Don't Play With My Heart

  • Kara left Brian to clean up after their dinner while she went to change clothes. It didn't take her long to find something to wear. In the back of the closet she found a red, lacy cocktail dress that she barely remembered buying and certainly couldn't remember ever wearing. But she figured now was as good a time as any. She dressed quickly and then hurried into the bathroom to put on a bit of makeup and do something to her hair. She knew it didn't take much to impress Brian, but Kara still felt the need to try. After she was finished, she grabbed her black clutch from the closet and hurried back downstairs. "How's this?" she asked, going over to Brian.
    "Uh, well my favorite thing to play is zombies," Gavin answered. "Basically your goal is to survive for as long as possible. And in the regular levels, Carter and I usually play Team Deathmatch, which is where you're on teams and your goal is to get a certain number of kills before the other team. And of course, you try not to get killed yourself, because if you can get up a high enough killstreak, you get rewards that give you an advantage. I dunno, it's hard to explain. You'd have to play it yourself to really understand. But it's not that hard to learn, I'm sure you'll pick it up in no time." Gavin took another sip of his tea. He could almost see it now: Kenya would come over to play video games and of course he'd have to teach her how, and somehow she'd end up in his lap, with his arms wrapped around her while he showed her how to work the controls.
    August 2nd, 2016 at 09:07am
  • @ ZackyEffingVengeance
    Brian smiled and nodded. "Yes very nice." he said and moved over to her and wrapped his arms around her. "I love how sexy you look all the time but this my dear is absolutely stunning." he said and kissed her softly. "Are you ready?" he asked having taken care of all the things that needed to be done so they could go out and just enjoy a night together. Brian wanted her to have a good time and he wanted to be able to know she was his. Brian kissed her cheek going to grab the keys and his wallet.
    Kenya grinned. "I look forward to it." she said smiling just thinking of how great it would be to have him teach her something new. Kenya knew Gavin was worried about how the benign of their relationship started out but she hoped he would soon see that she was wanting to be with him. She would stick with it though and fight to earn that relationship not because of what he did for a living but because she could tell that somewhere inside of him was this amazing man she wanted to be with and know. Kenya wanted to be the person he confided in and she wanted that closeness with him. "Gavin I have another question..." she smiled thinking her question over but she really wanted to know so she asked knowing it was an odd thing to ask. "What kinds of things really make you laugh?" she asked. All Kenya wanted was for people to find happiness and she liked to be a part in that.
    September 23rd, 2016 at 05:09am
  • Kara still felt a flurry of uneasiness at Brian's compliment, but she shook it away. If Brian was going to try, she would have to as well. She wondered if he would ever ask why she was so uncomfortable with her body and having sex, instead of just trying to make her feel better by telling her how good she looked. With how long they had been together and how serious they were, Kara was surprised that Brian hadn't asked yet. "Yeah, I'm ready," she said, nodding her head at Brian's question. She followed him out to the car and climbed into the passenger seat, buckling her seatbelt before looking over at Brian. She didn't say anything, just looked at him as he drove. Even though Kara was sure that he had ulterior motives for taking her dancing, it was still nice to pretend that Brian was just doing it to be sweet and romantic. At the place where they would be dancing, Kara climbed out of the car and grabbed her clutch before going around to the front of the car to wait for Brian.
    Kenya's question caught Gavin off-guard. It was a difficult question, the kind that made you forget everything you knew about yourself when someone asked it. "Uh, I don't know," Gavin answered, laughing awkwardly. "I usually laugh when I'm nervous, but I'm sure that's not what you meant. I guess puns? Like really bad ones. I know they're awful and they're not funny at all, but that's what makes them so funny to me. And everyone looks at me like an idiot when I laugh at them and that just makes me laugh harder. Oh, and when Carter gets schooled by thirteen year olds in an online match, I fucking die. And now it's your turn," Gavin paused, fixing Kenya with a challenging look. "What makes you laugh?" He figured that it was only fair that he turn the question around on her, especially since he was awful at coming up with his own questions.
    September 26th, 2016 at 04:07am
  • @ ZackyEffingVengeance
    Brian got out of the car with Kara and he moved over to her wrapping his arm gently around her shoulder. "Ready?" he asked looking down at her. Brian kissed her temple and then walked into the club with her. He smiled as people turned looking at them. Brian moved his lips to Kara's ear. "You want a drink?" he asked figuring he would ask what she wanted before moving to the dance floor.
    Kenya smiled and chuckled. She bit her lip when he turned the question on her. "Oh umm well I laugh at nearly everything. I laugh at bad jokes and good jokes but I don't laugh at dirty or cruel jokes they just aren't funny to me." she shrugged. "Umm I guess I laugh hardest when someone says something funny but didn't mean to. I think when someone walks right into a joke makes it that much more funny." she said and smiled. "Though I agree with you that it's funny when people look at you like they don't know why you're laughing." she said and chuckled. Kenya smiled at Gavin. She would think it would be funny to watch Carter get schooled by a little girl. He seemed to act so macho that made it easy to laugh almost. Kenya was having a really good time with Gavin and she didn't want to leave yet.
    September 26th, 2016 at 06:38pm
  • Kara looked around as Brian led her into the club. When he'd said he wanted to go dancing, she'd envisioned something a little more...romantic, with slow dancing and wine or champagne. If she'd known they were coming to a place like this, she would've worn something different, especially different shoes. "Yeah, I'll take a martini, I guess," Kara said. She took a seat at an empty table, resting her chin in her hand as she watched Brian go to the bar. She could already guess how tonight was going to go. Brian was probably going to try and get her drunk and turn her on with the dancing and then when they got home, he would take her to bed and get angry if she turned him down. She wished that just once, they could have a nice evening together that Brian probably didn't have choreographed to lead to sex. "Thanks, baby," Kara said, taking the drink from Brian.
    "Then you actually might like hanging out with Tayo, he walks into jokes all the fucking time, it's like it's his job," Gavin said, laughing. He took a bite of his food, chewing slowly as he tried to figure out how full he was. He didn't want to get so full that all he wanted to do afterwards was go home and nap, because it was still pretty early and he wanted to hang out with Kenya for a while longer. "So what kind of stuff do you do for fun?" he asked her. He grinned teasingly. "Besides going to clubs, I mean." Gavin wanted to find out the sorts of things Kenya liked to do, because it was always easier for him to make plans what he knew what the other people liked to do. Mostly because all he did was tour, practice, and play video games with Carter.
    September 27th, 2016 at 08:31pm
  • @ ZackyEffingVengeance
    Brian smiled and nodded. "Anything for you Kara." he said and kissed her cheek. He looked at Kara as he sat with her drinking his drink. He could tell that she was disappointed he had brought her here. He didn't know what she wanted from him. He had never been the really publicly romantic type. Brian smiled as he got finished with his drink. He could really use a smoke at the moment hating that they were inside and he couldn't. Brian looked over at Kara again. Brian wished she would just tell him what the hell she wanted instead of expecting him to read her mind. It was really pissing him off but Kara deserved better than he could give to her and he knew it. Brian stretched. "Ready to dance beautiful?" he asked hoping she would at least have a few dances with him before she did her silent protesting thing.
    Kenya smiled at Gavin. "Well I like to take walks along the beach and talk about the secrets of life and the universe. But I guess I love to do anything really. I know it sounds stupid but I try to find the good in the situation. The only thing I can't really do is stay still. I often move because of it. About every 9 years really." she chuckled and shrugged. "Usually there aren't enough people to tie me down to one place. I think that's why I find you're life fascinating I think.... well the touring part of it. I assume it makes coming home nice." she said and blushed chuckling. "But I haven't answered the question really. Umm I love nature and culture. So anything with either of those." Kenya chuckled. "That's about as specific as I can get because I am open to to much sometimes." she said and smiled at him.
    November 4th, 2016 at 05:29am
  • Kara sipped on her drink, looking around at the crowd in the club. She couldn't believe Brian expected her to dance like that. She had absolutely no rhythm at all and she hated when people looked at her. And would it kill him to try and be romantic, to take her somewhere nice, with candlelight and slow dancing? Kara took her time to finish her drink, not exactly eager to get out on the dance floor for any reason. She didn't want to dance with Brian, not the way he was probably expecting, but she was such a people-pleaser. That, and she didn't really feel like arguing right now. Finally Kara finished her drink and got to her feet with a sigh. "I guess we can go dance now," she relented. "But don't expect too much, you know I'm not very good at this." Kara felt so self-conscious as they walked out onto the dance floor. She'd dressed for something a little bit fancier than a club, and she already felt like people were staring at her.
    "So you're one of those deep, philosophical people, then," Gavin laughed. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had a deep conversation with someone, talked about the universe and the meaning of life. "Culture? So you like to travel? Is that what that means?" Gavin asked. "You want to know what place has great culture? Japan. Man, Japan is great. And fascinating. And the food is delicious. If you ever get the chance to visit, you definitely should." He took a sip of his drink. "And being open to things is actually a good thing. You know? If you go into everything with a positive outlook, you'll never be disappointed. I think that would be great. More people should be like you, Kenya."
    November 6th, 2016 at 06:40am
  • @ ZackyEffingVengeance
    Brian smiled softly. "Babe you're always so much better than you think." he said and pulled her against him. He ran a hand through her hair. "Don't look at them look at me." he said and kissed her head softly as he moved with her. He could see now she wasn't having the best time but he didn't understand it. Brian was a simple guy and straight forward. Anyone around him knew what he wanted because he didn't hold back to tell people. He let people make up their own minds if they were going to go along with him or not and most the time people went along with him.
    Kenya smiled shook her head. "Traveling is only part of culture. Culture is art and music and the way people within a culture express themselves to each other and the world." Kenya chuckled as he talked about Japan. She loved his passion about it. This was what she had been looking for in him. Here was his passion about something that was just his and not Carter's. "Aww thanks Gavin. I'm really glad you think so. It isn't always easy and I don't always have a handle on it but I sure do try." she said and chuckled. "So Japan huh? Have you been there?" she asked and leaned forward listening to him talk. She loved it and she wanted to spend more time just talking to him. She bit her lip thinking about the kind of future they could have and she liked the thought of it. Yet again Kenya knew she was jumping ahead of herself even if it was just a little.
    November 23rd, 2016 at 08:29pm
  • Kara felt so stiff, even with Brian moving her hips. She just couldn't dance like this. Not at all really, but especially not like this. She didn't like moving her hips like this; no matter how hard she tried, she just felt so awkward and jerky. Kara knew that Brian could tell how awkward she felt, and it just made her feel worse because it seemed like no matter how hard she tried or what she did, it was never enough to make him happy. After a couple of songs, Kara pried herself from Brian's grasp, giving his hands a little squeeze. "I think I'm going to sit down now," she told him, speaking a bit louder than normal to be heard over the music in the club. Kara walked back to the bar, getting the bartender's attention and ordering herself another drink. She just wanted to go home, but she knew she couldn't until Brian decided he was ready to leave.
    "Yeah, I've been there," Gavin said, chuckling. "We toured there a few years back. It's great. Here pretty soon I'm thinking about taking an actual vacation there, so I can actually go sight seeing and shit like that, and see something else besides the bus and hotel rooms." Gavin stabbed a bite of his food and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing slowly. He liked talking to Kenya; it was nice talking about himself for a change, as selfish and strange as that sounded. The conversations he had with Carter and Tayo usually centered around women, sex, sports, or the band. There wasn't a lot of personal chatter. "So what's your favorite place that you've traveled to?" Gavin asked, taking a sip of his drink. "Bonus points if it's somewhere I've never been. Although I'm warning you, I've been to a lot of places."
    November 26th, 2016 at 07:56am
  • @ ZackyEffingVengeance
    Brian let her go. He sighed and danced a little more before he went after her. He ordered one more drink. He finished it quickly and turned to her. "Want to go for a walk love?" he asked. Brian had an idea what she wanted and he had a good idea how to do it. He smiled whens he agreed. He took her hand and walked out with her. He walked with her down the street. He walked into a park and over to the path. He smiled at her and took her hand kissing it gently. "Here we go this is more your speed." he said and then pulled his iPod out of his pocket and searched through it putting on a playlist with romantic music. He turned it up and offered her his hand again. "Shall we dance?" he asked.
    Kenya smiled. "That's great." she said. "You should defiantly do that. I think it's important to do things for yourself when you are close to people like you are with your band." she said and smiled. Kenya laughed softly at his next question. "I bet you have been a lot of places." she said and smiled then thought. "Hmm well I have been a few places but the one I think I could win with is Kenya, Africa. My family took me when I was a teen to see the place I was named after." she said and chuckled. "Though I haven't traveled nearly as much as I would like to. I would like to have gone to at least one city in every country in the world." she said and looked off her eyes wondering to far away places she had never been to.
    November 30th, 2016 at 05:24am
  • Kara mumbled a thanks to the bartender when he placed her drink in front of her. She just wanted to go home and she hoped Brian would be ready to go home soon, too. Kara had barely managed to finish half of her drink before Brian reappeared at her side, and when he asked if she wanted to go for a walk, Kara just nodded. There was no point in fighting Brian; he would just get irritated and she didn't want to start another argument. She had no idea where Brian was taking her when they started walking down the street, but when Kara saw the little path, she smiled widely. She was surprised, but in the best way possible. "Brian, this is beautiful," Kara said in awe, watching as he queued up a playlist. She smiled again at the music that started it to play, nodding when Brian asked if she wanted to dance. "I've got to say, I'm surprised, Brian," Kara said, starting to sway with him to the music. She smiled at him teasingly. "I didn't think you had a romantic bone in your body. But I've got to admit, you really know how to make a girl feel special when you want to."
    "Wow, you've been to Africa?" Gavin asked, raising an eyebrow in surprise. That had been one of the last places he'd been expecting her to say. "Well, you get bonus points, I've never been there," Gavin continued, laughing. "I'd like to, though. Maybe go on a safari. See the animals up close, take a shit ton of pictures. It's nice there, isn't it? I bet it's beautiful. And I don't know about going to a city in every country in the world, there are some countries I don't think I'd ever like to visit. Like Australia. I know it's supposed to be nice and all that, but almost every fucking animal there can kill you. Also, I don't do spiders. They've got too many legs, they creep me out." Gavin finished off his food, pushing his plate away and rubbing his stomach absentmindedly. "And anything in the Middle East. Maybe when there aren't so many bombs, though."
    December 10th, 2016 at 07:06am
  • @ ZackyEffingVengeance
    Brian smiled and held her close. "You're pretty important to me Kara." he said softly and kissed her head. He swayed back and forth with him. She was one person that he thought he could be himself with but now she was the only person he wanted despite how much they had changed since the beginning of their relationship. Brian stroked her hair and sighed. This to him was boring but he could tell she had needed it. She needed to feel like she was the only one in the universe and though he didn't understand why sex didn't make her feel that way he was trying to find ways to make her feel like that. Brian smiled down at her. "You are so beautiful Kara and I wish you would just talk to me more about why you don't like to be looked at naked and why you don't like sex. I don't get it. If it makes you feel good then why don't you like it?" he asked roughly knowing his words weren't phrased in the best way but they never were.
    Kenya chuckled. She listened to him and nodded. "It is defiantly beautiful in it's own way." she said and chuckled as he talked about not wanting o go to Australia because of spiders. She nodded. "Those are logical reasons not to go to some places but I don't want to travel because it's logical. I want to travel because it's beautiful. I believe something that when you are afraid of something that when you do it anyways that you find the beauty twice as beautiful as those that never had to face a fear to see it." she said and smiled touching his hand. "And I guess you could call me a bit of an adrenaline junky anyways." she said and laughed softly then sat back and looked up at the waitress. "Can I get a capuchin please." she asked and smiled as they nodded and brought one back quickly. Kenya wrapped her hands around the warm mug and sipped at the coffee inside. "What do I win with my bonus points?" she asked and chuckled. "I have pictures of Kenya if you would like to see them." she said as she steered them back onto subject realizing how off course she went. "But really I want to hear where you have been." she said smiling.
    December 10th, 2016 at 06:48pm
  • Kara wished that Brian could be like this more often. She liked this romantic side of him, when he wasn't badgering her about sex or her insecurities. Brian started to speak and Kara smiked, but her smile quickly faded as he continued. She should've known this would come up again. Brian seemed to think that just by saying a few magic words or snapping his fingers, he could undo what had happened to Kara. "Are you fucking kidding me, Brian?" Kara hissed, pushing him away from her. She clenched her hands at her sides. "You can't go five minutes without you bringing up sex or why I don't like to be seen naked. Why can't you just let me have one night where I don't feel guilty for all of that? I feel like an idiot because I don't like sex or being naked. Okay? And what girl in my place wouldn't? I'm dating a gorgeous rockstar who constantly wants to sleep with me, and I don't want to have sex with him half the time. Every time I turn you down I'm so scared you're going to leave me, and then I just want to break down and cry because I love you so fucking much Brian, but I feel like you don't love me back. And if you really want to know why I don't like sex or being seen naked, then just ask. Brian, I'd fucking tell you if you would just ask, but you always bring it up as a way to try and guilt me into bed." Kara paused, reaching up to touch her cheek, and she was surprised when her hand came away wet. "Can we...Can we just go home now? I'm fucking tired of this."
    "Well I'm a logical traveler, so lame," Gavin laughed. When the waitress returned with Kenya's cappuccino, Gavin asked her for the check, and she nodded before hurrying off again. "What do you win with your bonus points? Hmm, what about another date with the most handsome drummer in the world?" Gavin laughed again at his lame little joke, drumming his fingers on the table. "But honestly, I don't know. I'll have to think about it. And yeah, I'd love to see your pictures. I love seeing other people's pictures from the places they've been. As for where I've been...well, I already told you that I've been to Japan. Beautiful, beautiful place. Ten out of ten, would definitely recommend. But aside from the places I've been on tour, I've also been to the Bahamas. It's beautiful there, too. And I was totally a tourist while I was there, not going to lie. I stayed at a fancy resort, went scuba diving and swimming with dolphins. I even tried to windsurf, although I failed spectacularly at that." The waitress returned with the check, and Gavin pulled his credit card out of his wallet, slipping it into the checkbook before handing it back to the waitress. "I have a few pictures of both places, if you'd like to see them. I'm trying to plan a trip to Spain, now that tour's over. I think it would be fun to go there."
    December 14th, 2016 at 06:01am
  • @ ZackyEffingVengeance
    Brian shut off the music his face growing hard. "What the hell do you think I was trying to do Kara?!" he yelled. "I was trying to ask but you just don't seem to understand I am not a romantic, I don't have fancy words or the best way of asking things!" He said getting progressively louder until he was yelling. "I am who I am Kara. I don't mean to make you feel guilty every fucking time I bring it up I am just trying to understand my fucking girlfriend!" he said and tossed his hands up in the air before digging into his pockets grumbling. He pulled out the keys and tossed them at her feet. "Take your damn self home. I'm sick and tired of trying and getting yelled at for it!" he said and walked off. "If you can't figure out by now that I love you then maybe it's just not working out." he said and walked back towards the club. He was going to get shit faced drunk and then call up Jimmy.
    Kenya chuckled as he said she won another date. "You would have given that to me anyways." she said and smiled at him. "I'll just take an IOU." she said and grinned as he went on about pictures then answered her question. She smiled listening to him talk. She guessed it would be pretty hard to see the places you tour to as a tourist would after all everyone is on high alert for one of the band members to pop around the corner. She bit her lip as he paid for her. "Thanks." she said as he handed it over to the waitress. "I would love to see your pictures." she said though she didn't think it would be such a good idea to go over to Gavins when Carter was back at home. Kenya smiled thinking of Spain. "It sounds like it would be a lot of fun." she said and finished her drink. "So you're coming back to my place for e a little while right?" she asked thinking of the box of pictures she had somewhere in her closet.
    December 15th, 2016 at 05:51pm
  • Kara just stared at the ground when Brian tossed the keys at her feet. Normally in this situation she would crumble and feel guilty and apologize, but this time she felt angry. She felt angry that Brian never seemed to understand where she was coming from and that he always argued in circles. "Fuck you, Brian," Kara hissed, bending down to pick up the keys. "I hate you." He could curl up and die somewhere for all she cared; if he didn't care how she felt, then she didn't care about him. She was really convinced that he didn't love her at all and it broke her heart into a million pieces. Kara drove home with tears streaming down her face, barely remembering to lock up the garage as she went inside. She wished she had someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on, but she had a feeling that her body pillow and numerous glasses of wine would get the brunt of it.
    "Hey, maybe you can be my travel buddy," Gavin suggested jokingly. Because God knows Carter didn't like to travel, and when he did, he just tried to get laid the entire time. When Kenya asked if he was coming over to her house for a while, Gavin nodded his head. "Yeah, I'll come over for a little while," he told her. "I need to see your pictures of Africa, satisfy my wanderlust until I can go to Spain. Speaking of, now I'm definitely going to get on top of planning that trip. And I may see if my brother wants to go with me, since he speaks pretty good Spanish." Gavin signed the receipt when the waitress returned, leaving a decent tip as he stuck his card back into his wallet. "You ready to go?" Gavin asked Kenya.
    December 22nd, 2016 at 02:46am
  • @ paradigm;
    Zacky walked into the house carrying his bag of dirty cloths. He was just going to wash them and then grab a few new ones. He was having a hard time with being around Kara and Brian right now. He didn't understand how Kara could take the abuse that seemed so obvious to him and he wished she would see it. He knew though that if she did ever see it and admit to it that it would break a part of her and he wasn't sure if she could get through that. Zacky dropped his bag into his room and pulled off his shirt and then changing into some clean cloths before he walked out with the laundry and started down to the laundry room.
    Keyna smiled when he suggested to be his travel partner. "Don't tease me Gavin you know I would love to." she said and smiled touching his arm. When he said he was coming over to her place she smiled. "Great." Kenya laughed as he said he had to see her Africa pictures. "I think it will only make you want to go more." she said knowing that was how she was. Pictures were nice but never enough. "Your brother huh?" she asked and smiled. "Just how many siblings do you have really?" she asked knowing there were rumors but the band liked to keep most of their family out of the business. She nodded and stood as he asked if she was ready to go. Kenya picked up her jacket tugging it on and then walked with him. "Thanks for dinner Gavin." she said and smiled at him.
    January 29th, 2017 at 05:34am
  • "Fuck him," Kara hissed to herself as she stormed upstairs. She pulled off her earrings and and slammed them on top of her dresser, kicking off her shoes into the corner. "Fuck Brian," she continued, slipping out of her dress. She tossed it onto the end of the bed and started to pull clothes out of her dresser. She didn't realize until she was dressed that the shirt she was wearing was one she'd stolen from Brian years ago. "I don't love him. He doesn't care about me. All he cares about is sex. Brian doesn't love me. He doesn't love me. He...He...doesn' me." Kara slid to the floor against the wall, pulling her knees to her chest as she started to sob. Brian didn't care about her, didn't care about how sometimes when he put her hands on her, all she could think about was the hands that used to be on her, when she was too little to know it was wrong. But Brian never bothered to ask questions, never bothered to find out why she had such an aversion to being naked or having his hands on her. Kara looked up when she heard someone moving around in Zacky's room, knowing that the other man was finally home. She thought about it for a second before she got up and went to his room, frowning when he wasn't in there. "Zack," Kara called out, hating how her voice cracked. She finally found him in the laundry room and ran over to him, wrapping her arms around him from behind and pressing her face between his shoulderblades. She tried to keep herself from crying again, but it was no use.
    "I have two brothers and two sisters," Gavin answered as they walked out of the restaurant. "I'm right in the middle. The oldest is my sister Laci, then my brother Nicholas, then me, then my brother Silas, and my sister Alaina. Silas is the one who speaks Spanish pretty well." When they got out to the parking lot, Gavin turned to Kenya. "So I'll follow you to your house?" he said as he unlocked his car. He climbed in and started the engine, waiting for Kenya to start leaving the parking lot before he followed after her. When they reached her house, Gavin climbed out of his car, locking it as he surveyed Kenya's house. "It's cute," he teased as he followed her inside. He paused for a minute, unsure as to whether or not he should take off his shoes, and slipped them off by the door before he went in and sat down on her couch. "Alright, well bring on the pictures," he said, rubbing his hands together jokingly. He loved seeing other people's travel pictures, even if they just went one town over on a day trip. Obviously it meant something to them if they cared enough to take pictures, and he liked seeing the memories someone made with people they loved. And he liked showing off the pictures from his travels too, even the ones from his tours with his band.
    February 13th, 2017 at 04:03am
  • @ paradigm;
    Zack frowned as he felt Kara sobbing into his back. He dropped what he was doing and turned to her pulling her into his chest and wrapped her up in his arms. Zack gathered her up and moved them out of the laundry room into the living room. He sat down and stroked her hair. "Kara..." he said softly and looked down at her hesitating to ask. "What's going on?" he asked and prayed silently there was something he could do to help her. Zack felt his insides being torn apart with the sight of her like this. He didn't understand how Brian could hurt Kara like this when he claimed to love her. This was not what love did to people. Zack ran his hand through her hair gently hoping to sooth her and take away her tears. He had never seen her this messed up before and it made him worried about what could have happened if he hadn't been here.
    Kenya smiled as they walked into her place. "Thanks." she said not really all that proud of her little place. It was just a place to sleep mostly. She rather be out in the world than here. "Alright let me go get them. I'll be back, help yourself to the kitchen if you're wanting anything." she said and slipped into her room and tossed her heels into the closet then grabbed out the box of pictures and walked back out to Gavin. She smiled and sat down beside him and handed him the pictures. Kenya grinned as she watched him open the box up and start taking out pictures. She had written little notes to remind her why she took the picture not he back. It was just something she did to help keep the memory because she would forget a moment for the next one most the time unless it changed her life, like when she had meet Gavin.
    April 17th, 2017 at 08:58pm
  • Kara didn't argue with Zacky as he moved the two of them into the living room. She was just tired of fighting and she knew Zacky would listen to her cry about Brian. He always did. "It's...Brian," she hiccupped. "First he told me he was taking me out dancing and I...I was expecting to go somewhere nice but h-he took me to a fucking club. Then we went for a walk and I actually thought he was trying to be ro...romantic, but then he brought up sex again and...and we got into another fight and he fucking tossed the car keys at my feet and f-fucking left me. He doesn't love me at all, Zacky," Kara whispered, wiping at her eyes. "I-I don't think he ever did. He just wants somebody to warm his bed and stick his dick in. But he doesn't give...a shit about how I feel at all. I-I should've known from the beginning that I wasn't good enough for him. I'm not good enough for anybody."
    While Kenya was getting her pictures, Gavin settled back on the couch. He was tempted to kick off his shoes, but he didn't want to look like an asshole. "Alright, let's see these pictures," Gavin said when she reappeared with the box of pictures. He took the pictures she handed him, looking over them and smiling. They were all fantastic pictures, and he liked how Kenya had written things on the back of the pictures. It helped him a lot to conjure up a mental image, almost like they were his own memories. "You look like you had a great time," Gavin said, handing the pictures back to Kenya. "Not gonna lie, I'm kind of jealous. These are great pictures. You're giving me wanderlust, I really need to travel again. And we're done touring, so I might just have to do that. Spain, and all. You remember, I told you about wanting to go."
    May 8th, 2017 at 08:20am