
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ JesterOfGenocide;
    Orlando had curled up with Claire, he was a very deep sleeper, so once he was out, Orlando was almost always out for the night. Hades had crawled up in between the couple, wanting to cuddle with Orlando.

    Henry Vanderbilt was down in Georgia with his wife on business. He had told his son not to bother him while away on this trip, and anything could be handled Monday when he got home. So hearing his personal phone go off, with the ringtone he had set for Ben, he was immediately ticked off. As Henry opened the message. He read it first, confused as to what Benjamin meant, but soon the pictures came right after. Henry was quite confused to say the least. Thats Orlando Burton. I know who he is. Explain these He sent back to Benjamin. Henry didn't like his time being wasted, or spending anytime worrying or being mad about stupid things. So instead of directly confronting Claire, he decided to make Ben give him all the details, then message his daughter. This probably wasn't the best method, as she could be in danger or need immediate help, which he could get her with his power. Ben was taking too long, so Henry decided to text her. Gwendolyn, are you safe? Who are you with? You know I don't like games, so don't play with me. He sent to her.
    May 8th, 2016 at 04:26am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Claire smiled and sat up gently for a minute and stroked his hair gently with one hand while scrolling through her newsfeed with the other not quite ready to fall asleep yet. She simply wasn't tired. She hummed softly to herself grinning at a picture on tumblr and almost laughing. She kept quiet she so didn't wake up Orlando.

    Seeing a notification at the top of her iphone she clicked it seeing as it said Dad. Reading the message she was enraged. Why in the hell would Benjamin do that. She got up and away from Orlando giving him a kiss on the cheek before heading downstairs and sending a message back to her dad that said I'm safe. I'm with a friend. I'm not playing with you. I don't even know why Benjamin told you considering it's not his business, nor yours. She sent back raged by this. She called Benjamin starting to argue with him about how he shouldn't have texted her father or brought him into this. She sighed hanging up the phone on Benjamin before sitting down pulling her knees to her chest. She soon saw her phone blowing up from Benjamin and hid her face feeling the tears of sadness and anger and frustration running down her face. She bit down on the fabric of the shirt as she cried silently refusing to make a sound.
    May 8th, 2016 at 04:48am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ JesterOfGenocide;
    Henry knew his daughter had always seemed to be distant from the family, disliking them, and himself, avoiding them, and doing whatever she could to rebel. That's why she had that god awful colored hair. He despised it,but she was his daughter, and he knew that he loved her. He was in Georgia however and couldn't do anything about this now. He didn't want to get himself worked up or nary. So he didn't incite a fight with her. It is my business because you are my daughter. What you do reflects on me and the family. As well as the fact I am your father and I have the right to know who is courting you. We will discuss this when I get home. Just let old Chuck know that if he lays a harmful had on you, I will literally have his head. he sent to Gwendolyn. After sending it he sighed heavily, turning the phone off and going to bed with his wife.

    Orlando had been used to her body heat keeping him warm while he slept. So when Claire left he got cold, then begun to shiver,and finally stirred awake. Orlando frowned at the emptiness besides him. He got up groggily, and still a bit dazed from his drinking, and made a trek around his house in search of Claire. He hadn't found her for almost ten minutes, and when he did he furrowed his brow in confusing. Before quickly sitting down besides her, wrapping his big arms around her, engulfing Claire in him. "Hey.. What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He murmured softly into her ear, holding Claire against him, rubbing her back and trying to console her.
    May 8th, 2016 at 12:40pm
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Reading the message Claire laughed sarcastically and sent back Since when have you ever cared, Dad? You only care when it's your name you're worried about, not your daughter. No one is courting me. His name isn't chuck. It's Orlando. She sent back before hearing Benjamin calling her. She answered continuing to argue with him about stuff and she finally hung up and threw the phone. She pulled her knees to her chest and continued to cry. She hated the fact that they upset her. She fucking hated it to no ends. Her father just couldn't understand that maybe she wasn't like him and she was different. She liked her hair and the only reason she had done it was because she had liked the color. She sniffled before hiding her face again.

    Feeling arms around her, Claire looked up seeing Orlando. She had cried so much that her mascara had gone down her face leaving black lines. She shook her head hearing him and pointed to her phone before crawling over and grabbing it and letting him read all of Benjamin's messages and her fathers. She then curled into a ball on him hiding her face, still unable to help the tears falling from her face. She knew it was quite late and she was sorry for causing a fuss. "Sorry." She whispered shaking her head as she once more bit down on her shirt to keep from making any sound. She wished she had never even come from her Father. She didn't understand how someone could be so bad. She didn't have any other adjective to describe it. Her electric blue eyes were watery from tears and her face was flushed from crying. She was still crying, too.
    May 8th, 2016 at 07:36pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ JesterOfGenocide;
    Orlando looked down at Claire. His big eyes soft and caring, but also concerned. He stayed sitting against the wall as she grabbed her phone, and brought it over. He didn't let his emotions even come into play as he listened to the things her brother and father said about her. Even though he was pissed her father remmebered his middle name. Orlando sat and hugged her close to him. He used his thumbs and gently wiped the tears from her cheeks, then placed a kiss atop her head. "Hey, Claire. It's okay. It'll be okay. I promise." He murmured and hugged her to him again.

    Orlando was terrible at comfortin people. But he was trying wth her, he really enjoyed Claire and didn't like seeing her upset. He picked Claire up into his arms, then carried her back upstairs to his bedroom. He sat down on the bed, and pulled the blankets up around both of them, holding her to him. "You need some sleep. It'll be okay, okay? You're almost 18, and you'll be out of there soon. And you have me. If that means anything. I'm sorry they're being like this. I can't say anything about Benjamin. But I certainly could get your father to 'like' me." He said and rubbed her back again.
    May 8th, 2016 at 08:38pm
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Claire saw his eyes and just buried her face into his chest and tried to calm down as he hugged her and rubbed her back and did everything he could to comfort her. She felt him wipe her tears away and listened to him feeling him kissing her head. She nodded slightly when he said it would be okay. She just wished it really would be okay. She didn't want to be there anymore. Not when they didn't really care about her, just the stupid name that she wished she had never inherited from him.

    Feeling herself in his arms and moving she raised her head seeing him carrying her and felt him on the bed and simply curled up into him and rested her head on his chest feeling the blanket over both of them. "That means a lot." She whispered to him before nodding and said, "I don't care if they like you. I just wish they'd care about me when it didn't come to 'soiling' the great name." She murmured to him. "Besides, you wouldn't soil it. You'd make it better." She murmured before putting her face on his chest and breathing in his scent trying to calm down. "Just don't want to be there anymore." She murmured before exhaustion overtaking her. Crying wore her out more than she liked to admit. She usually didn't cry and didn't like crying considering her family had taught her it was a sign of weakness. She fell asleep with him, holding his hand in hers and falling into her REM cycle and dreaming.
    May 8th, 2016 at 08:54pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ JesterOfGenocide;
    Orlando cuddled with Claire and listened to her talk, he was sure that this was the best way to handle this was just being there for her. "It's okay. I don't care what they say or think about me. Or you. Or us." He murmured and kissed her softly. "I can't say much for Ben. But your father has no right to say a thing to me when he's done business with me and my father." He said almost stubbornly. "You won't be there muchh longer. Your birthday is soon. Then you graduate. You're more than welcome to move in here." He said. When Orlando was sure that she was asleep and comfortable, he allowed himself to drift off into a deep sleep as well.

    The next morning Orlando woke up fairly early, he carefully moved himself or from her, putting a pillow in its place. And pulling Hades up so he would cuddle her. Orlando wanted to make a big breakfast for her, but he knew that he didn't have anything to make it with. Settling Orlando called up one of his buddies, who owned a breakfast place and was having it delivered to his house. Within half an hour he pretty much had a feast of any breakfast food she could want. He set up his table with plates and glasses and ailverware for each of them. Orlando headed upstairs and gently shook her awake. "Hey beautiful. I got a suprise downstairs"
    May 9th, 2016 at 12:12am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Claire cuddled into him gently before shutting her eyes gently and nodding to him wanting to just be away from where she lived with her crazy fucking family. She just wished her dad would leave her alone. He didn't care. So why did he act like it? She then sighed to herself before nodding to Orlando kissing his cheek gently. When she dreamed she immediately forgot about everything knowing when he woke up he would respond to her, or text her a whole different conversation about the same topic because he was just an asshole like that.

    Claire didn't even realize he had substituted his dog for himself when he was awake. She woke up gently cuddling into Hades and yawned and then slowly started to drift back into sleep not really caring she was still pretty tired. Feeling herself being shaken awake, Claire looked up at Orlando and fluttered her eyes trying to wake up and murmured, "Hi." Hearing him, she sat up her curls falling over her shoulders. She stretched and murmured, "What is it?" She grabbed her phone checking it seeing a message from her father and two from her brother. Sighing, she knew she would need to answer them soon. She kissed Orlando's cheek gently before smiling up at him.
    May 13th, 2016 at 04:38am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ JesterOfGenocide;
    Orlando smiled as she woke up, he thought she was adorable with bed head. "Come and see." He murmured, offering his arms to pick her up and carry her. Orlando could easily pick Claire up like she was a feather, and carried her without strain down to his kitchen. He set her down in a chair at the table, then got her a plate and utensils. "There, get whatever you want. It's all for you." He said and ran a hand through his hair. Orlando waited for Claire to pick out her breakfast before he went alrund and picked out his own, then sat across the table from her, digging into his food happily.

    Henry Vanderbilt had texted Gwendolyn again, he knew she probably went to sleep, but he wanted an answer as soon as possible. He and his wife, Lucille, we're getting ready to leave from Georgia and get back to their home. He had told his wife about the situation with Gwendolyn, and she agreed it was not a good one. As the couple got ready Henry checked his phone to see no message. Sending another. Gwendolyn. I know that you're doing this because you're a teen girl, you want to rebel against your family. That's normal. But as long as you live under my roof, and carry our family name. Which what you do impacts us. You will do as I say. He is not a good man. He has a temper, I know. He will be nice while things are going good, as soon as you make him angry who knows what he'll do. Go home. Let Ben take care of you. I love you sweetheart.
    May 13th, 2016 at 12:14pm
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys

    Claire nodded gently grabbing her phone and putting it in her pocket before feeling him pick her up. She set her arms around his neck as she tried to wake herself up so she didn't just give grunts and nods. She liked to talk to him instead of doing that. She felt him sit her down and blinked seeing all the favor. "Thank you." She told him with a giant smile on her face and kissed his lips gently before seeing him sit across from her. She ate some pancakes before some eggs and bacon. She finished and said, "Thank you, Orlando." She looked up at him with a smile on her face.

    Hearing her phone go off once more, she looked down and read the text from Her father and shook her head angrily before texting him back. I'm not doing this because of rebellion or any shit like that. I'm doing this because it makes me happy. The family name doesn't mean a damn thing to me. Infact i'm changing it as soon as I get the chance. Don't call me Gwendolyn. I've told you all over and over again, I want to be called Claire. I'll do what I want for the first time in forever. I'm almost an adult. Start treating me as such. Ben can't take care of a lizard even if he wanted to. Don't sit there and tell me you love me, when you put no effort into showing it. She sent to her father before shaking her head with anger and sighing. She wasn't going to bother getting angry about it. She showed Orlando the message and said, "Just because you have a temper doesn't mean you'll hurt me." She looked out the window gently.
    May 15th, 2016 at 01:43am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ JesterOfGenocide;
    Orlando was excited that Claire was happy about the breakfast he had gotten for her. "I was upset you were so brought down. I wanted to bring that gorgeous smile back to your face." He said and rubbed his temples. Despite hiding it, Orlando had a pounding headache from the alcohol he had last night. He got up and went to a cupboard, grabbing a bottle of pills and taking three our. He went back to the table and downed the pills in a mouthful of orange juice. Before digging into his breakfast and finishing it soon.

    Orlando watched her facial expressions change as Claire pulled out her phone, then read over the text that Henry sent her. "He's stupid. He doesn't know me. We did business. Doesn't mean shit." He said and frowned, furrowing his eyebrows together. Orlando sighed and rubbed his temples again. "I'm sorry. I know he's an ass and all he cares about is is damn reputation. That's why he stopped coming around and doing business with me on his own and sends others. Fucking pussy that's what he is." He said angrily. His hand gripped the cup of juice tightly in his hand. He hated the fact her father acted like he was above Orlando, though he was just as sketchy as Orlando was.

    Henry grumbled angrily at his duaghter's defiance. Like hell you are. How are you going to survive without this family. You know who pays for everything for you? Who's going to pay to further your education. I am. And don't tell me I don't love you, Gwendolyn. I do. You don't understand. I love you with all my heart, you're my daughter. I'm sorry I'm busy and unable to always be there. But I do and I want what's best for you. A gang leader won't build you up in life.
    May 15th, 2016 at 01:59am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Claire smiled gently and said, "Thank you, love." She told him before watching him get some aspirin. "I'll rub your shoulders after breakfast. It will help." She smiled gently at him before hearing Orlando and nodded and said, "You have nothing to be sorry about. You didn't do anything. You're actually helping me." She smiled at him and hearing her phone go off before shaking her head and finally texting her dad what was on her mind and not holding back. Usually she held back before she sent something or at least thought about it.

    Claire's fingers moved quickly and dangerously as she typed her response. I'll find a way. You aren't going to further my education, because I'm going to do that. You know how I get fucking treated at school, dad? Like I'm the bane of everyone's existence, oh wait that's how I get treated at home too. Maybe you should think about your fucking family before your stupid fucking work. I will get a job, two or three if I have to, and build my own life. I don't need you here for that, you were never here before anyways. Bye Dad. I'm done arguing. When I'm Eighteen I'm out. She clicked the send button before showing Orlando, the vein in her forehead practically twitching with annoyance.
    May 15th, 2016 at 02:07am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ JesterOfGenocide;
    Orlando grinned softly at her. "That sounds good baby, I'd like that." He murmured, picking up their plates and putting them into the sink. He cleaned up and put the left overs away and into his refrigerator. Orlando heard her phone go off, then waited curiously to see what the old man had said to her.

    Orlando walked over and read the text. He got mad as well. Orlando didn't like how Henry treated Claire as if she was some sort of property of his. He didn't treat her right and he hated that. He grumbled to himself as he read it. But when he read her response he smiled slightly. "Good stand up for yourself." He said and kissed her head. "I'm feeling like shit. Let's go back to bed." He said and picked Claire up. Carrying her up to his bedroom Orlando pushed Hades down the bed a bit, before laying down besides Claire, covering his head with a pillow. "Fuck I always do this." He said and groaned loudly.
    May 15th, 2016 at 02:13am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys

    Claire smiled before nodding and said, "Good." She stood up and started helping him clean the plates and helping with the left overs. She didn't want to sit around while he did stuff. She didn't know how to do a lot of things since she was priveledged or so some called it. She wanted to learn how to do a lot of things. She really did.

    Claire noticed him get mad and hoped he didn't stay mad. She knew he was an angry person some times, but he was also very sweet in her opinion. Smiling as she felt him kiss her head, she nodded blinking when she was in the air then on his bed. She laughed softly hearing him and said, "Do what? Come here." She told him before sitting up and starting to rub his shoulders to relax the tension the alcohol had on him. This wasn't going to make it 100% better by no means, but it should help. She massaged his neck, then down to his shoulders and his mid back. Her brother used to get drunk a lot.
    May 15th, 2016 at 02:19am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ JesterOfGenocide;
    Orlando let out a quiet moan as she begun to massage him. It really did feel good on him. He was enjoying it, and it was helping him feel a bit better. "I hate hangovers but drinking isn't bad." He said pulling his head from the pillow. "I've got a question." He said quietly, looking over at Claire and blushing a bit red. When he noticed he buried his head benath the pillow again.

    Orlando took a deep breath, he moved one of his hands out to rest on her leg as she massaged his body. Once he had removed the color from his face he came back out from under the pillow, then looked back up at her. "Claire, do you wanna be my girlfriend? I know I'm a big bad gang leader. But you're really cute, and sweet. And you keep me interested." He said and bit his lip, red faced once more. "I'm a big-lug. But I really like you. A lot. And even if I have a temper I wouldn't ever hurt you. And I'll help you out with anything you need. You Can move in when you're 18 to get out of yor family's house." He said and looked up at her, biting his lip again. "Kiss me if its a yes." He said and winked at her, inserting a bit of his cocky self into the long winded question.
    May 15th, 2016 at 02:26am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Humming to herself, she rubbed his back as she listened to him. Hearing him moan, she giggled and said, "My brother says I have magic hands when it comes to massaging." She told him with a small smile as she continued to do so. HEaring him say he had a question she nodded even though she knew he couldn't see it and said, "Go for it then." She smiled before blinking as he hid his face in the pillow again.

    Claire felt him grab her leg and watched him. What he said next surprised the living shit out of her and made her stare at him. Her face soon began to collect heat into it and she bit her own lip laughing when he said to kiss him if it was a yes. She stopped massaging him before kissing him laughing once more. "Yes." She told him a smile on her face as she hugged him tightly and curled into him and said, "I have to go home today, sadly. My dad comes back today and Benjamin will be pissed." She told him with a sad smile on her face not wanting to let go of him. He was so warm and inviting and her house was just...not.
    May 15th, 2016 at 03:34am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ JesterOfGenocide;
    Orlando was ecstatic to get a yes from her. He rolled over into his back, then pulled Claire stop him and kissing her passionately. "Well I'll spend as much time wth my new girl as possible before I must relinquish her to the devil." He said with a laugh, kissing her nose. "I'm sure he will. You should record his reaction when I drop you off. That's probably YouTube worthy. We could go viral." He said and laughed, running his hands up and down her back. Orlando's phone went off and he groaned, reaching over and checking the text. He furrowed his brow in confusion as he read it. Orlando sat up as he begun to reply.

    Orlando finished his response, setting the ohine next to him as he looked back at Claire. "And if you need anything I'll be here. I know they're probably gonna be hard on you." He said and gave her a light smile. Orlando felt bad, because her situation sucked, and it was his fault that it was getting worse.
    May 15th, 2016 at 03:48am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Claire laughed feeling him pulling her with him as she squealed and giggled at him and kissed him back a smile on her face as she did so. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she did so and laughed hearing him and said, "Oh Ben isn't THAT bad. Just bad to live with." She nodded feeling him kiss her nose and watched him and said, "Oh dear. He would hate me for life if I did that." She laughed before watching him gently blinking when he checked his phone his brow furrowing and frowned.

    Watching him set the phone down she asked softly, "Is everything okay?" She watched him gently with concern before nodding and said, "I know. I'm here if you need anything as well, although all I can give is comfort." She told him before smiling gently and poking his nose before kissing his forehead. She then realized she was still in his giant t-shirt and her shorts and simply smiled knowing she was going to wear his shirt home.
    May 15th, 2016 at 03:53am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ JesterOfGenocide;
    Orlando rolled his eyes and laughed softly. "Well I still wanna know how he reacts baby." He said and kissed her head. Orlando laid back and glanced up at Claire. "You are all mine." He said, mainly to himself, but smiling at himself. He liked hearing that. "I'll bring you home around 4 how does that sound?" He said and rubbed her back, holding Claire slightly.

    Orlando glanced over between his phone and Claire. "It's nothing bad. Just my brother Dalton, he messaged me. He never messaged me." He said and shrugged. He chuckled as she poked his nose. He poked hers back and then gave Claire a bear hug, whispering into her ear. "You are the cutest thing. I think we're gonna be pretty cute. Especially the size difference." He said laughing slightly. Orlando's phone went off and he let Claire go, reaching over to grab it, once again furrowing his brow as he read his brothers message and replying.
    May 15th, 2016 at 04:13am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys

    Claire laughed and said, "I will definitely tell you." She told him with a smile and watched him and smiled even wider when he kissed her head and nodded and said, "I am." She watched him and said, "And you're mine." She nodded and said, "Four is good. Gives me time to argue with Ben before my dad gets home." She told with with a small shrug.

    Claire nodded and said, "Ahh. I gotcha. Well, I hope everything is okay." She laughed when he looked at her when she poked his nose and almost squeaked when he poked hers back and laughed and said, "Well then." Feeling the hug, she hugged him back a smile on her face and laughed hearing him and shook her head and said, "Even if there wasn't that big of a height difference, we'd still be cute." She smiled up at him and heard his phone go off and watched him furrow his brow and asked, "Is everything okay?" She just didn't want there to be something wrong and he never tell her. She didn't want things to be like that.
    May 15th, 2016 at 04:18am