your lies made me happy.

  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "How about pizza?" Kaycee asked with a small grin as she rested her forehead against his, her fingers running along his cheek gently. "I think we have a higher chance of that getting here faster, since, last I recall, the pizza place is closer."
    Clay snorted quietly to Gabby's words. "Don't encourage them," he grumbled in response as he drew her closer to himself and rested his head on his shoulder. "That's my little sister, Jake. You remember that, don't you? So, if you try to sleep with her, my best is that you'll imagine my face."

    "Clay!" Emily whined quietly, a pout on her features as she buried her face against Jake, nuzzling her face against his shirt slightly. "Stop trying to scare him off, don't be mean."
    February 9th, 2017 at 10:03am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Nick nodded, "Pizza it is." He said, smiling. "What kind of toppings do you want?" He asked as he grabbed his phone. He dialed the number and ordered what she wanted. He hung up looking at her, "Okay pizza is on the way." He said.
    Gabby looked at him, "Hey it's gonna happen." She said, shrugging. She laughed at Clay's words, "Baby just let your sister get the dick! Damn." She said, laughing. "Don't be a cock block. Nobody likes that." She said as she ran her fingers through her hair.

    Jake could only laugh at the banter between everyone. He held Emily close and ran his fingers through her hair. As much as he wanted to he was not going to have sex with her tonight. He didn't want her first time to be drunken sex.

    @ momentai.
    February 9th, 2017 at 10:07am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "Pepperoni," Kaycee hummed out happily, a grin on her face as she shifted, burying her face against his neck. She could hear the vibrations when he spoke and it tickled her face a bit, but she was happy to hear the pizza was on its way. "Do you have drinks here?"
    "It doesn't have to happen right now, when I can be aware of it, though," Clay muttered with a small frown as he watched her for a moment. "Seriously, if they want to fuck, they should get a hotel room and keep it a secret or something."

    Emily smiled with the feeling, her eyes closing over as she relaxed in Jake's hold. "Are they still talking about us having sex?" she asked quietly, because she couldn't really hear them when Clay was muttering.
    February 9th, 2017 at 10:13am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Nick smiled, "Yes i do. I have water, soda and some juice. What would you like?" He asked as he got to his feet. He walked over to the fridge, opening it. He got her what she wanted and brought it back to her. "I'm glad you are here." He said.
    Gabby sighed, "Oh yes hide sex." She said, laughing. She looked at him, "can we have sex?" She asked, "Because i want to." She said as she laced her fingers with his. She decided why not change the subject and save Emily. "That is why you brought me out here right? To save me from the dangerous animals?" She asked, smiling.

    Jake chuckled, "Just a little. I think they changed subjects though." He said. Jake kissed her forehead, "Are you tired?" He asked her. He was getting pretty tired himself.

    @ momentai.
    February 9th, 2017 at 10:17am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "Soda," Kaycee announced in a hum while she watched him. Her expression softened when she heard his words and she smiled before she gripped his shirt and pulled him down to her level so that she could kiss him. "I'm glad I'm here, too. I couldn't imagine being anywhere else," she murmured.
    "You want to have sex now? In the middle of the woods? Without the safety of our tents and in front of Em and Jake?" Clay taunted with slight amusement as he eyed her, arching a brow slightly in response. "My, who knew you could be an exhibitionist."

    Emily smiled slightly, her eyes closing over in response. She couldn't really respond with anything other than a quiet hum of acknowledgment to his question, because she was definitely a sleepy drunk.
    February 9th, 2017 at 10:23am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Nick smiled as he kissed her, setting her soda on the table after her pulled away. He sat on the couch, putting his arm around her. "I love you." He said as he kissed her. He couldn't believe she was actually here with him. It had been a long couple months without her.
    Gabby giggled, "No i want to have sex in our tent." She said, shaking her head. "Outside is a no go." She said, laughing softly as she kissed him.

    Jake smiled, "Alright say no more." He said as he got up with her. "Alright we are going to head to bed you two." He said as he helped Emily. "Goodnight." He said as he walked with Emily to the tent. He got in the tent with her and stripped down to her boxers, changing into a pair of shorts. He laid down and looked over at her, "Goodnight Em." HE said as he kissed her.

    @ momentai.
    February 9th, 2017 at 10:33am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "I love you, too," Kaycee murmured against his lips, grinning as she spoke the words. She had once thought that she'd only ever love Ryan, but she knew that what she felt for Nick was genuine love, the kind of love she'd craved for so long and she finally had it.
    Clay chuckled quietly in response but nodded slightly as he returned her kiss and ran his fingers through her hair gently. "Then we'll go to the tent," he murmured before he looked over to Jake and Emily and nodded slightly. "Goodnight," he called to them.

    Emily smiled tiredly once she got into the tent and moved to lie down without changing because she wanted to relax. "Night," she murmured to Jake, though she grinned and returned his kiss.
    February 9th, 2017 at 10:40am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Nick heard a knock at the door and go to his feet, "Pizza is here." He said. He got to the door and paid for it before setting it on the counter. He got them both a slice of pizza then brought it over to the couch. "So what have you been up to?" He asked before taking a bite of his pizza.
    Gabby smiled as she got up and went to the tent with him. She took off her clothes, stripping down to her bra and panties. She snuggled up to Clay and ran her fingers over his body. "Why are you so hot?" She asked, smiling.

    Jake smiled as he held her close and closed his eyes. He fell asleep, sleeping silently.

    @ momentai.
    February 9th, 2017 at 10:43am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Kaycee moved to grab her soda and a slice of pizza, though she arched a brow to his question. "Trying to keep up with my classes," she muttered with a small pout. "How did you manage to do it last year? The classes are so hard this year."
    Clay chuckled quietly as he ran his fingers along her spine, smirking slightly in response. "Genetics, probably," he murmured as he kissed her jawline. "That's my best guess, anyways." He shrugged slightly and focused on undressing himself.
    February 9th, 2017 at 10:47am