your lies made me happy.

  • Kaycee smiled and shook her head slightly in response. "Nothing," she assured quietly before she shifted to kiss his cheek. "I just like looking at you, that's all. Should I stop?" she teased.
    Clay arched a brow to Gabby's words and offered a small smile. "Do you want me to?" he asked with curiosity. He didn't mind, but he hoped that they could avoid arguing again.
    February 9th, 2017 at 03:50am
  • Nick shook his head, "Of course not. I'm just messing with you." He said as he ran his fingers through her hair. He kissed her and took her hands. "I like when you look at me." He said.
    Gabby looked at him, "Yes." She said. She felt bad for yelling at him. "I just...why do you think i would sleep with someone else?" She asked. She didn't like to feel like he didn't trust her. "Do you not trust me?" She asked.

    @ momentai.
    February 9th, 2017 at 04:00am
  • Kaycee smiled slightly and rested her head against his shoulder. "Good. It'd be a shame if I had to stop looking at you," she hummed out quietly.
    "It's not you that I don't trust, Gabby," Clay told her quietly, "I don't trust the guys. I know them. I know what they'd do if they got the chance."
    February 9th, 2017 at 05:57am
  • Nick smiled when he opened his door and seen Kaycee. "Hey." He said as he pulled her into a hug. He let her in and shut the door behind her. "Did you miss me?" He asked as he sat down on the couch in his living room. He was able to get himself an apartment off campus.
    [gonna skip to them camping]

    Gabby frowned as she watched Clay and Jake putting up the tents. “Why do you make me do this Clay?” She asked. “Outside is no fun.” She said as she walked over to Emily and sat down in the camp chair. She looked over at Emily, “How can you like this? There is no mall or starbucks or bathrooms.” She said, pouting. Gabby was being her typical diva self. She looked over as Jake talked about how there was alcohol. “Good point Jake there is alcohol that is one plus side to this.” She said as she got up and went to the cooler getting out a wine cooler. She opened it and sat down in the chair next to Emily again. She looked at Clay, “I’m using you as a bed tonight because you are making me sleep in a tent.” She said, taking a sip of her drink.

    Jake shook his head when he heard Gabby complaining. He looked at Clay, “Man you really put up with princess all the time?” He asked loud enough to teased Gabby, laughing as she flipped him off. He walked over to Emily when him and Clay finished before he sat down next to her.

    @ momentai.
    February 9th, 2017 at 06:17am
  • (ah, okay! i'm thinking about skipping for Kaycee/Nick to maybe the next year, when Nick's at college and Kaycee's visiting him for a weekend or something?)
    February 9th, 2017 at 06:41am
  • [yes! Do you want me to do that or you?]

    @ momentai.
    February 9th, 2017 at 07:32am
  • (If you want to, sure! I've got to go work on an outfit for we are dangerous xD)
    February 9th, 2017 at 07:35am
  • [Okay i will edit it. I'm not really sure where you want me to go with Kaleb and Aria. So if you have ideas let me know XD I want to keep it interesting]

    @ momentai.
    February 9th, 2017 at 07:38am
  • (I'll send you a list of ideas!)

    Kaycee grinned as she returned his hug, burying her face against him while she could before she followed him inside. "Of course I missed you," she told him as she sat on the couch next to him and pulled out a letter. "But, I won't be missing you for long. I got my acceptance letter the other day, so I'll be joining you here next year," she hummed out happily, a broad grin on her features as she held the letter out to him.
    "You'll have to get used to it," Clay said with amusement as he glanced over at Gabby and arched a brow. "I mean, Em is going to drag us out to these things as much as she possibly can. You should get used to it. Otherwise, you'll end up being miserable the whole time." He, however, blinked when he heard Jake and snorted quietly. "Don't push your luck, Jake," he reminded.

    Emily was still a little tense around Clay and Gabby. They'd kept their relationship from her for so long that she felt awkward around them now. And, really... It was weird seeing them together in general. "Anyways, I'll start the fire," she decided as she got started, though she smiled when Jake joined her.
    February 9th, 2017 at 08:11am
  • Nick smiled as he took the letter from her, "That's great Kaycee!" He said as he hugged her tight. "God i'm glad because i missed you like crazy." He said. He pulled away and kissed her, placing his hands on her cheeks. He really was glad that she was finally his.
    Gabby bit her bottom lip lightly as Emily helped Jake. She could tell that her friend was still a little weird about her dating her older brother. Gabby looked at Clay and got up going to the car to get her bag. She sighed as she grabbed her back and put it in the tent. She walked over to Clay and ran her hand over his lower back as they stood there. She smiled as Emily started the fire, "Good job Em. You know if we were inside we wouldn't need that." She teased, getting a playful glare from her friend. "Yes i know quit bitching about the outdoors. " She said, rolling her eyes playfully.

    Jake smiled as they got the fire started and then shook his head as Gabby's comment. He got to his feet, "Alright so we are here for the next two days so what do you guys want to eat tonight?" He asked as he opened the cooler and went through the food. He grabbed a beer out and opened it, taking a swig of it. At least this time he got to sleep in the same tent as Emily. They still hadn't had sex because she was all about taking this slow. He didn't mind, but it was slowly killing him waiting so long. He was pretty sure he loved her though so it was worth it.

    @ momentai.
    February 9th, 2017 at 08:40am
  • Kaycee grinned broadly against his lips, her eyes closing over as she returned his kiss. She'd been working extra hard this year so that she could get into the same college as Nick in hopes that they wouldn't have to be so far apart next year. The distance between them this year left her longing for his presence constantly, so knowing that she'd be here with him next year was a major relief for her.
    "So, do you really plan to use me as your bed tonight?" Clay asked teasingly as he nudged Gabby gently. "I mean, you did say you were going to sleep on top of me." He smirked and leaned over to whisper into her ear, "Though I can imagine a lot more things that we could do with you on top." He winked teasingly but looked to Jake. "Well, what did we bring? Hot dogs? Let's have a simple bonfire meal."

    "So... hot dogs and s'mores basically?" Emily asked with amusement, though she had no problems with it. She loved s'mores. She smiled slightly over at Jake, watching him go through the cooler, but moved to sit down so that she could enjoy the fire. She liked having Jake in her life; he seemed to understand her better than anybody else did, really.
    February 9th, 2017 at 08:47am
  • Nick smiled, "That means you get to live with me here and i don't have to share you with anyone." He teased as he rubbed her back. "What did your parents say about you getting in?" He asked. He knew she had been studying really hard to get into the school. He couldn't even count how many times she had called for help with math., It had always been her weak point.
    Gabby giggled at what Clay said, "Now that's not very appropriate." She said, smiling up at him. She kissed him softly before he went over to Jake. Gabby walked over and sat with Emily. "So we plan to live off hot dogs for the next two days?" She asked, laughing softly. "You people are great." She teased them.

    Jake shook his head at Gabby, then got the stuff out. He began to make them some hot dogs, "I mean i'm gonna drink beer and eat hot dogs, but you can have all the smores you want Em." He said, looking at her. He never thought he would be so happy with someone.

    @ momentai.
    February 9th, 2017 at 08:58am
  • "Not like you have to share me with anyone anymore, anyways," Kaycee chimed with a broad grin. The relationship between her and Ryan ending was the best thing that could have possibly happened to her. She was genuinely and completely happy with Nick and she couldn't imagine anything better. "They're pretty happy about it. They're more relieved that I'll be going to a college where I actually know somebody than anything else, though," she said honestly.
    Clay grinned in response to her words but offered a small shrug and went to help Jake. He pulled out what they needed, but then went to clean off sticks so that they could use them without much concern. "Good thing the fire's strong. Getting all of this cooked should be easy for us," he mentioned with a smile.

    Emily nodded slightly in response to Gabby. "Well, there aren't many options for things that you can pack into a cooler without it getting ruined, so..." she mentioned, though she grinned slightly at Jake's words. "I definitely intend to eat all the s'mores I possibly can."
    February 9th, 2017 at 09:03am
  • Nick smiled, "I will be sure to look after you." He said as he kissed her. "I will keep you safe." He teased as he pulled her into a hug. "So you wanna go out and get dinner or do you want to order in?" He asked as he kissed her cheek.
    Gabby sighed as she took a sip of her drink. She smiled as Clay handed her on of the hot dogs in the bun. "Thank you." She said, sweetly. She put a little bit of ketchup on it and began to eat. When she finished she relaxed, but laughed as Emily started on s'mores. "Man you weren't kidding." She said, watching her friend.

    Jake handed a hotdog to Emily then made his own before he sat down next to her and began to eat his. He smiled as she started to make s'mores, "Make me one please." He said, looking over at her. She had to be the most gorgeous girl.

    @ momentai.
    February 9th, 2017 at 09:10am
  • Kaycee grinned with each word he spoke and she buried her face against him. "I know," she murmured quietly while her arms wrapped loosely around his neck. She hummed, though, to his question. "I guess that depends. Do you want to show me off to your new college friends or would you rather keep me all to yourself?"
    Clay smiled and kissed Gabby's temple before he made his own hot dog. "You know you don't have to thank me, don't you?" he asked with amusement as he glanced over, though he shook his head slightly. "I mean, I might as well help you adjust to being out camping as much as I can, right?"

    Emily had completely delved herself into making the s'mores, though she blinked when she heard Jake's request. With a smile, she nodded slightly. "Sure, I'll make you one. Is one all you want?" she asked with an arched brow as she got started.
    February 9th, 2017 at 09:21am
  • Nick thought for a moment, "Is this a trick question. I mean i would love to show you off, but i really would like to have you all to myself." He said as he kissed along her neck. "I'm just gonna keep you hidden here forever." He teased her.
    Gabby smiled, "Yea well one day you will wish i was always thanking you." She teased him. Gabby finished her hot dog then relaxed in her seat. "So why do you love those things so much Em?" She asked. Honestly Gabby was pretty sure she had never had a smore before. "I've never had one." She said. Suddenly everyone looked at her like she was crazy, "Okay people it's just a snack don't stare at me like i stole some government information." She said, laughing.

    Jake smiled, "Yea just one." He said. He looked up when he heard Gabby say she didn't have a smore before. "What? Are you serious?" He asked, laughing. "Emily how can you deprive your friend for so long." He teased her.

    @ momentai.
    February 9th, 2017 at 09:28am
  • Kaycee let out a quiet laugh, her eyes closing over as she tilted her head to allow better access to her neck. "That's a very good point," she hummed out quietly. "I don't mind staying here forever. But, if I did that, they'd probably withdraw my acceptance if I don't, you know, actually graduate."
    "I'm surprised you've never had one. It's Emily's favorite thing, basically," Clay mentioned, though he hummed after a moment. "Well, aside from baking Christmas cookies, that is." He grinned slightly and shrugged. "You should try one, though. They are pretty good."

    "Well... It's sweet but not too sweet and all the flavors go really well together. It's like heaven," Emily explained to her friend as she grinned. Finishing the s'more she was working on, she gave it to Jake before she looked over at Gabby. "Do you want me to make you one?"
    February 9th, 2017 at 09:33am
  • Nick smiled, "It won't matter because you will already be here." He said laughing as he hugged her. He kissed her again. "I will just keep you here and i will make sure that you are happy and have things." He said, laughing.
    Gabby shook her head, "I think i'm gonna pass on the cookie, marshmallow, chocolate calorie hell for now." She said, laughing. Gabby had never been a fan of sweet foods or any junk food really. Gabby took a sip of her drink, before looking at Clay. He seemed pretty happy just being out here.

    Jake took his smore and ate it then relaxed in his chair, drinking a beer. "I missed doing this." He said. He liked spending time away from technology. Jake looked over at them and smiled.

    @ momentai.
    February 9th, 2017 at 09:40am
  • Kaycee pouted and shifted to climb onto his lap, though it was more to tease him than anything else. "Aw, but I want to go to classes with you," she hummed out, "I mean, we never got to have classes together in high school. In college, the possibilities are endless."
    Clay finished off his hot dog but went ahead to make himself another one, because he honestly felt fairly hungry. He also grabbed himself a beer and looked to Gabby. "Do you want a beer?" he asked her with curiosity, a small smile on his features.

    "Lame," Emily said with a snort, though she made herself a few more s'mores and started eating as she relaxed. She smiled, though, and nodded. "So do I," she admitted in response to Jake.
    February 9th, 2017 at 09:46am
  • Nick smiled, "Okay if that is what you want i guess i can release you. Only for a bit though." He teased as he held her close. "So what did you want to order in. Maybe chinese?" He asked. He wanted to make sure she had a good time.
    Gabby nodded, "Yes." She said. She took the beer from him and opened it, taking a swig of it. A few hours later it was dark and the four of them were around the fire drinking and having a good time. Gabby was pretty drunk and was sitting in Clay's lap. She opened another beer and looked at Emily who clearly wanted Jake really bad, "Emily!" She yelled at her friend to get her attention. "Just...just do it." She said, laughing. Though the look Clay gave her was not too happy. "Oh mister grumpy gills would you relax." She said as she patted his cheek. She looked back at Emily, mouthing the words do it to her, laughing to herself again.

    Jake was feeling pretty drunk as well as they all sat there laughing. He shook his head at Gabby's words though. "Gabby you're going to get me killed." He said, laughing. He really wasn't too worried about Clay. The two had started to get along pretty good and Clay was pretty drunk as well. It was clear he just wanted to go somewhere with Gabby the way his hands were all over her.

    @ momentai.
    February 9th, 2017 at 09:54am