I'll Fly.

  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    @ Morning Song
    (Haha, they've technically been in jail for 6 months now. That's actually long enough to be a full sentence XD

    Speaking of long enough, I think this will do. Sorry it's a bit boring, I'm just really anticipating them getting out of jail haha)

    Rennyn was glad she agreed, though he wouldn't admit it. Sometimes, the easy way was the best way and he just didn't really feel like struggling with her any more than he had to. He knew that this day wouldn't be the last he saw of her (he wasn't sure he wanted it to be, anyways) and he'd need a lot of patience if he was going to deal with her in the future.

    The ease at which he named flowed out of her mouth told Rennyn that she most likely had given him her real name. He shrugged--while that would give a lot of power to some demons, for Rennyn it did nothing but give him a slightly stronger connection to her, making her slightly easier to locate. With a shrug, he decided to give her his real name as well, as he was not opposed to being on equal footing and there was really no reason for him to give a fake one.

    Almost immediately after he had done so, an officer came in and approached his cell, making a comment that Rennyn rolled his eyes to. It appeared he would be the first, and he left the cell quietly with only a quick sideways glance at the angel as he passed. He wasn't much worried about himself, but he hoped greatly that she was at least a decent liar.

    It took only a minute to navigate back to the main area, where Rennyn was led to a desk somewhere near the back and motioned to sit in the chair facing it. The officer that guided him there sat across from him and let out a deep sigh, as if expecting a long winded and annoying narrative that the other party would negate with a completely opposite account of what went on. Rennyn hated to disappoint, and was tempted to do so, but decided it best not to annoy the man who held his freedom in his hands.

    "Alright kid," the officer started, and Rennyn scrunched his nose in distaste. He knew humans liked to use their age as an authority, but it bothered him that this man was assuming so.. wrong. "Wanna tell me what happened back there? You can start with your name."

    Rennyn shrugged quietly at first, saying his name and then pausing, thinking of where to begin--really he just wanted to make the man wait a bit for his impatience. "My friend and I were sparring and we may have gotten a little carried away," he offered with a shy smile, putting on his innocent persona now. "Leilah is very competitive so when I kept dodging her, she got a little... frustrated."

    The officer pinched the bridge of his nose. "Sparring?" he asked, clearly exasperated. He'd had to go through all this trouble for such a trivial thing? No way.

    "We practice different martial arts, but rarely do we get a chance to spar against anyone outside of our fields. It was intended for fun, but I think it must have came off very seriously."

    "She had a knife." Okay, well it was actually Rennyn's knife and it was more like a dagger, but he wasn't about to correct the man. He'd let Leilah do that if she wanted to.

    "That was... a really poor idea I suppose. We weren't thinking clearly but honestly, we had no intentions of hurting anyone or each other," Rennyn lied easily, biting his lip and looking down at the desk for effect. It seemed to work, because the officer let out another deep sigh and started writing his statement down. After a few more harmless questions, he had Rennyn read and sign the statement and escorted him back to the cells, promising he'd most likely be out soon if Leilah's statement matched. He nodded quietly and gave another glance back to the angel.

    You're up.
    December 15th, 2016 at 12:54am
  • sun spirit

    sun spirit (120)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (I hadn't thought about it like that, but you're right xD And you're fine! Mine's pretty long and bleh too haha. I want them out of jail too. Though we need to think about what sort of trouble to get them into next...)

    All in all, the demon actually wasn't away that long. A good or a bad sign, Leilah wasn't sure, but as she heard footsteps approaching the jail area of the station, she once more put a halt to her pacing and leaned against the bars. While most would attest pacing to a sense of nervousness, as it often was in people, her case was a bit different. Leilah did not handle inaction very well, and pacing was simply another way of keeping her moving.

    She hardly spared a glance for the demon as the officer opened up her cell next and escorted her the short way towards the back where she was motioned to sit down at a desk. She did so as the officer sat down across from her, and other the foot-tapping that started up shortly after sitting, she appeared perfectly calm.

    "Okay, the other kid's given me his side of the story. You give me yours, and if the two match up, we'll be in good shape. Got it?" He officer leaned forward in his seat, giving her a serious look, and when she nodded, he sat back. "Great. Let's start with your name and then you can tell me what happened."

    "My name's Leilah. Rennyn and I met in the park to do a little sparring with each other. I'm stronger than him, but he's faster, so it sort of balances things out between us to a degree." Just a little. She couldn't accept the fact that maybe they were even remotely balanced in abilities. She was a weapon. He was just fast.

    Sensing some tension, the officer decided to prod a bit. "And you don't like that?" he questioned.

    Realizing that she'd let her true feelings show through a bit, Leilah actually stopped to consider her next response before speaking. "It's okay... Like I said, I'm stronger. I have better technique too. It's a little frustrating not to be able to easily beat someone who simply has speed on their side."

    The officer nodded as he scratched down notes. "And your knife? That seems less harmless than sparring." He looked up at her and waited.

    "It's actually Rennyn's," Leilah corrected, faintly wondering what the demon would've told them about that part of it. Honestly, there was no telling, so she simply thought about what fit best with the story they were using. "Some of the martial arts that we practice include the use of weapons for those on a high enough level. Though this wasn't strictly practice and more a test of abilities, we still decided to try incorporating the knife. We've both had enough practice that we thought it would be fine."

    "Uh huh," the officer mumbled, continuing to fill out the report. More questions followed, though some of them seemed like they were looping back towards the original questions, as if they were searching for inconsistencies, but Leilah remained firm in her story, and before long, she was being escorted back to the cells, where she was left with the demon, the officer promising that they'd soon know when they could leave. She took that to mean that things had lined up enough that they were letting them go, probably with some sort of warning not to cause any more public disturbances.

    Good. It was ridiculous that they were here in the first place.
    December 16th, 2016 at 03:28am
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    @ rosamarie
    (uh.. sorry. Some things happened. I'm alive though, somehow! I figured I should come around and do some more pushing with this, since I refuse to ever let it go. Rennyn is my baby~ and I love them both. I can't wait until we get the story going.

    It's really short because I wanted to let them have whatever conversation they should have before getting out, you can bring the officer back in now though, I won't have much more to say after. Then we can get them back into fresh air! What should we have them do next, though? Are they going to stick together immediately or should Rennyn try and run off?)

    Rennyn was sitting patiently on the floor, stretching his legs out in front of him somewhat reminiscent of a child. The pull of his muscles felt really good, considering they had just physically exerted their earth-bound bodies to such a great extent and then gone inactive for who even knows how long now. The officer walked Leilah back in just as he was sitting himself up straight, but he made no move to appear any different. As the officer left, likely to match their stories once more and write up a report, or whatever it was that human authorities did when there was trouble, Rennyn spared a glance at the angel.

    "Everything went well then? We should be getting out soon then, I hope." He knew the answer should be yes, and it didn't seem like the officer's expression was telling anything negative when he'd mentioned when they might be released, but he couldn't really account for how Leilah's narrative went. "When we do, I fully expect you not to stupidly swing an umbrella at me right out of the station doors. I have things to do, I can't be coming back in here again."
    March 26th, 2017 at 07:25pm
  • sun spirit

    sun spirit (120)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (In Love I was so happy to see the alert for this that it isn't funny. I'm glad to hear you're alive and never want to let go of these two! Because I'm in the same boat, I swear. They're just so precious.

    Fresh air! They've been in jail so long now, there's no telling if they know what that is anymore! I honestly have no idea what they should do though... I don't think Leilah could tackle him on the front steps of the police station if they really want their freedom, though I can't see her just letting him get away... That means she'd fail her mission, and failure is not in her vocabulary)

    Though it chafed at Leilah to have to stand around in the cell for even another minute, she didn't attempt to argue or fight with the officer. Once behind the bars of the cell adjoining the demon's once more, her eyes paced the small space, but she neither sat down nor paced. Instead, her foot tapped against the cement in an impatient rhythm as she placed her hands on her hips. She absolutely could not get out of this place quickly enough.

    "Fully expect whatever you want. I'm not about to get us thrown back in here again, but don't think you're just disappearing either." Leilah didn't bother to glance at the demon as she replied succintly. Her mind was already trying to figure out what to do next. She'd worked with the demon to get them out of this mess because she had to, but that didn't mean she was about to let him go. And as he'd pointed out, it would be stupid for her to attack him as soon as they were released, especially when she had no reliable weapon. Which meant that she would have to bide her time and come up with a plan. But that left her with the problem of what to do while she was planning. She couldn't just let him walk away; that was as good as giving him her express permission to go off and steal souls, not to mention that it would be an admittance of defeat.

    Nope. She was going to have to figure out a way to keep an eye on him.

    The officer reappeared, looking annoyed, and keys in hand. "Okay, the two of you are getting out of here with a warning," he said as he approached the cells. "No more public stunts. If you want to practice martial arts or whatever, do it in a private place or a dojo or whatever. If there's a next time, you will be arrested on charges of public disturbance." Though he started off glancing between the two of them, the officer inevitably settled his gaze on Leilah as if he were speaking directly to her, to which she was profoundly offended. She kept her mouth shut though and simply nodded her understanding.

    Apparently satisfied that the warning was understood, the officer unlocked the cells and escorted Rennyn and Leilah out of the station.
    March 27th, 2017 at 04:42am
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    @ rosamarie
    (Yeah.. things are hectic again. Particularly now, but I couldn't put it off any more. I am already a bad rp partner haha. Also I laughed really hard at that officer ahaha)

    Rennyn didn't much care for Leilah's warning. He knew if he cared to, he could physically get away from her. He had already made clear he had speed over her, but whether or not she would be able to find him later was the issue. He had to think about his options, and quickly.

    The officer appeared once more, all too soon since he'd really made no decisions at all, and gave them a verbal warning. It was as Rennyn expected, fortunately, and nothing would be going on their nonexistent records. Rennyn had to hold back a laugh as the officer's gaze seemed to settle on the angel, and he couldn't help but nod in agreement--to both the warning, and of course the officer's obvious judgement. It was not difficult to see who was the troublemaker between the two, in his opinion, though he found it rather funny that the officer was so misguided when it came to whose intentions were more malicious. It was even more difficult to control his emotions when Leilah forced herself to keep quiet, though it did appear that the words affected her in some way. Rennyn kept his expression schooled serious though, and thanked the officer with his most convincing tone of gratitude.

    And with that, they were taken outside. The officer took them all the way to the steps of the station doors, and offered the two of them a ride wherever they needed to go (though it was quite obviously forced). Rennyn denied it, knowing Leilah would as well if he did so, but made no move to leave just yet. The officer sighed in relief and turned back inside.

    For a moment, it was awkwardly silent. He didn't know what to say now that they were free, but he knew Leilah wouldn't attempt anything near the station (or hopefully, anywhere too public).

    "You know, it's a really good thing that that man I was taking was a pedophile, otherwise his testimony probably would have kept us in there for a lot longer," he commented offhandedly. He looked off in the direction he believed they'd come from, and then back the opposite way. That man was long gone by now, and would probably never speak to Rennyn again. Such a shame. "I might have to just find easier targets from now on. You don't know how difficult it is to find people that disgusting, he was so worth an early trip to hell!"

    And then he took a few steps off in a random direction, with nothing more compelling than a feeling. It was all he had to go on for now, and he didn't fear losing the angel anytime soon. He just had to avoid any unpopulated areas.
    March 28th, 2017 at 04:09pm
  • sun spirit

    sun spirit (120)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (Sorry to hear it! And you aren't a bad roleplay partner! You always come back and reply, which is more than can be said for a lot of people! Besides, you always make a great post, and I love Rennyn's character so much Cute Speaking of being a bad RP partner, sorry for disappearing for a couple of weeks. I was just getting better after being sick for a month when you came back, and I was busy as hell with school work)

    The officer seemed to have as much disdain for Leilah as she had for him--though she personally thought she did a much better job of hiding it than he did--and the tension between them was thick in the air as he led the angel and demon outside and offered them a ride, which they both denied. And however unprofessional it was, Leilah seriously considered sticking her tongue out at him or making an obscene gesture as soon as his back was turned, if for no other reason than her personal satisfaction.

    It was the knowledge that her every move was most likely being watched by her mentors that ultimately stayed her hand, and in the following silence, she turned to study the demon whose very presence made her feel sick to her stomach. It would have been unbearable to be forced to stay so close to him for much longer than she'd been forced to, but though she was glad for the space that she was now able to put between them, she forced herself to remain where she stood.

    Leilah would not be the first to step away.

    When the demon began to speak, Leilah frowned at him; he was trying to make small talk with her. A demon was trying to have some sort of "normal" conversation with an angel. Was he really foolish enough to believe that they were on friendly terms now? The latter part of what he said dispelled that notion from her mind, and Leilah bristled even as she stalked after him.

    "If you really believe you're going to be stealing souls now that I'm here, you have another thing coming. The only reason you aren't already dead is because I don't have a proper weapon," she hissed at she followed him, though she retained enough distance that she didn't feel the constant need to puke (while she knew her presence would be just as upsetting to him as his was to hers, she wasn't particularly in the mood to punish herself).

    She said nothing about the pedophile, nor did she defend his soul and its inherent right to be judged at the end of his life.

    Leilah's regard for humans was the one area in which her mentors struggled with her. In all other areas, she was practically a prodigy. However, she lacked compassion for the humans that she was learning to fight for, particularly those such as the demon described. If he truly had been stalking a pedophile, then she was almost sorry that she hadn't stayed her hand until his business had been concluded.
    April 12th, 2017 at 01:02am
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    @ rosamarie
    (yeah... same hahaha. I moved, my internet died, school, the usual excuse. Sorryyyy~)

    Rennyn listened patiently as Leilah went about her way, all threatening and scolding as if her words really made an impact on him or his plans. He made no move to hide the smile on his face at the genuine amusement he found from her discomfort (which of course he felt still as well, but who cares if it means more fun!) and disdain. At the end of her short retort, he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

    He took another moment of quiet, thinking about what he was supposed to do or where he was supposed to go that wouldn't lead the angel to a place where she could attack him again. It was inconvenient.

    "Right," he nodded, as his mind settled into its complete lack of ideas, "because with a weapon you would have been so much faster, you would have caught me for sure. Or the pedophile, that would have been fine too. He doesn't have to be alive for me to get his soul anyways." And then Leilah wouldn't have gotten out of jail, all would have been right with the world. Or, for him at least. Maybe not for everyone else. It really depended on Rennyn's mood and who was available to him.

    "But that matter aside, we're at something of an impasse. I have no plans to let you try another sneak attack on me, and you probably couldn't catch me off guard even if you tried." He bit his lip and thought for a few more minutes before his awkward, heavy human body made a weird noise. A faint ache in his stomach told him this was probably earthly hunger--not at all the same as what he felt in hell. Gross.

    "So uh. Do you have money?"
    April 25th, 2017 at 03:07am
  • sun spirit

    sun spirit (120)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (How about we just agree that we're both horrible and forgive all future mishaps now? xD)

    "Catch you?" Boy, did he have the wrong idea about her intentions where he was concerned if he really thought her goal was to catch him. If angels ever figured out a way to create, arm, and maintain a prison specifically designed for demons, they would consider it. There were plenty who would argue that they could be "rehabilitated" and shown a better way of life (as if that was working for humans where their criminals were concerned). If that ever happened, Leilah supposed she might eventually have to simply capture a demon, but where things stood as of that moment, demons weren't captured. They were killed. And just because she'd yet to take the life of one didn't mean she would hesitate when the moment presented itself.

    Leilah snorted, adding, "You may have speed, but you're obviously incompetent. Due to how fast you are, it may have taken me a little time, but I would have worked out how to get the upper hand soon enough, and if I'd had a proper weapon, even our intervention wouldn't have been able to stop me from killing you." She spoke matter-of-factly, almost coldly, and with complete confidence in herself.

    When she'd felt his presence, Leilah had expected a little more of a challenge out of the demon, but while he was fast, she was obviously the more skilled. She knew that much just from their short clash. If her mentors had chosen to test her by pitting her against a demon, they'd obviously decided to make sure to put her up against a weaker one either from lack of experience or because they didn't want to risk serious harm by testing her with a demon more on her level of ability.

    As he asked her about money, Leilah gave the demon an incredulous look. "Why in the name of all that is holy would I have money? Do I look human to you?" As soon as the last question left her mouth, her eyes narrowed. "Don't answer that last one." Of course she looked human. She couldn't walk around in armor, weapons strapped to her, wings out. It would cause mass hysteria amongst the humans, most of whom only halfway believed in the existence of angels and certainly never expected to see one, much less a warrior like herself. More than likely, such a scene would attract human authorities, who would not take kindly to her presence, and this was much of the reason why both angels and demons masked themselves under human guises when they walked on earth.

    It did remind her though... this body felt heavier and awkward compared to what she was used to, and her energy seemed to drain at an alarmingly fast rate. That bout earlier should have been nothing, but instead, she could feel the toll it had taken, sapping at her energy. Her steps were heavier, and parts of her ached that absolutely should not have been after such small exertion. It was sickening, if not mildly alarming, how weak humans were.
    April 27th, 2017 at 03:48am
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    @ rosamarie
    (maybe that's for the best XD

    ps. the long ass scene I wrote below takes place pretty quickly, the whole observation scene was meant to seem like only a few seconds at most with the action happening immediately after. I blathered on and made it seem longer though hahaha go me.)

    Rennyn couldn't help the snort that left him. Leave it to an angel to misinterpret a phrase for a literal meaning. He decided not to correct her, however. Her superiority complex wouldn't care even if he did.

    Rennyn allowed Leilah to catch up with his thinking, deciding once again not to help her along as she clearly came to realize that her human-like body was not quite at 100% anymore. The disgust on her face made it pretty easy to figure out that she had, in fact, noticed exactly what Rennyn had.

    Humans need food, water, and rest on a regular basis. While it was frustrating to say the least, there wasn't much either of them could do about it while trespassing on ground level, where neither of them belonged.

    "Well then, aren't you useful," Rennyn mumbled, but he didn't allow her much time to ask him any dumb questions or get defensive. Instead, he eyed the large group of humans crossing the street over to their side. He gave a thorough look at each one, from head to toe, and ruled out a good majority of the women just from his cursory look. Women generally have purses--they keep them tucked close to their bodies or snapped shut, difficult to slip a hand into even if you ran into them. Men, on the other hand, usually kept only essential personal items on them. Anything for work would be in a briefcase or bag. He could see before him which men had wallets, some kept in loose front pockets and, as they passed he could see others kept them in their back pockets. He assumed the ones he couldn't figure out either kept their money and cards in a money clip, as it was much harder to spot. He ruled those ones out as well, since there was too much risk for no guarantee.

    Not allowing himself, or the angel, much time to deliberate on choices, Rennyn impulsively decided on the spot as he ran his shoulder roughly into a balding older man. Surprisingly, the man did not scowl or yell at him, not even noticing Rennyn's hand had already slipped into his pocket and pulled the wallet out right on impact.

    "I'm sooo sorry!" Rennyn apologized profusely, sounding rather sincere if he said so himself. He bowed his head quickly, hoping the affect would be enough to get the man to accept his apology and be on his way quickly. It was.

    "No problem, young man," the man smiled, already resuming his journey to wherever. "So polite, these days," he heard the man mumble happily, and Rennyn rolled his eyes. As they took a few steps further away, he checked the folds of the wallet, immediately ignoring the card in favor of the green notes hidden in the inside pocket.

    "Probably enough for food," he said with a shrug, not caring if the angel thought he was talking to her or not. "You can join me or not, but if it isn't enough for two meals I'm not sharing."
    April 27th, 2017 at 07:50am
  • sun spirit

    sun spirit (120)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (Well, it's absolutely terrible, but it's a post xD)

    The whole of the encounter was so quick and efficient that Leilah, even having watched the proceedings with open suspicion, didn't catch that the demon had stolen the old man's wallet until he returned to where she stood and began to flip through it, searching for--and finding--money. Had she known beforehand what he was up to, she would have put a stop to it, but the old man now out of her sight and the damage having been done, she didn't bother. Maybe the guy would actually pay attention in the future.

    "Not," she said at once in response to the demon's words, muscles tense. She wouldn't take anything from a demon. If it came down to it, she could hunt her own food, a skill she'd never employed but was sure she was more than capable of, considering her extensive training.

    Leilah opened her mouth to say more, but the words were silenced on her tongue at the sudden appearance of a familiar aura. Khal? She shut her mouth, sky blue eyes cutting across the crowd as she searched for the owner of that warm, comforting aura that pressed against her skin like sunshine. No other angel had an aura that strong yet disarming; it had to be Khalanthris.

    Then he was there, making his way toward where she stood. Several inches above six feet, he was taller than many around him and broad of shoulder. He wasn't a mass of muscle as so many humans attested to strength, but lithe and wiry, his strength covert. Reddish-brown hair was pulled back behind him in a ponytail, serious gray eyes fixed on her. He wore a v-neck, faded jeans, and flip-flops. Despite looking the part of little more of a hippie, the young angel visibly tensed in his presence.

    Despite not realizing it at first, as the intimidating angel came to a stop in front of her, Leilah realized that as soon as she had felt his aura, she had grabbed Rennyn's arm. Not out of any sense of needing comfort, but as an anchor to keep him from fleeing. Judging by the fact that her mentor had come to retrieve her, she was sure that she had utterly failed her mission and worse, embarrassed herself to her teachers. Even if she had been unable to stop the demon in her allotted time though, she was sure that Khal would be able to, and the least she could do in apology was stop the demon from running off and making things harder on him.

    "Leilah, let the demon go," Khalanthris said, to which she obeyed, even going so far as to step away, her tense, defiant manner having given way to a more subdued manner. After casting a glance around to make sure that no human was within earshot, he added as he turned his gaze upon Rennyn, "You may leave, demon. I will not harm you and neither will my misguided student. A warning though: hunt or steal any souls that are Heavenbound or before their time to leave this earth, and one of our own will come after your blood."

    Khalanthris dismissed Rennyn with that and turned to his student, unconcerned with what the demon did at this point, so long as no interruptions were made. "Leilah," he said, voice sharp, "Your mission here was not to hunt this demon. In fact, there is no action for you to take, which is the reason behind the decision to leave you weaponless. We did not give you instructions nor restrictions other than that you be without weapons for we thought neither were needed. However, you have proven us wrong. Henceforth, I command you that you shall not make attacks, no matter demon or human, provoked or unprovoked. The only instance in which you are to engage in combat is if it is a matter of defending yourself from an attacker, and you will not provoke attack in order to get around the rules set before you. Your mission is to learn what it means to be a warrior of Heaven, and until it judged by myself and your other mentors that you have achieved success in this endeavor, you are to search for your answer here on earth."

    When Leilah opened her mouth, Khal raised a hand, silencing her. "That is all I have to say. Do not fail, Leilah." Without so much as a wave of his hand or a smile in farewell, he turned and retreated from the crowded area.

    As she watched his retreating figure, Leilah's hands clenched at her sides, and by the time the feeling of his aura vanished entirely, the nails had begun to bite into her palms.
    May 1st, 2017 at 11:57pm
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    @ rosamarie
    (It's not bad! But HAHAHAH poor Leilah. The absolute devastation. I feel like mine is poop, in any case. Rennyn went real wimp there for a minute.)

    Rennyn turned away from the angel, ready to shrug his shoulders and be off to the nearest cleanish looking food establishment when all at once, a chill ran down the entirety of his spine, stopping him in his tracks. Well, that would have been enough to stop him in his tracks, but the featherhead also seemed to have suddenly grown very attached to him because her hands clamped down on his bicep, restricting his ability to take any additional steps forward. Rennyn imagined, even though her grip was strong and bordering a little bit on the painful, that he could get away in her current state of mind--it was clear to him that something was upsetting her and it was very likely the disgusting feeling walking right towards them.

    Rennyn wouldn't be admitting any time soon to the panic that settled in the pit of his stomach at the sight of the... angel who clearly had been away from the ground level a little too long--or else he was taking his role a little too seriously. He thought of ten plans on the spot, devised ways to get away and lose both of them for good, but he knew it was unlikely any of them would do him any good in this particular scenario. So, when the strange angel finally did open his mouth, Rennyn couldn't much hide his reaction. It was too conflicted, a mix of relief, confusion, and suspicion. Why would the other let him go? He was being so... typically angelic. But Rennyn wasn't about to question his luck, and as soon as Leilah's hands let go of him, he took five long strides up the sidewalk and away from them (mimicking a quiet "so polite these days" as he went), not far enough to be completely out of earshot.

    He didn't do much to hide his eavesdropping, as it were. He knew that an angel this strong would sense his continued presence regardless of where he hid, so he stood in the open, awkward and hesitant. He weighed his options, wondering if he was putting himself at unnecessary risk for his curiosity, but the more logical half of him knew that if the stronger angel did not kill him then, he would probably not kill him five steps away either.

    And it seemed to be true, as the two continued with their conversation, completely ignoring him though keeping their voices low so as not to alarm or confuse the passing humans. He imagined they wouldn't be bothered even if they overheard, at most confused, but he wasn't about to interrupt them just to inform them of something so trivial.

    And he was rewarded, in the end, as Leilah took a scolding and then some, as Rennyn imagined this was what an angel scolding probably looked like. For once, he was unable to hide his emotions even a small amount and had to cover his mouth with his hand to hide the grin that spread across his face when Leilah was given her instructions. Despite having known her only a few hours, Rennyn had already learned quite a bit about her personality, and he was guessing that her only real strength was... well, her strength. And ability to fight. And now she didn't even have that.

    He continued to cover his mouth and stifle the laughter that threatened to fall out, but as the man retreated into the crowd and Leilah stood shaking in her place, a snort burst forth and Rennyn had to take a moment to remember to breathe because humans do that and he forgot.

    After sucking in a few lungfuls of air and calming himself back to his natural state (subdued amusement), he remained in his place but dared to speak up.

    "Oh man," he sighed, allowing his grin to show freely now, "that bites. What are you going to do now? Because I don't make offers twice and you already said no to dinner."
    May 2nd, 2017 at 02:42am
  • sun spirit

    sun spirit (120)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (Rennyn had good reason XD He'd be dealing with a powerful angel who knew what he was doing. He wouldn't have stood a chance. You saw how Leilah reacted!)

    Leilah's mind reached for answers, demon entirely forgotten in light of her mentor's appearance and subsequent scolding and instructions. Why would they place such restrictions on her? She was a warrior! They'd been training her for years so that she could fight demons. Without any set instructions when she'd been sent here, she'd thought that the purpose was to give her a real-life scenario where she would have to use her own knowledge and skills to take down a demon. Not only had she failed in doing so, not that she'd been given the time she needed, now she was finding out that it wasn't what they wanted at all. They'd gone so far as to forbid her from attacking the demon!

    As she heard a loud snort nearby, Leilah's head snapped up, blue eyes immediately fixating on Rennyn, who still stood nearby and currently had his mouth covered with a hand, eyes dancing and shoulders practically shaking. Realizing that this demon had overheard the entire conversation, everything her mentor had said to her, bright spots of anger appeared on Leilah's cheeks even as she stalked over, threats already forming in her throat.

    In the few strides it took her to reach him, however, he'd composed himself mildly, and she'd realized the uselessness of threats. They both knew that she no longer possessed any ability to carry them through, and the demon no longer had any reason to be wary of her. She was lost, confused, embarrassed, but prevailing above it all at that particular moment, there was anger.

    "What I do is none of your business," she finally snapped, hands still clenched into tight fists at her side. And because she couldn't stand that knowing grin, she turned on her heel and stalked off. She didn't even care where she went at that moment, so long as it was somewhere that she could sort through what had just happened and what, exactly, to do about it.
    May 6th, 2017 at 03:21am
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    @ rosamarie
    (Poor Leilah is so confused hahaha
    also, rennyn is threatening to walk away but you don't actually need to worry about that if you want Leilah to keep her attitude haha. He'll most likely give in and stalk her cuz he's just like that.)

    Rennyn blinked as Leilah snapped at him and began to storm off in a random direction. He wondered briefly if she hoped he left or hoped he would follow, but he wasn't sure he really cared. His stomach rumbled again, reminding him once more of his stupid human-like hunger (which was annoying, because no matter how nice of a human appearance he wore, he didn't understand why he needed the functionality of a human as well--he could only attribute it to being on the human plane of existence). He shrugged his shoulders the farther away she got, but decided to call out to her, just to test her own resolve.

    "I suppose I'll just.. go to the hospital and devour some miserable souls then~" he taunted. To be fully honest, he hoped she would stick with him long enough for him to come up with a plan of his own. He still wasn't sure what Lucifer really wanted him to do here, but even if the angel wasn't it (and he was fairly certain she wasn't, she was of no consequence to someone as powerful as Lucifer), it would look much better than ten easy human souls for him to bring down an angel--particularly one who has not fallen. Though he didn't mind the idea of tainting her purity either, though it was highly unlikely to ever happen. She was quite obviously very stubborn.

    With that being said though, he turned in the opposing direction and took a few small steps away, not even sure where he would find a hospital. He really didn't have any intention of going to one (yet), and in the end, would just find a cheap restaurant to eat at. He was sure he could find the angel again, now that he knew her aura.
    May 6th, 2017 at 09:37pm
  • sun spirit

    sun spirit (120)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (And abrasive. And thinking about her personality just made me realize that she was probably never given the chance to sit back, relax, and have fun as a child. Literally the only thing she knows is what she's been trained for. No wonder she's confused and they're having trouble with her now)

    Leilah had no idea where she planned on going. She certainly didn't know her way around earth, any area of it, though she had the nagging feeling that she was soon going to get to know this particular area. For the moment though, her singular goal was to sort through what was going on and figure out the best course of action to deal with it all. Part of her even wanted to hit something, but the human body she inhabited rebelled against the idea with an unfamiliar weakness and fatigue that she attributed to humans being physically inferior.

    Her determined step faltered in hesitation, however, at what the demon called out to her. Her mind flashed a rapidfire argument in which her orders were pitted against the right thing to do, and she even played over the entire "conversation" with Khalanthris once more. It was thanks to doing so that she faintly remembered her mentor delivering a warning to Rennyn before letting him go. If he did as he'd threatened, he'd meet the sharp end of an angel's sword, and while she'd rather it were her own, even if she did follow to stop him, her hands were tied.

    Besides, she'd have to be a complete fool not to notice how he'd gone from doing everything in his power to try and get away from her to suddenly trying to change her mind when she went to walk away. She didn't know what he was planning, but she knew she didn't want anything to do with it.

    So Leilah kept walking, threading her way through a crowd she hardly took the time to notice other than to avoid any collisions and letting the stomach-turning feeling of the demon's aura fall away, even though it somehow felt wrong to do so. And all the while, she kept a look-out for areas that seemed less densely populated, her mind inevitably turning back to the prevalent issue at hand, which was tearing apart her mentor's words in search for answers.
    May 7th, 2017 at 12:43am
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    @ rosamarie

    (I have no idea what I'm doing I just like getting Rennyn in trouble and it felt like I was rambling without a point.)

    Rennyn pouted. It was something he would deny if anyone called him out on it, but as the only person who might walked away from him he didn't hold back. He took a few more hesitant steps in the opposite direction of Leilah, but realized that doing so would lead him exactly to where they'd just come from--and in any case, he had no idea where he should go. How did humans decide where to eat with so many options? All the signs and chains and whatnot meant nothing to him as he spent relatively little time during his education learning about human food and food sources, and almost absolutely no time at all just before getting sent here.

    So, with that thought in mind, Rennyn dropped the pout and turned on the spot (running straight into a lady, but she excused herself without making any kind of scene surprisingly, considering it was Rennyn's fault). It would do him no good to linger, and while he knew he'd be able to find the angel again should he need to, he decided to just save himself the trouble and follow her now. If she figured out that he was following her (as she likely would), he could just say he was looking for food.

    He quickened his steps to catch up, but stayed at the edge of the distance needed to just barely feel her aura. He knew that if he could feel her nearby she could probably feel him, but he wondered if she would even think much about it given her current state of mind.

    As he walked he considered his new mission parameters. Ten souls was a little more difficult if you were being watched by high ranking angels who threatened your life should you take anyone. But the angel had specifically said anyone bound for heaven and before their time, so Rennyn guessed that the hospital actually would be a pretty good place to haunt if he still wanted to make an attempt at what was obviously not meant to be his mission to begin with.

    But what was? It couldn't be the angel--at least he didn't think it was her, there was really nothing he could do about her, and with her unable to do anything with him either it was a dead end for both. Maybe he was meant to be finding something? Or figuring out some sort of informati-

    "Watch where you're going, kid!" a voice cut off Rennyn's train of thought, but that didn't stop him from running straight into, presumably, the voice that spoke. It was funny how second nature following Leilah's aura had been (though admittedly, he'd gotten much closer than he'd intended while he was distracted), that he would run into people. Or maybe human auras were just so weak in comparison that he hadn't yet gotten used to them.

    "Sorry," he said insincerely, because it was clear his innocent teenager act wasn't going to work on the rough looking man towering above him.

    "Sorry?" the man returned, cracking his knuckles like a cheesy comedy bad guy. Rennyn snorted at this, face impassive. What could this man do to him?

    "Maybe if you said it like you really meant it, I would forgive you," the man threatened, and Rennyn rolled his eyes. As much as he didn't really want to get in a fight, he didn't have time for this--if the police came for him again it would be self defense, right? Though two times in one day would probably too much. They might look him up this time. Ask him where he lived, who his family was, all questions he had no answer for.

    "What are you talking about, of course I meant it," Rennyn replied, tone betraying his words. He could just run away, he figured. But then, that was before he was suddenly surrounded by three additional large men.

    "Want to try that one more time?" a man behind him said, putting a giant hand on Rennyn's shoulder. He sighed, a bit disappointed in his own carelessness this time. He'd still blame the angel later, for distracting him.

    "For fuck's sake, I can't go back to the police station today. Can you just let me go and we'll all be on our way? Pretty sure you don't want to be charged with assaulting a minor, anyways." While the irritated nature of his speech was probably not the best approach, he had hoped that his words would make them back off. Hoped.

    "Not going to happen, kid."

    Well, shit.
    May 8th, 2017 at 01:12am
  • sun spirit

    sun spirit (120)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (It's okay. Leilah likes Rennyn getting in trouble too! Sorry I went missing--again-- >_<)

    Though admittedly preoccupied going through her thoughts, it would have been nearly impossible for Leilah not to notice that the demon had chosen to follow her. Human auras were so weak that you had to be right up on them and concentrating to feel them out, but the auras of angels and demons were strong and oppositely aligned. There was a radius in which they could be felt, that area growing wider depending on the strength of the aura, and the closer you were, the stronger you felt it. That was why she knew the demon was keeping his distance. He was so far away that even though she felt it, recognizing the particular feeling as belonging to his aura, it wasn't so strong that her skin crawled or she felt sick to her stomach. It wasn't debilitating in the slightest. Just this feeling hovering on the edge of her awareness.

    He didn't try to catch up, to poke and prod at her and make her angry enough to want to defy the orders she'd been given. And since he was keeping his distance, Leilah ignored the fact that he was following her at all--not that she could have done a damned thing about it to begin with.

    Then she felt him start to move closer, but, gritting her teeth, Leilah left it alone. Only he didn't stop closing in behind her, and at last, the grounded angel stopped, turning on her heel to face the demon. Rather than finding him creeping up behind her, trying to see how far he could get before she turned to yell at him, however, she instead found the demon surrounded by four large humans, all of whom looked like they could snap him with two fingers.

    Well, well, well.

    Not the only one to stop at the sight, Leilah was actually joined at others excited at the prospect of a fight, some of which had already formed a loose circle around the men and demon, and though it also presented a good opportunity to just walk off, well... Leilah had a feeling she'd find this entertaining.
    June 9th, 2017 at 03:54am
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    @ rosamarie
    (Rennyn has a potty mouth and is like.. legitimately childlike at the end XD
    also... -is bad at action scenes-)

    A deep sigh. Street noise somehow fell away, despite the busy time, and all he could hear was one annoying voice getting very close to his face. A large finger prodded at his chest and Rennyn finally opened his eyes, which had at some point closed in an attempt to erase the situation from before him. No luck. Apparently that was not one of his gifts, if he had any to speak of here on earth in his dinky human shell.

    "I'd appreciate it if you kept your hands to yourself, sir," he interrupted calmly. Maybe if he were thinking clearly, he would have turned and just slipped through them. He would have run away. He should have run away. But Rennyn, despite his strongest quality being intelligence, surprisingly did not always think straight. So here he was, challenging four large men that realistically he had no way of defeating.

    Well, being a demon wasn't really realistic to humans anyways, so how could they know? But Rennyn's words made everything worse, as per usual. The grumpy one's eyebrows pulled in, and he made a constipated face that Rennyn assumed was supposed to convey anger or perhaps be intimidating. It wasn't, so Rennyn continued to stare boredly at the man, who poked at his chest one more time. This time, Rennyn really wasn't having it--he didn't like being touched. Not by angels, not by humans, not even by other demons, so Rennyn smacked the man's wrist away, and things seemed to speed up immediately.

    It was over in seconds, he guessed. The man threw a punch that Rennyn once again smacked away by the wrist as he turned and ducked an attack from behind. He kicked a third man in the chest while he was low and then grabbed the initial man by the arm as he regathered himself and went in for a second time. Rennyn twisted around him, bringing his arm with him and pulling until it was at a painful angle. The fourth man jumped into action now, attempting to help his friend from Rennyn's hold, but Rennyn used his first attacker's back as leverage and kicked this man in the head as hard as his human body would allow--enough to knock the large man onto the ground, at least. As he landed, he used his momentum to swing the man in his hold to the ground, perfect position for kneeing the man's already twisted arm, a sickening crack surprisingly stopping all action.

    It was quiet at Rennyn immediately let go, just for a moment. Rennyn's expression now matched the innocent face he wore much better, eyes widened and bottom lip pulled in between his teeth--then the man's howling yell of pain met his ears, and he woke up.

    "Fuck, shit fuck, oh shit, ohhhkay," he panicked, whirling around and easily shoving through the men no longer concerned with him. Apparently they were loyal to their asshole friend and were concerned with his well-being enough to not realize they were letting him get away. He took quick strides, and when he spotted Leilah just down the sidewalk in a crowd that had gathered around at some point, the panic settled further. He jogged up to her and immediately spoke upon reaching her vicinity.

    "I didn't kill him and it was self defense! You saw! That angel who leashed you has nothing to say to me, alright?!" and with that he continued pushing his way through the crowd, not meeting anyone's gaze. This wasn't Rennyn's style, it wasn't how he pictured himself fucking up (if he did at all). He never even imagined he'd be worried about police (which was a real possibility right now), least of all hippy arch angel threats on his life.

    Why did things never seem to go right for him?
    June 16th, 2017 at 03:31am
  • sun spirit

    sun spirit (120)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (HE'S SCARED lmfao and Leilah... so un-angel-like xD)

    Whatever she'd been expecting, it wasn't what Leilah saw. When she'd attempted to engage the demon earlier that day, he'd just evaded her except for a single knife throw. Here, he'd actually acted. One moment, he was being poked in the chest, and the next, he was defending from attacks, not running, but actually standing his ground and defending. And then he snapped the human's arm. She was too shocked to even consider acting, and by the time he was letting out profanities, had remembered that even had she wanted to, she couldn't do anything.

    And then he started towards her, and Leilah squared her shoulders, eyes narrowed. She wasn't allowed to provoke but if he walked over and hit her now, she'd have the excuse she needed. She'd mistaken panic for violent intention though, something she realized when he spoke. The snarky demon was actually scared. She could see it.

    Leilah acted without thinking it through. After he passed her, she spun on her heel, turning to follow. She had to push through the jostling crowd, creating her own path, and as word of what happened reached the outer edges towards those who hadn't seen what he'd done, whispers and pointing started up.

    "You really screwed up, didn't you?" She called after they had gotten out of the thick of the crowd, moving in a little closer. After her horrible start, this was just what she needed to cheer up a bit. "So soon after being let off with a warning, I wonder what the human police are going to make of you. And actually breaking someone's arm this time. Oh, and then there's Khal. He never said he'd kill you for hurting a human, but I can't help but wonder if someone will be showing up to give you a reminder."
    June 16th, 2017 at 04:34am
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    @ rosamarie
    (poooor baby hahaha. Leilah XD assuming the complete opposite of his intentions.)

    Rennyn huffed, his pace not slowing down despite the fact that Leilah had chosen to follow him. And tease him. Deservedly. He'd really lost his cool, and she wasn't making it any better.

    "Ok but shut up," Rennyn muttered, not really concerned with the fact that his voice was definitely pitched higher than it should be? What? "Those dumb humans will be too damn embarrassed to go to the police. What are they gonna say? A tiny high school lookin' boy beat the shit out of them? Right."

    To be honest, Rennyn wasn't sure who he was trying to convince, but the words were working. He slowed his pace after a few more minutes, and finally started breathing normally. "As for the angel... whatever. I'll deal with that when it comes. Like I said, it was self defense. There's nothing inherently demonic about saving your face from getting punched in. I think God can forgive me for that," he shot, at full capacity now.

    He tried to put everything behind him, consider it an example of what not to do in the future. That was the best way to act, but the next order of business: "Why are you following me now? Making sure I really do get scolded? I suppose you would, after what he said to you. It's my turn, right?" He wouldn't put it beneath her to think that way, at least. There was a part of him that would probably feel the same, anyways. Not that he would admit it. Ever.
    June 16th, 2017 at 05:09am
  • sun spirit

    sun spirit (120)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (Leilah... isn't the brightest xD)

    It seemed Leilah's needling actually got her somewhere, as Rennyn went on the defensive. He didn't glance at her once, and his words didn't hold any heat, but it was obvious that the demon was still panicked.

    It was about time something bad happened to him.

    And then he recovered, much too fast to Leilah's liking, and as he actually turned to her when he spoke, she stopped, muscles tensing, looking similar to an animal with its hackles raised. She couldn't very well admit that she'd taken pleasure in his panic. The act itself was bad enough without it being openly aired, but neither did she want to admit to his guess, as it was almost just as bad. "Just making sure you fully know what trouble you might be expecting," Leilah said curtly after a moment's contemplation, at which point she turned and walked off again. The direction was completely arbitrary, its only requirement being that it was away from the demon.

    What was she thinking, following him for even a short amount of time? She'd rather he just disappear altogether, and even the shock of the fight he'd gotten himself into wasn't a good excuse.

    Still, witnessing that had lifted Leilah's spirits a bit, and it was with renewed energy that she looked about her surroundings. It didn't take her long to decide what her next order of business would be either, as her stomach rumbled its demand. Okay. Take care of her fragile human body first. Figure out what, exactly, Khalanthris wanted from her second.

    It was a start.
    July 8th, 2017 at 04:54am