One Fateful Night

  • Antoni fixed his hazy gaze on the man before him, blinking slowly as he processed the question. He nodded determinedly once it was absorbed, taking Mitchell's face in his hands and kissing him clumsily. He grew sloppy in his eagerness, pressing up against the man in his arms as he took as much as he could.
    "I know that, but," Jakob frowned, scrubbing a hand through his hair, mussing it where it had been neatly tied back. "I still shouldn't have. It's your wedding day, you've just gotten married and- I don't know if you've had champagne or if it's just the nerves, but I'm perfectly sober and as much as I want to I can't let you do this."
    June 14th, 2016 at 01:38am
  • Mitchell moaned softly, kissing back eagerly. His arms encircled Antoni as they kissed. He was pleased by these events, though his eyes caught sight of Elias and Jakob. Elias looked upset, and Mitchell released Antoni to figure out what was wrong.
    Elias trembled. "B-but I wanted you," he whispered, sniffling. He bit his lip, knowing deep down Jakob was right. But it still didn't make it hurt less.
    June 14th, 2016 at 01:56am
  • Jakob frowned, placing a hand on Elias upper arm and trying to comfort him, despite knowing it's his fault.

    "I'm sorry," he said again. "I should have- I should have moved sooner, I know. But you're with Andre now, right? Doesn't he make you happy?"

    He glanced around unhappily, catching Mitchell's eye and desperately gesturing him over.
    Antoni swayed was Mitchell stepped away, taking a moment to catch up with the change in position.

    "Hey, where are you- what..." he trailed after Mitchell, clutching lightly at the back of his shirt as he followed.
    June 14th, 2016 at 02:26am
  • Elias wiped at his eyes. "Sometimes, he does," he murmured. He knew he shouldn't have kissed Jakob. But Jakob had always been his first love. He would never get over the other. He poured as Mitchell pulled Jakob away from him, trembling.
    Mitchell sighed lightly, understanding a bit of what had happened. He gently took Jakob's arm, pulling him away from Elias. He saw Andre walking over to them, and wanted to disappear.
    June 14th, 2016 at 02:36am
  • Antoni looked between his friends, bemused as the alcohol clouded his thoughts, unable to process all that much of the drama.

    "Wait," he frowned, looking between Jakob and Elias. "Why aren't you guys married?"
    Jakob reluctantly stepped back from Elias, pulling out of Mitchell's grip so the younger man could tend to Elias instead. The expression on his love's face was almost heartbreaking, but he couldn't. He couldn't be that person...

    He noticed Andre out the corner of his eyes, striding over to them, and snapped a hand round Antoni's mouth as he approached.
    June 14th, 2016 at 12:01pm
  • Mitchell rolled his eyes as Andre laced his fingers with Elias', almost posessively. He didn't trust Andre at all. He shook his head ever so slightly, and made an excuse to get away from them.
    Elias smiled, but it seemed forced, as Andre came up. He turned to whisper something into Andre's ear, causing the older man to smirk. Elias didn't notice the way Andre was looking at Jakob - with that satisfied grin - otherwise he might've called Andre out on it.
    June 14th, 2016 at 02:08pm
  • Antoni pulled free from Jakon, following Mitchell and draping himself over his back behind, tucking his chin over the other mans shoulder.

    "I don't like him," he announced near Mitchell's ear. "I like you."
    Jakob met Andre's gaze levelly, doing nothing but raise a brow at the smug grin the older man threw his way.

    "We'll leave you to your husband," Jakob said with a nod to Elias. "I'm sure there'll be more time to catch up later."
    June 14th, 2016 at 02:35pm
  • Mitchell grinned when Antoni draped himself over his back. "I like you, too. And don't forget it," he said in reply, taking one of Antoni's hands and kissing it.
    Elias nodded, smiling at Jakob. "Sure. I'll meet you guys later," he promised. Andre's eyes narrowed ever so slightly, but he pulled Elias away from Jakob without saying anything.
    June 14th, 2016 at 03:07pm
  • Antoni let his weight hang heavily against Mitchell, huffing a sigh and closing his eyes to let the room stop spinning.

    "More shots," he muttered. "More shots, more kisses, come on..."

    He released Mitchell, heading towards the bar and only jostling a few people on his way.
    As the party continued, Jakob made small talk with those other guests he'd not seen for a while. Plastering a smile on his face as he shook hands over and over and pressed kisses to old acquaintances cheeks. He supposed such was the life of parties, but he couldn't say he really felt it. Everything he'd tried to push down and ignore was over flowing again, and he found himself more often than not keeping half an eye on Elias as the man moved about the room.
    June 14th, 2016 at 08:38pm
  • Mitchell grinned playfully at Antoni, following him to the bar. He swatted his friend's butt, before downing a shot, and kissed Antoni's cheek.
    Elias tried to avoid Jakob. He was scared he'd do the wrong thing again. But as time wore on, he eventually found himself drinking beer, sitting beside Antoni and across from
    Jakob. The group was getting drunk, and Elias watched Mitchell and Antoni kiss for a few moments. "I bet," he announced, "that Jakob kisses better than Mitchell..,"
    June 14th, 2016 at 08:45pm
  • Antoni dragged himself away from Mitchell at Elias' declaration, spinning around to face him indignantly.

    "That's a lie!" he exclaimed. "Mitchell is- Mitchell-"

    Antoni frowned as he lost his train of thought, huffing and flopping back against Mitchell.
    Jakob laughed and shook his head.

    "What sort of bet is that?" he laughed, the alcohol in his system putting him at ease after the heartache from before. "How do you even tell?"
    June 16th, 2016 at 12:08pm
  • Mitchell grinned. "Thanks, babe," he told Antoni, casting a playful glare at Elias and then at Jakob. He looked curious, though, as he wondered how would that statement be proven... false?
    Elias laughed. "That's easy. We have a kissing contest, and everyone votes on who they think the best kisser is." He smiled innocently at Jakob.
    June 16th, 2016 at 02:29pm
  • Jakob raised a brow, huffing a soft laugh and taking another drink.

    "Who's to go first them? One just travels round the group and then the next one goes?" he asked, "What are the technicalities behind this, Elias?"
    Antoni stood, plopping down on Jakob's lap.

    "I'll go first," he announced. "Because I've experience from Mitchell fresh in my mind and no stale in love feelings even though I've just got married."

    He nodded enthusiastically at himself, grasping Jakob's face in this hands.
    June 16th, 2016 at 03:18pm
  • Elias' eyes widened when Antoni plopped down in Jakob's lap. He had to look away for this, even though this had been his idea. Anyone else kissing Jakob made him a little nervous...
    Mitchell pouted, but didn't complain when Antoni moved away from him to sit in Jakob's lap. He noted Elias looking away. "I'm next, then Jakob, and then the married one," he said with a smug grin, though he was doing this on purpose.
    June 16th, 2016 at 05:37pm
  • Antoni kissed Jakob deeply before pulling back and considering. After a moment he moved on to Elias, bending over him and resting his hands on Elias shoulder for balance.

    "Was it you next?" he asked.
    Jakob blinked once Antoni had moved off and onto Elias, watching Elias over the other man's shoulder.

    He half got up, reading to pull Antoni back should Elias not want him to continue.
    June 16th, 2016 at 06:57pm
  • Mitchell whooped when Antoni kissed Jakob. That had been incredibly hot. He grinned, pleased when the other moved on to Elias next. The order he had suggested was who would be the kisser.
    Elias hesitated a moment before looking toward Antoni. "Yes," he spoke, challenging Antoni with a smug little smirk. He wasn't going to back down from this, but hoped Jakob wouldn't care.
    June 16th, 2016 at 07:06pm
  • Antoni stumbled back to Mitchell once he'd done the rounds, drawing in a deep breath then sighing.

    "I think... I think that Mitchell is the best. Mitchell is definitely the best," he announced, leaning against the man in question. "Even if he loves me for some reason. He kisses good."
    Jakob eyed Elias, gaze fixing on his slightly reddened lips from Antoni's kiss. His brow drew into a small frown, guilt pawing at the edge of his conscience, but then he met Elias' eyes and wondered why he'd ever think not to kiss the other man.

    "Who's next?" he asked after a pause.
    June 16th, 2016 at 07:45pm
  • Mitchell grinned, watching as Antoni kissed Elias. He had a feeling Elias would be a good kisser, though not as good as Antoni. He stood, causing Antoni to fall back on the couch. He kissed Jakob first, like Antoni had done, before turning attention to Elias.
    Elias laughed. "Are you sure you're not biased?" he asked Antoni, eyes widening when Mitchell kissed Jakob. When Mitchell turned to him, the kiss was rough, but exciting. Elias' skin was flushed, and he felt sort-of embarrassed.
    June 16th, 2016 at 08:14pm
  • Antoni wrapped his arms around Mitchell when the man returned, swinging his legs across his lap possessively.

    He watched Jakob and Elias with interest, the only two left to kiss.
    Jakob stared at Elias, biting his lip briefly before getting up and crouching before Elias. He cupped the man's face in his hands and drew forward, kissing him softly and rubbing his thumbs in gentle circles over his cheekbones.
    June 16th, 2016 at 09:00pm
  • Mitchell grinned when Antoni acted possessive of him. He was surprised that the other seemed to care so much, but he was also glad. He was interested in Jakob kissing Elias, too, as there was clearly great passion there.
    Elias watched Jakob as the other knelt in front of him. When Jakob kissed him, his arms wrapped gently around Jakob's neck, and he trembled lightly, kissing back, hesitantly deepening it.
    June 16th, 2016 at 10:06pm