Too Good to Be True

  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Well I was actually thinking something more along the lines of maybe going to the Bahamas?" Matt phrased it like a question, trying to make it clear that he wanted her input. "There's a nice resort down there I've been wanting to visit. We could book a private room and not have to worry about anything except each other and planning out what we're going to do when. And of course when we're alone in our room, you'll be free to walk around in as little clothing as you see fit." Matt added that last bit with a slight smirk, rubbing Charlie's thigh underneath the water. "And there's a beach there, obviously. Sound good to you, darling?"

    Matt honestly liked the idea of getting away from work for a good length of time. He knew Charlie's hope of getting him to walk away was a vain one, but maybe a little break would help him separate the two aspects of his life again. Because after last night, he was scared of the things he was capable of doing to Charlie. He didn't give a damn about the people who stole from him and wronged him, but Charlie...Matt loved Charlie and he didn't want to hurt her any more than he already had. "And don't worry about the price either, darling," Matt added, the thought coming to mind. "I've got quite a bit of money, as I'm sure you've figured out over the past few years. So if you want to go to the Bahamas, we will. Of course, if you'd rather go somewhere else, we can do that, too. Wherever you want, darling. Tell me where you want to go and we'll go."
    June 15th, 2016 at 08:44am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Charlie perked up almost immediately at the prospect of going to the Bahamas for a week. She had never been, always something a bit less expensive growing up and then school had taken priority over a vacation once she graduated high school. Charlie was completely relaxed in the moment, her legs spreading just the slightest bit on instinct as he rubbed her thigh. She looked up to him with a slight laugh, a smirk of her own to match his on her face. She shifted so that she could swing her one leg over his lap, moving so she could straddle him.

    "Are you sure? I think you're probably just looking forward to trying to have sex on the beach," she murmured, dipping her head so she could press a quick kiss to his lips. "Knowing your drive, we'll never make it out the room, let alone down to the beach."
    June 15th, 2016 at 07:23pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Matt's smirk grew as Charlie moved into his lap. As she kissed him, he settled his hands on her hips, gripping them lightly. "Well can really blame me for having a high drive when I've got a sexy little girlfriend like you?" he murmured, his fingers playing with the side of her bikini bottoms. "If I could, I'd make love to you everyday. Well, if you'd let me," he added, laughing softly. "Of course, just being able to look at you is a treat in itself. You're so beautiful." Matt leaned up to kiss Charlie, running his hands over her thighs before pulling her hips a bit closer to his. He had no idea where this was coming from in Charlie, but after the past couple of days and the disaster that earlier had almost been, Matt wasn't going to complain.

    "But just so you know, we'd do other things if we did go to the Bahamas," Matt said, leaning forward to kiss Charlie's neck. He let his hands wander absentmindedly over Charlie's thighs as he kissed and nipped at her neck. "You know, like scuba diving, or swimming with dolphins. Stuff we can't do in California. But of course, if you really want to have sex on the beach, we can do that, too."
    June 15th, 2016 at 09:12pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Charlie was telling herself that if she pretended like everything was okay, it would be. Even when it came to the next argument or the next time they had to go deal with something involving Matt's line of work. So long as she got it through her head that this was still her boyfriend, then maybe she would be able to get around what he did for a living. Maybe it would make his work less painful to watch. Maybe one day, she would be able to stay home and not have to watch him do anything. For now, he was in a good mood and she wasn't wanting to do anything that may ruin that.

    "Cliff jumping!" She exclaimed as he listed off things they could do. Charlie smiled, running a hand through his hair. Moments like this, she could almost forget entirely what had happened just yesterday. She imagined that the cliffs they jumped off in California still would be nothing compared to ones in the Bahamas. "So long as we don't forget to bring a blanket, we should definitely put it on the list of things to do," she teased, letting her nails graze the skin of his neck lightly. "There's only so many times we'll get the opportunity in the Bahamas. Minus well take advantage of it."
    June 15th, 2016 at 09:27pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Darling, I would drag an entire four post bed down there if it meant you would let me fuck you on the beach," Matt said, smirking. He closed his eyes, letting out an almost inaudible sigh as Charlie's nails grazed his neck. The sensation sent his thoughts off in a pretty predictable direction and as they went there, Matt could almost feel the blood rushing south. "And cliff jumping sounds fun, we'll add it to the list," he murmured. He slid his hands up Charlie's back, settling his fingers on the bottom tie of her bikini top. After a bit of tugging he managed to get it undone and moved up to the one on her neck; when he'd untied that one, he pulled the top away and let it float in the hot tub.

    "As much as I love seeing you in your bikini, you look just as amazing without it," Matt said, leaning in to kiss Charlie's neck. He rolled his hips up against hers as he let his hands wander over her chest and down to her hips once again. He was grateful for the privacy fence he'd had installed several years ago, before he'd met Charlie. Although he was sure he'd never gotten as much use out of the fence until he'd met Charlie. "I love you so much, Charlie," Matt murmured against her neck. "You're so good to me. And so absolutely fucking stunning."
    June 16th, 2016 at 04:55am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Charlie couldn't help but smirk at Matt, nodding her head after a moment. "Maybe I should make that a requirement. If you manage to pull a whole entire bed down to the beach without any help, I'll let you fuck me however you want on the beach," she murmured, rolling her hips down into his. The action caused a chill to run down her spine and she shivered, letting out a giggle as she settled into his lap once again. Charlie leaned back, a light blush coming to her cheeks as he complimented her. No matter how many years they had been together, she always did manage to get giddy when expressed that he was still just as in love with her as day one.

    Breathless as Matt kissed along her neck, Charlie's hips continued to rock in his lap. She was becoming desperate for the physical contact that she knew was coming. If for nothing other than the emotional connection, the physical was just an upside to the rest of it. "I need you, Matt," she whispered, her voice quiet as she rested her forehead against his. Charlie pressed a kiss to his lips. "Please."
    June 16th, 2016 at 05:05am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Of course I can drag a whole bed down to the beach without any help, haven't you seen these muscles?" Matt asked, grinning. He flexed once before he returned his hands to Charlie's hips, groaning as she rocked against him. "Darling, you don't have to ask me twice," Matt said, smirking as he lifted Charlie up a bit, slowly dragging her bikini bottoms down her legs. "Like I said a few minutes ago, I would make love to you every day if you'd let me. I can't get enough of you." It took a bit of shifting around, but Matt was eventually able to undress Charlie completely. Just like with the top, he left her bikini bottoms to float in the hot tub. After this, the whole thing would need to be cleaned out anyway. Matt shimmied a bit, tugging his own swim trunks off and tossing them over the side of the hot tub before he brought Charlie back down onto his lap.

    "I want you to ride me," Matt whispered to Charlie, slowly grinding his hips into hers. He didn't want to ask too of her, but since there was no possibility of anyone seeing, he figured she might be alright with it. And if not, he wouldn't be upset if he had to take her inside. "I love watching you, because I get to see the pleasure on your face. And knowing I make you feel good...darling, that's one of the biggest turn ons there is."
    June 16th, 2016 at 07:21am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Charlie hummed, setting her pointer on for a moment. "Umm, I don't think so!" She teased, a smirk coming to her lips. Her fingers tangled into his hair, she bit down on her lip as he lifted her. She moved, trying to make the act easier on Matt. A light blush came to her features as she settled back into his lap once his swim trunks were gone. Her mind shut off as she pressed against him, letting herself go with whatever happened.

    Her eyes shot to his at the request and she hesitated, tugging her bottom lip between her teeth. "Yeah?" She murmured, dragging her nails down his chest lightly. Charlie leaned back, her fingers teasing his length. "You always make me feel good," she said quietly, leaning to press a kiss to his lips. Lowering herself onto him, she gasped into the kiss. "Fuck," she whimpered, her hands moving to brace herself on his shoulders.
    June 16th, 2016 at 02:04pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Well then I'm doing my job right, aren't I?" Matt replied, smiling as Charlie kissed him. As she lowered herself onto him, his hands went to her hips, steadying them slightly as he started to roll his own hips into hers. He tilted his head back slightly, closing his eyes as he let himself get lost in the moment for just a little while. Meanwhile he let his hands wander over Charlie's body - over her thighs, her stomach, her breasts. "I swear you're the best I've ever had Charlie, you're so good to me," he groaned. He smirked as he opened his eyes, leaning down slightly and taking one of Charlie's nipples into his mouth. He pinched it gently with his teeth as he used his hand to pinch the other. "Every inch of your body is perfect and the fact that you let me see it makes me feel like a very lucky man," Matt whispered against her skin.

    He moved up to kiss her lips, running his hands down to her hips once again. He gripped them hard, rocking up against her hips. "I love you so much," Matt mumbled against her lips. He moved his hands up her back, pressing her chest to his. "You make me feel so good, you're so incredible." He kissed her again before letting his head fall back again, content to just let Charlie continue to bounce in his lap. He wanted to let her do what she felt like she needed to do, either to make him come or herself. Personally he would prefer for her to come first, but he knew from experience that that didn't always happen.
    June 17th, 2016 at 05:42am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    A small smile settled into her features as she watched his facial expressions, gasping as she settled into his lap. Charlie ran a finger over his bottom lip, smirking as she dipped her head down to nip at his lip. "It's been so long that I think I was starting to forget how you good make me feel," she whispered, beginning to pull her hips away from him once she felt ready to. Charlie gasped as he played with her nipples, settling on just rocking her hips back and forth.

    "So big," she murmured against Matt's neck, teasing a line of kisses down until she reached the crook of his neck. Charlie's hands settled on his chest as her movements became a bit more desperate, the familiar feeling of an orgasm building making her whimper. "Fuck, Matt. I'm close," she whispered, biting into her bottom lip to keep from making too much noise.

    (I have not written a sex scene in forever this is horrible Facepalm)
    June 17th, 2016 at 08:05am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "That's exactly what I wanted to hear," Matt said, smirking at the sound of Charlie's whimpers. He'd always loved the sounds she made, whether it was her adorable little laugh or the desperate whimpers as he made love to her. He gripped her hips again, rocking up against her. He could feel his own orgasm building and he started getting a bit sloppy with his movements. "God, I love you so fucking much, Charlie," he grunted. "Goddamn." Matt felt the familiar tensing that came along with his orgasm and he held Charlie's hips in place as he came, only vaguely thinking about how they were in the hot tub and this was spontaneous and he hadn't been using any protection. But he was sure Charlie was on birth control and shelling out fifty dollars for emergency contraceptive wasn't something he minded doing.

    "Well Goddamn we should definitely do things like this more often," Matt said, breathless as he looked over at Charlie. He lifted a hand from beneath the water and touched Charlie's cheek tenderly. "I really do love you so much, Charlie. I don't want to think about my life without you." During times like these, it was almost easy for Matt to forget that he did the work that he did, and that Charlie knew about everything. He could almost pretend that they were a normal boyfriend and girlfriend and that he didn't have to manipulate her into keeping his secret. "I'm going to have to clean the hot tub out now, but it was definitely worth it," he added, grinning as he leaned forward to kiss her. "Come on, let's go get dressed and then we can start on dinner. I'm starving. But then again, I did just work up quite an appetite."
    June 17th, 2016 at 09:33pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Charlie buried her face into the crook of Matt's neck, biting into her bottom lip to keep from moaning too loudly as she came. She pressed her body to his, eyes slipping shut as she placed tender kisses up his neck. Her smile grew as Matt spoke. "Mm, I agree," she murmured, running a hand through his hair slowly. Her eyes has been focused on what she had been doing, only to snap to his when he began to speak again. "You don't have to worry about ever not having me," she whispered. For a moment, she considered broaching the subject of his work again but opted not to. A smirk found its way to her features as she glanced behind her, grabbing her top to pull it back on. "I'd say I was sorry about that but... I'm really not," she teased as she moved off of his lap. She kissed the tip of his nose before pulling her bottoms back up her legs.

    Climbing out, Charlie wrapped a towel around her body before holding the other out to him. "I'll get started on the asparagus right away. Did you want to maybe have corn on the cob or something, too?" She suggested as she reached for her nearly forgotten glass of iced tea. She took a sip and smiled at him before pulling the sliding door open, slipping inside to get away from the chill in the air.
    June 18th, 2016 at 05:23am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Yeah, corn sounds good," Matt said, grabbing his swim trunks. He pulled them back on, which was a little harder to look than it looked under the water. He took the towel that Charlie offered to him and dried himself off before wrapping it around his waist and going into the house. He went upstairs and changed clothes before going into the kitchen, grabbing the steaks from the fridge. "You want me to grill the corn or are you just going to do it on the stove?" Matt asked Charlie as he placed the steaks on a pan lined with tin foil. He shook a little salt and pepper on them before looking at Charlie. He smiled as he walked over to her and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Ever since they'd started dating, he'd always felt closer to her after they had sex. It was one of the the things that made him realize that he was in love with her. "You want your steak the usual way?" he asked, shifting the plate in his hand.

    After she'd answered, Matt headed outside to start the grill. He glanced at the hot tub and smirked, hoping he remembered to empty it out and clean it before he and Charlie or any of the guys decided to use it again. After he'd put the steaks on the grill, Matt closed the lid to the grill and then slipped inside to the kitchen. He went over to where Charlie stood in front of the stove and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder. "So do you think I might get a little repeat action tonight if I behave myself?" he asked, kissing her temple. "I mean, I know three times in one day is stretching it, but I'm feeling awful lucky." He chuckled, kissing her temple again as a thought popped into his head. "Say, why don't we eat out on the back deck tonight? We can set up candles and everything. It'll be romantic as hell."
    June 18th, 2016 at 07:39am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    "I think grilling it would work better," Charlie answered with a shrug of her shoulders. She couldn't help the smile that graced her features at the kiss to the top of her head. It had always made the butterflies come alive - such a small gesture was enough to make her swoon. "Yeah," she answered with a nod of her head at his question. Charlie moved to the fridge, pulling out the asparagus. She tossed it in a pan with a bit of butter and salt. Perking up when Matt reappeared, Charlie wasted no time in leaning against his chest when he came up behind her. This was her Matt, the one that had made her fall head over heels in love by the end of her first date. She just hadn't realized it then.

    At his question, Charlie couldn't help but laugh, swatting at his arm. "Three times in one day is pushing it, don't you think?" She asked, leaning up to press a kiss to the bottom of his chin. Charlie rolled her eyes playfully at the suggestion but found herself nodding without too much thought. "Just trying to earn some brownie points toward round three, I see," she teased as she turned back to the asparagus. Lifting the pan and giving it a quick toss, Charlie settled against his chest. "I guess maybe we should start looking into the vacation if we're going. It's only three weeks away."
    June 18th, 2016 at 07:53am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Hey, I can't be romantic without having an ulterior motive?" Matt asked, feigning offense. "I'll just have you know that I actually wasn't trying to earn any brownie points, but if you're handing them out, I'll take them. Anything to get me closer to getting another piece of you." He pressed a kiss to Charlie's cheek as he slid his hand down to her backside. He gave it a slight squeeze before he moved away, grabbing the corn and starting to wrap it in tin foil. "Well if you want to go to the Bahamas, just let me know," Matt said. "And I'll call the resort and book us a room and buy the plane tickets. And of course, I'll see if I can't arrange the four post bed that I've apparently got to drag to the beach." He gave her a grin before he carried the corn outside to the grill. He lifted the lid, giving the steaks a flip before he added the corn. His stomach was already grumbling and he couldn't wait for the food to be ready.

    Closing the lid to the grill again, Matt looked over at the table they had sitting on the back deck. The table cloth was a little dirty, so he took it off and folded it up, setting it off to the side near the door. He slipped back inside, going over to Charlie. "Where do you keep your candles?" he asked. He smiled. "I'm trying to get the table set up, since the steaks will be done soon." Matt liked how his life was with Charlie, and he almost wished that things hadn't changed. But he knew that she was going to find out what he did eventually - whether it was the way she did or because Matt was caught and arrested. And now that Charlie knew there were less secrets and maybe soon she'd become more of a part of things, because until then Matt knew she'd keep pissing him off and he really didn't want to hurt her again.
    June 19th, 2016 at 01:56am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    (The inter webs ate my half typed reply so if this is awful, my apologies Facepalm )

    Charlie let out a small squeak as she felt Matt squeezing at her. She grinned to herself while pulling away, playfully swatting at his hand. "Now look at that! You just lost all of the brownie points you earned!" Charlie said, laughing as she shook her head. Giving the asparagus another stir, she glanced over toward Matt's retreating form. "The Bahamas sounds lovely. I don't see why we shouldn't go," she called after him before returning her attention in front of her. Charlie grabbed two plates from the cupboard and plated the asparagus just as Matt reappeared through the glass sliding door. She offered a faint smile as she reached for the roll of paper towels which got tucked under her arm, the two plates in hand. "Candles are just in the one basket in the hall closet. Second to last shelf," she said, nodding toward the aforementioned hall.

    Walking out to the deck, Charlie set the plates down on the little shelf attached to the grill. She headed back inside and refilled her tea. Grabbing cutlery and her glass, Charlie went about setting those down on the table. She had just sat down when she spotted Matt's nearly forgotten about beer. Letting out a soft groan, Charlie stood to grab it just as Matt stepped back outside. She was beaming up at him. While he was romantic, it wasn't often that he put quite this much effort in. "I must be the luckiest girl alive to have met you," Charlie said, unable to resist the urge to smile.
    June 19th, 2016 at 08:58am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Well then," Matt said, sticking his tongue out at Charlie when she mentioned that he'd lost all of his brownie points. "Just so you know, there will probably be something in it for you if I happen to get a little action tonight, if you know what I mean." Matt gave Charlie a wink before wandering down the hall. He started to dig through the hall closet, wondering what basket exactly the candles were supposedly in, since there were at least fifteen baskets in this closet. But Matt eventually found the basket that Charlie was talking about and dug out a few candles, carrying them into the kitchen. He carried them out to the deck, arranging them on the table as he listened to Charlie speak.

    "Yeah, you're pretty lucky," Matt agreed, going over to Charlie. He snaked his arms around her waist and leaned down, kissing her deeply. "But not nearly as lucky as me. I mean, I've got you, the girl who puts up with my work shit, washes my clothes and my dishes, laughs at my corny jokes, and not to mention, the girl who lets me fuck her in the hot tub in the middle of the day. And maybe on the beach when we go to the Bahamas?" Matt added hopefully. He chuckled before giving Charlie another short kiss, moving away to go over to the grill. "I think the steaks are just about ready. You want to go see if we've got any wine to drink with dinner?"
    June 20th, 2016 at 05:41am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    "Maybe if you get really lucky, you may get some action on the beach," Charlie teased as she leaned up to kiss him quickly. She smiled softly as she nodded, turning to head back into the kitchen. Heading to the wine rack, Charlie knelt down and picked one of the three bottles they had. She returned with two glasses in hand, a slight pout on her features. "We don't have any Cabernet Sauvignon left. We kind of need to go shopping to stock up again, it's been awhile," she murmured as she poured them each a glass of the wine.

    Charlie set the bottle off to the side of the table in case either of them wanted a bit more later on. Grinning at Matt as he brought the plates over to the table, Charlie moved her arms from resting on the table. She began to cut into her steak, not taking a bite until it was all cut up. She'd always been in the habit because she didn't like having to stop in the middle of eating to cut the steak up further. Charlie hesitated as she glanced his way, taking her first bite of steak. "I... don't work until Friday," she said, glancing down to her plate of food. Charlie only had five shifts between now and when her notice was up but she didn't want to blindside him day of any of the shifts. "It's a mid shift, 10-4pm."
    June 20th, 2016 at 09:30pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "I hope you know that you just completely lost me," Matt said, hearing Charlie pout about them not having a certain type of wine. He chuckled. "To me, wine is wine. It's got alcohol in it, that's all I really care about. But we'll go out shopping tomorrow, since we'll need to stock up on snacks and supplies for our vacation." Matt removed the steaks and corn from the grill, placing them in the two plates that Charlie had placed next to the grill. He carried them over to the table and set one down in front of Charlie, reaching out to put a bit of asparagus onto his plate. He cut off a piece of steak and stuffed it into his mouth, his chewing slowing as Charlie brought up a shift. He knew that just because she'd put in her notice didn't mean she could just stop going to work. She had to give them time to find a replacement. But that didn't meant that Matt liked it.

    "I'll go with you, then," Matt said. He made sure to use a tone of voice that left no room for argument. "I won't stay very long, just long enough to eat and then a bit longer. And then I'll just have one of the guys come and take my place. And don't try and tell me no. We're having a nice time and I'm in a good mood, let's not ruin it. Now, tell me more about your break from school. What day does it start? And what day does it end? I need to know so I know what days to book the flights for." He took a sip of his wine, setting the glass down before stabbing a piece of asparagus with his fork. He stuck the vegetable into his mouth. "This is delicious, darling," he said. "You're such a good cook. Now if only I could convince you to do a little more baking, we'd be in business."
    June 21st, 2016 at 09:44am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Charlie's face fell a bit as he spoke. She wanted to reason with him, to say that she wasn't going to try to argue with him but she decided not to. Her mouth closing, Charlie stared at the plate in front of her. Her shoulders tensed, eyeing him as he sipped at his wine. She had to tread even more carefully because the more he drank, the more volatile the situation could grow. Swallowing the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat, forcing a smile to her lips at the compliment. "Baking is such a science though. It's no fun," Charlie murmured with a shrug of her shoulders.

    "My break starts on the 6th. Class starts up again on the 20th," Charlie spoke softly. She took a bite of her asparagus, only for the colour to drain from her face. Charlie reached for her wine to take a sip before swallowing. She took a deep breath as she set the glass down, slowly turning her gaze back to him. "What does this mean for schooling then?" She knew she had offered to take the schooling online but there was only so much that she could take online before she needed practical class time. It was a hopeful question at best because she wasn't going to question whatever he said. Not when he was still in a good mood.
    June 21st, 2016 at 08:48pm