Catching At the Wind

  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Alessandro kept his distance from the sparring pair, struggling to decide on who he should focus his attention on more. Juro or on Eva? She had certainly improved her technique over the past few weeks and it was likely all due to her lessons here because she was displaying things that he had never taught her. Things that he never would have even considered to teach her. He grit his teeth and tried to focus a little more on the scene in front of him, cocking his head to the side. Impressive. That's what this display was. He couldn't help but be surprised by how well she was doing, he would even go as far as to say he was pleasantly surprised.

    Eva always managed to do that with him though. Always managed to impress Ales, she was always quick to learn whatever was being taught to her. He couldn't help but to remember her comment from yesterday about a tongue being cut out - was this all from a survival instinct? If she learned quickly and did well, that would mean she was more valuable. The more valuable a servant, the less likely they were to suffer any harsh conditions. A hurting servant was worth little if they couldn't complete their job - it was a certain protection afforded to the best servants. A double edged sword because should they ever screw up, then their world could come crashing down almost too easily.

    "Of course. It would be my pleasure," Alessandro answered, bowing his head ever so slightly as he bent at the waist. He stepped forward to take Juro's position. He offered a slight smile when Eva turned to him, almost a challenge.

    Bringing his hands up, Ales stepped forward only once Juro indicated for the spar to begin.
    September 9th, 2016 at 08:32pm
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    The bundle of worry and nervousness built up in her far too quickly as he stood up. She was to fight Ales? He was surely already judging her, should she make a fool of herself even more? She was not confident in her abilities against him. No, she knew she was far from perfect or skilled. Maybe she could take on the usual robber, but not an assassin. She'd have to be cunning and smart again. Quick. Foxy.

    Focus. Like a wave, she let the word wash over and bring her back to the inner core of herself, quickly building up on her awareness of her surroundings, but staying all in control of her own self. She watched as Ales neared, and raised her hands when he did. She took a moment, keeping her eyes on his, but studying his entire body and the way it moved, for she could see all from here.

    He was fast and he was strong, sure, what advantage did she have at all? Eva felt her brows twitch closer together. She'd try a sweep. If she could knock him down, then that would be nice. All this took a mere second or two, and she stepped quickly in, hands up and ready to block whatever punch or grab or attack he'd throw at her, throwing a quick but not full punch out towards his face, quick so she could retract it fast, at the same time bringing a leg forward to sweep him over. She'd have to avoid his hits. They would hurt a lot more. Juro's were many but very quick and it built up in pain to render you useless and to throw you about however he liked, Ales' were few and usually final. If she knew anything about him at all that is.
    September 9th, 2016 at 10:48pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    As annoyed as he was sure Eva probably was with him, Alessandro hoped that she would come to understand why he had made the decisions that he did. Sure, Ales still thoroughly agreed with the Master's decision to send Ales after her the day before, he could see where she was coming from a mile away. He almost considered the idea that should roles have been reversed, Ales would have felt the same way that she did but as quickly as the thought crossed his mind, he threw it right out. There was no room for thoughts like that in the middle of a spar.

    Ales' hits weren't nearly as hard as they could have been. He followed through with each one but pulled back just at the last moment so that there be no full impact. Ales didn't think the fight would be fair or that it would last for very long at all if he went all out. And then what would the point of this little meet up be? Absolutely nothing.

    Before Alessandro really understood what was going on, Eva had knocked him off of his feet. It took a moment as he stared up at her in mild shock and something akin to admiration before his mind was back in the fight. Catching the leg that she kicked at him with, Ales continued to pull at her leg so that she would hopefully be off balanced and fall on top of him so that he could flip them over.
    September 10th, 2016 at 07:50pm
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    Eva would have liked to take a moment to celebrate her small victory upon seeing Ales on the ground, but there was no time, for her moment of surprise was a moment of hesitation and that was enough for him to grab her leg. He pulled, and she knew exactly what he wanted. No. Not today. Eva launched herself forward with her free leg, following through with his pull but keeping her balance, so that instead she would step on him with the captured leg, shifting all her weight onto it (he wanted to pull? Well, he'd have to hold all of her now - she thought), and bringing the second one as a knee high up ready for a stomp down onto his ribs. She brought her foot down hard and fast, all intent on the ribs, but knowing full well that just a finger-width's distance away she would stop, and already she angled her foot just enough so that the foot would hit the ground by his ribs if she didn't slow in time. It was a simple move, but a deadly one. One Juro taught her well enough.

    At that same time, she drew her right arm back into a striking position, should he knock her leg aside, she would fall down onto him into a crouch position, and put the supposed-blade into his chest, or throat, wherever her right hand would land. It expertly hid behind behind her stomping leg, a surprise. As Juro taught. Hide one punch behind another.

    Of course, he could always pull some secret move and twist her off balance, but she hoped her entire weight shifting onto his body as he pulled would throw him off and make him worry about the weight and not the impending doom on his ribs. Hopefully.
    September 10th, 2016 at 09:45pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Always anticipate, always expect the next move from your opponent. Never live in the present, always in the future because it could be the matter of life and death when it came to a real fight. When it was either you or them, you had to be able to see the fight from your opponent's shoes if you wanted any chance at survival.

    Alessandro didn't know what else to do with all of Eva's weight in his hands. So he grit his teeth and his muscles tensed as he threw the girl backward as hard as his position would allow. He scrambled backward and jumped to his feet, his hands raising the moment that his feet were even remotely on his feet. Ales smirked as he raised an eyebrow, careful to keep the distance between Eva and him. He hadn't thought she would do so well and it was taking longer than he would have preferred to get his thoughts back on track.

    Clearing his throat, Ales straightened a bit, deciding to go on the defensive. He didn't think she'd be brave enough to attempt a full on attack but then again, he hadn't thought she would do a lot of the things she had done recently. Ales was slowly beginning to learn that she was fully capable of doing whatever it took to be successful and that was a great source of pride with a minor sense of surprise still coiled at the bottom of the pride.

    (wow I feel this is shit, I am sorry lmfao )
    September 11th, 2016 at 09:00pm
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    ["the moment that his feet were even remotely on his feet." lmfao his feet have feet of their own; I'm sorry I find this hilarious ]

    It wasn't the foot that hit the ground but her back, and she saw the sky, and it took a moment to realise what had happened. Already though, instinct was telling her to get up and she rolled away from the source of assault and jumped up into a crouch position to at least get her bearings. When she saw Ales wasn't coming at her, she allowed herself to relax a little and reassess the situation. His little smirk made her pursue her lips. What a smug thug.

    Of course, she couldn't repeat the same attack, that'd be too obvious. As she slowly circled him, looking for an opening, and it wasn't until her shoe kicked some small rock in the ground that she realised what she could do. She braced herself, and in a quick lunge forward, grabbed a handful of soil, smoothly going into her next step as she flung the dirt at Ales' face. Yeah, his arms would protect him, and were barriers she knew she couldn't get past, but nothing was near his legs, and certainly not near his thigh. So as the dirt flew, she rushed after it, pivoting sharply on one foot to send a kick to the inner of his thigh, and keeping in mind she'd have to retract it really quickly so he wouldn't catch her leg again, but hopefully he was busy with the dirt. Hopefully all this worked, that is. Else she was just rushing into him with a kick and a small guard of arms and she'd have to think what to do next there and then, in his close proximity and she wasn't ready for that. She could hit his neck, or a small jab up behind his ribs to make him lose air, but there wasn't much else, and he was a trained assassin after all. Eva knew this. Realistically, he could make a pancake out of her if he so chose.
    September 12th, 2016 at 01:11am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    (Smug thug is almost as good lmfao )

    The dirt was nearly a welcome surprise. A trick that Ales wasn't fond of but then again, when you had no other choice sometimes it was all that would save you. The kick to his thigh made his stumble backward but his instincts were kicking in, screaming for him to lash out and reach for what had hit him. It wasn't a sharp pain, no it was more like a dull, aching pain that served to annoy him more than hurt him.

    Gripping the leg, Ales rushed forward and lifted as he did so to lay Eva flat on her back. One hand placed firmly on her shoulder while the other still gripped at the leg that had kicked out at him.

    "Dead," Ales muttered the word, pressing a bit more weight onto Eva before he finally pulled away from her. He turned away from her, no longer interested in the little session between them. Nothing about it had really felt right - he was wrong. Ales trudged toward where his things lay and all but yanked his shirt into his body followed by his robes and finally his weapons.
    September 12th, 2016 at 01:55am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    [It's a mouthful tbh XD]

    Again, she hadn't withdrawn her leg fast enough (it seemed a common mistake of hers) and for that she paid. She hopped back with grit teeth as he pushed and found herself on her back again. Some little stick dug itself into her shoulder blade and she winced all the more, but struggled to free. The struggle was short lived and as she started to sit up to fight back he put a hand on her shoulder and she was as good as he said she was - dead.

    The push also knocked the fight out of her, and very much all her breath. She arched her back a little to free the stick from its painful position and slumped back to the ground, looking once at Ales only to realise their proximity. Such thoughts! In this moment! She quickly looked away, feeling a little flustered and shied away from him best she could, suddenly very self-conscious though it seemed she was the only one affected. Why now, of all moments? After a small squeak at the applied weight, she rolled onto her side once free and forced herself up.

    Brushing dust and dirt off, she squared her shudders and looked from Ales' back (he was quite done apparently) to Juro. "You're over kicking, and thus you can't pull back in time. Either you take his leg out bone and all, or you pull back." Juro said patiently as he neared. Eva nodded, listening to what else he had to say - but overall he said she did alright, for Ales was clearly trained and was much stronger, and one day she'd be able to get there, but now she had to know her place and care.

    The lesson was ended. Eva jogged to catch up to Ales, peeking out from beside him at his face. "Are you going back now?" If so, she'd follow him, not that she didn't know where to go, it just was nice to watch him from behind. Also provided a good opportunity to perfect her step and watch an older assassin and how they behave about the city.
    September 12th, 2016 at 02:33am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    "Why? You going to follow me if I am?" Alessandro responded, tugging his hood further onto his head to better conceal his features. This was going to b a short trip back to the den because he had already stayed out longer than necessary - he was sure the master was stewing in his anger. An anger that would undoubtedly be well disguised as concern for the den. Gritting his teeth at the mere thought, Ales rolled his shoulders as he glanced slightly behind him but not enough to catch sight of Eva. "Or are you going to start interrogating me, tesoro? Which is it?"

    Alessandro didn't want for an answer, instead he continued to rush out of Juro's home. He made a beeline for the nearest alley to all but climb the wall like it was nothing. His fingers gripped at the wall's smallest indents, the things that no one else would bat an eye at. It was funny how builders didn't think the little indents mattered, how when you were even just a few feet away you couldn't detect them but when you became so adept at climbing.

    They were nearing the den and it was only at that time that Ales slowed enough that Eva would catch up to him. He was quiet for a long moment before he decided to speak. "I don't intend on answering any of the Master's questions. I expect that you won't tell anyone of what I've recently discovered? Including your friend, Jean. Deal?"
    September 12th, 2016 at 04:19am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    Eva flinched lightly. That wasn't expected. "Would you rather I take another path?" She replied a bit too snappily. She thought it had been obvious but even so, apparently not. She followed him anyway, keeping her distance and ignoring his last question for he was too far away for her to answer. The whole trip she kept silent, wondering what on earth was wrong, and what she ever did to annoy him so. Surely he wasn't mad over the little deliveries. She hoped not. Where she had planned to watch and learn, she abandoned. Now she simply wasn't in the mood. There was only so many times Eva could try to keep cheerful, try to start fresh and anew.

    Upon reaching the den and Ales as he slowed, she kept her distance from him. Even so, she was sure her anger vibrated off her in lovely waves as he spoke. Why? She wanted to demand. And she opened her mouth to protest, brows moved together but stopped herself and shut her mouth instead. After a pause, she said, "I don't understand why but fine." She shrugged, keeping her voice and head low. There wasn't any reason to argue. It'd just make things more sour and worse, and she wondered if shutting up would at least satisfy him somewhat.

    By the entry, she stopped and hesitated. She didn't want to go in just yet. Perhaps she could go for a little walk down to the river nearby and take some time off, to mediate on her thoughts as Juro would have said. Eva toed the ground, and without a word started off to the side. Maybe she could weave a little flower crown. Yeah, that'd be cute. The thought made her a little happier, and she allowed herself a small smile. Watch the sun set, watch the little creek change its colour. Yeah. Sounds good.
    September 12th, 2016 at 04:44am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    "You don't understand a lot of things, tesoro. I don't really blame you," Alessandro answered with a shrug of his shoulders. He tossed a glare over his shoulder, only to catch Eva turning toward the river. His eyes narrowed and instinctively, he took a step forward, his mouth opening so that he could call out to her. Where in the world was she going and what was she planning to do? At the last possible moment, Ales stopped the words from coming out. No. He couldn't, he had no right to question her. He had already done enough to cause problems, he wasn't about to do that twice in the span of less than a day. If he didn't manage to redeem himself somehow, their training would go nowhere at all.

    With a rough sigh, Ales turned away and stalked into the den. He wasted no time in heading to the library and straight over to the master's office.
    A few weeks had gone by since Alessandro had trailed after Eva. Things had been rather rocky between the two. Ales had managed to reel in his emotions, almost a bit too much because now whenever he saw the girl, it was all about training. The whys were explained thoroughly, adjustments were made without complaint because he had realized what may work for him and even for others may not work for Eva. She was an entirely different individual. What worked for her was largely different because she seemed to need an entire explanation that didn't simply consist of 'do this, it'll work'. It was something that Ales had come to terms with but he'd kept her at a distance for he had thoroughly convinced himself that what he had done was unforgivable.

    They never did have a clue when the festivities would begin - it took a lot of coordinating because there were always assassins out on missions so when it came time to celebrate, word would get out. Slowly, over the span of a few days, they would no longer receive missions and like clockwork, the excitement would grow. It would brew and brew until they were brought to the courtyard. The direction would be offered by the Master that the festivities would begin in the evening, whatever they could put together in the mean time was what they had to work with.

    Alessandro stood to the back of the courtyard, his eyes trained on the Master as he made the announcement. finally. It would be Eva's first time witnessing their parties and oh, he doubted she had any clue what was coming. With a mild smirk, Ales pushed off from the wall he was leaning against, making his way toward where he had spotted Eva entering earlier. When he couldn't seem to find her, Alessandro tilted his head backward and whistled that same, familiar noise, hoping to get her attention.

    (omg I rambled and feel like I went nowhere Facepalm )
    September 14th, 2016 at 05:47am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    (Too cute tehe)

    Eva wasn't sure what to expect when she entered the courtyard, seeing so many assassins in the one place. She, wide eyes all about, started towards the centre then turned sharply and made her way to where her nose lead her, to the food stalls and to the tables, eager to check out what things were available.

    Sure, she hadn't seen many women - and the only two she had seen, she saw very little off. One, Maria, was barely ever around. The other - whose name she didn't catch - was more around but less friendly. She seemed to be popular wit the men, and was talented but also beautiful in a godly like way and Eva wondered how that was even fair. Not that she envied her, the attention was far too great, and Eva preferred to be hidden in the shadows and not sorted every few seconds.

    Apart from those two, the whole thing was a sausage fest and already she had sorted them all into groups. The ugly, the creepy, the alright, the friendly, the useful, the ones who gave tips, the good looking, the Ales, and the not important ones. She was a girl after all, and just because she trained to be an assassin did not put her above checking any men out. She was still young and fruitful. Young and lovely and cheeky. Knowledgeable too. It was good to walk past the fields to the stall of horses out back at a certain time in the morning. There were occasionally shirtless men. Heh.

    Her hand reached for a small pastry when she heard the whistle. She paused, looked over her shoulder but didn't see Ales. She took the pastry and but into it, holding it in between her teeth as she lightly took an absent-minded bite, still looking for the source. Some people were dancing, there was music, it was getting quite rowdy. Eva slipped away from the table back into shadows, keeping an eye out for him, but not quite looking where she was going, bumping into some soft chest with a small squeak.
    September 14th, 2016 at 07:08am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Large red pieces of cloth were draped above the courtyard, creating a faux ceiling. The pieces came from various points around the outer edge of the courtyard, woven intricately to make the ceiling firm. Golden pieces were mixed within, celebrating the sun that they lived under. There would undoubtedly be acrobatics at some point once the rituals were out of the way. Once the party really began, everything was on the table. Nothing would be stopped short of an assassin severely harming another or even themselves.

    With a sigh, Alessandro twisted around and let out that very same whistle again. Would Eva try to replicate it? She hadn't quite learned it just yet but the others around didn't so much as bat an eye - it was something they were all used to hearing that it became like second nature so unless you knew to look out for it, you didn't bother to listen to.

    Alessandro caught sight of Eva and breathed out a small sigh of relief, making his way through the crowd before he reached her. A smirk flashed onto his features as he reached out, brushing his fingers along where her hip surely lay beneath her robes. "Tesoro, come. Since it's your first festival, we should get down below so that you can take in the rituals in all their glory. So that you don't miss any of it," Ales spoke quietly, dipping his head low enough so that she would be able to hear him over the ever increasing volume. The excitement could be felt, it was nearly vibrating through the air. "Not because of your height... or anything," he teased, backing away from her after a moment so that she could turn around to face him.

    "If you're willing, that is."
    September 14th, 2016 at 08:07pm
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    [I'm so sorry this is short. It was like squeezing juice out of a dried lemon or something Facepalm my brain was just not working Dx]

    The whistle came again and momentarily Eva wondered if she should dare replicate and reply, but she'd be laughed at certainly for she had not perfected it, and decided it was best to avoid it. Especially in front such a crowd. This night was quite pretty for now, she didn't want to run away from the decorative ceiling and banners and cloths and lovely food-filled table into her room, just because she made a mistake. So she kept looking around as she walked, pastry bun tightly held in her hand and half-eaten so until she bumped into the man and by voice recognised Ales.

    "Rituals?" She echoed as she turned around to face him - luckily as he stepped away, else she would have come face to his chest and then it would have been nice to breathe in and lean on. Eva stepped after him, her curiosity getting the better of her. His little poke at her height made her huff and she gave a small pout, but it wasn't anger, it was her being flustered, and suddenly quite shy and aware of their height difference. Again. "Hooligan," she muttered under her breath, but stepped again to follow after him anyway.
    September 14th, 2016 at 11:00pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    (Pat it happens, nothing to apologize for)

    Aleessandro led the way over to the stairs that ultimately led down to the crypts beneath the den. He was quiet as he led the way, a slight smirk on his lips as he descended beneath the Earth. His feet touched the ground that so many before him had walked on and reaching over, Ales picked up the lit torch that guarded the entrance day in and day out. As he walked through the tunnels, he lit each one that he passed by with due vigilance.

    They came to a large centre room and as he spun around ever so slowly in a circle, a gentle smile came to his lips. There was a symbol carved into the wall behind him and as Eva took in everything around them, he motioned with a hand to it. "We do not follow a specific religion here, no. But we follow the law that nothing is just in the world, that those whom are unjust in the world need to be brought to the light. If we can rid the world of evildoers, then we make the world a better place. One day, one person, one mission at a time."

    Alessandro sighed as he glanced to the side, to a corridor that led away and down to the room that held his family. Part of him wanted so desperately to follow it, to show Eva more about himself. Tell her more about why he was the way he was but would it even do any good? Any at all?

    "We pay homage here, to each of the assassins that truly stood out. The ones that achieved perfection, the masters of our craft. The ritual only lasts a bit, you shouldn't get too bored," Ales explained quietly, gripping one wrist behind his back. His face was void of any emotion and for once, he was thankful for all of the training he had received. Ales could distance himself from his emotions, as much as he seemingly could which he hoped would be enough.

    "I think that after tonight, hopefully, you will understand a bit more."
    September 15th, 2016 at 05:51am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    Eva followed quietly, and although she had been down here before (not that he would know, hopefully) she didn't really get the look the first time around, and this time it was utterly amazing. She could see everything in light, everything he pointed out to and all the small details. It was really amazing. Breathtaking.

    In the circular room, she spun around slowly to take in all the things, and then at the symbol to which he gestured, listening intently. She nodded for it seemed reasonable. Though kept her mouth shut on the 'but why', and figured that for once she would just let it be and not ask questions. Things like this were difficult to explain, even if he was willing.

    Following his gaze down to the side and down that corridor, she peered at it but didn't ask what was down it. If he wanted to show, then he would. if not, she wouldn't push. She had already seen enough. With a small laugh, she shook her head, "You make it sound like I don't care about the history." She started a small tour of the room, looking at things closer. "I hope I covered most of the names, there was a lot. And some of the books were in another language too." She paused by one side of the room and glanced back at him with a small smile. Desperately she wished to impress him with the little knowledge she had gained herself, but did not wish to boast either. Would he even be impressed? Who knew. It was assumed knowledge, she supposed.

    "When does it start?" She shyly looked away, "Do I have time for another pastry?"
    September 15th, 2016 at 06:20am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    "You've been studying then?" It came out as more of a question than he would have preferred. Alessandro hadn't taken the time to teach such things to Eva because he had deemed the practical, physical skills far more important. After her first few days at the den, she had seemingly begun to trust that things happened the way they were meant to. She still struggled at times, surely, but Ales did as well. He had just gotten better at pretending that everything was alright, even if it was the a complete and utter fabrication.

    "Then tell me whom is the most fascinating to you," Alessandro spoke, gazing around the room. Eventually, he moved to lean against the wall opposite of her, intent on watching her movements. "Who do you want to know more of? Perhaps if there is a family that interests you the most, there is a relative for you to meet one day." It was an offer that he hadn't really considered until the words fell from his lips but then it was out in the open and he couldn't just take it back so should she name someone, so be it. There may be strings to pull should she name someone that was secluded in nature and even perhaps she would need to pick another should the family no longer have living relatives, or those that weren't aware of their history. But whatever was brought up, Ales would do his best to deliver.

    Alessandro grit his teeth at the mention of another pastry, his eyes slipping back to the archway they had passed through to enter the clearing. "I suppose you probably do. So go on," he paused, motioning with his chin back down the hallway they had walked down. "Don't get lost, tesoro. I'd hate to see what would happen should you and please, do remember to be prompt," he spoke, the stern line of his lips giving way to a gentle smile.

    (if you don't take advantage of the opening Grr )
    September 16th, 2016 at 08:18am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    [I took and gave tehe]

    The question was asked, and Eva didn’t know if she was happier or more relieved. “Of course I have,” she flashed him a smile, “I don’t like to be ignorant where I can avoid it.” She made one full circle around the room, pausing by corridors and peering down them but making no move to walk down them. She paused by one when he asked and thought about it, reaching to release her hair from its tight bun and run her fingers through while she thought.

    “I suppose Altair is quite the interesting one, he made his mistakes, but he redeemed himself well, and he did a lot for the Creed.” She looked to the side, running the names in her mind until she finally stopped on one. Now it wasn’t because of what she saw one night here in the catacombs, but because he was an interesting character. Honestly. Yeah. “But most of all, I think Ezio Auditore was quite the character.” She laughed lightly, turning her head to look at Ales momentarily forgetting everything she saw earlier, “From what I’ve read – oh he did many a good things – but he was quite interesting, unique, and he would be one I would be interested to chat to if I were able to choose from whomever over the timeline. I think, over a meal, he would be an interesting person to talk with.”

    She dropped the braid of her from her hands, and returned her distant gaze to Ales, covering her lips lightly to hide the small smile creeping on. “I will be quick. You won’t even miss me.” She slipped out the hall and fetched a handful of berries and two pastries, returning prompt and within a few minutes, sparing much time to go. She approached Ales with the pastry and handed one to him, picked a cherry from her hand and put it in her mouth, looking at the little tail of it as she ate. “You know,” she said, “Back with my girls, we used to have competitions on whom could tie it into a knot the fastest.” She held the little branch of it up in front of her. It was an alright size. Not too much of a trouble, and added quietly, “I always won.”
    September 16th, 2016 at 09:05am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    As hopeful that Alessandro was, he truly hadn't been expecting the name that fell from Eva's lips. He drew in a sharp breath, his eyes locking on her as she continued to talk about Ezio. He finally managed to force a nod of his head, still not quite sure how he felt. His grandfather was a man that he just barely remembered, the brilliant smile that normally covered his wrinkled, old features. Ales had been far too young to remember anything worth while before his grandfather passed and there had been nothing that Marcello could really offer once Ales had gotten older - nothing that would hint at what their ancestry was. "His son, Marcello, never even knew of the family history. Sort of odd, especially for a family of their calibre. Something to... think about," Alessandro called the last bit out as Eva disappeared back down the hallway.

    Alessandro had assumed a sitting position just outside of the circle that the Master would sit in. His legs were crossed and when he felt, rather than heard, another's presence, he looked up and wasn't surprised by who he saw. The only shock came from the pastry that was presented to him. He hesitated for a moment before taking it, thanking her quietly before he took a tentative bite. Not that he should have been because the offered food was never anything but brilliant.

    "I can't say I'm all that surprised," Ales answered, looking up to her with a smirk. "You are one of the best initiates the den has seen in a long time," he admitted quietly with a nod of his head as if to agree with himself. "So to tie a cherry stem with your tongue, I have to admit it's a bit of a strange competition but sure."

    It wasn't very long before others began to pile into the room, each saying their own personal, silent prayer before sitting in neat lines. Alessandro motioned for Eva to sit beside him. "Pay attention, if you have any questions, I'll answer them after, okay?"
    September 17th, 2016 at 01:21am
  • ashen knight;

    ashen knight; (100)

    She heard him, but gave no response. Yes, quite curious. But perhaps sometimes the truth was withheld to prevent emotional pain, to protect another. Perhaps it was the same here. She couldn't say. She didn't know. The books ended on Ezio and spoke very little of Marcello. His compliment was received with a smile, a genuine true smile. "Is that so? Here you were a few days ago complaining I was the worst." Eva poked his knee. "I still think Jean is a lot better. He learns quick. He's able." She humbly disagreed with Ales, but there was still that little feeling of warmth inside, and she had to look away for she was happy she had pleased him in some sort of training, and for once did something right to receive a compliment as such. There were many reasons for her to think so. She had improved her swordplay, but was still not the best, and often lost the sword in fights and it would fall to the ground and be useless. The longer swords were terrible, but the shorter the blade the better she seemed to wield it. Her knife throwing was fast, her reactions quick, her falls perfected, and her archery and aim so fine they often hit so close together on the target that after five tries, the arrows would start colliding into arrows already in place. Those were perhaps her only strengths. Force just wasn't one of them.

    Grinning when he commented on the knot-tying, she didn't say anymore. Saying more would practically be begging for his opinion, and Eva was not prepared to go so low. There had been another reason for those competitions, but if Ales didn't catch on - or didn't make the appearance of catching on - she wouldn't persist. When more assassins started to come in, Eva hushed, and made a small neat pile inside the little space between her crossed legs, so the little pile of cherry leftovers wouldn't distract anyone, and fixed her attention on the room, watching everything she could. From the prayers to the bows, to the word mutterings, to the way they all sat and how and where, and the positions, and all until the Master came in, and the Ritual began, and Eva felt most out of place. She didn't know how she managed to sit through it, but it felt like she was a stranger, who was intruding, and perhaps it was simply her newness here, and most likely was, so she put it to that.
    September 17th, 2016 at 01:57am