somewhere only we know.

  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Bruce Wayne/ Batman/CEO


    Anna Young/assistant

    Joker / Clown Prince of crime


    Harley Quinn/ ex psychiatrist
    August 27th, 2016 at 03:29am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Anna's heart was racing as she entered her new work place. She had gathered everything and prepared for the worst. "Okay, so things you should know about Mr. Wayne.." Morgan one of the many supervisors began speaking. "He's not exactly thrilled about this but he needs the help. Keep on his good side by offering him to get his lunch or whatever he needs.. You're not an intern but you'll be acting like one at times.." After an hour Anna was standing in front of the man himself. Anna hoped he wouldn't be too hard on her all she heard was good things. Morgan smiled brightly, "this is Anna you're new assistant, she'll take care of anything you need" she told him.
    Joker paced trying to think of a way to eat his Harley back anything at all, "well, you know the Bat is probably on the look out for you sir, " Mr. Frost told him. Joker growled, "of course I know that! After killing his boy blunder he's been after me even more. He hasn't lighten up and he's not going to." Sometimes he thought killing that kid was a mistake but did he regret it? Nah. Joker knew the Bat would et back at him through Harley. He got up and grabbed his jacket, "let's go we have to get Harley back."
    August 27th, 2016 at 04:39am
  • black.dahlia

    black.dahlia (100)

    United States
    @ the batman;

    "Thank you, Morgan. You may leave now." Bruce said. Once it was just the two of them, he sat down in his leather chair and motioned for Anna to take a spot on one of the other chairs across from his desk. "So, Anna, what made you want to come work for me?" He asked, musing at the much younger girl that was seated across from him. "Well, um.." She began but was cut off by the phone ringing. "Excuse me." Bruce said, grabbing the phone. "This is Mr. Wayne. Uh huh...oh really? Is that so? Alright." He said before hanging up and then looking at the young girl again. "As you were saying."


    Harley leaned down, her feet and legs entangled in the sheets that hung from the top of her bars. She was thinking of her Puddin', as usual. Another thought crept into her mind. Harley Quinn, once known as Dr. Harleen Quinzel, went from being a psychiatrist to the Clown Prince himself, to falling in love with him and eventually getting herself locked up in the very place she used to work at. She sighed and pulled herself down, running her hands through her hair. She knew Mistah J would come for her though, he was a little rough around the edges but he truly did love her.

    ((Sorry if this sucks :( ))
    August 27th, 2016 at 06:37am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Anna was nervous, actually that was an understatement, she was petrified. She watched her new boss just stare at her waiting for an answer and while she thought about it he answered a phone call. She mentally kicked herself but thought about what she was going to say. "Well, opportunities more than anything. I want to expand my knowledge about working for a big corporation and what better way then to start as an office girl. Who sees everything and helps in anyway she can. I did start as an intern here a couple of years back but you probably didn't see me the " she told him. Anna was always running around string food orders and mail. It has been all right could have been worse. "I hope I can be of any help that's what I'm here for I don't mean to be a hindrance or anything. " Anna hoped her answer was all right. She was dressed well, pencil skirt with black heels and a button up shirt which was going to pop a button any minute.
    Joker kept mouthing about killing the Bat every time he encountered him but he'd always get his ass kicked. He enjoyed it though it was their little game, he smirked. He missed his queen even though she annoyed the hell out of him most of the time. "Boss we should get her during the day time the Bat doesn't come out then." Joker glared at him, "that's just stupid Frost, commissioner Gordon and his possy are always around and were easily seems no,,, let's plan this out better.. I think I may have an idea.."

    @ Xharley.quinnX
    August 27th, 2016 at 06:50am
  • black.dahlia

    black.dahlia (100)

    United States
    @ the batman;

    Bruce nodded as he listened to her. When she mentioned that she had been an intern her a few years ago he tried to rack his brain to see if he had remembered her or not. He honestly didn't, but then again they always had tons of interns running around here and most of them stayed gone instead of coming back. Bruce got up from his seat, "sounds like you have this whole thing planned out." He said, moving around to perch on his desk, looking down at her. She was rather cute but he knew she was way too young for him.


    Harley looked up as the prison doors opened and a group of guards walked in. She smiled and held onto the bars, looking at them. The one guard, looked towards the sheets hanging from the top and then back at her. "You know the rules, hotness." He said. "Stay off the bars." He added. "Oh come on, I have to have a little bit of fun or else I'll go insane!" She pouted. "You're already insane." One of the other guards commented. Harley turned her head towards him, "what was that?" She said. "Now, now, Harley, Jones here was just messing, no need to get hostile." The first guard said. Harley smiled but didn't say anything, just went over and pulled the sheets down from the bars.
    August 27th, 2016 at 06:58am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Anna had a thing for older men, something about them just drove her crazy. Though she knew as handsome and charming as Mr. Wayne was she could never be with him. Not because he had a reputation for being a playboy no, because he was her boss. That would be wrong and yet she had this attraction to the man. Her eyes twinkled for a moment before she spoke up, "I hope so I thought a lot about it, I'd also like to be involved in some charity work, I mean if you need any help with that. I like to donate my time to that kinda thing when I'm not working" she smiled.
    Joker sat with his goons and began explaining how this was going to work, swat disguises like last time but this time he wasn't going to be obvious about it. "All right, so you two will cover my back and I'll find Harley got then we're off to our new hide out because after tonight I'm sure the Bats will follow. As usual" he growled.

    @ Xharley.quinnX
    August 27th, 2016 at 04:06pm