This Means War | Closed.

  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt looked up at Natalie. "Well, they're the masterminds in this case," he said. "So they have the game plan."
    June 10th, 2016 at 02:20am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Natalie chuckled when the Berry's looked at her for the plan. The brunette explained her plan to everyone in the room, telling what they would need to grab, what cars to take and going over what everyone's jobs would be and how much time they had to grab Charlie's wife. She looked from the Berry's to Matt, making sure they were processing and understanding everything she was saying. "Any questions," she asked.
    June 10th, 2016 at 02:33am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    "Yeah, can I come?" Zacky asked as he entered the room. "I want to do anything I can to help."
    June 10th, 2016 at 05:12am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Natalie shook her head in response to her brother's questions. "Four is already a lot for a grab and go mission like this. Five and we'll be spotted for sure." She walked into the car garage, grabbing a few knifes and a gun before she grabbed the keys for the car she planned on using. She needed to get Charlie's wife quick and fast and if her brother was with her she knew she'd end up distracted like she always did anytime she, Matt and Zack were all out together.
    June 10th, 2016 at 05:21am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt looked at Zacky, biting his lip as he stood up. "You can go, man. I'll stay back and get things ready. Just tell your sister I told you that you could go," he said, knowing Zacky only wanted to help.

    "Are you sure?" Zachy asked. Matt nodded and Zacky patted his shoulder before following Natalie out.
    June 10th, 2016 at 05:28am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Natalie watched as Matt and Jason got into the car they were going to take. She told them to drive ahead and wait where she had told them too while she waited for Matt to get in the passenger seat of the car she was in. She watched her brother climb in the car but not Matt, a little upset and confused by the change of plans. "Why are you here," she asked.
    June 10th, 2016 at 05:37am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    "Matt said he's gonna stay back and get things ready. He told me I could come," Zacky said. "He only did it because he felt bad that I didn't get to help though." Zacky could read Matt like an open book.
    June 10th, 2016 at 05:42am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    "Fine," Natalie mumbled. "Did you hear what the plan was," she asked. She honestly didn't want her brother making Matt feel guilty fucking up the plan and putting anyone in danger. She started driving the car to where she was supposed to meet up with the Berry's while she waited for her brother's answer. She honestly didn't have time to drop him back off even if he hadn't been listening since grabbed Tara was already going to be in a small fixed window of time as it was.
    June 10th, 2016 at 05:46am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    "I heard," Zacky said. "Don't worry about me. I know what I'm doing. I've been doing this longer than you."
    June 10th, 2016 at 06:12am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Natalie rolled her eyes. "Whatever," she mumbled. "Just don't fuck this up or I'll shoot you." She parked the car where she was supposed to, signaling the Berry's and got out of the car, walking over to Jason and took the chloroform rag from him. She walked into the area of the park where Tara was supposed to be, crying out in pain when something sharp stabbed her leg.

    Natalie looked down, her eyes widening when she saw a tranquilizer dart in her leg and tried to run back to the car. Her eyes began to grow heavy and she collapsed onto the grass below her. Hollywood Undead had already known Deuce and Tori had been taken, deciding to take Natalie and use her as a bargaining chip. They shot her with a tranquilizer dart, leaving a note and taking her before whoever was with her could even realize what happened.
    June 10th, 2016 at 06:23am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    "Hurry your ass up, Natalie," Zacky hissed as he turned to look at where she had been standing. He frowned when he didn't see her standing there, but a piece of paper was laying on the ground. He walked over and picked it up, reading it and frowning deeply. "Fuck!"
    June 10th, 2016 at 06:40am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Jason Berry walked over to Zack when he saw a look of panic on his face. He took the letter from him and his face hardened. "They want Deuce and Tori back or they'll kill Natalie." He knew Matt was going to be absolutely pissed about it.

    Natalie groaned out as she felt herself begin to wake up. She tried to move her hands, quickly realizing what had happened and where she probably was when she couldn't move them properly. She took a few deep breath before she opened her eyes, seeing Charlie Scene, J-Dog and Danny. It looked like they had been waiting for her to wake up. "Welcome to Hell," Charlie grinned. Before Natalie could even say anything snarky or witty in response she was shoved face first into the ground, stripped naked and Danny forced himself inside her. Natalie clenched her bound fists tightly, causing the palms of her hands to bleed for the intensity of it, shocking herself and the members of Hollywood Undead that were present when Natalie managed to fight back the tears and screams she wanted to let out as each of the three men present began taking turns raping her.
    June 10th, 2016 at 07:06am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Zacky huffed. "We gotta get home," he said, rushing back to the car. He turned the key in the ignition, glad Natalie had left them in there. He began driving back to the mansion, nervous to tell Matt what had happened.
    June 10th, 2016 at 05:00pm
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Jason and Matt drove back in the other car, hoping Matt wouldn't beat the shit out of Zack for what happened. The last thing any of them they needed was to be down another person even if Kiera hadn't technically been apart of the gang when she had been murdered. All the twin brother's knew is they needed to get to the mansion before Zack so they could have his back and keep him alive if Matt decided to lose his shit about what happened.

    Natalie was sore and bloody when they finished with her. She was honestly shocked by how much come was soaking into her ripped up clothes. The only one who had made sure to come inside her every single time was Danny. J-Dog and Charlie had made sure to finish on her bare skin, chuckling and mocking her as they did. It made her wonder why Danny insisted on finishing inside her when J-Dog questioned the other man about it.
    June 10th, 2016 at 05:44pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    When they got back to the mansion, Zacky got out and rushed inside. "Matt!" he called.

    Matt walked to the front door with a grin on his face, excited to get down to business. "Where is she?" he asked.

    Zacky frowned. "We didn't get her," he said. "HU took Natalie."
    June 10th, 2016 at 06:18pm
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Matt and Jason quickly stood in between Matt and Zack when the taller buff man looked like he was about to murder Zack. "We can get her back," Jason stated. "All they want is Deuce and Tori back." Of course with something like getting revenge it wasn't that simple especially with Matt's temper clouding his better judgement.

    Natalie laid on the cold floor, shocked when she felt something warm and plush cover her body. She looked up, trying to keep her face neutral when she saw Danny above her. "I really hope Matt is stubborn and takes his sweet ass time," he stated. "I want you all to myself." The brunette clenched her eyes shut tightly, looking away from the man who was hovering above her. "You will be stuck with me forever," Danny promised. "Even if I have to knock you up to keep you."
    June 10th, 2016 at 07:05pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt glared at Zacky and looked at Jason. "Fine," he hissed. "Arrange a trade-off." Sure, he wanted revenge for what happened to his sister, but he wasn't about to let that get in the way and risk losing someone else that he loved. He was half tempted to beat the shit out of Zacky for letting this happen, but he knew he needed to stay level-headed right now. He couldn't let his emotions get in the way of business.
    June 10th, 2016 at 08:42pm
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Matt and Jason nodded, the shorter twin pulling out his cell and calling the middle man for Hollywood Undead and told them they agreed to meet up and do the trade off. He and the other man began talking the details, both Berry twins hoping Natalie wasn't hurt in anyway like they had already hurt Tori.

    Danny laid down on the ground besides Natalie, whispering sweet words into her ear. Natalie felt tears begin to fall down her face because of how he was acting. She would have preferred to be raped and tortured than be forced to endure a lunatic's demented affections for her. "After you get pregnant we're getting married," Danny stated. "That way I know for sure you won't open your legs for anyone else." Natalie glared at Danny, flinching when his hand wrapped around her throat. "And if you ever did I wouldn't punish you," he promised. "I would torture and kill whoever you fucked right in front of you."
    June 10th, 2016 at 08:54pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt paced back and forth, extremely nervous and scared. He was terrified that Natalie was hurt or worse, dead.
    June 10th, 2016 at 11:13pm
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    "Danny you have two more hours with her and then she's going back to Avenged," Charlie stated as he walked back into the room. He saw the possessive look in his friend's eyes and chuckled. He handed him the small viagra like pill Danny had asked for and left the room again. "I promise before you leave here you'll have our first child inside you," Danny promised. He took the pill, stroking himself until he was hard and slid his length inside her.

    Natalie hated herself for the sob that escaped her throat and the tears that fell down her face. She clenched her eyes shit, trying to think of somewhere else she could be. The brunette had two more hours worth of rape she had to tolerate from the crazed man on top of her.

    Danny let out a loud groan, coming inside for the first of many times he planned on doing so thanks to the tiny pill Charlie had gotten him. He grabbed a knife from the pocket of his jeans, cutting the ropes that held Natalie's wrists together and made her wrap them around his neck. "You're mine," he groaned. "You're mine and I love you."
    June 10th, 2016 at 11:21pm