Catching At the Wind

  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    "I suppose it's a good thing I'm a man of many talents then, hm?" Alessandro answered right back, a smile threatening to spill over but not quite yet. He looked up in surprise when she spoke of specific desires - his name wasn't surprising, not really, but the request for a kiss was. Alessandro eyed her for a moment, trying to gauge whether she was being completely honest or not. He didn't want her to feel any sort of pressure, feel like she had to because he had taught her a bit about reading and cooked her a nice, plump fish. No, he did those things because he had found a genuine desire to and he was a man of fulfilling desires whenever the chance arose because so often, the circumstances didn't allow for such small things.

    "Are you sure a thug like me knows how to do anything proper?" Alessandro teased, raising an eyebrow as he made eye contact with her again. He hummed, enjoying every moment of teasing her but he could only wait for a few moments before he felt like it had been too long. Alessandro relented and leaned forward, one hand cupping her cheek while the other arm wrapped around her waist to hold her close as he deepened the kiss. His grip was still easily breakable incase she decided to break off though he hoped she wouldn't.
    August 5th, 2016 at 03:54am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    "Are you?" Eva faked surprise, as if this was news to her, though her eyes kept their mischief. "Do share these talents. I'm eager to see what other things you are capable of." She felt her heart quicken its pace as she awaited his response, hoping and praying he wouldn't say no, else that would be incredibly awkward on her behalf. But luck and fate were fortunate and he was showing all the good signs.
    "A thug can be taught," She teased back, but cut it off quick enough as he leaned down, letting him initiate the kiss before returning it, slipping hands into his hair and wrapping a few around her fingers, tugging ever so gently to pull herself closer. Goodness, it was wonderful. It made her feel all warm and fluffy inside, not quite the same as kissing any other attractive man - nay, that was just lust and seeking a good time. Eva corrected herself though, this wasn't love, but it was nice. Quite nice. Very nice. Francesco would lose his mind if he saw this, though he really had no reason for he had neither proposed to her nor devoted himself to her and her only, since he had like five other ladies he courted at the same time.

    Pulling away only a little too soon, for she didn't want to get overly attached nor too drunk on the temporary affection, Eva left the shirt around his shoulders and instead put a hand on his chest in a small sign of 'thats enough for today'. She didn't pull out of his embrace though. Looking up, Eva offered him another cheeky smile, "Now are you going to tell me your name, or must I do something more to deserve that?" Her fingers of the free hand danced over his cheeks to join her hand at his chest, tracing a small double line down his sternum and as far as she could go to the top of his stomach. "I wouldn't expose you. not for as long as you are... useful." She giggled, her shoulders doing a little shimmy-dance of sorts.
    August 5th, 2016 at 04:42am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    "All in due time, tesoro," Alessandro answered back.

    His grasp on her only tightened when he realized that she wasn't pulling away, at least he didn't think that he had to fear that she wasn't enjoying herself. Things didn't have to go all that far, Alessandro would be happy wherever they ended up, but he would enjoy what he could. Particularly when it was attention coming from someone as beautiful as Eva, intelligent, too. Even if it wasn't in studies, she seemed to be able to care for herself, and understand how to work hard. She was a dedicated sort of girl and that was something he liked, even if he didn't think there would be anything more happening out of this. As Eva had so politely pointed out before, Ales was an assassin and it was not a lifestyle that she would prefer to be involved in.

    When Eva pulled away, Alessandro did as well, and slackened his grip so that his hand was resting loosely on her hip. The hand that had previously been cupping her cheek moved to push the hair from her eyes before dropping to simply hang there. "Useful? And please, tesoro, tell me how I can be useful to you. How I can continue to serve you," he teased, leaning to press a quick kiss to the top of her head, on instinct more than anything. Alessandro stepped back, a slight frown teasing at his lips. "My apologies, I didn't mean to offend if I did," he quickly spoke, bowing his head to allow him to easily pull his shirt over his head. It hung loosely, comfortable in nature because he had wanted nothing more than to be able to relax and enjoy today when he set out.
    August 5th, 2016 at 05:35am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    The little kiss on her head surprised before she had gotten a chance to say anything, her eyes widening a little before she quickly shook her head, "Offend? You haven't offended." She smiled, finding it a little amusing how quick he was to apologise and how reluctant he was to give his name to her. She let him get dressed, giving him some space, hiding away the lovely view she had been getting. She fixed his collar when he was done putting that on, unable to resist the temptation to make it neat. Eva straightened then, and took his hand and gave it a squeeze. "I have an idea. You write a note, and I have to read it. It helps me read faster, yes? Each time, write it different. Then, if I can do the days you mention, I will put up blue flowers in my vase on the window. Red if I cannot." She gave him a gentle nudge towards the bank, for she wanted to get dry quickly. With that, she almost missed his name, turning around to look at him in surprise. Softening her features, she tried the name on her tongue, "Ales." Neat.

    "And ah, be useful again, teach me more." She gestured to the tree, where her basket and book and small blanket on which she had sat lay. She wanted to read more, learn more and while the sky was still bright and the sun high she wanted to make full use of the time. They could play around a little more later, perhaps closer to dusk, if he so wished it. Eva was firm in her decisions and considered herself mostly independent, but now and then it felt nice for someone else to make the decisions for her, direct her as they wished and pleased.

    And then, the cycle began. They would meet when they could, and sit under the tree and cook. Sometimes he would, sometimes she would - and she was not a bad one. Of course, she was not super skilled, but what she could - the few pies and basic meals, she did well. At times, she let all care run free and if they ever did kiss again (on rare occasions), she'd allow a little lace to come undone but never more. Not there. The only one time she permitted herself to go for a little swim (it was more like a splash about in the water though) was on a sunny warm day, and she wore a simpler white dress underneath the main, and in that she allowed herself to go waist deep into the river and enjoy the water. But most importantly, she quickened her pace in reading thanks to him. And soon she could read almost smoothly, stumbling only on the strangest of spellings and words.
    It was getting cooler however, summer turning to autumn. Eva was at the market again, basket at her side, navy cloak over a light lavender dress, making her red hair stand out all the more. The beloved black stone necklace sat in its place. Going about her daily chores as usual, she saw something flash out the corner of her eye and looked up, but whatever had jumped across the rooftops was gone and concealed. She had started to notice such things only recently. And she didn't know why. Perhaps it was spending time with Ales who used the rooftops as one way of quick travel, and his constant vanishing and disappearing that she subconsciously trained her peripheral vision to pick up the smallest of movements. And it wasn't like he was the only one around in the town. She was sure there were others, like that one Daario that she had the misfortune of meeting on a night when she almost got captured. She had certainly checked in later and learned the new routes, and Vanni was still content in his cell.

    Setting the potatoes down and pulling out her pouch of coins to pay for them, she thought she heard the again all too familiar whistle, but made no acknowledgement by looking up, only tilting her head towards the sound. She didn't need to draw attention to it. It was easier. If it was Ales, he would pick up the movement that she noticed her, and if wasn't him then it was like she never heard it. Luckily, on this day, Francesco was nowhere nearby. It was like paradise.

    [I'll get her friend to approach next post Cute]
    August 5th, 2016 at 01:23pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    While Alessandro would never admit it, not to Eva, himself, or any other soul, but he was becoming attached to the young servant girl. He still tossed every ounce of his being into his work, if not more than previously because now he had a certain pair of lisp to forget about, nimble fingers that caused an unfamiliar trail of goosebumps to pop up all over his arms that leaked onto his shoulders if the moment was right. Perhaps it had something to do with the pride that he felt, watching her continue to develop her reading abilities. She had come so far, so fast that Alessandro had found himself wondering if perhaps she had just been playing him in the beginning. But from time to time, instances would pop up and Ales would be left to realize that it was a silly thought. Eva had simply not been taught before, that meant nothing in regards to how intelligent she was. She continued to prove herself time and time again.
    Waking up that morning, Alessandro was surprised that he got all the way through breakfast without having to so much think a thought about work that day. The master had never approached him, he was free for the day, unexpectedly, too. Initially, Ales considered just taking a day to relax in his room by himself but staying behind ran the risk of a late mission and it was nearing midday now, he wanted nothing to do with a task starting so late in the day. So quickly, Ales returned to his room and dressed in his every day, plain robes with every intention of blending in today.

    Alessandro made quick work of travelling across the tops of buildings, toward the market in the centre of town. He hadn't seen Eva in a few days now and not being aware of having the day free, hadn't been able to follow through with their now familiar ritual of leaving a note and flowers being a response. If there was anywhere within the city that Alessandro could catch up to her without too much problem, it would be in the market.

    He had nearly lost hope when he had all but covered the majority of the market when he crossed over the last little bit he had left. Potatoes. Of course Eva was by the potatoes, he'd nearly wanted to smack himself over the head for such a stupid mistake on his part. Alessandro let out a shrill whistle, smiling when he noticed the subtle reaction from Eva. Dropping to the ground in one of the many alley ways, Alessandro snaked his way through the crowds of people before finally siding up to her. Dipping his head in greeting to the merchant for he'd gotten to know them even better than normal, with following Eva around quite a bit in the past while.

    "Imagine my surprise when I discovered I was free for the day," Alessandro started, a gentle smile on his lips as he set a hand on her lower back. It was a simple enough gesture, his hand never strayed any further. When Eva turned toward him, his hand dropped from her back just as quickly as it had set. "Who else could I even dream of spending the day with?"
    August 6th, 2016 at 12:44am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    Eva saw him approach, looking up only when he placed an arm on her back. "Oh goodness," she smiled in surprise. "You flatter me." She picked up her paid potatoes and headed away from the stall. She didn't mention the other quick figures she had seen flash past, figuring it wasn't note worthy. "How does one get a surprise day off, did someone just conveniently fall off a roof?" She teased, grinning.

    She picked through the next few fruits but found nothing of interest nor any that she fancied. She moved to the next stall, "Pray, what have you been up to? Same old?" She listened as she picked up a few more fruit, reaching for another just as someone's hand reached to. They awkwardly bumped and the two girls looked at each other, ready to apologise then suddenly eyes widening and they both squealed, yelling each other's names.


    The two girls hugged tightly. The brunette stepped back, wiping her eyes a little to put away the few tears. "Oh goodness, how amazing to see you! I- how are you?"
    Eva replied, grabbing her friend's hand. As Abelie explained, she was here on business under her new employer, he was visiting some friend and she was accompanying his wife as the handmaiden. Eva put her hand to her chest, expressed how much she had missed her. It was then that Abelie spotted by Eva a man, and she lowered her voice, batting her eyelashes as she leaned in to Eva and whispered, "Oh, who's he? He's handsome." Eva opened her mouth, but wasn't given the chance to say anything - fortunately for Ales - as Abelie suddenly interrupted saying, "Speaking of handsome, there's some officers coming into town today. They're coming to drink at a pub tomorrow night. Unfortunately it's restricted access, but I have a friend who can get us in." She wiggled her brows, all cheeky. "I heard there's a high ranking officer, D'Angelo, he's gorgeous."

    About the same time, there was a commotion in the crowd and people started to part ways. A few soldiers were walking in front of a mass of horses with riders. Abelie grabbed Eva's hand and pulled her through the crowd, crying out, "It's them!"

    They stopped by the side of the crowd, peering up at the soldiers and officers, loved by the crowd, catching flowers and sending kisses. As one officer rode past, he cast a glance through the crowd, his gaze lingering on Eva most of all. Abelie gasped, shaking her friend's hand, "That's him! He totally saw you." She continued to ramble about something, and Eva blushed, watching the procession. She suddenly remembered of Ales and looked around for him.
    August 6th, 2016 at 02:29am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Alessandro grimaced as the squealing began, quickly taking a step back to both give them space and give his ears a much needed distance from how loud it had suddenly gotten. He didn't move more than a few steps away, eyeing the fruit stand they were in front of. His gaze fell to a plum and he couldn't resist, producing coin to pay for the single fruit, only to feel his entire body go rigid at the conversation that he couldn't help but pay attention to. Officers? That only meant one thing, trouble. Both for him and the assassins throughout the city, if several officers were to be swarming through the city, it meant more templars throughout. But that also meant there were more opportunities, whatever free time he had thought he may have was washed away - the next little while would prove to be the exact opposite of peaceful.

    When the two girls began to pull away from him, Alessandro turned and trailed behind several feet as to not appear too suspicious. He had no clue about Abelie but she certainly seemed to be appreciative of the men that began to walk through the streets. Alessandro was quiet, his eyes trained on them - counting how many there were, what ranks, and ultimately, when his eyes landed on this D'Angelo, Ales' eyes narrowed because he noticed the way the man looked to Eva. Nope. Not even over his dead body.

    Alessandro weaved through the crowd to get closer to the girls, raising the fruit to his lips and taking a rather large bite out of it in go. It could easily be brushed aside - he was only enjoying something he'd just purchased should D'Angelo send someone but he was sure that the man detected what it truly was simply by the way he squinted, trying to figure out exactly what Alessandro's intentions were.

    His gaze followed after the officer until he was far enough away that Alessandro could barely make out any detail. Scoffing, Ales rolled his eyes as he glanced down to the fruit in his hand, only to make eye contact with Eva. The hatred coursing through his veins had to have been obvious - there wasn't a playful glint to his eyes any longer but instead, a burning intensity had replaced it. He raised an eyebrow and tossed his head back, in the direction of a nearby alleyway. Without any true word, Alessandro turned and began threading his way through the people toward the alley.
    August 6th, 2016 at 02:50am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    Eva watched D'Angelo ride away, catching sight of the small red cross hanging in his shirt but vanishing out of sight almost instantaneously. She didn't know what the cross meant, but somehow it seemed familiar. Like she had seen it before.

    Eva looked back to Ales and was surprised. She saw something that hadn't been there in his eyes. Was it… hate? It didn't seem nice. It was serious. It sent a chill through her. She tilted her head in question of what was wrong, but he only turned away to walk off. Eva gave her friend a small hand squeeze, told her where to find her, and rushed off, slipping through the crowd after Ales. He went to some alleyway, and she followed, catching up to him, all concerned.

    She reached out to touch his arm but drew back in uncertainty. He looked ready to snap. She was, admittedly, sort of scared. Not daring to say his name, she came around to face him, looking up to him and into his eyes. Like a raging sea. "What is the matter?" She looked concerned. "Was it something Abelie said? I'm sorry, she's not the brightest." She looked guilty to even speak badly of her friend, but the girl was careless and reckless and barely noticed anything, the latter fortunate for Ales.

    Eva's hand hovered uncertainty in the air, wanting to comfort him but not knowing what the matter was and thus unsure of the appropriate actions.
    August 6th, 2016 at 03:18am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    "Your friend did nothing wrong, hush," Alessandro very nearly snapped but he managed to reign his temper in and force the words out through gritted teeth, sounding at least a bit more calm than he felt at the moment. His hands were vibrating from how strong the emotion he felt was, ready to storm after the Templar Knights and destroy them, one by one by one. Or all at once, either or. So long as he got to see some red from each of them, it would suffice.

    "Templar aren't the saints that they have the public believe," Ales muttered under his breath, reaching a hand to rub his cheek in exasperation. God, why did something stupid have to happen every time that he thought he genuinely would have a day free of worries? That was his first mistake, thinking he could go an entire day without some sort of problem. Big or small, this one just so happened to land on the far left side of the spectrum.

    Alessandro cleared his throat as he straightened, squaring his shoulders."The party that your friend mentioned. Do you have any clue where it will be held?" He asked quietly, stepping forward and raising a quick hand to push any stray hair from her face. He was suddenly frowning as he looked down to her. "Don't go, please. It'll be more danger than is worth whatever thrill you may find. There's no point in risking yourself that way, tesoro."
    August 6th, 2016 at 03:50am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    His tone surprised Eva, and she dropped her hand, leaning back a little but taking no offence. She saw his hands shake, and took a lot of courage to take one into her hands and give it a small squeeze, unsure of what she could even say or do. As he spoke, she felt the fear of being unable to calm him grow. She had nothing she could do here.

    "Templars?" She repeated, forming a small frown. That must be the soldiers, the officers? She wasn't sure. She didn't want to question more, not that she could, for suddenly he mentioned the party. "At a pub, my friend said," She replied automatically, "I can find out. I will find out." She was even more surprised at the hand near her face, glancing up from the ground at a him again. "Why? It is just a gathering of soldiers, at a local bar, what could go wrong?" She put a hand on her hip, pouting lightly, "What, am I not to go but you will?"

    She sighed, waving a hand lightly, "You know, I almost thought you'd ask me to go seduce a templar into an alley so you could stab him." She fixed her dress, glancing around in the alley to make sure they were still alone. "I will go. I have not seen my friend for a long time, and I wish to have some social fun. I can take care of myself." Eva looked away, somehow feeling guilty just for saying that but it wasn't like they were in a relationship of sorts.
    August 6th, 2016 at 04:15am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Alessandro scoffed at her questioning and shook his head. "You can't possibly be serious. Let me put it to you this way," he paused to gather his thoughts so he could put it in a proper sort of way. Something that would make sense to her and not just seem like words. "As an assassin, I've a duty to report to the Master of their presence. It's only a matter of time until things go sour," he explained slowly, a slight frown deepening as he struggled with what to say next. He didn't feel it was the right time to admit that he felt some kind of something in relation to her, they were nothing more than good friends. But a good friend could be concerned for her well being, couldn't they?

    Shock replaced the anger that had been so easily displayed on his face. Ales would have never asked something like that of her but now that she had offered, it was out in the open. If the opportunity was given, why shouldn't he? Heaving a sigh, Ales ran a hand through his hair before he finally spoke again. "D'Angelo, he had an eye on you. It would be easy for you," Ales spoke, hesitating long enough to clear his throat. "At the slightest indication that he knows what's going on, you need to leave. I don't care if that means not completing the task, your safety is far more important. Another go at him will come in due time."

    Ignoring her other comments, Alessandro reached to set a hand on her shoulder this time around. "I need to know that you understand what this means. I can't ask you to accompany me if you don't, if you're uneasy about it in even the slightest of ways. If you hesitate at the wrong moment and can't get away, something bad could happen. That's one of the last things I want."
    August 6th, 2016 at 04:25am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    It was her turn to fix him with a small scoff and glare, "You would ruin the nights of innocents to complete your own dirty work? You could stab him in an alley, why cause the riot in a pub where civilians would be?" She pointed out. She took a small breath to calm herself, but assassin or templar or not she found it silly to ruin the fun of a few locals. She played with the little frills in her dress, looking up when he mentioned D'Angelo had an interest. "Did he?" She teased, paused to consider it. It had been silly of her to blurt out such a thing, but if it had to be done, it had to be done.

    "Why?" She turned to him, "Before I agree to commit a man to his death, I want to know..." She trailed, frowned, then said, "No, I want to know - is his death justified? Dont tell me what he did. Just if his death is worth the mess." She put a finger to her cheek and offered Ales a small smug smile, "Oh, and I'd like to be paid for it. If I can't get my dose of fun from him, then I'd still like to benefit somehow. Money would be nice." She rubbed her finger and thumb together, her eyes taking on a mischief filled but serious at the same time look. "Don't you worry. If what you and Abelie say is true, that he did look at me with interest, then I will seduce him. I will bring him out to wherever you need. Give me the time and place and I will make him come."

    Charming a man once he had looked to her with even the slightest of interest would require work, but it was not work that Eva couldn't do. Out-charm the other girls, take his interest, play a little. It was a shame that such a handsome man would have to die. D'Angelo looked like he knew how to have fun in bed. Eva supposed that'd just have to remain an imagination.
    August 6th, 2016 at 04:58am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    "No. I would wait, he's got to retire upstairs at some point unless he drinks himself into a stupor," Alessandro said, crossing his arms. He grit his teeth, trying to ignore the logic of her words. It was as if she was an assassin, arguing that innocent people shouldn't be harmed and it was something that he thoroughly agreed with. It was just a shame that the Templars did not. "D'Angelo is not the charming man that you may think he is."

    Alessandro looked alarmed as Eva began to question D'angelo's death. It would happen, whether by his blade or another assassin. With someone of such high importance so near by, it would be a fail on their part to let him go. Someone of such high profile didn't always let their guard down long enough for an assassin to be able to strike but he thought that this was a good opportunity. With the promise of a bit of fun, he doubted that D'angelo would deny Eva a stroll into the alley. What sane man would? He certainly wouldn't but whether he was sane or not was an entirely different concept.

    "His death is more than justified. Perhaps at another time, I can explain further why he's such a desirable target?" Alessandro offered, hoping that would sate whatever curiosity she still had despite denying it.

    Despite the tension that hung in the air, Alessandro only shook his head in response to her inquiry of coin. "I'm sure that I can provide more fun that that poor excuse of a man could ever, tesoro. But if you insist, I'll pay whatever price. I assure you that my pocket can afford to."

    Alessandro cleared his throat as the clock tower struck again. "I've got to return to the den, I will drop by your chicken coop later for last minute details, okay? Oh, and please, keep smart," he murmured, a little apprehensive smile offered before he turned to ascend the wall behind him. There was little time to waste, so much so that he would offer to say none at all.
    August 6th, 2016 at 05:21am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    "What if he brings a lady with him?" She raised her eyebrow and also crossed her arms. "Or is that just a trait of yours? Poor ladies." She laughed softly, trying to lighten the mood but her attempts fell flat it seemed. His answer on D'Angelo's justified death was enough. She shook her head. "I'll take your word." She took a moment, checking with herself that yes, she would go through with this, and once sure that yes she could do such a thing, as mean as it was, she nodded lightly to herself.

    "Bed is great, but I need to get by somehow too. I'm sure your Master or whoever can pay, I don't ask for much." And she stated her price, keeping her gaze on him. It wasn't high, but it wasn't low and cheap either. This was her own safety and reputation she put in, and she would have it paid for well. It was enough to leave the city with more than one change of clothes and food for a week. It would help her own self in her finance greatly. A lot.

    Nodding to the meeting place, she watched him go, so quick and easy that she wondered perhaps was he even human? He moved like a cat, climbed as if he was being pulled up. Such skill. Eva turned around and walked out, seeking out her friend with whom she spent the rest of her free time with and found out as much as she could. She even visited the little pub and walked around a while, though it was filled with people, she knew it was empty at night. Besides, she had been there once or twice. She knew the layout.
    The sun was setting, and Eva set out on her little trip to the chicken coop, feeding the chickens one last time, and making sure all was well before starting to lock up. All the same, she kept an ear and an eye out for Ales, should he come as he said he would. She had the pub's name, the few other details and wanted confirmation of a few more points. Would he be alone? With a partner?
    August 6th, 2016 at 05:41am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    "My blade never touched you, will never touched you. Will never touch a lady unlucky enough to be in the same sort of situation you were in not long ago," Alessandro answered with ease enough that it was more of a robotic response than anything. There were three rules that he lived by, three oaths that he would never break. Not if his life came down to it. Alessandro gave a nod when she named her price and soon enough they separated, each to go on their own initial tasks to complete the coming mission.

    The moment that he stepped into the den, Alessandro called out for a meeting. Everyone. While he was no master, he was respected well enough that when he demanded something that was obviously serious, people listened. Standing in the main courtyard, Ales was quiet until the Master appeared and soon, he was speaking. Ranting about the Templars, of all the wrongdoings they had done, a personal one that Ales would never speak of, but it reverberated with everyone still. A hatred for people who abused their power, who thought they were above others.

    It was longer than Alessandro would have liked before he got the chance to step away from the den - dressed in full gear. His white assassin robes with a thick, red waist belt that from above his belly button down to the bottom of his hip bones. Alessandro didn't often like to flaunt his status but oh, was he going to tonight. D'Angelo would pay for his sins and oh, would he know exactly what was happening. His death would be swift but in those brief moments when he was still alive, Ales would have to enjoy them before he set about paying the man's body his due respects.

    Alessandro slipped into the chicken coop just as the sun dipped below the horizon, half expecting that Eva would have left by this point. He was mighty relieved to find the girl still sitting there. Lingering by the doorway, Ales bit down on the inside of his cheek. "Several assassins will be within hearing distance, within the pub as needed. Some you may know as high members of society but they won't come into play unless it becomes a dire sort of situation. To ensure our safety since there will be so many Templar, it's best."

    Looking up to her, Alessandro waited for whatever information she held, anticipating whatever changes may need to be made.
    August 6th, 2016 at 06:44am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    Eva turned around to find Ales in the doorway, and smiled lightly. She was dressed to go, looking very wonderful in her lavender and white, and a cloak over her shoulders should it get cooler. She neared him as to keep her voice down and said, "So you won't be alone?" She managed a small nervous smile, "If so, please don't wait too long. Else I might just have to go through, and then you'll all have a wonderful show, and no dead guy."

    She didn't mind having sex with D'Angelo, he was a handsome man. There was nothing wrong about him, apart from his being a templar but Eva could pretend she didn't know that, or know it and have a thrill of being one of the select few that got the pleasured end of the stick. But it was the alley that annoyed her. She wasn't the the type to go at it in backstreets and alleys like some courtesan for a couple of coin.

    "I can't promise he won't bring anyone else with him." She shrugged, then listen off the details of the pub, the back streets, the ideal place where she would try to lead him (a little courtyard, away from prying eyes but open to the sky). She played with the lace at her sides, quite aware of the lovely scent of her perfume, the exposed skin and the very visible curves as the top of her breasts, enough to tease but not enough to leave nothing to the imagination. Just the right amount. The corset was only a little tight, but it would buy time for D'Angelo to fumble with if it came to that.

    Eva lifted her little hand held fan and covered the lower half of her face, concealing the grin that spread over her lips. "Oh, your eyes are so cold and serious. It thrills me." She laughed, and walked out of the coop, away from him. She had nothing more to say, and the time to go for the pub was now.
    The party was in full swing. Their music and laughter and talk was heard even across the street. Numerous guards stood around, archers lined the roof. Eva sat on D'Angelo's lap, nuzzling now and then, listening to whatever he had to say. It took her a good hour or so since his arrival (and a total of two hours from hers) before finally she had him around her finger, and he was whispering sweet nothings into her ear, and his drink was empty for the fifth time.

    It wasn't difficult to offer him a good time, he didn't say no. He was very much agreeable. She lead him away, stopping now and then to land kisses on his jaw, a stubble a little similar but not quite the same as Ales' and she wondered why on earth she was thinking of another. But D'Angelo wasn't reckless, not quite yet. He had four guards follow them, much to her displeasure.

    "Are they watching us or joining us?" Eva cooed as she lead watched the guards go after them. D'Angelo only smirked, and for a second, Eva felt something was wrong. The moment they stepped out, a carriage appeared, and Eva didn't get a chance to squeak, suddenly shoved in. D'Angelo came into it a second later, shutting the door and the carriage lurched forward and away. And things were going wrong. Very wrong. His crooked smile tilted, "You think I didn't spot them, princess?"
    August 6th, 2016 at 02:10pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    The plan was in place. Alessandro was the one on the closest rooftop to the entrance of the tavern, his eyes trained on the doorway. From time to time, Ales would look up and a signal would be made to one of the brothers that were placed on various tops of buildings along the way toward the alley that Eva was meant to lure D'Angelo into. Alessandro didn't move from his position for what felt like forever but was, in all actuality, only two hours, perking up each time that someone would come or go in hopes that it would be Eva and that bastard D'Angelo. A small wave of disappointment would wash over him each time that it wasn't - what was taking so long? Surely Eva couldn't be taking this long to charm the Templar, the man had already given Eva a telltale smile earlier in the day and it wasn't like she was ugly. In fact, she was the exact opposite - completely and utterly breathtaking even in her daily clothes. It had been more about how she carried herself and less about what material she wore.

    The sound of horses' hooves drew his attention away from the door, his eyes moving to catch the sight of the carriage. That wasn't expected, who was arriving? Ales sneered, returning his gaze to the doorway, only to feel his stomach drop as he watched Eva prance out of the doorway. Maybe the carriage was just going to carry on... but it stopped right in front of the tavern and before Alessandro could react, it sped off. Cursing under his breath, Ales turned and began racing over the rooftops to keep up with the carriage. He hadn't really been expecting the others to follow him but when he tossed a glance over his shoulder, the shadows that moved behind him were just as numerous as when they sat, waiting for Eva to leave the pub.

    Alessandro couldn't figure out where he had gone wrong, what had happened in there? Something surely, was it of Eva's doing? Someone else picked up on the cues? Grunting as he dodged around a set of bricks in his way, Alessandro very nearly stopped in his tracks when he figured out where they were going. A tower where Eva would be held captive - regardless of how killed the assassins on her trail were, there was no climbing a tower that was guarded well enough.

    Willing himself to move faster, Ales leapt to the ground beneath them. He made his way around the corner, letting out a shrill whistle to, he hoped, ease whatever worry Eva had. He was here, he would figure this out, how he didn't have a clue, but Alessandro wasn't about to let her pay the ultimate price because he had dragged her into something that he should have never even considered in the first place.

    (I feel like this is shit, I'm sorry Facepalm )
    August 7th, 2016 at 12:31am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    Eva's main concern was of the assassin's and how long they would have waited, depending on her to lead this fucker out and now she was being kidnapped. It felt like a wild story that she did not wish to participate in, and D'Angelo's rather cruel smile was getting on her nerves. He had a knife to her throat for the most of the ride, threatening and demanding information, but Eva played the innocent silly girl unaffiliated with anyone and eventually D'Angelo gave up asking. She completely missed the whistle however, too busy on keeping D'Angelo away from her throat.

    It didn't take long to get to the tower in the middle of an empty farm, and she was all tied up and rushed up the stairs where she was made to sit in a chair under a huge cauldron of oil serving as fuel for a burning light. The tower was higher than the buildings around it, the courtyard was exactly where D'Angelo wanted his pursuers to go. From the open area under the flame, Eva could see quite the layout of his little not-so-smart trap. All the assassins had to do was send in enough of their people into the courtyard and use as a distraction while a few others took out the archers behind the tower, and creep up on the fucker after taking out the two guards behind Eva. She only hoped it was that easy, but she was not one to know the details and surely traps were everywhere.

    He paced around and finally, someone appeared in the courtyard. D'Angelo sprang to the edge of the balcony and triumphantly looked down. "Quite unwise of you to send a few assassins in to the pub, ruining a good night, are we?" He laughed, "A little birdy whispered their names to me." He then gestured to Eva, who looked quite angry at being tied with her hands behind her back and sat in a chair with a rag over her mouth. "And your girl is a tough one, I'm impressed at the very least. She wouldn't say anything of you, claimed she didn't know who 'assassins' were even with the knife up to her throat. But, of course, you are here." He laughed, and walked over to Eva, running a finger along her jaw, sneering loud enough for down below to hear, "What say you? I'll skewer your friends and then we have a good time in front of them?"

    Eva mumbled something into the rag, and stomped her heel onto D'Angelo's foot. The guy swore and backhanded her, and Eva quietened, glaring at the back of his head, but seeing past that noticed an archer turn and vanish on one of the towers. She quickly looked away.

    August 7th, 2016 at 01:02am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    It hadn't taken very much time for Alessandro to piece together exactly who D'Angelo once, before he made his way to the chicken coop to meet Eva. If all things were as planned, Ales would have some sort of peace and as he walked toward the tower. The rage had sort of blinded him to the very real situation - Eva was caught in a trap that had been unknowingly laid for her. It wasn't fair. He should have never dared to ask her for such a thing but he had thought nothing could go wrong, after all, Templars were just rowdy, stupid men who didn't know how to so much as wipe themselves as far as he was concerned. Let alone be able to see an assassination attempt staring them down.

    Listening to D'Angelo's voice from down below, it made his skin crawl. The man was just as full of himself as the last time they had met, it was just unfortunate for D'Angelo that he didn't realize who was down below. It was known that tonight, the target was his and his alone - an unspoken promise between the assassins that surround them.

    "Oh, sweet D'Angelo," Alessandro called, his tone taking on a sickeningly sweet aspect to it. "Why don't you come down? I just want to talk." His arms were spread out from his sides to show that he wasn't going to make anyy sudden movements so that an arrow wouldn't pierce his skin. As he finished speaking, one whizzed by his head, a warning, but Ales only smiled as he dropped his head down to eye where the arrow had impacted with the ground.

    "It's most unfortunate for you that you never learned how to search. Maybe it would have saved you the headache of your men praying all around you. I don't suspect that God will hear them, my apologies." Ales' eyes ran over the archers that were kneeling, heads dropped, and some slumped forward that couldn't be seen. No matter. They were done with, it didn't really matter what they attempted to do - D'Angelo's men were gone. He was alone, Ales wondered briefly just how deep the Templar realized he was. There was no where for him to go, his only shield was Eva and it was only a matter of time before she wasn't enough.

    "Or," Alessandro began, turning to make his way into the tower. "I could always come up to you if you're wanting to play hard to get," he called up as he began to take the stairs. Three steps up, Alessandro dropped his blades to the ground - letting the echo fill the air. "No weapons, darling. I just want to talk."
    D'angelo's brows pulled together in confusion at the assassin's words. Search? What in the world was the man talking about? Stepping closer to Eva, he glanced out the window, only to freeze in his place when he noticed the lack of movement from the archers stationed outside. It wasn't very hard at all to piece together what had happened, he was alone. His only ticket out was through Eva.

    A predatory gaze landed on her, that same cocky grin returning despite his rather intense lack of confidence. Clearing his throat, D'angelo stepped forward to brush the back of his hand gently over her cheek. "Tell me, Eva. What are your friends worth to you? Do they mean more than your own life?"
    August 7th, 2016 at 05:30am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    While the two men exchanged words, Eva struggled in her spot, finally freeing the rag out of her mouth but not enough that it completely fell off. Now it just sat over her mouth, but at least she wasn't suffocating on it. She shot D'Angelo an angry look that would have been quite cute if the situation had not been serious.

    "I have no idea what you're talking about, I don't know any of them," She replied firmly, tilting her head away from his fingers, deciding she no longer wanted it so. These friends were not her friends, and that was the truth. She only really knew Ales, and his name she wouldn't dare say. As for worrying about their lives, she sure was not worried about it. They were trained assassins - they would survive somehow, do a flip and vanish. She was not one. The only thing she was worried about was the cauldron of oil above her head, if that were to be tipped any moment... She looked down at the ground, angrily kicking away a stray straw with the toe of her shoeless foot. It had gotten lost somewhere on the way up, now she had only one heel, not that it mattered much. She'd find it later.

    The two guards stationed by the door looked rather worried, and kept glancing at each other. Eva wished, in vain, that she could see the door, but really only saw the endless night sky and the horizon out the window to which she faced. How much time did she need to buy for Ales? If any? Or herself? There was a step outside the door, and D'Angelo had a little panic (at least, Eva liked to believe so) for Eva was snatched up and held between him and the door, with a small knife to her throat and only now, with the blade quite almost cutting her skin, Eva felt a somewhat reasonably scared. But she kept her eyes on the opened door, and on the guards, a little struggle now and then to have D'Angelo grip her tighter.

    "This," She mumbled into the rag to somewhat distract D'Angelo if it needed to be, "Is not what I had in mind about a good time."
    August 7th, 2016 at 06:04am