Carry on My Wayward Son

  • @ JesterOfGenocide;
    Dean looked at her and shrugged. He took and turned his attention back to the road and sighed a little.

    Nikki frowned as she took and stood there, "Sorry." She replied lightly.
    May 30th, 2016 at 01:40am
  • "I meant clothing, not whatever this is haunting the people." She told him sighing softly seeing as he didn't want to talk. She impatiently pushed her hair away form her face wanting to just cut it all off and see wherever the hell she was going.

    "For what?" Sam asked looking up as her gently, his soft puppy dog eyes looking into her basically. He then murmured, "You shouldn't frown. You're prettier when you smile, Nik." He told her gently.

    @ matthew sanders;
    June 1st, 2016 at 11:33pm
  • @ JesterOfGenocide;

    Dean nodded his head to her and took and looked over at her. "right." Dean said.

    She shrugged her shoulders, "I'm not sure honestly." She replied to Sam
    June 26th, 2016 at 03:52am
  • @ matthew sanders;
    Sighing, she shook her head before looking at the road and said, "Not talking to me or anyone will not help anything, I hope you know." She then looked out the window.

    Sam raised an eyebrow and said, "Then don't be sorry." He then looked at his hands and said, "I remember now.."
    June 26th, 2016 at 03:57am
  • @ JesterOfGenocide;
    Dean listened to her before stopping the car and looking over at her. "That I know." Dean said and sighed running a hand through his hair. "I've always been like that. I found it's better." Dean said as he pulled out again going to the morgue.

    Nikki stared at Sam and listened to him as he said he remembered. She bit on her lip lightly, "You do?" She questioned.
    June 26th, 2016 at 12:46pm
  • Emily rolled her eyes hearing him and said, "It's not going to do anything but take you and Sam away from each other mentally and make people feel like they aren't important to you, Dean." She then shook her head and looked out the window once more before blinking since they were going to the morgue.

    Sam nodded and said, "Little bits and pieces. Can you tell me again what happened when we were together?" He asked her gently patting a seat beside him for her.

    @ matthew sanders;
    June 27th, 2016 at 05:52am
  • @ JesterOfGenocide;

    Dean sighed knowing she was right. But with the past he had. He couldn't help it. He sighed heavily as he pulled into a vaccant parking spot. "I know, Emily. You're right. But it's how I am." He replied to her.

    Nikki sat down beside of him and nodded. "I was sent to you and Dean to help you two. I am a rouge demon. Trying to do good and help others. When we first met, it was love at first sight. I could feel sparks and you said you could too." She smiled at the memory as she began talking further about the two of them.
    July 7th, 2016 at 03:14am
  • @ matthew sanders;
    "It may be how you are but people change how they are all the time. They change for the ones they love, not push them away." Emily told him before shrugging and getting out the car and sighing and said, "Let me guess. I"m not allowed to speak?" She raised an eyebrow up at him crossing her arms over her chest.

    Sam blinked and listened to her and then stopped her and said, "Hang on, does Dean know about you?" He asked slightly confused. "If he doesn't, why not?" He wondered to her trying to understand this and not be retarded.
    July 7th, 2016 at 03:34am
  • Dean stared at Emily and shook his head. "You can do whatever you want." Dean told her before going into the morgue. He spoke with the guy before going over to the body to begin exaiming it.

    Nikki sighed to herself, "Dean knows about me..." She paused staring at Sam. "He doesn't really approve because of me being a demon." She said to Sam.
    July 7th, 2016 at 03:55am
  • Emily sighed hearing him and walked in with him and looked at the body and tilted her head and blinked when the man made Dean hold the heart and it squirted juice on his face and she managed to hide her face from laughing at this before hearing the guy talk about how he died.

    Sam raised an eyebrow and said, "Still. He would've known I was happy. Why didn't you try to contact him?" He asked her his frown deepening as he watched her. He wasn't frowning at her, just hte thoughts going through his head.

    @ matthew sanders;
    July 7th, 2016 at 04:02am
  • @ JesterOfGenocide;

    Dean wiped his face off making a face when the juice squirted into his face. He shook his head sighing as he looked at Emily seeing her laugh. "really?" He asked her with a slight chuckle to his tone. He laid the heart down and went to get a rag to wipe the rest of his face off.

    Nikki frowned looking at Sam, "The point when I tried to reach out to Dean. Luicifer found me and had drug me back to hell. He knew what we had. And he despised it. He wanted me to suffer. So I am guessing he done something to your memories." Nikki frowned.
    July 7th, 2016 at 01:52pm
  • Emily shrugged and said, "it was funny." She was like many of the angels in heaven. She decided humanity was a good thing to have. She watched him wash off the rest of the juice off of his face and then ran a hand throughout her curly hair before looking at the man.

    Sam frowned and said, "That's stupid. And I doubt it was Lucifer. I have a feeling it was the demon blood and my trying to come down off of it." He murmured before shaking his head and sighing to himself.

    @ matthew sanders;
    July 12th, 2016 at 12:31am