your lies made me happy.

  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (We can skip the other two rounds for Nick and Kaycee!)

    The pleasure that Kaycee felt from the intimacy between the two was enough to drive her to her climax before long. She was left panting quietly and she buried her face against his neck while she waited for her body to come down from the waves of pleasure. Before long, her breathing returned to normal, but she could still feel the warmth of Nick's body against hers and she couldn't help but to enjoy it.
    Clay couldn't help the smirk that formed on his features when she invited him along. He was quick to follow after her and he arched a brow when they got to the room, but it wasn't because of the room at all. It was solely because Gabby was already undressing and he couldn't help but to enjoy the sight as he took in the view. When she drew close, his arms slid to her waist and he ran his fingers along her skin. "That you do," he agreed before he returned her kiss, though his hands were quick to rid her of her bra and underwear.
    August 26th, 2016 at 10:30pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States

    Nick relaxed in the bed after having had sex with Kaycee for the third time that night. "Damn you are going to be the death of me." He said, laughing softly. He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. Nick smiled as he ran his fingers through her hair. "I'm glad you came over Kaycee." He whispered as he snuggled against her. He ran his fingers over her side and smiled as he kissed her softly. He just wanted to enjoy being with her for awhile.
    Gabby smiled as she kissed him and unbuttoned his jeans. She pulled him towards her bed, then pushed him back on it. Gabby climbed over him and pulled his boxers down as she kissed along his neck. She grinned as she kissed her way down his chest. She looked up at him as she took his length into her mouth, moaning as she watched his eyes fill with lust. He was so hot and she couldn't believe he was into her.

    @ momentai.
    August 26th, 2016 at 10:35pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Kaycee laughed quietly, though she was fairly worn out from the activities. Still, she was fairly content with how the night had gone. "It's worth it, right? I'm pretty sure you love it," she hummed out jokingly, though she curled up against him a bit, nodding along to his words. "I am, too," she murmured honestly, though part of her hoped that he didn't hear her. She could pretend that she had never said it so there wouldn't be any problems with Ryan. She enjoyed the feeling of his fingers against her skin, though, and she easily returned the kiss while it lasted.
    Clay wasn't entirely sure what he had expected but it certainly hadn't been this. Considering that Gabby was considered as such a princess, he hadn't really expected her to be so quick to try to please him. He had watched her climb over him and his hands had gone to her hips to keep her steady, though he was surprised to see her moving down. Feeling her take him into her mouth brought a moan from him and he couldn't help but to thrust slightly into her mouth as he muttered a quiet, "Fuck."
    August 26th, 2016 at 11:14pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Nick smiled, "Are you hungry or anything? I can make us something." He said, as she sat up. He looked down at her and ran his fingers through her hair. He would do anything to make her happy. It made him mad to think about how awful his little brother treated her. She was too great of a person to put up with his crap. A part of him wanted to yell at his brother, but the other half wanted him to keep messing up so he could have Kaycee.
    Gabby moaned as she moved her mouth on him. She pulled away from him after a bit and began to stroke him. Gabby moved over him and ran her fingers down his chest before she kissed him roughly, grinding her hips against his. She had only ever had sex with her one boyfriend a year ago and ever since then she had been keeping to herself. Clay was different though. She wanted to be with him so badly and she knew they could make something work. She just had to get Emily to be okay with it.

    @ momentai.
    August 26th, 2016 at 11:21pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "Hungry?" Kaycee repeated, though she soon nodded slightly. "A bit," she admitted quietly, though she didn't really want to move from the bed at that point. And she didn't really want to lose the warmth that Nick provided, either. "Promise we can go back to relaxing after we eat?" she asked as she peered up at him, though she enjoyed the feeling of his fingers running through her hair. Honestly, it was hard to believe that Nick and Ryan were even brothers sometimes, considering how different they were. When it came to Nick, she didn't complain. And if it wasn't for Ryan's cheating, she wouldn't complain about him, either.
    Watching her seemed to easily become an addiction, Clay noticed. Something about her drew his attention without him even really realizing it. He never really expected anything to come from their first make out session, because it had mostly been due to drinking. But they had made out since then, at the parties they went to. Even so, he hadn't expected this to be the outcome and he couldn't help but to enjoy it. When he felt her grinding her hips against his, he groaned as his hands rested on her hips again and he helped her move. "Stop teasing, Gabby," he muttered to her as he pressed his lips to hers. "I might just start teasing you in retaliation."
    August 26th, 2016 at 11:54pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Nick smiled, "Yea of course we can." He said as he got out of the bed. He pulled on a pair of sweatpants then waited for her. Nick walked downstairs and started to make something to eat for them. "I hope something simple is okay." He said, looking at her. Nick got them both a bottle of water then put their food on the plate. He sat down at the table with her and began to eat.
    Gabby smiled, "Oh please like you would do that." She whispered as she kissed him. She moaned as she moved on to his length. Gabby gasped as she started to move on him. She placed her hands on his chest as she moved up and down on him faster. "Fuck." She moaned as her nails dug into his skin.

    @ momentai.
    August 26th, 2016 at 11:59pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Kaycee had only pulled on Nick's shirt to cover herself as she followed him downstairs. She doubted Ryan would be around tonight, so she wasn't too worried about anything. "Something simple is fine," she assured with a small grin. She wasn't very picky in the first place. Leaning against the counter, she watched him cook, though she was glad when the food was done. She hoped to eat a little quickly so that they could go back to his room and return to relaxing. "Thank you," she hummed out as she moved to sit down next to him and began eating.
    Clay wanted to point out that she must not know him very well if she thought that he wouldn't tease her in response to her teasing. Maybe he'd prove it to her another time, though, because he was quickly distracted by her sliding down on him. He groaned quietly, thrusting up into her as he held her hips to keep her steady. His hold was a little rough and would likely leave bruises, but they would be nothing compared to the hickeys he planned to leave on her as he leaned up and started pressing kisses to her neck whilst his hands helped her move against him harder and faster.
    August 27th, 2016 at 12:07am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Nick smiled at her once they finished eating. He cleaned up their plates once she finished, then went to the bedroom with her. "So you want to watch a movie or just lay here and talk?" He asked as he laid back on the bed. He smiled as he pulled her towards him on the bed. He smiled as he hugged her and kissed her softly. He smiled as he watched the smile on her face grow.
    Gabby tilted her head slightly, moaning at the feeling of his lips on her. "Oh god." She moaned as she moved with him. Gabby moaned louder as she felt herself getting close. She screamed in pleasure as she reached her climax, gripping Clay's shoulders tightly. "Clay." She breathed as she kissed him roughly.

    @ momentai.
    August 27th, 2016 at 12:12am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (sorry this is shorter! I had my reply typed out but my phone didn't post it. D:)

    Kaycee was quick to climb onto the bed and she moved to curl up close to Nick. "Can we just talk?" she asked quietly. "I think I've watched enough movies for today." All she and Ryan had done today was watch movies and argue to the point that she hadn't even been able to enjoy the movies. It hadn't been a good day at all.
    Feeling her tighten around him drove Clay to his own climax. He was quick to help them ride out their climaxes as he groaned quietly, his lips pressed firmly to hers. Once the pleasure calmed, he pulled away and eyed her for a moment. "That was unexpected," he mentioned, because it was usually him who initiated things.
    August 27th, 2016 at 12:43am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Nick looked at her, "Sure we can just lay here." He said as he ran his fingers through her hair. He kissed her softly and pulled her close to him. Nick pulled the blanket over her and ran his fingers through her hair as he listened to her talk. He knew that she was going to complain about his brother. He loved listening to Kaycee, but it hurt to know that she was going to run back to him.
    Gabby smiled, "Well change is good." She teased him as she kissed him. She moved away from him and stood up. "Wanna take a bath with me?" She asked him as she took his hands and looked at him innocently. Gabby smiled and moved to her bathroom and started running the water. She got into the bath water when the tub was full. Gabby sighed as she relaxed in the water.

    @ momentai.
    August 27th, 2016 at 12:47am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Kaycee was relieved to hear him agree to it. She shifted closer to him after the kiss ended and she rested her head on his chest while her fingers traced designs into his skin. Eventually, she sighed and relaxed before she started speaking. "Ryan's an ass," she muttered quietly. "We were hanging out today, just relaxing and watching movies. Or, at least, that was the plan. Before we could even start a movie, though, he started accusing me of going on dates with you. And then he had the audacity to admit to cheating on me again, after accusing me of cheating. If I do more than revenge fuck you, he's going to be pissed, that's what he said. Does that make any sense to you? He's ridiculous." She huffed out, her cheeks puffing childishly. "Asshole. That's what he is."
    Her invitation surprised him, especially since Clay was used to just leaving after sleeping with a girl. He never really stuck around. But she was heading to the bathroom before he could even process what he wanted to say in response. He supposed that there wasn't much of a point in declining the offer at this point and he arched a brow as he followed her. "You're being rather demanding," he almost teased, though he furrowed his brows. "Well, rather confusing and surprising, actually. You do know that most of these hook ups end right after the sex is over, don't you?" Well, aside from the times that he got with the same girl at some other point down the road, if he forgot her or if she was memorable enough to want a second go.
    August 27th, 2016 at 01:02am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Nick nodded, "Yea he can be an ass Kaycee." He said as he ran his fingers through his hair. "It's okay though. Things will be okay." He assured her. He knew that his brother would mess up again and he wasn't sure if he could handle being stuck in this endless love triangle. Nick looked at her, "Kaycee do you even love Ryan?" He asked. He had to know why she put up with his crap so much. "You put up with so much and he never does anything for you." He said.
    Gabby smiled as she looked at him from her bathtub, "Yes but i'm wonderful and better than other girls." She said, looking up at him. "Now get in here." She said as she watched him. She knew he wouldn't leave her like this. Deep down Clay was too nice of a guy to reject her. Gabby smiled, "You might as well relax its not like we have to be worried about being caught." She said.

    @ momentai.
    August 27th, 2016 at 01:10am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Kaycee blinked and looked up at him. "Of course I love him," she told him quietly before she sighed and frowned slightly. "I mean, I knew what I was getting myself into when we first got together. That's why the rule was made." She chewed on her lip and dropped her gaze. "I just... There are times when he's not an asshole and I want to believe that those times make up for the times that he is an asshole. It's sometimes really hard to believe that he loves me, though. He says he does, but everything he does says otherwise."
    "You're the one who wants to keep our meetings at the parties a secret from Emily," Clay mentioned casually as he move to climb into the tub and allowed himself to relax in the water. He knew that it wasn't entirely true, though. Although he didn't care if anybody found out, he didn't want to upset his sister. It was his job to protect her and he wasn't sure how she'd react to him and Gabby hooking up, especially since she didn't really approve of Clay's behavior when it came to females. Plus, he was sure that she thought Gabby deserved better. Hell, even he would agree with that. "She'd kill me if he found out, though," he mentioned. "I'm sure you'd enjoy watching that, wouldn't you?"
    August 27th, 2016 at 01:33am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Nick looked at her, "Ryan has a hard time showing affection." He said. "Unless it's through sex. I'm honestly surprised he even opens up to you." He said. Nick sighed as he kissed her cheek, "I will always be here for you though." He said. Nick bit his bottom lip lightly as he looked down at her. He kissed her softly and pulled her close. Nick wrapped his arms around her and held her close.
    Gabby stared at him, "I would not enjoy your beautiful face getting hurt." She teased him. She moved so she was relaxing against him. "I just don't think Em would like if she found out about us. I don't like lying to her either." She said as she laced her fingers with his. She closed her eyes as she relaxed in his arms. She wanted to keep him close because she didn't get him like this all the time.

    @ momentai.
    August 27th, 2016 at 01:49am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "Are you actually defending your brother?" Kaycee asked, though she kept her tone light and joking because she didn't really want to think about it much. She didn't really want the guilt that came with knowing that Ryan rarely opened up to others and here she was sleeping with his brother, even if that had been the agreement from the beginning. Instead, she relaxed into the kiss and shifted to bury her face against his neck when it ended. "I know that," she murmured quietly.
    Clay watched her idly, wondering how she could let her defenses down and relax with him so easily. She knew just as well as everybody else that his reputation wasn't the best, so he couldn't quite understand why she was acting like they were a couple of some sort. Still, he decided to indulge her for now an he wrapped his arms around her, his fingers massaging her skin gently as he rested his chin on her shoulder. "She wouldn't like it, because she knows exactly what will happen," he pointed out, "You really know what will happen, too."
    August 27th, 2016 at 02:17am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Nick sighed as he held her close, "I'm just sorry he doesn't treat you as well as he should." he said as he kissed her head. Nick smiled as he relaxed with her in the darkness. He closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep holding her tightly. Nick didn't spend much time with other girls because he was waiting for Kaycee to realize he was the best choice
    Gabby bit her bottom lip lightly when he spoke about the inevitable. "I like to think that you wouldn't be so harsh." She whispered as she watched their hands. She closed her eyes as she relaxed with him. He would move on after this and she would have to see him all the time. Gabby looked at him, "Why do you sleep with so many women?" She asked him. She was curious to know because he was the nicest person since she had known him growing up.

    @ momentai.
    August 27th, 2016 at 02:23am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Kaycee sighed quietly to his words, knowing he was right about Ryan not treating her well. She did love Ryan, though. She just wished things were easier and that Ryan wouldn't cheat - or even that he wouldn't cheat as much. But, she knew that was unlikely and she fell asleep with those thoughts in her mind, despite that she had tried to avoid thinking about it too much.
    Clay was caught off guard by her question, though it wasn't the first time that he had heard it. Emily had asked him the same thing several different times in the past. "Because I don't like getting bored," he answered with a small shrug. "Besides, most girls are the same. They love you when it's convenient or when they want something. There's no point in being with one girl when having fun is better."
    August 27th, 2016 at 02:56am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Ryan sat downstairs in the kitchen the next morning and frowned as Kaycee came walking downstairs. He continued to eat his cereal and looked through his phone. Ryan looked at her when she came into the kitchen, "Have fun?" He asked, staring at her. He knew that he should stop sleeping with other girls so he didn't have to go through this. Ryan leaned back against his chair and crossed his arms.
    Gabby looked at him, "Well..what if you were with someone who loved you for you? Maybe you are just with the wrong people." She said, shaking her head. She looked away from him and couldn't help but feel like it would be impossible to win him over. Gabby looked back at him then kissed him deeply. She smiled a little as she pulled away.

    @ momentai.
    August 27th, 2016 at 03:00am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Kaycee had woken up before Nick and she had gotten dressed and hoped to be able to leave without any problems. As per usual, though, her luck was horrible and she sighed when she noticed Ryan. "Did you have fun when you fucked that girl and stayed over?" she asked in retaliation, "Though, considering you weren't here, I'm assuming you had fun last night, too." She rolled her eyes slightly but sighed and moved over to him. Moving behind him, she rested her head above his and pouted slightly. "Do you have another party to go to tonight?"
    "It's still too much to put up with. If somebody assumed they love me for me, they clearly don't really know me," Clay pointed out with a small shrug. After all, he was sure that nobody would really love him when they knew how much of a player he was and if they knew that he didn't really stay with girls long. What girl would really want to be with somebody like that? It'd have to be somebody who just looked at the appearances and such, because it didn't make any sense otherwise. "Why are we talking about this, anyways?"
    August 27th, 2016 at 03:20am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Ryan frowned, "I stay at Shawn's house last night." He muttered as she walked over to him. He looked at her when she asked if he had a party to go to. "No i was just gonna stay here and relax i guess." He said. Ryan gave her a small smile and kissed her. He tried to ignore the fact that she was just with his brother. Ryan pulled her into his lap and ran his fingers through her hair.
    Gabby sighed, "I was just asking. Sorry i just wanted to ask." She said. She got out of the tub and dried off. She wrapped the towel around herself and looked at him. Gabby set the towel on the counter. "You can go now if you want. I don't want you to feel obligated to stay with me." She said. Gabby walked to her bedroom and got dressed for bed, before turning on her tv. She wasn't going to force Clay to stay with her.

    @ momentai.
    August 27th, 2016 at 03:26am