Even If You Can't Hear My Voice, I'll Be Right Beside You

  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    His family... Ari tried to remember anything about it, but there wasn't much. There was very little information about his family life, as well as Steves. No matter how hard she tried to find anything that might help, find someone who knows him best.
    "You had a sister and some brothers, I think. Your father died in the war before. You were in the Howling Commandos," she paused and glanced up at him, blushing a little. "there's a whole museum section on the Howling Commandos and you're in it." She tried to justify her knowledge so she wouldn't seem creepier than necessary reading up facts about him or something. She still held his hand, now busying herself looking at his fingers. Fingers that held a lot of strength and history in them.
    Her heart clenched a little more as he said nobody would help him. She disagreed. "there is someone out there," she said squeezing his hand again, "Who cares. I believe in them. I have hope in them." She offered him a smile. "I hang out around and with you because I want to. No orders."
    He was correct in his escapin though, HYDRA would find him. Take him back and do all sorts of horrible things. He needed someones help to escape, someone who would offer him shelter and fight back to successfully protect him against HYDRA. There really only was one person. Steve. Captain America.
    She was surprised at his words, even froze a little before quickly looking him in the eye. A joke? No he wasn't laughing. A test? She wouldn't see any advantage. Her mind raced over the possibilities, she found none that satisfied her fear. Ari smiled and shook her head, stepping forward and burying her face into his chest (to hide her blush but also give him a hug) and clutching his shirt around his stomach, her arms too short to go around all of him cause damn, he was buffed out to the max. "That's such a cheesy thing to say," she mumbled into his shirt through a hidden smile.
    "Your Grandpa? A Howling Commando?" Sam looked very surprised and looked her over again as if suddenly she had changed appearance. "Damn!" Then quickly he added in a hushed voice, "If Steve finds out you're going on a trip down memory lane 70 years back." He laughed and have her shoulder a small tap, turning away to the clearing.
    Now they stood in a somewhat circle, and did squats, the huge log on Steves shoulders to add him weight.
    Sam faked a look of surprise at Grace when she joined them, and winked when Steve wasn't lookjng, briefly gesturing to Steves biceps.
    "Done already!" Sam called out to her, still going at his pace. Steve copied Sams pace, because doing faster squats was the easy way out.
    "Impressive," Steve said to her with a grin. "Didn't think you'd last that long." He teased. From his angle of view of Grace, he saw the way the light between the trees fell on her face and her chest, and a the curves seemed suddenly to stand out. He looked back at Sam to distract himself.
    "Shall we hold?" He asked once they reached a set and he could see Sam was starting to lose strength too. Sam made a noise of protest but Steve shook his head. "Hold!" He said as they squared down. Sam scrunched up his face and bailed out a few seconds in, but Steve stayed, making it look too easy.
    "Grace. Help me lift this log on him, it's too easy for him." Sam poked d a log with his foot. The logs were heavier than they looked, easily a two man job.
    Steve only rolled his eyes, slowly comin up then slowly coming down into position, letting the controlled slowness work on his muscle. Any other day he would have probably legged it from Sam, but today Grace was here and watching him (he could tell but made no remark, he enjoyed it) and he was ready to try something new. Maybe it might impress her, regardless it meant nore time to spend here with her (and Sam) and he was very much okay with it.
    May 20th, 2016 at 02:56am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    [forgot to hit reply again xD]
    May 20th, 2016 at 02:57am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Ari knew facts about him, the person he was before he was turned into a monster. He had no idea that there was a museum about him, “I don’t remember that.” He murmured quietly to himself as a frown pulled his brows together, what was a Howling Commando? “I wish I could visit this museum,” He wanted to do go but he couldn’t, he knew Ari was just trying to give him more information about himself. But she was also giving him hope, hope that one day he might remember more or be able to see this museum. But it would never occur so Bucky would need to deal with that, he kept their hands touching because well he didn’t want to let go.
    He wanted to believe her, he was desperate to believe her. But was there someone out there wanting to help him? He doubted it, he only ever hurt people so why would anyone want to help him. “I know that you don’t have orders to be here, HYDRA isn’t that stupid. They don’t want me getting close to anyone,” They were just lucky, everyone seemed to be occupied by something so he wasn’t being watched as closely as he usually was when he wasn’t frozen. This hadn’t happened before, or if it had then Bucky didn’t remember it. It has to be something very important for him to be allowed to wander the base so freely.
    Looking at Ari to make sure she knew how truthful his words were, he watched as she leaned into him and hid her face from his view. “It may be cheesy, but I still was able to make you smile and blush.” He had only gotten a quick glimpse of the pink of her cheeks, it was either from his words or from the cool night air. He wanted to think it was because of him, he wrapped his good arm around her body and let his hand rest on the small of her back. He never wanted to let her go, to not have her body this close to his. He inhaled deeply as he moved his metal arm around her body as well, he went slowly as this was a big deal to him. He was scared of hurting her with his metal arm, so he was extra careful and gentle with her. “Is this okay?” He whispered to her as he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.
    “I know I will, I haven’t told him yet.” Grace told Sam as she hadn’t really gotten the chance to tell Steve about her Grandpa, she wanted to but he was so focused on finding Bucky that she wanted to let him find his friend. Grace saw the wink that Sam had given her, she knew what he was doing so she pretended like she wasn’t bothered by the way Steve’s biceps moved whenever he moved. Sam was getting to be just as bad as Natasha was.
    “Shut up, old man.” She commented to Steve when he teased her about how long she lasted, she actually did last longer than she had expected as she wasn’t fond of doing squats no matter how good they were for toning her thighs and backside. Grace leaned back on her elbows and enjoyed being out in the fresh air, the sun was keeping her warm as the rays came through gaps in the trees and hit her body.
    “Do you honestly think I’d be able to lift my end of the log?” She smiled over at Sam, her legs were still burning from the squats and she didn’t have much strength in her arms. She was a doctor, she didn’t need to have strength. She wouldn’t have minded watching Steve squat with two logs on his shoulders, but unless Sam did it himself then it wouldn’t be happening. “But seeing as I was forced to come out here, someone will need to carry me back to the base.” She smiled as she didn’t want to walk all the way back to the base and she wouldn’t be able to run back, she knew squats were a terrible idea.
    May 20th, 2016 at 03:47am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    Ari patted him lightly, "One day you will be able to. You just keep that as a goal. One step at a time." She smiled. She would love to take him there, she wanted to give back to him as much as she could of what HYDRA had taken. In a way, maybe it would ease her consciousness, pay back a portion of all the bad she did by contributing to HYDRA.
    And of course, HYDRA would isolate him. Make him colder, more deadly, more obedient. She wished it was as easy as it was in movies to just run away and never come back and take him with her but this was real life and real life sucked.
    She felt him move and was afraid he would push her away. But he put his arm around her and she felt all warm inside. "You big flirt." She mumbled more into his chest, but her voice held the smile that she hid. She wanted to melt into him and just be all sorts comfortable. HYDRA didn't want him to be close, and yet here he was hugging a girl who he believed with no doubts and it was something like blind trust and she held it dear to her. She couldn't hurt him, he would lose all hope and that's not something she wanted. His second arm came around and she felt the warmth make her tremble a little. It wasn't trembles of fear. They came and they went really quickly. She slid her hand up a little. "This is very okay." She replied. Closing her eyes she let the moment sink in. Everything was good. Everything in that moment felt like a thing called HYDRA didn't exist, she just felt warmth.
    Ari stayed still for a little while, then slowly she let her hand slide up along his chest till it reached his shoulder where it rested a bit then slid over to his face and lightly traced his jawline and her palm came to a stop over his cheek. She didn't look up at him at all, too shy, and after holding her hand there, rubbing his cheek with her thumb she dropped her hand back to where it has started just a bit below his ribs. She didnt know why she did it, it just felt nice to touch his face a little. She hoped he wouldnt ask, she didn't think she could justify something like that.
    Steve pulled a small face, though he was clearly not offended. "I'm not that old." Sam only waved at him, "You're at least 100! No? Near? That's old."
    Sam paused over the log and looked at Grace. "You don't think you can? I assumed you could after all those squats." He chuckled.
    "She's a doctor not a military Sargent," Steve put in. "which saves you Sam, else she would have you on the ground if not in it." He watched with satisfaction, as Sam tried to protest again but there was a clear loss on Sams behalf. Sam went in for revenge.
    "If you ain't carrying Grace back to base clap your hands." He clapped and looked at Steve.
    "What!" Steve, holding the log on his shoulders, had no chance to clap. He turned around sharply, swinging one end of the log at Sam who dodged and ducked out of the way, springing away from the second log. Steve dropped the log down and chased after Sam swinging at him as they started a mock fight. But the fight, even if mock, was always in Steves favour. He had the upper hand, posture upright, fists tight and always true to their targeted location even if neither made contact to avoid injuries. The scuffled a little, shirts pulled now and then before they actually both came off to not be torn and the scuffle stepped up a little more. A few minutes in, they both stood back and panting, looked at each other. "What was that, half and half?" Sam asked referring to their number of winning strikes that would have ended the fight if it were real. Steve put his hands on his hips, little chain of necklace jingling against his chest everytime he took a deep breath. "What do you think Grace? What's the score?" He picked up his shirt and pulled it on.
    He walked over, holding out his hand as an offer to help her get up. "Let's go back now. I'll carry you Miss."
    May 20th, 2016 at 05:20am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bucky cherished how positive Ari was being and just how much hope she held for him, it was more than what he held for himself. Maybe there was a chance for him to have a life, the chance only needed to be slight because it still meant there was a chance for him to change. To get away from HYDRA and stop being an assassin, to have a life away from death and pain. That’s all he wanted, he also wanted to keep Ari in his life but that seemed to be the easier of the two things he wanted for himself. Now he just had to work towards them both.
    Everything felt better to him as he held onto Ari and she stayed in his arms, suddenly it felt like he was a normal man who didn’t have a dark past or blood on his hands. He wished it would last because he was finally comfortable, he trusted Ari whole heartedly and would follow her with his eyes shut. He felt her hand move up to his shoulder, before her fingers found his jaw and his cheek. He did close his eyes so he could focus on how she made him feel, her hand was so warm now and her touch seemed to leave behind tingles under his skin. He wanted more but she pulled her hand back down much too quickly for his liking, although he didn’t say anything about it.
    Instead he rested his chin on the top of her head, his arms were protectively around her. He would do anything for her, anything and everything because he cared about her. She gave him nerves and butterflies all at the same time, she confused him but he did understand her. “If anything happens to me and I forget about this, please remind me.” He whispered as he needed Ari in his life, she brought out whatever good was still in him and he needed that. Moving slightly he pressed his lips to the top of her head, a sweet kiss that lingered for a good few seconds before he rested his chin back against the top of her head.
    “That’s really old, Steve.” Grace teased him as she was joking, he was technically old but he never took the age comments to heart. She sent Sam her impressed look, the look that told him to shut up or he’d have to deal with her grumpy side. Then she smiled widely at Steve who defended her, “Someone knows how to stay on my good side.” She smiled as she looked at both the men, but she did give Sam a more pointed look.
    She was soon laughing when Sam took his revenge on Steve, making him be the one who had to carry her back to the base. Which she would have preferred anyway, she sat there and watched as the mock fight happened right in front of her. Her attention was further captured when Steve’s shirt came off, his muscles moved with the movements he was making and she couldn’t look away from him. She didn’t care if Sam noticed, hell she wouldn’t care if Steve caught her because she wasn’t hiding it from anyone. She wanted to run her hands over his bare skin.
    She shook that thought from her head when the fight finished, “Well considering how mean someone was being to me early. The winner is Steve, he got in way more hits than you did Sam.” Grace smiled as she held onto Steve’s hand and felt him help her up, it was more like he pulled her up onto her feet as he did all the work. She stumbled a little from the quick movement, putting her hand on his firm chest to regain her balance again.
    “Thanks,” She looked at Steve but she could hear Sam mumbling under his breath, about how she counted unfairly and just gave Steve the win. Stepping behind Steve she jumped up onto his back, her arms draped over his shoulders and her legs went around his waist so he could hold onto her. Her body pressed against his back as her chin rested on his shoulder, “Thank you for this morning. I really needed this,” She whispered to him as it meant the world to her.
    May 20th, 2016 at 11:16am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    He hadn’t moved away, and he hadn’t pushed her away, and he didn’t stiffen. Barnes let her touch him and Ari was more than okay with it. She had been only a little afraid that maybe some instinctive reflex would kick in, but in this calmness she took a shot in the dark. It was successful. Slowly, with every movement and action, she let herself be more careless and bolder. With every movement and action, she trusted he wouldn’t lash out. She just had to make sure there were no sudden movements or pain.
    She was the perfect height for him to rest his chin on her head without discomfort. When she felt him do it, she felt all the warmer. No jacket needed now even though she still found it so cute that he brought one for her, had thought of her.
    “I’ll remind you as many times as I need to.” She replied quietly, turning her head so her face wasn’t buried in his chest anymore but rested lightly side on, listening to his heart beat. Her clutch on his shirt tightened a little when she felt the warmth of his lips on the top of her head, and was thankful for the night and her head’s position for concealing the blush that formed again on her cheeks. It was unfair, he knew every way to make her blush.
    “You taught me how to punch properly,” She said softly after a while then. “And to kick.” She smiled at the memory. It was like he hadn’t changed. Still here, still one. Only her knowing what they did to him changed the situation. She had the memories, but he didn’t.
    “It’s okay if you forget something between us,” She said then, “We’ll just make some new memories. Yeah?” She grinned and looked up at him. “Even if it does involve freaking me out while I try to wash your hair.” There had been worse times, but she didn’t want to tell him those. He didn’t need to worry. Although he technically never hurt her, he definitely scared her sometimes. It was mostly when he was in the ‘ready to comply’ phase, and cold, and hard, and everything that perked her curiosity.
    Steve only shook his head with a laugh at both of them. He didn’t feel old, but then again, he hadn’t exactly aged in the last 70 years he had been under ice. He felt as alive as when he had stepped out of that tube that gave him this new life, a new purpose, one had desperately chased and never caught for a long while.
    Steve wasn’t sure if Sam had noticed, but at this moment he didn’t really care and Sam showed no signs of having noticed Grace’s watchful gaze lingering all over Steve. And although Steve was really absorbed in the fight, whenever he did catch sight of her from the corner of his eye, he saw she was always looking at him. If only Bucky could see this now, he briefly though with a hidden smile. I’m being noticed.
    Steve straightened up when she said he had won and shot Sam a triumphant look. Sam had mumbled something, probably some witty comment, but Steve didn’t mind it – even though he heard part of it and would have happily thrown Sam into the water of the nearby dam (with friendship and love sent in afterwards of course). Her hand on his chest was more important at this moment though. Some small, so warm. He looked down at her gently flushed face and smiled. He lowered himself a little so she could get on his back, aiding her ascension, since he was quite tall now – and she wasn’t anywhere near his giant size. He took her legs up into his arms, holding her up and started to walk, calling over his shoulder to Sam. “If I get there before you-“
    He heard Sam utter a long no, and grinned, adding, “Then tomorrow-“
    “Oh hell no!” Sam yelled after them, catching up and overtaking them, saying as he passed, “On your left!” But Steve only looked at him smugly. You wish. He didn’t run, not with Grace on his back. It wasn’t that he couldn’t, he just didn’t want to make her uncomfortable and bounce all over the place. He smiled softly at her whisper. “It’s no problem. You’re welcome to join us tomorrow.” He turned his head to smile at her but miscalculated how close they were and his nose lightly bumped into her cheek. Steve took a small breath of surprise, but there was no apologetic smile. He didn’t really want to apologise for that. He just smiled and looked forward again.
    Maybe it was just a woman thing, but damn, she smelled nice.
    May 20th, 2016 at 12:14pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bucky honestly never imagined himself going this, he had been physically close to people before when he was fighting them. It always made him tense and he had been worried about that at first, when Ari moved closer to him. He didn’t want tense up or react badly around her, he didn’t want to ever upset her or hurt her. God if he ever hurt her, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself. He’d rather go on a mission and let himself get killed, she was the only person that he didn’t have any negative or bad feelings towards.
    “Thank you, Ari.” He whispered to her and her name just rolled off of his tongue perfectly, her name sounded wonderful when he said it. He knew it would be hard on her, if they continued getting closer. If his mind was wiped away, she would have to handle him not remembering her and that would be hard on anyone. He smiled hearing that he had taught her how to protect herself, “I’m sure you didn’t need much help.” He stated as they stayed in their position for a little while longer, it was comfortable. It was still comfortable if they stood in silent, just having her there made it all worth it for Bucky. If HYDRA hadn’t found him, he never would have met her. Not that it made it any better, he still killed people and he did always remember his kills. No matter how many times his mind was wiped, it was just what stuck with him.
    “I’d like to make new memories with you, no matter if I forget or not.” Bucky smiled as he ran his good hand through her dark locks, her hair was incredibly soft and silky. It also smelt fruity, like the shampoo he smelt when she did wash his hair. “You try waking up to someone washing your hair, my head tends to be sore after a session.” It still felt nice, once he overcame the shock of someone being there when he was still alert and on his guard. “I’ve never hurt you, have I? Be honest with me, I need to know.” He did need to know, he couldn’t remember a time when he could have hurt her but that didn’t mean anything.
    Grace’s smile hadn’t left her face since they got outside, watching how Steve and Sam interacted was amazing. They acted like they’ve known each other for years, when it really hasn’t been all that long. She could watch them all day long, it was amusing. Grace had no idea that Steve had actually caught her watching him, she wouldn’t change a thing as she had enjoyed herself. “I’d like that but I’ll have to see how my legs feel, those squats will probably hurt tomorrow.” She smiled as she would like to join them again tomorrow morning, but only if she could walk.
    She felt his nose brush against her cheek, which only cause a hot blush to warm her cheeks. She had to hold back the squeal that she could have let out, from how cute he was at that moment. But she controlled herself and acted as natural as she could, “You two act like children.” She commented as Sam was ahead of them, which she was grateful for because she did want to spend some time alone with Steve. “It is nice out here, I always mean to get away from the city more.” She liked where this hidden base was, surrounded by trees and it was a good distance away from the city but close enough that you could still get into the city in a good time.
    One of her arms swung a little as Steve walked, but her other hand was resting on his chest again. For balance or that’s what Grace was telling herself, she really just wanted to have an excuse to touch him again. His chest was so well built and firm, she couldn’t help herself and he wasn’t saying anything about it. So he must be alright with it, also his large warm hands that were holding onto her legs just behind her knees. Were making her think about things that she shouldn’t, but his hands did feel really good on her legs.
    May 20th, 2016 at 01:40pm
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    “I really did.” She formed a small fist, correctly, and gently pushed it against his hard abs. It didn’t go far.
    She leaned up into the touch of his hand running through her hair, unaware that she did so herself. It was a natural reaction. It felt good, so she’d lean in. She closed her eyes, enjoying the touch before a little frown came over her eyebrows. She didn’t really want to tell him, but if there was going to be trust, he’d have to know. She opened her eyes and looked at him seriously, then relaxed and offered a small smile to show that she held no grudge. “No. At worst, you were just always cold. Like an iceblock. Unpredictable. Unstable. Dangerous. I was just a person who came in with food or handed you an upgraded weapon, or helped the engineers with your arm.” She admitted with a giggle, “I was curious about you. Probably a little too much for my own good.”
    She paused for a second, then looking away added. “Although, there was one time. You were injured, and triggered maybe. I was ordered to tie your wound up but you snapped. Put a hand to my throat. Not your metal one. You weren’t choking me.” She didn’t sound upset. The memory was weird, it was frightening at first when he grabbed her throat, but the guns aimed at him by the team around made it scarier than him actually holding her. ”You were really out of it, just stared at me like I was some insect that landed on you but you didn’t wanna squish it.” She quickly added, “I wasn’t hurt. It was just sudden. You just held me there, and then you relaxed and I finished applying the bandage.”
    What she didn’t add though, it was that moment that had made her go back and find more information about him. To dig around and snoop around. That in that moment, his eyes were fixed on nothing but her and her only and not the guns around and she would relive that moment over again any day.
    She rested her head on his chest again. “It was the first time I saw you up close. I always thought you were just like the rest of HYDRA. Horrible and cold. But that moment… your eyes… they told me something else.”
    Steve chuckled softly, “No excuses. If you stay in, they’ll only be sore longer. You have to stretch them out at least.” He had no idea what tomorrow held. He knew there would be the retake of SHIELD, but he knew not when it would happen, the plans were still very hazy and unsettled. So for now, the only definite thing in the near future was his run, and maybe Grace on that run with him. And that Sam was there for him, and Natasha. These people were close to him, and he would keep them close. No more losses.
    “First you say I’m old, now you say I’m a child.” He grinned, but was careful to not turn his head too far this time, only a little so he could glance at her from out the corner of his eye. He didn’t know how the nose touch had made her feel, though he could have sworn he felt her heartbeat increase. But then again, he could just be imagining things. They approached the bridge to the base and he slowed down, pausing by the side and looking out at the city. “It is.” Steve agreed. He stayed still and quiet for a moment, enjoying the nature’s sounds. He felt removed from the situation that was currently going on in the city. Here, it was like nothing painful existed. Just him, the air, Grace, and pretty nature. All the rest seemed like a dream. “It’s like things that happened really didn’t. Just a dream. Easy to forget.” He was okay with that. Thinking about everything, the rat race and all the events wasn’t good for the mind. The mind needed to relax too.
    He took a deep breath, breathing in the fresh air. He could feel the hand on his chest, and he wanted to put his hands over it and maybe hide it from view like a little secret he wanted to keep for himself because it was too precious, but his hands were busy holding her up, and he didn’t want to change anything in position at this very instance. It was just too comfortable. And many bets those hands could feel even better elsewhere.
    May 20th, 2016 at 02:41pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bucky saw the fist that Ari made and she did it correctly, he wished that he could remember teaching her. It was like the memory was right there in his mind, but it just wasn’t coming through to him. He looked down at her as she told him that he hadn’t ever hurt her, that he was just cold towards her but he was like that to everyone.
    “You’ve helped work on my arm? Is that why it works so well?” He grinned down at her as his fingers continued to comb through her hair, he felt her lean into his touch and he felt his heart skip a beat. His hand moved slowly through her hair until he moved his hand to rest against her cheek, his thumb brushing over her cheekbone tenderly. His grin soon vanished as she told him about the one time when he had grabbed her throat, guilt filled his body as he felt so ashamed of himself. It didn’t matter that he hadn’t hurt her, he could have.
    He could have choked her, seriously injured her neck, or even killed her. “I’m sorry, Ari.” He apologized quickly as his voice was becoming shaky, he felt like pushing her away from him so there wouldn’t be any risk of him hurting her. But he didn’t want to push her away, he wanted her to be there for him and be there with him. He hated that he didn’t remember, otherwise he would have apologized sooner. It didn’t matter to him that he was out of it, or that he was triggered. His hand had still held onto her throat, it shook him to the core because she was the only person that he never wanted to hurt or scare.
    “You shouldn’t be curious about me, if there’s ever a time when you need to walk away. Do it,” Bucky told her quietly, if she did get scared of him or if he did hurt her then he wanted her to leave. She deserved better than that, he also wanted to give her a way out if this all became too much for her.
    Grace let out a small groan, but he was right. If she didn’t move much tomorrow then her legs would be sorer for much longer, “We’ll see. Just don’t try and get to my room, you don’t seem all that popular now with the female agents.” She smiled knowing that if he got caught in the female quarters again, it wasn’t going to end well for him. “You can be both,” She commented very light hearted, as it was times like this that she adored the most. When they weren’t talking about work or were at work, they didn’t have to worry about being seen or followed.
    She looked out at the view when Steve stopped on the bridge, they could see the city from there and it felt surreal for Grace. She was usually always there, rushing around and trying to get to work on time. “I wish we could just stay here, that there wasn’t anything threatening the world.” She knew that would never happen, Steve would constantly be needed because there would always be evil in the world and Steve would need to protect the innocent from that.
    Sighing softly she moved her head, she rested her cheek against his shoulder as she enjoyed being in the position that they were. Being this close to him, being comfortable with him. She could very easily kiss him, kiss the lips that she’s wanted to feel against her’s for so long now. The moment would have been perfect between them, but she didn’t want to ruin their friendship or distract him from finding Bucky. But she still wanted him to know that she cared for him, so instead of kissing him she lightly rested her forehead against his temple. The tip of her nose rested on his cheek and she just stayed like that, “You know this will happen a lot more now, right? I’m comfortable, so there will be times when I won’t feel like walking.” She smiled as she would fake being tired or an injury just so Steve would carry her, it was comfortable but she also wanted to be close to him.
    May 21st, 2016 at 02:17am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    Ari flicked his metal arm and gave a laughing scoff, “Yeah, I’m sure that one screw I offered makes it so much better.” She half-closed her eyes in content, leaning further into his hand when it rested on her cheek. She didn’t care where the hand was now at this point, as long as it was near her or on her, whatever.
    But Ari noticed the grin vanish off Barnes’ face and she too, felt bad. She shook her head poking his side, “Don’t. I’m alive. You didn’t hurt me.” She didn’t want him to fuss over that now, she almost regretted telling him. She clutched his shirt tighter, hoping that wouldn’t make him push her away now of all times. Now, when they were both so comfortable.
    Ari rested her head against his chest. Closed her eyes, cuddling into the warmth that was there. She heard his words, but she didn’t want to even think about that. It would take a lot to make her leave. She wasn’t so blind to just think that he wouldn’t have problems. Sure he would. Barnes would have traumatising reminders, probably some PTSD, the man wasn’t exactly in paradise. It would take time and effort and she would be okay with that, but there would be an extent to which she could handle it. Though, Ari did not want to think about that now. She didn’t want to feel sad. Not now. Not today.
    But whoever was in control of fate had other plans.
    She saw the light before she heard the explosion, and she whirled around to see a fireball rise up from one of the smaller buildings in the complex. Her eyes widened. The lab. That was the lab. Ari felt a dread overcome her. She felt she knew what went wrong. She swore, and without even glancing back at Barnes, she took off towards the stairs flying down them like there was no steps between the platforms. The corridors were full of people poking their heads out in confusion and worry. Alarms were going off. She pushed people side, swifter than anything, running until she came to the outside of the lab, and although it wasn’t a burning flame, there were still small fires here and there. A circle of people formed around, watching on. Ari pushed through them, heading towards the wreckage. The lab still had its four corners, but there was just a huge hole in the wall, opening up to the inside, as if someone had taken out a chunk and threw it away. An agent tried to hold her back saying it was unsafe, but she pushed them aside, stepping into the building. The first thing she saw were bodies, halves and bits, strewn everywhere. There were at least twenty workers here, now torn to pieces. Her eyes followed the trail towards the cause of destruction to rest on an engine, or whatever was left of it. A project she said was faulty, to not use and to not test until she figured it out. She stated it in a report, she made sure everyone got the message, she put signs around it. And here it was. She saw the wires connecting it, fuel dripping from the side. “Stupid, so stupid,” She whispered. Stupid idiots. Too eager to use it, too eager to try. She put a hand to her face, closing her eyes. The air was suffocating, the smell of burning flesh choked her. She peered through her fingers at the carnage and wreckage again. And amidst the muck and blood and debris she saw a familiar face. She walked to it and kicked aside the trash to look down at Mr Haworths face, or half of it. Ari stepped on the remaining of his arm. Blood oozed out. Fresh. Warm. She didn’t handle it. She laughed and cried at the same time. It echoed along the empty walls and out through the silence of the night.
    Take that, HYDRA.
    “Natasha is usually up by then. I would have asked her, but she took the day off to rest her shoulder.” He chuckled adding, “I’m used to not being popular. Less attention, feels better somehow.” Ever since he ‘upgraded’, there has been so much attention, from both females and males for a variety of reasons. Some were curious about his biology, others his sheer strength and power, others for his improved looks. But he was used to not being noticed, doing his own thing quietly somewhere, so extra attention wasn’t exactly his piece of cake. Took some time getting used to. And then there was Agent Coulson. He grinned at that thought.
    Steve agreed with her. It was really nice here. Maybe, once this all calms, they could go out to nature and live there for a while. He thought it would be quite neat. Maybe they could take Bucky with them as a thirdwheel a precaution and help him recover. But being with Grace alone slightly overrode that thought, and he felt a little guilty. There would have to be a balance between the two.
    He felt her move, felt her warm forehead rest against the side of his head. He definitely didn’t look over now, this touch was way too nice to stop. He heard her and didn’t protest. He didn’t mind. Steve was happy like this too. It was comfortable, even more comfortable would be with her in his arms at the front, where he could see her and smile to her, and not awkwardly bump noses. “What will happen?” he teased, “You running and joining us in squats?” He knew what she meant though, and his tone told her he knew, but he was playing around. He shifted her up gently and turned. He headed to the base but at the last minute turned and followed a small path around the base and into a smaller forest that continued on around the base. “There’s a place I want to show you.” He said then, hoping she wouldn’t freak out that he was going to steal her or something.
    He trecked up a small hill, stepping carefully in the barely seen path before finally arriving at the destination. It was a small lake, on one side feeding in from two beautiful waterfalls. The water was crystal clear. On the other side, it ran off the edge into a smaller waterfall from which one could jump off into the smaller but deeper second lake below. He set her down and looked. The lake wasn’t huge, standing on either side of it at the widest part one could talk to the other person in shouts. But it was still pretty big for at least ten people to comfortably splash around in and not touch each other. You could see the bottom, but not quite so in the smaller deeper lake. Steve took a deep breath and bent down to touch the water. It was cool, still warming up from the night.
    “I found this place yesterday while on a run.” He said and stood, wiping the water from his fingers on his pants.
    [Place what I’m talking about looks like this]
    May 21st, 2016 at 05:01am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bucky couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that Ari had helped out with his arm at one stage in time, he didn’t care if she handed over a single screw. She was still involved and that meant more to him than anything right now, especially when he didn’t want the damn metal arm in the first place. He wouldn’t be able to hold her right, he could really only touch her with one hand. But maybe his arm interested her, it would have to if she was there helping his arm get fixed or enhanced. He was trying to not think about the time she told him about, he didn’t want to dwell over it. If she said that he didn’t hurt her, then he was going to believe that and that’s what he needed to think about right now.
    He had closed his eyes when she rested her face on his chest, his arm moved back down to wrap around her small waist. So he didn’t see the light, all he heard was a sudden explosion which made him snap his eyes open. That’s when he saw the fireball burst up into the night sky, the flames lit the dark sky surrounding one of the labs. He stood there watching parts of the building come crashing down onto the ground, for a few seconds he didn’t even notice Ari had already gotten to the door and disappeared down the stairs.
    He knew she had worked in that lab, but did her work mates often work into the night? He couldn’t remember if Ari ever mentioned if she did or not, but he felt an emotion that felt like his insides were being squeezed. His chest felt tight and his breathing was affected, he had no idea what this emotion was that he was experiencing but he hated it. He came back to himself and turned sharply, he ran in the direction that Ari had gone and he ran as fast as he could. Which was pretty damn fast, faster than other agents that he worked with on missions. He entered the now busy hallway, he didn’t have time for this. He couldn’t see Ari but he knew what was going through her head, she was going into that lab whether she was allowed to or not.
    So Bucky literally shoved everyone to the side, some tripped and fell and others hit the wall or bumped into another body. Bucky didn’t care, he needed to get to Ari and quickly before the building came down onto her. Running outside he again pushed his way through the crowd of agents that had formed, he went straight into the building although most of the walls weren’t standing anymore. His eyes scanned the area, he was used to the horrible smell of fire and burning flesh so it didn’t bother him as much. He heard her, moving off to the left her body was clear to him. It was the only person that was standing, “Ari go!” He ordered her in his deep voice, he briefly saw who she was standing over before he gave her a shove towards outside.
    He would have picked her up and carried her outside, but he didn’t want to man handle her. Which the shove he gave her was, but it still made her move. Bucky could hear cracking, some of the ceiling was still up but it wouldn’t stay up for much longer. Getting Ari back outside he checked her over, she was physically fine. “That was stupid,” He told her quietly as agents trying to put the fire out with water hoses, he had heard her laughing in there but wouldn’t bring it up right now. He was just grateful she had been with him and not in that lab, he could hear yelling but he figured it was from someone high up in HYDRA and Bucky wasn’t paying attention to anyone but Aria.
    Grace ignored his comment, now she could easily make him carry her everywhere. She wouldn’t but she could if she wanted to, maybe next time she’d make him carry her bridal style. She watched as the base came into view but instead of putting her down and heading inside, Steve continued to carry her past the base. “Okay,” She spoke softly as she was now curious, where could he possibly want to take her? She has never been to this base before, so there could be anything hiding around the base and she wouldn’t have a clue.
    He seemed to be carrying her just fine as he made his way to a clearing, she heard running water as they approached the clearing and when she saw the two waterfalls her breath was taken from her. It was stunning. She felt her feet touch the ground as Steve set her down, her eyes widened slightly as she took it the natural beauty of the lake and the waterfalls. “It’s gorgeous,” She had no other words to describe what she was seeing, it was natural and wasn’t destroyed by man. It didn’t even look like many people visited this area which only made it look all the more stunning, Grace felt overwhelmed that Steve would even think to bring her there.
    She spent a good few minutes walking along the water’s edge, seeing everything that she possibly could.
    Before she too bent down and touched the cool water, “I don’t know about you but this lake is calling my name. You can join me if you,” She told him as she wasn’t too fussed if he didn’t join her in the water, she was going in for a dip as it looked too good for her not to. She took off her sneakers and socks, the green grass was still damp from the morning mist but it felt so good on her bare feet. Next she pulled off her tank top, leaving her bra on as she wasn’t going to go that far. From the corner of her eye she did see that Steve was watching her, she quickly looked in front of her so she wouldn’t blush again. But she did like the fact that he was looking at her, she pushed her leggings down her legs and stepped out of them.
    She carefully climbed into the lake and sighed at how good it felt on her warm body, the coolness soothed her tired legs. “Come on Steve, it’s so nice and it’s nothing to feel embarrassed about.” She encouraged him sweetly, he would feel better once he just got in with her. She smiled when he took his sneakers and socks off as well, then came his shirt and the sun hit his chest and abs perfectly. She could see every single muscle now, not that she hadn’t already but she’d never get sick of seeing him like this. She did glance away when he pushed his sweatpants down, although she did see how nice and firm his bum was.
    May 21st, 2016 at 06:21am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    Ari was in a position where she wasn’t even processing what was happening. She stood there, laughing and crying over this dead damned man and his dead dumbass colleagues that chose to ignore her and chose their deaths. She felt weak, she wanted to fall to her knees and just lie down or something. But someone shoved her away and then she was outside, watching the lab fall to shit and people desperately try to save things and put fires out. Someone was talking to her, but there was a ringing in her ears and haze in her eyes. All she saw was the lab. And the fire. And half of Mr Haworth’s ridiculous face.
    The supervisor in charge of all the bosses, dressed roughly as if he had just gotten out of bed, pushed through the crowd. He saw Ari and moved past the Winter Soldier (what the hell was he doing here anyway), taking her by the shoulder and turning her around. She looked rather out of it. He doubted he’d get a good response.
    “What the hell happened?” he demanded. Ari blankly stared at the fire, and he shook her again. She looked over at him. “Dumbasses.” Ari whispered. The supervisor raised a brow. “The 483T engine, it’s gone.” She shrugged off his hand from her shoulder. A circle gathered around to listen in, people wanted the juicy story of what happened. “I told them to not touch it. Faulty. They plugged it in anyway. It overheated. It exploded.” She explained quietly. He asked if she was in there when it happened, but she shook her head. Ari ran her gaze over the people in the circle, rested it on Barnes before trailing off again, but she didn’t really see anyone. She just felt a rush of emotion all tumbling inside. She gave a weak laugh and dropped to her knees, covering her face, shoulders shaking but emitting no sound.
    The supervisor gave an irritated ‘tsk’ and looked around, but he doubted there would be any doctor here to put the poor girl out of her consciousness. In his looking he saw Barnes, and with a flick of his wrist at him, said, “You. Knock her out. Don’t kill her.” He turned around and headed away from the crowd, who watched the girl and the Winter Soldier, expecting him to obey but still wanting to see him in action. So few had even seen him around.
    Steve watched the water fall, and also watched her walk around. She looked so happy. The smile on her face was beautiful and radiant. He wanted to see that forever.
    Not realising at first what she meant, he watched her take off her shoes and then her top – and only then realised what was happening. But already he had caught a wonderful view of her back, the curve of her waist, and her shoulder blades moving beneath her skin that looked so soft and glowing. He caught himself, looked away, though from his position he could still see her get more undressed, the leggings off and her legs and-
    He focused on taking off his shoes. First of all, it was getting rather warm and he wanted to wash after that run. Second of all, staring at water was a really obvious way of ‘I’m trying to not look’. Thirdly, if he stared any longer he didn’t know what would happen and he felt he didn’t want to know what would happen. Her encouraging to join her only hastened his want to get into the cool water and wash any stray thoughts out. He pulled his shirt off, then his sweatpants, put that all neatly to the side and eyed the water. He eyed where she was. He grinned, took a running start and jumped into the lake, making sure to make a really big splash, and cover her in water as much as possible.
    He didn’t know if the latter was successful, but the splash was huge. He went under and came back up, taking a breath and shaking his head, spraying droplets of water from his hair all over like a sprinkler. He waded in the water and looked over at her. “Embarrassed? Who said?” He pushed his arm along the water, sending another big splash at her. This was too good. He hadn’t been in water for so long. This water was warm enough to not remind him of that one time, but cool enough to soothe the skin. He ran a hand through his wet hair, eyed the waterfall. He’d get under that soon enough. It looked tempting. Something nipped his ankle and he peered through the water.
    “Look at those fish, so small and colourful.” He looked around, wondering where they would have come from. There was a small creek that too fell into the lake. Maybe from there.
    May 21st, 2016 at 07:08am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    (Sorry if Bucky’s post is a bit boring)

    Bucky could just watch everything unfold in front of him, Ari was dazed as a supervisor tried to get information out of her. Apparently she had told her work mates not to touch the engine, but it was obvious they had and that’s what caused the explosion which killed people. No one knew right now how many had died, but he was glad that Ari hadn’t been one of them. He listened to what the man ordered him to do, before he simply walked away leaving all the attention to be on him. He hated having so much attention on him.
    They were watching, wanting to see him knock a person out. If they wanted to see that so badly, they would need to wait for another time because Bucky wasn’t going to knock Ari out. Stepping over to her, he bent down and lifted her small body up into his arms. He heard whispered from the people in the circle around him, but with one cold glare it shut everyone up.
    The circle split as he carried Ari back into the base, she still wasn’t making any noise. She wasn’t crying or laughing now, she was silent and had her head resting on his shoulder which did look like she had been knocked unconscious. If anyone asked why he didn’t do it outside, he wouldn’t say much as that is how he dealt with agents that he didn’t like. The silent treatment.
    Bucky didn’t know where her room was in the base so he carried her light frame to his room, once inside he shut the door and gently laid her down on his bed. His fingers moved lightly over her cheek as he watched her closely, he was worried about how quiet and still she was being but he also knew that she needed time. Time to handle what she had seen and what she was currently feeling, but he’d be there for her. Leaning forward he pressed his lips to her forehead, he would need to keep her calm. If he was lucky, she’d eventually end up falling asleep which is what he was aiming for. Because there was no way he would knock her out, no matter who had ordered him to. So she slipped his good hand under her neck, using his fingers to gently rub the nape of her skull to help her relax. He didn’t speak to her, he just watched her and massaged her neck.
    Grace frowned when she saw Steve took a running leap into the water, the splash that he caused did flow over her. She wiped the water from her face and brushed any stray hairs back so they weren’t struck to her face, “That was just rude.” She complained after he had splashed her again, but the smile that was plastered on her face told him that she wasn’t angry with him. In fact it was nice and now that her hair was wet, she dived under the water and saw the small fish swimming around and all the different plants that were growing.
    Coming back up for air she again wiped the water from her face and looked over at Steve, “Let’s keep this just for ourselves. It’s too nice to tell anyone else,” She smiled over at him, she’d be fine if Sam and Natasha knew but she would like to keep this waterfall a secret that was just between them. For whenever they needed a break or time away from other people, they could come here and forget whatever they had been worried about.
    Floating through the water, Grace moved closer to Steve and when he was looking elsewhere. She quickly moved her arm through the water, laughing as she watched the wave splash Steve. She used a smooth rock under the water to push herself off, before Steve could get her back. She was still laughing as she kicked her legs, making even more splashing that was directed at Steve if he did come after her. She thought she had gotten away with splashing him until she felt a hand wrap around her ankle, stopping her from swimming any further away from him. “That isn’t fair, you have longer arms and legs!” She laughed as she tried pulling her leg away from his grip, but the smug grin on his face told her that he wasn’t about to let her go. Turning around to face him, she made a small noise of surprise when her body was moving back through the water. He pulled her closer to him, but hadn’t planned on the water carrying her body right into him. Both her hands rested on his bare chest and it felt amazing, so warm and strong.
    This part of the lake also wasn’t as deep, so as she stood there the water was above her waist but didn’t cover all of her chest. Not that Grace cared about it, Steve would only see her bra and her cleavage. “You brought that onto yourself, you did splash me first and you did it twice.” She softened her voice as he was right there, there was only a tiny gap between their bodies but she did keep her hands in place on his chest.
    The sun was behind him now, making his hair appear even more blonde and his skin shone in the light from the water droplets that hadn’t rolled off his body yet. She felt the urge again, to kiss him. She was close enough to him that she wouldn’t have to lean up that much, so she did just that. She very slowly leaned up onto her toes, she took her time in case Steve wanted to back out. But he stayed right there, so she continued slowly moving in and when she was close enough she closed her eyes and pressed her lips to his. Incredibly soft and juicy, she felt like she was cloud nine heading up into heaven. She could have melted, in fact she did a little as she thought her legs were going to give way.
    May 21st, 2016 at 08:29am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    [It was cute Twitch Not boring tehe]

    Somewhere in the midst of all this, Ari passed out. She was only somewhat aware of someone picking her up, and she was the night sky and everything was burning and blurry.
    She didn’t know who was touching her face and neck, but the touch was soft, she knew it wasn’t someone who meant harm. Luka? She didn’t know. She didn’t see him. Who else? Somehow, she knew who it was, but in this moment she just couldn’t focus on anything. She muttered something incomprehensible and rolled onto her side. Her coat slipped off her side, fell behind, her shirt rode up only slightly to give a peek of the clear wrap that sat covering the healing tattoo just to the back of her hip, the HYDRA symbol glaring out at whatever came to see it. But Ari, unaware, nuzzled into the pillow, clutched its corner with her hands, clutching like it was something that mattered a lot in that moment.
    She woke up with a start in the middle of the night, just a few hours later. She didn’t know why she woke up, she couldn’t remember the dream she was having if any. The bed was hard, and the room was slightly colder than her own, and the walls were bare and all her stuff just wasn’t there. She frowned. She was dressed, where the hell was she?
    Ari looked around, trying to peep into the darkness, her hand blindly coming out to touch her surroundings. She felt something cold, hard, something metallic that was rather cylindrical and smooth. She tapped it lightly with her fingers, running her hand up and down it to try to identify. She wasn’t restrained, but she was really thirsty, and hella confused.
    “Rude? Me? Never.” Steve replied with a smile on his face also. He watched her dive down under, watch the fish. “I wasn’t planning on telling anyone. If they find it, that’s okay too.” He looked over at the waterfall again, watching droplets of water hurtle from the top to the bottom. Suddenly there was water all over him. He blew out some air from his mouth and nose, blinking to clear the water from his eyes and laughing, “Hey!”
    He looked around, saw Grace escape and followed after, grabbing her ankle before he even knew it and pulling her closer. “What’s not fair?” He called over the splashing of her legs, but he had heard her clearly. A little too strong of a pull and suddenly she was right there. Right in front of him, her hands on his chest, and his hand on her hip when it unintentionally (kinda) slid up her leg as she had floated closer to him.
    She was beautiful. That’s the only thing he could think of. There was no thought of Peggy in his mind at that particular moment. They were both beautiful, but each in their own way and in her he saw Grace, not Peggy. Her shining eyes, her brown hair darker and wet, sitting on her shoulders, falling over her collarbone, to her chest, some over to the back. She leaned in, and he didn’t lean back. In this moment, everything was good. In fact, he leaned in too. Gently, slowly, his eyes slipping from her eyes to her cheeks to her lips, eyes going lower until they closed and then he was kissing her and she was kissing him, and he saw nothing and heard nothing but felt everything. His hand travelled from her hip to around her waist and back, bringing her closer, the other on her jaw, on her cheek, holding her face closer, her skin so soft and her lips so full. He didn’t know when or how, and he didn’t care, but he pulled her closer, held her up so she wouldn’t float away but so very gently that should she think it was enough she were free.
    He wanted to kiss her more, express this feeling inside him that he knew only as a feeling of deepest affection, but he wanted to be gentle for she was small in his arms and he had to be careful. Preserve something so sweet and beautiful, keep it close. For a very long time. He let her pull away from the kiss only when they both needed a break for air, and he rested his forehead against her forehead, looking down into her eyes. There was a pretty silence, a peaceful silence. Some birds applauded them, he could have sworn.
    There had only been one time like this, ever. Except this time, he felt so alive. So real. No rush, no bandits. Just him, just her, and nature.
    May 21st, 2016 at 09:25am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    (It was a little boring, I didn’t know where to take!)

    Bucky stayed there as Ari fell asleep on his bed, he glanced over her and frowned when something caught his attention. A piece of clear plastic was tucked into her pants, he gently lifted her shirt up so he could take a better look. What he saw caused blind rage to flow through his entire body and mind, it didn’t take him long to realise that this is why she had been so angry and upset earlier in the day. HYDRA had tattooed their mark on her, obviously without her permission otherwise she wouldn’t have been so upset over this. He pulled his hand away from her shirt and he grabbed onto the side of the bed, his hand tightened around the bed frame as he forced himself to breathe calmly. It did take him a while before he was calm again, he wouldn’t say the rage had left his body because it hadn’t.
    He was going to get revenge for Ari for this, it’s why she didn’t want to tell him what had happened. She knew how he would feel, but she still should have told him about it. There wasn’t anything he could do now, so he laid on the bed beside her and watched her sleep until he also fell asleep. Although he wasn’t asleep for long as his mind couldn’t stop thinking about the tattoo on her hip, he was awake when Ari woke up. The room was dark so she wouldn’t have been able to see much, he heard her fingers tapping on his metal arm to see what was surrounding her.
    “It’s just me,” Bucky whispered to her knowing his voice would probably still startle her, he reached over and turned a lamp on so they would have some light in the dark room. Sitting up he handed Ari a glass of water that he had gone to get during the night when he couldn’t sleep, he wasn’t the only one who had been awake at the time so he wasn’t ordered back into his room. “Drink this,” He held the glass out to her and made sure that she wouldn’t drop it, “I didn’t know where your room was.” He admitted to her, otherwise he would have taken her there so she’d wake up somewhere familiar.
    Grace felt butterflies go crazy in her stomach the second their lips touched, she felt like their lips belonged together which she never felt before. Not even when she had kissed Luka, this was different with Steve. There was a burning feeling inside her and it was a good burning, she had a burning affection for him that was constantly growing stronger and stronger each and every day. Maybe it was time to tell Steve that? But surely kissing him would let him know about how she felt, and then he gently pulled her closer to him.
    Their bodies pressed together causing her heart beat to go crazy in her chest, a flush settled across her cheeks as he kissed her. The kiss was sweet and tender, but held so much emotion and fondness from both of them.
    She moved hand around his side to his back to keep him there, while her other hand moved up over his shoulder. Up along the back of his neck and rested at the nape of his head, her fingers lightly playing with his wet hair. But then she needed air, she pulled back from his lips slightly and inhaled the fresh air into her lungs. She rested her forehead against his and gazed into his clear baby blue eyes, she smiled brightly at him as they stayed tangled in each other’s arms.
    “Wow,” She whispered as she never experienced a kiss such like that, she was left speechless and was left craving more. She wanted to feel his warm soft lips all over her body, not just her lips. “I’ve wanted to do that for a while,” She admitted to him as she relished in how he was making her feel, all her worries hadn’t crossed her mind. HYDRA and Bucky and Luka were like a faint memory, not important in the slightest right now.
    She couldn’t take her eyes off of him, he was so handsome. He was strong but still knew how to be gentle with her, he was smart and loyal and would do absolutely anything for the people he cared about and loved. He wore his heart on his sleeve and was thoughtful, he had always been the nicest person anyone could ever meet. Closing her eyes once again she gave his lips another kiss, this one shorter but held just as much emotion as their first kiss. “So this is why you wanted to bring me here, just so you could kiss me.” She teased fondly as she looked into his eyes again.
    May 21st, 2016 at 11:51am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    Ari jerked her hand back when there was a voice, but relaxed recognising it was Barnes. The light flooded the room and she squinted a bit, waiting for her eyes to adjust before looking Barnes over and then the room. Where was she? She took the glass from his hand, slowly gaining understanding of her surroundings. His room most likely. She shifted on the narrow bed, obediently drinking the water and not even thinking if it were drugged or not. Pure blind trust at this moment. Ari finished the whole glass of water, wiped her mouth and looked at him. She studied him for a good minute or so, still holding the glass in her hands, occasionally tightening and relaxing her grip on it.
    “You knew once,” She said softly but then offered him a small smile. “Thank you anyway.” For putting her here, somewhere safer than just any random couch in the middle of some lounge. For the drink. For the sleep. She rubbed her head, leaning onto the hip and quickly straightening again. Her hand hovered over the tattoo now hidden beneath the shirt again, and she waited for the pain to fade away before she moved to dangle her legs off the edge of the bed. She peered into his eyes, frowned softly. “There was an explosion?” She asked, “People died. The engine I designed…” She broke off, trying to piece together what happened and determine if it was a dream or not. Shaking her head, she pushed the thought away. She dangled her legs a little more, kicking air.
    “You didn’t knock me out, did you?” She smiled a little. It was hazy but she remembered words. “You shouldn’t, you know, disobey. They’ll wipe you.” She kept her voice hushed, afraid someone might hear. Was more worried for him than for her own wellbeing.
    Steve smiled softly as she whispered, watching her lips move, watching her eyes twinkle. “Really?” he moved his hand from her cheek to join the one around her waist. “How was it? Not too shabby for a 70 year break?” he chuckled, lightly touching his nose to hers in a small nuzzle before pulling away again. It certainly was something. It’d stay with him for a really long time. He also hoped she would stay too.
    Looking into her eyes, he felt he could get lost in them and maybe drown and again, he was very much okay with that. There was emotion in her eyes that reflected in his, there were feelings he was sure she had that she shared with him. He felt every bit of her touching him, was aware of every moment of contact between them. Her hand in his hair, that left and he wanted it to come back, her forehead against his, her lips on his again for a quick kiss that lasted not long enough.
    “Oh, no, you started that.” He teased right back at her. Although he did bring her to show her and spend some time alone, he certainly didn’t plan for this, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. It was wonderful, he’d do it again. Hell, he’d do it all again now.
    “We should, get back at some point. They might start thinking we got kidnapped.” He said, but it was reluctantly. He didn’t move at all. He didn’t want to go. This was nice but it would be a shame if others went to look for them. He didn’t care if they found them like this, but Steve just really didn’t feel like sharing this space with anyone but Grace at the moment. “When it gets darker, you can see the stars here. There’s no city lights, nothing to interfere.” He murmured softly. It was partly an invitation.
    May 21st, 2016 at 12:39pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bucky wanted to start by telling her that he knew about the tattoo, the skin around the ink was still red so it was fresh. But he didn’t when she asked about the explosion, “There was. People did die, the building will be pulled down now.” He told her gently as he sat down on the edge of his bed, he looked at her as she drank the whole glass of water.
    He brought have brought two glasses if he had known she was so thirsty, “I couldn’t knock you out. I don’t care what anyone orders me to do,” He told her as that was one order he wouldn’t be listening to, no matter who was giving him the order and he knew what could happen if he was seen disobeying orders. His mind would get wiped again and then he wouldn’t remember Ari, but he felt like he could handle that instead of knocking her out and risk hurting her.
    “They can wipe my head all they like,” He looked at her as he was being completely seriously, HYDRA could do whatever they liked to him. As long as Ari was safe and protected, that is all he cared about. But that didn’t seem like it was going how he wanted, she had a tattoo marking her skin which is obviously didn’t want. Meaning HYDRA forced it on her, just like they had forced her into working for them.
    “I saw the tattoo, you should have told me Ari. The second I asked you, you should have told me.” He was annoyed that she had kept it to herself, it wasn’t something small either. It was HYDRA’s mark, and she didn’t want to get it. He could feel the rage building up in his body again and he looked away from her, so she wouldn’t see how badly it was affecting him. He wanted to take HYDRA down from the inside out and he would make sure it happened, he wasn’t sure when HYDRA would crumble but it would. “They hurt you and you kept it from me,” He thought she trusted him and she probably did, but he didn’t understand why she wouldn’t just tell him.
    Grace smiled widely at him when he asked how the kiss was, “Considering you’ve been sleeping for 70 years. I’m rather impressed,” She looked at him, “Amazing. You have nothing to worry about,” She assured him as she hoped this would continue, she never wanted to stop kissing him. Feeling his arm move around her waist where he was holding her, feeling the tender nose nuzzle made her heart melt even more.
    She was surprised her heart hadn’t just melted away because it certainly did feel like that right now, she has never had such a wonderful first kiss before. Nothing this romantic and she would be telling people close to her about this, like her parents who had been asking when she was going to find a man and settle down. Ever since the breakup with Luka, they have been on her back about finding someone to be with.
    She knew they just wanted her to be happy and she could finally say that she was happy, “Oh so you would rather that I didn’t kiss you?” She chuckled softly as she did start this, but someone had to start it. The waterfall and lake were much too gorgeous not to take full advantage of it, when they could and when they were alone. Then Steve mentioned that they should start to think about getting back to the base, she didn’t want anyone coming to search for them and find them because she didn’t want this moment to be ruined by anything.
    “I know we should, but I really don’t want to leave.” Grace sighed softly knowing this time with Steve would need to end, they had things to do that day and she hasn’t had breakfast yet so she was getting hungry. But being there with Steve with his arms wrapped around her, made her just want to stay there with him all day long. “When we get a spare minute, we should come back here. I’d love to see the stars,” She smiled at him before she slowly moved back, away from him as they did need to get back to the base. “Come on, let’s get dressed and head back. We can come back here whenever we can,” She told him with a smile as she swam over to the lake side, she pushed herself up onto the grass bank so she could try to air dry as much as she could before she got dressed again.
    May 22nd, 2016 at 07:40am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    “Sucks to be them.” She held little emotion in her voice, just thinking of the Haworth half-face was enough for her to lose compassion for any living being in that lab when it exploded. The engine wasn’t a problem, she’d have to redesign it anyway, and that model would have had to be scrapped anyway – but now it also took out the unnecessary trash.
    She looked down at her hands as she gripped the edges of the hard and horrible stiff bed. How could anyone sleep on this? But then again, HYDRA didn’t care. She watched Barnes’ hand appear in view, and lightly reached out with her pinky to touch his little finger. “Silly. Wiping your brain isn’t good for you.” She didn’t accuse him of anything though. She understood his point of view, but she also wanted to prevent him from hurting again. It was effort that took a lot of emotional drain to come around and see him so cold and living in amnesia. Effort that she would put in, but effort that still gave hurt. And she didn’t know how it worked, but she feared with every wipe, they took a little more of him and threw it out, a little more that wouldn’t come back.
    She stiffened when he mentioned the tattoo, and pulled her little finger away, guilt rising up. Ari saw him look away and she felt her chest tighten. She hurt him? She took a moment, trying to think of what to say but there was really no excuse. She wanted to say she didn’t have to tell him anything, but she couldn’t say that either.
    Ari peered at him again, trying to see his face as she asked, “Are you angry because I didn’t tell you? Or because they hurt me?” She tested the waters for a second, her hand hovering over his. She didn’t know what to do. The sudden realisation washed over her and she just sat there, looking at her hand trembling above his. He was angry. When he was angry, her experiences told her he could lash out. She didn’t know how well he could handle his anger. “I’m sorry.” She pulled her hand away. Reason kept her mouth shut. It was a gamble. Tell him about it and he’d maybe be angry with HYDRA, or not tell to try to keep him from doing something dumb but make him angry at her.
    Steve watched her smile widen and it filled his heart with warmth. “I was thinking maybe I need some practice.” He didn’t know where all this bravado was coming from. He tried to control it, but words spilled from his mouth before he could even process the thought. Grace did things to him. Bought out a part of him he didn’t even know existed, and all he could do was pray it wouldn’t hurt.
    “That’s a negative, Ma’am.” He replied, giving her nose a small kiss too. Of course not, if she hadn’t kissed him, then this wouldn’t be happening, and this that was happening was very, very nice. Steve didn’t think he would have had it in him to start the kiss, he wasn’t sure how she felt about him enough to initiate the move. He wasn’t sure he had it in him. Jump out of a plane with no parachute? Sure. Stand up and face an alien army? Of course. Run head first into bullets? No problem. But kiss a girl that mattered to him and made him feel all warm and happy? That was a challenge. Then and now, it was all the same.
    He blamed it on his upbringing and lack of girl attention.
    “Bring something warm, it can get cold.” He watched her move away, reluctantly letting his arms fall from her waist and watched her swim away. He followed, letting her get out first and ready to catch should she slip on the wet bank, but she got out safely and he followed suit. They stood in the sun for a while, drying before finally pulling their clothes on. He didn’t ask if she needed to be carried, he assumed she wouldn’t want to walk down the hill after so many squats. He offered her his back so she could climb on (it was easier to carry her down hills like this) and then headed down. The walk back to the base was, unfortunately, too quick. They arrived at the entrance, waited to be let in by an agent. Natasha passed them, and eyed them both with what at first was confusion then a smug look, winked at Grace but didn’t say anything as she disappeared down the hall. Steve dropped Grace off by the place where the female agent rooms were. “I’ll see you later then,” He said softly, then smiled. “Thank you for coming along.”
    May 22nd, 2016 at 08:48am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    It did suck to be them, if they had listened to what Ari had said about the engine then they would still be alive. Bucky didn’t feel bad for the people who had just died, they brought it upon themselves. He glanced over to Ari and noticed she had taken her hand away from him, so he reached out and gently wrapped his fingers around her small warm hand. He was angry and he was known to lash out whenever he was angry, but he wouldn’t lash out when Ari was around. Unless he woke up again after a session and she was there, when he didn’t remember her.
    “They hurt you, I’m angry they hurt you. They did this without your permission, that’s why you were so upset and angry earlier.” He explained to her and even though he was fuming, his hand held her’s very gently. Looking over at her, his eyes soften. He couldn’t be angry with her, ever. “You should have told me and I would have done something about it, I’ll still make them pay for this.” He promised her and even if she told him to forget it or not bother, he wouldn’t listen because HYDRA couldn’t get away with something like this.
    They had to stop controlling people like this, they couldn’t continue thinking they could do this to people. Forcing them into things, using them for dirty work so they didn’t get blood onto their hands. “I can’t be angry with you, Ari.” He looked into her pretty dark eyes, although a tattoo could get removed at any time. It would still hurt her, it might even hurt more but it was a choice she had. “Why didn’t you tell me? Because you knew I’d go after them? Of course, I will. They deserve to be taken down and I will do it, for both of us.” He promised her as he gave her hand a soft fond squeeze, he would do anything for her.
    “You can get in practice later on, you’ll get plenty of practice in.” Grace spoke as the smile hadn’t disappeared from her face yet, the smile probably wouldn’t leave her face for the whole day. She was going to be kissing Steve at every chance that she got, so he would get in lots of practice. She pulled her clothes back on and then climbed onto his back again, she held onto him as he carried her back down the hill. She loved this side of Steve, the braver side of him where he would tell her how he felt or have him make sassy comments.
    She was looking forward to spending alone time with him there at the waterfalls at night, not only would it be even more romantic but she would just be able to spend time with Steve and focus on him. He made her feel so happy, like a schoolgirl with a huge crush. She felt warm and felt like the world was in a good place when she was with him, there was nothing she needed to worry about and she loved that. She was falling hard for Steve and she was falling for him fast as well.
    Grace saw the wink that Natasha sent her, but thankfully didn’t say anything. She felt Steve set her down once again, “You don’t have to thank me. I’ll see you later, Steve.” She smiled at him before she walked down the hallway and into her room, she changed into a clean dry clothes. She grabbed a towel to dry her hair a little more, she brushed out her hair and left her locks down to dry completely. She didn’t really know what there was for her to do at this base, it wasn’t like many of the agents weren’t getting hurt out on the field and needed to see a doctor.
    So once she was dressed she headed out and wandered around the base, she was looking for the kitchen or just somewhere she could get something to eat. It did take her a while of just walking around, but at the same time it gave her a chance to see what was inside the base. She eventually found the cafeteria and got herself some breakfast, she sat at a table in the empty room and thought about Steve and the time they had just spent together. Otherwise she would start thinking about yesterday and she didn’t want anything to ruin her day.
    May 22nd, 2016 at 11:48am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    Ari was in the middle of formulating thoughts of what to even say, when she felt him take her hand. She looked up quickly, searching his face and seeing the anger fade from his eyes. She relaxed. He wasn’t angry with her, at least that’s what he made it sound like. She gently turned her hand over in his and laced their fingers together, looking down at their hands.
    “It’s not worth your memories.” She replied, still stubborn as ever. She didn’t want him to go out and hurt people even though she’d be happy he did. Ari didn’t want that because she knew he’d be hurt in return. She couldn’t let that happen. “They won’t care what you do, if you kill an agent, two, ten… they’ll just wipe you and then you don’t remember me and you don’t remember us and you don’t remember the taste of plums, and nobody wins.”
    Maybe it was selfish, maybe she was selfish. She felt his hand squeeze hers. Ari rocked forward a little, hesitated, then moved closer and slowly put her arms around him in a light hug, burying her face into the base of his neck. “If you care at all,” she mumbled, “Please don’t. I don’t care about revenge. I just want you to have your memories. Don’t throw those out if you can help it.”
    Remember his past, remember his friend, remember her. Doesn’t matter.
    Steve made himself look more presentable back in his room, put on some casual clothes and the moment he stepped out of his room again, Maria Hill was on him and dragging him to Fury’s office. There was an urgent secret meeting, all about a plan for tomorrow. They were ready to go. They just needed to get into position. The five hours flew past and Steve was out, in a haze, his thoughts preoccupied with the upcoming mission. He heard Fury’s words still clear in his mind.
    The Winter Soldier will probably be there. He will hinder us. They just need to replace 3 chips, seize control of the carriers. But Bucky will be there… Steve gripped the railing and looked down at the shiny metal. What the hell. HYDRA would be in there best form, so he had to focus too. He had to pretend Bucky won’t be there. Maybe he won’t see him. Maybe… He had to push his hopes and feelings down and focus.
    He needed some air, some space. He walked out and stood on the bridge. But it didn’t last long. Sam came. And then they had to get gear. By the time he got back, it was starting to get closer to dusk. He had a hurried lunch and dinner, and returned to bridge to stand. He didn’t have Grace’s number. He realised that. His phone had been taken away just in case it was bugged by HYDRA, he had no way to contact her unless he wanted a shoe to the head by any female agent at base.
    Steve wished she were here though. They could watch the sun go down, go to the lakes for the stars. He just wanted someone to be here with him, preferably of all – her. Grace.

    Natasha found Grace within minutes, and as she brushed past, murmured, “A certain someone is on the bridge. Needs comfort.”
    May 22nd, 2016 at 12:36pm