careful what you wish for.

  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Matt pulled out an unopened bottle of water and handed it over to Jessa. He knew she probably didn't trust him very much because he had given her no reason to trust him but she needed to. Matt wasn't the type to poison things to hurt someone. He was more of the verbal and physical abuse kind of guy but Jessa didn't know that about him. She hadn't been around for too long.

    "You know you can sit down right?" Matt told her as he motioned toward the stool that was pushed under the island. He knew she probably felt uncomfortable and he wanted her to feel like she was meant to be here. "Do you like chicken alfredo?" he asked as he turned to the stove to finish up the food by putting it all into the pan so that he could mix it all together.
    March 17th, 2017 at 02:59pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Jessa stepped forward to take the bottle of water from Matt. She didn't particularly want it and she certainly didn't want to eat anything that Matt was making but she wasn't here to argue with him. She had already learned about how bad of an idea that was. Plus she didn't want to give him any other reason to touch her like that again. The thought killed what little appetite existed. Reaching, Jessa rubbed at her eyes. Trying to convince herself to relax, Jessa eyed the offered stool for a moment before finally relenting and moving to sit down. "Yeah," she answered quietly, giving a nod of her head.

    It wasn't until Matt placed a steaming plate of food in front of her that she realized she was actually starving. She hadn't eaten since the morning before. Inhaling slowly, Jessa tried to ignore it but she couldn't. She reluctantly picked up her fork and began to eat, her eyes focused on the plate in front of her. Wrapping an arm around her midsection, Jessa leaned forward so that there was less of a chance of dropping the food because of how bad her hands were shaking.
    March 22nd, 2017 at 04:00am