Little Runaway

  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Zacky nodded, leaning over the edge of the couch and reaching for the group of pamphlets that was on the table. Without fail, every city that they went to, pamphlets appears for various types of take out. Their crew knew them well enough. He flipped through them until he came to the first one for a pizza place. "What do you like on your pizza?" He asked, brow raising as he turned to her. A minute later, he had a pizza on the way and had turned his attention back to Brittney.

    "I'm sorry if I upset you earlier," he murmured, leaning toward her. "That wasn't really my intention."

    Zacky reached to set his hand on her shoulders. His fingers teasing soft circles into her shoulder, above her shirt. "But regardless of why you're here, I want you to know you can always come to me if you need someone to talk to or if you have any concerns about what's going on on tour. Alright?" He murmured, inching closer to her.
    June 2nd, 2016 at 05:07pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Uh, just a supreme is fine," Brittney answered. She sat back, looking around the bus as Zacky ordered the pizza. She didn't know if Zacky expected her to pay for half of it, but of course she'd give him a little money if he wanted her to. "You didn't upset me," Brittney said softly. She could feel her face heating up at the tone of Zacky's voice. She was pretty sure it was purposeful, but she didn't want to make any assumptions. And the way kept moving closer to her was making Brittney's stomach go absolutely crazy. Maybe it wasn't so crazy to think that Zacky might actually be attracted to her.

    "A-Alright," Brittney stuttered. Her thoughts were too focused on Zacky's fingers rubbing into her shoulder to really say anything. She glanced up at him for a split second but quickly looked away, directing her gaze to her lap. "It means a lot to know that I can talk to you," she added a minute later. "I don't have a lot of people I feel like I can trust."
    June 3rd, 2016 at 12:40am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Zacky smiled a bit, nodding his head as she spoke. "I'm just happy that I can be here for you," he answered. Dropping his hand from her shoulder a bit, "when it comes to anything. Doesn't matter what it is."

    He was all about taking chances, he always had been really. You didn't become a rockstar without a set of balls, not knowing what the future held for you. Women were a whole new ballgame though, he could never be sure how they would react.

    Zacky took a deep breathe, looking back up to Brittney. He leaned forward, pressing his lips to hers. He was careful not to press too much, not wanting her to get freaked out.
    June 3rd, 2016 at 01:05am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "I'm happy, too," Brittney said softly, smiling slightly. She looked back up at Zacky just in time to find him leaning closer, and before she could really comprehend what was happening, he was kissing her. Even though she'd been wanting it to happen, it still surprised her, and she sat frozen on the couch for a split second before she kissed him back, moving her hand up to the back of the neck. She used this as leverage to press back against his lips, her eyes slowly closing as she kissed him back.

    When they finally broke apart, Brittney looked down at her lip, smiling as she bit her bottom lip. "You know, I've been wanting you to do that for awhile. Practically since I met you." Brittney suddenly realized how that might sound, and she blushed again. "I mean, you're just really attractive know, I'm just gonna stop talking now."
    June 3rd, 2016 at 05:56am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Zacky was just about to pull away from the kiss, with an apology ready on his tongue until Brittney returned the gesture. He took the opportunity to set a hand on her hip, pulling her closer to him. Smiling into the kiss, Zacky let out a breathe that he hadn't realized he had been holding when she pulled away.

    "Hey, it's okay," Zacky said, letting out a soft laugh as he reached up to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I had a feeling you were interested," he murmured, brushing his thumb across her cheek. "You're beautiful, Brittney. That was my very first thought when I laid eyes on you."
    June 3rd, 2016 at 06:11am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Oh." That was all Brittney could think to say when Zacky said that he thought she was beautiful. It wasn't necessarily that she disagreed with him, it was just that hearing those words, especially from a man, was so unfamiliar to her. In fact, she was more used to hearing the exact opposite, even if it was only flung at her as an insult when there was nothing substantial to be said.

    Brittney didn't know what else to say, so she just kissed Zacky again, still a bit in disbelief that he'd kissed her the first time. Even if he thought she was beautiful, he was a rockstar. Surely he could have any girl he wanted, one that wasn't part of his merch crew.
    June 3rd, 2016 at 06:28am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Zacky frowned as Brittney gave little to no response. Despite his ulterior motives, he wasn't going to deny that she was very much attractive. On the smaller side with doe eyes that had caught Zacky's attention from the very beginning.

    He was surprised when she initiated a kiss, letting a small moan of approval. Zacky twisted so he was sitting upright, pulling her so that she was straddling his lap. He pulled away from her after a moment, hands resting on her hips. "You are beautiful," he insisted, nudging her chin with his fingers. "Don't ever doubt it, you hear me?"
    June 3rd, 2016 at 06:40am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Brittney let out a soft noise of surprise when Zacky moved her into his lap. She certainly hadn't been expecting anything like that. But she did kind of like it - it made her stomach flutter, but in a much different way than it had been earlier. When Zacky pulled away, Brittney wanted to look down at her lap so that maybe he wouldn't notice the look on her face, but he nudged her chin, forcing her to continue to look at him.

    "I don't," Brittney said softly. She smiled lightly. "Not when you say it, anyway." She bit her lip again, trying to stop herself from giggling. Now that she knew he returned her feelings of attraction, Brittney just wanted to kiss Zacky again and again, but she knew that Zacky probably had things to do. "I guess you should probably go do things for the show?" Brittney asked vaguely. "Oh wait, I forgot we were waiting on a pizza."
    June 3rd, 2016 at 07:43am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    "Good." Zacky nodded, running a hand through her hair slowly. He smiled, leaning up to give her another, quick kiss. He gave her side a light squeeze, "as long as you know to not doubt me," he teased, a stupid little grin on his face.

    Zacky gave an uncommitted noise, cocking his head to the side as he studied her. "I probably should go and get ready but I'd much rather be doing this," he murmured, fingers teasing the skin just under her waistband. "Pizza should be here soon... I hope," he teased, leaning back a bit. "How about you come here and kiss me again?"
    June 3rd, 2016 at 08:11am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "I don't see why I would ever have a reason to doubt you," Brittney said. The grin on his face was absolutely contagious and it made Brittney smile as well, a slight squeak of sorts slipping out of her lips when he squeezed her side. Before, she'd never really had time for anything resembling a relationship, so all of this was pretty new to her. When she felt Zacky's fingers slip just beneath her waistband, Brittney could feel her heart rate increase, and her skin tingled where he touched it.

    "Okay," Brittney murmured. She leaned forward, pressing her lips against Zacky's again. She laid her hands on his shoulders, sliding them up to the sides of his neck. It felt nice to know that Zacky wanted her to kiss him as much as she did. Part of her wished he didn't have to go do the show, so they could just sit on the bus and make out for a bit longer.
    June 3rd, 2016 at 08:58am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Zacky grinned into the kiss, leaning up a bit so he could deepen it. His arms wrapped around her, pulling her flush against his body. Eyes shut, he jerked backward at the sound of knocking on the door. A look of confusion flashed across his features as he sighed, not particularly wanting this moment to end. Realization dawning, Zacky moved Brittney off of his lap. He stood and headed to the door, pulling out his wallet as he went.

    He paid for the pizza and shut the door, moving over to the counter. He pulled out two paper plates, placing a piece on each. Zacky held out one of the plates to her as he sat back down, "This pizza better be worth it," he spoke, letting out a small laugh. "I have a free day the day after tomorrow, we should do something then," he said, giving a nod of his head. "What do you think?"
    June 3rd, 2016 at 07:18pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Brittney pouted when she was moved off of Zacky's lap. Even though she was hungry, she would much rather have continued to kiss him. She felt silly, but she really did just want to make out with him. She took the pizza from Zacky, sharing his laugh. "I hope so, too," she said. She took a bite of the pizza, chewing slowly as she listened to Zacky's suggestion. She wasn't sure what he wanted to do, but as long as it involved getting to kiss him some more, she didn't care what they did.

    "That sounds good," Brittney finally answered. She smiled at Zacky, scooting a bit closer to him on the couch. "As long as I get to spend a little time time with you," she added. She looked down at her plate, feeling her cheeks turn pink as she took another bite.
    June 3rd, 2016 at 09:13pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Zacky nodded, a gentle smile on his lips as he leaned his head against hers for a moment. "We'll figure out a way to escape and just have alone time. That way we don't have to worry about the boys being stupid," he murmured, knowing full well that they needed time away from the boys. After all, boys will be boys and Zacky probably wouldn't have taken kindly to them teasing the couple.

    "Probably find some trails to explore or something," Zacky said, a slight shrug of his shoulders. "If that sounds good to you?" He asked, glancing to her. "Who knows what else we'll do," he said, winking as he nudged her with hsi elbow.
    June 3rd, 2016 at 09:28pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Exploring sounds like fun," Brittney said, deciding to ignore the last part of Zacky's comment. She might not know men, but she was pretty sure she knew what Zacky was insinuating. She didn't want to rush into anything like that too quickly - but she couldn't deny that the thought hadn't been at the back of her mind when they'd been kissing earlier. "Because you're right, I'm sure the boys will be stupid. And having a little privacy will be nice."

    Brittney finished off her piece of pizza and got up to go get another. She took a bite as she went back over to the couch, leaning her head over on Zacky's shoulder. It was so strange for Brittney to feel comfortable around another person, but Zacky just made her And he seemed to genuinely care about her and she really did feel like she could talk to him if she needed to.
    June 3rd, 2016 at 10:05pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Zacky followed Brittney's lead, grabbing a second piece of his own. When they settled back on the couch, he smiled, turning his head to the side so he could kiss the top of her head. He switched the hand he had been using to eat, to hold his plate so he could run a hand through her hair for a moment. He felt relaxed with her by his side, there wasn't a doubt in the back of his mind that maybe she was here because of what he was, not who he was. It was refreshing.

    Finishing the second piece of pizza, Zacky let out a groan as he set the plate to the side. "I think I should probably head inside and get ready before someone starts bitching at me because I don't care," he said, rolling his eyes at the thought. "Do you want to come with me or go do your own thing?"
    June 3rd, 2016 at 10:20pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Brittney leaned into Zacky, her eyes fluttering closed when she felt his fingers running through her hair. She wished she could sit on the couch or lay in the bunk with Zacky and just have him play with her hair and kiss her. She just knew that she had to be careful not to get too attached to him too quickly. She didn't want to make a fool out of herself or scare Zacky away.

    "I'll come with you," Brittney said quickly. She didn't particularly want to sit on the bus or wander around the venue by herself. She went over and stuffed her paper plate into the trashcan before turning back to Zacky.
    June 4th, 2016 at 03:22am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Zacky rose to his feet, letting out a groan as he stretched her arms above his head. His shirt rose up, exposing his stomach as he did. Staying still for a moment, he relaxed once he felt satisfied that he'd stretched enough. He tossed her a small grin as he held out his elbow for her to take. "Let's go then, mademoiselle. "

    "Even rockstars have to get their hair done because the natural bedhead isn't good enough," Zacky said, rolling his eyes as they made their way into the arena. It was never anything major, just enough to annoy Zacky that it even needed to be done. "It's going to be boring, I warn you."
    June 4th, 2016 at 03:30am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    As Zacky stretched, Brittney couldn't help but let her eyes drift down to the sliver of skin that was exposed as his shirt rode up. She caught a glimpse of the faint trail of hair that disappeared beneath his jeans and her mind instantly went somewhere it shouldn't; she bit her lip, looking down at the ground as she grabbed onto Zacky's elbow, giggling at the word mademoiselle.

    "I like bed hair, though," Brittney said, reach up to brush her fingers through his messy hair. It did seem like he hadn't brushed it this morning. "And I'm sure it can't be anymore boring than just sitting around waiting for the show to start. At least I'll be around people. And you guys are pretty funny."
    June 4th, 2016 at 05:03am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Zacky's shoulders relaxed entirely when she ran a hand through his hair. It had been a guilty pleasure of his for as long as he could remember. As soon as you started playing with his hair, you had better be prepared for one of two things. He shook his head at the thought, glancing to her.

    "Pretty funny? Nah, I'm sure that's just me," Zacky teased, letting her arm go once they had walked into the back room. A flurry of activity between all the guys, Zacky sat down and within moments, his head was being worked on.

    Dan burst into the room, grumbling as he fell onto the couch, not particularly caring who he was resting on. "If I have to listen to one more fuckin' person bitch about doing their jobs, I may have to kill the crew," he muttered into the cushion before pushing himself into a sitting position. He spotted Brittney and couldn't help but smirk, glancing between him and Zacky. "So that's where you were."
    June 4th, 2016 at 05:26am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Brittney scoffed at Zacky's comment. "Oh yes, I'm sure it is," she teased. She sat down on the couch, watching as Zacky almost immediately had someone working on his hair. It didn't seem like the woman was doing much except for exasperating his bed head problem. But then again, maybe that's what she wanted to do. Brittney couldn't help but wonder what Zacky looked like with actual bed head, when his eyes still sparkled with sleep. Knowing him, he porn looked adorable.

    Brittney's eyes widened when Dan fell over her lap. She heard him mumble something about killing the crew before he sat up, smirking at Brittney. "And what do you mean by that exactly?" she asked Dan, her voice teasing. She looked over at Zacky. "We were just eating pizza, that's all."
    June 4th, 2016 at 07:00am