Once Upon A Time

  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    Shawn Miller:

    Shawn nodded his head when Evie told him about her friend, he looked over to him and noticed the way he was glaring at him. Shawn was confused what had he done to make the make so mad toward him. The two hadn't even spoken. He turned his attention to the brunette that was moving through the water when she asked him the question.

    "A bit of both really," he admitted truthfully. It was true Shawn had moved to Australia due to his father's business branching out but he had also moved over to find love. He had been unlucky back in Britain. All the women that he had dated over there were only really interested in his money and he wasn't able to find one that could hold a proper conversation. It sucked but he hoped he would have a better chance in a new country.

    "What about you? What made you decide to take this job?" the blonde was curious as to why a beautiful woman such as herself had taken a job like this when he was sure there were several other jobs that she could have had.
    Benny Sampson:

    Benny looked at her father, she knew what he wanted to know, he wanted to know if she was going to see Alfie again, to be honest she wasn't sure. She was certain that it was only a freak chance that she met him in the first place. However the thought of seeing the male again made her smile and her heart rate rise a little.

    "I dunno, might go to the dance studio for a while... get my dance on. I am up to my ears in study and on top of that I'm pretty sure Leslie will find something for me to do," it was true Benny was certain that her step mother would find something to do. Even if it was something so stupid that could wait. Like cleaning the fish tank or wiping over the dinner set cabinets. She stirred the eggs up making them scrambled before flipping the bacon scolding her father when he snatched a piece out of the frying pan. "Oi you."
    July 21st, 2016 at 04:09pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Patrick Sampson:

    Patrick wasn’t sure about this Alfie guy, although he wanted the best for his little girl and he wanted her to be happy. Deep down he knew she wasn’t happy living there at home, but it hurt to even think of her leaving home for good. He hardly saw her when work got busy, if she moved out then he would see her less and less. But the day would come when he would help her move, because she’s growing up and wants a life of her own.

    “Don’t let your study get on top of you, if you’re busy then tell Leslie that.” He told his daughter before he successfully stole a piece of cooking bacon from the pan. “Oh you didn’t need that piece,” He grinned at Belinda before he set all the mugs on the breakfast table, he grabbed the cutlery and set them onto the table as it wouldn’t take long for Benny to cook the eggs.

    He moved over to the toaster and started toasting bread to go with the eggs and bacon, “Do you have any more concerts coming up?” He asked Benny as he wanted to know so he could plan around work, the last concert she had was a few months ago and he had taken the afternoon off so he could watch his girl dance which always brought him happiness.
    Evie Johann:

    Evie couldn’t help the wide smile that formed across her face, Shawn had moved to another country to find love. That was the reason she heard at least, she found it to be so romantic and brave. Moving anywhere would scare her, but here he was living in a new country just because he wanted to meet someone special.

    “Me? Well this job is better than my last one, I worked in a bar and I had to leave it. Having drunk men hit on you and grab your ass isn’t all that fun, besides the hours were horrible and my grades were suffering… quite badly.” She admitted to him as it was the truth, because she worked nights she was often exhausted in the morning when she had to study or work on an assignment.

    It got to the point that her grades were falling and her teachers were becoming worried that she might not pass, “But that doesn’t mean I won’t work hard for you. Because I will,” She told him quickly in case he got the wrong idea about her, she had worked in the same bar for nearly two years and she hated every second of it.
    July 23rd, 2016 at 06:11am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    Shawn Miller:

    Shawn creased his brows as the brunette told him about her last job, he could understand her leaving. No man had the right to grab a woman's backside or body unless he is given permission, that was what Shawn lived by. He had been taught manners and respect. Sometimes he forgets them and acts like a selfish child but that comes with repercussions like a guilty conscious.

    "What is it you are studying to be?" he asked lowering himself into a crouch so his body was fully submerged in the water. "And I am sure you will." he smiled his eyes moving over to the dark haired male that was still looking at him with a scowl on his face.

    What was his problem?

    He wondered to himself.
    Benny Sampson:

    Benny nodded her head, "I won't dad believe me," she smiled before laughing at her father's comment about the bacon. She watched as her father set the table. She finished the food and filled the plates before walking over to the table and placing it down watching as her father and step sisters dug into it. She looked up when she saw Leslie walk out a sour look on her face. She opened the fridge before pulling out a bottle of cranberry juice and sitting at the table.

    There was complete silence for several moments before Drew broke it and began to talk about the guys she met at the bar and how they were 'so' into her, Benny tuned out as her thoughts lingered on the male she had met yesterday. She wondered if she would see him again today maybe.
    July 31st, 2016 at 01:02pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Patrick Sampson:

    Patrick’s eyes glanced over to his wife when she finally decided to join them for breakfast, although Leslie didn’t make herself any food. He didn’t say a word about it as it was obvious the woman was in one of her foul moods, a mood that Patrick couldn’t stand and usually made an excuse to leave the house so he wouldn’t have to deal with it. He half listened to what Dawn was saying, although he wasn’t commenting because he was nowhere near as protective of his step-daughters. He felt horrible for being that way, but it was true and it wasn’t something he could simply change in himself.

    He glanced at the watch around his wrist and realised what the time was, he had a meeting that morning and needed to leave soon. So he finished off his coffee and his breakfast, carrying his plate and mug over to the sink where he quickly rinsed them with water. “That was delicious, thank you baby. I have an important meeting this morning, so I’ll see you all later.” He spoke kissing Belinda’s head before he grabbed his suit jacket and his briefcase, he was rushing out to his car without bothering to kiss Leslie goodbye.
    Evie Johann:

    Evie looked over at Shawn when he asked what she was studying, it wasn’t a topic that she liked talking about because she didn’t want to be studying what she was. “Don’t laugh, okay. I’m studying to become an Accountant,” She told him as it was a job that she’d earn good money in, she was alright with classes but her heart wasn’t in it. She didn’t want to be an accountant, she didn’t care for it and she wasn’t overly good with maths. But she had been forced into it by her family, especially when she received a scholarship for the classes. What she did love was baking, she has always dreamed about having her own little bakery filled with sweet treats. But that wouldn’t bring in much money, or that’s what everyone always told her.

    She didn’t realise how disheartened her features became when she told Shawn about university, so much so that he had to realise she didn’t want to be there. But before he could ask, she changed the subject back onto him. “So what is it that you do? It better not be anything illegal,” She teased with a warm smile on her face, she also lowered her body into the cool water as the sun was warming her shoulders and she didn’t want her skin to burn. However she kept her head above the water surface so her brown locks wouldn’t get wet, she had no idea that Vin was glaring coldly at Shawn as she hadn’t taken her eyes off the blonde Englishman.
    August 1st, 2016 at 05:22am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    @ sugarplum.
    Shawn Miller:

    Shawn laughed at the question Evie had asked before shaking his head watching as the brunette sank lower into the water. "No, nothing like that. My father runs a rather high ranking firm and he sent me over here to help him with the meetings and things like that. Hence why I need an assistant." he indicated by nodding his head at her.

    As the blonde stood in the water he noticed the male from earlier was glaring at him, for what he had no idea, he stared at the male quirking one of his brows which in turn caused him to look away and mutter something to his friend beside him.

    Benny Sampson:

    Once her father had left she got to her feet and began to clear away the plates there were no words exchanged and she hoped to keep it that way. Her step sisters disappeared into their rooms while her step mother sat there sipping her cranberry juice in silence. Once Benny had washed, dried and put away the kitchenware she went back to her room where her dance bag waited for her. She would put a load of washing on before leaving.

    She didn't bother to wish her step mother goodbye instead she simply walked out the door and into her car before speeding off to the studio where she could dance out her frustrations. She also hoped the male from the other day was still there. She wanted to talk to him more, find out more about him.
    December 25th, 2016 at 01:27pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Alfie Christopher:

    Alfie had left his new house early that morning, in hopes of tracing his steps from yesterday and finding the dance studio again. But as he drove in the direction that he thought he had travelled, he was quick to realise that he didn’t have a clue where he was going. He was even sure if he was in the right suburb or if he had taken a wrong turn, he should have paid more attention to his surroundings yesterday. He did stop along the way and asked some people if they knew the dance studio he was talking about, but sadly none of them could help him.

    So after a few hours of searching Alfie gave up, he found a small café and ordered himself a drink. He was sitting there kicking himself mentally, not only hadn’t Benny replied to his message now he had gotten himself lost. Signing to himself, he drank his iced coffee when a weak idea came to him. Maybe if he hosted a dance party at his house, Benny might somehow see it and show up. It was a long shot, he knew that but what else could he do? So he got onto his social media and started working out all the details.
    Evelyn Johann:

    Evie nodded lightly as she listened to Shawn’s answer, “So do you just help him out with the meetings? Or do you do more?” She asked as she was honestly interested in what Shawn did, his father must be one very important and busy man if he runs his own firm. Standing up she leaned against the wall of the pool, droplets of water rolling down her skin. She suddenly realised that she didn’t know how long Shawn was going to be there for, was this new job of her’s only going to last a few months?

    She hoped not, she didn’t want to start applying for more jobs and risk not having one. She wouldn’t be able to afford not working and not earning money, she couldn’t ask her parents for any financial help and the only other person who has offered her help was Vin. But she’d only go to him if she was desperate, which she could become if Shawn wasn’t here for long.
    January 1st, 2017 at 08:53am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    @ sugarplum.
    Shawn Miller:

    "I help with setting up meetings for clients as well as a long list of other things that you will come to learn about," Shawn stated, he watched the brunette as she moved to stand and lean on the wall of the pool, he couldn't help but watch as the droplets of water rolled off her skin catching in the sunlight. There was no denying that Evelyn was gorgeous, but Shawn was certain that she didn't realise, however he could be reading her completely wrong and she could most certainly know how hot she was and how most of the men in the pool would no doubt be looking at her. Shawn could feel himself starting to burn so he decided it was time to get out of the pool.

    "I am going to sit over under the trees for a while," he stated before getting to his feet and exiting the pool water flowing off his board shorts as he grabbed his towel and took it over to lay it under the shade of one of the large trees.
    Vin had been watching closely as both Evie and the blonde haired twat had been talking, he so desperately wanted to know what the two had been talking about but knowing his luck she wouldn't tell him. He swam over to where she stood leaning against the wall of the pool, his eyes trailed over her exposed skin. She really was something and he knew he had to try his hardest to get her to be his.

    "Evie..." he began sidling up next to her, "Dear, sweet, beautiful Evelyn." he was buttering her up. "What do you say tomorrow night, just you and I go and see a movie? Just as friends."
    Benny had just finished her dance class and she was ready to kick off her shoes and sit down for at least an hour before heading home. She watched as the rest of her class members grabbed their bags and left. Looking around the room she waited for Kira to enter again. The brunette smiled when she saw her coming carrying two drink bottles filled with refreshingly chilled water. A much needed liquid. The class she had taken today had been a fast tempo one. She had done a salsa, a cha-cha, the jive and several other dancers she could feel ever pore of her body leaking water.

    "My god that was intense!" she stated once she had caught the water bottle her friend had thrown at her, she gulped down the liquid before turning her attention back to her friend.

    "Well I was a little disappointed your friend from the other day didn't show up."

    "He isn't my friend."

    "Oh sure, yeah whatever... did you get his number?" the brunette suddenly became very thirsty and took small sips from her water bottle to stop from answering the question.

    "You did!"

    Before she could answer her phone beeped. It was a text message from Leslie telling her she needed to get home ASAP. Sighing she got to her feet told her friend she was sorry but she had to get going. Kira pouted causing Benny to simply shake her head as she exited the building and headed toward her car.
    January 3rd, 2017 at 11:24am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Leslie was sitting in the living room, she had sent a text to Belinda that she needed to get home right now. Apparently a new handsome man in town was hosting a party at his house, not far from where they lived. It was all her girls were taking about since they saw the invitation, Belinda would need to wash whatever clothes her daughter’s decided they wanted to wear to this party and she’d need to help her step-sisters get ready.

    It was a good thing that Patrick would be working late again, he still wouldn’t see the way she treated his daughter. Although Belinda was smart, she hasn’t said a word to her father. She saw there waiting for Belinda to arrive, huffing when she finally heard the car pull up the driveway.

    “What took you so long? There’s a load of washing that nears to be done, right now.” Leslie snapped the second Belinda had walked through the front door, Leslie glanced over and stuck her nose up at what Belinda was wearing. “Men will start thinking you work on the streets if you continue wearing that,” She added harshly which caused her daughter’s to laugh.
    Evie nodded slightly when Shawn climbed from the pool so he could sit under the shade, he did have a mighty fine body on him that was for sure. She had still been watching Shawn when the water moved around her, she looked beside her only to find it was Vin who had taken Shawn’s place. She listened to him and she knew he was buttering her up, “Just as friends? Because it’s not going to be a date, Vin.” She told him as he has already asked her out on dates many times, each time she refused because he was such a good friend to her.

    “I don’t know yet, I’ll have to ask Shawn. I don’t know what times I’ll be working for him,” She told him honestly, she had no idea when Shawn would need her to be there to help him. She hoped she wouldn’t have to ask for the night off, she only just landed the job and if she wanted time off already. That would look horrible for her, bad enough that Shawn could give her the flick.

    Evie knew Vin’s jealous streak, why he had it with her was something she never understood. They were friends, close friends and that’s really all she saw Vin to be.
    January 15th, 2017 at 05:53am
  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    @ sugarplum.
    Shawn sat under the trees he had been looking at his phone when he casually looked up and saw that the guy from earlier had sidled up next to the brunette. He was saying something and from the looks of it Evie was beginning to look a little uncomfortable. He continued to watch debating whether to step in and put a stop to it or to wait and see what happens, if it plays out differently then the direction it looked like it was heading. His phone dinged and he saw that he had a message from his only friend Alfie. Someone he hadn't heard from in a long time so he was instantly curious as to why he had received a message from him.

    Opening the message he began to read what it said.

    Hey Shawn mate, I know it has been a while since we have spoken and I am sorry about that mate but you know life happens and you have been busy with your job and I have had my father on my back telling me I need to get myself married.... that is why I am texting you. I am having a party. Three nights from now if your interested.

    Cheers Alfie

    Shawn was taken aback by the message that he was startled when he started to reply.

    Yeah, mate. I'll be there with that he put his phone down eyeing Evie and the male off again before falling back on his towel enjoying the sunlight. It was definitely different to home.
    Vin had to stop himself from rolling his eyes, really work, that was all she cared about at the moment? When he was here standing before her, shirtless and asking her to see a movie with him. What was wrong with this girl he couldn't understand. Vin knew he was better than all the men in this pool, better looking, better at getting the girls. Just better. Yet here Everlyn was floundering.

    "Sure, of course just friends. Nothing more I promise. Oh come on it's one night. I am sure Mister hotshot over there will be fine with it." his dark eyes wandered over the brunette as he took her in. She was fucking hot. The perfect specimen to be hanging off his arm whenever he went out.
    Benny rolled her eyes as she walked into the house only to instantly be ordered around by Leslie. What was new though. She walked passed the woman not saying a word until she made a comment on her clothing.

    "Maybe I'm not dressing for a man's attention," she snapped, how dare she, who did she think she was. Why did every woman have to dress for the attention of a man. Why couldn't a woman simply dress for herself wether that be in a beautiful gown or in a pair of workout pants and baggy sweater. She chucked her things in her room walked out and put a load of washing on before heading in to take a shower. She needed some alone time with just her and her thoughts. However the truth was her thoughts kept wandering back to the man she had met the other day. The man who knew how to dance, how to correctly hold a woman and a man that had one of the sexiest accents she had heard. She felt a goofy smile spreading across her face as she continued to think about him.

    What she wouldn't give to see him again. Even if it was only briefly.
    March 11th, 2017 at 03:36am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    (Sorry I forgot the other sister’s name!)

    Drew rushed through the house with her sister close behind her, her phone was glued to Drew’s hand as she squealed with delight. “Ma! There’s a party this weekend, the guy hosting it is like a millionaire and he’s so sexy!” She spoke so quickly in her excitement as she bounced on the balls of her feet, she had only seen a picture of the guy but he was hot and Drew knew if she dressed up then he would notice her. “We have to be the best dressed ones there, he has to notice one of us so we can marry him!” Drew smiled widely at her mother who had snatched the phone from her hand so she could read the invitation, Drew knew her mother would spend as much money on her two daughters as she needed to.

    “Yes, I’ll call our dressmaker today.” Leslie agreed as she wanted both her daughters to get married to wealthy men, then she wouldn’t have to care for them and she’d also get some extra money from the men. “Don’t tell Belinda about this party, we all know she isn’t allowed to go out. We’ll only tell her at the last minute, then you two can rub it in her face.” Leslie told her daughters with a smug grin on her face, Patrick would probably be busy working or he’d be too tired to even care.
    Evie thought about Vin’s offer before she nodded her head, “A movie will be nice. But there’s no way I’m watching a scary movie,” She looked at him as a pleased smile formed across his face, a movie wouldn’t hurt as they have gone to watch movies together before and Evie always had a great time. She then glanced over to the café that was connected to the pool, “I’m going to grab a drink. I’ll be back,” She told Vin before she turned around and climbed out of the water, she walked over to where Shawn was laying and wrapped a towel around her body. She grabbed some money from her bag and headed over to the café, she brought two cold drinks and carried them back over to Shawn. “Here you go,” She smiled handing a drink over to him as she sat down beside him, “How are you enjoying your day?” She asked as she sipped her bottled water.

    She looked at him and felt her heart beat increase in speed, the sun rays made the blue in his eyes stand out even more and his blonde hair seemed to glow in the light. He was handsome and Evie could feel she was attracted to him, but he was her boss and they had only just met. Nothing would happen between them, which Evie would need to keep telling herself.
    March 15th, 2017 at 04:08am