Don't Play With My Heart

  • Kara took a step back when Brian slammed the alarm clock to the ground, her eyes widening when he started to yell. When he grabbed for her wrist, she fought to get away. "Brian, that hurts!" Kara shouted, trying to pry his fingers away. When she finally managed to get him off, she backed several feet away from him, rubbing at her wrist. "Okay, first of all, I didn't complain about the dog. I would've preferred that you fucking ask me before you bring something else for me to take care of into this house, but I like her. Okay? And I appreciate that you're trying to help with her. But I didn't fucking run up here and barricade myself in the bathroom, I wanted a Goddamn shower! I was going to come back downstairs when I was done, but apparently you have no fucking patient. And no, I don't like being naked in front of you, Brian. I don't like being naked in front of anyone. You learned that almost as soon as we started dating so it's your fucking fault if you don't like it. And seriously, you're accusing me of cheating? You're so Goddamn stupid, Brian. I fucking love you, despite the way you treat me half the time."
    Since they both planned on having a little to drink, Gavin and Carter decided to take a cab to the club. During the drive, Gavin pulled out his phone and texted Kenya. Hey, me and Carter just left the house. We should be there in about twenty minutes, so be looking for us. Gavin paid the cabbie when they arrived at the club, keeping his wallet out because he knew there would be a cover charge. Once they were inside, Gavin started scanning the crowd for Kenya, finally spotting her and her friend over in the corner. "Hey, there you guys are," he said, smiling as he and Carter approached the girls. "This is Carter," he said, mostly for the benefit of Kenya's friend. For the life of him, Gavin could not remember her name, even though Kenya had just told it to him a couple of hours ago. "So what are you guys drinking?" Gavin asked. He could already see Carter eyeing up Kenya's friend and he briefly wondered if he'd be able to convince her to sleep with him.
    As he and Gavin approached Kenya and her friend, Carter smirked. He wondered if it was awkward for Kenya to be around him. But that thought quickly left his mind as he got a good look at her friend. He dragged his eyes over her body, making no effort to hide the fact that he was doing so. Yeah, she was definitely hot. And he definitely wanted to fuck her. He wondered if she'd be as good as Kenya. "So sweetheart, what's your name?" he whispered to the girl. "I'm Carter, but then again I'm sure you already knew that, even before Gavin introduced me. Can I get you a refill? You look...thirsty. His plan was to get this girl drunk enough so that she'd be willing to screw him in the bathroom, or at least in the alleyway out back. And it also served to make Kenya a little uncomfortable. He'd never been around girls that he'd already slept with, so this was a new experience. But since Kenya didn't seem to be interested in him anymore, Carter thought it might be fun to mess with her a little."
    May 23rd, 2016 at 10:23am
  • @ ZackyEffingVengeance
    Brain shook his head. "The way I treat you?! How do I treat you? When have we ever argued? I say yes dear. I don't force you even though you push me away days... weeks at a time. I try and spoil you with gifts and I spend all my free time with you doing what ever you want. I'm a fucking rockstar that does the gosh damn dishes! So tell me how is it that I treat you before right now that has made me the bad guy in this?!" he yelled and ran a hand through his hair. "Because I would really like to know Kara so I can fix it because all I want is to make you happy. That's it because then maybe, just maybe you will show me you love me. Maybe then you will insinuate wanting to make love, or come up with a damn date idea where Zacky is not around. If you love me like you say you do then fucking do something one in a while to show me! I don't care about the house or the food. There are restraints for that and maids, you're not my chief or my maid your my fucking girlfriend. You're the girlfriend of a really huge fucking rock star so come on!" he said and stepped back tossing some books of the night stand against the wall. He just didn't know what to do with himself.
    Zacky sighed and realized this fight wasn't going to be over short and sweet it was going to be a while. He found a less and then wrote a note leaving it on the counter just in case and he walked outside and slowly moseyed down the street. He was worried about Kara but she was fighting back. That was a good thing. Zacky knew Brain pushed hared when he got nothing to work with but as long ass she was fighting back he would stay more level. He wondered now what the motive for buying Lady was. He sighed and walked to the end of the street then back. He wanted to be able to see the house from were he was just in case someone came out and he needed to talk one of them down.
    Kenya smiled when she got the text and showed Ryelynn. She smiled and they waited. Ryelynn ordered another couple shots but Kenya only took one for Ryelynn's sake because then she downed the ones Kenya didn't take. She shook her head. When Gavin walked in she waved whens he saw him smiling as he walked up. She looked at Carter for a moment and then back at Gaven and she hugged him again perfectly fine with hugging a friend. And she might have Carter to but the way he was undressing Ryelynn with his eyes made her a bit uncomfortable. She reached over and smacked his arm. "Carter stop trying to fuck my friend for two seconds and say hi to me, you jack ass." she said chuckled playing it off. "You're suppose to say hi to your friends." she said and Ryelynn looked at her with those glossy eyes and Kenya knew she was already to far down the rabbit hole. Kenya rolled her eyes and looked back at Gavin. "Want to dance?" she asked and slipped her hand into his pulling him away from the couple just in time as Ryelynn started to run her hands all over Carter. "Wow... Sorry about Ryelynn she's umm a little eccentric but she is fun after she has he umm meat hunk for the night." she said and nodded back at them then turned to him on the dance floor. "I hope you don't mind I didn't want to watch them snob. Watching french kissing makes me kinda queasy. But french kissing someone else... well that's a different story." she said and blushed lightly before she moved in closer and let the music start to move through her so her body moved to the beat. She was surprised with how nervous she was around Gavin even tipsy. Kenya stepped in again getting bolder as the music got louder and she looked up into his eyes hoping that she was seeing there what she thought she was. Something of like, or desire there. She turned around pressing back into him as the music moved her. She was letting it go, all the worry and doubt. Kenya was just being herself like she would with nearly every other guy.
    Ryelynn smiled as Carter leaned into her. He was dripping sex and she nodded as he asked if she wanted a refill. "My name is Ryelynn, call me Rye." she purred and pulled him closer her hands smoothing out his shirt as she looked up at him her eyes hungry as she licked her bottom lip. She didn't even seem to notice Kenya leave. She was all to happy to have Carter to herself. "But Carter what ever you do don't mistake me for sweet." she said and winked at him. Ryelynn talked a big talk and she played the sex kitten, she played it very well while her cloths were still on.
    May 23rd, 2016 at 11:02am
  • "Yes Brian, the way you fucking treat me," Kara hissed. "Because half the time, I feel like you only keep me around because you want to sleep with me. And about that. I'm tired of you fucking throwing in my face the fact that I keep pushing you away. Brian, you knew from the fucking start that my sex drive isn't anywhere near as big as yours. And I'm sorry, but I'm not going to change that just to suit you. I shouldn't have to let you fuck me to prove that I love you. And if you loved me, you wouldn't make me feel like shit when I don't want to have sex with you. Because yeah Brian, most of the time I feel like shit for pushing you away. I feel like an idiot because I've got a 'fucking rockstar' who finds me attractive and wants to sleep with me and I'm telling him no. But sometimes Brian I just don't want to, because I'm in a bad mood or I just feel gross and if I had sex with you anyway, it wouldn't be any good. I wouldn't enjoy it. And I want to enjoy when we have sex, okay? So why can't you just stop throwing that in my fucking face?"
    "Hey, it's alright, Carter's the same way," Gavin said, chuckling as Kenya led him onto the dance floor. "But then again, I'm sure you already knew that." Gavin wasn't much of a dancer, especially not this kind of dancing, but Kenya seemed to need a distraction. And Gavin wasn't too keen on watching Carter make out with Ryelynn, either. When Kenya turned around, moving back against him, Gavin placed his hands on her hips, gripping them lightly as he tried to move with her. You would think that as a drummer he would have enough rhythm to dance, but no. But Kenya seemed to have enough rhythm for the both of them, something Gavin definitely noticed. And having her rubbing against him was honestly getting him a little worked up. But there was nothing he could do about it, not right now, anyway. He wasn't going to do to Kenya what Carter did. So he started to think of anything and everything that would get rid of his little problem.
    "Well Rye" Carter started. "Why don't we head over to the bar and get you that refill?" He laid his hand on her back, guiding her over to the bar. He didn't want to give her too much more alcohol or he wouldn't be able to fuck her on good conscious, because she was already pretty damn drunk. But maybe after one or two drinks, she'd be just loose enough. At the bar, Carter called for the bartender, telling him to put Ryelynn's drink on his tab. As they stood there while Ryelynn drank, Carter trailed his hand down her back, resting it just above her ass. "So tell me a little bit about yourself," he said, trying to talk over the music. The least he could do was get to know her a little before he fucked her.
    May 24th, 2016 at 03:56am
  • @ ZackyEffingVengeance
    Brain ran a hand through his hair. "Fine! I'll stop throwing it in your face when you realize how fucking beautiful you are and get over your fears a little bit! Fuck I'm not asking for a change over night just... just something that shows me I am a fucking decent boyfriend because it I'm not then you should just..." he shook his head and opened the door looking at her. "I just want you to figure out what you want because it's the little things that are driving us apart and it hasn't been an issue till lately. So figure it out Kara. I'm going over to Jimmy's!" he said and slammed the door behind him. He grabbed his keys and walked out of the room.
    Zacky saw Brain speed down the road and he shook his head frowning. He shouldn't be driving. Zacky walked into the house listening to the quest wondering if Kara was okay. He picked up the tired puppy then headed up the stairs. He gently knocked not Kara's door and waited until she came to the door. "Hey umm puppy's sleep. The create is in here right?" he asked and rubbed the back of his neck. "Should I put it in my room for the night?" he asked wanting to help out the only way he knew how to by talking some of the responsibility.
    Kenya chuckled as Gavin talked about Carter being the same. Now that she thought of it Ryelynn and Carter had a lot in common. It was eerie in a way. Kenya bit her lip feel Gavin's hands on her. Yes his hands were just how she had thought they would be and she wanted him all over her. She didn't care if his rhythm was a little off. She put her hands on his and a moment and turned pressing in closer feeling his hands move mover her body as she did. Kenya smiled softly and then put a hand on his chest feeling his heart beat before she slipped her arms around his neck. Kenya smiled and then bit her lip trying to avoid the temptation to run her hand up into his hair and pull him towards her to crash her lips against his mouth. She really needed to sober up. It wasn't right to think of a friend like this. She tried to relax her hips from moving to jerkily against him knowing the more her hips mirrors thrusting the harder it would for both of them but the music wasn't helping. Kenya smiled at him then pulled back a little and let the space help fill her mind with the needed reason that was in the air. She spun once before the song ended and then moved into another one. "Are you wanting a drink?" she asked over the music leaning into him so he could hear. She could use some more water but she was probably done drinking for the night.

    Ryelynn chuckled as Carter asked about her. "Umm I don't know what to tell you Carter. I knew you well before I met you tonight and I have dreamed of the money ways that a night like this could go for use." she said and gave him a wink thanking the bartender as he gave her a drink. Ryelynn thought some more about herself but she didn't want to talk about her family, or their issues. She didn't want to talk about the ex she just broke up with more did she want to talk about her job. She worked to much but she made up for it by playing to hard. "I do swim model shoots on my spare time." she said and chuckled. "I've been trying to get Kenya to do one with me but she's camera shy." she said and laughed. "Who knew a beautiful girl like that would shy away from a camera. But not me. I like the spot light." she said and finished her drink. "But then again so do you." she said and chuckled. "So do you and Gavin ever do the same girl at once?" she asked a dark twinkle in her eyes.
    May 24th, 2016 at 05:15am
  • "That's still asking me to change," Kara hissed. "And you're never going to be a decent boyfriend until you stop doing that." Once Brian had left, Kara sat down on their bed, cradling her head in her hands. She really should've stopped him from leaving but right she was entirely too pissed at him. She heard Zacky knock on the door and got up to answer it, hastily wiping at her eyes. "Yeah, the crate's in here," Kara said. She took the puppy from Zacky. "And I'll just keep her in here, you don't have to worry about it." Kara carried the puppy over and sat her down on the bed before turning back to Zacky. "I think I'm gonna go to bed now, I'm tired," she said, offering him a half-smile. She waited until Zacky left the bedroom before she shut the door and locked it. Even if Brian did come back tonight, he wasn't getting into this bedroom. Kara switched off the light and climbed into bed, deciding that Lady could just sleep in the bed with her tonight.
    Gavin nodded. "Yeah, I could use a little something to drink," Gavin answered. He took Kenya's hand so as not to lose her in the crowd and pulled her towards the bar. "Order whatever you want, it's on me," Gavin said, taking a seat on a stool. He caught the bartender's attention and ordered a beer for himself, also telling the man to get Kenya whatever she wanted. As he sipped on his beer, Gavin glanced down at the end of the bar, where Carter and Ryelynn were still standing. "So what do you think the chances are that Carter's going to fuck your friend?" Gavin asked nonchalanly. He knew Carter would want to take her back to the house, which meant that Gavin would have to kill am extra hour or two.
    Carter smirked. "You're asking if Gavin and I have ever bad a threesome with a girl," he clarified. "Unfortunately, the answer to that is no. We have a fucked the same girl in one night, just not at the same time. I have had a few threesomes with other guys, though. Mostly with two girls. Hey, maybe you could talk Kenya into having a threesome with us. Or call up one of your other friends. Or we could just go back to my house and you could let me fuck you over and over until you can't take it anymore. It's really your choice." Carter winked at her. He liked to hear Ryelynn talk about a threesome, because he certainly wouldn't mind having one, especially not with her. And he was glad to hear her say that she liked the spotlight, because maybe that meant she'd let him record things while they had sex.
    May 24th, 2016 at 06:15am
  • @ ZackyEffingVengeance
    Zacky frowned as he saw Kara and he just wanted to comfort her. He nodded and bit his lip. "Alright. Good night Kara." he said and touched her shoulder gently then walked out of the room and turned to look at her. "Night Lady." he said softly and watched Kara close the door and locked it. He stood there for a while and then he sighed and walked over to his room and laid back on the bed. It wasn't right that Brain did that to Kara. Things had been going well. Sure he didn't like them as a couple but he didn't like to see Kara hurt even more so. Zacky ran a hand through his hair and shook his head.
    Brain got to Jimmy's place and walked in tossing himself into a chair. Jimmy looked at him and handed him a controller. Brain took it wordlessly and started to play with Jimmy silently. He was so pissed. The last thing she had said to him had cut deeply. She had no idea what a bod boyfriend even was. He had been a bad boyfriend to others before but never to Kara. He had tried to change for Kara and she didn't even know it. Now he was done with the shit and if she wanted to leave fine. He would play the games.
    Kenya smiled as Gavin took her hands and she followed him to the bar. She leaned against the bar beside him and asked for a water looking at him. Kenya chuckled at what Gavin asked and looked were he was and she made a face. "Yeah Ryelynn is on the rebound and who better for her than Carter?" she shook her head and looked at Gavin. "I would suggest to Carter to take her to a hotel or something because she likes to over stay her welcome with guys. She's a great friend though but I wouldn't want to be her boyfriend." she said and blushed. "I'm sorry. Oh gosh I am an awful friend." she said and shook her head. "I think I should stick to water. Ryelynn was trying to get me drunk earlier and I think she did." she said and laughed at her ridiculous self. Kenya blushed and bit her lip then sat on the stool beside Gavin as it emptied. "You two are roommates... I had no idea. I guess that means you need a place to crash or say at for a while." she said and bit her lip knowing how Carter was. He liked it loud. "If you wanted to you could crash at my place tonight. We can share a cab. It's like a 20 minute drive so." she shrugged. Kenya wasn't thinking of anything going on just a friendly gesture but if something did happen she wouldn't complain as long as she and Gavin could still be friends the next day. That was the only thing she was not going to give into like she had to Carter. With Carter she knew what he wanted and that was fine to have that one night stand. But with Gavin she already cared for him. Kenya sipped at her water holding it in her hands the coolness of the glass helping her sober up too.
    Ryelynn smirked as Carter gave her options. She faked a pout as he told her Gavin wouldn't join them. It was a shame really but as she looked over at Kenya she guessed it was a good thing. She chuckled as Carter brought up Kenya and she took his face turning for him to look at Kenya. "You think she would be into that? Look at how she looks at him. It's like she can't decide if she rather just be his friend and be in his life or fuck him until there is nothing left." she said and laughed. "Besides I don't compete with Kenya I have heard stories about her sex life." she shook her head. "Besides I want you all to myself tonight. I'm feeling frisky." she said and nibbled at his jaw line then leaned into him as she looked back at him. "Come on let's have a dance then we can decide when you want me." she said and pulled Carter out onto the floor basically having sex on the dance floor with their cloths on. Ryelynn was really into foreplay.
    May 24th, 2016 at 08:04am
  • Not surprisingly, Kara couldn't fall asleep. Her mind was still on her fight with Brian and besides that, Lady seemed to be full of energy, probably since she'd slept so much when Brian and Zacky brought her home. After about thirty minutes of laying awake, having Lady jump all over her, Kara couldn't take it anymore. "Come on, let's go let you run around out back for a little while," she said out loud to the dog. She grabbed the leash and her pack of cigarettes, slipping on a hoodie before taking the dog out to the backyard. As she watched Lady run around, sniffing around the oak tree to use the bathroom, Kara couldn't help but wonder if Brian had bought her the puppy just so he could have something else to yell at her about. Because to her, it almost seemed like he'd planned their fight. She sat on the swing on the back porch, swinging herself with her foot as she took a drag off of her cigarette.
    Gavin chuckled softly as he listened to Kenya berate herself for being a bad friend. "Trust me, if you could hear half the shit I say about Carter, you'd feel like a saint," he said. He took a sip for hs beer, shaking his head when Kenya offered to let him stay at her house for the night. "It's nice of you to offer, but I don't think that's such a good idea. We're both pretty drunk and I don't want anything that we'd regret to happen. Besides, Carter will find a way to get rid of Ryelynn when he's done with her. Trust me. I just need to kill an hour or two once he lets me know that he's taking her to the house." Gavin felt his phone vibrate, and when he took it out of his pocket, he saw he had a message from Carter. "Speak of the devil," he mumbled. "Carter just texted me to tell me that him and Ryelynn are leaving to go to the house."
    "Yeah, I know a little about Kenya's sex life, after all, I'm a part of it," Carter said, smirking. He wondered if Kenya had to Ryelynn about their one night stand. He let Ryelynn pull him out onto the dance floor and he pulled her against him, gripping her hips and grinding his crotch against her ass. He wanted to touch her all over, but that wasn't appropriate even for a place like this. "How about we get out of here now?" Carter suggested, pressing his lips against her ear. He slid his hand down to her thigh, tugging at the bottom of her dress. "I'm ready to get this dress off of you." He spun her around, pressing his lips against her as he kissed her roughly. He could taste the alcohol in her mouth and he knew she'd be easy to ply into doing what he wanted. "Come on, we can take a cab to my house."
    May 25th, 2016 at 05:26am
  • @ ZackyEffingVengeance
    Brian spent most the night just not thinking about it but one the house was quiet he laid there on Jimmy's couch thinking about Kara. She thought he was a bad boyfriend? Then why didn't she leave? He loved her and he wanted more from her. Sure it was selfish in some ways but she always like it when they did have more. He didn't understand why she couldn't see it.
    Zacky heard the puppy barking outside and he got up to look out the window smiling seeing Kara. She looked so sad. He walked down the stairs and bit his lip. Wishing he had something to really comfort her with. HE grabbed her jacket from the closet and moved outside. He came up behind her and gently slipped her jacket over her shoulders. "Hey dove. How you doing?" he asked then stood beside her and looked over at her. Zacky watched her for a while then looked at Lady as she played.
    Kenya blushed and bit her lip. "Oh... yeah." she said not knowing what to say to that. She reached out and touched his arm. "Thank you." she said glad he was being honest at least. It wasn't what she meant but if he felt that it was such a high probability that they would then she was glad he said no. Kenya blushed thinking of what that meant. He did like her at least sexually. Gavin truly was a good guy and she felt like he was looking out for her. She smiled and finished her water. "Do you want to dance some more?" she asked. She knew she wouldn't stay to long now but she didn't want to rush off and she liked hanging out with Gavin. Kenya looked over as Carter and Ryelynn left the building. "He won't hurt her though right?" Kenya asked suddenly and looked to Gavin. She knew Carter might be rude but she didn't want her fried to physically get hurt by Carter. A little sore fine, she knew how Carter liked it rough. Kenya looked at her phone as Ryelynn sent a picture of her and Carter. It was their thing. Anytime they left with someone else they took a picture and sent it to each other that way if anything happened the police had something to work with. And even for Carter or Gavin that rule applied.
    Ryelynn happily agreed when Cater asked her to leave with him They got outside and she chuckled. "Oh hey take a picture with me." she said remembering she had to text Kenya. "I have to send it to Kenya." she said and smiled as she took a picture with Carter and sent it to Kenya. She hoped that Kenya didn't mind to much. She seemed not to be that interested in Carter anyways so she assumed it was fine. Ryelynn rode with Carter to his house hardly able to keep her hands and lips off of him. She ran her hand down his thigh her hand messaging him through his pants as her lips sucked his skin on his lower neck.
    May 25th, 2016 at 06:52pm
  • Kara jumped slightly when she felt something touch her shoulders. She smiled softly when she heard Zacky, drawing his jacket tighter around herself as she mashed out her cigarettes. "I'm fine, I guess," she mumbled. "Just couldn't sleep. The dog was going crazy, so I brought her outside to run off a little of her energy." Kara sat back against the swing, bringing both of her legs up and wrapping her arms around them, drawing her knees against her chest. She wondered if it would be inappropriate or rude to talk to Zacky about her fight with Brian. On the one hand he was her friend and she knew he wouldn't tell Brian anything that she said, but on the other hand, he didn't seem to like it when she talked about Brian in any capacity. But she just didn't know what to do when it came to Brian. Despite what he thought, she loved him. But he kept insinuating that he wanted her to change to fit his needs - especially his sexual ones - and that just made Kara feel like Brian didn't really love her like he said he did. Kara looked over at Zacky. "Sit with me?" she asked.
    Gavin shook his head. "He won't hurt her, at least not in any way that she doesn't want to be hurt," he said. Although it didn't happen very often, Gavin - and Carter even more so - came across a girl who wanted to be him to be especially rough with her. Once he'd even had a groupie ask him to burn her while they were having sex, but Gavin just wasn't into things like that. He could get a little rough at times, but he didn't like causing pain, even when it was requested. "I mean, I'm sure you know from experience that he might get a little rough with her. But like I said, he won't hurt her." Gavin took another sip of his beer, letting out a yawn as he sat the bottle back down on the bar. He was starting to wish that he'd told Carter to take Ryelynn to a hotel or something, because he was starting to get tired. "Nah, I think I'm done dancing," Gavin said to Kenya, chuckling softly. "As I'm sure you noticed earlier, I'm not very good at it. Not that kind of dancing, anyway. Now ask me to show off my sprinkler or my shopping cart and I'm down. I got that shit on lock."
    Carter closed his eyes, groaning softly as Ryelynn started to rub him. He was glad his house wasn't far away because he couldn't take much of this. Taking advantage of the near pitch blackness in the backseat of the cab, Carter laid his hand on Ryelynn's thigh, sliding it up to her crotch. He smirked. "No underwear?" he whispered against her ear. "Dirty little girl. But I like it. Makes it easier for me to touch you." He slid his hand up a bit more, running his fingers along her slit before pressing two fingers into her. "Shh," Carter whispered, nibbling on her earlobe. "No noise, baby. Save that for later, when we're alone." He started to pump his fingers, at the same time using his thumb to rub her clit. He stopped only when they reached his house, and he paid the cabbie before quickly taking Ryelynn by the wrist and dragging her upstairs to his bedroom. He dropped her wrist and immediately went to his dresser, pulling his camera out of the top drawer. He smirked, looking up at Ryelynn. "Since you said you love the spotlight so much, maybe you won't mind if I record our little fun time? Nobody will see it except me and you, if you want. I promise."
    May 25th, 2016 at 07:58pm
  • @ ZackyEffingVengeance
    Zacky smiled softly. "Of course I will sit with you Kara." he said and took a seat beside her. He sat there his arms on his knees. He smiled over at her and then bit her lip. "I'm sorry about Brian. He has always been like this. I was surprised the honeymoon phase lasted as long as it did." he said and sighed. "I'm sorry it's none of my business." he said and rubbed the back of his neck. Zacky wished he could just tell Kara how he really felt about Brian but he wanted her around for a long time. He knew it was selfish and he should have tried harder to scared her off but he just couldn't. He wanted her close even if it meant her only being his friend. Zacky ran a hand through his hair and then rubbed his thigh. He felt like he didn't have beautiful words to say that Kara needed, that she deserved.
    Zacky eventually found himself falling asleep and he was grateful for the numbness of sleep. He didn't want the pain that came with Kara's words and memories. He sighed and fell into a dream that had nothing to do with anything but sex and lots of it, not just with Kara either.
    Kenya chuckled and nodded. "I would like to see that honestly." she said and smiled. Gavin was completely adorable. She leaned against the bar and looked around. This man came up to her. He leaned in close his obviously drunk state not helping him realize he was in her space. "Hey baby. You're on fire. Let me take you to the floor and put you out." he said and Kenya raised her eyebrow. "No thank you." she said and crossed her arms. The drunk guy wasn't giving up though. He leaned in closer. "What you think you're to good for me?" he asked and Kenya rolled her eyes. "Back off." she said and leaned away from the guy.
    Ryelynn giggled as Carter found her secret. He ordered her not to make a sound and it was so hot. She squirmed against his finger bitting her lip and closing her eyes. She followed him inside the house and up to his room. She sat on the bed and smiled as he pulled out a camera. "Alright." she said and smiled. "Just hurry up I'm so wet." she said and took off her heels. "Help me out of this dress." she said.
    May 26th, 2016 at 07:10am
  • "If we're being honest, I don't think there ever was a honeymoon phase," Kara said flatly. She sighed, leaning her head over on Zacky's shoulder. "Brian's always been like this, I've just been looking the other way because...because I love him, Zack. And he just makes me feel so shitty every time I push him away or go into the closet to change clothes. But I can't help the shit that happened in my past and...and I want to be a good girlfriend but I'm just not. I'm not, Zack, I'm so awful." Kara turned her head and pressed her face into his shoulder as she startes to cry. She hated to unload all of her frustrations onto Zacky, but he was here and he was her friend and she needed to tell someone. "I...I just want to make h-him happy, but it just seems like n-no matter what I do, he's...not. I mean, I-I fucking cook and...and clean for you guys and it just feels like h-he doesn't appreciate it at all. All he cares about that he doesn't get laid whenever h-he wants."
    "I'll have to show it to you sometime, then," Gavin said, smiling. He took a sip from his beer, watching out of the corner of his eye as an obviously drunk man approached her. Kenya seemed like the type of girl who could hold her own, but when he saw the man put his hands on her, Gavin had to step in. "Hey, she fucking said that she's not interested, so back the fuck off." Gavin stepped in front of Kenya, shoving the man away. Luckily Gavin was quite a bit taller and he used this to his advantage, bowing up to the man and giving his chest a hard shove. Thankfully this seemed to give the guy enough of a hint and he left. "God, I hate guys like that," Gavin grumbled, taking his seat back at the bar. "I mean, I've done my fair share of drunkenly hitting on women, but I know when to back the fuck off."
    "Oh baby, you don't have to tell me twice," Carter said, smirking. He quickly sat up his camera and then went over to Ryelynn, sliding his hands over her curves as he reached for her the zipper on her dress. He slid it down quickly, practically shoving her dress to the floor in his haste to get it off of her. "Mmm, you look even better with your clothes off," Carter whispered. He moved behind Ryelynn, turning her so that she faced the camera as he moved his hands over her body, one hand groping at her breasts, the other moving between her legs once again. "Fuck, you weren't lying when you said you were wet," Carter said, rubbing her. After a few minutes, he moved her away, turning her back around so that she faced him again. His hands trailed down to his pants; Carter dropped them to the floor, doing the same to his boxers. He leaned in close to Ryelynn, smirking. "Let's see what that pretty little mouth of yours can do, yeah?"
    May 26th, 2016 at 08:01am
  • @ ZackyEffingVengeance
    Zacky frowned and he put an arm around her shoulder just letting her sit there and cry. He wondered what happened in her past that made her so uncomfortable she had to change in the closet. Zacky laid his head on hers and rubbed her arm. "It's hard to love someone who doesn't see it." he said and kissed her forehead. "I can tell you this though you are going to be okay. I will make sure of it. What ever it is you want I will find a way to make that happen for you." he said and then looked up at the stars. What was he promising? He was going to get himself in so much trouble with that statement and yet he didn't care because it was for Kara. Zacky sighed. "It's alright let it out." he said and pulled her closer so she could cry more. He hated this. He hated that Brain made her cry. He just wanted to make her happy and protect her but he knew he couldn't do that from Brain. Zacky was powerless in the situation.
    Kenya smiled as Gavin stood up for her. She relaxed and smiled at him. "Thanks Gavin." she said. She hated getting into fights with drunks that couldn't take a hint. Kenya smiled and leaned in more. "Oh really? You hitting on girls. Hmm I wonder what that's like. I would think they would all be hitting on you all the time." she said and smiled at him. She was curious though about how Gavin would hit on a woman anyways. He wouldn't like Carter. Perhaps it was really cute or completely ridiculous. She smiled thinking about it. Gavin was someone she wanted to get to truly know. He seemed so deep and maybe that was an illusion, maybe he was so simple he seemed deep but she wanted to find out.
    Ryelynn moaned and leaned back into him as he teased her. When he turned her around she watched him spring free. She frowned when he basically ordered a blowjob. She didn't do those. Ryelynn smirked and pulled him close and kissed him her tongue slipping into his mouth. Her hand ran down his happy trail and then gently started to stroke him. Her other hand was in his hair pulling hard. She walked back slowly so that he had to move. She got him to the bed and released him pushing him onto the bed and straddling him. She smirked and rubbed his chest before kissing down his neck. She got to a tender spot and bit testingly. She was going to find out just how much of a man Carter really was tonight.
    May 26th, 2016 at 09:27am
  • "I just feel so stupid, Zacky," Kara whimpered. She curled her legs underneath herself, leaning more heavily against Zacky. His embrace was so comforting and Kara definitely needed a little comfort. "I feel stupid because I-I love him and...and y-you're right, he doesn't s-see it. And I-I feel like...there's nothing I-I can do make him see i-it." She pressed her face against Zacky's shoulder, using his shirt to try and wipe away some of her tears. But she couldn't stop crying long enough to dry them. She just felt...heartbroken. And stupid, really stupid. And she was starting to think that Brian might be right. She needed to show him that she loved him, even if it made her uncomfortable. "I'm sorry," Kara sniffled after a few minutes. "I'm sure you'd rather be sleeping instead of sitting out here listening to me cry at two in the morning."
    "Well that happens a lot, too," Gavin said, grinning. He finished off his beer and motioned for the bartender to bring him another before scooting his stool a little closer to Kenya. "I mean, I'm a very attractive man, why the hell wouldn't women hit on me? And a famous rockstar, so sometimes they practically throw themselves at me." He smirked playfully at Kenya as he reached for his phone. "But I'll show you how I drunkenly hit on women. And this kind of flirting only happens when I'm drunk, because trust me, I'd never use these corny ass lines when I was sober." He unlocked his phone and opened up the camera, switching it over to the front-facing camera. He put on his best drunk face and leaned against Kenya. "Hey baby, I've gotta show you the prettiest girl in the whole room," he said, showing her the camera.
    Carter bit back a groan as Ryelynn started to stroke him. He was a bit disappointed that she'd pretty much ignored his request for a blowjob, but he was fine with just fucking her. And he just wouldn't go down on her. That was just how he worked. He let Ryelynn push him back onto the bed, but after a few minutes of her teasing him, he rolled the two of them over, putting himself on top. "Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" he whispered. He reached down to grip himself, running his tip along her slit. "I don't have any protection, but I'll pull out." In all honesty Carter was sure he had a condom in his wallet, but he didn't feel like getting up to get it. And besides, he liked it better without one. He groaned out as he pushed into Ryelynn, quickly establishing a rhythm that was hard and fast. "Play it up for the camera, baby girl," he whispered to Ryelynn. "Don't be shy."
    May 27th, 2016 at 07:57am
  • @ ZackyEffingVengeance
    Zacky frowned. "Hey now. Shh. I couldn't sleep anyways. Besides Kara there is no were I would rather be than here with you making sure you're okay." he said and stroked her hair. He rubbed her back then cupped her cheek and gently caressed it to take away the tears. Even though it was useless without he tears that followed he didn't care. Zacky bit his bottom lip looking at hers. How was it that she could look so stunning through her tears and her little blotchy cheeks. He only wanted to kiss it all away. Lady came up and whimpered her paws moving onto Kara as if trying to be sure she was okay. Zacky wanted to make sure that Kara knew she was supported and had options but he couldn't find the words. He just sat there looking at her beautiful face and caressing her tears away.
    Kenya laughed and blushed. She loved his corny pick up lines. She put her hand on his arm. "Well then I think you know what you're doing because as far as bad pick up lines that was so cute!" she said and chuckled. Kenya really was enjoying even sitting with Gavin and just being friendly. Kenya smirked and sighed looking at her phone. She didn't want to go home but she was getting tired and honestly she just wanted to sleep. Kenya bit her lip then looked back at Gavin. "Well rockstar we need to hang out more. You live closish so you have no excuse to call me to hang out." she said and smiled. "And you can bring Carter if he behaves." she said and chuckled shaking her head. "But if not leave him home and it could be just us." she said and stood leaning in kissing his cheek. "It was good to see you again. "But I need to go home before I end up passing out in the back of the cab." she chuckled and smiled at him. "As always Gavin it's good to see you again." she said and bit her lip. She hoped he didn't think he was second to anyone let alone Carter. She really liked Gavin as a person and the chemistry between them just made it that much easier.
    Ryelynn moaned as he pushed into her. She bit her lip arching. She moved her hands all over him. Ryelynn smiled as he told her to play it up. She bucked her hips effectually throwing him off so she could moved flip him over. Ryelynn was Kenya's opposite in many ways. She was no submissive for one and she wasn't nearly as explorative as Kenya. She liked it hard but she liked to be the one that was hard. She kissed Carter and ran her nails down his chest. And her moans where so quiet. The quieter she got the better she felt and the closer to her orgasm she got. It wasn't long until her walls benched around him and her head fell back her mouth open in a silent O. She made a squeak and then collapse onto him. "Oh fuck." she kissed his neck were she had made many obvious bruises. "That was great Carter." she said and giggled.
    May 27th, 2016 at 11:40am
  • "Well whenever you want to go to bed, you can," Kara mumbled. She reached down and pulled the dog into her lap, smiling softly when the dog curled up. "I don't want to keep you up." Kara wiped at her eyes as her crying slowed, trying to dry them with Zacky's jacket. She pulled out a cigarette and her lighter, lighting the cigarette and taking a long drag. "You're a good friend, Zack," Kara whispered, leaning against Zacky again. "I wish Brian was more like you." If she was being honest, Kara had had a thing for Zacky when she'd first met him. But he hadn't seemed interested and then he'd introduced her to Brian, who was quick to make his feelings for Kara known. And now Kara just considered Zacky a good friend. Her best friend, actually. Hell, he was sitting out on the back porch with her at two in the morning, listening to her cry about Brian. Kara slowly smoked her cigarette, feeling herself growing tired. She just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep for days. That's probably what she would do the next day while the guys were at their meeting. "I think I'm gonna go to bed now," Kara said, getting to her feet. "Maybe I can get some sleep. It's hard when I'm alone, though."
    "Well I'll probably just leave him at home then, he never behaves," Gavin laughed. He thanked the bartender when the man placed a beer in front of him and popped the top off, taking a sip. "Alright, well I'm probably gonna stay here at the bar for awhile, at least until Carter texts and says Ryelynn is gone." He smiled when she kissed his cheek. "It was nice seeing you too, Kenya," he said. "I'll text you the next time we decide to do something. We barbecue a lot, so that's probably what it'll be." He gave Kenya a short hug before watching her leave the bar. He was glad he'd come out tonight, even if he was going home alone. He'd had a nice time talking to Kenya, and he was really starting to consider her a friend. It was honestly nice to have a friend besides Carter and Tayo. And he felt a bit of chemistry between the two of them, and in the back of his mind he wondered what might become of it. Gavin waited around at the bar until he got Carter's text, which he got a lot sooner than he'd been expecting. He paid the bartender and then left, wholly intent on just going to bed and going to sleep.
    Carter was surprised when Ryelynn flipped him over, putting herself on top. And he didn't like it. He only liked to be ridden when he wanted, otherwise it made him feel submissive and he hated that. He liked to be in control when he was having sex. And even when he took on a more submissive role, it was only because he told the girl to be more dominant. So in a way, he was always dominant. "Yeah, it was...okay," Carter mumbled. He moved Ryelynn off of him so that he could finish himself off with his hand. Since his sheets needed to be washed anyway, he wiped his hand on those and then closed his eyes. He was pretty disappointed with Ryelynn, if he was being honest. He'd hoped that she'd be like Kenya, willingly submissive, would essentially let him do what he wanted, would actually make a little noise. Girls who were quiet were one of his biggest turn offs. "Hey, I think you should leave now," Carter said to Ryelynn.
    May 28th, 2016 at 09:09am
  • @ ZackyEffingVengeance
    Zacky smiled softly the more sleepy sounding she got. He shrugged. "Hey don't you worry about it. I am right were I need to be." he said and then sat with her in silence for a little until she told him that she wished Brian was more like him. What was he even suppose to say to that. He wasn't Zacky but he was still there for her. Zacky sighed and kissed her forehead. It was all he knew to do was to let her know he cared for her in what ever way she needed. When she said she couldn't sleep alone he rubbed the back of his neck. "If you wanted to you could sleep in mine... I mean just as friends... but if not maybe Lady would make a good sleeping buddy. She looks tired now." he said and rubbed the dogs head. He looked at Kara nervously. He only suggested it to help her out. It wasn't right what Brain did and he wanted to help her rest up because he was sure tomorrow night Zacky would come back with roses and shit trying to make up or something. Either way Kara needed sleep if only to escape tonight the horror of the night.
    Kenya smiled and chuckled. It was true Carter never behaved. She felt safe in Gavin's arms and wished he would have hugged her longer but she knew they weren't there yet. She got in the cab and sighed closing her eyes a moment as the cabby took her home. Once he got home she crawled into bed after stripping off and laid there looking at her phone seeing Ryelynn had texted her about Carter being a jerk. She laughed and texted her back. What else did you expect from a rock star? Forget about him, he was just a rebound anyways. Kenya texted her and then told her goodnight turning her phone onto vibrate and plugging it in. She closed her eyes and fell asleep. Honestly she was kind of relieved that Ryelynn thought Carter was a jerk it meant he wouldn't be dragging Ryelynn around just to piss her off. Kenya tried not to let Carter get to her but his intent to fuck with her mind really pissed her off. He didn't have to be that kind of asshole. Kenya sighed and thought about Gavin tonight and his stupid pick up line and she chuckled again. It really was dumb and she loved it.
    Ryelynn looked over at him and groaned. "What no round two?" she asked and frowned as Carter pretty much told her to leave. She put on her cloths and stood there in his door. "You didn't have to be so rude about it. Fuck you are really a psychopath you know that and you wouldn't know a good thing if it bit you in the ass! Course you'll get you're. You'll realize one of these days one of the girls you fucked and threw away was the one and there will be nothing you can do to get her back. And I hope you die watching her be happy with someone else!" she said and stormed out.
    May 28th, 2016 at 09:36am
  • "Zack, you don't have to offer to let me sleep in your room because you feel sorry for me," Kara whispered. She scooped Lady up into her arms and scratched the dog's head. "I'll just cuddle with Lady. I'm sure I'll be fine. Night," she added quietly as she slipped back into the house. She carried the dog up to her room and sat her on the bed, going over and shutting the door just slightly. She knew she probably wouldn't be getting much sleep anyway, even if she did have Zacky to sleep next to. Her fight with Brian was still on her mind and she was sure she'd end up crying again tonight. Zacky had done enough, she didn't need to keep him up more with her crying when they had meetings all day the next day. Kara crawled into bed and pulled Brian's pillow close to her, pressing her face into it. She felt the dog curled up against her stomach and for some reason this made her start to cry again. She didn't understand how Brian could buy her things like this and then throw it in her face the way he did. She didn't ask Brian to buy her gifts, but she appreciated that he did.
    Gavin was glad when he got home and Carter seemed to be in his room for the night. He was sure he'd hear about Ryelynn in the morning, but for now he was drunk and tired and he just wanted to sleep. He went to his bedroom and shut the door, hopefully keeping Carter out if he did decide to come and bother him. He shuffled into the bathroom, shedding his shirt as he went. He went through the motions of brushing his teeth and then went back to the bedroom, where he took off his pants. He sighed happily as he climbed into bed. Next time he hung out with Kenya, it would have to be at some other place besides a club. Maybe lunch or something. Because he did want to hang with her again. They're conversation flowed so naturally and even though she was a fan he'd just met a week or so ago, he felt like he'd known her for forever. He was glad that her sleeping with Carter hadn't made things awkward between the two of them. Of course Carter would probably continue to be an asshole about it, but he wouldn't make a move or anything on Kenya if Gavin told him not to.
    "I fail to see how one night of - in your case, very lackluster - sex is going to make me see that a girl is the one," Carter said. He propped himself up on his elbows, watching Ryelynn as she got dressed. "Go ahead and bitch, I don't care. You're just pissed because you know you're shit in bed." Carter knew he was probably being a little harsh, but if Ryelynn could be rude, then so could he. He did feel a little bad though, watching her stomp downstairs. The least he could do was make sure she got into a cab. Maybe pay for the damn thing, too. Sighing, he tossed back the covers and pulled his on boxers, grabbing his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans. "Hey wait," Carter called after Ryelynn. He caught her at the front door and pressed a twenty into her hand. "Take this. For your cab. I might be an asshole, but I'm not that big of an asshole."
    May 29th, 2016 at 07:45am
  • @ ZackyEffingVengeance
    Zacky sighed as Kara got up and he wanted to stop her and tell her it was no big deal but she hurried inside and he sat outside for a while longer looking up at the stars and shook his head. He hadn't gotten laid in months. And the last time he had gotten laid it had been pretty bad because honestly it hadn't been with who he had wanted to be with. Zacky stood and headed to his bed. He laid down and pulled off his shirt tossing it towards the general direction of his hamper then flopped out of his pants and rolled over pulling the covers over him. He sprawled out on the bed and sighed letting sleep take over.
    In the morning Brain woke with a crank in his neck and a headache starting. He sighed and got up and then went to the bathroom cleaning up best he could seeing how he hadn't packed a bag or anything. Brian ran a hand through his hair and stretched before he went to go wake up Jimmy so they could go get food before they had meetings all day. He sighed as he talked in and then groaned seeing Jimmy completely naked on the bed. "Jimmy you slob wake up." Jimmy groaned and Brian poked him. "Fucking nudist come on wake up!" he said and Jimmy laughed sleepily at that one. "If you don;t like it get out of my room." he grumbled and Brian smoked his ass effectively making Jimmy scramble out of bed. "Brian!" he said and laughed looking completely mortified as he struggled to grab his sheet fast enough to pull it over his naked ass. Brian laughed. "Food 15 minutes. Come on." he said and left heading down stairs.
    Kenya woke up in the morning and yawned a slight hang over making her eyes tender. She groaned and put her hand over her eyes. She stretched and rolled over looking at her clock. After a while she rolled out of bed deciding on eggs and then a good run. She was hoping the oxogen would help to clear her head ache. Kenya made breakfast then dressed in her running cloths and ran a couple miles before turning around and running back home. Once she got home she chugged water and then got in the shower and stood under the hot water her mind drifting to Gavin the night before. He had stood up for her so she didn't have to for herself. It was really nice to know he was there for her. She sighed and cleaned up getting out of the shower and brushing her teeth. She got dressed in some nice jeans and a shirt before grabbing her purse. She needed to go shopping for food.
    May 29th, 2016 at 08:16am
  • Kara slept fitfully and when it finally got to be about eight o'clock, she decided to just get out of bed. She could always nap later while the boys were gone all day. And she didn't particularly want to be home if or when Brian got home. She she got up and got dressed, pulling her hair up into a ponytail before grabbing Lady's leash. She felt a little bad for not making Zacky any breakfast, but she figured he'd be okay for one day. She slipped on her tennis shoes and headed out of the house, leaving a vague note on the counter to let Brian and Zacky know where she was. Kara didn't really have a destination in mind, so she just started off down the block, just following Lady as the little dog explored the new surroundings. It was cute to watch, seeing Lady perk up every time she heard something rustle in the bushes or saw a squirrel dash out in front of her. Kara was growing pretty attached to the little puppy.
    The next morning when Gavin finally made his way down to the kitchen, only doing so because he was hungry, there was still no sign of Carter. Gavin was glad for this, because he'd rather not have Carter's sexual exploits be the first thing he heard that day. He went over and started a pot of coffee, knowing both he and Carter would want a cup, before going over to the fridge to find something to eat. He eventually decided on a couple of frozen pancakes and pulled them out of the freezer before plopping them into the toaster. He had absolutely no idea what to do with his day. He usually did when they first got off tour and they weren't writing or anything. Maybe he should do a little grocery shopping. Gavin was sure they could use a few things.
    When Carter came downstairs, Gavin was sitting at the kitchen table, lazily eating a pancake slathered in syrup. "Hey man, you made coffee!" Carter exclaimed, noticing the nearly full pot. He poured himself a cup and then sat down across from Gavin. "So how was your night after I left?" he asked, sipping his coffee. He smirked. "Did you score with Kenya?" When Gavin just flipped him off, Carter laughed. "I'll take that as a no. But man, I wish I would've found a different girl to fucking bring home. Ryelynn was...well, she wasn't terrible, but she wasn't good, either. I mean, you know how I like it. She was too quiet and she tried to make me the submissive one. And she wouldn't blow me. So I kicked her out after one round."
    May 30th, 2016 at 07:28am
  • @ ZackyEffingVengeance
    Zacky woke up in the morning and got ready for the day. He went down stairs and frowned not seeing Kara. She was usually up by now. He bit his lip and made breakfast then sat down to ate. Maybe she didn't get any sleep last night. After he finished eating and then cleaning up he went up the stairs and knocked on her door. He waited a long time before peeking in. She wasn't in her room or the bathroom. He frowned and walked back down stairs. He left Kara a note then he drove over to Jimmy who had been texting him this morning about Brain. Zacky sighed as he got to Jimmy's. Kara had left her cloths at their place so she hadn't run off so that was good. Perhaps she was just out walking Lady or gone to a friends house. Zacky walked in just as Brian was nothing Jimmy again. He sighed and shook his head. "You shouldn't really bug the man putting a roof over your lazy ass." he said and Brain smiled.
    Brain smiled as he heard Zacky. Finally some good news. If Zacky was here and joking around that meant Kara hadn't left him yet. He sighed hoping she wouldn't and yet at the same time hoping she would for her own sake. Brain felt really bad but not bad enough to apologize, just buy her more things. Brian would do that later tonight. "Well thence should fed his guests." he said and smirked at Zacky. Jimmy finally came out and Zacky smiled. "Let's eat. he said and they all headed tot he car. Zacky said they were on their own and that he would see them later. Brian got in Jimmy's car and they headed to a restaurant.
    Kenya got to the shop and grabbed a cart and slowly walked down each aisle. She looked at the food labels not really seeing them her mind somewhere else. She shook her head. Had she really invited Gavin Owens to her home? That was so stupid. She was drunk again and had made a fool out of herself with him. Kenya shook her head. She really wished he could get to know her when she wasn't drunk. Kenya sighed and thought about inviting him out to lunch or coffee just anything really. She bit her lip and shook her head. She felt like a complete chicken for not being able to do that and not expect anything but she knew herself to much and she liked Gavin a lot. He was somethings she never really had in her life, someone stable.
    June 4th, 2016 at 05:18am