair back hearing it scrape the bottom of the floor. She grabbed his forehead before slamming it into the desk a few times and making him look at her. "Okay, here's your fucking deal. Talk or I swear I will kill you, and life will go on because no one is going to miss you. I killed Ricky, killing you would be far easier. I guarantee it. Now stop playing shits and giggles with me and start talking or else I'm seriously going to show you a fucking monster." She felt him spit in her face, causing there to be blood on her face. Claire let go before patting Orlando on the shoulder. "He's yours." She wiped off some of the blood, feeling her hands shaking from anger. "Wait, hold on." She said turning around stepping between Orlando and James. "Spit in my face again and I will end you. I'm going to be nice for a few more minutes. What exactly is it that you want?" She asked, knowing full well he wasn't going to get it, but she was just curious. "Hey babe, can you text someone to get me a new shirt?" She asked Orlando kissing him before pulling away wiping off her mouth and looked at James.

    Claire was honestly beyond pissed off and just wanted to hug her babies. She was sleep deprived and just needed a shower now and sleep and wanted the biggest burger she could find. She wasn't going to give into his demands, but she was going to play him for a fool and make it seem like he was getting what he wanted. She just hoped she conveyed this message to Orlando when she had kissed him. She knew half the time she was hard to understand. Especially when it came to her plans. She really did want anothe shirt. She wasn't going to change in here, that was so not going to happen. Besides, her baby fat - literally - had shed off from running when she could, which wasn't often, but she still tried her best because she hated looking fat.
    November 8th, 2016 at 02:34am
  • @ JesterOfGenocide;
    Orlando was pissed about being called a cripple, the one thing he hated was being reminded of it. He was about to punch the kid when Claire handled it, Orlando took a step back, taking a deep breath as well. Orlando watched Claire break his nose and bitch at him, just grinning, that was so hot. When the kid spit in her face he stepped forward growling lowly. He pulled his handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Claire. When she said he could have the kid Orlando snickered, frowning when she stopped him, not fair. He kissed Claire back and nodded, stepping back again so that he could text one of the guys, but told them to leave the shirt outside the door, not to come in and bother them. He leaned up against the wall behind Claire now, just watching it on. He hoped she wasn't gonna listen to the kid, he knew she was smarter than that. But he always worried, that was because he loved her. Orlando swallowed hard as he watched on, his knuckles white as he looked between his beautiful wife, and the bloody piece of shit he wanted to kill.

    James snickered softly after he realized he struck a nerve calling Orlando a cripple, but that quickly went away a second he felt his face slam against the cold metal, and the audible sound of his nose breaking echoed in the room. He was pissed, he spit in Claire's face, just shaking his head. He pulled his shirt up and wiped the blood from his face. He was a bit relieved when claire took Orlando off him, and sat across again. He gave her a dirty grin, leaning back in the chair, crossing his arms. "Well, sweetheart, I think you know exactly what I want." James said and licked his lips as he winked a her. "A little alone time, you and me, get the big kid outta here." He purred as he looked her up and down. Thiamine irritated Orlando, who moved to stand behind Claire again, both hands on the back of her chair now.
    November 8th, 2016 at 03:00am
  • @ BadStreetBoys
    Claire was just as, if not more, angry as Orlando. She didn't appreciate this little bitch acting all big and bad. She hadn't meant to change her mind so quickly and held his hand squeezing it in apology. She didn't exactly appreciate the blood in her face, nor the spit. It was rather degrading. She had her own hands in fists at either side, her knuckles turning white. She hadn't meant to become so violent but she was rather irritable and was getting fungry. She watched him wipe off the blood and just gave a smirk. She listened to his demands and sighed. "Pity. I was hoping it was food." She shook her head. "No deal. Sorry, married woman and all, plus ya know have two children waiting for me." She stood up. "Also, even if I was single, I wouldn't waste my time on someone like you." She told him. "Oh and this "big kid" is going to kill you now, and I'm going to go change because the sight of you is giving me serious nausea." She told him before turning around and hugging Orlando and giving him a deep kiss. "I'll be changing and come back when I'm done and we can walk back." She told him.

    Claire gave one last look back at James, but it was one of revulsion and utter disgust. "Good bye." She told him knowing for a fact that Orlando wasn't going to let someone call him a cripple, nor let someone disrespect her that way. She closed the door behind her, grabbing her shirt and heading towards the bathroom. It was an oversized t-shirt, probably one of Orlando's. She put it on before cleaning the blood and spit off of her face. Shaking her head, she saw just how pale and pallid she appeared in the mirror. She frowned, knowing for a fact that when the kids were old enough she was going to the beach immediately. She got back to the room and leaned against the wall waiting for Orlando to come out.
    November 8th, 2016 at 03:10am
  • @ JesterOfGenocide;
    Orlando licked his lips and smirked as Claire told him off, he wa ships now, and Orlando would have fun with this. When Claire came over to him, he wrapped his arm around her, one hand holding onto her ass just because he could. His kissed her back, mumbling happily against her lips. "I love you, I'll go out and bring some lunch back after, you can stay with the babies." He said and pulled away. Orlando opened the door for Claire's before shutting and locking it behind him. He turned to the kid, his usual pissed and deadpan look on his face. "So, any last words shit head?" He asked angrily. Orlando walked so he was across the table again, his steel snake in one hand, and with the other he threw the now empty chair across the room. "Speak you fucking worthless worm!" He screamed at the kid. Orlando then grabbed the table and threw it to the side as well, in his free hand he grabbed the kids shirt and lifted him in the air. "You're Lucky I like my cane or I'd shove it up your ass." He snarled. Orlando slammed the kid against the wall and growled in his face. "Your fucking pathetic and your body is going to end up in the Hudson River and no one will ever find it." At this point Orlando had gotten himself worked up even more an she was fuming. He threw the kid across the room, then brought the head of the cane down on his stomach with all his might, repeatedly juts hitting the kid. Orlando didn't want to torture, he hadn't built up anger he needed to exhale and this was his punching bag. When he finally stopped that he grabbed the kid, who was barley holding on, and lifted him, sitting him in a chair again. He smirked as he walked towards the kid. He made it seem as if he was about to make the kid suck his dick but quickly brought his knee into the kids face. He shoved James's head back so he was sitting up. "Batter up." He snarled and swing the cane as he caved in the kids skull. Orlando took a few deep breaths.

    Orlando took his shirt off, it was the only thing that had blood on it surprisingly. He walked out to see Claire as he was wiping his cane off with the shirt, then using it to walk. The physical exertion had worn his knee out. He saw a couple guys walking their way and he looked at them, pointing to the door. "You know what to do." He said and nodded as he walked with Claire back towards his office. "Where do you want me to pick food up from? Anywhere is fine just call and order. Maybe we can get from a pizza place and get some for the guys, they deserve it. I've got enough cash on me." He said, Orlando was still breathing heavy from his anger session. When they got to his office he tossed his bloody shirt in the trash, and got a new one form the closet. He was a little upset because it was a suit shirt, but the new suit shirt he had on fit his suit as well as he pulled his suit jacket back on. He smiled at Rex as he laid down on the floor and kissed the babies. "You guys are so cute, was uncle Rex good to you? I'll beat him up if he wasn't?" He teased as he picked them up, one in each arm. The babies were always good with Orlando, they loved to be held by their daddy. Orlando beamed with pride. "Babe take a picture!" He exclaimed happily as he held the babies.
    November 8th, 2016 at 03:45am
  • @ BadStreetBoys
    Claire smiled feeling his arms wrap around her and secretly just wanted to stay there because he was warm and she was comfortable in his arms. She felt his hand on her ass and knew exactly what he was doing and smiled nodding. "Alright." She told him before waiting for him outside. She heard the ruckus and sighed seeing Trent come up and start speaking to her. She tried to be as nice as possible but at one point stopped him apologetically and said that she was being a bitch because she was tired and hoped he didn't take it personally. He said he understood and that she wasn't offending him. She nodded and said, "Alright." His eyes went to the room raising an eyebrow as if in question. "James spit in my face." She told him shrugging. "Then when I asked what he wanted, he was quite onscene with me, so I said fuck it and let Orlando have him, since I'm in no mood to deal with people. Especially people that are going to be that towards me."

    Claire yawned once more before looking up seeing Orlando. She wiped off some blood from his cheek took his hand as they walked. She was getting pretty antsy from being away so long from her babies. She knew it probably wasn't healthy, but she couldn't help it. She hummed and said, "That pizza place that also cooks hamburgers, because I just want a giant hamburger and fries." She laughed. "That kid is making binge eat." She joked to him for a moment a smile on her face when she finally got back into the office. She got down on the floor and started to tickle her children and kissed them all over. "Did you miss Mommy?" She asked them feeling that they had. She smiled standing up once more and laughed seeing Orlando pick them up. She heard him with a raised eyebrow before taking the picture and showing him. She smiled hugging Orlando with her kids and took a selfie so to show that she was a happy mother of two and a happy wife of the biggest crime boss in the city.
    November 8th, 2016 at 04:11am
  • @ JesterOfGenocide;
    Orlanod couldn't help the huge smile hat plastered his face as Claire took a picture with all of them. He put the twins back on their blanket and he went towards the closet. "They fucking love those bouncy seat things, so I bought two sets so we have some here and some at home, wanna put them in there? I've also got small beds when they're ready for their nap.' He told Claire as he grabbed the chairs. Orlando sent Rex out to go get an estimate of how much pizza for them to get. He sat down on the love seat he had in his office and watched the twins as they sat in their bouncy seats. "Definitely put that on social media because you know the media will use it. And the senator I've got in my pocket can use it against the one that is trying to bring us down." He said and smiled happily. "They may be twins but Beau is definitely a little carbon copy of me and my dad." He commented pulling up photos of both of them to compare. "That's good though, he's gonna be a great little fighter. And we're gonna make sure my baby girl doesn't deal with no scummy guys." Orlando said as he gushed over the kids.

    Rex came back and gave a list to Orlando. He told him that he had to go out into the streets for a few deals, which Orlando nodded. "Yea, that's fine, Claire will be fine here for fifteen minutes while I get the food, the guys like her, I think half of them are more scared of her than me. They wouldn't let anyone get to her." He said as he stepped out to make the call for food. When he was done Orlando came back in and grinned at Claire. "You good here? I've got a hand gun in the top drawer in my desk, you know where everything is. You'll be fine." He said and kissed her head. "Be back in fifteen baby, see you soon." He said and kissed her and the babies before he went off to the pizza place to wit for their food.
    November 8th, 2016 at 04:25am
  • @ BadStreetBoys
    Claire smiled seeing his smile and hummed seeing them laying down on the blanket and giggling and basically just waving their arms up and down since they were put down. They loved their daddy or mommy holding them. "Sure." She told him. "I don't want them in the closet, it'll get stuffy in there." She kissed them on the forehead before putting each of them in their bouncy seat. Looking around, Claire sat down in a seat pulling it over by the twins and holding their hands as they bounced. "Alright." She took her hands away from her babies for a few moments so she could put it on instagram and her facebook. She then set her phone down and holding onto their hands again, "Yeah! You like that?" She asked them a smile on her face as she waved their little hands around blinking when she heard Orlando a smile on her face. She gave a nod before saying, "They have my eyes though." She smiled, knowing when they were older that Beau was probably going to have more features in common with Claire and Brooklyn was going to look like her daddy.

    Claire nodded hearing him and laughed. "I'll be fine. Go." She kissed him back before laughing at the twins. It had been about 10 minutes when someone walked in the room. Claire thought it was Orlando and looked up with a smile on her face only to see Benjamin. She had gotten both of them in her arms again since she just liked to hold them. "What are you doing here?" She smelled alcohol and she took a step back. She didn't want that shit anywhere near her children - especially when they were this young. Benjamin hicupped before saying, "I want to hold my niece and nephew!" He grinned before hicupping again. He took a step forward, but had to catch himself on the desk knocking aside all of the papers that had been on it. He finally saw Beau in her arms and suddenly felt a kind of anger before rushing forward his arms out to try and choke him. Claire screamed.
    November 9th, 2016 at 11:58pm
  • @ JesterOfGenocide;

    @ JesterOfGenocide;
    Orlando had to wait about fifteen minutes for all the food to be ready, he loaded the fifteen boxes of pizza into the back of his car, then he grabbed both he and Claire's meals, putting them in the passenger's seats. He felt good today, like nothing could go wrong. It was a good day, hell he was buying his guys food. He started the drive back to the office, when he got there he brought the boxes of pizza all into the large meeting room, calling for the guys to come down and get it. He grinned happily around at them all, these guys were like his big extended family, they meant the world to him. Orlando stayed down there with the guys for a few minute stuff before he went back out to the car to get he and Claire's food. He wanted them to all eat together today, not necessarily formally, but in the same room to be close. He set their food down, ready to go get Claire. As Orlando begun to walk up to his office, Claire's scream was heard throughout the building. He dropped into a dead sprint, which kinda killed him on the flights of stairs he had to go up. But when he got to his office door he grabbed it and threw it open. Orlando saw Ben grab his son, and he was pissed.

    Orlando moved to Ben and Claire, he grabbed the arm that had beau and quickly tore it off of his son before bending it back near the point of breaking, he dragged Benjamin away and pressed him up against the wall, his face inches from Benjamin's. "What the fuck do you think your doing?!" He screamed. Spittle flew from Orlando's lips. He was shaking from how furious he was, he was pissed, his face was red. "I swear to god if you ever lay a hand on my wife, or my children again I will fucking murder you, slowly and painfully. Do you understand. Stop being a pussy. Be a fucking man, if you have a problem with me. Bring it up to me." Orlando let go of Ben. He tossed his suit coat away form himself, rolled up his sleeves. "Come on, let's go, wanna bring it on? Or are you too fucking scared?" He snarled.
    November 10th, 2016 at 12:24am
  • @ BadStreetBoys
    Benjamin wasn't thinking, he just saw his fucking face. The face that destroyed his family. The face that haunted him at night when he just wanted to see his family but couldn't because they had shunned him from what he had done. All he could think of was killing the thing that had caused it. When he felt himself grabbed, he looked seeing it was Orlando. "Ow." He said dumbly. He didn't know what had happened. "Don't touch me." He swung at him off balanced and ended up falling onto the desk. He needed to puke. He didn't feel too good. Benjamin looked up at him feeling him grab his shirt and pull him forward. "Killing you, duh!" He said densely. He thought he knew exactly what was going on. Feeling him get pushed he stood back up, trying to regain his balance. "Are you crazy? I'd get my ass beat." He hicupped, before suddenly falling and grabbing the trash can puking into it.

    Not only had Orlando come running, but everyone else had as well and were all spectating what was happening. He had scared her, when he had just grabbed Beau like that and it had just shaken her. She had both of her babies to her chest, holding them to her like she was afraid if she let go. She saw he had left a mark on her baby and felt her anger flare. She gave them to Rex before getting up and hitting her brother upside the head with a baseball bat. "YOU FUCKING BRUISED MY BABY I WILL KILL YOU BENJAMIN VANDERBILT!" She felt someone pull her off of him knowing damn well that she would kill him if she kept hitting him.
    November 10th, 2016 at 12:36am
  • @ JesterOfGenocide;
    Orlando growled as he watched Benjamin puke into his trash can. He knew he would beat his ass, that's why the dumb fuck wouldn't fight him. He just wanted ten minutes to show him why he wouldn't be smart to mess with his family. Orlando was only slightly shocked when Claire hit him with a bat. She'd gotten the thing pretty fast. He looked st the guys who pulled her off. "Get her out of here. Now!" He yelled. "Don't you far disobey me." He snarled. "Rex bring the babies to wherever they're taking Claire. Everyone else. Go. I will handle this. Go eat, go make sure Claire is okay, and the twins are okay. Do not let her back up here until I say. I'm number one do not fucking disobey me!" He snarled. Orlando waited until everyone was out of his room, he shut the door, locked the door. Orlando walked up to Ben and grabbed his collar as he pulled his head up. "Look at me." He snarled, waiting for Ben to focus at least a little. "You ever hurt my children again. I'll kill you. You have a problem with me, take it up with me." He said and held Ben in place. 'Actually, why don't we do that. I'll meet you, we'll fight, I'll give you a month to train. No weapons. We'll settle this shit." He said. Orlanod shoved Ben away and wrote this down, shoving the paper into Ben's pocket.

    Orlando held the back of Ben's shirt as he dragged him out of the office, down the stairs, and out side. Pushing him away he just glared. "Stay away." He warned, walking back inside. He went to find Claire and the children. He walked right up to beau and looked at his neck. "Is he okay? Should we take him to a doctor?" Orlando asked, he frowned at the bruise. He also knew Claire was probably pissed he asserted his full authority to keep her out of the situation. Orlanod had no problem with it though. He had only done it twice, including this time.
    November 10th, 2016 at 12:51am
  • @ BadStreetBoys
    Claire hadn't wasted time in grabbing the bat and beginning to hit her brother with it. She was blinded by rage at the moment. Seeing a dark blue bruise ring her babie's neck set her off and she was not backing down without a fight. She felt someone pull her off and she kicked and smacked and elbowed and knew someone was going to be pissed at her later, but that didn't matter she fought with all her strength wanting to go back to Benjamin and hurt him the way her baby was hurt. She didn't care what happened afterwards no one touched her goddamn family. She was set down afterwards and immediately asked where her babies were. She saw Rex with them and grabbed Beau immediately, but gently so she didn't hurt him and began to kiss his neck and whispered, "My poor baby." She took Brookyln as well and then handed them back about to go back but they stopped her saying that Orlando had given them orders to do so. She put her hands on her hips and said, "Alright." She didn't say another word just glared and she could tell they were sweating under the pressure of her glare. Eventually she moved back on to her children hugging them close to her. She sat down holding them to her and hearing Beau cry from his neck hurting. "I know baby." She whispered and continued to kiss his face shushing him and trying to get him to calm down. When Orlando was back she nodded and said, "I think so, but that may be me being worried. Also, next time, I don't care what it is, if it's my brother I will kill him and don't ever do that with that situation again." She said softly so no one else but he heard it. "I'm not kidding. Don't fuck with my children." She told him before kissing him.

    Benjamin blinked and focused on his face hearing him and shrugged knowing he probably wouldn't be able to. He felt himself dragged down the stairs and simply looked up at him as he was pushed into a puddle outside and just flipped him off before stumbling to his feet and starting to walk away.
    November 10th, 2016 at 12:59am