Chatroom for Night Owls

  • pretty-thumb

    pretty-thumb (100)

    United States
    I feel really bad for disappearing from Mibba for the last week, but I've had some truly awful events occur recently and I've just been too depressed to do anything but sit and read...

    Is anyone willing to talk about unexpected, violent events that occur? I'm quite shaken and I don't really have anyone to go to. My family (source of the violence, too) has also decided to cut me off financially, and while I've been (mainly) financially independent for two years now, this is couldn't come at a worse time. I've had to take out a loan and everything just to pay bills and scrape by on necessities... and I'm still doing poorly.
    July 21st, 2016 at 02:48am
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    @ pretty-thumb
    You can pm me if you want. <3
    July 21st, 2016 at 04:24am
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    @ cleopatra.
    I find that the more I discover books online, the more they're terribly done. It seems that the internet has garnered a populace of book readers that have significantly low standards and will make books that are horrendous (50 Shades) more popular than they're worth.

    Don't even get me started with Fifty Shades. I am so thoroughly disgusted that a book that's uneducated about a subject it sought to base its entire plot around is being promoted as a book people should read to get into that world. Like...that's not BDSM. I didn't even read the damn books but I know that her consent is so questionable at times and apparently she uses her safeword and he ignores her, like are you for real?!?!? The whole point of BDSM is putting your life and trust in someone who you know will take a safeword seriously - what's the point in one if it's going to be ignored?

    Collins definitely should've owned up about her inspiration. Hunger Games is different enough to not be plagiarism and if she'd admitted that she drew inspiration from it like many books do from others, then it would've been okay. Like, give credit where it's due. I actually haven't read the series for years but THG is still one I like. You know, I've heard stuff about Divergent and Maze Runner (I've seen the first film) but are they actually that bad? XD I've heard complaints about the end of MR's final book, and quite a lot of criticism about Divergent, but I've never actually been tempted to read them.

    That sounds like a really good system. XD No lie, I looked that book up when I read your comment and it sounds really bleh. Idealised romance in dystopian worlds is so over done, jfc.
    July 21st, 2016 at 06:14am
  • warmaiden

    warmaiden (6085)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    @ Mr. Darcy
    that's practically why i hate fifty shades bc if the portrayal of bdsm was made out in a way that was understandable & fit the plot, then yes, okay, i'd give it a shot. but also the fact that he ignores her safeword. are you kidding me? like...that's so scary someone would do that in the first place that it qualifies to rape okay. bc if he/she is no longer comfortable & refuses to consent & you ignore it? um, dude. i think you're getting a prison sentencing on your hands.

    honestly tho, if collins just said it i'd have more respect for her & the books. yea, im lowkey savage when it comes down to author's & their books bc i can rip you up for whatever you have published, but i will give credit to collins for making up a dystopian that was worth my read. + kudos to the movies.

    but yea, maybe it's the fact that thg is the only dystopian that i've read & the fact that you can't get more original w/ dystopian bc every other author sucks @ it. so mr - no. divergent...yea, don't waste your time. tris & four are the copycat couple of katniss & peeta.

    but right? like, that system makes me so happy bc usually i finish a book & my bff can't but then it turns into competition, & you know how much i love free food & car rides! but lmfao, FEEL MY PAIN. or some form of my pain. bc i read all of it. when i get my hands on a copy of that book, i'll give you a few of delirium's "prime" moments.
    July 21st, 2016 at 06:31am
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    @ cleopatra.
    I wouldn't have so much hatred for the books if she'd got the BDSM part down. I still wouldn't have read them but I wouldn't hate them as much as I did. The characters would have still been rip-offs of Twilight and the relationship questionable, but the main part would have been accurate and far more safe than it is. With the book having reached a lot of people, giving the idea that ignoring the safeword during BDSM is an okay thing is honestly horrendous. The moment she said that word her consent was receded - everything before then was okay, but after? That's rape. But apparently lol it's fine because he knows her better than she knows herself.

    Oh definitely. I watched Battle Royale a couple of years back and it's clear she got the basis of the games from there, so all she had to do was just say 'yeah, I've read/seen this and while I was watching it I got this really good idea...' and it would've been fine.

    I actually think THG might be my only one too. XD I liked the idea of the maze in the film and there was definitely so many unanswered questions after watching it, so I'm more inclined to maybe just stick with the films. Idk, I normally search out books if I find a film that's based on one that I liked so I'm still weighing that up. But that's Divergent completely ruled out.

    Free food is life. Coffee The book sounds so horrible that I feel some second-hand pain having just read one review. That counts, right?

    ALSO. Remember The Boleyn King? I have to rant because wtf not only does Mary Sue have the king in love with her, but she has the king's best friend, another courtier and another guy who married the king's former mistress who is intent on raping her. Like the only reason the courtier was introduced was to lust after her, and the guy who attempted to rape her near the start and then at the end in a princess's private chapel was just completely beyond me. AND she and the king kissed when he came to see his mother, who had just died and it was the first time he saw her, so decided to kiss in the room with the corpse, but then she decides wait no she desires his best friend but doesn't tell the king and still doesn't tell the king even when he states his intention to make her his queen - bear in mind that apparently all three plus another princess are all besties so I'm just honestly unable to understand why the hell I ever thought to pick up this rubbish and why the hell the author thought a Mary Sue of this calibre was acceptable.
    July 21st, 2016 at 07:08am
  • Chairman Meow

    Chairman Meow (925)

    @ Mr. Darcy
    @ cleopatra.

    Well, in a way, 50 Shades makes Twilight looks slightly better and it's free publicity for Meyers. Coffee

    I'm not a part of the BDSM scene and my knowledge on the matter is very limited to bad (and some actually good) fics I read on the internet so obviously none of what I know can be used in real life. But even for someone as uneducated as me in this matter, I can tell that there's some shady thing-a-ling going on in the 50 Shades. Weird Even I know that the one key important vital integral point in BDSM is trust. And safeword. When Christian blatantly ignored her safewording (I haven't read that scene but I've heard people talk about it), it's just all shades of fucked up dude! *high five to Lina for the shameless use of puns* you need to forgive me because I'm slightly hyper this afternoon

    I wanted to read The Hunger Games back when the movie was initially released because I'm very anal about reading the books first before watching the movies. lmfao But somehow they were sold out everywhere and I couldn't find them! Shifty So I never read them at the time they were all hyped up. I read The Maze Runner because my friend suggested them and I borrowed them from her. So I can see how you and Nikki prefer The Hunger Games more while I think it's alright but I'm leaning more towards TMR. It's all come down to what we've read first and the other books we read after that which follow the same formula, for us, is just the same thing so it doesn't really give the same impact. I hope that makes sense. And yes, Kayleigh, I think we'd discussed about THG before. tehe I guess I just thought that Katniss' character needs a little bit more polishing because she's a bit too hormonal for me. lmfao But I agree with you, I like the motivation behind her rebellion. She's not one of those OCs, who the writer tried to hard to make likeable and compensate her flaws by making her selfless, just and whatnot. Over the course of the books, we can see Katniss making selfish choices now and then. I just dislike the love triangle thingy in each and every one this series. Dude! Except for Divergent. I haven't read the third and second book so I'm not sure if there's a love triangle in the series but isn't there any other eligible bachelor/bachelorette in the dystopian future that everyone (except for the bad guys, obviously) seems to fall in love with the main OC? Coffee
    July 21st, 2016 at 07:26am
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    @ little tea-pot;
    Your puns are so grand. Weird Still, it might make Twilight look better in terms of content but then it tarnishes the books by having an association. Honestly, 50 Shades should have been caught by the editors who should have researched enough to say "hold up, you're promoting rape here" but apparently editors don't actually have the job of editing of inconsistencies or anything of the sorts. Coffee

    Same! XD I didn't read them when they were hyped up and okay maybe 40% of my love is the fact that I've got first editions of the books (the first edition UK cover of the first book got changed for such a stupid reason), but see, we differ because I like that Katniss is hormonal. She's sixteen -- and I think Meyer tried to give us an authentic teenager in that world. You have too many teens in books who are nowhere near an average teenager which sucks (looking at you, John Green Coffee). LOVE TRIANGLES MAKE ME WANT TO SCREAM. I don't understand the appeal. Like, why. Why does every single bloody book have to follow the trope of a triangle. Hated the Twilight one (and the resolve - imprinting on Bella's kid despite the fact she, biologically, shouldn't be able to have kids as she'll be 'frozen in time' after a certain age is reached), hated THG one (could have lived with her using Peeta's love for her to survive, but then the line was blurred between her using him and her liking him), and basically just hate triangles. Full stop.
    July 21st, 2016 at 07:41am
  • warmaiden

    warmaiden (6085)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    @ Mr. Darcy
    you know when you read a book & you can sort of get an image for where it takes place & the characters & what not? delirium? not a chance. in my head, all i could see was a concentration camp setting w/ a giant hole in one of the fences where rebellious kids before their surgery just run love-making havoc. istg that's what i still see in my head when i talk about it, but it's horrible.

    BUT WOAH WOAH WOAH WHAT??? this bullshit book you're reading has everyone infatuated w/ this mary sue ho including some asshole dude that's highkey a rapist? or soon-to-be rapist? i thought your book couldn't get any worse, but the author has to obviously involve a guy whose so in lust w/ her that he'd try to rape her & that's the worst.

    @ little tea-pot;
    i agree w/ you & kayleigh on your differentiating opinions about katniss. bc i agree that she is a good character in some senses, but i also agree that she's a hormonal bitch who should've picked gale bc "BOO. PEETA. YOU SUCK. YOU'RE PLAYED BY JOSH HUTCHERSON. WHEN I FOUND THAT OUT, I HATED YOU EVEN MORE" oh yea, i went there. dylan o'brian AND josh hutcherson *boo's them off stage*

    but you're right. it seems like all the cliche's live within a dystopian.
    July 21st, 2016 at 07:45am
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    @ cleopatra.
    That's really shit. How're you supposed to really get into a book if you can't even imagine the characters? That just turns it into reading words and not what books are supposed to be about.

    RIGHT?! And there is literally nothing appealing about her. She's so annoying but apparently naive and innocent yet able to be a top player at court and is basically a 21st Mary Sue masquerading in a Tudor court which apparently the most dullest place ever. I just can't even deal with the creep rapist one. His desire after her is basically the only reason he's in it - oh, and to emphasise her Mary Sue-ness because he died at the end and obviously anyone who wishes harm on the Mary Sue has to die. Coffee

    Also, adding on to your other comment, Katniss shouldn't have picked either. Let's not forget that Gale knew Coin was bombing the aid workers on Snow's garden to make it look like Snow would bomb children to get to the rebels and that he also knew that Prim was one of those giving aid. File
    July 21st, 2016 at 08:01am
  • warmaiden

    warmaiden (6085)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    @ Mr. Darcy
    i totally forgot that gale knew that. wtf Bangin i'd love to see that in a book though. like if there is a love triangle & both parties have fucked up to a point of a no return, i'd love to see the main female lead be like Hand i don't want either of you mother fuckers.
    July 21st, 2016 at 08:09am
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    @ cleopatra.
    Definitely! Throw in a triangle for all I care - if the female lead turns around and is like "you know what, I'm better on my own" I WILL APPLAUD THE AUTHOR EVEN IF THE PLOT IS TERRIBLE.
    July 21st, 2016 at 09:35am
  • She Said Poptarts

    She Said Poptarts (150)

    Board Moderator

    I should join the small wagon and make a mibba to-do list Think
    July 22nd, 2016 at 11:18pm
  • Brittt

    Brittt (100)

    United States
    Can anyone give me some contest ideas to host? I want to host another one but need ideas.
    July 22nd, 2016 at 11:27pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    @ She Said Poptarts
    I couldn't make a to-do list because it'd be far too long and intimidate me too much. lmfao
    July 22nd, 2016 at 11:43pm
  • She Said Poptarts

    She Said Poptarts (150)

    Board Moderator
    @ Mr. Darcy
    lmfao my list will probably intimidate me, I've seen Lizz's, Ella's and Vic's and oh my god Cheese even those intimidate me, but it might help Shifty
    July 23rd, 2016 at 12:28am
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    @ She Said Poptarts
    God, I read their blogs and was intimidated for them. I don't even want to see, in words, how much I need to do XD
    July 23rd, 2016 at 12:38am
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    @ Mr. Darcy
    I've just started watching it, I'm on episode 2 at the moment. tehe Tyrion is attempting to feed the dragons lmfao

    They're usually all about East London gangsters. She does write strong female characters, though. Yeah, I've been lowkey following your conversation with cleopatra lmfao that book sounds bloody awful!
    July 23rd, 2016 at 01:51am
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    @ heretic.
    Well, when you catch up, we'll be able to discuss it without me spoiling things. XD

    Yeah, I got that feel too. I watched the adaption of The Take and I thought it was pretty good, but again, all about gangsters. XD God, the book was horrendous. I blame the blurb because it held such promise but the book itself was all about a Mary Sue rather than the fictional king the blurb alluded to...Grr
    July 23rd, 2016 at 05:43am
  • warmaiden

    warmaiden (6085)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States

    i almost murdered my friends bc i took them to get some late night candy & then they took my car on a joy ride while i paid for their shit. then i got back @ them by scaring them half to death. first bc speeding on the street & second bc when they apologized, i just laughed & said its okay. also bc my hands were shaking really bad. which just means i've never been as mad as tonight
    July 23rd, 2016 at 08:34am
  • She Said Poptarts

    She Said Poptarts (150)

    Board Moderator
    @ Mr. Darcy
    Oh my god, I know, all those stories they had to comment on Cheese I nearly had a heart attack hahaha, and then I thought of the ones I have to comment on and I nearly died.

    @ cleopatra.
    YIKES GIRL, I would've been shaking as well. oh my god. Did your voice manage to stay even? You can hear it when I'm angry haha.
    I just went to Subway (thank you @ subway gods for putting a subway near my house that is open until 2 on fridays) and I realized that I put a lot of greens on my sub. XD

    ALSO, notice anything new about me? ~~
    July 23rd, 2016 at 09:27am