I Know the Sound of Your Heart

  • "How many times do I have to tell you that was an accident and a fluke? I'm one of the best dancers, doll." Bucky said with a slight chuckle. This was proving to be a bit easier than he originally thought it would be. He supposed it was because he knew Rosie fairly well despite the small window of time that he'd actually known her. "You're right, wouldn't want to miss that dinner reservation." He said with a slight shake of his head. "It was a pleasure meeting you too." Bucky said politely before leading Rosie towards the door. He pushed it open and motioned for her to walk out first before following close behind her.
    June 26th, 2016 at 03:32am
  • @ frank castle.
    Rosie laughed at Bucky's words before she waved slightly at her boss and then walked out with Bucky with a smile on her face, "I can't believe it actually worked! Did you see how angry he was. He's never like that, all tense and stuff." She said, keeping her hand in his as she walked out of the building and towards her apartment. She couldn't even manage to try and wipe the smile off her face, excited that everything seemed to have worked out, "Are you actually one of the best dancers in Brooklyn, Bucky?" She asked curiously. She had never gotten the chance to see him dance because with being the one performing on stage, she never got to go onto the dancefloor and dance with someone else.
    June 27th, 2016 at 03:09am
  • "He did seem pretty tense." Bucky agreed, a slight chuckle escaping his lips. He was glad that their little charade had been convincing enough to make her boss believe that they were actually dating. "I'd like to think that I am, yes." He told her with a grin. He knew that it was a slight exaggeration, he wasn't the best dancer in Brooklyn, but he was a pretty damn good one. "Why? Do you think I'm all talk?"
    June 28th, 2016 at 03:08am
  • @ frank castle.
    Rosie smiled up at him widely, "You're honestly the best for doing this, Bucky." She said and kissed his cheek quickly before she pulled away with a giggle. She still couldn't believe that Bucky had agreed to help her like this, "I do think you're all talk, but that might just be because I know you so well." She joked, "Though, I would like to see you dance one time. See if you really are as good as you think you are." She added with a grin. Rosie loved spending time with Bucky and joking with him. He always had a way to make her smile.
    June 28th, 2016 at 04:07am
  • "It's not a problem, Rosie. You deserve to be treated with respect." Bucky told her. He hoped that her boss would stop treating her horribly and hitting on her. It wasn't right. "Ouch, that hurts, doll." He said, allowing an expression of mock hurt to cross onto his face. "Lets get one thing straight, I don't think I'm a good dancer, I know that I'm a good dancer." He grinned slightly.
    June 28th, 2016 at 05:08pm
  • @ frank castle.
    Rosie smiled at his words. When he spoke again about her teasing, she couldn't help but laugh. The mock of hurt on his face, causing her to burst into a fit of giggles she wasn't able to stop. Once he spoke once more, she cocked an eyebrow at him, "Well I'm just going to have to see that for myself, Barnes." She replied back with a bit of sass to her words.
    June 29th, 2016 at 04:10am
  • "I guess that means I'm just going to have to take you out dancing then, doll." Bucky said with a slight smirk. It would help with the fake dating charade anyway. He doubted that they'd run into her boss anywhere, New York was huge and Brooklyn was big enough too, but he definitely wouldn't mind taking her out dancing either. "Just name a day and time and we can settle this." He chuckled.
    June 30th, 2016 at 01:51am
  • @ frank castle.
    Rosie didn't even have time to force down the blush that crept up onto her face at Bucky's words. She shook her head slightly before she looked down and realized that their hands were still intertwined, causing the blush on her face to get darker, "In your dreams, Barnes." She replied, keeping up her sassy front to make sure she didn't let on how much she would actually like to go out with him. This was Bucky we were talking about, though, he would be like this with any girl, Rosie wasn't anything special.
    June 30th, 2016 at 02:25am
  • Bucky smirked slightly when he saw the blush that had formed on her cheeks. He didn't know if he was overstepping his boundaries as a friend by asking her to go dancing with him, and maybe he was, but it was out in the open now and he wasn't going to take any of it back. He and Rosie had gotten close pretty quick, he did spend a majority of his evenings at the bar she worked at after he and her got to talking, and he was happy that he could say that she was one of his good friends now. That didn't mean he wasn't going to lay the Bucky Barnes charm on her every once and a while. That just wouldn't be in his nature at all if he didn't.

    "Ouch, doll. That hurt me real good." He said, shaking his head slightly as if in disbelief. He might have put up a confident front, but her turning him down really had bruised his ego a little bit. He wasn't about to let that one though. Nope, that just wasn't him at all.
    July 1st, 2016 at 07:25pm
  • @ frank castle.
    Rosie smirked slightly, but let it quickly fade away. Rosie would have loved the chance to go dancing with Bucky, but his friendship meant a lot to her and she didn't want to do anything to screw it up. He was already pretending to be her boyfriend and she knew that was something he didn't have to do, which showed that he was a really good friend, "Maybe another time." She stated as they neared her apartment building. She frowned slightly, not wanting to leave his company just yet, so she slowed down her pace as she walked so they didn't get there as quickly.
    July 1st, 2016 at 08:56pm
  • "Alright, your loss then, Rosie." Bucky said with a slight shrug of his shoulders. He wasn't going to press the subject any longer. If she didn't want to go out dancing with him then she didn't want to go out dancing with him. He wasn't going to try to push the envelope or anything like that. He came to a stop once they had reached her apartment building. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?" He figured he'd be picking her up from her office job for a little while until her boss really did back off.
    July 2nd, 2016 at 04:02am
  • @ frank castle.
    Rosie smiled slightly at him, “Oh believe me, I know.” She replied before they finally came to a stop in front of her apartment building. When Bucky spoke about seeing her tomorrow, she smiled widely and nodded, “I will see you tomorrow, sweetheart.” She said with a small giggle before she kissed his cheek and then waved before turning around and walking up the stairs and through the doors to the building, the smile never leaving her face.
    July 2nd, 2016 at 05:12am
  • Bucky let out a soft chuckle in response to her words. "Goodnight, doll." He said, smiling when she pressed a kiss to his cheek. He watched her make her way into her building. Once she was inside, he headed towards the closest subway station. It didn't take him very long to get back to the apartment that he and Steve shared. It never really did.
    July 6th, 2016 at 03:01am
  • @ frank castle.
    Rosie quickly changed into comfy clothes and curled up on the couch with a cup of tea and a good book. Her mind wasn't really able to focus on the book though. Her thoughts were focused completely on Bucky. The last time she had been this focused on him was the night that she first officially met him and he insisted that he walk her home. She couldn't stop wondering why he wanted to watch over her so badly. Now, she couldn't quite get the thought of going dancing with him out of her head. Rosie didn't understand it. They were just friends. That was it.
    July 7th, 2016 at 10:10pm
  • [Did you want to do a skip?]
    July 8th, 2016 at 03:09am
  • @ frank castle.
    (Yeah. That's fine. I'll do like a couple days)

    It had been a few days since Bucky had first come into work, and he had bee coming back every day since then. Rosie didn't mind it at all, it kept her boss away, plus she didn't mind seeing Bucky more than she normally did. Today was different, though. Rosie had been called to her father's office two floors above hers. She had no idea what the meeting was about, seeing as her boss wasn't their at all. She looked up when her father walked in with a small smile on his face, "Hi, Daddy." She stated as she rose and kissed his cheek lightly before sitting down, "Hello, Sweetheart." He replied and sat down across from her at the desk, "So, it's been brought to my attention you've been keeping a secret." He explained. Rosie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, unsure of what he was talking about, "What do you mean?" "Jonathan told me yesterday, Rosie, you don't have to keep up the act." Now Rosie was really starting to worry. What could she have done wrong that meant her boss had to tell her father, "Rosie, I'm talking about your boyfriend." He explained, one he had finally realized she wasn't sure what he was talking about, "Boyfriend? Oh! Right! My boyfriend." She nodded and raised an eyebrow, "Why didn't you tell us about him? And by us I mean me and your mother." Rosie shrugged in response, "I don't know. I wasn't sure how long it would last, so I didn't tell you and mom about him." She lied, "Well he clearly has a good hold over you, Jonathan said that you couldn't wipe the smile off your face when he met your boyfriend the other day. So, I want to meet this fellow. As does your mother. We want you two to come over tomorrow night for dinner." Rosie's eyes went a little wide, but she gave her father a smile, "I will ask him about it tonight." She stated. Shit. She thought as she walked out of her father's office once she had said her goodbyes. She looked at the clock and sighed, Bucky should be there at any moment to pick her up before she had to go to the bar for her shift there.
    July 10th, 2016 at 09:03pm
  • Bucky had shown up at the office every day like clockwork since that first day. He wanted to make sure that creep stayed away from Rosie, and got the hint. If he stopped showing up, what if her boss went back to his old ways? If he was supposed to be her "boyfriend", fake or not, he was going to make sure that he did his job and protected her from creeps like that. So, he'd continue to show up, not just because he wanted to make sure her boss kept his distance, but also because he honestly enjoyed Rosie's company, and he didn't mind helping her out one bit. So, that's how he found himself where he was now, walking down the bustling, city street towards the office building. He smiled as he stepped inside and spotted the blonde in question making her way towards the exit. "How was work, doll?" He asked, pressing a kiss to her cheek as he neared her.
    March 8th, 2018 at 03:39am
  • @ peter parker.
    Rosie was deep in thought as she neared Bucky. She was only snapped out of her thoughts when he pressed a kiss to her cheek causing her to smile over at him, "Pretty calm actually. Johnathan stayed in his office for a decent part of the day, so I was able to get a lot of work done." She replied as she looped her arm through his as they walked to her apartment, "I had a meeting with my dad today though. Johnathan told my dad about the relationship and my parents want us to come to dinner tomorrow, but I told my dad I would ask you first." She explained with a frown, "So would you like to come to dinner as my fake boyfriend and meet my parents?" She questioned and chuckled lightly.
    March 9th, 2018 at 02:13am
  • "That's good. Sounds like he might have taken a hint finally." Bucky said, glad that their little ruse had gotten her creepy boss to finally leave her alone. He was sure that probably made work a little bit more pleasant, it seemed that way at least. She definitely seemed to be in much better spirits now than she had been the other night. Her later words caught him off guard, and took him from his own thoughts. "Your parents wanna meet me?" He asked, eyebrows raised in surprise as he looked down at her. "I don't have a problem with it at all, doll, just a little bit surprised is all."
    March 11th, 2018 at 03:53pm
  • @ peter parker.
    Rosie couldn't help but giggle lightly at Bucky's question, "Yeah they are shocked to hear about you." She replied before she blushed in embarrassment slightly, "I haven't exactly had a boyfriend in a while let alone a "serious" one, and I had told Johnathan you and I had been going together for almost two months since that was when you first came into the bar." She explained. When he said that he would help, she smiled widely. Bucky had such a kind heart, and she was so thankful that he was willing to help her despite the fact that it could be considered an inconvenience for a lot of people, "You're honestly such an amazing person, Bucky, thank you so much for this."
    March 13th, 2018 at 11:57pm