I'll Be The One, If You Want Me To

  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)


    Roxanne Faye Munroe - Twenty One - College Student

    Joshua Dun - Twenty Eight - Musician


    Evelyn Cruz - Twenty Five - Photographer

    Tyler Joseph - Twenty Seven - Musician
    July 19th, 2016 at 09:17am
  • CoffeeandLightsabers

    CoffeeandLightsabers (100)

    United States
    Roxanne Munroe | Caught on the wrong side of morality and youth.

    Roxanne had read once her generation believed they were untouchable. Invincible. Like bad things didn't happen to them- and maybe that's what landed her in the mess she currently found herself in. She had always thought herself just... untouchable. She didn't drink very often, not nearly as much as you'd think a college student would. She rarely ever smoked anything, and she always tried to be kind to people. Perhaps the thing that killed her in the end was her sense of romanticism. Yes, Roxy's trouble came in the form of Josh Dun and then a little pink plus on a pregnancy test taken at two in the morning at one of those twenty-four hour Walgreen's near her flat. Normally, Roxy didn't meet and sleep with random men, that just wasn't her style. But after another lecture from her family of how her major was meaningless, how she'd end up penniless and in some shack on a teacher's salary, she was proving to be a disappointment... Well their lecture and words had made Roxy want to do something to just get her mind off of that situation. And that something had come oddly enough in the parking lot of the ice cream parlor a few minutes walking from her flat.

    She had been on her way out, ice cream cup in hand, earphones playing her Spotify songs when she and Josh quite literally collided. She hadn't seen him, skating the parking lot with a couple of other people, and she hadn't seen him as he had lost control of the board calling for her to get out of the way. Over her music though, Roxanne hadn't heard him and so she was utterly surprised when his form was thrown into her's, and both spilled to the pavement of the parking lot. Her earbuds had fallen out, ice cream a mess on the pavement and her elbows skinned up. Her annoyance disappeared as she was helped up, turning around to come eye to eye with a male who would simply introduce himself as Josh. And from there... Well things had led from one thing to another. Josh had insisted on not only patching up the scrapes on her elbow, but also buying her another ice cream. There was something charming, something endearing about Josh and while Roxy would of normally waved it off, gone and fixed herself up and got herself a new ice cream- she agreed. Throughout everything, the pink-haired male was apologetic for everything. As she sat on the hood of his car while he sheepishly offered some disinfecting wipes and a band-aid they had gotten to talking.

    Suddenly the ice cream turned into an ice cream and a walk in the park, which in turn had become dinner for the two of them. It was Roxanne at the end of the night, after Josh offered to drive her back that made that two second decision to kiss him. To invite him in. It had been a mutual choice that when Roxy realized she was out of condoms to just rely on her birth control. The next morning they had breakfast at her place and he was gone with an awkward slip of paper left behind with a number. "If you ever wanna hang out again or something..." Josh had explained, his cheeks almost matching his hair. She hadn't stopped him or asked him to stay, just nodded with a half-hearted promise to stay in touch. It wasn't until a week later when her friend was showing her some music video did Roxanne realize what Joshua Dun did for a living. She was half tempted to point to him in that video and casually mention, "Oh, that's the guy I slept with the other week." But she didn't. Just went on with her life like she was sure he had. That is, until she missed her period. Until she found herself last week at Walgreen's in two in the morning picking up a pregnancy test. It was supposed to ease her mind, but at fifteen minutes before three in the morning Roxanne Munroe found herself staring down at a little pink plus.

    It felt like someone had punched her in the gut, and taken the wind right out her sails. Pregnant. A part of her couldn't even process that so she had simply set the test down, dragged herself to the couch and fell asleep. She woke up convincing herself that it was a false positive. That happened all the time right? Nothing bad could happen to her. So when the nurse at her doctor's office confirmed with judging eyes and tone that she was in fact pregnant, Roxy wanted to just curl up in a ball and cry. In a daze she wandered back from the doctor's near her flat turning through all the possibilities now she'd gone and got herself into this mess. Her parents were going to kill her. At best they'd demand she move back home which would kill her mental health. At worse they'd disown her. Stop paying for the flat she called home, and Roxy would be on her own trying to raise a baby at twenty-one years of age rather than working on her history major. And it wasn't until later that day did Roxanne realize she was going to have to call or text Josh. It was ethical on these matters to let the other potential parent know right? It had been with shaky fingers two days later she texted him.

    "Hey, it's Roxanne. We hung out about a month ago- do you think you'd be around sometime?" It was short and to the point. If it could be avoided, Roxy didn't want to have this conversation over the phone. Thankfully he had gotten back to her promptly. He was going to be back in LA tomorrow and could make time the day after; Roxanne agreed. So, that's what she was currently doing her fingers nervously tapping the table of the hole in the wall coffee joint that Josh suggested they meet up at. She had gotten there ten minutes early feeling like she was going to vomit she was so anxious. No one knew besides her. Not Roxanne's friends, not her parents she really, really wasn't looking forward to that, and not Josh. Not yet. Roxanne had ordered a water while waiting, caffinne was bad for babies or something she read somewhere. And when Josh arrived, it wasn't hard to miss his cotton-candy pink locks. When his gaze fell on Roxy, he smiled warm and kind at her before joining the slender brunette at the table, apologizing for his tardiness. "It's okay. Um... how have you been?" Waving off his apology Roxanne kept her hands in her lap, under the table to hide their trembling.

    Eventually a woman came over, asking if they wanted anything. She got a blueberry muffin and some fruity cold tea. What if he wanted nothing to do with her or the kid? What if he didn't believe her that it was his? Roxy was thinking of all the worse scenarios as the drinks and food were brought over. Now or never right? "Josh, there's actually kind of a reason that I wanted to meet up today." God she was on the verge of tears, a thick lump in her throat but Roxanne wouldn't let on that she was this distressed. Her freaking out wouldn't help the situation and she really hated crying in public places. From across the table Josh was regarding her curiously, and so she exhaled deciding to just lay all the cards on the table. "I'm pregnant." Surprisingly the words were calm, though Roxy's heart was pounding against her ribcage loud enough she was sure the entire cafe could hear it, and it her cheeks felt hot and flushed. Before he could speak she continued forcing her voice to remain calm. "I missed my period, so I took a test. I hoped it was a false positive so I went to the doctors and it was confirmed." She paused, noting the slackness in his jaw.

    "I don't know what I'm going to do yet. I just... Figured it was only right for you to know. I'm not going to make you stay. That's your choice. I thought about an abortion but... I personally don't think I could do that." She's nervous, her fingers are still trembling though she tries to hide this by wrapping them around her tea taking a small sip before adding. "I'm sorry." Her voice for the first time was small, vulnerable and her face looked utterly disappointed with herself. "But if you don't want anything to do with this I understand. It's overwhelming and... And just not what I wanted to be doing at my age. But if you don't want to be in this mess, I'll walk out and head home. I won't try to get in contact with you again or anything." She spoke, offering the pink-haired male a way out. It was fair right? It wasn't like he had wanted to get her pregnant, it wasn't like she had wanted to be so at her age. Roxy still wanted to go travel and do things and meet new people and be as care-free as the other people her age. She didn't want to be taking care of a child. But her parents had taught her from a young age, if you make your bed- you lie in it. Now Roxy would be doing so with or without Joshua Dun.


    Tyler Joseph | I still want you.

    This last tour had wiped Tyler out. He loved it, don't get him wrong. He loved seeing people connect over the music he and his best friend created. He loved getting to meet new people all over the globe and hear their stories. Hear how they had influenced them in different ways- it always made him happy when he heard twenty one pilots had helped someone. But, there were things about being on tour he disliked. For example, he missed home which currently was in sunny LA. He missed his bed, his friends, and real showers- whenever he felt like it. And baths. So when the last show had been played and Tyler and Josh caught a flight back to LA; Tyler felt himself just relax. When he got home from the tour Tyler had gone home, left his suitcase and other belongings in front of the door, gone up to his room and promptly fell asleep. That was usually the first thing Tyler did getting home from a tour- sleep. Anyway that had been a month ago. Since then Tyler had restocked his house with food, did some cleaning to clear up any dust and had hung out with a few friends he'd left behind in LA on the most recent tour. Life was pretty damned good.

    Things were slow that month and as of now Tyler was getting ready to head to some photo shoot. Twenty-one pilots was going to be featured in some article. Management said it was good for the band to remain in the spotlight between albums and tours, so Tyler and Josh had agreed to go. Tyler had gone over on his own, braving the traffic and hot weather alike. By the time he finally got there, he noted that he beat Josh there, probably stopped off to grab coffee or something Tyler figured before he headed into the building. Waiting there was a woman behind a desk in a lobby-like area. She glanced up from whatever she'd been reading over to offer a smile. "Mr. Joseph?" It took the lanky brunette to realize she was talking to him and he nodded. "Yeah, but Tyler's fine." The woman nodded her copper locks, chin length, bounced around her face. "Great! I understand Mr Du- er Josh isn't here yet. But the photographer would really like to get started so I'm going to send you through the doors, down the hall to the where she's set up so you two can go over what you'd like to do for this shoot." Her voice was bright and friendly and Tyler nodded with a hesitant smile before following the directions.

    He wandered his way through the doors and down the hall to a large open room with some things set up that would likely be used as props as well as photography... things. As he entered the room he saw a figure hunched over a bag, digging something out and Tyler cleared spoke up in his normal friendly, cheery tone. "Hey! Are you the photographer I'm-" Words died on his tongue as the woman stood turning around. Shock made his mouth go dry as he was faced by a rather familiar woman. Evelyn Cruz. A face he hadn't seen since... Well in a really long time. He wasn't quite sure how long it had actually been. And what did he do? Stammer like an idiot of course. When the hell did she move here? When did she become a photographer? Had his mother known? She was great friends with Evelyn's mom and always had been. Not that Tyler wasn't thrilled to see her of course- but she never accepted any of his friend requests, only seemed to come around to visit his parents and siblings when he wasn't around and often showed signs of disinterest in him. But, of course Tyler was too psyched to really take this into account. Instead he beamed happily at her all but tackling her into a hug. "Evelyn! No one told me you were out in LA!" He gushed, though when he felt her stiffen Tyler hurriedly let go.

    Maybe she had a personal space thing. That was okay if she did. Taking a step back Tyler was flooded with a rush of childhood memories of him and Evelyn. She was probably the first non-family girl he'd ever met. Like he said, their moms were really close. Growing up, Tyler remembered countless years spent playing with her. Sure he was a little rough sometimes, but they had a good time. At least Tyler did. And if he was being honest- Tyler probably loved Evelyn before he knew what love was. But then her family moved away and he only saw her occasionally after he turned twelve. Summer vacations when her family would come down to stay with his for a week. Or sometimes the Joseph clan would go visit her's or they'd meet somewhere. But as they got older Tyler stopped going as much- as did Evelyn. He really hadn't meant to fall out of touch with her. There was this odd look on her face he couldn't quite place, and so he chattered to cover his nerves. "I think the last time I saw you was like what... Three years go? Four? What've you been doing?" This had been an odd venue to run into her, and Tyler couldn't be happier.

    He was tempted to chalk this chance meeting up to fate. Maybe he was supposed to run into her. The thought brought a tint of color to his cheeks; and he'd admit she looked well. And if she had a job here he'd guess that she was doing well. However, she looked almost... Annoyed. Surely that was just his imagination, his mind playing tricks on him. Josh still wasn't here and Tyler wasn't that upset anymore. He could use this time as an excuse to get to reconnect with Evelyn again. "So, where are you staying out here? Close by? Do you wanna grab coffee or something after this? I'm not busy or anything since we just got back from our last tour, last month." Tyler offered eagerly. He wanted to pick up where they'd left off and get to know one another again. Because while it had been awhile that he lived in LA, he still missed the familiar faces from home. From Ohio. Most people he met in LA scoffed when they figured out the soft-spoken male was from someplace as measly as Ohio. But here was someone who knew him before the fame. Before twenty one pilots, who had lived back at his hometown. He hoped she would want to go out with him after this was through.
    July 19th, 2016 at 10:02pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Joshua Dun | Have faith in me

    Something that Josh hadn’t very expected to happen, something that he had lost hope in after a week past with no call or text. Was that Roxanne wasn’t going to contact him, and like an idiot he had only given his number to her while he should have asked for her’s so he could contact her. But he hadn’t thought about that at the time and yes, when he left her flat the morning after their night together, things had felt slightly awkward but wasn’t that the case after all one night stands? Not that Josh often had one night stands, it wasn’t something that he enjoyed having as he liked getting to know a woman and taking her out on dates before either of them spent a night together. But things with Roxanne just sort of happened, she was drop dead gorgeous and he could admit that he was shocked that she had invited him into her flat. She was completely out of his league and it was obvious, at least it was obvious to Josh that he didn’t stand a chance of being with her. He was also shocked that she didn’t have a boyfriend, he had no idea why she didn’t but he hadn’t complained about it at the time.

    So as time passed him by and he didn’t hear from her, Josh assumed that she didn’t want anything to do with him. Which did hurt him more than he cared to admit, he had wanted to see her again and talk about their lives but he didn’t get that chance. He could have rocked up at her flat and knocked on the door, but he knew that would only make him appear like a creepy stalker which he wasn’t at all. So he did the only thing that he could and that was push any thoughts of Roxanne out of his mind, he wasn’t ever going to forget about her because that was just impossible for him to do. She had left too much of an imprint on him, for him to simply forget about her and the amazing night that spent together. He went on with his life. Catching up with family and friends, trying to stay healthy and practicing his music at every chance he got. So when his phone beeped signalling that he had received a new text message, checking his phone he saw the unknown number but opened the text anyway. Luckily he had been sitting on his couch as he read the message three times, it was Roxanne wanted to catch up with him. A smile was plastered across his face as he wrote his reply out to her and hit send, he was free to see her the day after but only during the morning as he and Tyler had a photo shoot.

    For some article that was going to be written about them in some music magazine, however he wasn’t sure how long or what Roxanne wanted to see him about. She hadn’t seemed interested in him after he left her flat, but he pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind. The day couldn’t come fast enough for Josh, he even made sure he looked nice which he never really cared about before unless he was going to an event or somewhere special. He made his way to his favourite little coffee shop in LA and because of the damn traffic, he had to take all the side streets which caused him to be a few minutes late. He had to stop himself from rushing into the coffee shop and making a fool out of himself, so he walked calmly through the door letting his eyes scan over the tables until his eyes landed on the chocolate skinned beauty who was already waiting for him. “Sorry, the traffic was worse than I expected.” He apologized to her as he lowered his body onto the chair across from her, she looked nervous about being there or was she nervous about seeing him again? He wasn’t sure. "Josh, there's actually kind of a reason that I wanted to meet up today. I’m pregnant,” The words fell from her plump lips after he took a long sip of his black coffee, his eyes instantly went back to looking at her. Checking her large hazelnut eyes to see if this was a joke, he quickly realised that she was being honest with him.

    Josh didn’t have a clue what to say, he didn’t even think he could say something right now as he processed what Roxanne had told him. She was pregnant, with a baby. His baby, she was pregnant with his baby. He had gotten her pregnant. His parents had always taught him to take responsibility of his actions, he was taught to never abandon his responsibilities so he wasn’t going to leave Roxanne or their child. "But if you don't want anything to do with this I understand. It's overwhelming and... And just not what I wanted to be doing at my age. But if you don't want to be in this mess, I'll walk out and head home. I won't try to get in contact with you again or anything." Roxanne’s voice turned small and vulnerable as she was giving him a way out, a way out that he didn’t want or need as he wasn’t going to go anywhere. “Roxanne, we did this together and I’m not going to ever abandon you.” His own voice was quiet, there was still shock running through his body. He had always wanted to marry his best friend and start a family, preferably in that order but life doesn’t always stick to a plan that someone wanted. He was going to be a father and he would cherish that for the rest of his life, reaching across the table his hand took one of Roxanne’s small hands into his own. Her hand was trembling in his, so he brushed his thumb over the back of her hand in hopes he would be able to comfort her in some way.

    “I’m sorry this happened, but I’ll be right here to support you both. I wouldn’t dream of walking away now, I was never going to walk away from you. We’ll do this together,” Josh promised her from the bottom of his heart, even though he was slowly coming around to the idea of this. At the same time he felt awful, he felt like he had ruined her life. They were still so young, but she was younger and still in college. She had her whole life ahead of her but now she was pregnant, things would change for them both but more so for Roxanne and that wasn’t fair on her. But it was too late now, she was already pregnant and neither of them wanted to have an abortion. So they would raise this baby the best that they could together, he wasn’t sure about how her family would take this. But he knew his family would welcome Roxanne in with open arms, they would have his family’s support and love which he was grateful for.
    Evelyn Cruz |The scariest part is letting go

    Evelyn had a good childhood, growing up with two older brothers and parents who adored each other. She had friends at school and she was friends with the Joseph family, however the only person who ever had a negative impact on his life was one boy. Tyler Joseph. She still to this day didn’t know what she had done for him to treat her as badly as he had, he had been nasty to her as they grew. Leaving her out of games, calling her a baby, bossing her around, causing her to cry. It was safe to say that Evelyn couldn’t stand him, but nothing stopped their mothers from forcing them to spend time together and continued to have play dates. It was part of her life that she wanted to forget, and she did for the longest time as she pushed all of those memories to the furthest part of her mind. But it was when her father suddenly passed away from a car accident, a drunk driver sped through a red light and hit her father’s car so severely that the injuries caused his death. It rocked the Cruz family to the core and shattered their world, for the longest time Evelyn’s mom refused to leave the house and it was Kelly Joseph who would come over every single day for support and comfort.

    That time in her life was another time that Evelyn pushed to the back of her mind, she never wanted to feel that kind of hurt again. When it rips your heart from the chest and knocks the air from the lungs, the hurt that one would struggle to overcome and deal with. But that part of her life was far behind her now, since moving across the country because her mom was offered her dream job role and she couldn’t pass it up. Her mom also wanted to leave the small town that took the life of her one true love, Evelyn’s parents had been high school sweethearts since they were fifteen. Her grandparents helped out a lot until life slowly started to get back to normal, or at least as normal as life would be now. It wasn’t long before her brothers moved off to college and then got jobs, Evelyn followed in their footsteps and also attended college. She did everything in her power to make a good life for herself, to forget all the shit that has happened to her and be a better person. So she worked hard to become a professional photographer and she made sure that she would always earn enough money to live happily on, but that wasn’t enough for her which is when she decided to also be a teacher.

    Although then her life took another hit, she found out that her boyfriend of two years had been cheating on her. It was another blow to her, a blow she hadn’t seen coming because she had been dropping hints on them getting married. But apparently her father was watching over her because two days later she received a phone call, a prestige college in LA wanted her to be the photography professor and Evelyn said yes straight away. She didn’t need to think about this job offer, she had nothing keeping her where she was. So she packed up her life, said goodbye to her mom and brothers and made the big move back across the country to the big city of Los Angeles. That had been two months ago, she found herself a really nice two bedroom apartment within walking distance to the college and from that moment she worked hard on getting her name out there as a fantastic photographer. She settled into the area and begun her classes with her new students, and then she received an email asking her to take photos of this world known band and although it wasn’t something she had done often, she still agreed as a job was a job and she wasn’t about to turn down any job.

    So Evelyn carried all her equipment into the building and set up twenty minutes before the band was set to arrive. She had been searching through her bag for a lens that she wanted to use, finding the lens her fingers wrapped around it carefully when she heard a voice sound from behind her. Standing up she turned around to meet the band, but who her eyes landed on caused her to freeze. She hadn’t seen him in years but he still looked the same, she just knew it was him and suddenly seeing his face caused all the memories she had locked away came flooding back to her. "Evelyn! No one told me you were out in LA!" His voice hit her ears before his body was closing the gap between them and then his arms were wrapped around her, and her body tensed instantly as she didn’t want this. She didn’t want to see him again or hear his voice or even think about him, all she felt was the hurt that he caused when they were younger. Apparently it was pain that she had held onto after all this time, she thought she had dealt with it all but obviously not.

    Her tenseness caused Tyler to step back away from her which is where he belonged. "So, where are you staying out here? Close by? Do you wanna grab coffee or something after this? I'm not busy or anything since we just got back from our last tour, last month." He asked as his eyes shone with excitement, did he actually think she was going to do anything or go anywhere with him? Did he forget about what he did to her or did he simply not care to remember? Her mom’s voice echoed in her ears, “Be nice to everyone. Even if you don’t like their company, being nice will keep you being a wonderful person.” But Evelyn didn’t want to be nice to Tyler, she wanted to yell at him and push him as far away from her as she possibly could. She wanted to escape from the building, get back to her apartment and curl up in bed so she could block him out yet again. “I’ll have to check my diary, I might have more appointments.” Evelyn knew for a fact that she didn’t have any other appointments that day, she did have some marking to do for school but that was all she had planned for the rest of the day. She was annoyed and right now she didn’t care if it showed on her face, how could he be acting like this? So relaxed and like they had actually been good friends, they hadn’t been friends at all because all he did want taunt her.

    Her heart was ramming into her ribcage as she tore her stormy deep blue eyes away from him, “Are we still waiting for someone?” She was certain the email mentioned the band had two members, she prayed that the other guy wasn’t too far away because she didn’t want to spend any more time alone with Tyler. It hurt her just being this close to him, but then she heard movement again and her eyes snapped onto him as he took a small step towards her again. Like he could feel her emotions and wanted to comfort her, which was impossible for Tyler to do. She was expecting him to push her to the floor before laughing and running away with his friends, like he had done the day before her father was stolen from her. “Don’t Tyler…” Her voice was meek as she couldn’t let her guide down, she had built a thick wall around her heart many years ago and no one had broken through that wall yet. Not even her cheating ex-boyfriend. “I’m just here for the job, then we’ll go our separate ways and we won’t see each other again.” Her eyes locked with his which is something she hadn’t been wanting to happen, she wouldn’t allow him to pull her back in because she knew from past experience that she’d end up getting hurt all over again.
    July 20th, 2016 at 05:28am
  • CoffeeandLightsabers

    CoffeeandLightsabers (100)

    United States
    Roxanne Munroe | Caught on the wrong side of morality and youth.

    Of all the things she had expected, support had not been one of them. She almost didn't know how to react. Eyes dark enough to almost meld into the pupil regarded him uncertainly. Her parents had drilled into her from an early age that she wasn't to rely on anyone. Expect nothing from anyone and be prepared to fight tooth and nail to secure a place in the upper echelons of society. That had always been their plan for Roxy. Go to college get a pretty degree and secure some rich husband. The path her parents had taken. Maybe that's why Roxanne left all the way for LA. She wanted something more. But she'd gone and put her something more on hold, because like it or not at the end of the day Josh expressed his wishes to remain in this. To step up to plate, and the lump exhaling shakily she averted her gaze to stare at her barely touched muffin. And maybe she didn't quite know the words but Roxy was silently relieved as the pastel haired man promised not to leave her alone with this.

    “I’m sorry this happened, but I’ll be right here to support you both. I wouldn’t dream of walking away now, I was never going to walk away from you. We’ll do this together,” That was one burden off her shoulders. But that meant that Roxy's schedule was still thrown off. She hadn't told anyone besides him yet. She'd deal with the stares, the scoffs hell she even anticipated some of her friends turning their backs on her. And then there was the matter of her parents. They had ears here, Roxy was sure as they always seemed to know what she was up to. Soon enough they'd know what pickle she'd gotten herself into. It'd be wise to mention it to them before they figured it out. Then there were the doctor visits, the research, the cravings and aches and pains and general body-changing she'd be undergoing. All in all- it was pretty much a shit show. And she really would of been more stressed if Josh hadn't stuck around. If he wasn't sitting across from her and gently holding Roxy's hands like the smallest mishandling would be of the highest offense he could commit.

    "I... Well, together it is then." She finally managed to get out, her voice a wispy husk of it's normal boisterous self. "I already have a doctor lined up. And I guess until it's born I'm going to keep going to school. Then we can figure it out from there." She tried to sound like she knew what she was doing. But really, Roxanne was just winging this from what little she knew about this stuff. She knew that he wasn't around all the time when she learned what he did for a living. That would mean there could potentially be months that, if he really stuck around, Josh would be gone. She'd the one responsible for that baby during that time. She'd have to start looking into daycares. She'd have to start putting in more hours at her job, try to generate more income so she could at least be reliant on herself. "We should try to get to know each other a little better before it comes." The words felt strange in her mouth. Not just calling some unborn life an it, but also the fact that there was a growing life in her. The mere thought was enough to make her feel queasy. Everything she did, affected it. Sleeping, stress, anxiety- was that genetic?

    Another pang of stress slid through her veins. What genetic things did he have. She had a few auto-immune disorders in her family, she just wasn't sure what. Roxanne had her work cut out for her. Before the baby was born, which felt almost light years away, yet all too soon all at once, she'd have a few things to do. Turn the tiny crappy near closest sized guest room into her bedroom. Move from the bedroom she was currently occupying to put the nursery in, and manage to prepare everything it was gonna need for at least the first month. She'd have doctor appointments and ultrasounds and check ups, she'd need to figure out some custody agreement with Josh, figure how exactly how much he wanted to be involved and what he pictured for their kid. Roxy was going to have to take a leave of absence from school for a little bit to bond with it once it was born... So much to do and she was running against the clock. "I'm seeing the doctor in two and a half weeks if you wanted to come along. They're just gonna ask a bunch of questions." It's offered somewhat shyly, and Roxy's determined to be on good as terms as she can with Josh.

    Her parents were always arguing acted like they couldn't stand each other behind closed doors. Growing up Roxy was always picking sides or trying to referee the two. She wouldn't put that kind of stress on her kid. No, this was going to be different. All the fuck ups her parents made with her, Roxanne would avoid with this baby. It wasn't ever going to question if she loved it, because as stressful as it was Roxy wanted to be a good mom. She picks off a chunk of the blueberry muffin, making sure to get a decent chunk of the sugary topping. "I have a favor to ask of you." She speaks after swallowing a bite of blueberry muffin her gaze meeting Josh's. "Please, try to keep this as quiet as you can. In terms of social media. I don't mind if you tell your family or close friends." Roxy hadn't known who Josh was when they slept together, but that didn't really change the fact he belonged to a popular band. And this was going to get attention from their fans. She didn't think that at the moment, she could go to school, start to discuss custody issues, tell her friends and family, and deal with people she never met knowing about this situation. No, Roxy would rather not deal with that until she had to.

    Tyler Joseph | I still want you.

    “I’ll have to check my diary, I might have more appointments.” At once his face fell, though brightened pretty quickly again. "It's alright, I bet you're really busy. We can always do it some other time. I can show you all the best spots to get coffee or relax in- oh the parks are nice. Plus there's always something to do." He was babbling a nervous quirk he had since he could talk. She probably could sense that and he could feel like something was off between them. As if they weren't on the same page anymore and he didn't understand what he'd done. However, he tried to keep the warmth on his face as he anxiously turned through his thoughts. What had he done? Had he messed something up? Was it the touching thing? His brows furrowed together as he carefully regarded his old friend. Perhaps she was just stressed out with work. Photographers were often under a lot of stress to take fantastic shots the first time 'round. And only half her clientele was here. If she had other appointments like she alluded than she probably felt they were wasting time.

    That had to be it. His logic he thought was only further proved when she asked if they were still waiting for someone. "Yeah. Josh, he's usually on time... Let me text him." Ty suggested already pulling out his phone. "Hey man, where are you?" Tyler sent. While waiting for an answer this of course left him in an awkward silence with Evelyn. She was giving him an odd look, one that was torn between something angry and something hurt. What was going on? He remembered being close to Evelyn. Playing like kids do. He was brewing, stewing, and bubbling within his own mind. The silence was so thick and awkward between them that Tyler almost wanted to just ask what was wrong. But he was afraid to actually know. What if he had committed some atrocity he'd forgotten about? What if she'd always hated him and he was just making an ass of himself? At the thought his breathing hitched and his eyes darkened with worry. Finally he couldn't take the silence anymore and made a small step towards his childhood friend. “Don’t Tyler…”

    At once he froze in place, his brow furrowing. What had he done? Clearly the problem was him now and Tyler just wanted to make things better. “I’m just here for the job, then we’ll go our separate ways and we won’t see each other again.” Hurt. He was hurt and that showed clearly on his face. He'd never been good at covering up what he was feeling. Startled he took a step backwards from her. "What... Why?" He paused before hurriedly adding on a confused, "Is it 'cos I didn't stay in touch? I tried, really. Life just got really crazy and busy. I didn't mean to just disappear after... His accident." He could recall clearly when her father had passed. He could remember how much it hurt Evelyn. All of her family really. Her father had been their rock and he was taken from them. His mom had tried really hard to be there for them and by extension Tyler had tried too. He had no idea that her grievances with him went further back than Evelyn's fathers death. Confused, he was just confused. Before however, Tyler could grovel for forgiveness, the doors banged open revealing his pink-haired friend. His cheeks were flushed and he looked stressed, and yet another thing to be concerned about was put onto Tyler Joseph's grand list of worries.

    "Let's get started." Evelyn said in a voice that was cold enough it sent waves of ice slugging through his blood. Tyler wanted to just pull her aside and sort this out, but he'd do that after the shoot was done. Josh seemed too distracted to pick up on the tensions as he approached. This was going to be a long and tedious shoot. Normally the two boys bantered back and forth, cracked each other and whoever was working with them up. But not today. Between Evelyn ordering them on how to stand, where to look and adjusting lighting and equipment the two boys barely spoke. After one particularly intermission of Evelyn arranging some of the props, having waved off Tyler's offer of help, the smaller brunette turned towards his colorful friend. "You look like you've seen a ghost. What's wrong buddy?" However, Josh just shrugged brushed off Tyler's concern. Maybe his pink-haired bandmate was just having an off day. The rest of the day was almost excruciating. The interview wasn't actually that long. They only really needed them for a page. Before dinner the boys were out. And while Tyler usually would of asked Josh if he wanted to hang, he had other plans.

    Besides, Josh didn't seem like he was in a mood to go kick back with some pizza and Netflix. No immediately after they were done answering questions, Tyler bid Josh a goodnight before all but barreling down the hallway back to where Evelyn had set up earlier. Sure enough she was there, packing most her equipment up and Tyler cleared his throat to catch her attention. "Evelyn, everything's taken care of here- can we please just talk? I have no idea what I've done to you but it's really important to me that I fix it." Tyler started, shoving his hands into the pocket of his jeans, hoping that she wouldn't just kick him out. Because the man was sure that if he knew what the problem was, he could fix it. Knowing was half the battle right? "Please." He added in a softer voice, the faintest notes of hope written on his face. He didn't know what happened to Evelyn over the years. But he wanted to. He wanted to square away whatever slight he caused her and find out what she'd been doing. How she'd been doing. To know if she ever missed him the way that Tyler missed her.
    July 20th, 2016 at 07:23am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Joshua Dun | Have faith in me

    Josh wasn’t completely certain that Roxanne trusted him when he told her that he was going to stick around, which meant he would just need to prove that to her and prove that he was serious about this because he utterly was. He couldn’t even imagine abandoning his child and the mother of his child, he hadn’t been raised like that and him as a human being wasn’t that sort of person. He knew it would take time, they still needed to get to know each other but Josh really believed that they could do this together. He knew it would be hard for them both, especially when another tour came around or he just needed to travel somewhere for an interview or a meeting. But he would be there for Roxanne whenever he could, he knew nothing about raising or having a baby but he would read as many books as he could and he would talk to his own parents so he was prepared for whatever happened once this baby was born. "We should try to get to know each other a little better before it comes." Roxy spoke which he completely agreed with, nodding his head slightly he was still trying to get this all through his mind.

    “That would be good…” His sentence was cut off by his phone beeping, a new text from Tyler asking where he was and he suddenly remembered about the photo shoot and interview, he quickly sent a text back to his best friend saying that he was on his way. "I'm seeing the doctor in two and a half weeks if you wanted to come along. They're just gonna ask a bunch of questions." Roxanne told him as he put his phone back into the pocket of his jeans, “I’ll be there. I want to be there with you for every doctor appointment that I can be, I don’t care if they just ask you questions.” He didn’t want to miss anything when it came to his baby, he would take her to very appointment that she needed to go to and when he wasn’t able to go with her then he’d make sure to call her so he could ask how things went and how she was feeling. "I have a favour to ask of you. Please, try to keep this as quiet as you can. In terms of social media, I don't mind if you tell your family or close friends." Roxy asked him as she picked off a chuck of her blueberry muffin and ate it, he hadn’t even thought about putting this news onto social media. He wouldn’t do that to her, he was certain most of the Twenty One Pilots fans would take the new fine and would only support Roxanne.

    But he couldn’t be sure about the rest of the fans and he wasn’t going to put Roxy through all the hate that she could get, he wouldn’t want to put anyone through that because he knew how horrible people could be when they were hiding between a computer screen or their phone. “I’d never do that, Rox. I wouldn’t dream of putting you through anything like that, but I hate to do this but I really need to leave. I have this photo shoot and I’m late, I hate being late for everything but I would really like if we could see each other again after I’m finished? It might take a few hours so I could call you after I’m done, and see if you’re free?” Josh spoke quickly and once Roxanne agreed, he stood up from his chair but leaned over the table and pressed a kiss to her forehead. He didn’t even know why he had kissed her forehead, it was just a reaction to the pregnant news he guessed but it was an action that caused his cheeks to heat up with a flush. He pulled out a few notes from his wallet and left them on the table, it was more than enough money to cover both his coffee, and Roxy’s tea and muffin. Not that he thought he had to pay for her, he did know that she worked for the money she had but it was also just a reaction.

    Leaving the coffee shop with his coffee in his hand, he got into his car and drove to the address that management had given him. Parking his car he ran through the building until he reached the room where Tyler and the photographer were waiting for him, “I’m sorry.” He puffed out as he tried to catch his breath, but he couldn’t stop thinking about Roxy and their growing baby. He listened to the woman as she told him and Josh how to stand and where to look, "You look like you've seen a ghost. What's wrong buddy?" Tyler asked in a hushed tone and it took everything in him not to just tell his best friend about Roxy being pregnant, Tyler already knew about Roxanne as Josh thought she was going to contact him. “I’ll tell you later, man.” He whispered to his friend as he thought it would be better to tell his parents and his siblings and his grandparents before telling Tyler, although after his family knew then Tyler would be the next person who would know as Tyler was pretty much a brother to him anyway. The photo shoot didn’t take all that long in reality but because his mind and his heart wasn’t there so it made the time crawl passed, the interview went pretty much the same way and he was glad when they had finished everything.

    He said a quick goodbye to Tyler before leaving the building, he called Roxy’s number which he now had saved in his phone. “Hey, it’s Josh… Are you hungry? I could bring some take out to your place?” Josh suggested as it would give them time to talk and get to know each other better, he waited for Roxanne’s answer and when she agreed, they worked out that he would pick up some Thai food but Roxy had a good Thai place near her so she would order the food and Josh would collect it. Hanging up his phone he started his car and drove through the streets towards Roxanne’s flat, he stopped at the Thai place and picked up the food that Roxy had ordered for them. He paid and then drove just down the street to her flat, carrying the bag of food he walked to Roxanne’s door and knocked lightly on the wooden door. He waited only a few seconds before the door was pulled open and revealed the beauty that stood there before him, he still didn’t know how all of this happened because she was way too beautiful to be with him. “Hi again,” He smiled at her before he realised how stupid that sounded and he mentally cursed himself for being such an idiot, when she stepped aside he walked into the flat that he had only been in once before but he still noticed a few changes that she had made to her home. “How are you feeling? How’s your history classes going?” He asked as he did remember that her major was in history, he admired that she went to college as it had never been something that interested him. However he had looked into it so he could study music, but the fees were way too high for him and he wasn’t going to ask his parents to help him out especially when he wasn’t all that good at school to begin with.
    Evelyn Cruz |The scariest part is letting go

    Evelyn didn’t have the chance to say much else to Tyler because his friend had finally joined them, breaking some of the awkward silence that had fallen upon them but there was still tension thick in the air. She told the two men on how to stand and in what direction they should look, a few times she changed the lighting or her camera lens but once she had a good amount she decided to wrap the shoot up so the interview could be taken in a different room. Thankfully a man whisked the men away before Tyler could say anything else to her, it was then that Evelyn started to take down her lighting and the backdrop that she had hung up behind where the guys stood. It took her longer than she wanted but she was on her final bag and she honestly thought she would get back to her car, before Tyler could find her. But then she heard his voice and she sighed under her breath, turning around so she was facing him. "Evelyn, everything's taken care of here- can we please just talk? I have no idea what I've done to you but it's really important to me that I fix it. Please…” Tyler’s voice softened as he stood there but his eyes held hope that she would open up to him, she wasn’t entirely sure why but everything suddenly came too much.

    Was it just seeing him again? Or was there more underlying emotions that she hadn’t dealt with, like her lying ex who she was still furious with for hurting her so badly. “How do you not remember?” Evelyn snapped at him before she felt regret tighten in her stomach, it was dead obvious that Tyler truly didn’t know what he had done to get such a cold response from her. But how could he not realise? She exhaled heavily as she didn’t want to snap at him or break down in front of him, she had cried enough recently and she didn’t to show how vulnerable she felt in front of Tyler in case he took advantage of that. “Growing up you were nothing but horrible to me, everything you did was to hurt me. Pushing me around, calling me names, not letting me play a game, bossing me around.” That wasn’t even all of what he had done to her, as her eyes focused on him she watched as guilt showed on him. Now he knew. “You always made me cry, Tyler. Every day you did something to hurt me, it only stopped when we got older but you never once apologized to me.” Evelyn could feel the tears pricking behind her eyes which she tried desperately to push down, she didn’t want to cry in front of him so she had to blink her eyes a few to stop the tears from falling down her cheeks.

    “All I wanted was to be your friend, I did everything you wanted and yet nothing was good enough for you. Nothing would get you to be nice to me, I never understood why you didn’t like me.” Evie opened up to him after all these years, she had bottled this up since she was a child and now she could finally get it all off her chest, she had thought about going to see a therapist but then she felt like she was going to burden the therapist with all her problems so she never went. When she really should have as it would have helped her deal with the pain she felt, over Tyler and her father’s death. She couldn’t look at him any longer, if she did then she would start to cry so she turned her body around. It was only then that she felt her hammering heart and her unsteady breathing, she stood there trying to calm her body and her mind down. Tyler had never been the type to leave someone when they were upset, so she knew he wasn’t going to be leaving her any time soon and she thought she would have wanted him to leave. She thought that she would have screamed at him to get out, but she wasn’t and she wasn’t sure why.

    Her chest tightened as she decided to busy herself, continuing to pack up her camera into the bag that it lived in when she wasn’t using it to take pictures. But her hands were shaking ever so slightly and she didn’t trust herself right now, she would actually die if she dropped or broke any piece of her expensive equipment. It had taken her years to save up enough money to buy all the equipment she did have, she wasn’t going to risk it so she pulled her hands away from her camera which was still connected to the tripod that she had used for the shoot. “What did I do to deserve all of this?” The question was a whisper as her head turned to the side, from the corner of her eye she could see Tyler still standing there but slightly closer to her now. “You hurt me, my dad was stolen from me and Paul… I gave him everything too.” A frown formed on her face as her heartbreak from Paul was still very fresh to her, it was just one more thing that she didn’t understand. How anyone could cheat on someone you were supposed to love, how anyone could hurt someone that badly. She knew Tyler didn’t know who Paul was or what he had done to her, did Evie want him knowing? She had no idea, right now she didn’t know what was going on with her emotions which were all over the place.
    July 20th, 2016 at 10:05am
  • CoffeeandLightsabers

    CoffeeandLightsabers (100)

    United States
    Roxanne Munroe | Caught on the wrong side of morality and youth.

    “I’ll be there. I want to be there with you for every doctor appointment that I can be, I don’t care if they just ask you questions.” Roxy caught herself smiling as Josh promised to go to her appointment with her. Which was something she'd been a little nervous about, going on her own. Just having him there would bring a sense of support that she would appreciate during this whole experience. She took another small bite of her muffin, washing it down with her fruity ice-tea. "Okay, I'll make sure you know when all the appointments are." She promised easily. The tension in her shoulders had loosened a fair bit and Roxanne was glad she hadn't put this off until she couldn't hide it anymore. She had been expecting him to walk out that door, and a part of her still expected it, but he was still here and that's what was important to Roxanne. Things seemed to be going pretty well between them and Roxy let out a sigh of relief as Josh promised to keep it off social media for now. That was yet another worry that he had soothed.

    “I hate to do this but I really need to leave. I have this photo shoot and I’m late, I hate being late for everything but I would really like if we could see each other again after I’m finished? It might take a few hours so I could call you after I’m done, and see if you’re free?” He wanted to see her again? Roxy felt a small blush sting her cheeks. "I'd like that if you could swing by." She agreed, offering the first real smile since she'd gotten here. So they agreed he'd swing by, and Roxy promised to text the address again just in case he couldn't remember how to get back. Shortly after that Josh had laid down a few bills, and Roxy had finished her muffin, leaving the little place with her passion fruit tea. The walk back to her flat wasn't that long, and it was probably good for her to get the walk in, breathe some fresh air being in her... Condition. She still couldn't really think of herself as pregnant yet. Hadn't really sunk in. As she made her way back to her place down familiar streets, Roxy turned through her thoughts, trying to collect her composure on the whole thing. Josh was staying, that was something she hadn't counted on and it made everything about ten times easier. Well most things.

    She was still dreading telling her parents. Should she do that now or wait until she had a couple appointments to check on the little bean? Roxy decided to put it off as long as she could. The summer sun was scorching, and by the time that Roxanne got to her flat she was more than grateful for the invention of AC. Upon unlocking her door and stumbling into her flat Roxy had a few things to do. She still had some math homework to do, and she had a report about how imperialism had affected India's modern history. This was the last year of core classes. Next year she had planned on taking a few archeology courses, art class, and museum studies. That was what her guidance counselor had suggested if she wanted to become a curator and work in a history museum like she originally wanted. It was getting dark out by the time Roxanne finished with her work, she set to researching what to expect during this whole pregnancy thing. She was in the middle of reading up on when she would expect to feel it moving, when it would form a face- that sort of thing when the phone rang. Glancing down Josh's number popped up and she answered quickly before it could go to voicemail.

    “Hey, it’s Josh… Are you hungry? I could bring some take out to your place?” It was then her stomach growled. She'd been so busy today the day had just kind of... Slipped away after their meeting. She'd had made herself some popcorn a couple hours earlier. "Yeah, there's a Thai place down the street that's pretty good if you like that." Roxy suggested, running her free hand through her hair to move the dark strands out of her eyes. They agreed upon that and the woman decided to clean up her papers and laptop off her coffee table and make things look neat in her flat. She was just putting the last stack of paper away in her filing cabinet when there came a few knocks on the door and Roxanne, shutting the cabinet door hurried to open the wooden door. Sure enough Josh stood there, food in his hand and she offered a tepid smile before stepping aside. "It's been years." She greeted, a sort of playful note to her words. "We can eat in the living room. I do it all the time." The flat opened right up into her living room, which opened into her kitchen which sometimes served as a dining room. Usually only when her parents deigned to visit her.

    Soon enough the two had laid out the food on her now clean coffee table, each helping themselves to the assortment of food they'd gotten. "How are you feeling" Josh had asked her between bites, his pink hair catching the low lights of her apartment and Roxy shrugged. "Not sick or anything just... I dunno. It's hard to process. I'm fine. How was your thing?" Conversation with him was easy, she had felt like that the last time too. There was something soft and kind about Josh that made Roxy's normal edges and barbs melt away. She took a bite, listening to his answer and nodding along. "How's your history class going?" At this, she was kind of impressed with him. He remembered that? She pauses and sighs a ragged thing. "It's not so much history that's a pain. It's math. I hate math, but luckily this is my last math class assuming I pass, and then after I'm done with all the prerequisites I can take the fun classes. Well, as fun as classes can be." Roxy informed, a small smile on her lips though she paused with a shrug "Although, I won't finish before the bean's born. So I'm just going to take time off after this semester. Go back when I can. Maybe try to take what I can online in the meantime."


    Tyler Joseph | I still want you.

    Things were not going well, and Tyler wasn't sure how to make things better. For a long moment he really thought she wasn't going to answer him, rather walk away and leave a thousand questions in his mind. “How do you not remember?” Her words were hurt, and it twisted Tyler's gut. He hated seeing other people in pain, it was his nature to want to comfort her. But the dark haired male was sure that was only going to make things worse. So rather he stayed still, trying desperately to turn through his memories of him and Evelyn. “Growing up you were nothing but horrible to me, everything you did was to hurt me. Pushing me around, calling me names, not letting me play a game, bossing me around.” It was those words that brought perspective to his memories. He always did have fun with Evelyn- being a little shit to her. At once his jaw clenched and something akin to shame burned in his belly. He had fun chasing her around, had fun stealing her dollies and pushing her around- sometimes literally.

    Some of that was simply how Tyler was. It was how he played with his brothers. Tyler never really thought much of how roughly he played with other children when he was young. And then he liked her. An awful lot, his first childhood crush. What did children do when they liked one another? They were mean. Tyler was no such exception. “You always made me cry, Tyler. Every day you did something to hurt me, it only stopped when we got older but you never once apologized to me.” At this point his gaze was glued on the floor unable to look Evelyn in the face. He fucked up, really and truly. He hadn't meant... Tyler was just a kid. He didn't fully realize the effect his actions had on other people. And all these years he hadn't realized how much he hurt Evelyn. But he was older now, and adult. He didn't want to hurt her anymore, he wished he hadn't when they were growing up. "Evie, I'm sorry. I was so young that I never realized..." The childhood nickname rolled off his tongue without Tyler really thinking about it. The apology itself was quiet, meek. No wonder she hadn't wanted anything to do with him when they'd grown up. Tyler seemed harrowed, his hands shoved deep in his pockets feeling out of place and wondering if he should just go.

    But he couldn't, not until he at least tried to patch things over, or make her feel better. Tyler couldn't blame her for wanting him to leave and not contact her again. But there was a part of him that needed her to understand that he was a child he hadn't known any better. He wasn't some monster anymore. Not today, not now and not ever again. “All I wanted was to be your friend, I did everything you wanted and yet nothing was good enough for you. Nothing would get you to be nice to me, I never understood why you didn’t like me.” No, that wasn't the case at all. He wanted to tell her as much but she turned away from him clearly distressed; as if she couldn't even stand to look at him. He hadn't ever wanted to hurt anyone the way he apparently hurt Evelyn. And Tyler just wanted to make it better but he was panicking. What could he even say? Sorry didn't really feel like it did any justice. He took a step closer, he could probably reach out and touch her shoulder now if he wanted but Tyler didn't want to overwhelm Evelyn. “What did I do to deserve all of this?” The question broke his fucking heart. Because honestly? Nothing. She'd been dealt some crappy cards, and the way he treated her as kids was his fault. Not her's

    It was her next sentence that puzzled him and Tyler felt his brows furrow. “You hurt me, my dad was stolen from me and Paul… I gave him everything too.” Who was Paul? His mother hadn't said anything, no one had said anything. Had they all done that on purpose? She seemed on the verge of tears and Tyler though he felt like he shouldn't touch her, shouldn't make it worse, reached out and gently patted her shoulder. "Evelyn, I never meant to hurt you like this. I thought we were friends. I was... I was a brat growing up. I didn't realize how much it hurt you- I'm sorry. Really. And your dad, you're right you don't deserve that. He didn't." Tyler spoke in a hushed tone, unsure if there were any employees here lurking around and overhearing this otherwise private conversation. That left the matter of Paul, and Tyler wasn't sure there was anything he could say. He had the feeling Paul was an ex, and Tyler had gone through some of his own break-up woes recently; but that didn't mean he had any place to council Evelyn on hers. Before him, Tyler saw someone who just held in too much, who tried to be okay for a little too long. Tyler wondered if Evelyn even had anyone to talk to here.

    "Hey, just take a few deep breaths. The ones from your nose then exhale from your mouth." Tyler suggested in his gentlest voice, his shoulders slightly hunched as if trying to make himself smaller while he pulled his hand from his pocket. Once she seemed to be a little calmer Tyler spoke before he could lose the nerve. "I meant what I said before. I'm not who I was when I was three, or five, or ten. I understand if you don't want anything to do with me. But I'd really like the chance for us to be friends. I haven't particularly deserved it, I know." Tyler had taken a few steps forward, his hand still resting on Evelyn's shoulder. When he realized that he quickly withdrew as if not to cause further offense to her. "Let's go to dinner. Catch up. You can talk about whatever's bothering you. If you still want nothing to do with me by the time dinner's over, I'll leave you alone. I mean... Our moms are probably gonna still talk but I won't bug you at family gatherings or vacations." Tyler felt like it was a big gamble. He just hoped he could convince her within the span of dinner that he wanted to be friends, and start to try to make up for all the years he treated her like garbage.
    July 20th, 2016 at 10:02pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Joshua Dun | Have faith in me

    "Not sick or anything just... I dunno. It's hard to process. I'm fine. How was your thing?" Roxanne answered his question about how she was feeling and he was glad that she hadn’t begun to feel sick, that was really the only thing he knew about pregnancy and that it took nine months for a baby to grow before being born. “If you do start to feel sick, you can call me and I can bring you… crackers or toast or tea.” He had no idea what would help when she got to that part of the pregnancy but when he was sick, he never felt like eating much and usually always bothered Tyler to make him a ginger and lemon tea as he mostly caught a bug while on tour. “It was good, we had a photo shoot although it was really awkward for some reason. Tyler probably said something stupid to her, but then we had an interview which didn’t last all that long. I should have invited you to come along, next time you can.” Josh smiled over at her as they both sat on the couch and eat the Thai food which was delicious, he should have invited her along although he wasn’t sure if she would have found it exciting or boring.

    "It's not so much history that's a pain. It's math. I hate math, but luckily this is my last math class assuming I pass, and then after I'm done with all the prerequisites I can take the fun classes. Well, as fun as classes can be." He listened to her and he was suddenly glad that he didn’t have to worry about school anymore, he had done the best he could through high school but the only class he ever shone in was music class. The other ones just didn’t interest him so he hardly ever paid attention to what was being taught, looking back on his teenage years he did wish he had tried harder at school. “I’m sure you’ll pass all the classes that you take, I would help you out but I failed math twice so I wouldn’t be much help.” Josh grinned after he took a large mouthful of noodles, he hoped their baby wouldn’t take after him in that area as Roxanne seemed to be the one with the brains between the two of them and he was completely fine with that.

    "Although, I won't finish before the bean's born. So I'm just going to take time off after this semester. Go back when I can. Maybe try to take what I can online in the meantime." Josh’s heart fluttered when he heard Roxy’s sweet voice refer to their baby as ‘bean’, he was still getting his head around everything but he had surprised himself with how willing he was to become a father. He thought he would have been stressing more considering Roxy and himself only had a one night stand, but he was in this for the long run. “Like I said before, I’ll do whatever I can to help. And when you decide to go back to college, I know for a fact that my parents would come here and help with the little bean while you go to class and study.” They wouldn’t even need to ask his parents to babysit, hell his family wouldn’t need a reason for them to visit and take the little bean for the day or a few days if he or Roxanne needed the help.

    “Have you told your parents yet?” Josh asked turning his head so he could look at Roxy, the time they spent together before he did remember that she only briefly mentioned her parents. How they thought she was wasting her time with college but that’s really all she told him, and at the time he was more interested in talking about her then what her family was like. But she hadn’t acted like she would have if she was close to her parents, which told Josh that she probably wasn’t so he wanted to prepare himself now for her parents as he’d have to eventually meet them, right? “I’ll call my parents tomorrow, they’ll be so happy and will love you.” A fond smile crossed his lips as his parents had always wanted grandchildren, they weren’t shy about letting people know about that either which used to embarrass Josh. But now they would have a grandchild, well in nine months’ time they will.
    Evelyn Cruz |The scariest part is letting go

    "Evie, I'm sorry. I was so young that I never realized..." The nickname rolled off Tyler’s tongue and Evelyn had been expecting it to hurt, only her family and Tyler’s family were allowed to call her Evie. It was actually Tyler who first called her Evie because he couldn’t say Evelyn correctly, but there wasn’t any pain that she felt. All she felt was comfort, the nickname sounded so much better coming from his mouth but she ignored those thoughts. She had already known that Tyler wouldn’t have realised what he had done as a child, he was too young to truly realise and he treated her like he did their brothers. It was normal for him to play rough so when she was playing too, nothing changed because she was a girl.

    "Evelyn, I never meant to hurt you like this. I thought we were friends. I was... I was a brat growing up. I didn't realize how much it hurt you- I'm sorry. Really. And your dad, you're right you don't deserve that. He didn't." His voice softened before his large hand rested gently on her shoulder, her body tensed from the contact but she soon realised that he wasn’t shoving her or anything in that nature. His touch was light, like he was unsure if he should touch her again after the awkward half hug they shared earlier. She calmed herself down before she turned her head so she could look at him, he was right. She didn’t deserve any of this, but for some reason shit continued to be thrown at her life and she was sick and tired of it. Her body started to unwind under his touch and then his hand was gone, back into the pocket of his black jeans like he was afraid to touch her for too long.

    "Let's go to dinner. Catch up. You can talk about whatever's bothering you. If you still want nothing to do with me by the time dinner's over, I'll leave you alone. I mean... Our moms are probably gonna still talk but I won't bug you at family gatherings or vacations." Tyler asked her but his eyes were begging her, he actually wanted to make things better between them. She could see that in his rich dark mocha eyes but her mind wasn’t screaming at her to run away, she didn’t feel her heart pounding in her chest because she was waiting to be hurt again. “Alright, but only if we can go get pizza. And you’ll need to follow me to my apartment, I don’t trust anyone with all my equipment in my car.” Evie agreed to have dinner with him, she was staving and by how quickly Tyler’s head nodded, he was fine with this plan.

    She asked him to help her carry her equipment down stairs to where her car was parked, she took her camera and lighting equipment as those cost the most in terms of money so she didn’t want to blame Tyler if anything broke. Guiding the way out of the building, she took him around the building to the small parking lot. Unlocking her car she placed her bags and boxes of equipment into her car, in the right order so nothing would move while she drove to her apartment. “My apartment isn’t that far away,” She looked at the man standing in front of her, biting down onto her bottom lip she handed over her business card which had her number printed on the back just in case he did get lost. Climbing into her car she pulled out onto the street, making sure Tyler was following her as she took a few turns here and there before they arrived at her small apartment complex. Tyler again helped her carry everything into her nice apartment, however she didn’t give him any time to look at her personal belongings because they left the complex quickly. However this time they decided to take Tyler’s car, he knew his way around the city more than Evie did and he had told her that he knew a great pizza place that they could go to. “I don’t know much about your band… are you two famous?” Evie asked while Tyler drove, she honestly knew nothing about Twenty One Pilots but she also didn’t want Tyler to take offense to that.
    July 24th, 2016 at 05:51am
  • CoffeeandLightsabers

    CoffeeandLightsabers (100)

    United States
    Roxanne Munroe | Caught on the wrong side of morality and youth.

    Roxy glanced to her side, shooting him a soft smile. "Crackers and toast huh? I'll hold you to that." Roxy was touched by how... well above and beyond about this whole thing. She had been expecting to do this alone, but... She just felt better having him around still. The softspoken brunette shifted, tucking her feet beneath her as she absentmindedly picked at her food. It was the beginning of the semester. There was no way she could just hide it until the next semester and quietly drop out without people noticing, without people talking. She'd have to make an appointment with her guidance counselor. But that was for another. Today she was tired, still feeling more than a little overwhelmed with everything that was happening. “It was good, we had a photo shoot although it was really awkward for some reason. Tyler probably said something stupid to her, but then we had an interview which didn’t last all that long. I should have invited you to come along, next time you can.” She couldn't help the small smile that touched her lips. She had gathered Tyler was the other band member, and Roxanne was slightly exasperated she'd forgotten to put some research time aside to see what twenty one pilots was all about.

    She could do it at a later date, as honestly she didn't have the energy tonight. "I'd like that. Are... Are you busy a lot then?" If Josh's schedule was hectic- how were they supposed to map out custody and days and hours? But it was his job, his livelihood and Roxy wasn't going to start whining about it. They'd make it work somehow- that much she was determined to do. The brunette didn't want to be one of those women who kept their child from a willing father. "If there's a will, there's a way." She decided listening to his answer. Her gaze flickered to her television which was quietly playing some rerun of some CW show she didn't watch too often. It was nice like this. Almost... Domestic. Sitting on the couch with Josh and a plate of takeout. For the longest time Roxy had never really ever felt at peace at LA. She always felt like she had to be moving, had to be doing something, studying harder, working harder to prove herself to her parents. To try to please them. But not now. There was some intrinsic soothing quality that Josh held in the way he easily spoke and watched TV. In the little grins and smiles and the intensity in which he listened to her.

    Like really listened like she wasn't a burden. Even though at this point, she probably was. “I’m sure you’ll pass all the classes that you take, I would help you out but I failed math twice so I wouldn’t be much help.” She glanced at him and shrugged. "I hope so. If I study I should be alright." Roxy sighed, and then paused before adding a somewhat abashed, "Well, I couldn't do music for the life of me. So... We both have strengths and stuff I guess. Thank you though." Her cheeks were a subtle pink as she averted her gaze to her nearly empty plate of Thai food. Roxy had liked this place since she moved out to LA. Something that never failed to soothe her nerves was the Pad Thai. At his next promise Roxy perked up. "They would really help?" The disbelief was etched into her dark eyes as she scrutinized him; searching for some lie. Roxanne found none and hesitantly she tucked a thick tress of chocolate behind her ear. "I... Yeah. I'd really appreciate that. You don't even know." When Roxanne first read that pink little plus, she thought that this was going to be something she'd do alone.

    And while she couldn't count on shit from her parents, Josh was more than making up for it. With a soft, happy sigh Roxy dropped her head against his shoulder in silent gratitude. This wasn't going to be easy, she knew this much. But it felt... doable now with him around. However her ease didn't last long as Josh asked about her parents. “Have you told your parents yet?” At once she stiffened slightly and pulled away. That was one shitstorm she didn't want to deal with. Ever. LA was her escape, her refuge from the icy upbringing she'd been given. Her parents hated it here, hated she was here, and hated that she wasn't doing something more productive with her time. All of that was going to be minuscule to how they were going to react to the news of their daughter being pregnant of course. She knew it. Socialites living in Boston, Roxanne was going to be nothing but an embarrassment when this news was broken to them. But Josh couldn't of known that. Roxanne hadn't told him much about them and she slowly shook her head. "Um... No. This isn't going to be an over-the-phone thing. I'll have to go down to Boston and talk with them."

    Almost at once her demeanor changed. Her shoulders tensed with stress her lips crested into a frown. She'd be lucky if they let her back on a plane to LA. With a soft sigh she shook her head. "I'll deal with it when it's time." It was what she always did. Roxanne wasn't really used to anyone sticking around or helping shoulder her burdens. “I’ll call my parents tomorrow, they’ll be so happy and will love you.” Shyly Roxy raised her dark gaze to his, "They will?" She hadn't even really realized that she'd be meeting them. Though, if Josh said they'd like her she had to believe him. "I hope so. I don't want things to be strained between everyone. Even if it's not... Ideal. It's happening and it'd be best for everyone to be on good terms." She leaned her head back against the couch cushions her eye's closing momentarily. Roxanne couldn't imagine her family accepting this. She cringed to think what they'd say about her, or Josh with his easy smiles and tattoos and cotton candy hair. In her world of frowns and suits and gray; he'd not be welcome. Roxy knew this much but wasn't really ready to disclose as much to him yet. So, if his family accepted her, the bean- that was more than enough for Roxy.


    Tyler Joseph | I still want you.

    "You had me at pizza." Tyler had promised, feeling antsy and anxious all at once. "I'll follow you to your apartment then." He added with a small smile. He was going to mess this up somehow he felt so sure. Tyler was going to have to make sure he was on his best behavior. Nothing short of a perfect gentlemen. He happily helped her carry boxes of equipment out to her car, careful to be gentle and not break anything. Not only would he feel horrible as this all looked expensive, but that really wouldn't convince Evie that he had grown and matured past a childhood bully. He followed in an almost subdued manner falling victim to the doubt in his head as they wandered out to her car, the last rays of the LA sun disappearing behind the skyline. He had worked up a good enough appetite and knew a pretty decent pizza joint that Tyler thought Evie would like. But who knew, it'd been years since he really spent anytime with her. It was a little greasy looking from the outside- but Tyler thought that it just gave the place flavor and personality. Plus no one really frequented that place enough to bother him. Always a good thing. “My apartment isn’t that far away,” She looked a little hesitant, and he could feel the excitement in his dark eyes.

    He had missed Evie. Always when his mother brought her up he felt a little pang in his stomach. A guilt and a remorse of growing apart. Hopefully they would be able to remain friends. "Okay, I'll meet you there." He promised, and with that gave an awkward little half-wave before turning towards his car all the way across the small parking lot. Once strapped in behind the wheel music tumbling softly from the radio enough that could create a white noise to his thoughts so he couldn't work himself up anymore- Tyler began to follow Evie back towards her place. Nervous, spindly fingers tapped against the wheel in no particular beat as his dark gaze remained alert on the road. A few times his phone had buzzed though it was probably just one of his siblings or a friend. Nothing he couldn't check later. By some miracle traffic wasn't absolutely hellish and they got to her place with good time. Before they could simply get into Tyler's car, they had to carry Evie's stuff up to her apartment, and Tyler was still awkwardly fumbling around his brain for something to talk about. His palms were sweaty and he felt like a teenager again. Thankfully they were a little too busy putting boxes in their places to engage in much conversation.

    Not until later, when they were done and Evie was in his passenger seat, Tyler having only just set off towards the pizza joint, trying to keep his anxious mind and fingers still. "“I don’t know much about your band… are you two famous?” She asked hesitantly, as if she wasn't sure it was an okay question to ask. The band, that was something Tyler could always talk about and he thought about it with an easy shrug of his shoulders. "We're successful. Have a decent fan-following... Blurryface just made everything... Bigger. Realer. So Yeah I guess we are." He pauses before throwing a side-long grin at her, almost feline-like in nature. "Don't worry. The place we're going is pretty quiet. I'd be surprised if someone noticed us." They were quiet for a few minutes before Tyler asked almost tepidly, "So, what have you been up to? Photographing huh? What made you wanna get into that?" There was nothing but a genuine curiosity in his voice as they drove down dark streets only broken by glowing oasis' of lamplight. It was LA and the city so there were still plenty of people romping up and down the sidewalks, though Tyler didn't have enough attention to spend sizing all those people up. He listened to Evie talk about her own venture in life paying as much attention as he could without crashing.

    And then by the time she'd caught him up to her mindset of joining the field of photography, they were in the small parking lot as Tyler turned the car off turning her with his large eyes, brows furrowed as if he were worried- which he was speaking honestly. "So, just to warn you this place looks like it's seen some better years. But you won't get a better pizza on the west coast!" He promised, sliding of his seat before hurrying around the other side to open the door for Evie, closing it behind her. He was half-tempted to offer her his arm but that felt like a date and Tyler didn't want to scare her off. So he just kept pace with her walking side by side into the dingy little place. The woman behind the counter, old, graying and with her thick Greek features and accent grinned at him greeting Tyler with a warm hello. Returning it he tilted his head his gaze flickering over the menu though he already knew what he wanted. "Do you wanna do a pepperoni and just split a pizza? Or we can do a half and half one?" He offered, his tone light and polite.
    July 24th, 2016 at 07:50am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Joshua Dun | Have faith in me

    "I'd like that. Are... Are you busy a lot then?" Roxanne asked and he wanted to be honest with her, his job wouldn’t make raising a baby any easier but he believed that they could work things out. He wanted to be the best father that he could and he didn’t want Roxanne to go through this on her own, because she wasn’t alone. “I’m usually only going to be away when we have a tour, but Tyler and I just finished a tour so we’ll be taking a few months break before we start writing our next album.” He explained as right now he would be around all the time, if that’s what Roxanne wanted from him and he did hope that she did want him around. His eyes would glance over to the TV every now and again as he continued to eat his Thai dinner, this was much nicer than he had expected when he received the text from Roxy. But even the time they had spent together had been easy, when they took a walk together after Josh brought her another ice cream.

    Conversation had flowed between them, it was light and comfortable above anything else. He had been a little nervous that things would have changed after the few months that had passed since they first meet, but he was put at ease very quickly. "They would really help?" Roxy asked when he had brought up his parents wanting to help out with the little bean, “Of course. They’ll beg you to have time with our little bean, and if you need anything you just need to call them. During the pregnancy and after,” He wanted her to know that, she didn’t need to wait until she gave birth to their baby. If she needed help with something or had a question or just wanted to talk to someone who has been through this, then his parents would be right there, especially his mother who was a mother to everyone she met so Roxanne wouldn’t be any different.

    A smile softened his features when he felt Roxy’s head gently rest on his shoulder, it was like they had known each other for longer than a few hours. But then he brought up if she had told her parents about the pregnancy and her body stiffened, like she didn’t want to think about her parents at all and then he just ruined things because she moved away from him. His brows pulled together slightly as he looked at her sitting beside him on the couch, "Um... No. This isn't going to be an over-the-phone thing. I'll have to go down to Boston and talk with them." Josh understood that completely, he would have preferred to go visit his family when he told them about the little bean but he was too excited and he didn’t want to wait to tell them. So he’d just call them tomorrow and it would most likely cause at least his parents to come to LA, which he honestly didn’t mind as they would be able to meet Roxanne and he could catch up with them.

    “I could go to Boston with you, if you wanted the extra support?” Josh suggested as he finished the food on his plate, his stomach was full so he set the empty plate down onto the coffee table and leaned back into the couch. If this was something she was dreading, then he would be by her side when she did tell her parents and he didn’t care how long she waited or what her parents thought of him. They didn’t need to like him, he wasn’t there for them. He was there for Roxanne and the baby they made together, yes it would be easier on everyone if her parents did like him but it wasn’t something that was going to cause him any stress. "I hope so. I don't want things to be strained between everyone. Even if it's not... Ideal. It's happening and it'd be best for everyone to be on good terms." Roxy commented exactly what he had been thinking about, so they were obviously on the same page. “Well I know that my family will adore you, but if your family doesn’t like me then that isn’t something I want you to worry about. Alright, Roxy? I’m here for you two and nothing will change that,” Josh promised her as he moved closer to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, bringing her body against his as he held her securely.
    Evelyn Cruz |The scariest part is letting go

    Evelyn relaxed lightly when Tyler assured her that the pizza place he was taking her to wasn’t normally that busy, so people hopefully wouldn’t bother them. Attention wasn’t something that Evie ever craved, in fact she always shied away so she didn’t want a fan to recognise Tyler because she knew it would make her feel uncomfortable. But that was who he was now, he did have fans and Evie was proud of what he has made for himself. She knew he would do really well in his life and she was right, he was doing music which he had always loved growing up and now he was getting attention for it. “I’m glad to see that you followed your dream,” Her voice was airy as she stole a glance over at him, maybe he had grown up since they last saw each other which was a long time. He was still the same person but different all at the same time, the playfulness was still there but he was now more mature and cared more about other people.

    "So, what have you been up to? Photographing huh? What made you wanna get into that?" Tyler asked as he drove his car, “It actually happened when my dad passed away. When we were packing up to move, I found my dad’s old camera and no one else wanted to keep it so I did. It was really the first time that I thought about doing something creative, it also helped me settle once we did move because I didn’t know anyone and I was still hurting. It was an escape for me to take photos,” She shared her story with him and she willingly wanted to tell him about the part in her life that he didn’t know about, which she never thought would happen in a million years. “So after high school I went to college, I actually got a degree in teaching. Everything I know about photography I learnt by myself, I worked hard to make a name for myself but just doing photography wasn’t enough. So now I also teach photography, it’s why I moved here actually.” The words fell from her lips so easily, things between her and Tyler were never this easy.

    She hadn’t forgotten about the hurt he caused her, but it wasn’t the main thing on her mind. She wouldn’t jump into forgiving him, it would take time and he would need to prove himself to her but until that happened, if it did happen then she would still be nice to him. Once his car was parked and he had opened the door for her, she listened to his warning and he was right. The building could have done with some love and a new coat of paint, but she followed him inside and was instantly overcome with the delicious smell of cooking pizzas. Her mouth was watering and she hoped their pizza wouldn’t take long to cook, she was hungry. “Let’s go half and half,” She suggested as she looked at the older lady behind the counter, “Hi. Can we get a large half and half with… pepperoni and hawaiian please,” Evie couldn’t help but smile as she knew Tyler couldn’t stand fruit on pizzas, but a hawaiian pizza had always been her favourite so Tyler would just need to deal with her pizza having pineapple covering it.

    The lady wrote down their order and rang up the price, Evie grabbed her wallet from her handbag and pulled out some money which Tyler apparently had the same idea. “Let’s just pay half,” She suggested which is what they did, they both paid half before finding a booth table to sit at. “So are you still on tour or will you be around?” Evie asked as they sat across the table from one another, she wasn’t sure what to talk about. She knew how his family was doing from his mom telling her’s, so they couldn’t really talk about that unless something had happened recently. She really hadn’t done anything exciting with her life, she mostly worked so the move to LA was the most exciting thing that she has done for a while and even that was pretty boring. Especially compared to him, he must have such an exhilarating life with so many stories that he could tell her.
    July 24th, 2016 at 12:49pm
  • CoffeeandLightsabers

    CoffeeandLightsabers (100)

    United States
    Roxanne Munroe | Caught on the wrong side of morality and youth.

    She nodded, feeling a little more at ease. She was ready to do this alone, if Josh had to be gone sometimes- then she'd get through that just fine too. "Well figure something out." Roxanne promised. Even if it was Skype while he was away. It wouldn't be the same thing as him being around, but hopefully it would be enough. Her food was gone, and Roxanne leaned forward to put the empty plate on her nightstand. She'd take care of it before she went to bed. The beauty of takeout was it would take her about ten minutes to clean everything up. She was full and actually happy, which was something she hadn't expected. Roxy really never thought she'd find herself in these shoes, but here she was. And she wasn't absolutely losing her mind and flipping out. Roxy thought that had a lot to do with how willing Josh was to stick around and do what he could for her. “Of course. They’ll beg you to have time with our little bean, and if you need anything you just need to call them. During the pregnancy and after,” She made a soft noise of acknowledgement, her gaze drawn shyly towards her hands. "They sound really great." The brunette just hoped that they would be as open to the situation as Josh said they would.

    “I could go to Boston with you, if you wanted the extra support?” The offer hung in the air and Roxanne had to think over it for a moment, lightly biting the bottom of her lip in thought. Really it would kill two birds with one stone. She couldn't hide Josh, that wasn't really fair. She had to at least try for amicability between everyone. "I should warn you they're not very warm people. I'm really not anticipating on this going well. If you still want to come then I think it would be for the best. They should probably meet you at some point, even if they don't like it." She agreed, voice full of trepidation. "But if they're asses about this don't take it to heart okay?" She warned, apology already in her voice. "I probably won't go until next month, I can take a few days off class and do the work outside the classroom. And it'll likely only be for a day or two. I don't want to stay down there too long." Roxy stated rather firmly. She disliked being with her parents for extended periods of time. With them it always felt like she was suffocating.

    At least in LA she was Roxy, not what her parents thought she should be. Stress began to cloud her veins, tensing her posture into something rigid again. “Well I know that my family will adore you, but if your family doesn’t like me then that isn’t something I want you to worry about. Alright, Roxy? I’m here for you two and nothing will change that,” Josh spoke again, and he seemed to know all the right things to say. Not for the first time since that day, Roxy was relieved it was him. If she was going to get pregnant, she was relieved he was the one who was in it with her. Not even her parents could ruin that. She knew then and there on her small couch in her cramped apartment, that they were going to do their best. For each other and the bean, it wouldn't like Roxy's childhood. She might not be the best mom, but Roxanne was going to try her hardest to make sure their baby had all the opportunities she had growing up, without the stress of parents who hated each other.

    So when Josh wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her to rest against him Roxy leaned against him. She wasn't sure what the future held, but at least it didn't feel as overwhelming and frightening when he was around. Besides the TV the apartment was quiet, peaceful and Roxanne could hear Josh's steady heartbeat in her ears. Outside LA wasn't silent, but quiet as it ever was during the night. Not that she minded, Roxanne always found she liked the white noise of the city that drifted through her door. But soon all this would change. In the coming months Roxy was going to need to go through her apartment and baby proof everything, get a room ready for the bean; and Josh was going to have to do the same for his place. Tomorrow she was going to pick up a few books on the subject as Roxanne didn't really want to rely solely on the internet for information on this matter.

    There were a few bookstores that she liked that weren't too far. Maybe she'd pick Josh up a copy. Roxanne didn't really know the depth of his baby knowledge, and it was better to be over-prepared than under prepared if you asked her. However, these thoughts were lax and leisure. Josh was warm, and comfortable enough that Roxanne was beginning to feel exhausted. Everything that had happened today had begun to sunk in, making her feel tired to the very marrow. So with a little yawn into her shoulder she raised her gaze to look up at the pink-haired man. Her rusted colored orbs were framed by her thick lashes as their gazes met. "It's getting late." She stated looking up at him through her lashes which framed hazelnut colored orbs. "You wanna sleep here tonight? I was going to go to a bookstore tomorrow and pick up a few books about this." Roxy offered as she gestured towards her stomach. "Gotta be prepared as frick." She mumbled in an amused, sleepy tone. That was going to be something new, censoring her words. The last thing she needed was for their baby's first word to be fuck. And, since she had a tendency to use such colorful language it was best to start being mindful of it now.


    Tyler Joseph | I still want you.

    Tyler was pretty open to having a half and half pizza. Well, his stomach was pretty open to it. Tyler was silently grateful it hadn't decided to start growling at the rich, savory scent of pizza that seemed to cling to every surface of this old place. “Hi. Can we get a large half and half with… pepperoni and Hawaiian please,” Tyler wrinkled his nose at this; and when she turned back to him he raised an eyebrow, his lips tilting upwards at the corners for a small grin. "Fruit on pizza? You're a menace to pizza's everywhere Evie." He joked, his dark eyes amused as reached for his wallet. However, he was surprised when Evelyn offered to pay for half the pizza. Not for any other reason than Tyler had been the one to ask her out, but he wasn't going to argue with her. So he just nodded handing over a few bills to the woman behind the counter. "Half is good since I would probably have a heart attack paying for a fruity pizza." His tease wasn't cruel, though good-natured and aimed to amuse her. They picked a booth set a little further back in the pizza joint more for Tyler's own comfort.

    They were sitting for a bit and Tyler was racking his brains of what to ask her. He wanted to ask what she was talking about earlier, about Paul. The name left a tinge of jealousy in his mouth that he had no right to. But he thought that would be too heavy. Too intrusive. Maybe if she wanted to stay in touch Tyler could ask her about this mysterious Paul. Or just ask his mother. She'd probably know. “So are you still on tour or will you be around?” Tyler shook his head. "Well be around for awhile, just finished a tour. We've been touring pretty frequently, just to maintain hype and stuff. But we have at least the next few months off while we write and record." Tyler explained, his eyes lighting up. It was clear he was in his element talking about music, the way his gaze lit up and his grin seemed whole and eager. To be honest though, Tyler had written a fair amount on the road. It's just what he did. But he'd refine some lyrics, add and rearrange how some of them sounded in his head and then when that was ready they'd go to record.

    And during that process he hoped they'd be able to stay in LA, and not have to go touring all the time. "What about you? You think you're gonna settle down here? Or is it a temporary thing?" Tyler asked, honest curiosity touching on his features. The job had brought her out here, but did she like it enough to stay? LA was incredibly different than their sleepy hometown. And both had their pro's and con's. For Tyler it was work. It was just so much easier to stay out here to record, and be close to his friends and stuff. Plus, Tyler did like all the things to do in LA, and around the area. One could hardly get bored in this town. As she spoke, he nodded along listening though once his gaze flickered away from her as one of the workers brought the pizza to them, and a promise to be right back with a pitcher of water. "Alright Evelyn, you should probably take a moment to prepare yourself for how wow'ed you're going to be." He stated, with a mockingly serious gaze as he turned the pizza so the fruit was facing her, and the pepperoni him.

    It wasn't even that it had been awhile since he'd gone out like this- but it had been so long since he'd been with Evelyn that Tyler was rather enjoying himself. He had begun to get over his initial doubts and anxieties about Evie not wanting anything to do with him after this. It seemed to be going well so far. Steam rose in elegant tendrils from the cheese, only to disappear towards the ceiling of the joint; and the pizza in front of Tyler was almost enough to make his drool. "How're your siblings doing? I have a bad habit of forgetting to stay in touch with people. Mom gets mad at me sometimes." He admitted with a soft grin as he tested out touching the crust. It was still hot, but Tyler was quick enough to take one of the paper plates they'd been given, pass the left over plate to Evie, and then yank a gooey slice of pizza onto his plate without burning his finger pads off. "It's been even longer since I've seen them." It'd actually been a long time since he'd seen anyone really. Tyler Skyped with his family as often as he could.

    But going down to Ohio? He'd gotten lazy since getting back from tour. He'd probably have to go back at some point soon. He listened as Evelyn filled him in on her siblings lives and Ty nodded. He hadn't been terribly close with them growing up, usually because their mothers often put Tyler and Evie together for play dates and such. When the pizza was cool enough Tyler took a decent bite, inwardly relieved. He usually grabbed something to eat before a shoot. But, this had worked out well. Sure he was hungry, but he got to share a meal with his childhood friend. Something he hadn't done in years. And Tyler hoped that she was enjoying their time together as well. "So, good place?" He asked, halfway through his first slice, his gaze flicking to Evelyn's. He and Josh liked to come here, the food was good and cheap too. "Do you like LA? I think people who move from places like we did either love it or hate it." He commented after finishing off the first slice of pizza, and reaching for another one. He'd have enough for breakfast and probably lunch tomorrow Tyler thought to himself as he listened to Evelyn speaking.
    July 24th, 2016 at 04:43pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Joshua Dun | Have faith in me

    "I should warn you they're not very warm people. I'm really not anticipating on this going well. If you still want to come then I think it would be for the best. They should probably meet you at some point, even if they don't like it." Roxy warned him about her parents and it normally took a lot for Josh not to like someone, but he really couldn’t care less about her parents liking him. He wasn’t going to change who he was or how he acted, just so they wouldn’t hate him. He was comfortable and confident in the man he was, he wouldn’t change for anyone. Well he might become a tiny bit more mature for the little bean, but that would be the only reason he would want to change. If her parents hated him, blamed him for ruining their daughter’s life and future. Then he wouldn’t take it to heart, that was their opinion and they had the right to believe whatever they wanted. But how could a child ruin anything? He had always been the type of person who didn’t take things to heart easily, most things just slipped right off his back and were forgotten about within seconds so her parents could say whatever they wanted to his face because it wouldn’t affect him in the way they probably hoped.

    “Whenever you decide to go then I’ll come with you,” He promised as he didn’t want her dealing with them on her own, especially if they weren’t going to take the news well. He didn’t want them upsetting her at a time like this, the bean was still so young and growing. He didn’t want Roxy to be under any more stress or pressure that her parents may put onto her once they knew she was pregnant, if things get too much or if he could tell Roxy needed some air then he would just take her away from her parents. Let things calm down before he allowed Roxanne anywhere near her parents again, Roxanne and their bean were the most important people in his life right now and he would do absolutely anything for them. She felt her body lean into his as they sat there, not speaking any more as they didn’t need to. This was something Josh hasn’t felt ever in his past relationships, he had never felt at ease with someone he was dating to the point where they didn’t need to talk. They could just sit in silence together and not do a single thing, it was actually really nice and such a difference for him that he could see himself getting used to.

    "It's getting late. You wanna sleep here tonight? I was going to go to a bookstore tomorrow and pick up a few books about this." Roxanne’s hazel eyes flickered down to her still flat stomach, Josh’s eyes following the direction and he was tempted to rest his hand over where their bean was growing but he didn’t. He felt that might ruin things and just seem creepy, “Yeah. I’m too tired to drive home, maybe we could go out for breakfast and then go find some books together.” He suggested as he also wanted to be prepared for the bean, he’d read all the books he could because he knew this would be the biggest challenge for both of them. Neither of them had done this before and it was terrifying, but it would be worth it in the end as he’d be able to hold and love this little baby for the rest of his life. He may not be the greatest dad in the world but that wouldn’t stop him from trying to be, even when he was touring he would call Roxy or Skype with her as much as he could. He couldn’t promise that it would happen every day because touring was stressful and he was often exhausted after every show, but he would find the time to check in with her as they were in this together.

    Standing up from the couch he stretched his back out before he picked up the plates and empty take away containers, he’d clean up while Roxy could get herself ready for bed. He moved into the small kitchen and washed the dishes until they were all clean, before setting them aside so they could dry and he’d put them away in the morning. He yawned as he used the bathroom, he kicked off his sneakers and stuffed his socks into his shoes before his t-shirt and jeans came off. Leaving him in his boxer briefs which is usually what he slept in, Roxy was already under the covers of her bed so he climbed in beside her grinning because he was going to be a little shit. His feet were a bit cold so he quickly pressed his feet to the smooth skin on her legs, a snort filled the apartment as he laughed at how Roxy reacted to the sudden coldness she felt on her warm legs. “Ouch…” Josh whined when Roxy reached over and smacked her hand against his bare chest, he rubbed the area where she smacked him before he moved closer to her. His arm draping over her waist as he made himself comfortable laying beside her, “Goodnight my little bean.” He whispered knowing the bean hadn’t grown that much where it could hear his voice, but he didn’t give a fuck, he’d talk to their baby as much as he could.
    Evelyn Cruz |The scariest part is letting go

    “I wouldn’t mind if you did have a heart attack, then I’d get a whole large pizza to myself.” Evie teased playfully which came from her lips much easier than she had thought, but Tyler went there himself so he could only blame it on himself. It was times like this that made Evelyn realise that her childhood wasn’t all bad memories when it involved Tyler, he was a brat to her growing up and had hurt her but it wasn’t constantly like that. There had been times when he was nice to her, usually it was when they were alone or had a play date with their moms. Sure he would still steal her toys and hold them high above his head, because she was shorter than him she couldn’t reach her toy. But there were also times when they played tag and Evie had tripped, Tyler ran back over to her and made sure she was okay. Or the time at school when a boy was making fun of her in the playground, it was Tyler who came and told the bully off. Evelyn just seemed to be holding onto the bad memories because those are the ones that hurt the most, which is what anyone would do and it was natural to remember the bad over the good.

    Hell Tyler had been the first boy she had ever kissed, it had been on her twelfth birthday and he had walked up to her in her room as she got ready for her party. He just kissed her on the lips before walking away, but that was something she’d never forget and it was something they had never actually talked about before. It happened and that was it. "We’ll be around for a while, just finished a tour. We've been touring pretty frequently, just to maintain hype and stuff. But we have at least the next few months off while we write and record." She listened to him as they waited for their pizza to be cooked, if he was going to be sticking around then maybe they could patch things up between them. Her mom has been on her case about this for the longest time, she didn’t understand why Evelyn didn’t get in contact with Tyler over the years and it only became worse when she moved to LA where her mom knew Tyler lived. She had tried to explain it to her mom, but she thought her daughter was just being silly because Tyler was the sweetest person ever and would be the best boyfriend. Her mom always attempted to play match maker with her only daughter, especially after Paul and the move but it always came back to Tyler being perfect for Evie. She was apparently the only one in her family that was blind to it, even her brothers liked Ty enough that they wouldn’t threaten to find him for just touching their baby sister.

    "What about you? You think you're gonna settle down here? Or is it a temporary thing?" He asked her and it was a question she still asked herself, of course she hadn’t been in LA for all that long yet so she really didn’t know. “Honestly? I’m not sure yet, I guess if this job goes well enough then I will settle down here but I’ve been teaching for about a month now and I’m loving it.” She was used to living in a city, when she moved with her family it was to a city. A smaller city but it was still busy with people, so she wasn’t completely out of her comfort zone coming from a small town like Ohio. But she still did miss living in Ohio, where the traffic wasn’t a problem and it didn’t take long for you to drive or even walk somewhere. Although a city like LA did offer so much more to people who lived there, from more jobs to more activities to do with spare time. “I do like LA, I haven’t really fallen in love with being here yet. But I still have time for that,” Evie admitted honestly to him, it might be because she hadn’t put herself out there yet. She hadn’t made any friends and was usually just working, she wasn’t interested in going out to a club and meeting people that way because she always felt awkward surrounded by that many people in the one place.

    She took a slice of her pizza and took a bite, it tasted amazing and now she understood why he had brought her here. “This is amazing,” A true warm smile broke out onto her face, she loved food but she wasn’t into any of those food trends. Like all the healthy stuff people were eating and having cafes and restaurants that only served the trend, Evie wanted to eat good food that was made with love and this pizza was made with love and it was delicious. She’d need to come back again when she craved a good pizza, it didn’t take her long to finish off her first slice and take her second. However as she was lifting her next slice, a piece of her pineapple rolled off and landed on top of Tyler’s pepperoni half. Evie didn’t say anything but her smile did turn into a rather cheeky one, as he hadn’t noticed yet so she left the pineapple where it fell knowing it was going to make Ty complain and beg her to get it off. Like if he touched it, it would affect him and poison him.
    July 26th, 2016 at 04:12am
  • CoffeeandLightsabers

    CoffeeandLightsabers (100)

    United States
    Roxanne Munroe | Caught on the wrong side of morality and youth.

    This wasn't the first time Josh stayed over, it probably wouldn't be the last, but still Roxy's stomach fluttered as he agreed. Josh was different than really anyone she knew. "Cool." She yawned, getting to her feet after the pink-haired drummer. "Breakfast and books." Roxanne agreed. She was too tired to argue as he picked up their eaten dinner to dispose of them. Rather Roxy just headed towards her bedroom, since she figured the place was small enough that if Josh forgot where exactly her bedroom was- he could find it with relative ease. The room wasn't much different from the house. Painted a pretty light green it was bare of much substance. Some people hung up their whole life stories on their walls. Awards and diplomas or certificates; even more commonly pictures of their families. Not Roxy. Her walls were a pretty delicate green without anything obscuring them, and there was a reason for that. LA was Roxanne's refuge from Boston. She didn't want a trace of her old life in her place. Once the woman made it back to her room, she shed off her clothes, opting rather for her sweatshorts and tank-top, pulling her hair back into a messy bun before she climbed into her made bed before burrowing beneath the covers to curl up in a loose and warm ball.

    She was just beginning to close her eyes when she heard Josh approaching, and felt the bed dip beside her. Roxanne was going to shift her position, when something very cold and feet-like pressed against the back of her legs. At once an unwitting squeal was drawn from her as she rolled forward a little, to escape the chill. Beside her Josh's snort could be heard in her room, bouncing warmly off her walls. Roxanne, grinning beneath the cover that the darkness of her room shifted positions so she was facing Josh, and lightly swatted his broad chest, giggling as he whined an ouch into the otherwise stillness of her room. Wondering if she should move closer to him, Josh acted first. He brought himself closer, arm draping over her waist as Roxanne squirmed for a moment finding a comfortable way to lay with him. “Goodnight my little bean.” His whisper floated to her ears and Roxy offered a sleepy smile that wouldn't be seen by him through the darkness in her room. She might not have the support of her friends, or her parents. Shit, the world may not support this- but they could support each other as best as they could.

    The rest of it? Well that could be figured out. Between the day, all the emotional ups and downs, the shock, and the good and bad- Roxy quickly fell to sleep in Josh's arm. She slept that night rather soundly, her breathing soft and quiet as night burned into day in the world around them. Roxy awoke with her back to Josh, her arms tucked beneath her hair and their legs tangled together. Josh's back was pressed against hers and for a moment Roxy struggled to remember who was here. For the briefest of groggiest moments, Roxanne forgot about the previous day, though once rubbing her eyes, sitting up, and growing more alert to her surroundings it came back to her. Casting a glance behind her to see Josh was still soundly sleeping, Roxy silently pulled away from Josh, carefully so not to wake him up before creeping around her room to get clothes for the day and then out of the room to her bathroom to dibs the first shower. Usually quickly in and out- Roxy took her time this morning. She stood beneath the hot water, letting it soothe and force her muscles to relax. Stress wasn't a good thing. Especially not right now.

    She had to try to learn how to be more relaxed during this pregnancy. It would be for the best at least. After lingering in the shower, the lather washed away leaving Roxy clean and ready for the day, and feeling warm and relaxed- she stepped off and after drying off, quickly got dressed for the day. Once minimal makeup had been applied, and her hair had been braided in a loose side-braid, Roxanne left the bathroom back in her bedroom. Josh was still soundly sleeping, his sides rising and falling with slow breaths. Rather than wake him up however, Roxy just quietly tossed her pajamas into the hamper before heading towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Her kitchen was as orderly as it ever was, and as she grabbed a glass from the overhead cabinet above the sink, she noted there were still a few dishes that had dried off overnight. Figuring that since Josh had obviously washed them, Roxanne might as well put them away. After she poured her water and finished it off, she turned her sights onto putting the dishes away. It didn't take her too long and she was just finishing up when she heard the shower turning on again.

    Josh must be awake by now she figured, and Roxanne decided to wait for him on the couch while she checked her messages and newsfeed on Facebook. In terms of messages she missed one from her childhood friend, asking how she'd been doing. It'd been awhile since they last spoke and caught up, seeing as how she was going to Berkley five hours way, and both girls were pretty busy so Roxy would respond to that later. She was busy reading a political article when the water turned off, though she didn't notice. Roxanne had just finished reading the article when she hard footsteps as Josh entered the living room, casually checking his phone. "Good morning." He looked awake enough though Roxy felt half asleep herself. However, she was hungry and figured it would be best to start heading out so not to waste any part of the time they had today. "What kind of food do you feel like going for breakfast?" Roxy asked curiously. There were plenty of places and she wasn't picky about where they got food so long as they made it to the bookstore. Though since the clock on the nightstand beside her couch read it was just past ten in the morning- Roxanne figured their day should be fine and productive.

    Tyler Joseph | I still want you.

    Tyler grinned, glad to hear that she was liking LA. That she was staying for the time being. Sure, he had Josh and a few other friends out here that knew him before twenty one pilots- but not many. And Ty had always been kind of shy. He was hesitant about making new friends with his newfound notoriety. What if they just wanted to be his friend for all the wrong reasons? "I bet you're a really good teacher. You were always good at it growing up." Tyler offered. It seemed fitting she fell into the teaching profession. And from what he'd experienced today at the shoot- it was obvious she was talented in what she did. Plus, she had a passion for it. Tyler always thought you should do what you were passionate about. “I do like LA, I haven’t really fallen in love with being here yet. But I still have time for that,” At this he nodded, leaning back in the ragged looking booth his stomach full. "That's reasonable. There's a lot of memories back in Ohio. A city can't just feel like home overnight. You have to make it feel like home." He sounded almost... Sagely though he didn't seem aware of that fact. “This is amazing,” Evelyn commented as they ate, and Ty felt rather proud of himself. He had figured she'd like it here- but wanted things to go well. She was going to judge if she wanted anything to do with him off this experience.

    So, naturally Tyler wanted it to all go smoothly. From conversation to food and everything in between. Though Tyler had to admit, this felt like old times. The times that Evelyn would come over and his mother would get a movie and a pizza for the two to enjoy before Evie went back home. They would whisper back and forth to each other around bites of pizza while their movie played. His mom even let them eat in the living room as long as they were neat. The memories brought a small smile back to his lips. Why couldn't he have always been nice to Evelyn? There were sweet times- he knew it because he remembered it as such. There had been one time that Evelyn had caught the flu when they were kids. And despite his and Evie's mother's warnings- Tyler had snuck over to try to make her feel better. He ended up letting her paint his nails and playing along with her "Baby games" as Tyler had referred to them back then. Of course he had retaliated a week later when he got over the flu he'd caught from her by hiding one of her favorite stuffed animals... But he wasn't like that anymore. "Told you- best pizza on the west coast. And I would know." He said, cheekily beaming at Evelyn; making him look a little impish beneath the crappy florescent lights.

    They carried on chatting for a bit, though when Tyler notice her lips curl up into smirk. Ever so briefly her eyes flickered towards the pizza, resting on a certain spot before glancing back towards him almost... Innocently. Curiously his own darker gaze followed hers and found to his horror a rogue piece pineapple had rolled onto his slice of pepperoni. "Um, Evie- your pineapple monstrosity has invaded my pepperoni slices." He stated, much to her amused giggles. "Evelyn," He whined, wrinkling his nose. Again he was struck by old times when she smiled, plucking the pineapple from his pizza. Tyler ended up picking at a third piece, though didn't finish it. "I'm stuffed." He announced, stretching and yawning. It had gotten late outside. They must of been here for a good while though time slipped away from the two of them. And eventually the time came where they were both full, and the pizza was boxed away and it was time for Tyler to drop Evelyn back off at her place. It was only Saturday so he hoped that she wouldn't be too terribly busy tomorrow. Maybe he could take her to meet Josh. After all, Josh had heard plenty about Evelyn, enough to know she was the first girl that Tyler had ever liked. Loved really but those were in the past and Tyler didn't want to overwhelm Evelyn with feelings at the moment.

    He just wanted them to be on good terms, and become good friends like he always wanted for them. Once the pizza was split into halves, and each had their own little box, Tyler's pizza deliciously pineapple free, they headed out of the shop and to Tyler's car. There were less people around, and it was a beautiful night. A full moon hung in the air slightly obscured by black clouds and bits of stars and space junk dotted the sky, twinkling, and Tyler felt... Happy. He just hoped Evelyn did as well. Music played softly from his radio as Evelyn directed him back to her place, though it wasn't a heavy silence that was between them. Rather it was comfortable and Tyler hoped that his lack of conversation would give her some time to make up her mind about what she wanted. Nothing to do with him? Or a friendship? He truly hoped it was the latter. His fingers absentmindedly danced against the steering wheel to the rhythm of the music playing from his Spotify. "If you don't like this kind of music feel free to connect your phone instead. It's just bluetooth." Tyler offered, halfway through their ride.

    Eventually the two drew upon her driveway and Tyler stilled the engine, though Evelyn made no move to get out- neither did Tyler. The entire moment this night had been leading up to. Did Tyler do a good enough job of showing Evelyn that he had changed? That he never intended to hurt her so much? Nervously his fingers fiddled against his steering wheel, though the car was silent now. "So... What do you want to do?" There was a near palpable streak of anxiety riddling the brunette's voice as he shifted in his seat so he could better watch Evelyn's face for any indication that she had made up her mind. "If you don't want me around, it's alright. It's the deal. And if you're not sure I'm happy to do something with you tomorrow. I was going to go for a hike if you wanted to come along. Or, even if you do want to keep hanging out you could still come. Tomorrow I mean." He was rambling, nervously as his heart thudded in his ears his large dark eyes hopeful as he tried to find any indication of an answer from Evelyn.
    July 27th, 2016 at 05:24am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Joshua Dun | Have faith in me

    Josh had slept soundly for the entire night, the only time he woke up was in the morning when the sun was trying it’s hardest to break through any gaps in the curtain that covered the window in Roxy’s room. Rolling over in the bed he noticed that he was alone, but there was still some warmth from Roxy’s body so she hadn’t been awake for all that long. He climbed out of the covers before he made the bed, he remembered that it was a habit that Roxanne had to always have a made bed and because she was already awake. He figured he might as well make the bed so it was one less task that she didn’t have to do. Once the bed was made neatly, he walked into the bathroom and turned the water on. Stepping under the warm water he used Roxy’s fruity smelling body wash to get himself all nice and clean, not caring if the scent lingered on his skin like it did to Roxy. He would never smell as nice as her, but he was clean and did smell nice.

    Stepping out he found a towel and dried himself off before just pulling on the clothes that he had worn the day before, thankfully his clothes were still clean and he had done worse on tour before. He ran his fingers through his pink locks in an attempt to control his hair, finding his phone he checked any new messages and emails as he walked through the apartment. “Good morning,” Roxanne’s sleepy voice hit his ears and caused him to look up at her, “Morning.” He sent her a smile as he slipped his phone back into the pocket of his jeans, he could deal with the messages and emails later on in the day. "What kind of food do you feel like going for breakfast?" Roxanne asked him as he moved closer to her, he thought about what he did want to eat and he honestly could eat anything right now. “How about we just head to a café? Are there any close to the book store that you like?” He asked as most cafés would have something he could eat, as long as they headed out now before he grew too hungry. Which would happen very quickly, Josh was usually always hungry and Ty often referred to him as a bottomless pit when it came to food.

    Once Roxy nodded her head and stood up, he waited for her to grab a few belongings like her phone and purse before she locked up her apartment. He followed her as she walked through the apartment complex until they were outside, the sun was shining brightly down upon them and it made Roxy’s tanned skin glow beautifully. The sun hit her eyes and made them appear lighter in colour, still a gorgeous rich milk chocolate that seemed to just see right through to his soul. There was a nice cool breeze that surrounded them as they walked along the streets, Roxanne lead the way as he didn’t know where he was doing so he followed her. It only took them about five minutes before they reached the café that Roxy had wanted to go to, and because it was a little later in the morning they had missed the busy peak morning rush. Which meant there were a few empty tables inside the small but cozy café, Josh decided to find a table for two towards the back of the café and once they were sitting down he handed a menu over to the beautiful brunette.

    “So are you getting cravings yet? Or is it too early for that?” Josh asked curiously as he really had no idea, apparently his mom had craved salty foods when she had been pregnant with him. His dark eyes scanned over the breakfast section of the menu even though he knew what he wanted already, a typical big breakfast with eggs, bacon, toast, baked beans and a sausage. But he still wanted to see what else this café had to offer him, in case he ever came here again for breakfast with Roxy or maybe he could bring Tyler here. Maybe when Ty and Roxy met for the first time, because that was going to happen. His best friend needed to know and hopefully be friends with the mother of his child, besides he had already told Tyler all about Roxy and how amazing he thought she was. “What are you going to get? I’m going to have the Big Breakkie,” He told her as he read the meal title that was on the menu, it sounded delicious and it was making his mouth water. He hoped the waiter wouldn’t take much longer to come over and take their order, Josh was hungry and didn’t want to wait all that much for his food to arrive.
    Evelyn Cruz |The scariest part is letting go

    “Evelyn,” Tyler whined when he finally spotted the piece of pineapple that had fallen onto his pizza, she couldn’t stop the giggle that sounded passed her lips at how he was acting. “You’re such a baby,” She stated to him as she picked the small piece of fruit up and popped it into her mouth, her stomach was getting full so she would need to take the rest of the slices home with her. To her surprise the conversation flowed easily between them, she told him how her brothers were doing. The oldest being a doctor and having a handsome one year old son now, while her other brother was a firefighter. She listened to Ty as he also told her how his siblings were doing, which she was pretty sure that her mom had told her before but apparently Evie hadn’t been listening completely. She had lost track of time as they ate their pizza and talked, they caught up with each other and it was actually really nice. Once they both finished and had their left over pizza packed up in boxes, they left the pizza place and walked over to Tyler’s parked car.

    Sitting beside him as he followed her directions to her new home, silence fell upon them which didn’t bother her. She could feel the nerves that were surrounding Tyler as he drove his car, tonight had been nice. It did feel like the old times when they did share a good time with each other, it felt easy with him and that was something she hadn’t felt in a very long time. She always felt like she had to work in the relationship with Paul, which often led to her constantly feeling stressed and over worked. Then Ty parked his car and they just sat there, sat there in silence as she thought about what she wanted to do. Did she want to push him away like she had always wanted to do? Or would she give him another chance? A chance to have a friend in such a huge city and to have a chance at happiness in her life? "So... What do you want to do?" If you don't want me around, it's alright. It's the deal. And if you're not sure I'm happy to do something with you tomorrow. I was going to go for a hike if you wanted to come along. Or, even if you do want to keep hanging out you could still come. Tomorrow I mean." He was rambling because of the nerves, it had always been something he did every time he did feel nervous about something.

    “Ty stop, you’re rambling again.” Evie turned her head so she was looking at him, her clear ocean blue eyes locked onto his dark woody orbs. “Pick me up by ten tomorrow morning and we can go on that hike together,” She told him simply before she climbed out of his car and bid him a good night, she glanced back at him and saw the shock on his face but it was replaced quickly with relief and happiness. She was giving him a second chance and it was obvious he knew that he couldn’t fuck this chance up, or there was a high chance that she would push him away again. She made her way into her apartment and finished putting her equipment away into the spare room, that was really just for storage as she still had a couple of boxes that weren’t unpacked. The pizza went into the fridge for another day and Evie changed into her pajamas before climbing into her bed, she fell asleep quickly and by the morning rolled around she could have sworn that she had a dream involving Tyler during the night but she couldn’t clearly remember the dream. But she dragged herself from her warm bed and got herself into the shower, washing up and drying off she searched through her closet for something to wear. She decided on a pair of black work out leggings and a navy t-shirt which covered her bum, she knew that she couldn’t pull off the whole ‘leggings with a short top’ look because she did have hips on her.

    She brushed her locks up into a messy bun on the top of her head and made sure she applied sunscreen to any skin that was showing, she wasn’t going to get burnt out in the sun today. She grabbed socks and her trainers before making herself breakfast, she ate while she grabbed her smaller camera which was easy to hold and had a strap so it could rest around her neck. Her phone beeped with a new number, it was Tyler telling her that he was almost to her apartment. She saved the number in her phone and quickly filled up a water bottle, she rested her sunglasses on her head before she headed through the complex and out onto the street so Tyler wouldn’t need to try and find her apartment. She was only waiting a few seconds before a car pulled over and Evie climbed in, “Morning.” She gave Tyler a warm smile as she looked at him, she hadn’t bothered wearing makeup and she was a little nervous to be spending time with him when she wasn’t put together like a woman should be. However that had only been drilled into her head because of Paul, he had always told her that she needed to wear makeup and dress up. It was horrible to think that there were still people who thought that way in this world, but Evie couldn’t help it.
    July 27th, 2016 at 07:28am
  • CoffeeandLightsabers

    CoffeeandLightsabers (100)

    United States
    Roxanne Munroe | Caught on the wrong side of morality and youth.

    The day was beautiful, and Roxy's lips curved into a smile as the two stepped out of her apartment; pausing as Roxy locked the door before setting off down the street. The place she wanted to go to was about five minutes away from her home walking. It was hot outside, and hot rays of sun lit upon the city of LA as the two began to make their way to the cafe. Roxy, was still somewhat tired, too tired to be of much conversation. Rather she stuck close to Josh as they made their way down the sidewalks, every so often glancing to her left to make sure he was still there. His hair was a bit more messy than it usually was, though it was cute in Roxanne's opinion. The sun caught interesting shades through his pink locks, and sending an iridescent shimmer through the light and pretty shade. Thankfully people barely gave them a second glance, and no one seemed to notice the duo or pay them any mind. Roxy was still a little antsy walking around with him now in public. It was something she would get used to though the brunette supposed. Summer's in Cali were always hot for the Boston born girl, so when they got they got a little table in the back, it seemed rather lucky for Roxy. “So are you getting cravings yet? Or is it too early for that?” He sounded actually curious and Roxanne smiled. "Kind of. Potato chips, and ice actually. But also food aversions... I can't even stand the smell of anything spicy anymore."

    Which was odd, Roxy normally liked spicy food. But, she could deal with going without spicy food for a few months. She spoke as she eyed the menu which was laid out for them, going through the contents carefully. They had plenty of things to pick from, and most of them sounded actually pretty good. And while she was dying for an iced coffee, Roxanne had been told by her doctor to try to really limit her caffeine intake. So, she frowned for a moment before returning to perusing the menu. She was eyeing the strawberry pancakes when Josh asked what she was going to get, and then announcing his choice. "Mmm... Pancakes. Strawberry pancakes I think." She announced, setting her menu down. "At least it's not raining today." She remarked, her gaze straying towards the windows of the little cafe. Rainy days always made her feel lazy, with an almost compulsive need to nap. Not to mention it wouldn't of been fun to be trekking about in a downpour. Today was Sunday, her last day before going back to school for most of the week. Which reminded her... "We should work out a schedule as soon as we can." She spoke up, her gaze flickering to meet Josh's. "I'm not an expert on child-rearing but stability is important for a kid. Days, hours who will have the bean when... Things like that."

    Roxy wanted Josh to be involved as he wanted, as would work for both of them. But they needed to figure out what would work for them. ”We don’t have to figure this out right away. But we should probably start thinking about it.” She suggested, her tone gentle as she glanced back to him. She offered a smile, before a she noted a waitress making her way over to the table. As the young woman reached the table, setting down a pitcher of water and a couple glasses for them, she took out a notebook and turned to the pair, introducing herself and asking for their orders in a strained voice. Roxy had a summer job as a waitress once. It was a tough job and she smiled warmly at the girl. ”Strawberry pancakes, with whip cream please?” She ordered and the girl nodded, scribbling down before taking Josh’s order. When that was done, she promised the food would be out soon before disappearing back towards the kitchen in the back of place. Settling back against her seat, unable to shake the sleepy feeling. It was normal, that much Roxanne had read last night. "When we get back from book shopping, I'm taking a nap. I'm pretty passionate about sleeping." Roxy joked, her lips curving into a tiny grin.

    As she spoke, Roxy poured herself some water into the glass that had been given and raised it to her lips for a sip. There was a slight din of plates clattering, people calling out orders and others talking with friends and family in the small cafe. Yet it wasn't overwhelmingly loud, which Roxanne was thankful for. She hated crowded noisy places. She had a bit of a claustrophobia thing. As they sat, beginning to tuck into their respective meals, she noted Josh's fingers tapping against the edge of the table to some rhythm in his head that made the brunette smile a little. "Hey, show me your music sometime okay?" She spoke, albeit a little shyly. She wanted to know what Josh did for a living, what kind of sounds and emotions he put out into the band's music. She recalled he mentioned he was the drummer, the other one- Tyler she believed, was the singer. Soon enough their food was delivered and Roxy snorted at the amount of food Josh ordered. It wasn't called a big breakkie for nothing, that was for sure. Her pancakes looked delicious, and Roxanne set to cutting her pancakes up so they'd cool faster. When they were cool enough she began to eat her breakfast. The pancakes were good as ever, it was usually what she got coming here. While Roxy wasn't picky per say, if there was something on a menu she liked, Roxanne wasn't likely to try new things. She'd order what she was familiar with and stick with that unless feeling particularly adventurous.

    Tyler Joseph | I still want you.

    "Ty, stop." Evelyn commanded and immediately his mouth closed around his words as she continued. "You're rambling again." She turned her head and at once pigment the color of rain-washed steel and forget-me-not wildflowers crashed on his darker pigments of bark, and of hazelnuts and honey. Tyler did his damnedest to fidget or squirm beneath Evelyn's gaze. “Pick me up by ten tomorrow morning and we can go on that hike together,” His stomach sunk for a moment not really comprehending what she said until she was standing up, bidding him goodnight. She was... She wanted to go with him? At once a stupid grin surged onto his lips as Ty's gaze snapped to her retreating figure. "Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow around ten!" He called after her. Tyler couldn't believe that she actually agreed to go. It had felt lame when he offered, but he would make sure they had a good time. Or die trying anyway. Still in an excellent mood, Tyler pulled away from her place, guiding his car back to his own home. Tyler was... Excited for tomorrow. Normally he went up to his hiking trails on his own, or sometimes when he could convince Josh, so to have Evelyn want to didn't exactly help extinguish his stupid grin.

    When Tyler got home, unlocking the door and letting himself in he didn't stay up too much longer. Tossed his keys in the bowl, kicked his shoes off and put his pizza away in the fridge. His night out with an old friend had tired him out, and Tyler yawned into his hands as he made his way to his bedroom. His house was quiet, really quiet. But not even his anxiety could eat away at him tonight. Though the quiet did make him want to get a dog. But he wasn't that irresponsible. Once he readied himself for bed, a simple white tee and boxers, Tyler flopped into his bed and haphazardly pulled the covers over his frame as he closed his eyes. Sleep didn't come easily, he tossed and turned his mind wading through his own thoughts and memories. At some point, Tyler did pass into sleep. He was awoken by his phone's alarm shrilly beeping and rousing the dark haired male from his sleep. Groaning Tyler's hand fumbled about his nightstand until he found it, swiping to turn it off. Had he not made plans with Evelyn, Ty would of just gone back to bed. However with sleep-tousled hair he sat up, yawning and rubbing sleep from his eyes as Ty dragged himself out of bed. He ran a shower a little colder than it usually was to help him wake up.

    By the time he was done, goosebumps risen over his skin the male felt much more alert. With a little more enthusiasm to his steps Tyler finished getting ready. It wasn't anything fancy, just his normal work out clothes. Basketball shorts with a tank, and sunglasses. It was hot as sin outside in the dead heat of California. And he planned on going out to Runyon Cannon to hike those trails. Rather than eat breakfast, Tyler hesitated before grabbing two bottles of water from his fridge, and two granola and chocolate chip bars for him and Evie to split while hiking. Thankfully he remembered mostly the way back to her home, and even with traffic managed to get a text to her that he was almost there. By the time he thought he was approaching the place he noted her out in front of a complex, ready to go. He waved, pulling over and waited for his friend to get into the car. He noted she had water bottle and felt a little blush tinge his cheeks. Of course she wouldn't of forgotten something like that. Maybe he could just say he got really thirsty or something. Or, hell maybe it'd be good to have an extra one around. "Morning!" Evelyn's voice cut through his worries as she shut his car door, and Tyler let his gaze fall to her.

    She was beautiful, truly and honestly; and Tyler could feel himself getting a little more flustered. "Chill man." He demanded of himself and offered a happy smile. "Morning, I was thinking we could go to Runyon Canyon if that's okay with you?" After her confirmation it was, Tyler nodded and set off. His fingers nervously tapped continuously against his wheel as he navigated the traffic of LA. "After this, do you wanna completely make this hike in vain and get something to eat?" Tyler asked, without taking his eyes off the road as they neared the parking lot of the trail. "Or we can go back to mine and watch a movie or something." He offered. After a hike Tyler liked to laze out. He wasn't one of those people who could take a hike, then go to they gym, and then also be a productive member of society and clean his house or something. Once they were parked the two stepped out of the car and Tyler was relieved to find that there wasn't a lot of people here. And the ones that did walked by him without fuss. "Alright, ready?" Some people liked to stretch before going on hikes. But since Tyler really only planned on walking, honestly it was too hot for anything else he figured his legs should be fine. "The top has a pretty view, have you been able to get out here before?"
    July 28th, 2016 at 04:51am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Joshua Dun | Have faith in me

    Josh would need to keep that in mind, nothing spicy could be brought near Roxanne which was fine with him. He wasn’t huge on spicy food, well nothing overly hot in spices. But if she was craving chips then he could definitely help out with that, he’d be more than happy to share a bag of chips with her sometime. "We should work out a schedule as soon as we can. I'm not an expert on child-rearing but stability is important for a kid. Days, hours who will have the bean when... Things like that." Roxy brought up which they had plenty of time to work something out, it seemed to be a difference they had between themselves. Josh was so much more laid back about everything, they had nine months before the bean was born meaning they had nine months to work out a schedule. It wasn’t something that Josh was worried about, “We have plenty of time to work something out. The little bean isn’t going to be here any time soon,” He mentioned to her as he didn’t want her to stress about the schedule, but he also didn’t feel like it was something they had to think about right now. Not when he only found out Roxy was pregnant yesterday, she was moving a little too fast for him but he didn’t want to say anything in case she took that as he was having second thoughts which he wasn’t.

    He smiled when he placed his order to the tired looking waitress, once the young girl walked away he turned his attention back onto Roxanne. "When we get back from book shopping, I'm taking a nap. I'm pretty passionate about sleeping." She told him with a smile on her lips, a smile that shone through her eyes and brightened the space surrounding her. It was a feature of her’s that had drawn Josh to her when they first met, and it was a part of her that he hoped he’d never stop seeing. “I’m sure we can work something out,” He chuckled softly and he suddenly realised why Roxy brought him there to that café, not only was their breakfast brought out fairly quickly although that could have been because there weren’t many people there ordering food. But his eyes widened with pure happiness when a plate filled with food was placed down in front of him, even Roxanne’s pancakes were a large portion and he honestly didn’t mind as he could eat a lot of food in one sitting. It didn’t take him long to dig into his big breakfast which was delicious and he would be coming back to this café again, and he’d bring as many of his friends as he could.

    "Hey, show me your music sometime okay?" Roxanne asked as it made him realise that he had been tapping his fingers against the table, a habit he had since he was a young boy and a habit that he never seemed to realise that he was doing. But did she really want to hear his music or was she just saying that to be nice? He didn’t truly think it was the latter as she wasn’t a mean person, so she must truly be interested in listening to the music he makes and just seeing the world that he loves working in. “Yeah, of course. I’d really like that actually, but you have to be honest with me when you do hear my music.” He didn’t want her to lie to him after hearing his music, if she didn’t like it then he wanted to know. The music he made with Tyler wasn’t everyone’s taste and he knew that, he knew Roxy might absolutely hate his music and that was completely fine with him. He would never dream of pressuring anyone to like his music, it wasn’t the end of the world if the tanned beauty didn’t like his music.

    He took a few more mouthfuls of his breakfast when an idea came to him and he wasn’t sure if he should even bring it up, but he felt like it was important for them to talk about now because the doctor appointments begun. “So… um have you thought about what we’d do for money? I mean there will be a lot of appointments and we’ll need to go shopping for the bean, will we half the price of everything?” He asked quietly as it felt like a subject that they shouldn’t be talking about, Josh never enjoyed talking about money and it made him feel awkward but he thought this was important for them to work out as soon as possible. Josh had the money to support his small family, but he wasn’t sure what Roxanne’s savings were like and he didn’t want to assume that she either had the money or that she didn’t have much money. He did know that she worked but she couldn’t work through the whole pregnancy, if she was getting tired already and it was only the start of her pregnancy then he didn’t want her to be working that much the further along the bean grew.
    Evelyn Cruz |The scariest part is letting go

    "Morning, I was thinking we could go to Runyon Canyon if that's okay with you? After this, do you wanna completely make this hike in vain and get something to eat? Or we can go back to mine and watch a movie or something." Tyler suggested to her after he begun the drive towards the trail that he wanted to hike up, Evelyn hadn’t been hiking since she moved to LA as everything had been busy for her. So she really didn’t mind where they went for a hike, as long as she got to spend some time outside and being with Tyler was a bonus. “Runyon Canyon is fine, and how about we finish the hike first and then decide on what to do after.” She knew what he was doing, he was nervous so he was jumping ahead of himself which he didn’t need to do nor did he need to be nervous. But grabbing some food and taking it back to his place, so they could eat and watch a movie sounded great to Evie although she’d bring that up once they finished their hike. There was a bit of traffic that slowed them down but it still didn’t take overly long before Tyler was pulling his car into a parking lot and shutting the engine off.

    Climbing out Evie made sure to grab her bottle of water and placed her camera around her neck, “I’m ready.” She smiled at him as she placed her sunglasses over her eyes and they set off on the walking trail, some people were passing them but only because those people were running or jogging. Something that Evie wasn’t going to start, walking was enough for her besides if she walked then it gave her more time to take in the scenery. “It’s beautiful out here already,” They hadn’t even reached the top and yet the views were breathtaking, Evie lifted her camera up to her eye a few times as they walked so she could snap some photos. The sun was beating down on them as they walked and it was causing Evie to work up a sweat on her forehead, but she didn’t care because she was enjoying herself. She was again enjoying her time with Tyler, having him beside her reminded her of their childhood together.

    They continued walking and they didn’t need to speak that much, Evie was slowly beginning to feel more comfortable with Tyler. So comfortable that when they were about half way up the trail and they took a small break, she lifted her camera again and took a few shots of Tyler. His back was facing her and he was looking out over the view of the city, she already knew the photos would turn out really nicely because why shouldn’t they? Ty had always been attractive, something that she had never once told him as she wasn’t going to put herself through the embarrassment of having her reject her because he only saw her as a friend. If she did want to make a move on him which she wasn’t even sure she did want to do, when he did reject her then she would need to push him away because she wouldn’t be able to look at him in the eye any longer. And either though she wasn’t sure if they were friends right now, it was clear to her that their friendship was something that Ty wanted but Evie still wasn’t sure if she did. Putting her camera back down to rest around her neck she moved next to where Tyler was standing, “So anyone special in your life?” Evie asked as her mom had mentioned that he had been dating someone for a while, before they ended their relationship but that was all her mother said about his dating life.

    If he did have a girlfriend then she didn’t want to seem like she was stepping on anyone’s toes, although she was certain it wouldn’t come across like that. She wasn’t hurting over Paul anymore, she wasn’t even angry now. She was more upset with herself for believing Paul when he said he loved her, that she had wasted two years on the man who wasn’t even considering being with her for the rest of their lives. “I don’t, not anymore at least. Two years I wasted on Paul, I even started dropping hints on getting engaged. Apparently he seemed to like his assistant more than me,” Her tone was light as her eyes were focused on the view in front of her, she wasn’t sure why she had even brought up her cheating ex. It had taken her a few days to even tell her family about what Paul did to her, but here she was hanging out with someone who she never thought she ever would and she was opening up to him. It felt different telling Ty, she had still been upset and angry when she broke the news to her family. Now it felt good, like she was getting it off her chest and now she could move on if that’s what she wanted to do.
    July 30th, 2016 at 05:40am
  • CoffeeandLightsabers

    CoffeeandLightsabers (100)

    United States
    Roxanne Munroe | Caught on the wrong side of morality and youth.

    She wasn’t a shy eater, and never was. Happily enough she’d take bites of her food, listening to Josh when he spoke. A bit of a flush had broken on her cheekbones, though was hardly noticeable as she flashed a smile at him, taking a sip of water. ”I know. Sorry, just old habits die hard.” She was a college student. Her whole life was basically plans. But, she knew he was right. There would be plenty of time to figure out custody arrangements. And while the student in her was anxious for having everything figured out- there would be a time and place for everything. More time for Roxy to get a better feel for exactly what kind of guy that Josh was. He’d not been anything but sweet to her- but was he responsible? Would he be the kind of guy who wanted to be involved as possible? Roxy bit back a sigh, and took comfort in the fact that Josh was right. There would be time to figure all this out. After awhile she picked at her own breakfast, lost in her thoughts and mulling things over. On one hand, it felt like she was floundering about trying to map out how to accomplish being a mother, and a woman who balanced work, and an ability to co-parent.

    Yet, on the other hand she was determined. Savagely so to make everything work. It was that kind of determination that had gotten her through life so far, and as she wanted to, Roxy would learn to be a good mom. “Yeah, of course. I’d really like that actually, but you have to be honest with me when you do hear my music.” He agreed, and Roxy nodded. ”Alright, I’ll be honest.” She agreed easily enough. She wasn’t picky in her tastes, and was almost sure that if Josh helped create it- the music couldn’t be that bad. Roxanne had gone back to picking at her mostly eaten breakfast, her stomach rather full when the cotton-candy haired man spoke again- this time sounding a little nervous. “So… um have you thought about what we’d do for money? I mean there will be a lot of appointments and we’ll need to go shopping for the bean, will we half the price of everything?” At once Roxy felt herself squirm a bit with his shared awkwardness. Roxanne had always hated having people do things for her, and this was no exception. Setting her fork down she took a small sip of water before responding to him.

    ”I don’t really… I don’t feel comfortable with taking anything from you.” She stated, her dark orbs flickering away from his for a moment. ”Asides from working, I have money put away. So, you can just pay for your stuff and I can take care of my stuff.” Roxy offered. No, it wasn’t her ideal situation, using the inheritance that had been gifted to her from her deceased grandparents; but Roxy would do what she had to. Josh worked hard for his money, and Roxy really had no interest in having him pay for anything of her’s. Not diapers or cribs- she could handle all that. And as long as she didn’t live extravagantly- she could easily tide her unborn bean over until she was out of school and in a solid job. And well, she figured Josh could take care of his end of things. Between them breakfast was winding down. Roxanne was full, as Josh appeared to be and she was ready to pick up a few books and start learning the basics. It was quick work to wave at the waitress, who cheerfully gave the duo their check, leaving the pair to settle up. It didn't take long for Roxy to open her purse, root through the cluttered chaos for her wallet and put down a twenty, enough to cover her pancakes and then some of the tip. And then they were ready to go, the pair got to their feet and exited the small cafe that they had dined in, Roxy already leading the way towards the bookstore.

    They got the occasional double-glances but so far it was quiet. For that she was pretty damned thankful. And it wasn't a long walk to the bookstore, and in the simmering heat of LA- Roxy was pretty thankful for that. She'd admit it was nice to have Josh here through all this. She knew a couple girls who had found themselves in similar situations to Roxanne. And while she didn't know Josh as well as she would of liked, the brunette was pretty sure it was better than being a single parent. Without trouble the two reached the bookstore in about ten minutes, and the little bell attached to the door- chiming to announce their arrival. The smell of paper and ink floated about, though more like an inoffensive perfume than a noxious odor. Since moving to LA, Roxanne always liked it at that bookstore. They had everything she could need. Secondhand textbooks for school, which drew in a good crowd from her college, plenty of old books and new ones- she could really get lost for days in this place if she had time. As Roxy ventured into the store, Josh didn't stay too far behind her. "Do you like to read?" Roxanne asked, turning her face so she could swing her gaze to meet Josh's. A soft acoustic song played from speakers, just barely audible to the ear as they wandered about looking for any sort of baby or new parent section.

    It was clear that Roxanne loved to read by the way her gaze would linger from title to title, her nose scrunched up ever so subtly with concentration as she examined the titles. And while she was here for a specific sort of literature, her adoration for all sorts of works of different genres was clear by the way she'd pause every so often, picking a book up and silently mouthing the plot written on the back to herself. Eventually the two had managed to peruse their way through the shelves full of books to the section they were looking for. It was a pathetically measly selection compared to say the fiction aisle, though Roxy had expected that. "At least they don't leave us much choice to panic over." There were about twenty different kinds of "What to expect while expecting" or other such parenting books all together. The closest book to her, and the one she picked up first was titled Parenting For Dummies. It's straightforward title was pretty telling to the information inside. And since the information seemed useful, Roxy decided she'd at least buy this one. Leaning against the display of baby and parenting books, she asked flipping between pages, "Any hopes yet? For a boy or a girl?" Curiously she lifted her gaze back to Josh's for a moment, a light curiosity in her eyes. It had been something she'd thought about yesterday. She'd have this little life growing but wouldn't know if they'd be having a son or daughter for a few months. It only made this whole situation feel more... Unreal to her. Like she'd wake up any minute and find it all to be a dream.


    Tyler Joseph | I still want you.

    "I like to come out here when I'm having a hard time. Sometimes it's hard, but walking around here always makes me feel better. I think the scenery and the fresh air have something to do with it." Tyler agreed as they walked, again thankful that he had the forethought to not wear a hoodie, just to go with his favorite light white tank-top and a pair of shorts. He didn't notice when they stopped that Evie took pictures of him, not that he would of minded anyway. Tyler loved to preserve his memories with others, and this was no exception. The sky was a deep beautiful and brilliant shade of blue, the kind that almost made his eyes hurt from taking in the dazzling hues. People would occasionally jog by them, and others walked. One couple had even brought their dog and Tyler just had to spend about ten minutes petting and cooing to the pup; until the couple went on their way with their dog. "I would of happily adopted that dog." Tyler announced as he and Evie had gotten back on their way towards the top. There was a little alcove he liked that you could see the skyline of LA. Beautiful. His home away from home, and he was glad to be here with Evie- even if he didn't talk that much. Which was admittedly due to his focus on getting to the top and out of the hot sun which beat down on his shoulders; he'd be lucky if he didn't burn.

    Tyler knew he'd forgotten something, and that something had been his sunscreen. Eventually though they reached the top, and by some miracle he wasn't huffing and puffing, the view sprawled out before them was lovely. For a moment, he forgot about the heat and just quietly gazed upon the sight the hike offered. It always made him feel... Small. Humble. It wasn't until Evie spoke was their silence broken. “So anyone special in your life?” Glancing down Tyler shrugged. He'd gone through a bad breakup a couple years back with his then girlfriend Jenna. But recently? There was no one. There was no time. He often joked with his family that he was married to the record label. "Not recently. I was dating this one girl a couple years back, but things got really busy. She decided she didn't want to wait for me; so we broke up." He glossed over their breakup quietly. It was years ago, and they both had their faults but Tyler had loved her. Although he had gotten over that now. "How about you?" Turning the question back on her he felt his stomach knot a little. Would she think him too prying? Only asking out of polite interest? Or would she think he had darker motives for asking? Tyler hoped not.

    “I don’t, not anymore at least. Two years I wasted on Paul, I even started dropping hints on getting engaged. Apparently he seemed to like his assistant more than me." She offers up, a note of disdain in her voice and Tyler doesn't blame her. He thinks maybe his mom mentioned Evelyn and Paul a couple times. He doesn't know what to say, so instead he offers her a quiet comfort. Slowly so not to startle her, Tyler rests his arms across her shoulders in a gesture of solidarity. "Bastard doesn't deserve you then. You shouldn't be second fiddle to anyone." He gives her shoulder a gentle squeeze before letting go. Tyler almost has a half a mind to tell Evie that there wasn't an assistant anywhere on this world that could compare to her; but he doesn't. Tyler doesn't want to seem creepy or forward. He really does want a friendship with Evelyn, so he wants to keep his words platonic. "Hey, Evie- I just wanted to apologize again. For how much of a dipcrap I was to you growing up." He offers another apology as they stand, catching their breaths and watching the skyline. Part of Tyler doesn't think he'll ever be able to apologize enough. "I really hope we can patch things up." His breathing is shaky, he's nervous all over again because what if he's messed up again? But he forces himself to keep breathing. He didn't think he'd messed up today.

    For now he was doing okay and Tyler just needed to keep reminding her that he was not the same person he was as a child. He was going to treat her better from now on. Prove that he wasn't an asshole anymore. His eyes are deep and black, pensive as they flicker back towards the trail. "How are you really finding it out here? You've made enough friends, you're happy and everything?" Tyler asks, leaning against one of the trees that dotted the trail, hoping to find some shade beneath it's thick boughs. "Because, you're always welcome to hang out with my friends and I. But we're kind of lame. Just a forewarning." Tyler offers, a standing invitation really. They talk a little while longer before Tyler decides that he can no longer live without the modern marvel of society's biggest accomplishment- air conditioning. On the way back down he only gets stopped once for a selfie with a couple of girls. Once they reach the car, Tyler is sweating and hot- but in overall high spirits. As he sits in the driver seat, and Evelyn buckles herself in Tyler leans towards his passenger, "Evie He calls, getting her to look towards him- and his waiting camera. Tyler grins as he snaps the picture of them, and he likes the way it looks. "I won't post it or anything, I was just going to text it to my mom. She might faint." He jokes, starting the car back up. "Do you want to go home, or do you want to do something else. I'm free all day." the male asks, leaving the car in park until he knows what his companion wants to do.
    August 28th, 2016 at 12:39am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Joshua Dun | Have faith in me

    Josh adored the fact that Roxanne wasn’t one of those girls who somehow figured out that they shouldn’t eat in front of guys, it confused him for days to even think about why girls thought that would impress a guy. He was more impressed when a girl could eat as much as he could, and apparently Roxy was one of those girls because she was polishing off her plate of pancakes fairly easily. “That habit doesn’t have to die, but we can work everything out in time.” It would probably be good for him to be around someone who likes to be organised because he was the complete opposite, he could be organised at times but those were pretty rare for him so he could only imagine that Roxy will keep in him check. He was fairly certain that Roxy would at least enjoy the music he made with Tyler, she might not love his music but he still didn’t think that she would hate it. Or that’s what he hoped at least, he didn’t know the type of music that she did like and his music was certainly different than most.

    He hated bringing up money but the little bean would need stuff like a crib and heaps of diapers, which cost a lot of money and he didn’t want her having to spend all that money on her own. Hopefully she’d let him pay half or allow him to repay her, even if the bean would live with Roxy, she shouldn’t have to buy all the expensive furniture that the bean would need. In Josh’s opinion that wasn’t fair on Roxy, “I don’t really… I don’t feel comfortable with taking anything from you. Asides from working, I have money put away. So, you can just pay for your stuff and I can take care of my stuff.” Roxy settled on and for most of it he agreed, although he didn’t continue on with the subject because things felt awkward so he did what he does best and finished off the plate of food he had ordered. His stomach was instantly full and Roxy seemed to be done with her pancakes, so they spilt the bill and left it on the table for the waitress to collect once they had left.

    Josh followed the brunette out of the café and along the street as she knew where this book shop was, so he simply followed her as she walked. There was silence between them but it wasn’t the uncomfortable silence that Josh hated having with people, he had placed dark sunglasses over his eyes as the hot sun was beating down onto him and he couldn’t wait until he could find shade in the book shop. Thankfully within a ten minute walk they had reached the shop and stepped inside, Josh decided to walk off in the opposite direction that Roxy went in so they could find the baby section quicker. It was Roxy who fell upon the small section of baby and parenting books, the selection wasn’t great but it would still be enough for them to learn what they needed to before the bean arrived. "Do you like to read?" Roxy asked him as it was obvious that she did, he had noticed the way her eyes slowly moved over the titles of each book that captured her interest. The glowing smile that graced her lips the second she had stepped through the front door of the store.

    “I do read when I get the chance, mostly on tour when we have to travel during the day is when I find time to read.” He told her honestly, he would like to read more than what he does but he mostly can’t find any time to sit down and truly focus on reading a book. "At least they don't leave us much choice to panic over." That was certainly true but it was better this way for Josh, now he didn’t have to decide on which books he wanted to buy. Some books where about similar things, so he didn’t want to double up and read the same thing in each book he wanted. He did find a book towards the bottom of the shelf, it was a thick book and would take him some time to get through but it looked to be the best one there. He picked it out and flipped through the pages quickly, there were separate chapters on each week of pregnancy and it also seemed to have the first year of baby’s life covered in the next half of the book. “This one seems to cover everything,” He showed Roxy the cover of the book, he was planning on reading his book and then reading her book that she wanted to buy so he was equally prepared for their little bean. "Any hopes yet? For a boy or a girl?" It was a question that Josh had to think about, he loved both ideas of having a little boy and a little girl. But he honestly couldn’t decide on which one he wanted to have first, “Does it sound rude if I don’t care? All I want is a healthy little bean,” He shrugged his shoulders lightly as he truly just wanted the baby to be healthy, “What about you?” But was curious however if Roxy would prefer one gender over the other.
    Evelyn Cruz |The scariest part is letting go

    Evelyn understood completely why Tyler liked it out here so much, she often went for a walk or did some yoga when she had a bad day because it did help clear her mind and calm her down. She couldn’t help but watch Tyler pat the adorable dog, she again quickly snapped some photos of him with the dog before the owners continued on with their own walk. “I think you would have needed to steal that dog, not adopt him.” The owners were clearly in love with their little bundle of fur, Tyler had no hope of adopting him. Turning they continued on their hike until they reached the very top and the view was breathtaking, she took some photos with her camera even though she knew her photos wouldn’t do any justice for how beautiful the city looked up there. She took a few photos before moving over to where Tyler was hiding from the hot sun under a large tree, the shade was soothing on her warm skin and was the perfect place to escape until they decided to make the easier hike back down to Tyler’s parked car.

    "Not recently. I was dating this one girl a couple years back, but things got really busy. She decided she didn't want to wait for me; so we broke up." He told her and she did faintly remember her mom saying something about that, not that Evie had been listening as she was probably busy doing something else. She did bring Paul up as it was only fair, he told her about his last relationship so she did the same. Even if she hated thinking and speaking about the cheater who had broken her heart, "Bastard doesn't deserve you then. You shouldn't be second fiddle to anyone." Tyler spoke as his arm wrapped around her shoulders, this time her body didn’t tense from his touch as he was right. She deserved better than to be cheated on, she just had to put herself out there again so she could met the right man for her but that did scare her. She was scared to give a man her heart and have him break it all over again. "Hey, Evie- I just wanted to apologize again. For how much of a dipcrap I was to you growing up. I really hope we can patch things up." Evie looked at Tyler beside her and she knew he was telling her the truth, but could she put her trust in him again after everything that has happened in her life?

    “I know,” It was all she could say at the time, she didn’t want to give him false hope if a friendship didn’t work out between them but she really didn’t know what was going to happen between them. Then he asked how she was finding things in LA and if she had made any friends, she had always been a shy girl growing up and that part of her hasn’t changed. “Living out here is amazing, it’s a beautiful city to explore. I talk to people I work with, I wouldn’t call them my friends.” She didn’t see the harm in admitting that, she hadn’t made any friends since being in LA because she found it hard to approach people she didn’t know. He did invite her to hang out with his friends, but she wasn’t sure if she should. What if they didn’t like her? After they talked and shared the shade that the tree was providing them, they begun the walk back down the trail until they reached Tyler’s car. Evie quickly climbed in and took a large mouthful of water, she made herself comfortable in the seat and looked up when Tyler said her name. She thought he wanted to ask her something, instead he took a photo of them both on his phone. "I won't post it or anything, I was just going to text it to my mom. She might faint." There was a stupid smile on his face and it was only stupid because Evie hadn’t been prepared for the photo, “Tyler…” She whined like she used to do as a child, whenever Tyler wasn’t paying attention to her. “I look horrible, your mom doesn’t want to see that.” She had no idea that a small pout had formed on her lips as she looked at him, he had caught her at the worst time.

    No makeup, hair not done and just after a hike. "Do you want to go home, or do you want to do something else. I'm free all day." Tyler changed the subject onto what they could do now, that’s when her pout turned into a grin. “There’s a mall not far from here, right? We can go take a look and grab lunch afterwards, it’ll be all air conditioned.” Evie suggested knowing full well that Tyler hated shopping, he used to just let his mom buy clothes for him because he never wanted to do walk around a shop and try clothes on. But she wanted to see how far he would go or if he would refuse like he used to, she watched as he thought about it. “It’ll be fun, I promise. Besides I’ll be there,” She wasn’t sure why she said the last part, but she couldn’t take it back now and she didn’t need to as he grumbled something under his breath and put his car into reverse. Evie was more than happy with herself, she relaxed into the seat as Tyler drove them to the closest mall so she could take a look around and he would just need to follow her. Besides he would eventually get some food out of it and they could cool down after being out in the sun, he should be happy with that.
    August 29th, 2016 at 01:31pm
  • CoffeeandLightsabers

    CoffeeandLightsabers (100)

    United States
    Roxanne Munroe | Caught on the wrong side of morality and youth.

    "This one seems to cover everything." Josh stated as he picked out a book that was hidden away towards the bottom. It did look comprehensive, so Roxy nodded. "I guess there's always google too. If you need a question answered in a pinch." And then of course there were some things that would have to be learned through experience. There would be things determined on the baby itself. Sleeping, eating- that kind of thing. So yes, Roxanne knew that the book could only prepare them on certain things, guide them on others- but that was good enough for the brunette. "Would it be rude if I said I didn't care? All I want is a healthy little bean." Josh stated, and Roxy nodded somewhat solemnly. She wanted that as well. Not that she'd think anything less of the bean if there were health complications. "What about you?" She pauses in her skimming of the book, making sure its something that's informative and helpful to ponder on this. Growing up, the closest thing she had to a sibling was her cousin Koda from her father's side. He'd been something of a big brother figure to Roxanne. But more recently he and his wife had twin girls, and Roxy had spent a few days with them.

    Did she prefer one gender over the other? "I don't know. I think having a girl could be nice, but I think that because the only babies I've been around, have been girls. Plus my cousin has twin girls, so they'd be close in age. Swap clothes and stuff. But a boy could be nice too." Roxanne explains as she decides that the book she originally picked out would do fine. And anyway, if there was anything Josh's books covered that her's didn't- they could always swap books around. When the pair is ready, Roxanne leads the way up to the register, relieved to find it was the elder lady who owned the shop working, not some of the part-timers who went to her college. It's well into the afternoon at this point, as she pays for her book and steps off to the side to wait for Josh to finish ringing up his baby books. By the time he's done and the two step off onto the sidewalk, she feels moderately accomplished for the day. Her homework's been squared away, her task for the day's been squared away. And while Roxanne normally cleaned her apartments on Sunday's, she'd hold off on that until she could read about breathing in chemical smells and stuff while pregnant.

    She'd probably have to get a whole new set of cleaning agents. Stepping back into the heat, her gaze flickered about the crowd. When she noted a couple of women holding coffee cups a half-amused tilt took residence on her lips. Boy was she going to miss caffeine and coffee. She was a college student for fucks sake, she basically functioned on coffee. But she doesn't comment instead just continues their walk back to her place. "It's not the best situation, but thanks for coming along today. I don't think it's easy to do this sort of stuff on your own." She states softly, shifting the bag containing her book to her left hand, rather the right. Beams of sunlight fall lazily onto Josh's broad shoulders, illuminating his pastel hair and casting shadows at his feet. She'd been nervous about this whole ordeal, much more anxious than she was today. She didn't have a ton of friends out here. She didn't have a ton of supports back home. She's not sure that if he'd chosen to walk away, she'd really have anyone to turn to, for support or anything like that.

    But he's here, and Roxy's going to try to make the best of it. Of course, it's not really her nature to take from people, but she it is her hope that they'll get along enough to be able to successfully co-parent. But like Josh had said earlier? There would be time to sort all that out. "So, anyway-" Roxanne begins, not wanting to dive into her own issues and worries, and rather discuss something with a tad more levity, "What do you do in your off time?" She pauses and asks with a teasing voice as she bumps her shoulder against him, "Run down other women with skateboards?" Her voice is light, though she is curious to what he liked to do. Because, she should get to know him before the bean came, yeah? She grins at his expression, biting her bottom lip to hold a giggle in as her caramel and mud colored orbs flickered up to meet his matching ones. Around them cars sped by, and people laughed, chattered and argued with one another, blissfully unaware to what kind of situation that Roxanne had managed to step in. Though to be honest, Roxanne was completely unaware to the people she passed as well, her attention more focused on her cotton-candy haired companion.


    Tyler Joseph | I still want you.

    He shifts in his seat mulling over the mall. He hated it before the band, hated the crowds, hated shopping, and he still hated being there. On his own at least. But, lunch sounds good- air conditioner sounds fantastic. As he squirms, his mind still turning over his options Evelyn speaks again sensing his hesitation. "It'll be fun, I promise. Besides I'll be there." And like that his mind is made up. Tyler sighs, hiding the smile as he grumbles beneath his breath; "Fine, but only 'cos it has air conditioning." The dark haired male knows that's not the real reason, and the little subtle smile etched onto his lips is testament to that. As they pull out of the parking lot, his fingers fiddle with the air conditioner inside the car until it's blowing an appropriate amount of cold on the pair. Thankfully it's not a long drive, and while Tyler doesn't mind driving he's not exactly a fan of LA traffic. Horns blaring, people yelling; he could really do without that.

    The drive's not terrible though. And while there's traffic as always, it's not terrible. In the car ride Tyler is able to cool off from the hike, and by the time they reach the mall he's relaxed quite about around Evie. He knows that this friendship is a delicate thing, and Tyler doubts that at this stage it could even be called a friendship. More like a... A trial-run of sorts. A time for her to decide whether or not friendship was even in the cards for them. It's sheer luck that he finds a place close to the mall's main entrance to park in, and turning off the car casts a quick glance around the car, looking for his sunglasses. He finds them in his glove compartment, where he usually kept them and easily he slipped them on. "Hopefully the sunglasses and the smell of a guy who just went for a hike confuses people enough not to be bothered." Tyler jokes, the sunglasses hiding the flash of mirth in his mocha orbs. Deciding to get this on with before he could work himself up, he unbuckles himself and gets out of the car.

    The sun beats down on his shoulders as he hurries around to the other side of the car, managing to open it for Evie before she opened it for herself. If nothing else his mother taught him to be a gentlemen, at all times. And while he may not of been one as a child- he was going to do his best to be one for Evelyn now. Side by side they walked into the mall together, Tyler glancing about every so often, his eyes exploring the place. It was pretty standard as malls went. A couple floors, throngs of people and chatter, the smell of different stores, perfumes, foods, and people lacing heavy in the air. "So, do you need to get anything in particular? Or just wanna wander around?" He speaks loud enough to be heard over the music playing from various speakers, and the other people's chatters. Tyler almost always forgot important things when going on tour, or back home. He wasn't sure if Evelyn had all the things she needed since moving here. Once she gave her answer Tyler nodded, falling into step beside her and letting her lead the way. And he has to admit, his time spent with Evelyn is... Fun. He gets a few strange looks, but he equates it to the fact he's wearing sunglasses inside a mall. And shopping?

    Well it wasn't too bad. Whenever Evelyn led them to a store, Tyler would spend time scouring the racks for the most ridiculous bits of clothing he could find. Outlandish hats, jewelry, and sweaters. Sure, it was a little childish, but it kept him and Evie giggling; and Tyler's mind preoccupied. It's about two hours later, and three shopping bags later that the two decide to take a quick lunch, and a break from shopping. Luckily the food court wasn't far away from the last store they'd been in, and Tyler looks rather eager at the prospect of food. He's always been a sucker for fast-food. Especially tacos, but anything'd do really. The food court is more crowded than the rest of the all, and subconsciously Tyler walks a little closer to Evie, their hips brushing on occasion. What catches Tyler's attention, is a place called Shotcakes. After a quick glance, he sumrises that they sold cupcakes filled with ice cream; and his mouth absolutely waters at the thought. However, he settles for picking one up on his way out to have later, and he decides to order crepes. It's not a long line and Tyler knows he likes crepes. They're like... French tacos. What's not to love? By the time that he and Evelyn order food and pick out a table, he's a little tired, but still in good spirits. "Evie, I'll make you a trade." Tyler offers as he glances from his food to her's. "A bite for a bite?"
    September 25th, 2016 at 08:10am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Joshua Dun | Have faith in me

    "I don't know. I think having a girl could be nice, but I think that because the only babies I've been around, have been girls. Plus my cousin has twin girls, so they'd be close in age. Swap clothes and stuff. But a boy could be nice too." Roxanne answered which made Josh realise that he never had much to do with babies, sure he has been around them but he hasn’t had much to do with them and that worried him. What if he didn’t know how to hold the little bean or calm their baby? He knew he shouldn’t allow those negative thoughts eat at his mind but he couldn’t help it, he wanted to be the best father he possibly could be to their bean. “A girl would be really nice, although she won’t be allowed to date anyone without my approval.” His own father had been wary of the boys that his two sisters would bring home to meet the family, in fact he had been exactly the same. He was protective of his family and never wanted to see any of them get hurt, he would feel the same with the bean no matter if it’s a boy or girl.

    Once they both paid for their books, Josh had nearly pulled out money for his book and Roxy’s but thought that might be over stepping a line and he didn’t want to ruin anything between them. Stepping back outside, the sun instantly seemed to find him and he hoped he didn’t start sweating. "It's not the best situation, but thanks for coming along today. I don't think it's easy to do this sort of stuff on your own." Roxanne spoke as she turned her gaze onto him, he shook his head lightly before looking at her. “I wouldn’t dream of walking away from this, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I had.” He told her honestly as that wasn’t the type of person he was, he did want a family of his own. He didn’t think it would happen this way but he wasn’t complaining, he and Roxy appeared to get along just fine so far which to him was a good sign.

    "What do you do in your off time? Run down other women with skateboards?” Roxy bump into his shoulder as her deep warm eyes focused on him, he however was appalled by her question. “No, I don’t and I never ran you down. Besides as I remember it, you didn’t check if anyone else was coming when you stepped outside with your ice cream.” He grinned as he still believed that he was in the wrong, he wouldn’t deny that because he shouldn’t have been skateboarding there but he was bored and with his friends. He wanted to show off as he hadn’t seen his friends in months, he had gotten back from tour and just wanted to relax for once. “But I do skateboard as much as I can, I like dying my hair as you can probably see. Videos games take up a lot of my time and so does eating food,” He did live a boring life when he wasn’t touring the world, he would much rather stay in with good food and watch a movie or play a video game then going out to parties or clubs.

    He knew he could be boring but he was fine with that, he has been this way most of his life and he wasn’t going to change. Although he still did go out on a Friday or Saturday night, but these days it was mostly to a local bar with friends. “What do you get up to when you aren’t at school and studying?” He asked as they continued to walk along the street, not sure of where they were going but it was nice. Roxanne hadn’t made a move to leave or head back to her place, so she obviously wanted to get to know him as much as he wanted to get to know her more. Josh hoped they had something in common, interests that they shared just so Roxanne wouldn’t grow bored of him and try to raise their bean on her own. Not that he thought she would do something like that, but he remembered as a kid and his school friend’s had parents who had grown apart and divorced. How hard it was on everyone involved, and how confusing his friends had been as at their age they didn’t understand. He didn’t want their little bean to ever feel like that.
    Evelyn Cruz |The scariest part is letting go

    The drive wasn’t horrible, not much was said but there also wasn’t any tension in the car which Evelyn hadn’t been expecting. Although considering how well their hike had gone, she should have expected the drive to the mall would have been fine as well. Thankfully Tyler found a park near the entrance, she grabbed her things and went to reach for the door handle but it wasn’t there because Tyler had already opened the door for her. “Thanks…” She all but mumbled as she wasn’t used to this, Paul had only held open a door for her when they first started dating and it had only been a few times. "So, do you need to get anything in particular? Or just wanna wander around?" Tyler asked once they stepped into the large building, cold air instantly engulfing them both and keeping Evie cool. “I just want to take a look around,” She wasn’t sure if she needed anything, but she always enjoyed taking a look at what was on offer.

    She might need something if she saw something that she liked, Tyler stayed close to her as she stepped into a few shops. Of course it wasn’t long before he had found a tacky hat or a piece of clothing that Evie found to be ugly, she tried not to laugh or smile as she didn’t want to encourage him and have them both get kicked out of any stores they went into. “Tyler… I can’t take you anywhere,” She was trying to stay serious, but there was a slightly amused grin on her lips that she was trying her hardest to hide from him. After two hours of shopping, Evie had somehow come away with three bags which Tyler had taken it upon himself to carry for her. She was now starving and wanted to sit down so she could rest, the food count was fairly busy but there was a little crepe stall that sounded and looked delicious so they decided to eat there.

    Their food was brought out quickly and smelt wonderful, "Evie, I'll make you a trade. A bite for a bite?" Tyler proposed to her and she had to consider her options, his crepe looked amazing and she was tempted to steal a bite when he wasn’t paying attention. But if she agreed then she would have to give him a bite of her crepe and she wasn’t sure if she could, she wanted to eat her entire crepe on her own. But in the end she gave in, “Alright. But only this one time,” She agreed before reaching over and taking a piece of his filled crepe onto her fork, it was even more delicious than it looked. Allowing him to do the same before she dug into her own, “Other than music. What else have you been up to?” She asked as her mother hadn’t told her much, only that Tyler had formed a band which he toured with and that he had become really successful.

    It still hadn’t been enough for Evie to listen to the music that he made, she didn’t want to hear his voice or see a photo of him and have the hurt return to the surface. Like it had done the other day when she saw him again, it seemed to her like he was living such an exciting life now. He had created something for himself and all the hard work was paying off, Evie couldn’t help but compare their lives together. She hasn’t traveled the world, she doesn’t have thousands of dollars in her bank account, she doesn’t have any friends in LA, and she’s a plain old no body. She didn’t want fame or fortune, but not having to worry about money would be nice and having people in the photography industry know her name and her work would also be really nice. But she wasn’t going to start complaining about her life, because she liked most of it.
    October 16th, 2016 at 07:25am
  • CoffeeandLightsabers

    CoffeeandLightsabers (100)

    United States
    Roxanne Munroe | Caught on the wrong side of morality and youth.

    Roxanne can't help but toss her head back in an honest laugh that warms her dark orbs at his expression. “No, I don’t and I never ran you down. Besides as I remember it, you didn’t check if anyone else was coming when you stepped outside with your ice cream.” Roxy tucks a strand of hair away from her eyes as they walk. ''Well, I don't usually check for skateboarders trying to get across a parking lot.'' It's clear she's only playing. It wasn't like she'd actually been hurt. She's having a good time with him. He has one of those personalities that's just... Hard not to get on with. Where normally she was shy and reserved- keeping to herself, with Josh it felt just... She felt free from most the pressure Roxy felt in her day to to day life. She hoped this levity between them would continue so they could co-parent peacefully. It was a small comfort that their kid wouldn't grow up with parents who couldn't stand each other, like she had. “What do you get up to when you aren’t at school and studying?”

    She goes quiet again, her lips pressing together as Josh asks what she likes to do in her off time. Hesitating Roxanne shifts her bags to her other should before answering. ''I... I like to sketch and stuff.'' Roxanne admits after a moment. When she was younger, she wanted to be a painter. But, that idea was squashed rather quickly. ''It's more of a way to pass time I guess. It's not that great.'' She adds quickly offering a small smile. ''But, I don't get to do it very often. Usually just weekends, I'll go down to the park and find something interesting to draw.'' She shrugs nonchalantly. It wasn't like she'd ever make anything out of it. Nor did she see a reason to. She'd picked a major that interested her enough to not turn into a job she hated. And drawing and sketching was just a way to pass time and destress these days. Which Roxanne is thankful for that she has that method of destressing. She had a feeling these next few months would be... trying to say the least.

    But if art couldn't put her mind at rest, she thought that perhaps Josh could help. He had after all reiterated that he wasn't leaving her. Perhaps Roxanne could grow to trust him enough to lean on him when she needed to. The pair continues on their walk, and Roxanne likes the way the air clears her head. She should make a point to walk around more. Would probably be good for the bean to. It was an odd sensation to not only have to think about herself, but what was best for the bean as well. Hell it was a new thing, putting what she wanted first. Overhead the sky had turned from a brilliant sapphire blue, to a more muted gray with thick billowing clouds. The heat is almost smothering. Summer had never been her favorite season for the heat. Her steps muffle off the concrete sidewalk, and a few times she accidentally brushes against his arm. Once or twice she notes out of the corner of her eye his gaze sliding towards her, but doesn't seem to mind. They're nearing her little flat and Roxy will just be thankful to have the air condition going.

    By the time she reaches her flat door she pauses just for a few minutes fishing her keys from her purse and unlocking the door. She doesn't have anymore plans for the day. Just finishing up some notes from her math chapter. It should keep her busy enough for the next few hours. ''It was nice to have you come along today.'' Roxy calls over her shoulder to Josh as she kicks her shoes off near the door, pulling her book out of the bag and setting it on the table. She only had two classes tomorrow, three hours apart from each other so she'd take this down to the cafeteria and read it there. Or the library. Once her book is put away she heads back into the living room where Josh is standing around. ''I don't have much to do for the rest of the night. Some homework, and I do need to leave early in the morning tomorrow for class. If you want to go that's fine, or we could just put Netflix on for a bit. I'm kind of tired. Not that I'm kicking you out or anything, but if you wanted to go or had stuff to do or anything that's fine 's all. '' Roxanne explains, leaning against the wall opposite of him.

    Tyler Joseph | I still want you.

    “Alright. But only this one time,” She agrees, taking a forkful of his food, and he does the same with her's. It's pretty good, but he's happy with the food he got. For a few moments he focuses on eating, blanking out for a bit. It wasn't that he didn't want to talk to Evelyn, it's just that being in the mall was tiring for him. He needed a bit of a mental breather. “Other than music. What else have you been up to?” Ty's dark gaze flicks back to Evelyn's and he offers a shrug with a small smile. ''Most the time it feels like it can really take over my life. But when I do get free time I just like to relax. Unwind, take a breather and try to spend as much time as I can with the important people in my life.'' He pauses his eyes falling to something a little more despondent. Even when he tried his best to spend time with his friends, with past girlfriends- it never panned out. Most his friends were understanding. His family was pretty understanding but music was just a pretty big hit to his dating life. Each time he started dating someone things seemed to go well- until they realized how much time away he would be spending from home.

    Or when he had to record and spent most days down at the studio with Josh. Yeah, the only thing he wished for in his new life, was more hours in the day. He takes another bite of his crepe, finishing it only to add over the din of the other mall-goers, ''Oh and sleep. Usually try to catch up on sleep when I can. And TV. I got hooked on this show recently, Stranger Things. Really good.'' Tyler explains his eyes lighting up a bit. Maybe it would come as a surprise to most- but he preferred being at home. Though Tyler knew that if he ever stopped touring- he'd miss it a lot. ''What about you? Teaching and photography? How do you find the time?'' Ty asks, leaning forward. One job is tiring enough. He can't imagine doing music and doing something like working at a record store. Though Ty would imagine that it was better to teach college kids than high schoolers. He'd been well-enough liked in high school but the older he got the more annoying he thought he'd been back then. Eventually though, the two had finished their food and tossed it away, walking about the mall once again.

    He supposed it was nice. He didn't do this very often. Usually only when he absolutely needed something- like when he'd first moved here. But he was having a good time. As they'd wander around, Tyler would ask little questions trying to piece together her life, how she'd spent it, when they'd been away. He'd asked about her mother and her brothers- how they were getting on, as Tyler didn't speak to them as much as he'd of liked to. He makes a note to try to be better at that. The two wander around, Tyler stopping for a sample tea at Teavanna, before they walked around. When they walked, Tyler debated wearing sunglasses, but decided against it. The last thing he wanted to do was trip over his own feet in front of Evie. He has to admit, once he stopped dragging his feet the mall wasn't so bad. A little crowded, and some strong scents of perfumes in the air. But he was full, and had managed to have a nice time with Evelyn all day. He felt that was a pretty big success. He even picks up a couple shirts he doesn't need. By the time they head to the exit, it's dark and Tyler's legs are tired and he thinks a nap would be heavenly at this point.

    The drive back is long. The two had stopped their shopping excursion and headed back in rush hour. But it was comfortable. A relaxed atmosphere had settled over the two as he drove. He wanted to spend more time with her, and he figured he had the perfect way by the time they pulled up to her apartment. Once he pulls in front of her apartment he turns to her, his dark eyes looking nearly black under the streetlamps. ''You know, my parents are coming up in a week. I haven't seen them since I got back and you know if you wanted to hang out again, I think they would love to see you.'' Tyler offers as they sit in the car, his engine idling in front of her house. His palms feel weak and sweaty- he knows that Evelyn could very well say no. He had an entire childhood to make up for and that didn't get fixed in a nice little trip to the mall. He knows that. But, he was being honest. His mother would be delighted to have Evie's company, and even more so that she and him seemed to be getting on. ''But if you don't want to- no pressure. I get it if you don't.'' He adds, offering a half-smile towards the blonde.
    November 22nd, 2016 at 04:44am