Something 'Bout You Making Me Lose My Mind

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    Camille "Cammie" Tully

    John & Stephen Gomez

    Elizabeth "Lizzie" Carroway
    May 28th, 2016 at 10:48pm
  • @ frank castle.
    (so I changed the ride to Tower of Terror cause I kind of have an idea for it)
    Cammie smiled and bounced up and down in line next to Lizzie, "Liz, I'm so excited for Tower of Terror!" Cammie said with a smile as they got closer and closer to the front of the line. Camille and her best friend Lizzie had decided to take a trip to Disney World and Cammie was beyond excited about it. All she had ever wanted to do since she was a kid was visit Disney World, but her parents never had the time and they had always told her another time and it never came, but here she was finally. The pair had ridden some of the rides since their start that morning, but Tower of Terror was the one Cammie was most excited about. She loved rides that dropped you straight down and made your stomach feel like it was going to go into your throat.

    When they got to the front and gotten through the pre-show, Cammie couldn't contain her excitement anymore as they neared where the seating area was. So far during the day, Cammie and Lizzie had ridden the rides together and sat next to each other, but when they had gotten into the elevator portion of the ride where the seats were, there were only two seats left and they weren't together, "You okay if we don't ride this one next to each other?" Cammie asked her friend, knowing that she probably wouldn't care much. Cammie looked at the guy next to the seat where she would end up sitting, "Is this seat taken?" She asked with a smile.


    John grinned happily, so grateful that the band had taken this vacation to Disney together. Don't get him wrong, he loved being on tour, and he loved when they were recording, but sometimes it was just nice to relax and take a break. So when Jess had suggested a trip to Disney, John was all for it. Yeah they could have gone to Disneyland, but why would they want to go somewhere so close. Everyone was all for flying to Florida and going to Disney World instead, "Are you excited, bro?" He asked his brother with a grin as they stood in line for the Tower of Terror. Jess, Brian, and Josh had all went to go ride a different ride in Hollywood Studios while the Gomez brothers stuck with the Tower ride. John remembered riding it as a kid when the family had taken a trip to Disney World, and he loved it.

    When everyone gathered in the lobby area to get the pre-show, John took a moment to look around and noticed two girls that were dressed in head to toe Disney and he smiled. The one clearly looked like she was excited about the ride and her friend, well she was absolutely perfect to John. Drop dead gorgeous. He really wished he had more courage to go up to her and talk to her, but before he could even get the chance to think about what he would say, the pre-show was over and everyone was making their way to the elevator seating sections. Once the brothers were, they sat in the same row but different sides, opting to not sit with each other on this one. That's when they walked in. The two girls from the lobby. John looked around and saw that there were not seats left except for the ones next to him and Stephen. John had to contain his smile as he watched the excited girl from earlier take a seat next to Stephen, which left him with the girl that he wanted to talk to.
    May 31st, 2016 at 04:42am
  • "I can't tell."Lizzie teased, letting out a quiet laugh. It was fairly obvious just how excited her friend was to go on the ride, and she didn't blame her at all. She knew that it was the kind of ride that Cammie would love. Lizzie used to come to the Disney World parks all the time when she was a kid. Growing up in the northeast, Orlando was always a popular travel destination for her family during Christmas and February break. When she graduated high school, she moved out to Arizona for school, which was how she'd met Cammie in the first place, and hadn't had the chance to go to the theme parks as often as she used to. Sure, she still went every so often with her family, but it wasn't once, or sometimes even twice, a year like it used to be. Oh the woes of the broke college student life.

    When Lizzie found out that her friend, and roommate, had never been to the most magical place on earth, she decided to make it a point for them both to save up enough money to make a trip happen, and they obviously had, because, well, they were there now. "You're gonna love this one, Cammie. It's right up your alley." She said to her friend as they entered the seating area after watching the little pre-show. She wasn't too surprised to find that there weren't really any seats left, so it didn't really matter much to her when she realized she and Cammie wouldn't be sitting together for this one. "Not at all, hopefully we'll both make it out of this one alive, if not I guess I'll just find you in the Twilight Zone." She joked before making her way over to the only remaining empty seat. "Is anyone sitting here?" She asked the guy sitting in the seat next to it.
    Stephen was glad that Jess had suggested they all take this little vacation. After the release of the new album, they'd done a lot of touring to promote it, so it was nice to finally have some time off to just take a step back from all of that for a little while. Plus, who didn't love going to Disney? It would have made a lot more sense for them all to go to Disneyland, seeing as they all lived in California now, but they'd all agreed that going to Disney World was a better choice, and none of them were strangers to air travel anyway so it wasn't a big deal. "What kind of a question is that? Of course I am. I can't believe the others choice Star Tours over this one." He shook his head in disbelief.

    He and John had gone to Disney with their family when they were both kids, and he remembered this ride well enough to know just how awesome it was. He wasn't leaving the state of Florida until he got to ride it at least once. Hell, if they came back to Hollywood Studios before the end of their trip he'd probably ride it again. In fact, he most definitely would. There was no probably. He didn't notice the girls in the lobby, shocker seeing how John was staring at the shorter of the two blondes like the heart-eyes emoji, but he, of course, couldn't help noticing the one girl when she asked him if the seat next to him was taken. He shook his head, sending her a small smile. "It's all yours."
    June 3rd, 2016 at 03:23am
  • @ frank castle.
    Cammie smiled at the guy before she sat down next to him and stuck out her hand, “Cammie.” She said, “I apologize in advance for my screaming.” She admitted with a laugh. Even though Cammie was excited about the ride, and she knew that she would love it, there was no doubt that she would be screaming like a little girl. She couldn’t help it. It was something that she always did when she rode rides, no matter how many times she had ridden the ride or knew what the ride consisted of, she always screamed. It was part of the enjoyment. If someone just sat on the ride and didn’t make a single sound, you would think that they weren’t having any fun, so Cammie liked to show that she was having fun.

    When the ride started, Cammie smiled widely before she smiled over at Lizzie and giving her a thumbs up and turned back to her riding partner, “It’s my first time riding this ride. Actually it’s my first time riding anything here. I’m a first timer here.” She told him with a smile. She wasn’t even sure if he wanted her to talk to him, but Cammie loved to meet new people and talk to them. She grew up in a small town in Georgia where everybody knew everybody, so she was always happy to talk to people and meet new people.


    John smiled widely when the girl approached the empty seat next to him and asked if it was taken, he quickly shook his head, “Nope. Go right ahead and take it.” He replied with a smile. He was really excited that he and Stephen had managed to make it so the girl got to sit next to him, “Hi, I’m John. I’ll be your ride buddy for the ride I guess. Is that how these things work? I think I’m doing something wrong.” He joked with a smile. He wanted to make her laugh because that was his easiest way to charm a girl.

    Though he hoped that he wasn’t being weird and just suddenly introducing himself to her and being weird. His normal self was usually weird, and he hoped that he wouldn’t scare the girl away because of it. He glanced over at his brother and noticed that he was talking with her friend. When the ride started, “Well let’s hope we don’t end up in the Twilight Zone.” He joked to his ride buddy with a laugh, hoping he didn’t come off too awkward.
    June 3rd, 2016 at 04:42am