Hell to Pay

  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    Closed RP
    Achilles' Character
    Aliessa Raven

    Prince Vegeta's Character
    Aldric Hallsworth
    July 25th, 2016 at 12:11am
  • Theo Rossi;

    Theo Rossi; (150)

    United States
    @ The Punisher
    Alessia heard a creak in the living room of her her small house. She looked over towards the door. "Aldric, is that you?" she called out. There couldn't be anyone else in the house. No one else had a key to her room. When she didn't hear a response, she hesitated with her hand on the doorknob. What if that was a thief? "Oh, come on. It could just be the wind too," she whispered under her breathe. It was an old house. It was bound to make a few moans and groans in the wind. Alessia pushed the door open when she heard another creak in the living room. Squaring her shoulders, she pushed the door open as far as it would go.

    What she saw wasn't something that she was expecting at all. There was a dark figure in the middle of the room. She couldn't make any sense of it's form. It looked like a man but didn't quite move like one. It moved like a wild predator after its prey. Alessia looked for an escape because she was the only other thing in this building. Who else would this creature be after? Alessia backed up against a wall, trying to get back through the door. She could get out through the door. Maybe she would be able to get out of the window to get away.

    The creature followed her and then rushed at her. She turned, running back into her bedroom. Alessia went straight to the window. As she was trying to unlock the window, she felt her legs being tugged out from under her. She screamed, hoping one of her neighbors would hear her. Maybe someone could help her, but she didn't know if anyone heard her. Alessia's head knocked against the nightstand, and she went out like a light.
    July 25th, 2016 at 04:27am
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (200)

    United States
    @ Achilles;
    Aldric had finished his shift at work and was heading by to Alessia's to pick up his stuff before he went to the library to finish the paper he was working on.

    He entered the house when he heard a scream. Running upstairs. He bolted through the door to see her being dragged into a pit with many fiery hands yanking her down. Aldric slid across the floor only for him to be too late. She was gone.

    "Alessia!" he yelled as he patted the area around where the pit had been. "FUCK!" he yelled.

    "There's no use getting upset now." a mysterious voice said behind him. Aldric turned around to see his uncle walking up the stair and into the bedroom. "She's in hell now."
    July 30th, 2016 at 08:04am
  • Theo Rossi;

    Theo Rossi; (150)

    United States
    @ The Punisher
    Alessia woke up groggy and felt like she ha one of the worst nightmares on this planet. She slowly opened her eyes to see a strange fiery place. It was nothing like her home. Then there was the dark figure that stood above her. Then there were more placed around the place. She tried to stand, but the chains on her wrists and ankles weren't allowing that. They were too heavy for her to even try to move them. She looked around, trying to find someone who will help her.

    Maybe she was dreaming? She had to be because Alessia didn't think a place like this actually existed. She squeezed her eyes shut and then open them, but nothing changed. It was still the same fiery place with demons lurking around. She could feel tears starting to stream down her face. She looked at the nearest black figure. "What do you want from me?" she begged.

    The creature just looked at her, but didn't answer. It did hesitate for a second before walking away. She called after it a few times, trying to get an answer from him. What did she do to deserve this?
    July 30th, 2016 at 12:30pm