One Fateful Night

  • Antoni wordlessly grumbled his complaint, pulling back with a small pout and a frown.

    "Clothes off then," he huffed, hand still round his own cock. "Come on, need you. Want you..."
    Jakob needed to get out of there, the room dedicated to the union of Elias and Andre. His suit was mussed, and his hair untied so it swung in tangled waves to his shoulders. He pushed away from the bar, leaving the hall and the building, desperate for fresh air. He should get a taxi or something, go home or- well, anywhere but here. Or perhaps he should walk, clear his head...
    June 17th, 2016 at 04:07pm
  • Mitchell grinned. "But isn't this nice? Just you and me?" he asked, even as he slid out of his shirt, and stepped out of his pants and boxers.
    Elias was crying quietly when Jakob came outside. At the sound of footsteps, though Elias didn't know it was Jakob, he hastily tried wiping his tears away, regretting the marriage.
    June 17th, 2016 at 04:14pm
  • (Too many names, just realised I used the wrong one previous post, pff)

    "Be nicer when I'm in you," Antoni huffed, kicking out his trousers and making something akin to grabby hands at Mitchell. "You're special."
    Jakob faltered when he spotted Elias on the curb. The other man was clearly upset, and Jakob had caused it... He hesitated for a moment, trying to decide what to do, walk on or try to offer comfort to the man.

    In the end his heart won out, he set a hand on Elias's shoulder and crouched next to him.

    June 17th, 2016 at 04:22pm
  • (Too many names is right. I almost used Jakob for Andre once, and I almost used Antoni in place of Niko...)

    Mitchell chuckled at the grabby hands. "Calm down, Antoni," he murmured. He moved back into the bed, laying down onto it, eyes a little wide. Now, Mitchell was a virgin, and he hoped Antoni remembered.
    Elias whimpered when he heard Jakob's voice. "Andre's not here," he whispered, turning to look at his friend. After that statement, he kissed Jakob softly. "Stay the night with me," he pleaded.
    June 17th, 2016 at 04:43pm
  • (Sometimes characters from unrelated RPs of mine come in as well ._. The amount of times I've written Noiz instead of Niko)

    Antoni rolled onto Mitchell, kissing him again and rocking his hips to his once more.

    "You're gorgeous," he muttered between kisses, "Look at you, look at you. How many people have seen this, hm? Mouth like yours, where else has it been?"
    Jakob should decline, he knew that. But at this point he was too far gone on the man before him. He kissed Elias back tenderly before straightening, offering the other man a hand to pull him up.

    "Of course, sweetheart," he soothed, wrapping am arm round Elias once he was stood. "We'll get you cleaned up, put you to bed..."
    June 17th, 2016 at 05:04pm
  • (I've done that, too.)

    Mitchell groaned softly. "You're the first," he gasped out, tilting his head back.
    Elias shuddered, taking Jakob's hand and standing up to his feet. "No... I want us. I want us to sleep together," he murmured.

    (Pretty sure I wrote Elias as being a virgin earlier on. Let's ignore that, and say Elias has had sex before, because I don't want both my sides to be your characters fucking mine...)
    June 17th, 2016 at 05:21pm
  • (Whatever you want! Which way round would you rather?)

    At Mitchell's words, Antoni paused and frowned, somewhat sobering.

    "Never?" he asked, tilting his head.
    Throwing reservations to the wind Jakob nodded once, sparing a brief glance into Elias's eyes.

    "Yes," he replied. "If you're sure, yes."

    After all, Andre had disappeared, leaving Jakob's precious Elias alone. How could he refuse.
    June 17th, 2016 at 05:50pm
  • [Ican totally see Elias as being a top (and sometimes bottom) despite his shy, innocent personality]
    Mitchell frowned at the look on Antoni's face. "Is that a bad thing?" he asked, confused.
    Elias nodded, resting his head on the older man's shoulder. He laced their fingers together, and then pulled away to lead Jakob upstairs.
    June 17th, 2016 at 05:59pm
  • Antoni stared for a long moment, brain ticking slowly as he thought it through. The looked Mitchell up and down before an idea sprung to the forefront of his mind.

    "Blowjob!" he announced. "Sex another day. Blowjob now."

    He began to squirm his way down Mitchell's body, kissing a trail down his chest as he went.
    Jakob followed Elias, still with half a mind to keep an eye on anyone who might spot them. He felt, surprisingly, devoid of guilt, and instead a sense of pride burst in his chest that he'd be the one sharing Elias's bed on his wedding day.
    June 17th, 2016 at 06:41pm
  • Mitchell shook his head at Antoni's outburst. "Alright," he gave in, watching as Antoni moved down his body. He didn't know why it mattered enough, him being a virgin, to make Antoni change his mind about the sex.
    Elias pulled Jakob inside the suite he had for the night, glad Andre wasn't there. "Do you mind if we shower first?" he asked quietly, already slipping off his shirt.
    June 17th, 2016 at 07:08pm
  • Antoni lay his head on Mitchell's hip once he'd kissed his way down there, looking up at him.

    "Wouldn't you rather be sober for your first time?" he asked, taking Mitchell's cock in his hand and trailing his tongue up it. "Wouldn't that be more fun?"
    Jakob nodded, shrugging out of his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt.

    "Whatever you like," he told him.
    June 17th, 2016 at 07:57pm
  • Mitchell nodded, now understanding. "Yes," he said, moaning as Antoni lucked up his cock.
    Elias grinned mischievously. He took the rest of his clothes off and turned on the huge shower.
    June 17th, 2016 at 08:22pm
  • "I'll make it good," Antoni whispered, flicking his tongue over the tip of his cock. "Promise."

    He dipped down, taking the head into his mouth and teasing with his tongue.
    Jakob stripped, leaving his clothes where they fell, and followed Elias into the shower. He ran his eyes over Elias naked form, taking in the expanse of toned muscle underneath smooth skin.
    June 17th, 2016 at 09:25pm
  • Mitchell hissed in pleasure as Antoni flicked his tongue over the base of his cock. "You better," he teased, moaning out loudly.
    Elias smiled. "Like what you see?" he asked, turning to face Jakob. His eyes widened and he stepped forward, flicking a tongue over one of Jakob's nipples.
    June 17th, 2016 at 09:59pm
  • Antoni raised his head for a brief moment, throwing Mitchell a filthy grin.

    "I have obliterated my gag reflex, you know?" He told him, before taking his cock in his mouth once more, sinking right down to the base.
    "Always," Jakob sighed, bringing a hand up to run his fingers through Elias' hair. "Better than I ever thought."

    He bought his other hand up, hesitating for a moment of disbelief before running a hand over his skin.
    June 17th, 2016 at 10:06pm
  • Mitchell gasped, moaning in pleasure. "Oh, that feel so good," he whimpered, tangling his fingers in Antoni's hair.
    "I'm all yours tonight," Elias whispered, before kissing down Jakob's chest. He should've married Jakob, he knew it. But he wasn't going to regret tonight.
    June 17th, 2016 at 10:10pm
  • Antoni swallowed round Mitchell's cock, rocking his own hips into the bed beneath him, rutting against the mattress. He looked up at Mitchell through lidded eyes, and tugged at his hips, trying to encourage the man to fuck up into his mouth.
    "Come here, then," Jakob said, guiding Elias back up.

    He kissed him under the running water, pulling Elias flush against his body as he licked into his mouth.
    June 17th, 2016 at 10:18pm
  • Mitchell groaned loudly, thrusting into Antoni's mouth. "A-Antoni," he whispered, eyes round in pleasure.
    Elias kissed back eagerly, eyes closing when Jakob licked into his mouth. Elias never imagined he and Jakob would ever get together.
    June 19th, 2016 at 05:26am
  • Antoni hummed around Mitchell's cock, pleased, and closed his eyes, getting into the motions. He slid his hand down to work on himself, thrusting into his fist.
    Jakob crowded close to Elias, moving close to the wall of the shower and pressing himself against the long line of the other man's body. He bought a hand up to run through Elias's hair, then broke away to look down at the man, panting softly.
    June 22nd, 2016 at 05:43pm
  • Mitchell gasped, already knowing he was close. It didn't take too much for him, considering that he's never done this before.
    Elias looked at Jakob when the other broke away. "Can I fuck you tonight?" he boldly asked.
    June 22nd, 2016 at 06:09pm