Catching At the Wind

  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Alessandro wasn't even the slightest bit surprised when Eva pranced over to the archery area, standing back a bit as he watched her compete. He nursed his drink and finished it somewhere along the line but she was still going steadily strong and so after a moment of consideration, Ales shrugged his shoulders and moved onto hers. There was no point in wasting it, not when he was sure by the time she returned to his side, she would be completely plastered. And sure enough, she made her way back toward him once she had her fulfillment of shooting arrows through fruit and wood and he shook his head almost immediately at the suggestion of joining the fire jumpers. "Tesoro, absolutely not. You can barely walk. I don't need my trainee getting hurt because she got way too far ahead of herself.

    With one hand, Ales reached forward and pulled the arrow from her grip. He flashed Jean a small grin when he came around to fetch it before turning back to Eva. "Come with me, tesoro. It's time for dancing," he encouraged, leading the way into the centre of the crowd. He twisted around and settled his hands on her hips, pulling her close to him.

    "There's a bigger firework show at the end of the night. If you think you can stay awake until then," Ales teased, his fingers massaging small circles into the fabric of her clothing as they swayed from side to side. "Don't take it as such a challenge."
    October 13th, 2016 at 08:18pm
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    Declined the permission to go join the fire jumpers (she didn't even think twice about the fact that she sought his permission to go, not that she could thought much at the moment), she pouted but the pout was short-lived. The mention of dance put her in high spirits again and Eva was ready to go! She followed obediently, a piece of his sleeve pinched between her thumb and index finger as a measure to not lose him on the way through the crowd as she finished off whatever apple pieces she had left in her hand and mouth.

    Dancing she sure could do, and the steps were well-known of almost all traditional common dances of the country, and what she didn't know she was quick to learn - even in this state. Setting her hands on his shoulders, she adjusted until she was comfy and swayed along, closing her eyes now and then in pure bliss of the moment. The rush from the competition died down, and she wasn't so keen to run everywhere and anywhere now - just stay here and dance the night away.

    "Eh? You think I can't?" She opened her eyes and grinned mischievously at him. "Doubting me' ability to hold me' alcohol, Ales? Alessa-Alex-Aless-" She tried to say his full name, but realized that it was only an intention - did she even know his full name? Did she even know it? She looked up with curiosity. "You're more than just Ales, aren't you?" She asked, poking his nose - but regardless of whether he chose to answer that or not; she was already done with the question, her attention span cut quite short, and leaned in a little more, resting her head on one side of his chest, in a nice little nook between his shoulder and his neck, feeling very much content and warm and happy.
    October 13th, 2016 at 10:12pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    "I am," Ales started, letting out a laugh as she continued to attempt his name. He raised an eyebrow as he looked down to her, shaking his head. Oh, it was entertaining to watch as she got drunk because she was always so sure of herself when she was thinking with a clear head. "If you can't even say my name, how can you keep those pretty, little eyes open for another two hours before the fireworks start?" Reaching a hand up, Ales brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

    Ales' hand moved from her ear to her cheek, cupping it and brushing his fingers over her skin gently. "Here. We're going to head upstairs to get you some rest," he commented quietly, his hand trailing down her arm to lace his fingers with hers. "I promise you I won't let you miss them, alright?" He turned and began to lead the rest of the way out of the circle.

    Ales moved behind her, his hands trailing to her hips to help lead her up the stairs to prevent her from falling. Once they reached his room, he helped her lay down on the bed. "Rest up and I'll wake you up in enough time for us to make our way downstairs, okay?"
    October 14th, 2016 at 01:39am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    "I can," she stated, for in her mind it was all she needed to say to make her statement and argument that she could keep them open valid. However, leaning into his touch, she gave a nod anyway. A little rest wouldn't hurt, right? And then they could watch some fireworks, and life was good. She didn't' spare the crowd a second look as they left and walked with him up some high steps (at least, the stairs seemed high to her at that moment), and down some hallways that seemed more like a maze than anything, and into his room. She only knew it was his for it smelled like him.

    She welcomed the bed, gracelessly flopping down onto it and squirming around a little to get comfy, and then quickly stuck out her hand to catch his sleeve. Using that as leverage, she shuffled around a bit so that she lay on her back now in half-moon shape. She grinned up at him, a little vicarious smirk gracing her lips."What about my reward? Hm?" She tugged on his sleeve, beckoning him closer, repeating softly, "….i want my reward." Her focus slipped from his eyes to his lips and then darted back up but the her intentions were very much clear at this moment. Her, alone with a very attractive man (if she dared say so herself), in a room and quite far away from everyone else, with two hours to kill? What more could a girl want?
    October 14th, 2016 at 03:25pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Alessandro let out a low chuckle as he climbed into bed beside her, lifting her head just enough so that he could slip his arm under her shoulders. He gave them a light squeeze and began to play with her hair absentmindedly, his eyes slipping shut as he hummed quietly. "No. You're drunk, tesoro. I may be a man but taking advantage of my student when she's barely there is not one of the things I ever plan on doing," he answered quietly, continuing to play with her. He was sure it wouldn't be long before she slipped off to sleep and the moment that she did, Ales began to relax as well. He stayed there for a few more moments before he carefully climbed out of bed, knowing that if he fell asleep, they could end up missing the fireworks and that was the last thing that he wanted. Not when he had promised her they wouldn't.

    For the next little bit, Ales opted to read a book since he never did get very much time at all to. And it would keep him awake, that was ultimately what mattered. When enough time had passed, Ales raised to his feet and slowly made his way back over to the bed. He knelt down and began to rub Eva's side gently. "Tesoro, wake up. Or we're going to miss the fireworks and I don't think you want that, do you?" He spoke loudly enough that he hoped he could rouse her from her sleep.
    October 16th, 2016 at 08:23pm
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    Eva eagerly let him wrap an arm around her and snuggled in all cuddly and reached for his face and pit a hand on his cheek but alas, it was apparently not meant to be. She pouted lightly. "I'm completely here," she protested, lifting her hand and showing him a finger and kicking up her legs behind her, "See?" She tilted her head back to check if her foot was there and her head rested on his chest. It felt nice so she stopped, and soon enough under his rhythmic massages she fell asleep.

    Her dreams were lovely and happy but mostly she napped without much to see. Someone's voice stirred her and she batted her eyes open, mumbling something as she came to her senses. Who? What? She blinked up at Ales and took a moment to process what he was saying before suddenly waking up."Oh yes," she hurried to start and get up, reaching for her hair to tie it up.

    But the alcohol hasn't worn off and she failed to put her hair together, and failed to stand properly, losing her balance for a moment. She straightened, took his hand and looked out the window. "how far? Will we be on the rooftops?"
    October 17th, 2016 at 01:51am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Alessandro let out a quiet laugh when he noticed how Eva failed to pull her hair back. He stepped forward so that he could help her. It took longer than he would have preferred but he decided that it was ultimately faster than she would have taken should she have attempted to again. "I don't trust that you're able to climb onto the rooftops but," he paused, reaching to lace his fingers with hers. He began to lead the way out of the room and toward another set of stairs that would take them higher than they already were. It wasn't quite the rooftops but it would have to do.

    Once they reached as high as they could, Alessandro sat and reached up, his hands gripping her hips tight enough that he could pull her down onto his lap. He spread his legs out so that she could sit safely between them before he wrapped his arms around her waist, tightening his grip just a bit.

    "You're in for one of the best shows of your lifetime, tesoro," Ales commented, pressing a quick kiss to the side of her head. "I hope you can remember it well enough," he teased quietly, his fingers massaging small circles into the skin along her wrists. "It'll be awhile until the next ceremony."
    October 17th, 2016 at 05:47am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    "You have doubts in my climbing?" She poked her tongue out at him, looking up at his face as he did her hair. Had he any idea of what he was doing? Her head was moving all over the place! Silly men. Eventually he finished, other it seemed to take forever - though she failed to recognise her own inability of her current state. Fitting her hand into his, she followed out, peering over balconies and out of windows to the outside and to watch people gathering.

    She was all over the place, filled with excitement, eyes glued to the crowds beneath and the few bonfires going, completely missing Ales sittin down, and giving a soft yelp of surprise as he pulled her down. Snuggling in, she rested her back against his chest as if he were a chair, and put her arms over his. "You are a comfy chair," she said out loud after a little while with a giggle.

    "The city has them at all big events, I can always sneak away to watch those. Right?" Eva joked as she tilted her head a little to look back at him before returning her gaze to the event. "I could-Oh! Is it beginning?" She straightened a little, watching one stray firework go off in the sky. Even gripped his hands a little. That's how excited she was. The small things in life mattered.
    October 17th, 2016 at 06:40am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    "A comfy chair?" Alessandro mused, his face scrunching in amusement as he looked down to Eva. "That may be the strangest compliment that I have ever received," he said with a laugh. He gave a shake of his head, returning his attention to the sky - the show always started out slow and by the halfway point, you could feel the bursts of the fireworks beating within your body like a drum.

    Eva was speaking again but her words were taken by the ceremonial first firework. "There is always the first shot that will never change. It's to represent the Creed as we are one. One family, one cause to end the evils within our world."

    The show began to pick up and Alessandro's grip loosened ever so slightly on Eva. She was getting more and more excited as time wore on and he couldn't really blame her at all. He could remember the first show he had ever witnessed and the excitement he felt - most were the same for the first time. The show lasted for the better part of an hour before it came to a close. Ales let out a quiet yawn, using a hand to push himself to his feet before he offered the other to help her up. "How was that for you?"
    October 17th, 2016 at 08:27pm
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    The show kept her entertained for the whole hour and she didn't say much else except the occasional small gasp of surprise at something new and a little jolt in his arms as she did so. Her eyes were glued to the sky so much that if someone came to kill her, she'd merely hold her hand up and tell them to wait while the show finished (if she even noticed them in the first place in her state). When it ended, she sat a while to absorb the fact that no more lights would come up and stood with his hand as help.

    "Amazing," She replied, looking back at the source of fireworks, "It's a lot longer and bigger than in the city. But then again, everything here is. Your standards, your knives, plates, horses…" she trailed off in thought, then glanced at him quickly and looked away but couldn't hide the smirk and snicker at a thought that crossed her mind about him but one she - even in her state at the moment - didn't say out loud. Maybe not everything was necessarily bigger, maybe some things had still yet to be proven.

    She whirled towards him and took an eager step. "Now where are we off to?" She looked him in the eye, closing the gap between them with a small lean in. He may have refused to the first time, but there was always a second try. Drunken Eva knew no shame. "Is it sleep? Can I sleep in your bed again? You can have mine. Or better yet, stay in yours." She kept her voice quiet, and the small giggle that followed too, reaching up to pat his cheek. "Hm?"
    October 17th, 2016 at 09:21pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    "Sleep?" Alessandro answered, his face scrunching as he did so. He couldn't understand what other answer there was to offer because the fireworks were the end of the night, they always were. But then Eva was speaking again and he couldn't help but give a slight roll of his eyes. He would have banished her to her own room but he thought better of leaving her on her own when she hadn't been so out of it in so long. Something about wanting to take care of her, he told himself.

    Turning, Ales hooked his arm around her waist and led the way back down the stairs and around the corners that would eventually lead to his room. He opened the door and kept it open with his foot until she had stepped inside and he was quick to follow after her.

    Alessandro helped Eva into bed, kneeling to undo her boots and to tug them off. He did the same with his and even went as far as stripping his shirt off before climbing into bed beside her. He scooped her into his arms, a small grin on his lips. "Sleep well, tesoro."
    October 18th, 2016 at 04:19pm
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    The room was a short walk, or at least seemed so as he lead her there, luckily for her - to his own. She stepped inside and sat on the edge of the bed, reaching down to take off her boots, fumbling until he came to her rescue once a boot got stuck and freed her leg. While he worked on the other, she put her leg on his shoulder and silently watched him, a small grin on her cheeks, giving a soft satisfied noise once her other was free and rocked back into the bed, bouncing ever so softly as she settled and pulled off the outer garments, leaving herself only in the long tunic and some underwear. The rest fell gracelessly on the floor by the bed, kicked and pushed off by her foot.

    She didn't stay in his arms for long though, tracing little patterns over his side then daring further onto his chest, and down his abdomen before burying her face into his side with a giggle, shuffling around and oh so accidentally ending up on top of him, straddling a little above his hips. There she sat quite proud and smug, looking down at this man that would soon be her tasty treat. Hopefully. She wished it so. Leaning forward, she put her hands on his shoulders, massaging them ever so softly to calm and distract him from her suddenly being on top, but focus his attention on her, and batted her eyelashes, raising an eyebrow, all her childish playfulness gone.

    "Am I pretty enough for you?" She prompted, taking one hand off his shoulder and picking up one of his hands, placing it on her hip, not looking away. She leaned a little closer, hovering just a little away from his lips, eyes slipping down his face to rest on them. "Make a girl happy," she glanced back at him and smirked softly, "And a reward will be returned." She seemed to think of something then, and a little spark of mischief flickered in her eye, "I promise I won't be loud. They others won't even know."

    [ i am out its 1am there are ghosts this is too much :') goodnight~! ]
    October 18th, 2016 at 04:44pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Ales was quite shocked to find that he was being straddled by a certain red head but he thought nothing of it, there was nothing wrong with a little bit of harmless kissing, was there? It wasn't like they had done worse before but they had done plenty of kissing back in the fields beneath the weeping willow by the river. Their hands had travelled a bit further than perhaps they should have but never so far that Ales had questioned his morals. Would he? Ha, it was unlikely.

    "Pretty enough?" Alessandro mused, raising an eyebrow as he cocked his head to the side. He smirked and shrugged, jutting his bottom lip out as he considered the proper way to answer. He decided on the truth being best and gave a nod of his head. "More than enough. You're breathtaking, tesoro. Why do you think I was so interested from the beginning?" Ales was opening up more than he perhaps ever would if he thought she would remember this conversation in the morning.

    His hands travelled to rest on her hips where he gripped perhaps just a bit too tight. "A reward?" Ales smirked, deciding to play her game. He knew she was an adventurous girl but to him, he couldn't quite seem to wrap his head around her meaning that and so he went with, "care to give any more detail? Or are you just going to surprise me?"
    October 20th, 2016 at 01:35am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    That little statement was quite enough of a confidence boost for Eva, and she smiled. More than enough? She could work with that. But he stalled, and Eva was not prepared to stall. She didn't want a chat into the night or to sit back and talk about sex. No, she wanted it now and here and with him. Why was he stalling? Surely she had said enough to take the message across.

    "More detail?" she echoed, raised a brow and took one hand of his from her hip and put her right on her breast. "Why talk when you can do? If I am enough," here she smirked and leaned in a little, holding his hand in place. "Then take me, use me. Please yourself, pleasure me." She inched back a little to now straddled his hips, giving him little nudges, and if that wasn't enough, leaned in and pushed her lips to his into a slightly messy but much needed kiss.

    She guided his hand where need be, (for a moment she wondered if he were inexperienced, and almost pulled away in despair) and the other hand of hers tugged at whatever clothing remained on him. He didn't need that. That got in the way. This tunic got in the way. But she only and so many hands. He'd have to do the rest.

    [ales pls]
    October 20th, 2016 at 02:46am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Alessandro began to stir in the morning, shifting around in the bed to try and get a little more comfortable, only to stop in his movements when he realized that there was a very much was a warm body cuddled into his side. He didn't need to have to lift his head and open his eyes to know exactly who it was. But he did need to lift his head long enough to hold up the blankets and very much realize that they must have done something together. After all, you didn't wake up naked in the same bed if you hadn't.

    Dropping his head back down to the pillow beneath his head, Ales let out a groan as he began to gently rub Eva's side. He smiled to himself, turning his head to the side to look down at her. "Come on, sleeping beauty. We have to get up and head to breakfast... and well, we gotta hope there's something left," he murmured, glancing toward the little window. Light was already leaking through the window telling him there wasn't much time left to head down to the mess hall.

    Pushing the covers off of them, Ales leaned down and gave her a gentle shake. "Come on, Eva. After we eat, we can head to the hot springs and take a swim. How's that sound?"
    October 20th, 2016 at 08:13pm
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    Having had a rather strange dream (but not one she would not happily have again), and being woken up to someone touching her and a voice calling out, Eva stirred slightly, her eyes opening a little in a small frown. She was having such a nice sleep! How dare they wake her. She mumbled something, and started to turn away. Why was Ales waking her up, what was he doing in her room? She would have continued if not for the body she suddenly felt beside her, and then the covers were gone and suddenly she felt quite exposed to the air. More so since she was naked. She jolted, gave a squeak, and grabbed the covers as they slipped away. "Ales!" She tugged on them, pulling to cover herself, and turned her attention to him - ready to scold for being so mean to a woman, when she noticed that he too was naked, and that she wasn't in her room. She hesitated, and shut her mouth. A furious blush rushed over her cheeks, and she tugged the covers more over, this time pulling them over her head and hiding.

    Under there, she felt sort of safe, and took a moment to reflect upon her situation. First of all, they had had sex. The thought alone was both thrilling and disappointing, for she barely remembered it, but the idea that he had held her was more than enough to start a warm fuzzy feeling in her tummy. Second all, they woke up in the same bed and she had been happily snuggling away. Which means she hadn't left, and that meant she was quite drunk. She worried for the things she could have said.

    She peeked out at him, still half-hiding her face to spare him the sight of her pink cheeks. "Yes, sounds lovely. Can you first pass me my shirt?" she whispered.
    October 20th, 2016 at 10:12pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Alessandro stood to pull on a pair of pants, relieved when he finally had them sitting on his hips. He turned just as Eva peeked out from under the sheet and oh, he would have liked to not laugh but he couldn't help it. The laugh was an instantaneous reaction, one from deep in his gut. He set a hand on his stomach as he doubled over, sinking into a kneeling position before he managed to collect himself. He looked up to Eva, that same smirk still on his lips as he shook his head.

    "Tesoro, why're you being all shy now? Your body is certainly nothing to be shy over," he paused, cocking his head to the side as he watched her. "Trust me, I saw it all last night."

    Ales pushed to his feet and headed toward the desk in the corner of his room where he had managed to successfully toss her clothes for easy gathering in the morning. He picked both her shirt and pants up before making his way over to her. His smile turned into a smirk as he stood in front of her, holding the articles of clothing out to her. "And I'm sure you're not planning on going swimming in full robes. That would be just silly, don't you think?"
    October 21st, 2016 at 02:57am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    Eva stared at him wide eyed, shocked as to why he was laughing. Her mod couldn't comprehend, and she wondered if there was something on her face, even going so far as to touch it and look at her fingers, before leaning forward to peek down at him over the edge of the bed. "Wha- why are you laughing?"

    When he replied, she gasped, grabbed a nearby pillow and threw it at him, crying out "Oh! You!" She quickly pulled up the slipping covers, messily trying to hold them against her chest. Though while he went to pick her things up, she lay back down and - finding the covers too warm for her liking - stuck her legs out to one side so that the covers were draped over her hips and pushed up against her chest. Plenty to look at but still plenty to tease with.

    Rolling over to her side, she propped her head onto her hand and looked at him. "Oh? And what would you have me swim in? Nothing?" She ran a hand through her hair and sat up to take the clothing from him, still keeping the covers pressed to her. Sure, he may have seen her yesterday but that was yesterday. Not today. Eva did not plan to spoil him so often. She managed a small smile, "have you any large tunic? I could tie it at the bottom, and it won't flounce around." She dangled her legs, took the clothing pieces and started to put ten on, keeeping it so he would not get a peek at any more of her. Even as much as she wanted it. Play a little, her sister taught. Be interesting. Be a curiosity. If not, they won't chase. And Eva was intent on keeping Ales around for a long time.
    October 21st, 2016 at 06:05am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    (her mod? you been playing vidya games lately? XD )

    Alessandro smirked as he ducked down to avoid the pillow that came being tossed in his direction. He gave her a playful wink before twisting around to grab her clothing. He smirked to himself even as he returned with them, holding them out to her. His eyes roamed over her body and he was finding himself wanting to reach out and pull the sheet away from her body. Enjoy what he enjoyed the night before because oh, it was rather delicious.

    With a shake of his head, Ales turned away from her to give her the privacy that she was seemingly seeking. He let out a sigh as he began to search through his clothes for a suitable shirt. When he pulled it free from the pile where it lay, Alessandro tugged it over his head before turning around. She had seemingly finished dressing. He kicked her boots over to her before kneeling down to pull his own onto his feet.

    Ales stood back up and offered a hand to her to help her up. "Then after we go to the hot springs, you can pick what we do. We can even go to the rigs if you really want to," he offered, a hint of a smile gracing his features. "Up to you, of course, tesoro."
    October 21st, 2016 at 07:24am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    [Actually yes lmfao]

    Eva hurried to dress, buttoning her shirt at the top when he turned around and pulling her boots on once he pushed them over. She stood, made herself presentable and with a nod to his words, marched out the room. First, of course, they would try get the rest of the food still available and have a late lunch. This she did not want to have in the mess hall, and insisted they take it to the hot springs instead. With food stuffed in her pockets and in a small bag, she followed Ales to these hot springs that he mentioned, and once they arrived, stood a while to look upon them. It was a pretty sight and the water was nice and clear and tempting to climb in. Eva seated herself in the shade of a tree and pulled off the boots and, left in her tunic and pants, set about to eat the foods she scavenged from the kitchen trip.

    Those were consumed quietly and quickly, and then with a satisfied exclamation, she stretched and leaned back, laying down on the grass and closing her eyes. "Such a lovely day," she mumbled to herself, rolling onto her front and kicking up her legs behind her, kicking them lightly in the air. She didn't stay long like this though, and set about to rolling her pants up before padding over to the water. She waded in and stood there, knee high, holding onto her pants and looking out at the water. Of course, she wouldn't swim, she had no shirt spare after all, and it wasn't as if she could go shirtless!

    Though, (she snuck a look over at Ales) perhaps she could use his, if he chose to take it off. Use it as a swimwear sort of thing. She turned and slapped the water, sending spraying droplets in Ales' general direction, breaking out into a grin and laugh. "Come on," she called, "Stop stalling. Join me. The water is nice."

    [sorry, i rushed, couldn't be bothered rp'ing out that kitchen food Dx]
    October 21st, 2016 at 03:13pm