Creatures |Closed RP|

  • Creatures

    Sybella 'Bella' Blackwood & Ryan Sitkowski

    Sirona Rossi & Chris 'Motionless' Cerulli
    August 2nd, 2016 at 12:56pm
  • @ Achilles;


    "Well, I'll be damned." I mumbled to myself as my eyes scanned the text message that had popped up on my phone around 4 this morning. Of course, when I first received it I ignored it because, hello, I was half asleep. Now that it was around ten in the morning I just remembered it and got to looking at it while I was outside having my morning coffee and a cigarette.

    Hey Sybella. I know it's been a few years since we've spoke but we're back in town and Chris and I were wondering if you and Sirona wanted to catch up. Text me back asap. Ryan.

    I sighed and put my cigarette out before grabbing my coffee and heading back inside. My best friend since diapers was just coming downstairs. "Morning Bells." She said as she went into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. "Morning. You won't believe who text me this morning." I said, following her.

    "Who?" She asked.

    "Ryan. He said him and the guys just got back in town and he and Chris were wondering if we wanted to catch up." I said, waiting for her reaction.



    "Has she replied?" I asked Ryan. "Not yet." He said, looking at his phone again, as if willing her to reply. The rest of our friends were sitting in the living room. "They probably hate us for just up and leaving." Balz said. "Well, we couldn't really control that." I said. "How are we going to explain that we're vampires, Chris?" Ricky asked. "I don't know. I figured we'd just come right out and tell them." I shrugged.

    "I don't think that will work." Angelo said, receiving a nod from Balz and Devin. "They'll be terrified of us and we need to make it up to them for missing out in their lives for the last five years." Devin said. I nodded, "you're probably right." I said. "Sybella just texted me." Ryan said, getting all of them to look at him. "What did she say?" I asked. "She's going to call me in about ten minutes." Ryan said. "Even better." I said.
    August 2nd, 2016 at 03:16pm
  • @ nosferatu.


    I turned the tv off. Even though we had it on mute, it was still habit to turn off the television. I had to admit that I was nervous about how this conversation with Bella and Sirona was going to go over. We haven't talked to each other in years, and the fact that we were turned in to vampires made it obvious just how different we were. All of us wanted to make it up to them somehow. We were friends since we were babies. It was hard for us to stay away from them for as long as we did.

    I glanced at Chris as my phone started to ring. I looked at the number even though it had to be her calling. My doubts were getting the best of me.



    I looked at Bella, shocked to hear Ryan text her after the years of not hearing from them. My thoughts immediately went to Chris and how he had disappeared. "Are you going to want to?" I asked. I know that I wanted to see them all and know why they just walked out of our lives. I poured me some coffee and sat down next to Bella.

    "I'm about to call him," she said, hitting the call button. I watched as she put it on speaker phone for the both of us to hear.

    "Hello, Sybella," Ryan said, answering the phone.
    August 2nd, 2016 at 03:36pm
  • @ Achilles;


    "Hi." I said and looked over at Sirona. "I have Sirona with me." I said. "Hey." there was collective response from all the guys, meaning Ryan had the phone on speaker. "Are you guys back in town?" I asked. The last thing I heard about them was that they were on tour in Europe but that was at least three years ago. I stopped keeping up with their Twitters and Instagrams whenever my laptop got stolen and when I got a new one I never remade my accounts.

    "Yes, we've been back for a while." Chris said. I watched Sirona's face light up at the sound of Chris' voice and smiled. "Cool." We both said together. "Do you guys have any plans today?" Balz asked. "Nope. We're both off work for the weekend and we were just going to be lazy." I said. "Well, what if we met up at the old hangout spot?" Ryan said. I looked at Sirona and she nodded. "Sure...give us about an hour to get ready and we'll be there." I said.



    I got so excited when they agreed to meet us at the old hangout spot. "Alright, we'll see you two in an hour." I said and then we all said bye and Ryan hung up. "I wonder how much they've changed." Ricky said. "I tried looking them up on Facebook but all I found was the old ones from high school...and those haven't been updated in years." Angelo said.

    We hadn't seen them in so long, we couldn't remember what they looked like. Last time we saw them, they were still so young looking. Sirona's hair was light brown and wavy and Sybella had died her hair a dark blonde. The two of them didn't even wear makeup in high school. "They'll probably be as beautiful as ever." Devin said, making me nod.

    "Well, he's not lying. I just found Sirona's Instagram." Angelo said. We all moved over to where Angelo was. We looked at the screen in awe. Her bio was simple. It just said her name and that she was 23 and lived in Scraton, PA and loved all things horror and coffee. It had a link to her tumblr too.

    Angelo clicked on the first pic of Sirona, and whom I assumed to be Sybella, and brought it up. It was taken last night. The caption read: Best friend surprised me with horror movies and Starbucks. and had the kissy face emoji. "That can't be them." Ryan said. It was though. The comments even proved it by people that followed them saying their names. "Fuck..." I sighed. "That's what I was thinking." Ricky said, Balz and Devin nodding in agreement. "I didn't think they could get anymore beautiful but they proved us wrong." Angelo said.
    August 2nd, 2016 at 09:07pm
  • @ nosferatu.


    Seeing a picture of Sybella made me suck in a breathe. They were both still so beautiful if not even more so. It was a wonderful thought that we were getting them back in the group. I glanced over at Chris. He was going to through her instagram. "Well, are you just going to stalk her or follow her instagram?" I teased.

    "Already did that," he muttered. "Just seeing when she started dying her hair."

    I rolled my eyes. It wasn't much of a secret that Chris had a special spot in his heart for Sirona. I couldn't blame him. The girls were special to all of us. Though he always lit up when he saw her. "I'm glad I get to see them again," I admitted.

    "Same here," I answered.



    I smiled content as I got dressed and did my makeup. It had been so long since I had talked to Chris or any of the guys. I didn't want to get my hopes up for it to be that they are finally back, but I had missed them. They were a few of my closest friends.

    "Ready?" Bella called from the doorway.

    I stood up and pulled on some boots. "Yup, I am," I answered. Following down her car, I remembered everything about the old hang out spot. We went there all the time. There had been a couple times where it was just Chris and me. We spent hours just talking and laughing. To say that I missed it was an understatement.

    "What if it's not like before?" I asked Bella unsure of what would happen if that's the case.
    August 2nd, 2016 at 11:47pm
  • @ Achilles;


    "We'll burn that bridge when we cross it." I said. "Let's take a selfie for your Instagram since we look so hot." I giggled. "Only if you promise to make a new one...tonight." Sirona said. "Promise. Selfie time!" I said. Sirona held out her phone and snapped a picture of us. She captioned it with About to meet up with some old friends.

    "Well, I'll be damned." Sirona said as we walked to my car and got in. "What's up?" I asked, starting the car up. Instead of answering me, she just shoved her phone at me. I was confused at first until I saw it was her followers list on Instagram and all of the guys had just followed her. "I wonder if they were stalking you.." I teased.



    "Sirona just posted a new photo of her and Sybella." I said. "Which means they're probably on their way to the hangout spot so we should get going." Devin said. I nodded and closed the laptop before following the guys out to the car.

    We got there first of course, since the spot was closest to us. We waited at the old shack that we had turned into a nice little clubhouse back when we were all like thirteen. "I just heard a car pull up." Ricky said, going to the window to look out it. "It's them." He said. I had to calm my nerves. I was so excited about seeing both of them but I was really excited to see Sirona.
    August 3rd, 2016 at 12:01am
  • @ nosferatu.


    I couldn't stay still while we were waiting for them. I had been wondering around the old shack. I was the first out the door of the old place. I smiled widely when I saw Sirona and Sybella both getting out of the car. Chris came to stand next to me. I walked up to Bella opening my arms out to her. She didn't hesitate for the hug.

    "It's nice seeing you guys," I muttered in her ear. I held her tightly too me. It was incredible to finally have her back in my arms. Her arms were wrapped tightly around me.

    "Yeah, right back at you," she replied. I could almost hear the smile in her voice. I squeezed her tighter.

    "Hey, Ryan, we want to say hi too," Ricky said, next to me. I pulled back and watched Ricky hug her and lift her up a bit.



    I saw Chris, and without hesitation, I ran and jumped into his arms. My arms wrapped around his neck as he held me with my feet off the ground. "I've missed you, Sira," he whispered.

    It had been so long since anyone called me Sira. It was a nickname that only he had used. "I missed you too, Chris," I said. I pulled back and smiled at him. I slid down his body as he let me go.

    The rest of the guys came over and gave me a hug. I could feel Chris's eyes on me the entire time. I looked over at him and smiled. It was nice seeing them again.

    "So what have you been up to?" Balz asked.

    "Oh, I have been up to many things. I'm about to go to cosmetology school. I start in about a week," I informed them.
    August 3rd, 2016 at 04:22am
  • @ Achilles;


    I hugged Ricky and then hugged the rest of the guys. Ryan's eyes were on me the whole time and I gave him a smile before we all headed into the old shack. I sat down on one of the beanbag chairs as Sirona explained about how she was about to start cosmetology school. I smiled. I was so happy for my best friend, she was living her dreams.

    "What about you, Bells?" Devin asked me.

    "Nursing." I said.

    "What she isn't telling you is that when she isn't working as a badass nurse she's working as a badass tattoo artist." Sirona said.

    "Really?" Angelo asked, perking up immediately. I nodded, "Yeah." I said. "How else do you think I got all these sweet tats." Sirona said, showing off her tattoos. I rolled my eyes, "hush." I said, giggling softly.



    I smiled as I listened to my two best friends talk about their passions. I was happy for Sira, she always wanted to go to cosmetology school and I was also happy for Sybella. She was always really artistic and I knew she'd go on to do something like tattooing or clothes designing.

    "What about you guys?" Sybella asked.

    "Still making music. We're working on a new album and we have another tour coming up soon." I said. The girls smiled, "that's awesome!" They both said.
    August 3rd, 2016 at 04:41am
  • @ nosferatu.


    "I can totally see you as a tattoo artist," I said, looking at Bella. "It makes sense." I sat down on one of the railings. It surprisingly held my weight perfectly fine. I glanced over at Chris. He hadn't really stopped watching Sirona. I had always wondered what happened that made them as close as they were, but I figured it was kind of like him and Bella. They spent a lot more time together.

    "So you can finally do something about Chris's hair? It such a mess," I teased.

    Sirona rolled her eyes, but they all knew that she was the only one allowed to bring scissors to any of our heads. She had been doing our hair since we started middle school and she announced that she was going to be a hair stylist. From that point on, we only went to her.

    "No one we ever went to was ever as good as you were," Balz said.



    I smiled at looked at the guys teasing each other. She missed the nights that they would show up with a pack of Pepsi and pizza, asking for me to cut their hair. I would be half asleep, but they would demand me to. I didn't mind it too much because I loved cutting their hair.

    "You do need to do something to my hair," Chris whispered in my ear. I looked at him and ran my hands through his hair. "I'm know you want to."

    "Who did you even go to?" I asked. Feeling how dry his hair was. He needed a deep conditioner badly. "I'm going to have a hay day with your hair." I smiled at him.
    August 3rd, 2016 at 05:03am
  • @ Achilles;


    I giggled as Sirona ran her hands through Chris' hair. I wasn't even a cosmetologist but even I could tell his hair looked dry and brittle. Sirona shook her head, "yeah, I'm going to have to fix this mess." She laughed. "Well, good thing you guys are off this weekend." Ryan teased.

    "Yeah, but you're going to owe me Starbucks." Sirona teased Chris. "Whatever you want, I'll get." He said, smiling up at her.

    I smiled. Chris and Sirona were so cute together. "Speaking of doing favors for each other, Sybella could do some tattoos for us." Angelo said. I looked over at him, "maybe. It's going to cost more than Starbucks though." I teased. "I'm sure Ryan will buy you whatever you want." Balz said, smirking and making Ricky and Devin chuckle.



    I chuckled. "So, should I set up an appointment?" I asked Sirona. "Nah, just come by our place tomorrow and I can probably fix that mess on your head." She said, laughing when he pouted. "Is it that bad?" I asked all of them. "Yes." They all said before breaking into a fit of laughter. "Hardy har har." I rolled my eyes. "Seriously, she'll be doing you a favor, bro." Balz said. "You can't do Josh's hair though since he decided to shave it all off." Devin said.

    "Did you?" Sirona asked him. Balz nodded and removed his hood. He had in fact shaved all of his hair off and even gotten a tattoo on one side of it. "I was going bald anyways so I figured I would save myself the humiliation and just shave it." He said. "Maybe it's from all the bleaching." Sybella teased. "Nah, well, maybe some of it but it's inherited." Balz laughed.
    August 3rd, 2016 at 05:19am
  • @ nosferatu.


    "So why is it me that has to pay for you guys' tattoos?" I asked, looking them over. "You all should be paying and grovelling at her feet just for the thought of a tattoo your own self. Not me." I crossed my arms, glaring at each one of them. I had to admit that I wouldn't mind getting a tattoo done by her because I have seen her artwork. Sirona's tattoos were gorgeous, and it was obvious that they were all done by the same person. I glanced over at Chris and Sirona. They were both close together, and she was moving to braid his hair.

    They were always like that. Sirona would somehow end up playing with Chris's hair, and he never complain about it one bit. If anything, he would be showing it off. Then I started to wonder if we were ever going to tell them about us being vampires and why we had to disappear.



    I made Chris come sit on the floor in front of me, so I could reach his hair easier. I started to braid his hair and then smooth it out. I kept braiding it to keep my hands busy. I didn't know if he ever got embarrassed of me doing his hair like I did, but he never stopped me. I had curled his hair once, just to see what he looked like with curly hair.

    Chris leaned his back into my legs, and looked up at me. "Having fun?" he asked. I nodded, smiling. He smiled back and let me get back to playing his hair. I brought up the ends, just to see how bad his was was. I really wondered who he went to, and who allowed his hair to get this bad. "Ricky, you going to let me do your hair too?" I asked, looking over at that other long haired guy in the group.

    "I've been growing it out for you," he said, smiling from ear to ear. "I'm gonna let you have some fun."
    August 3rd, 2016 at 05:55am
  • @ Achilles;


    "Because she's your girl, that's why." Devin said. I rolled my eyes, "I agree with Ryan. If you guys want tattoos you're each going to have to pay your own way." I said. Ryan chuckled, "ha. See, she's on my side." He said, grinning proudly. "Don't worry, Bells, we got you." Angelo said, chuckling. I smiled and watched Sirona playing with Chris' hair. "See what happens when you guys leave us for five years." Sirona joked, shaking her head.

    The whole atmosphere changed then as all the guys exchanged looks. I looked at Sirona and we were thinking the same thing. They were hiding something from us. "Why did you guys leave?" I asked.



    The whole fun seemed to be sucked out the room at Sybella's question. We knew we were eventually going to have to tell them what happened but we didn't think it would be this soon. "We had to go on tour. The band had just kicked off." I said. "Yeah but you guys never kept in contact with us." Sirona said. Sybella nodded. The tone of Sirona's voice was so sad that if my heart was still beating I would probably feel it shattering right now.

    "I know. And we're sorry. We'll explain eventually but not now." I said. I looked at both of the girls. "I promise." I assured them. They sighed but nodded, "as long as you don't just disappear again without an explanation." Sirona said. "It won't happen again. We're here to stay for a while." Ryan said.
    August 3rd, 2016 at 06:45am
  • @ nosferatu.


    I looked at Sybella. The sad look she had on her face would have stopped his heart if it was still beating. I swallowed, trying to think of something to say. "And even if we leave, we'll just have to take you with us," Chris said, looking at both Sirona and Sybella. "Yeah, you two are gonna be pretty much stuck with us guys for the rest of time."

    "Agreed," I said, moving to sit next to Bella on the floor. I looked up at her, trying to earn forgiveness for what we did to them. We all knew that had hurt them by disappearing. We all missed the girls for the five years that we had to stay away. I leaned against her lightly.



    I looked at Chris, trying to figure out what it was that he was hiding. I looked over at Ryan leaning against Sybella's legs. I had to admit it was always adorable to see them together especially when Ryan was determined to earn forgiveness. He would sit next to her and cuddle with her or hold her. My hands moved back to play with Chris's hair to braid his hair again and put a ponytail to hold it in place.

    "Well, I'm glad that you guys are here," I said, scooting over in my chair to allow Chris to sit up there with me on the couch. He smiled at her and kept the braid in.

    "Seriously, Chris, you just need to let her fix your hair every day. You really don't know how to do anything with it like she does," Ricky teased, trying to bring back the fun atmosphere. An awkward tension held over slightly.
    August 3rd, 2016 at 07:31am
  • @ Achilles;


    I sighed and ran my fingers along Ryan's back, leaning my head on his shoulder. I smiled at Ricky's comment, "he's got a point, Chris." I said. Chris huffed, "like any of you are any better. Devin wants to get dreadlocks." He said. "No. Please don't." Sirona said, sticking her bottom lip out. "It was just a thought, that was all." Devin said. "I'll probably murder you if you do." She said. She was joking but the way the guys fell silent again just made me even more suspicious of what they were hiding.

    As I sat there with Ryan, my phone went off. I sat up and grabbed it from my pocket, looking to see who it was. "I'll be right back." I said, getting up and walking outside. Once I was far away from the shack, out of hearing distance at least, I answered it. "What do you want, Mike?" I said. "Babe...did you forget we were going to go to the movies?" Mike whined into the phone. "No. Listen, I can't talk right now. I'm with some friends." I said. "Who?" Mike asked, his whole tone changing. "Just some friends of Sirona and I." I said. "Boys?" He asked. I could see his fists clenching on the other end. "Yes. I'll come by later, okay?" I said. He went to say something but I hung up on him.



    I looked over at Sirona as Sybella left. "What?" She asked me. "That was a first." I said. I was referring to Sybella leaving to answer her phone. Sirona bit her lip. "What?" I asked. "If it's who I think it is..." She said, looking out the window. "She has a boyfriend. He's a complete asshole." Sirona said. "She has a boyfriend?" Ryan asked. "Yeah...he's a dick though. I don't like him." She said.

    "Why didn't she tell me?" Ryan asked, getting angry all of a sudden. Sirona shrugged. "She's been trying to breakup with him for a long time..." she said. "How bad of an asshole are we talking here?" Ricky asked. Sirona sighed, playing with my braid. "I really feel like Sybella should answer that...but...he hits her sometimes and I think she's afraid to break up with him because he's threatened to kill her on more than one occasion." Sirona said.

    Sybella came back in. "Sirona, we need to go. That was work." She said.
    August 3rd, 2016 at 07:48am
  • @ nosferatu.


    I looked over at Sybella. I was mad that someone was hurting one of the girls. It left a fowl taste in my mouth, and maybe that was just anger. I went over to Sybella and wrapped my arms around her. "Well, you have my number so don't be afraid to send me a text every now and then or you can call me," I muttered in her ear. I hugged her tightly to my chest before pulling back.

    The rest of guys came up and gave Bella and Sirona a hug. I looked over to see Chris had wrapped his arms around her and hugging her tightly. He didn't look like he wanted to let her go. I knew that I didn't ever want to let Bella go again. I gave her a smile. "Seriously, call me for anything," I told her. "I'll be there in a snap."



    "Sira, I'm happy I got to see you," Chris said. I smiled. I loved his nickname for me. It made me feel loved when he came up with it and loved me for it even though only he used it. I turned my head and kissed his cheek. "Same here. Don't forget, I'm going to fix your hair," I reminded him. "Make it look a hundred times better."

    I pulled back with him smiling at me. I went over to the car and looked over Bella and Ryan. Chris came over and opened the door for me. I thanked him for it. Ryan did the same for Bella as she got in the car. Then we were pulling out onto the road. I looked over at my best friend, wanting to ask her what happened on the phone. I feared the worst and hoped that her boyfriend wouldn't be a complete ass to her for once. "Please tell me that everything is going to be okay. I don't want anything bad to happen to you," I muttered. "But you know I'm here for you."
    August 3rd, 2016 at 01:57pm
  • @ Achilles;


    I smiled and hugged him back. "I know. I'll text you tomorrow if you want to come over for a free tattoo." I told him before kissing his cheek. "That would be great." Ryan said. He opened my car door for me and I thanked him. Once Sirona was in the car, we took off. I listened to her and sighed. "That was Mike. He's pretty upset." I said. "Why?" She asked. "He asked if I forgot about our plans to go to the movies later and I told him no and said that me and you were seeing some old friends at the moment. He assumed it was male friends and I know he was angry." I said.

    "Please don't go see him tonight, Bella. If he's mad then you know he's going to hurt you. I told Ryan and them about him." Sirona said. "You what?" I asked. "They asked.." She frowned. "Why would you tell them that, Sirona? There was a reason I hadn't said anything to them about it." I said, pulling into our driveway. "Are you mad at me?" She asked. "No..." I mumbled but that was all I said as I got out of the car.



    I sighed and watched the girls leave. "I wonder if we can find this Mike dude." Ryan said, standing beside me. "I don't know. Maybe Sira can keep her from going to see him, if she goes." I said. "It just pisses me off that someone is hurting one of them..." Ryan said. I patted his shoulder, "me too man...maybe you can talk to her about it tomorrow when we go over there." I said.

    Ryan nodded. "True. I guess we should just head home." He said. I nodded and noticed the rest of the guys were already in the car. Ryan and I followed and I got in the driver's seat. We were silent for a bit. "When are we going to tell them about us being vampires? I think they caught on that something was up today." Ricky said from behind me. "I don't know. Maybe tomorrow?" I offered. "I just don't want to scare them off...since we just got them back in our lives." I added.
    August 3rd, 2016 at 04:31pm
  • @ nosferatu.


    I nodded. "Yeah, I don't want them gone after just getting them back," I agreed. It was hard to think that they would be gone. It had been hard for us to stay away from them. I sat in the passenger seat. Looking at Chris, I could only hope that everything would work out, but I could never know that. I sighed heavily.

    "So, Ryan, what are you going to get done?" Ricky asked. I looked back at him and shrugged. "You're just going to have to wait and see. It's going to be a surprise for all you guys," I said, not giving anything away. I grabbed my phone and skimmed through Sirona's instagram. There was a lot of of pictures of her and Sybella. I began to wonder what it would look like once she started taking selfies with us. I could only imagine how many pictures her and Chris would take.



    I felt guilty for telling the guys something that Bells should have told them, but they would only want to protect her not shame her for it. I knew that I should have just had them talk to her about it, but I didn't. It was too late to take it back anyways. Now, I was extremely worried that something bad was going to happen when she had told me that Mike was angry. I wanted to plead with her and make her stay home and away from him. I looked at Bella as she got out of the car. Her voice trailed off.

    "What's wrong?" I asked, getting out of the car. I looked around and saw Mike standing on the front porch of our house. I froze where I stood. I was unsure about what to do or what to say for that matter.
    August 3rd, 2016 at 04:58pm
  • @ Achilles;


    I sighed and walked up to where Mike was. "Hi, Mike." I said. "Where have you been?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "I told you. Sirona and I were meeting up with some old friends." I said, walking around him and unlocking the door. Sirona hurried past us and before I even had a chance to close the door, Mike pushed himself past me and into the house.

    I closed the door behind me. Sirona stayed by the kitchen doorway, watching us. "Were they your friends from that band?" Mike asked. I sighed, "maybe? Does it matter?" I asked. He slapped me in the face. "Watch your tone, Bells. You know I can beat your ass and I won't hesitate to do it. I don't care if Sirona is here or not." Mike said lowly. I held my cheek as it started stinging. "Okay...yes, it was the guys from that band." I said. That was all it took for him to get pissed off.

    Mike had shoved me to the ground and started hitting me. Sirona tried to stop him but he shoved her off. I knew she was going to call Chris and the guys cause I could already see her pulling her phone out.



    I chuckled at Ryan's response. "Are you going to get our names tattooed on you?" I teased him, making the others laugh. Ryan laughed, "you wish, Cerulli." He said. I laughed and pulled into our driveway of our mansion. "Seriously though, we can't wait to see it." I said, turning the car off. We all started getting out as my phone went off.

    I tossed Ryan the keys to the house so he could unlock the door. Sirona's name popped up on my phone and I smiled. "Can't get enough of me?" I joked with her as I answered. "It must be Sirona." Balz laughed, making the other guys smirk.
    August 3rd, 2016 at 05:16pm
  • @ nosferatu.


    I watched Chris's face go from teasing to completely serious. "Sira, please stay calm... Yeah, no. We'll be over there. Be careful," he said. He turned to us. "Get back in the cars, guys. We're gonna have to take care of someone," he called out to them. I looked at him, unsure what was going on. I turned back to the car. "What's going on?" I asked.

    "Mike was there when they got home. It's not going over peacefully," Chris said. "He's beating Bella." I felt my body stiffen with anger. Someone was hurting Bells. I growled, and got back into the car. I was impatient to get there even though Chris was speeding and breaking every street law to get to them. I was still jumpy, and I didn't even wait for the car to be in park when I got out of the car.



    I clutched my phone to my chest. I had tried to pull him off again, but all his did was slap me harshly before turning back to Bella. I heard a car outside, and I prayed that it was Chris and Ryan. I could feel a bruise forming on my jaw. The door pushed open off its hinges. Ryan stood in the doorway glaring at each Mike. There was something predatory about his movements that scared me a little, but it wasn't directed towards me. He came in and pulled Mike off of Sybella like it wasn't anything.

    I looked to see Chris coming in after them. He had the same predatory behavior. He looked at me, and I noticed that he hadn't taken his braid out. I didn't even know why I noticed that now. He looked over at Mike who was pressed up against the wall by his throat. I went over to Bella, and helped her up. Taking her into the kitchen, I grabbed the first aid kit to clean up her wounds.
    August 3rd, 2016 at 05:55pm
  • @ Achilles;


    I followed Sirona into the kitchen and sat down at the table. She got a wet rag and began wiping the blood off my face. All I had was a black eye and some bruising on the rest of my face. I had done a good job of blocking most of my face. I was shocked because Mike never hit me in the face, it was usually somewhere that I could cover up easily...but he was pissed off and didn't think of that before he started hitting me.

    "Are you okay?" Sirona asked me. I nodded. "I'm sorry, Sirona...I didn't think he would get that mad." I said, noticing she had a bruise on her cheek. I hung my head down low as I tried not to let her see me cry.



    Ryan was practically choking the life out of this guy. It took both me and Angelo to pull him off of him. The guy had some serious bruising around his neck. We held onto Ryan as Mike stood up. "If you ever come around Sybella or Sirona again, I'm going to kill you and that's a fucking promise. Got it?" Ryan growled. Mike didn't say anything, just left.

    "You need to calm down before you go in there. I'm sure Sybella is upset." I said, looking over at Ryan. He nodded. "Okay..." He said. I sighed and went into the kitchen. I went over to Sirona and hugged her. "Are you okay?" I asked.
    August 3rd, 2016 at 06:15pm